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Ola Kolehmainen Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1964 -

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  • Ola Kolehmainen: Fraction Abstraction Recreation
    Jan. 30, 2025

    Ola Kolehmainen: Fraction Abstraction Recreation

    Est: $40 - $60

    Ola Kolehmainen: Fraction Abstraction Recreation

  • Ola Kolehmainen (1964) - See, What You See (Composition in a Garden), 2006/2007
    Apr. 23, 2024

    Ola Kolehmainen (1964) - See, What You See (Composition in a Garden), 2006/2007

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Vintage C-print flush-mounted on aluminium cm 49,8 x 64 | 19.6 x 25.2 in. Edition 24 of 25 Caption label numbered and signed in black ink on the verso

    Jun. 15, 2023


    Est: £1,000 - £2,000

    Ola Kolehmainen,  Finnish b. 1964-  Untitled (No. 25), 2005;  chromogenic print, Diasec and flush-mounted,  signed in ink, printed title, date and number,  256 x 180 cm,  (unframed)  (ARR)

  • Ola Kolehmainen,  Finnish b. 1964-  Untitled (No. 25), 2005;  chromogenic print, Diasec and flu
    Mar. 07, 2023

    Ola Kolehmainen,  Finnish b. 1964-  Untitled (No. 25), 2005;  chromogenic print, Diasec and flu

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    Ola Kolehmainen,  Finnish b. 1964-  Untitled (No. 25), 2005;  chromogenic print, Diasec and flush-mounted,  signed in ink, printed title, date and number,  256 x 180 cm,  (unframed)  (ARR) Ola Kolehmainen,  Finnish b. 1964-  Untitled (No. 25), 2005;  chromogenic print, Diasec and flush-mounted,  signed in ink, printed title, date and number,  256 x 180 cm,  (unframed)  (ARR)

  • Ola Kolehmainen, born 1964 Helsinki, Finnish
    Dec. 29, 2022

    Ola Kolehmainen, born 1964 Helsinki, Finnish

    Est: €400 - €800

    Ola Kolehmainen, born 1964 Helsinki, Finnish photographer, so-called Helsinki School, livesin Berlin and Helsinki, Here: Who´s Afraid of Red 2003, chromogenic color print on Plexiglas, signed on the reverse, num. 6/25, about 50x60 cm . German Description: Ola Kolehmainen, geb. 1964 Helsinki, finnische Fotografin, sog. Helsinki-School, lebt in Berlin und Helsinki, Hier: Who´s Afraid of Red 2003, Chromogenic Color print auf Plexiglas, verso sign., num. 6/25, ca. 50x60 cm

    Henry's Auktionshaus
  • Ola Kolehmainen, b. 1964 Helsinki, Finnish
    Dec. 30, 2020

    Ola Kolehmainen, b. 1964 Helsinki, Finnish

    Est: €400 - €800

    Ola Kolehmainen, b. 1964 Helsinki, Finnish photographer, so-called Helsinki School, livesin Berlin and Helsinki, here: Who`s afraid of Red, 2003, chromogenic color print on Plexiglas, signed and numbered 6/25 on the reverse, approx. 50x60cm . German Description: Ola Kolehmainen, geb. 1964 Helsinki, finnische Fotografin, sog. Helsinki- School, lebt in Berlin und Helsinki, hier: Who`s afraid of Red, 2003, Chromogenic color print auf Plexiglas, rückseitig signiert und nummeriert 6/25, ca. 50x60cm

    Henry's Auktionshaus
    Dec. 02, 2019


    Est: CHF2,000 - CHF3,000

    OLA KOLEHMAINEN (1964). "Tour Finances, day view", 2002. Chromogenic colour print under plexiglass on Diasec sheet. Vintage. 160 cm x 227 cm. Verso with mounted gallery label with printed legend, numbered 1/5 and fully signed by the photographer. Literature: - Ola Kohlemainen. Fraction Abstraction Recreation. Ostfildern, 2006. - Ola Kohlemainen. A Building is Not a Building. Ostfildern, 2009. Provenance: - Galerie Anhava, Herlsinki. - Roland Berger Corporate Art Collection, Munich. - Swiss collection. "Kolehmainen's magic is in his ability to capture the unmovable. Concrete shifts, steel seems to bend, windows disappear - and if that's not enough, the sheer size of the work subdues the viewer into his world." (Persons, Timothy "A Building is Not a Building", in: Kohlemainen 2009, p. 91). Lower right corner damaged with large cracks in plexiglass. Expertly restored. --------------- OLA KOLEHMAINEN (1964) "Tour Finances, day view", 2002. C-Print unter Plexiglas auf Diasec-Platte. Vintage. 160 cm x 227 cm. Verso montiertes Galerie-Etikett mit gedruckter Legende, Nummerierung 1/5 und vom Photographen voll signiert. Literatur: - Ola Kohlemainen. Fraction Abstraction Recreation. Ostfildern, 2006. - Ola Kohlemainen. A Building is Not a Building. Ostfildern, 2009. Provenienz: - Galerie Anhava, Herlsinki. - Roland Berger Corporate Art Collection, München. - Sammlung Schweiz. "Kolehmainen's magic is in his ability to capture the unmovable. Concrete shifts, steel seems to bend, windows disappear - and if that's not enough, the sheer size of the work subdues the viewer into his world." (Persons, Timothy "A Building is Not a Building", in: Kohlemainen 2009, S. 91). Rechte untere Ecke beschädigt mit grossen Rissen im Plexiglas. Fachmännisch restauriert.

    Koller Auctions
  • OLA KOLEHMAINEN (FINNISH, BORN 1964) See What You See, 2006
    Oct. 14, 2019

    OLA KOLEHMAINEN (FINNISH, BORN 1964) See What You See, 2006

    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    OLA KOLEHMAINEN (FINNISH, BORN 1964) See What You See, 2006 chromogenic colour print, laminated on plexi glass signed and editioned verso: Ola Kolehmainen 4/5 180 x 248cm PROVENANCE galerie anhava, Helsinki (label verso) Art Basel, 2006 Private Collection, Sydney

  • Ola Kolehmainen, large format photograph
    May. 18, 2018

    Ola Kolehmainen, large format photograph

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    Ola Kolehmainen (Finnish, b. 1964), "Concrete Dream", 2003, c-print on plexiglass, titled, signed and numbered 3/5 on gallery label (verso), accompanied with copy of gallery receipt, 67"h x 90"w

    Millea Bros Ltd
  • Ola Kolehmainen, large format photograph
    May. 18, 2018

    Ola Kolehmainen, large format photograph

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    Ola Kolehmeinen (Finnish, b. 1964), "Composition with a Tree", 2004, c-print on plexiglass, signed, titled and numbered 3/5 verso, accompanied with copy of gallery receipt, 67"h x 105"l

    Millea Bros Ltd
  • Ola Kolehmainen, large format photograph
    May. 18, 2018

    Ola Kolehmainen, large format photograph

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    Ola Kolehmainen (Finnish, b. 1964), "Pink, Orange, and Grey with a Tree", 2004, c-print on plexiglass, signed, titled and numbered 3/5 on gallery label (verso), accompanied with copy of gallery receipt, 71"h x 102"l

    Millea Bros Ltd
  • Ola Kolehmainen, photograph
    May. 18, 2018

    Ola Kolehmainen, photograph

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    Ola Kolehmainen (Finnish, b. 1964), "1951", 2004, c-print on plexiglass, signed, titled and numbered 2/5 on gallery label (verso), accompanied with copy of gallery receipt, 74"h x 95"w

    Millea Bros Ltd
  • Ola Kolehmainen, large format photograph
    May. 18, 2018

    Ola Kolehmainen, large format photograph

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    Ola Kolehmainen (Finnish, b. 1964), "Zip", 2004, c-print on plexiglass, signed, titled and numbered 1/5 on gallery label (verso), accompanied with copy of gallery receipt, 75"h x 70"w

    Millea Bros Ltd
  • OLA KOLEHMAINEN (B. 1964) - Space in Between, 2006
    May. 17, 2018

    OLA KOLEHMAINEN (B. 1964) - Space in Between, 2006

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    OLA KOLEHMAINEN (B. 1964) Space in Between, 2006 chromogenic print, face-mounted to acrylic, fush-mounted on aluminium signed in ink on accompanying Certifcate of Authenticity image/sheet/face and fush mount: 39 3/8 x 61 in. (100 x 155 cm.) This work is number one from an edition of three.

    Jul. 01, 2017


    Est: CHF3,000 - CHF4,000

    KOLEHMAINEN, OLA (1964). "L'Hôtel", 2002. C-Print unter Plexiglas auf Diasec-Platte. Vintage. 150 x 239 cm. Verso montierte Etikette der Galerie Anhava, Helsinki mit gedruckter Legende, Nummerierung 1/5 und vom Photographen voll signiert. Literatur: Kohlemainen, Ola. Fraction Abstraction Recreation. Ostfildern, 2006. Kohlemainen, Ola. A Building is Not a Building. Ostfildern, 2009. Der finnische Photokünstler recherchiert für seine Arbeiten im Herbst, wenn die Bäume ihre Blätter verlieren. Mit einer Digitalkamera erfasst er potentielle Gebäude und deren individuellen Elemente. Zurück im Studio überprüft er die gemachten Aufnahmen, indem er sie auf die Wand projeziert, hier vollzieht sich sein kreativer Schaffensprozess. Der Grossteil - meistens 99% - seiner Studien rangiert er aus, bevor er sich mit der finalen Auswahl zum Ort zurück begibt, um das Gebäude erneut mit einer grossformatigen Kamera abzulichten. Kohlemainens Arbeiten sind komplex und sehr arbeitsaufwändig. Von Recherche bis zum finalen Werk kann also gut auch einmal bis zu einem Jahr vergehen (vgl. Persons, Timothy "A Building is Not a Building", in: Kohlemainen 2009, S. 91). In seinen ungewöhnlich minimalen Arbeiten bildet der Photokünstler zumeist Ausschnitte von Fassaden ab. Für ihn stehen Farbe, Raum und Licht im Mittelpunkt, weniger die Dokumentation von Architektur und Baukunst. Er interessiert sich für die Strukturen, Raster und Muster der Architektur. Durch Spiegeleffekte und Farben der Umgebung bricht er die Formen auf und schafft damit neue Strukturen. "In his world, a building is not a building. Architecture works as his source, but not as the ultimate end of his study. He challenges it intellectually, abstracting the pieces that make it whole, leaving his mark on an unmovable object. Nothing is staged. What we see in his works is what we get. It's not over-intellectualizing as much as it is personalizing a specific moment. He defines his images by tracing his influences until he reaches the point where he needs to ask, 'Where am I in this picture?'. His photographs may be beautiful, but in the end, how sexy can concrete really be?" (Persons, Timothy "A Building is Not a Building", in: Kohlemainen 2009, S. 91). Provenienz: - Roland Berger Corporate Art Collection, München. "how sexy can concrete really be?"

    Koller Auctions
    May. 31, 2017


    Est: €900 - €1,300

    OLA KOLEHMAINEN -1964 'See what you see (composition in a garden)' 2006 - 2008 C-print cm 45 x 45 Edition 24 of 25

  • Ola Kolehmainen, Mirrors & Windows (orange, white, red), 2006
    Dec. 02, 2016

    Ola Kolehmainen, Mirrors & Windows (orange, white, red), 2006

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Ola Kolehmainen (b. 1964) Mirrors and Windows (orange, white, red), 2006 Chromogenic print mounted to Diasec Signed with printed title, date and number on a Certificate of Authenticity accompanying the work Edition 2 of 3 88 x 115 cm (34.7 x 45.2 in) Gallery Taik Persons, Berlin Condition Report: Overall good condition with some minor scuffing to the Diasec surface. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • A concrete dream.
    Jun. 09, 2016

    A concrete dream.

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    C-Print mit Diasec. (2003). Ca. 170 : 230 cm. Eines von nur 5 nummerierten Exemplaren. Verso signiert. Provenienz:∆Galerie Anhava, Helsinki, verso mit dem Etikett.

    Karl & Faber
  • Tour Finaces.
    Jun. 09, 2016

    Tour Finaces.

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    C-Print mit Diasec. (2002). Ca. 160 : 227 cm. Eines von nur 5 nummerierten Exemplaren. Verso signiert. Provenienz:∆Galerie Anhava, Helsinki, verso mit dem Etikett.

    Karl & Faber
  • L'hotel.
    Jun. 09, 2016


    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    C-Print mit Diasec. (2002). Ca. 150 : 238,5 cm. Eines von nur 5 nummerierten Exemplaren. Verso signiert. Provenienz: ∆Galerie Anhava, Helsinki, verso mit dem Etikett. Der Fotokünstler bildet in seinen Arbeiten fast ausschließlich Ausschnitte aus Architekturfassaden ab. Dabei geht es ihm nicht um die Dokumentation von Architektur und Baukunst sondern Farbe, Raum und Licht als wesentliche Merkmale der Architektur sind vielmehr seine Quelle der Inspiration. Muster, Strukturen und Grundraster, die sich in der Architektur wiederholen, strukturieren auch seine Fotografien. Jedoch werden die Fassaden und Räume aufgebrochen durch die Spiegelung von Lichtern und Farben der Natur.

    Karl & Faber
  • Ola Kolehmainen Finland Born 1964 Red with Black
    May. 14, 2013

    Ola Kolehmainen Finland Born 1964 Red with Black

    Est: kr35,000 - kr40,000

    Ola Kolehmainen Finland Born 1964 Red with Black and Bulbs, 2004. (d) Signed Ola Kolehmainen and numbered 1/3 on label verso. Chromogenic print, diasec, 102 x 153 cm.

  • Ola Kolehmainen Finland Born 1964 Untitled (No.
    May. 14, 2013

    Ola Kolehmainen Finland Born 1964 Untitled (No.

    Est: kr70,000 - kr90,000

    Ola Kolehmainen Finland Born 1964 Untitled (No. 18), 2005. (d) Signed Ola Kolehmainen and numbered 1/5 on label verso. Chromogenic print, diasec, 180 x 268 cm.

    May. 17, 2012


    Est: £5,000 - £7,000

    Untitled (Panton Vol. I) Signed in ink, printed title, date and number AP1 on a certificate of authenticity affixed to the reverse of the flush-mount. One from an edition of 5 plus 1 artist’s proof.

  • OLA KOLEHMAINEN (b. 1964)
    Nov. 02, 2011

    OLA KOLEHMAINEN (b. 1964)

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    OLA KOLEHMAINEN (b. 1964) White Pink Yellow Green, 2007 c-print, diasec-mounted and flush-mounted on aluminium signed, titled, dated and numbered in ink (gallery label, verso) 79.5 x 100.8in. (202 x 256cm.)

  • OLA KOLEHMAINEN (NE EN 1964) Reds & White, 2004 C-print Diasec. Edition à 5 exemplaires. H_180 cm L_243 cm
    Jun. 09, 2011

    OLA KOLEHMAINEN (NE EN 1964) Reds & White, 2004 C-print Diasec. Edition à 5 exemplaires. H_180 cm L_243 cm

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    OLA KOLEHMAINEN (NE EN 1964) Reds & White, 2004 C-print Diasec. Edition à 5 exemplaires. H_180 cm L_243 cm

    Pierre Bergé & Associés
  • OLA KOLEHMAINEN (b. 1964)
    May. 17, 2011

    OLA KOLEHMAINEN (b. 1964)

    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    OLA KOLEHMAINEN (b. 1964) Approaching Void, 2006 chromogenic print, flush-mounted on aluminium and diasec mounted signed, titled, dated, numbered 'AP1' (label, backing board) 80 x 95¾in. (180 x 243cm.)

  • Mark Titchner
    Jun. 30, 2010

    Mark Titchner

    Est: £8,000 - £12,000

    Two works: (i) Because of Her; (ii) The Throne did Such (i) Signed, titled and dated 'Mark Titchner 2007 BECAUSE OF HER' on the reverse. (ii) Signed, titled and dated 'Mark Titchner 2007 THE THRONE DID SUCH' on the reverse.

    Jun. 30, 2010


    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    Goodbye Russell Road Signed, titled and dated 'Clay Ketter 1997 Goodbye Russell Road' on the reverse.

    Jun. 02, 2010


    Est: - €7,000


    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
    May. 20, 2010


    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    Red with Black and Bulbs Signed, numbered 1/3 in ink, printed title, date on a label and a Certificate of Authenticity affixed to the reverse of the flush-mount. One from an edition of 3 plus 2 artist's proofs.

    May. 20, 2010


    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    Untitled (No. 18) Signed, numbered 1/5 in ink, printed title, date on a label and a Certificate of Authenticity affixed to the reverse of the flush-mount. One from an edition of 5 plus 2 artist's proofs.

    Apr. 16, 2010


    Est: $15,000 - $20,000

    156 Columbus Avenue, New York City, June 21

  • Between 3 Spaces, 2004
    Jun. 29, 2009

    Between 3 Spaces, 2004

    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    Between 3 Spaces, 2004 C-print, Diasec mounted and flush-mounted to Dibond. 180.3 x 237.5 cm. (71 x 93 1/2 in).  Signed and numbered of five 'Ola Kolehmainen' on a label adhered to the reverse. This work is from an edition of five plus two artist's proofs. This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.

  • Untitled (No. 14), 2005
    Jun. 29, 2009

    Untitled (No. 14), 2005

    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    Untitled (No. 14), 2005 C-print, Diasec mounted and flush-mounted to Dibond. 180 x 226 cm. (70 7/8 x 89 in).  Signed and numbered of five 'Ola Kolehmainen' on a label adhered to the reverse. This work is from an edition of five plus two artist's proofs. This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.

    May. 28, 2009


    Est: - €7,000

    OLA KOLEHMAINEN Helsinki 1964 SEE, WHAT YOU SEE (COMPOSITION IN A GARDEN) 2007 C-Print (Diasec). 180 x 235 cm.

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Red with Black and Bulbs, 2004
    May. 16, 2009

    Red with Black and Bulbs, 2004

    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    Red with Black and Bulbs, 2004 Colour coupler print, Diasec mounted. 102 x 149 cm. (40 1/8 x 58 3/4 in).   Signed, numbered 1/3 in ink, printed title, date on a label and a Certificate of Authenticity affixed to the reverse of the flush-mount. One from an edition of 3 plus 2 artist's proofs.

  • Untitled (No. 18), 2005
    May. 16, 2009

    Untitled (No. 18), 2005

    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    Untitled (No. 18), 2005 Colour coupler print, Diasec mounted. 180 x 268 cm. (70 7/8 x 105 1/2 in).  Signed, numbered 1/5 in ink, printed title, date on a label and a Certificate of Authenticity affixed to the reverse of the flush-mount. One from an edition of 5 plus 2 artist's proofs.

  • OLA KOLEHMAINEN (b.1964 Finnish)
    Nov. 19, 2008

    OLA KOLEHMAINEN (b.1964 Finnish)

    Est: £12,000 - £18,000

    OLA KOLEHMAINEN (b.1964 Finnish) Untitled (No.7), 2005 oversized chromogenic print signed in ink on typed label with credit, title and edition '4/5' on backing board 71 x 98½in. (180 x 250cm.)

  • Untitled (no. 13)
    Jun. 26, 2007

    Untitled (no. 13)

    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    Ola Kolehmainen (Finnish, b. 1964) Untitled (no. 13) c-print mounted to Diasec 97¾ x 70¾ in. (248 x 180 cm.) Executed in 2005, this work is number three from an edition of six

  • In its own
    Jun. 26, 2007

    In its own

    Est: £7,000 - £10,000

    Ola Kolehmainen (Finnish, b. 1964) In its own c-print mounted to Diasec 90½ x 70 7/8 in. (230 x 180 cm.) Executed in 2006, this work is number six from an edition of six

  • Ola Kolehmainen (Finnish, b. 1964)
    Oct. 31, 2006

    Ola Kolehmainen (Finnish, b. 1964)

    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    Yellow Staircase c-print mounted on Diasec 59 x 47 1/4 in. (150 x 120 cm.) Executed in 2000-2001 this is number five from an edition of five

  • Ola Kolehmainen (Finnish, b. 1964)
    Oct. 31, 2006

    Ola Kolehmainen (Finnish, b. 1964)

    Est: £8,000 - £12,000

    Cathedral (Hommage à D.F.) c-print mounted on Diasec 70 7/8 x 102 3/8 in. (180 x 260 cm.) Executed in 2004 this is number five from an edition of five

  • Ola Kolehmainen (Finnish, b. 1964)
    Oct. 31, 2006

    Ola Kolehmainen (Finnish, b. 1964)

    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    Untitled (No. 9) c-print mounted on Diasec 70 7/8 x 105 1/8 in. (180 x 267 cm.) Executed in 2005 this is number two from an edition of five

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