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Johann Christoph Kolb Sold at Auction Prices

copperplate engraver

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  • J. KOLB (1680-1743), Title page, 'Antiquum et Novum', Print product
    Feb. 15, 2025

    J. KOLB (1680-1743), Title page, 'Antiquum et Novum', Print product

    Est: €150 - €200

    Johann Christoph Kolb (1680 - around 1743 ): Title page of the publication "Antiquum et Novum item Utile et Iucundum", 18th century, Print product Technique: Print product, , Paper Stamp: Blank stamp, Lugt no.: 2690. Fugger von Glött (19.Jh.). unknown. 19th century Date: 18th century Description: Title page in German and Latin, title in German: "Neues und Altes auch Nutz und Lust in einem kurzen Begriff vereint davon der erste Theil in 50 annehmlichen Kupferstichen mit deutsch und lateinischer Erklärung artiger Sprichwörter". Johann Christoph Kolb was an engraver and publisher of copper engravings. Keywords: 18th century, Historicism, Technology, Germany, Size: Paper: Height: , Width: , Length: , Diameter: ø (0 x 0 x 0, ø 0in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • J. KOLB (*1680) after ROSSI (*1680), Marco Cornelio Bentivoglio of Aragon, around 1724, Copper engra
    Feb. 15, 2025

    J. KOLB (*1680) after ROSSI (*1680), Marco Cornelio Bentivoglio of Aragon, around 1724, Copper engra

    Est: €75 - €125

    Johann Christoph Kolb (1680 - around 1743 ) after Girolamo Rossi (born 1680 ): Marco Cornelio Bentivoglio of Aragon, c. 1724, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: Lower right signed in the printing plate: "Ioh.Christ.Kolb exc.". lower left inscribed in the printing plate: "Cum Grat. et Priv. Sac. Caes. Maj.". Date: c. 1724 Description: The depiction of Cardinal and later Pope Clement XI follows a sheet from a series of cardinal portraits ("Effigies Cardinalium nunc viventium [...]") published by Giovanni Giacomo de' Rossi and his successors in Rome between 1658 and the 1730s. Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Portraits, Germany, Size: Paper: 27,1 cm x 19,3 cm (10,7 x 7,6 in), Plate: 22,2 cm x 16,5 cm (8,7 x 6,5 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • J. KOLB (1680-1743), Vincentius Petra Neapolitanus Archiepiscopus Dama, around 1724, Copper engravin
    Feb. 15, 2025

    J. KOLB (1680-1743), Vincentius Petra Neapolitanus Archiepiscopus Dama, around 1724, Copper engravin

    Est: €75 - €125

    Johann Christoph Kolb (1680 - around 1743 ): Portrait Vincentius Petra Neapolitanus Archiepiscopus Dama, c. 1724, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: Lower right signed in the printing plate: "Ioh. Christoph Kolb exc. Aug. Vind.". lower left inscribed in the printing plate: "Cum Grat. et Priv. Sac. Caes. Maj.". Date: c. 1724 Description: Illustration zu Conlin, Johann Rudolph: Roma Sancta, sive Benedicti XIII. pontificis Maximi & Eminentissimorum & Reverendissimorum S.R.E. Cardinalium Viva Virtutum Imago : Aeri & literis in perennaturam Virtutum memoriam incisa. Continentur Vitae, Familiae, Patriae, Legationes,[...], erschienen 1726 in Augsburg. Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Portraits, Germany, Size: Paper: 27,1 cm x 19,0 cm (10,7 x 7,5 in), Plate: 22,0 cm x 16,3 cm (8,7 x 6,4 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • J. KOLB (1680-1743), Title page, 'Antiquum et Novum', Print product
    Jul. 27, 2024

    J. KOLB (1680-1743), Title page, 'Antiquum et Novum', Print product

    Est: €150 - €200

    Johann Christoph Kolb (1680 - around 1743 ): Title page of the publication "Antiquum et Novum item Utile et Iucundum", 18th century, Print product Technique: Print product, Paper, Stamp: Blank stamp, Lugt no.: 2690. Fugger von Glött (19.Jh.). unknown. 19th century Date: 18th century Description: Title page in German and Latin, title in German: "Neues und Altes auch Nutz und Lust in einem kurzen Begriff vereint davon der erste Theil in 50 annehmlichen Kupferstichen mit deutsch und lateinischer Erklärung artiger Sprichwörter". The sheet was mounted on a backing with an embossed stamp (Fugger von Glött, Lugt 2690) at lower right. Johann Christoph Kolb was an engraver and copper engraving publisher. Keywords: 18th century, Historicism, Technology, Germany, Size: Paper: Height: , Width: , Length: , Diameter: ø (0 x 0 x 0, ø 0in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Kolb, Johann Christoph: Mythoi Aisopikoi (graece). 50 Esopische Fablen
    Apr. 17, 2024

    Kolb, Johann Christoph: Mythoi Aisopikoi (graece). 50 Esopische Fablen

    Est: €600 - €900

    Kolb, Johann Christoph. Mythoi Aisopikoi (graece). 50 Esopische Fablen. Mit gestochenem Titel und 49 nummerierten Kupfertafeln von Simon Grimm. 31 x 19 cm. Broschur d. Z. (Rücken fehlt, berieben, bestoßen und mit Randläsuren. Augsburg, J. C. Kolb, 1717. -- Graesse I, 38. – Die Fabeln Äsops sind hier in neunundvierzig sehr gratigen und tondo-förmigen Darstellungen wiedergegeben von dem deutschen Maler und Kupferstecher Simon Grimm (1636-1684), verlegt von dem bekannten Augsburger Kupferstichverleger Johann Christoph Kolb (1680-1743). Jeweils mit lateinischem und deutschem Text. – Papierbedingt gebräunt, stock- und fingerfleckig, teils etwas feuchtrandig (vier Darstellungen leicht betroffen), mit hs. Notizen, mit fast durchgehendem Wurmloch und teils umgeknickter Ecken. Mit hs. Besitzvermerk auf dem Vorsatz "Graf 1. Januar 1811". Seltenes Exemplar.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • J. KOLB (*1680) after ROSSI (*1680), Marco Cornelio Bentivoglio of Aragon, around 1724,
    Dec. 02, 2023

    J. KOLB (*1680) after ROSSI (*1680), Marco Cornelio Bentivoglio of Aragon, around 1724,

    Est: €75 - €125

    Johann Christoph Kolb (1680 - around 1743 ) after Girolamo Rossi (born 1680 ): Marco Cornelio Bentivoglio of Aragon, c. 1724, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: Lower right signed in the printing plate: "Ioh.Christ.Kolb exc.". lower left inscribed in the printing plate: "Cum Grat. et Priv. Sac. Caes. Maj.". Date: c. 1724 Description: The depiction of Cardinal and later Pope Clement XI follows a sheet from a series of cardinal portraits ("Effigies Cardinalium nunc viventium [...]") published by Giovanni Giacomo de' Rossi and his successors in Rome between 1658 and the 1730s. Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Portraits, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • J. KOLB (*1680) after PIASTRINI (*1678), Kardinal Tolomei, around 1720,
    Dec. 02, 2023

    J. KOLB (*1680) after PIASTRINI (*1678), Kardinal Tolomei, around 1720,

    Est: €75 - €125

    Johann Christoph Kolb (1680 - around 1743 ) after Giovanni Domenico Piastrini (1678 Pistoia - 1740 Rom): Portrait of Cardinal Giovanni Battista Tolomei, c. 1720, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: Lower right signed in the printing plate: "Ioh. Christoph Kolb exc.". lower left inscribed in the printing plate: "Cum Gratia et Privil. Sacr. Cas. Maje. Cath.". Lower middle further inscription: "IOHANES BAPTISTA E SOCIETATE IESU S.R.E. PRESBYT./CARDINALIS PTOLEMAEUS PISTORIENSIS,/CREATUS DIE XVIII. MAY. M.D.C CXII.". Date: c. 1720 Description: Portrait of Cardinal Giovanni Battista Tolomei after an engraving by Girolamo Rossi the Younger after a model by Giovanni Domenico Piastrini from the series "Effigies Cardinalium nunc viventium" published by Domenico de' Rossi in Rome around 1712. Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Portraits, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • J. KOLB (1680-1743), Vincentius Petra Neapolitanus Archiepiscopus Dama, around 1724,
    Dec. 02, 2023

    J. KOLB (1680-1743), Vincentius Petra Neapolitanus Archiepiscopus Dama, around 1724,

    Est: €75 - €125

    Johann Christoph Kolb (1680 - around 1743 ): Portrait Vincentius Petra Neapolitanus Archiepiscopus Dama, c. 1724, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: Lower right signed in the printing plate: "Ioh. Christoph Kolb exc. Aug. Vind.". lower left inscribed in the printing plate: "Cum Grat. et Priv. Sac. Caes. Maj.". Date: c. 1724 Description: Illustration zu Conlin, Johann Rudolph: Roma Sancta, sive Benedicti XIII. pontificis Maximi & Eminentissimorum & Reverendissimorum S.R.E. Cardinalium Viva Virtutum Imago : Aeri & literis in perennaturam Virtutum memoriam incisa. Continentur Vitae, Familiae, Patriae, Legationes,[...], erschienen 1726 in Augsburg. Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Portraits, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • J.KOLB (*1680) after ROSSI (*1680), Marco Cornelio Bentivoglio of Aragon, around 1724, Copper engrav
    Oct. 22, 2022

    J.KOLB (*1680) after ROSSI (*1680), Marco Cornelio Bentivoglio of Aragon, around 1724, Copper engrav

    Est: €150 - €200

    Johann Christoph Kolb (1680 - around 1743 ) after Girolamo Rossi (born 1680 ): Marco Cornelio Bentivoglio of Aragon, c. 1724, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: Lower right signed in the printing plate: "Ioh.Christ.Kolb exc.". lower left inscribed in the printing plate: "Cum Grat. et Priv. Sac. Caes. Maj.". Date: c. 1724 Description: The depiction of Cardinal and later Pope Clement XI follows a print from a series of cardinal portraits ("Effigies Cardinalium nunc viventium [...]") published by Giovanni Giacomo de' Rossi and his successors in Rome between 1658 and the 1730s. Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Portraits, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • J.KOLB (*1680) after PIASTRINI (*1678), Kardinal Tolomei, around 1720, Copper engraving
    Oct. 22, 2022

    J.KOLB (*1680) after PIASTRINI (*1678), Kardinal Tolomei, around 1720, Copper engraving

    Est: €120 - €200

    Johann Christoph Kolb (1680 - around 1743 ) after Giovanni Domenico Piastrini (1678 Pistoia - 1740 Rom): Portrait of Cardinal Giovanni Battista Tolomei, c. 1720, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: Lower right signed in the printing plate: "Ioh. Christoph Kolb exc.". lower left inscribed in the printing plate: "Cum Gratia et Privil. Sacr. Cas. Maje. Cath.". Lower middle further inscription: "IOHANES BAPTISTA E SOCIETATE IESU S.R.E. PRESBYT./CARDINALIS PTOLEMAEUS PISTORIENSIS,/CREATUS DIE XVIII. MAY. M.D.C CXII.". Date: c. 1720 Description: Portrait of Cardinal Giovanni Battista Tolomei after an engraving by Girolamo Rossi the Younger after an original by Giovanni Domenico Piastrini from the series "Effigies Cardinalium nunc viventium" published by Domenico de' Rossi in Rome around 1712. Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Portraits, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • J.KOLB (1680-1743), Vincentius Petra Neapolitanus Archiepiscopus Dama, around 1724, Copper engraving
    Oct. 22, 2022

    J.KOLB (1680-1743), Vincentius Petra Neapolitanus Archiepiscopus Dama, around 1724, Copper engraving

    Est: €120 - €200

    Johann Christoph Kolb (1680 - around 1743 ): Portrait Vincentius Petra Neapolitanus Archiepiscopus Dama, c. 1724, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: Lower right signed in the printing plate: "Ioh. Christoph Kolb exc. Aug. Vind.". lower left inscribed in the printing plate: "Cum Grat. et Priv. Sac. Caes. Maj.". Date: c. 1724 Description: Illustration zu Conlin, Johann Rudolph: Roma Sancta, sive Benedicti XIII. pontificis Maximi & Eminentissimorum & Reverendissimorum S.R.E. Cardinalium Viva Virtutum Imago : Aeri & literis in perennaturam Virtutum memoriam incisa. Continentur Vitae, Familiae, Patriae, Legationes,[...], erschienen 1726 in Augsburg. Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Portraits, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • J.KOLB (1680-1743), Title page, 'Antiquum et Novum, Print product
    Oct. 22, 2022

    J.KOLB (1680-1743), Title page, 'Antiquum et Novum, Print product

    Est: €150 - €200

    Johann Christoph Kolb (1680 - around 1743 ): Title page of the publication "Antiquum et Novum item Utile et Iucundum", 18th century, Print product Technique: Print product, Paper, Stamp: Blank stamp, Lugt no.: 2690. Fugger von Glött (19.Jh.). unknown. 19th century Date: 18th century Description: Title page in German and Latin, title in German: "Neues und Altes auch Nutz und Lust in einem kurzen Begriff vereint davon der erste Theil in 50 annehmlichen Kupferstichen mit deutsch und lateinischer Erklärung artiger Sprichwörter". The sheet was mounted on a backing with an embossed stamp (Fugger von Glött, Lugt 2690) at lower right. Johann Christoph Kolb was an engraver and copper engraving publisher. Keywords: 18th century, Historicism, Technology, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Kolb, Johann Christoph: Pinacotheca Davidica
    Oct. 11, 2022

    Kolb, Johann Christoph: Pinacotheca Davidica

    Est: €100 - €150

    Kolb, Johann Christoph. Pinacotheca Davidica sive Psalterium regis et prophetae Davidis. Das ist: Davidischer Bilder-Saal, oder alle Psalmen des hocherleuchten Königes und Propheten Davids. 77 Bl. Mit 150 Textkupfern. 19,5 x 15 cm. Leder des späteren 18. Jahrhunderts (berieben und bestoßen). Augsburg, Johann Jakob Lotter, 1711. -- VD18 10965017. Graesse IV, 39. Nagler VIII, 27. – Zweiter Druck der zuerst im Vorjahr ebenda erschienenen biblischen Emblemfolge zu den Psalmen Davids. Mit lateinisch-deutschem Text. – Etwas stockfleckig, ein Blatt mit kleinem Randeinriss. Vorsätze leimschattig.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Kolb,J.C.
    Dec. 16, 2021


    Est: €240 - €360

    Cor laetificans Castrum Doloris Christo Redemtoris. Oder: Hertz -erquickende Trauer-Bühne, dem Erlöser menschlichen Geschlechts Christo Jesu zu ewigem Preiß, Danck und Ehren in dem Hertzens-Tempel andächtiger Christen in 26. erbaulichen Passions-Sinn-Bildern vorgestellet. Augsburg, Maschenbauer 1708. 4°. Mit Titelkupfer, Widmungskupfer u. 26 Kupfertaf. von Böcklin nach Thelot. 4 Bl., 26 S., 1 Bl. Spät. Hprgt. mit hs. Rtitel. Praz 388. Ornamentstichsammlung Berlin 4573. Landwehr 388. Thieme-B. XXI, 223. Nagler VIII, 27. - Einzige Ausgabe der prächtigen Emblemfolge zur Passion Christi. Die Motti auf Latein, mit deutschen Versen und einem nachsinnenden Prosatext ebenfalls auf Deutsch. Die reich verzierten Emblemkupfer mit Szenen aus den Gebieten Jagd, Geographie, Vogelfang, Gärtnerei, Weinbau, Totentanz etc. Das Medaillon-Portrait zeigt den Widmungsempfänger Kaiser Joseph I. - Etw. fleckig (meist außerhalb der Darst.), St.a.V.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
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