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Christen Kobke Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1810 - d. 1848

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  • CHRISTEN KØBKE (COPENHAGEN 1810-1848) En Pergola paa Capri (A Pergola on Capri) oil o
    May. 23, 2024

    CHRISTEN KØBKE (COPENHAGEN 1810-1848) En Pergola paa Capri (A Pergola on Capri) oil o

    Est: $15,000 - $20,000

    CHRISTEN KØBKE (COPENHAGEN 1810-1848) En Pergola paa Capri (A Pergola on Capri) oil on canvas 27 ½ x 22 7⁄8 in. (69.9 x 58 cm.) Painted in 1848.

  • Christen Kobke(1810-1848), Study of a seated man /
    Sep. 13, 2018

    Christen Kobke(1810-1848), Study of a seated man /

    Est: £200 - £400

    Christen Kobke(1810-1848), Study of a seated man / Study of a seated woman, (in one frame) pencil, dated 1834, 13.5cm x 11cm, Study of an oarsman, pencil, 8.5cm x 8cm, Study of a child, 9.5cm x 8cm(4)

  • Christen Købke: Two sketchbook studies from the Herculaneum Gate at Pompeii. Unsigned. Pencil on paper. Various dimensions. (2)
    May. 30, 2018

    Christen Købke: Two sketchbook studies from the Herculaneum Gate at Pompeii. Unsigned. Pencil on paper. Various dimensions. (2)

    Est: kr10,000 - kr15,000

    Two sketchbook studies from the Herculaneum Gate at Pompeii. Unsigned. Pencil on paper. Sheet sizes 145 x 112 mm and 205 x 168 mm. (2)

    Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers
  • Christen Købke: A little boy from Capri. C. 1844. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 31 x 25.5 cm.
    May. 29, 2018

    Christen Købke: A little boy from Capri. C. 1844. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 31 x 25.5 cm.

    Est: kr300,000 - kr300,001

    "En lille Capridreng. Halv figur i omtrent 1/3 naturlig Størrelse". A little boy from Capri. Half figure in about 1/3 natural size. C. 1844. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 31 x 25.5 cm.

    Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers
  • Christen Købke: Landscape with haystack. On the vicinity of Copenhagen. C. 1836. Unsigned. Oil on paper laid on cardboard. 14.5 x 22 cm.
    May. 29, 2018

    Christen Købke: Landscape with haystack. On the vicinity of Copenhagen. C. 1836. Unsigned. Oil on paper laid on cardboard. 14.5 x 22 cm.

    Est: kr400,000 - kr600,000

    Landscape with haystack, tall trees, grazing sheep. On the vicinity of Copenhagen. C. 1836. Unsigned. Oil on paper laid on cardboard. 14.5 x 22 cm.

    Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers
  • Christen Købke: Portrait of the painter Emmerik Høgh-Guldberg (1807-1881). Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 23.5 x 19.5 cm.
    May. 29, 2018

    Christen Købke: Portrait of the painter Emmerik Høgh-Guldberg (1807-1881). Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 23.5 x 19.5 cm.

    Est: kr100,000 - kr125,000

    Portrait of the painter Emmerik Høgh-Guldberg (1807-1881). Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 23.5 x 19.5 cm.

    Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers
  • Christen Kobke. Important Danish Artist. 1848. Fine landscape with a field and trees. Monogrammed C.K. lower left. Oil on board. Inscribed on reverse 162 B " 2 LAL Thomsen" ?. Original gilt frame. Sight size: 7-3/4" x 12-5/8". Overall framed size: 10" x 15".
    Apr. 29, 2018

    Christen Kobke. Important Danish Artist. 1848. Fine landscape with a field and trees. Monogrammed C.K. lower left. Oil on board. Inscribed on reverse 162 B " 2 LAL Thomsen" ?. Original gilt frame. Sight size: 7-3/4" x 12-5/8". Overall framed size: 10" x 15".

    Est: $14,000 - $18,000

    Christen Kobke. Important Danish Artist. 1848. Fine landscape with a field and trees. Monogrammed C.K. lower left. Oil on board. Inscribed on reverse 162 B " 2 LAL Thomsen" ?. Original gilt frame. Sight size: 7-3/4" x 12-5/8". Overall framed size: 10" x 15".

    Tremont Auctions
  • Købke, Christen Schjellerup: Drei Porträtfigueren - Købke, Major Krohn und Sprøch
    Nov. 26, 2015

    Købke, Christen Schjellerup: Drei Porträtfigueren - Købke, Major Krohn und Sprøch

    Est: €1,400 - €1,600

    Drei Porträtfigueren - Købke, Major Krohn und Sprøch. Radierung. 10 x 9,2 cm. (1831). Ausgezeichneter Druck mit der Plattenkante, teils auf dieselbe geschnitten, im unteren Rand mit schmalem Rändchen. Zwei braune Fleckchen im unteren linken Rand, Montierungsreste verso, minimal fleckig, sonst in schöner Erhaltung.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Købke, Christen Schjellerup: Der alte Seemann
    May. 28, 2015

    Købke, Christen Schjellerup: Der alte Seemann

    Est: €2,000 - €2,500

    Der alte Seemann. Radierung. 16,7 x 14 cm. Heller-Andresen 3; Jørgen Sthyr, Dansk Grafik, 1800-1910, København 1949, S. 34-37 (mit Abb.). Das ungewöhnlich eindringliche und vom Leben gezeichnete Porträt eines Seemanns in einem ausgezeichneten Druck, mit sehr feinem Rändchen um die Darstellung. Leicht vergilbt, in den beiden oberen Ecken auf Untersatzkarton montiert, bedingt dadurch minimal gewellt im oberen Blattbereich, winzige bestoßene Stelle im äußersten mittleren Rand rechts, sonst schönes Exemplar.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Købke, Christen Schjellerup: Zwei Frauen
    May. 30, 2014

    Købke, Christen Schjellerup: Zwei Frauen

    Est: €3,000 - €3,200

    Zwei Frauen. Bleistift auf Velin. 17,2 x 12 cm. Auf der Montierung mit altem Klebeetikett, darauf handschriftlich bez. "C. S. Köbke f 1810+ 1848". Bei vorliegender Zeichnung handelt es sich vermutlich um eine Studie für Købkes bedeutendes Gemälde aus dem Jahr 1836 „Aussicht vom Dossering beim Sortedam-See auf Nørrebro", das sich im Statens Museum in Kopenhagen befindet. Die Zeichnung gehört zu einer Reihe von Vorstudien, wie sie dem Gemälde in Kopenhagen vorausgingen.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Christen Købke: Study of a little girl.
    Feb. 29, 2012

    Christen Købke: Study of a little girl.

    Est: kr4,000 - kr6,000

    Study of a little girl. Købke has made notes about the colours: "Rødternet Tørklæde, .... Linned, mørkere Kjole". (Red check pattern ..... linen, darker dress). Unsigned. Pencil on paper. Visible size 18 x 21 cm.

    Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers
  • Christen Købke: Two boys. Study.
    Nov. 29, 2011

    Christen Købke: Two boys. Study.

    Est: kr15,000 - kr20,000

    Two boys. Study for the painting "Udsigt fra Loftet ved Kornmagasinet ved Bageriet i Kastellet" (View from the attic at the storeroom for grain at the bakery in Kastellet). The central person in the painting is Købke's sister Cecilie Margrethe, the two boys are behind her. Unsigned. Dated 3. Juli 1831. Pencil on paper. Visible size 9 x 9 cm.

    Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers
  • Christen Købke: Portrait of a young fisher boy from Capri.
    Nov. 29, 2010

    Christen Købke: Portrait of a young fisher boy from Capri.

    Est: kr350,000 - kr450,000

    "Portrait af en Fiskerdreng fra Capri ". Portrait of a young fisher boy from Capri. The boy is holding a fishing rod in his left hand and a basket in his right hand. C. 1844. Signed or inscribed Købke Capri. Oil on paper mounted on cardboard. 31 x 26 cm.In the Catalogue Raisonnés by Mario Krohn (1915) and Hans Edvard Nørregård-Nielsen (1996) three versions of the present motif are mentioned (in both Catalogue Raisonnés no. 177, 178 and 179). It does not seem as if the painting here is among the three - all in private Danish collections in 1996 - of which two are cited as unsigned (no. 177: measuring 31 x 25.5 cm and no. 179: measuring 30 x 24 cm) and one is cited as signed C. K. 44 (no. 178: measuring 29.7 x 26.2 cm). Although, the Kunstforeningen exhibition in 1953 suggests that the painting is no. 179 in the Catalogue Raisonné from 1915. Due to the comment in the exhibition catalogue from 1953 (see below) regarding the inscription Købke Capri, we are confident that the present painting was in the exhibition and sold at ABR auction 431, 1981 no. 311.Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, "Christen Købke", 1953 no. 95 and not no. 96 as handwritten on the reverse of the painting, with the rubber stamp from Kunstforeningen. Here with the comment: "Inscribed with foreign hand: Købke Capri."Provenance: K. J. Grønbech, wholesaler. ABR auction 431, 1981 no. 311, reproduced p. 39. A Danish collection of Golden Age paintings.

    Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers
  • Christen Købke, ascribed to: A mansion near Øresund (The Sound).
    Mar. 10, 2010

    Christen Købke, ascribed to: A mansion near Øresund (The Sound).

    Est: kr50,000 - kr60,000

    A mansion near Øresund (The Sound). Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 40 x 62 cm.

    Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers
  • Christen Købke: Interior from Århus Cathedral,
    Mar. 03, 2010

    Christen Købke: Interior from Århus Cathedral,

    Est: €270 - €405

    Christen Købke: Interior from Århus Cathedral, Denmark. Inscribed in print C. Købke. Etching mounted on paper. Plate size 32 x 23 cm.

    Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers
  • Christen Købke , Danish 1810-1848 En Fiskerdreng fra Capri (A Capri Fisherman) oil on board
    May. 30, 2008

    Christen Købke , Danish 1810-1848 En Fiskerdreng fra Capri (A Capri Fisherman) oil on board

    Est: £60,000 - £80,000

    signed and inscribed Kõbke. / Capri lower right oil on board

    Jun. 14, 2005


    Est: £40,000 - £60,000

    PROPERTY OF A GERMAN PRIVATE COLLECTOR CHRISTEN KØBKE DANISH, 1810-1848 NAKSKOV KIRKE (NAKSKOV CHURCH) signed and dated C Købke 1841 l.l. oil on canvas PROVENANCE Dr. Ove Malling, Stubbekøbing (by 1953); thence by descent to the present owner EXHIBITED Copenhagen, Kunstforeningen, Christen Købke, 1953, no. 86 CATALOGUE NOTE Painted in 1841, Købke's choice of the church of Naskov as the central image in the present work affirms his strong Christian beliefs. Købke often depicted unconventional perspectives in his works, and was fascinated by church spires and rooftops. In the 1830s he had executed a number of views of Frederiksborg Castle and the Copenhagen Citadel, which depicted interesting and unusual angles of these buildings, focusing on their spires. The radical cropping of Nakskov Kirke suggests that Købke painted only what he saw from the vantage point he had chosen for this picture, and this realism and sobriety in the conception of the view are special characteristics of what has been called 'The Copenhagen School'. As Stig Miss has pointed out, 'In [Købke's] small studies we often seem to have a feeling of seeing, together with the artist, just that accidental bit of reality that briefly entered his field of vision. It is similar to the element of chance in a photographic snapshot, with the same fortuitous cuts' (Baltic Light - Early Open-Air Painting in Denmark and North Germany, New Haven & London, 1999, p. 167). Another characteristic of Købke's work of the time is that he used to place blocks of solid colour in the foreground of his compositions, in this case a row of trees, to cut out the view, paradoxically hiding aspects of the painting's subject, the church, with the gate in the lower centre of the composition acting as an invitation to explore what lies behind. Christen Købke enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen aged twelve, where he studied under Lorentzen and Eckersberg. The fusion of architecture and pictorial art was due in part to a competition announced by the Art Association of Copenhagen in March 1835 with the theme 'A public place or building'. Aimed at increasing the knowledge and awareness of the country's historical buildings, it resulted in architectural studies of historic buildings becoming popular motifs in Danish Golden Age painting. Nakskov is the largest town on the island of Lolland. The town was granted a municipal charter in 1266 and its centre to this day reflects its original medieval town plan with a square and narrow streets leading to the harbour.

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