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Nicolaus Knüpfer Sold at Auction Prices

Historical-scenes painter, Painter

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  • Nicolaus Knupfer (Leipzig 1603-1660 Utrecht) - Theseus Proposing to Phaedra
    Oct. 29, 2019

    Nicolaus Knupfer (Leipzig 1603-1660 Utrecht) - Theseus Proposing to Phaedra

    Est: $25,000 - $35,000

    Nicolaus Knupfer (Leipzig 1603-1660 Utrecht) Theseus Proposing to Phaedra oil on panel 18 ½ x 25 1/8 in. (47 x 63.8 cm.)

  • Round spice box.
    May. 02, 2018

    Round spice box.

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Ronde specerijendoos. Zilver. Het deksel bestaande uit zes genummerde en gedekte doosjes rondom een centraal doosje. Gedreven reliëfdecor van diverse taferelen waaronder een koppel in koets getrokken door een hert, theedrinkende personages, luipaard en tijger in landschap. 19de eeuws, vermoedelijk Indo-Perzisch werk. 14.5 x 18; Gewicht/poids: 1550 g. Ronde specerijendoos. Zilver. Het deksel bestaande uit zes genummerde en gedekte doosjes rondom een centraal doosje. Gedreven reliëfdecor van diverse taferelen waaronder een koppel in koets getrokken door een hert, theedrinkende personages, luipaard en tijger in landschap. 19de eeuws, vermoedelijk Indo-Perzisch werk. 14.5 x 18; Gewicht/poids: 1550 g. Boîte à épices ronde. Argent. Le couvercle composé de six boîtes numérotées et couvertes autour d'une boîte centrale. Décor repoussé en relief de plusieurs scènes dont un couple dans une carosse, des figures buvant le thé, un léopard et un tigre. Travail du 19ème siècle, probablement indo-perse. 14.5 x 18; Gewicht/poids: 1550 g. Round spice box. Silver. The cover composed of six numbered boxes and cover enclosing a central box and cover. Chased with animated scenes (couple in a carriage drawn by a deer, tea ceremony, leopard and tiger in landscape). 19th century, probably Indo-Persian work. 14.5 x 18; Gewicht/poids: 1550 g.

    Bernaerts Auctioneers
  • NICOLAUS KNUPFER (1603-1655/60) to be attributed to
    May. 02, 2017

    NICOLAUS KNUPFER (1603-1655/60) to be attributed to

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    NICOLAUS KNUPFER (1603-1655/60) to be attributed to Bathing Diana. Panel. Touchups. Red wax seal on the reverse. 45.5 x 57.5 DUTCH NICOLAUS KNUPFER (1603-1655/60) toe te schrijven aan Bad van Diana. Paneel. Retouches. Rood lakzegel op verso. 45.5 x 57.5 FRENCH NICOLAUS KNUPFER (1603-1655/60) à attribuer à Le bain de Diane. Panneau. Retouches. Cachet à la cire rouge au revers. 45.5 x 57.5

    Bernaerts Auctioneers
  • *NICOLAUS KNUPFER (1603-1655/60) to be attributed to
    Dec. 12, 2016

    *NICOLAUS KNUPFER (1603-1655/60) to be attributed to

    Est: €2,000 - €2,500

    *NICOLAUS KNUPFER (1603-1655/60) to be attributed to Bathing Diana. Panel. Touchups. Red wax seal on the reverse. 45.5 x 57.5 *NICOLAUS KNUPFER (1603-1655/60) toe te schrijven aan Bad van Diana. Paneel. Retouches. Rood lakzegel op verso. 45.5 x 57.5 *NICOLAUS KNUPFER (1603-1655/60) à attribuer à Le bain de Diane. Panneau. Retouches. Cachet à la cire rouge au revers. 45.5 x 57.5

    Bernaerts Auctioneers
  • Knüpfer, Nicolaus: Die Befreiung Petri
    May. 30, 2014

    Knüpfer, Nicolaus: Die Befreiung Petri

    Est: €2,000 - €2,400

    Die Befreiung Petri. Feder in Grau und Braun, braun laviert. 36 x 30,9 cm. Wz. Fünfzackige Schellenkappe. Die mit großer Verve ausgeführte Zeichnung steht ganz in der Tradition von Knüpfers Lehrer Abraham Bloemaert. Wie Bloemaert betont auch Knüpfer die Konturen und verwendet stark kontrastierende Lavierungen, die zu einer lebendigen Lichtwirkung führen. Jo Saxton hält die Zeichnung nicht für eine direkte Vorstudie zu einem Gemälde, sondern für eine Art Arbeitsstudie, in der der Künstler erstmals seine Komposition bildlich fixieren konnte. Die Zuschreibung an Nicolaus Knüpfer stammt von Peter Schatborn, Amsterdam, die in der Folge von Jo Saxton, dem Verfasser des Catalogue Raisonné zu Knüpfer bestätigt wurde. Ein Gutachten von Peter Schatborn, Amsterdam, vom 4. April 2012 liegt in Kopie vor.

    Bassenge Auctions
    Mar. 29, 2012


    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    NICOLAUS KNUPFER (LEIPZIG 1603-1660 UTRECHT) Salomé recevant la tête de saint Jean-Baptiste pierre noire, plume et encre brune, lavis brun 335 x 280 mm.

    Jan. 27, 2011


    Est: $15,000 - $20,000

    NICOLAUS KNUPFER LEIPZIG 1603/9 - 1655 UTRECHT DOUBTING THOMAS oil on panel 7 by 11 in.; 17.8 by 27.9 cm.

  • - Nicolaus Knüpfer (Leipzig 1603 - 1655 Utrecht)
    Oct. 14, 2008

    - Nicolaus Knüpfer (Leipzig 1603 - 1655 Utrecht)

    Est: €10,000 - €14,000

    - Nicolaus Knüpfer (Leipzig 1603 - 1655 Utrecht) Samson und Delilah, Öl auf Leinwand, 39,3 x 50 cm, gerahmt, (Wo)

  • Nicolaes Knüpfer , Leipzig circa 1609 - 1655 Utrecht Achilles discovered among the daughters of Lycomedes oil on panel
    Jul. 10, 2008

    Nicolaes Knüpfer , Leipzig circa 1609 - 1655 Utrecht Achilles discovered among the daughters of Lycomedes oil on panel

    Est: £1,609 - £1,655

    traces of signature lower left: NK.... oil on panel

  • - Nicolaes Knüpfer , Leipzig circa 1609 - 1655 Utrecht Venus and Cupid oil on panel
    Jul. 09, 2008

    - Nicolaes Knüpfer , Leipzig circa 1609 - 1655 Utrecht Venus and Cupid oil on panel

    Est: £1,609 - £1,655

    oil on panel

  • Nicolaus Knupfer (Leipzig 1603 - 1655 Utrecht),
    Apr. 16, 2008

    Nicolaus Knupfer (Leipzig 1603 - 1655 Utrecht),

    Est: €5,000 - €7,000

    Nicolaus Knupfer (Leipzig 1603 - 1655 Utrecht), circle of Diana and Callisto, oil on panel, 39.5 x 63.5 cm, fragment of a signature and dated at lower left ... Fecit A/1631, framed, (Wo) Provenance: Drouot Richelieu, Paris, 17 December 1998 (as Nicolaus Knupfer); Newhouse Galleries, New York, private collection, USA Literature: comp. Jo Saxton: "Nicolaus Knüpfer", Doornspijk, 2005, p. 206, cat. R13 (repr.)

  • Knüpfer, Nicolaus 1603 Leipzig - 1655/60 Utrecht
    Apr. 20, 2007

    Knüpfer, Nicolaus 1603 Leipzig - 1655/60 Utrecht

    Est: €75,000 -

    Signed lower left: N.(lig.)Knupfer. Oil on wood. 81 x 117cm. Framed. Provenance: - Dr.M.J. Binder, Berlin, 1913. - Private Collection, Paris. Literature: Listed and depicted in the Catalogue Raisonne: Jo Saxton: Nicolaus Knu

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
    Jul. 05, 2006


    Est: £60,000 - £80,000

    ARRIA AND PAETUS (OR THE DEATH OF VIRGINIA) ARRIA AND PAETUS (OR THE DEATH OF VIRGINIA) measurements note 80.9 by 117.8 cm.; 31 7/8 by 46 3/8 in. signed lower left: NKnupfer (NK in ligature) Inscribed in gold, emanating from the mouth of the heroine: PAETE NON DOLET. oil on oak panel PROVENANCE Dr. M.J. Binder, Berlin, before 1913 (and still in 1938, according to Kuznetzow, under Literature); Thence by descent until recently; T. Bohm, Paris. LITERATURE Archiv für Kunstgeschichte, vol. I, 1913, reproduced fig. 9; S.J. Gudlaugsson, Ikonographische Studien über die holländische Malerei und das Theater des. 17. Jahrhunderts, Würzburg 1938, pp. 65-8; J.L. Kuznetzov, "Nikolaus Knüpfer (Biographie, thèmes et sources de la création artistique, catalogue des oeuvres)", in Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Ermitaza/Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Ermitage, vol. VIII, no. 3, 1964, no. 124; J.L. Kuznetzov, "Nikolaus Knüpfer (1603?-1655)", in Oud Holland, vol. 88, no. 3, 1974, p. 201, no. 124; E. Moorman & W. Uitterhieve, Van Achilleus tot Zeus: thema's uit de klassieke mythologie in literatuur, muziek, beeldende kunst en theater, Nijmegen 1989, p. 240; J. Saxton, Nicolaus Knüpfer. An Original Artist. Monograph and Catalogue Raisonné of Paintings and Drawings, Doornspijk 2005, no. 71, reproduced fig. 71, and in colour plate XXV. NOTE Nicolaus Knupfer (or Knüpfer) was one of the most original of Northern European 17th-century painters. He was eclectic both in his choice of subjects and in his choice of influences. He was one of very few artists active in The Netherlands to be directly influenced by the work of Adam Elsheimer, whose works he probably knew via his townsman Hendrick Goudt. He was influenced by the Dutch Mannerists, and in particular by his teacher in Utrecht, Abraham Bloemaert, whose swirling contorted figural forms Knupfer transposed into his own more modern, ordered compositions. Finally, he was profoundly influenced by the Pre-Rembrandtists, who were also attracted to unfamiliar Old Testament and Classical subjects. Knupfer's marked taste for arcane subject matter from Antiquity is well exemplified by the present picture. It has generally been assumed that the subject is The Death of Virginia, taken from Book III of Livy's The Early History of Rome, in which the heroine Virginia is bleeding to death, clasping the dagger with which her father, Verginius, has stabbed her in order to prevent the legislator Appius Claudius from taking her as his concubine and denying her her freedom. Gudlaugsson noticed that Knupfer's present depiction is an almost direct transcription of a scene from the play Virginia's Treurspeel by Abraham Mildert, published in 1618.1 More recently however, Jo Saxton has suggested that the subject is Arria consoling her husband Paetus that dying is not painful ("Dolor")2. This is consistent with the inscription emanating from the dying heroine's mouth, which appears not to be, as Dr. Saxton and others had supposed, a later addition. This extremely rare subject is taken from Book 7 of Pliny. Arria (or Aria) was the wife of Paetus Cecinna, a Roman senator from Padua, who was accused of conspiracy against Claudius. she stabbed herself, and handed the sword to her husband, who followed her example. The action is supposed however to have taken place at sea, and the possibility remains that Knupfer originally intended the subject to be the Death of Virginia. The translucent brown paint in the background is not due to over-cleaning, and appears to be how Knüpfer left it. What his intentions were in doing so is unclear, since most of the figures, and all of the principal figures are fully finished, albeit with Knupfer's virtuoso peremptory brushwork. He may have failed to finish the background, or he may have intended it to appear as it does today, although the background will have become more translucent with age. There are other examples of paintings by Knupfer with unfinished or semi-finished backgrounds; for example his Moses Drawing Water from the Rock in a German private collection and his Death of Lucretia in Leipzig3]. Jo Saxton's most recent view is that he intended the picture to be finished by one of his collaborators, such as Abraham van Cuylenborch4. That is is signed however does clearly suggest as Saxton confirms that Knupfer considered his work on the picture to be completed. 1. See Gudlaugsson, under Literature. 2. Private communication 3. See Saxton, op. cit., pp. 104-5, and 155, cat. nos. 6 and 62, both reproduced in colour, plates I and XIX. 4. Private communication

  • Cerchia di Nicolaus Knüpfer (Lipsia 1603-1660 Utrecht)
    Dec. 13, 2005

    Cerchia di Nicolaus Knüpfer (Lipsia 1603-1660 Utrecht)

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Scena di assassinio olio su tela 99 x 142.5 cm.

  • Nicolaus Knupfer (1603-1655/60)
    Nov. 26, 2005

    Nicolaus Knupfer (1603-1655/60)

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    David jouant de la harpe avec inscription 'knippers.fecit' sur le montage craie noire, plume et encre brune, lavis brun, filigrane fragmentaire 198 x 149 mm. (7 3/4 x 5 7/8 in.)

  • Cerchia di Nicolaus Knüpfer (Lipsia 1603-1660 Utrecht)
    Jun. 15, 2005

    Cerchia di Nicolaus Knüpfer (Lipsia 1603-1660 Utrecht)

    Est: €5,000 - €8,000

    Scena di assassinio olio su tela 99 x 142.5 cm.

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