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Alison Knowles Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1933 -

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  • Knowles, Alison. The Identical Lunch.
    Nov. 11, 2023

    Knowles, Alison. The Identical Lunch.

    Est: €200 - €300

    Knowles, Alison. The Identical Lunch. Farboffset-Lithographie auf Karton montiert. Auf dem Karton unten signiert, betitelt, nummeriert und datiert. Exemplar: 14/14. 1973. Blattmaße: 21,5 x 28 cm. Kartonmaße: 25 x 29 cm. Unter Glas gerahmt. Die Idee zu The Identical Lunch kam Knowles Ende der 1960er Jahre, als ihr Freund und Fluxus-Künstlerkollege Philip Corner bemerkte, dass sie jeden Tag dasselbe zu Mittag aß: "Ein Thunfischsandwich auf Weizentoast mit Butter und Salat, ohne Mayo, und eine Tasse Suppe oder ein Glas Buttermilch." Sie machte aus dieser Angewohnheit eine Performance und bat Freunde, das gleiche Mittagessen zu probieren, oft in einem lokalen Diner, und über ihre Erfahrungen zu schreiben. - Trägerkarton leicht gebräunt, sonst sehr gut erhalten. - Provenienz: Privatsammlung Jürgen H. Meyer, Düsseldorf.

    Nosbüsch & Stucke GmbH
  • Knowles, Alison. Cornerpiece. Schwarz
    Nov. 11, 2023

    Knowles, Alison. Cornerpiece. Schwarz

    Est: €200 - €300

    Knowles, Alison. Cornerpiece. Schwarz lackiertes und etwas beriebenenes Profil aus Holz mit Nägelköpfen als Blindenschrift. Verso mit Hängung und montiertem Etikett, dort signiert, betitelt und nummeriert. Exemplar: 20/25. Köln, Edition Hundertmark, 1988. 14 x 9 x 4,5 cm. 118. Edition Box Edition Hundertmark. - Verso mit montiertem Transport-Etikett, sonst gut erhalten. - Provenienz: Privatsammlung Jürgen H. Meyer, Düsseldorf.

    Nosbüsch & Stucke GmbH
    Apr. 18, 2023


    Est: €400 - €450

    KNOWLES ALISON (1933-) Napoleon was cree indian 1993 serigrafia e pastelli cm 70x50 firmato e datato in basso a destra titolato in basso a sinistra dedicato al centro sul retro: etichetta della Galleria Caterina Gualco Unimedia Genova Napoleon was cree indian 1993 screenprint and pastels 27 55x19 68 in signed and dated lower right titled lower left dedicated on the center on the reverse: label of Galleria Caterina Gualco Unimedia Genoa bibliografia: Catalogo della collezione di arte contemporanea 'Bonap-Art'-Non Capovolgere N. 12- settembre 1998 pag. 16

    Aste Boetto SRL
    Apr. 18, 2023


    Est: €800 - €900

    KNOWLES ALISON (1933-) Basta fagioli tecnica mista su tela cm 187x118 firmato e datato in basso a sinistra titolato in basso a destra Basta fagioli mixed media on canvas 73 62x46 45 in signed and dated lower left titled lower right

    Aste Boetto SRL
  • Knowles, A. (b.1933). "White Stripes for John Cage by Alison Knowles".
    Nov. 25, 2021

    Knowles, A. (b.1933). "White Stripes for John Cage by Alison Knowles".

    Est: €100 - €150

    Knowles, A. (b.1933). "White Stripes for John Cage by Alison Knowles". Col. offset poster, 70x50 cm., printed in 1000 copies, Milan, Ed. 912, 1968. - Mould spot near left edge in lower part. = From the series Ed912 Posters Situazione. Roth, D. (1930-1998). "dieter roth grafik+ bücher. Galerie Beck.". Col. silkscreen poster, 76x59 cm., Erlangen, Galerie Beck, ±1964. - Folded.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Alison Knowles (b. 1933) The House of Dust clay and wood 3 x 5 x 4m.
    May. 27, 2021

    Alison Knowles (b. 1933) The House of Dust clay and wood 3 x 5 x 4m.

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Alison Knowles (b. 1933) The House of Dust clay and wood 3 x 5 x 4m.

  • ALISON KNOWLES, Untitled
    Mar. 16, 2021

    ALISON KNOWLES, Untitled

    Est: €200 - €400

    ALISON KNOWLES (1933) Untitled 1994 Tempera on silk tie 154 x 9 cm Signed and dated on the reverse The first edition of this work, realised with a white tie, has been part of Arman Collection Work accompanied by a label with dedication Work accompanied by a certificate of authenticity on photograph signed by the artist PROVENANCE: Atelier of the artist Fabrizio Boggiano collection, Genoa EXHIBITED: Ties for art, boutique Valentino, Via dei Tosinghi, Florence January 13th - 31st, 2001, Cravatte d'artista, Reali Arte Contemporanea, Sala SS: Giacomo e Filippo, Brescia December 1997, Cravatte. Collezione Antonella e Fabrizio Boggiano, Rinaldo Rotta Galleria d'Arte Contemporanea, Genoa April 1999, Cravatte d'artista, Galleria Bedoli, Mantova December 22nd, 1998 - January 7th, 1999, Collezione Boggiano. Nodi d'artista, Sale Espositive ex Ospedale Militare, Alessandria LITERATURE: AA.VV., Ties for art - Valentino, catalogue of the exhibition organised for the opening of the Valentino boutique, Via dei Tosinghi, Florence, n. 27 (ill.) F. Boggiano, Cravatte d'artista, Reali Contemporanea, Brescia, 2001 AA.VV., Cravatte. Collezione Antonella e Fabrizio Boggiano, catalogue of the exhibition at Rinaldo Rotta galleria d'Arte Contemporanea, 1997, cover page (ill.) AA.VV., Collana di cravatte, catalogue of the exhibition at Galleria Bedoli, Mantova, Non capovolgere n. 13, April 1999, pag. 19 (ill.) F. Boggiano, E. Bonessio di Terzet, Collezione Boggiano. Nodi d'artista, il Cobold Editore, Genoa, 1998, s.p.

  • Alison Knowles, mixed media, 1987
    May. 17, 2019

    Alison Knowles, mixed media, 1987

    Est: $600 - $800

    Alison Knowles (American,b. 1933), "North Winter Song", graphite text, marker and paper collage on paper, in two parts, no signature observed, unframed, 22"h x 15"w (each)

    Millea Bros Ltd
    Oct. 25, 2016


    Est: €2,000 - €2,300

    KNOWLES ALISON (1933-) Time samples A rake's progress tecnica mista su carta a mano cm 71x55 firmato e titolato in basso a destra Time samples A rake's progress mixed media on handmade paper 27 95x21 65 in signed and titled lower right

    Aste Boetto SRL
    Oct. 25, 2016


    Est: €3,000 - €3,400

    KNOWLES ALISON (1933-) Basta Fagioli #4 1994 tecnica mista su tela cm 175x58 firmato in basso a sinistra datato e titolato in basso a destra firmato datato e titolato sul retro Basta Fagioli #4 1994 mixed media on canvas 68 89x22 83 in signed lower left dated and titled lower right signed dated and titled on the reverse

    Aste Boetto SRL
  • (20th Century - Artists' book) George BRECHT - Alison KNOWLES The green, the red, the yellow, the black, and the white - Signed copy
    Nov. 29, 2014

    (20th Century - Artists' book) George BRECHT - Alison KNOWLES The green, the red, the yellow, the black, and the white - Signed copy

    Est: €450 - €500

    George BRECHT (New York 1926 - Colonia 2008) - Alison KNOWLES (New York 1933), The green, the red, the yellow, the black, and the white, Bruxelles - Hambourg, Editions Leeber Hossmann, 1983. 8.74x12.72 inches (22,2x32,3 cm), (26) pages, 25 plates, toned green, from the "Sprach-Brockhaus - Deutsches Wörterbuch für jedermann" (Wiesbaden, Verlag Eberhard Brockhaus, 1947). Publisher's soft cover, with jacket. Printed on front cover, facsimile of a manuscript by Robert Filliou. 1 plate in screen printing, numbered and signed by the authors and with autograph annotation by Alison Knowles. Issue of 80 numbered and signed copies. First edition. Very good copy.

    Autographes Enchères
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