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Yves Klein Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Sculptor, b. 1928 - d. 1962

(b Nice, France, April 28, 1928; d Paris, June 6, 1962) French painter. Klein wanted the viewer to undergo both a revelation of the senses and the mind in front of the intense blue field of his paintings. He believed that through meditation of the material, he could release the individual from the confines of the worldly and into the realm of transcendent experience. Blue was for Klein the color of the infinite and of the void - a color "beyond dimensions." He even gave his extreme tone of blue a patented trademark - International Klein Blue (IKB) - mixing the pure ultramarine with a synthetic resin so that it retained its powdery consistency and true brilliance. Klein selected gold, red, and especially the IKB, as colors that came closest to his vision of the immaterial and the infinite. With his monochromatic language, Klein aimed to stimulate independent sensations in the viewer, emancipated from the anchor of depiction. In this he fused the dual meaning of 'painting' (the application of pigment as opposed to the depiction of something); paint became the painting's subject.* If all this sounds somewhat esoteric, then it will come as no surprise that Klein was well initiated in the philosophies of Zen Buddhism, and had in fact initially begun his career as a promising judo champion. It was while working in a frame shop in London at the age of 22 in 1949 however that he first discovered the possibilities of monochrome painting. "I have found it!" he proclaimed, showing off some small monochrome gouaches to his amused friends. At last here was, "a means of painting that was against painting, against all the anxieties of life, against everything. It was creation, and creation was health." This revelation would dictate the rest of Klein's short career.** (Credit: *Christie’s, New York, Post War and Contemporary Art Evening Sale, May 14, 2003, lot 39; **Christie’s, London, June 30, 1999, lot 552)

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            • 伊夫.克萊因 YVES KLEIN ( French, 1928-1962 )
              Dec. 15, 2024

              伊夫.克萊因 YVES KLEIN ( French, 1928-1962 )

              Est: NT$220,000 - NT$320,000

              Catalogue Raisonné

              Zhong Cheng Auction Co. Ltd.
            • Klein, Yves
              Dec. 12, 2024

              Klein, Yves

              Est: -

              "1928 Nizza - 1962 Paris, Farblithographie, „Anthropométrie“, Frauenkörper blau, rechts unten handschriftlich nummeriert ""132/200"", Stockflecken außerhalb der Darstellung, Papier gebräunt, Hochformat, 92 cm x 58 cm, ohne Rahmen"

              Kunstauktionhaus Georg Rehm
            • Yves Klein (1928 Nizza - Paris 1962)
              Dec. 07, 2024

              Yves Klein (1928 Nizza - Paris 1962)

              Est: €400 - €600

              Conférence à la Sorbonne. 1959. Stereo-Doppel-Langspielplatte. Auf der Innenseite der Hülle mit Kugelschreiber nummeriert: 392/500. Maße: 31 x 31 cm.

              AaG Auktionshaus am Grunewald
            • Yves Klein (1928 Nizza - Paris 1962)
              Dec. 06, 2024

              Yves Klein (1928 Nizza - Paris 1962)

              Est: €3,000 - €4,000

              Petite Vénus Bleue. 1956-57/2001. International Klein Blue (IKB) Pigment auf Bronze (Brosche), befestigt auf mit Blattgold bearbeitetem Plexiglas-Ständer. Verso auf der Brosche nummeriert und mit dem Künstlersignet, der Sonne: 222/500. Brosche: 6 cm. Ständer: 11,8 cm. Hrsg.: T.A.T. Arts & Stéphane Klein, Paris. Es handelt sich um ein Auflageobjekt, für das die Skulptur "Venus Bleue" (Wemper S12) als Vorbild diente. WVZ.: Mit einem beiliegenden Zertifikat von Rotraut Klein (Editions T.A.T. Arts & Stephane Klein, Neuilly), ohne Datum. Dort nummeriert: 222/500. Ausstellung: Yves Klein - Der Sprung ins Leere: Pretiosen des Nouveau Réalisme. Stiftung Ahlers Pro Arte/Kestner Pro Arte. 2006. Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Wörlen. Passau. 2006.

              AaG Auktionshaus am Grunewald
            • Yves Klein (1928 Nizza - Paris 1962) – Yves Klein Hemd
              Dec. 06, 2024

              Yves Klein (1928 Nizza - Paris 1962) – Yves Klein Hemd

              Est: €200 - €300

              Siebdruck auf Leinen. (1948/2001). Ca. 76 x 81 cm. Eines von 200 nummerierten Exemplaren. Im O. -Karton. In gutem Zustand. Erschienen 2001 anlässlich der Ausstellung „Über das Erhabene. Mark Rothko, Yves Klein, James Turrell“ im Deutschen Guggenheim Berlin als Edition No. 16. Nach dem Original von 1948 nachgenäht und von Hand bedruckt. Taxation: differenzbesteuert (VAT: Margin Scheme)

              Karl & Faber
            • YVES KLEIN (1928 - 1962) Sans titre (Pigment IKB sur timbre postal),
              Dec. 05, 2024

              YVES KLEIN (1928 - 1962) Sans titre (Pigment IKB sur timbre postal),

              Est: €1,500 - €2,000

              120 YVES KLEIN (1928 - 1962) Sans titre (Pigment IKB sur timbre postal), (1957-1959) Timbre postal simple, recouvert du pigment IKB (International Klein Blue) d'Yves Klein 2.5 x 2 cm - 63/64 x 25/32 in. IKB Pigment on postal stamp PROVENANCE Collection privée, région parisienne

            • YVES KLEIN (1928 - 1962) Petite Vénus Bleue, 1956 - 1957
              Dec. 05, 2024

              YVES KLEIN (1928 - 1962) Petite Vénus Bleue, 1956 - 1957

              Est: €6,000 - €8,000

              119 YVES KLEIN (1928 - 1962) Petite Vénus Bleue, 1956 - 1957 Bronze peint avec la couleur IKB®, plexiglass et feuille d'or, numéroté 388/500 12 x 7.5 x 8.5 cm - 4 3/4 x 2 15/16 x 3 3/8 in. Painted bronze with IKB®, plexiglas and gold sheet, numbered 388/500 Un certificat rédigé par Madame Rotraut Klein-Moquay sera remis à l'acquéreur

            • YVES KLEIN (1928 - 1962) Table Rose, 1961 - 1963
              Dec. 05, 2024

              YVES KLEIN (1928 - 1962) Table Rose, 1961 - 1963

              Est: €18,000 - €25,000

              118 YVES KLEIN (1928 - 1962) Table Rose, 1961 - 1963 Verre, plexiglass, chrome, bois et pigments roses numérotée 98 - A11 - 6 et signée Rotraut Klein-Moquay sur un cartel au revers du plateau. Édition initiée en 1963 sous la supervision de Rotraut Klein-Moquay, basée sur un modèle d'Yves Klein de 1961. 36 x 124.8 x 100 cm - 14 1/8 x 49 x 39 1/3 in. Table jamais montée, dans sa caisse d'origine. Glass, plexiglass, chrome-plated metal, dry pigment, wood numbered 98-A11-6 and by signed Rotraut Klein-Moquay. PROVENANCE Collection privée, Neuilly-sur-Seine BIBLIOGRAPHIE Jean-Paul Ledeur ; Yves Klein, Catalogue raisonné des éditions et sculptures éditées ; Knokke, 2000 ; page 53

            • Yves Klein, Victoire de Samothrace, 1962/1973
              Nov. 29, 2024

              Yves Klein, Victoire de Samothrace, 1962/1973

              Est: €80,000 - €120,000

              Mongrammed on right wing. Numbered verso on the figure and on underside of stone base. Edition Galerie Karl Flinker, Paris. Cast 111/175 (+25 H.C. +25 E.A. +3). Edition with different stone plinths. The present work was examined in original by the R.U.K. Paris, 02.02.2017. With accompanying letter from the R.U.K., Paris, dated 02.02.2017 (copy).

              Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
            • YVES KLEIN
              Nov. 28, 2024

              YVES KLEIN

              Est: CHF7,000 - CHF10,000

              YVES KLEIN (Nizza 1928–1962 Paris) Table IKB. 1963. International Klein Blue pigment, glass, acrylic glass and chrome steel. From an unknown edition. With the signed and numbered label of authenticity on the underside: R. Klein-Moquay Serial number: 10 NE-ITT. 36 × 125 × 100 cm. Provenance: - Estate Yves Klein, Paris. - Galerie Gmurzynska, Zurich. - Private collection, Switzerland, acquired in the above gallery in 2013. ‘Nel blu, dipinto di blu’ - whether Domenico Modugno saw Yves Klein's exhibition at Milan's Galleria Apollinaire in January 1957 and the eleven monochromes he showed there before singing about flying through the endless, painted blue at the San Remo Festival in 1958, that remains a mystery. Looking at Yves Klein's monochrome blue works, drenched in IKB, the International Klein Blue developed by the artist himself, we find ourselves in that very state: thanks to the skilful application of paint and Klein's ingenious new binding agent, the ultramarine pigment remains powdery and with an enormous depth of colour on the picture surface, creating a vertiginous quality that seems to draw the viewer into the blueness. The side table ‘Table IKB’ (lot 3721) produces a very similar effect. This is a limited-edition piece based on one of the two originals from 1961, still designed by Yves Klein himself, and produced in small quantities every year since 1963 under the patronage of the Yves Klein archives and under the direction of Klein's widow Rotraut Klein-Moquay. The side table is available in three versions: IKB, Monopink and Monogold. In the IKB and Monopink versions (lot 3722), the pigment appears to sit, powdery and loose, in the flat box made of glass and Plexiglas that serves as the table top. The vertiginous effect, typical of Yves Klein's works, also comes about when looking into these colourful depths, while the eye scans the surface of the pigment from close up, as if in search of geographical landmarks. The Monogold variant (lot 3723) has its own special and additional charm: inside the glass box, it is as if gravity has been suspended and the light flickers amidst the most delicate gold leaf, some of which appears to have been caught in a state of weightlessness. The rare coming together of all three versions of the side table allows us to establish links to Klein's earlier works: in 1961, the year he produced the ‘Ex-Voto in honour of Saint Rita of Cascia’ he had already created the first two tables and had already combined the two pigments and the gold leaf in a similar Plexiglas construction, which may then have laid the foundation for the Ex-Voto. In Table IKB, Monopink and Monogold, art is combined with design, museum space with private space, and exclusivity with the everyday. As unusual multiples with their very own history, these three side tables would enrich any modern furnishing concept, both individually or in this very rare opportunity of all three variants together. ------------------------------------------------- YVES KLEIN (Nizza 1928–1962 Paris) Table IKB. 1963. International Klein Blue Pigment, Glas, Acrylglas und Chromstahl. Aus einer unbekannten Auflage. Mit dem signierten und nummerierten Authentizitätsetikett auf der Unterseite: R. Klein-Moquay Serial number: 10 NE-ITT. 36 × 125 × 100 cm. Provenienz: - Nachlass Yves Klein, Paris. - Galerie Gmurzynska, Zürich. - Privatsammlung Schweiz, in obiger Galerie 2013 erworben. "Nel blu, dipinto di blu" – ob Domenico Modugno Yves Kleins Ausstellung in der Mailänder Galleria Apollinaire im Januar 1957 und seine dort gezeigten elf Monochrome gesehen hat, bevor er 1958 auf dem Festival San Remo vom Fliegen durch das endlose, wie gemalte Blau singt, bleibt ein Geheimnis der Vergangenheit. Betrachtet man Yves Kleins monochrom blauen Arbeiten, getaucht in das von ihm entwickelte IKB, das International Klein Blue, tritt aber genau der besungene Zustand ein: Durch den geschickten Farbauftrag und das von Klein neu ausgetüftelte Bindemittel liegt das Ultramarinpigment pudrig und mit enormer Farbtiefe auf dem Bildträger und verursacht eine Sogwirkung, die die Betrachtenden scheinbar ins Blaue hineinzieht. Eine ganz ähnliche Wirkung zeigt sich bei dem Beistelltisch "Table IKB" (Los 3721). Diese Auflagenarbeit wird seit 1963 unter der Schirmherrschaft von Kleins Witwe Rotraut Klein-Moquay und den Yves Klein archives in einer jährlichen kleinen Stückzahl produziert. Die Optik orientiert sich an den beiden Originalen aus Yves Kleins Hand, die er noch vor seinem Tod in 1961 entwirft. Der Beistelltisch wird in drei Versionen herausgegegeben: IKB, Monopink und Monogold. Bei den Versionen IKB und Monopink (Los 3722) scheint das Pigment pudrig lose in der flachen Box aus Glas und Plexiglas zu ruhen, die als Tischplatte fungiert. Die für Yves Kleins Werke typische Sogwirkung entsteht auch beim Blick in diese farbigen Tiefen, während das Auge aber beim Sehen ganz aus der Nähe auch die Oberfläche des Pigments abtastet, als sei es auf der Suche nach geografischen Landmarken. Die Variante Monogold (Los 3733) hat ergänzend zu den beiden Pigmenttischen ihren ganz eigenen Reiz: Im Inneren des Glaskastens scheint die Schwerkraft wie aufgehoben und das Licht flirrt zwischen zartestem Blattgold, das wie schwerelos eingefangen zu sein scheint. Bei der sehr seltenen Kombination aller drei Varianten des Beistelltisches am gleichen Ort lassen sich Verbindungen zu Kleins früheren Arbeiten ziehen: So bringt er schon 1961, im Jahr des Entwurfs für die ersten beiden Tische, in seiner Arbeit "Ex-Voto zu Ehren der Heiligen Rita von Cascia" die beiden Pigmente sowie Blattgold in einer ähnlichen Plexiglas-Konstruktion in Verbindung und mag damit den Grundstein für diese Auflagenarbeit gelegt haben. In Table IKB, Monopink und Monogold vereint sich Kunst mit Design, musealer mit privatem Raum sowie Exklusivität mit Alltagsgegenstand. Als ausgefallene Multiples mit ihrer ganz eigenen Geschichte bereichern diese drei Beistelltische jedes moderne Einrichtungskonzept, sowohl einzeln als auch in der raren Kombination aller drei Varianten.

              Koller Auctions
            • Yves Klein: Monochrome Rouge (M66)
              Nov. 27, 2024

              Yves Klein: Monochrome Rouge (M66)

              Est: €80,000 - €120,000

              KLEIN, YVES 1928 Nice - 1962 Paris Title: Monochrome Rouge (M66). Date: 1957. Technique: Mixed media on beaverboard. Measurement: 18 x 12cm. Notation: Monogrammed and dated verso centre: YK (artist's signet) 57. Frame/Pedestal: Display case. Provenance: - Private collection North Rhine-Westphalia Literature: - Ledeur, Jean-Paul (ed.): Yves Klein - Catalogue raisonné des éditions et sculptures éditées, Knokke-Le-Zoute, 2000, cat. rais. no. M66 - Beautiful, small monochrome work that reflects Klein's approach of absolute abstraction and immateriality - Privately owned for decades and offered on the art market for the first time - Klein exhibited in Germany for the first time at the Alfred Schmela Gallery in Düsseldorf in 1957 - Yves Klein regards the colour red as a "psychological space" that radiates fire and heatindly confirming the authenticity of this work Judo master and devotee of absolute abstraction In 1957, the Italian art critic Dino Buzzati described the eccentric personality of Yves Klein, who was active in many different fields, as follows: “Born in Nice twenty-eight years ago; studied nautical science and oriental languages; trained racehorses; judo champion in Japan itself” (Buzzati, Dino: “Blu, Blu, Blu!” Corriere d'Informazione, January 9, 1957). After returning to Paris in 1955 with a black belt from Tokyo, but without the hoped-for fame, Klein turned to a career as an artist, which he pursued intensively until his premature death in 1962. He became interested early on in the psychological impact and meaning of individual colors, which he explored in his first austere monochromatic paintings, which were free of lines, figuration, and compositional constraints. His work, imbued with philosophy and spirituality, is based on a notion of absolute abstraction that brooks no distractions from a decorative juxtaposition of different colors. In his quest for the complete dissolution of any secondary effects, Klein therefore reduced his palette until he finally concentrated on a single color: blue. This ultramarine blue, developed by him and patented in 1960 as “International Yves Klein Blue”, embodies the pure color, unbound to any object or idea, and thus completely free, appearing in the matt-glowing pigment as a physical concentration of cosmic energy. At the age of 18, Klein created his “first infinite and immaterial painting, lying on the beach at Nice, signing the blue Mediterranean sky and declaring it his first and greatest ‘monochrome’.” (Yves Klein quoted in: Stich, Sidra: Yves Klein. Stuttgart: Cantz, 1994. p. 19) Klein was influenced by the Christian mysticism of cosmogony, which prophesied the end of the age of physical matter and the restriction of the mind by form, as well as the liberation of rational consciousness. Also influenced by judo and the teachings of Zen Buddhism, he sought to achieve states of mental emptiness and, from 1957, turned more and more consistently to the dematerialization of his painting, until it finally became perceptible only as atmospherically vibrating color, as the “full emptiness, the nothing that encompasses everything possible.” (Pierre Restany quoted in: Stich, Sidra: Yves Klein. Stuttgart: Cantz, 1994. p. 81) In his 1958 exhibition “Le Vide” at the Galerie Iris Clert in Paris, Klein took another radical step. In order to give the invisible an effect through the perceptible, he presented the completely emptied gallery space as a work, thus elevating the concept to the essence of art. “The fire that radiates heat” Between 1955 and 1957, Klein experimented with techniques and materials. The resulting works featured a range of colors, including red, green, orange, yellow, black, white, violet, bronze, pink, as well as vermilion, and formats that often had rounded corners and canvas stretched over the side edges, intended to enhance the impression of the expansive monochrome color space. The year of the small-format “Monochrome Rouge” coincides with the zenith of this abstraction, which Yves Klein elevated to immateriality, and marks the beginning of his exclusive use of the blue hue. In 1957, his work was shown for the first time in Germany, where it was exhibited by avant-garde gallerist Alfred Schmela. In Düsseldorf, Klein got to know the members of the ZERO group, initially Otto Piene and Heinz Mack, and later Günther Uecker, who had turned away from ideologically burdened figuration and narration and wanted to start “from scratch”. Klein also pursued the goal of creating a new sensibility by heightening our perception of reality and, together with artists such as Arman, Daniel Spoerri, and Jean Tinguely, founded the “Nouveau Réalisme” movement in 1960. Although small in size, the power of the color effect of the penetrating red surface of “Monochrome Rouge” draws the viewer's gaze into the depths. Klein also conceives of red as a “psychological space” that means “the fire that radiates heat” (Stich, Sidra: Yves Klein. Stuttgart: Cantz, 1994. p.78). The devout Catholic had a profound knowledge of the symbolism of color in Christian iconography and, with his use of the color triad blue, yellow and pink/red in a modification of the primary colors, blue, yellow and red, he also establishes a reference to the Holy Trinity. Bettina Haiss. Explanations to the Catalogue Yves Klein Nouveau Réalisme Post-War Art Post War 1950s Display case Colour Painting Mixed media Estimated shipping costs for this lot: Arrangement after the auction.

              Van Ham Kunstauktionen
            • Yves Klein (1928-1962) 'IKB' coffee table
              Nov. 27, 2024

              Yves Klein (1928-1962) 'IKB' coffee table

              Est: €10,000 - €15,000

              Yves Klein (1928-1962) 'IKB' coffee table Glass and Plexiglas tabletop, IKB pigment and chromed metal feet Annotated beneath the tabletop 'This table conforms to Yves Klein's patent - Serial number: B-55' Signed 'R.-Moquay' Model created in 1961 H 39 × L 125 × W 100,5 cm Bibliography: J.P. Ledeur, "Yves Klein", catalogue raisonné des éditions et sculptures, Knokke, 2000, similar model p. 53 Yves Klein (1928-1962) Table basse 'IKB' Plateau en verre et plexiglas, pigment IKB et piètement en métal chromé Annotée sous le plateau 'This table conforms to Yves Klein's patent - Serial number : B-55' Signée 'R.-Moquay' Modèle créé en 1961 H 39 × L 125 × P 100,5 cm Bibliographie : J.P. Ledeur, "Yves Klein", catalogue raisonné des éditions et sculptures éditées Knokke, 2000, modèle similaire p. 53

            • Yves Klein (1928-1962) Catalogue Raisonné des éditions et sculptures Plexiglas case with gold leaf, IKB and pink pigments, by Jean-P..
              Nov. 27, 2024

              Yves Klein (1928-1962) Catalogue Raisonné des éditions et sculptures Plexiglas case with gold leaf, IKB and pink pigments, by Jean-P..

              Est: €4,000 - €6,000

              Yves Klein (1928-1962) Catalogue Raisonné des éditions et sculptures Plexiglas case with gold leaf, IKB and pink pigments, by Jean-Paul Ledeur, ed. Guy Pieters and case numbered: 'XXI/LV' 33 x 19,5 x 26,5 cm Yves Klein (1928-1962) Catalogue Raisonné des éditions et sculptures Emboîtage en Plexiglas avec inclusion de feuilles d'or, pigments roses et IKB, ouvrage de Jean-Paul Ledeur, édition Guy Pieters et coffret d'archives numéroté : 'XXI/LV' 33 x 19,5 x 26,5 cm

            • Yves Klein (1928-1962) Petite Vénus bleue, circa 1956
              Nov. 27, 2024

              Yves Klein (1928-1962) Petite Vénus bleue, circa 1956

              Est: €5,000 - €7,000

              Yves Klein (1928-1962) Petite Vénus bleue, circa 1956 Bronze brooch painted in IKP in a Plexiglas and gold leaf case Artist's star and numbered: "67/500" on the back Limited edition of 500 T.A.T Arts & Stéphane Klein edition, 2001 12 x 8,5 x 7,5 cm Note: Brooch created by the artist between 1956 and 1957. This edition was created by T.A.T Arts & Stéphane Klein in 2001 Bibliography: J.P. Ledeur, "Yves Klein: Catalogue raisonné des Ed. et Sculptures", Ed. Guy Pieters, similar work illustrated p. 296 Yves Klein (1928-1962) Petite Vénus bleue, circa 1956 Broche en bronze peint couleur IKB dans un emboîtage en feuilles d'or et Plexiglas Etoile de l'artiste et numéroté : '67/500' au dos Edition de 500 exemplaires Edition T.A.T Arts & Stéphane Klein, 2001 12 x 8,5 x 7,5 cm Note : Bijou réalisé par l'artiste entre 1956 et 1957. L'édition fut éditée par T.A.T Arts & Stéphane Klein en 2001 Bibliographie : J.P. Ledeur, "Yves Klein : Catalogue raisonné des Editions et Sculptures", Editions Guy Pieters, un exemplaire similaire reproduit p. 296

            • Yves Klein (1928-1962) IKB 12, circa 1959 IKB pigment and synthetic resin on paper Titled on the back 7 x 10 cm Provenance: - Galeri..
              Nov. 27, 2024

              Yves Klein (1928-1962) IKB 12, circa 1959 IKB pigment and synthetic resin on paper Titled on the back 7 x 10 cm Provenance: - Galeri..

              Est: €100,000 - €150,000

              Yves Klein (1928-1962) IKB 12, circa 1959 IKB pigment and synthetic resin on paper Titled on the back 7 x 10 cm Provenance: - Galerie Beaubourg, Paris - Purchased from the latter by the current owner Bibliography: P. Wember, "Yves Klein: Catalogue raisonné", Edition Dumont. Köln, 1969, mention p. 72 Yves Klein (1928-1962) IKB 12, circa 1959 Pigment IKB et résine synthétique sur papier Titré au dos 7 × 10 cm Provenance : - Galerie Beaubourg, Paris - Acquis directement auprès de cette dernière par l'actuel propriétaire Bibliographie : P. Wember, "Yves Klein : Catalogue raisonné", Édition Dumont. Köln, 1969, cité p. 72

            • Yves Klein (after) - Hommage a Tennessee
              Nov. 24, 2024

              Yves Klein (after) - Hommage a Tennessee

              Est: CHF230 - CHF330

              Yves Klein (after) - Hommage a Tennessee Art Print, High quality digital print on Tintoretto 250gsm paper, Size 70x100cm Impression d'art, Impression numérique de haute qualité sur papier Tintoretto 250g/m2, Dimensions 70x100cm

              TGP Auction
            • Harry Shunk & Yves Klein, Leap into the Void, 1960
              Nov. 21, 2024

              Harry Shunk & Yves Klein, Leap into the Void, 1960

              Est: £7,000 - £10,000

              Harry Shunk & Yves Klein, German 1924-2006 & French 1928-1962, Leap into the Void, 1960; gelatin silver print, flush-mounted on board, titled and dated in type to affixed label verso, signed by Harry Shunk in ink to label verso, sheet: 35 x 27 cm, (framed) (ARR) 

            • YVES KLEIN (1928-1962). Vénus d'Alexandrie (S 41). dry pigment and syntheti
              Nov. 20, 2024

              YVES KLEIN (1928-1962). Vénus d'Alexandrie (S 41). dry pigment and syntheti

              Est: $70,000 - $100,000

              YVES KLEIN (1928-1962). Vénus d'Alexandrie (S 41). dry pigment and synthetic resin on plaster 27 3⁄8 x 11 ¾ x 7 7⁄8 in. (69.5 x 29.8 x 20 cm.).

            • Relief Éponge bleu sans titre, (RE 28)
              Nov. 18, 2024

              Relief Éponge bleu sans titre, (RE 28)

              Est: $8,000,000 - $12,000,000

              Yves Klein  (1928 - 1962) Relief Éponge bleu sans titre, (RE 28) signed with the artist’s initials YK (on the reverse) dry pigment and synthetic resin, natural sponges and pebbles on panel 31 by 50 ⅜ in. 78.7 by 128 cm. Executed in 1961. 

            • Yves Klein (1928-1962) 'Table Rose', late 20th century
              Nov. 13, 2024

              Yves Klein (1928-1962) 'Table Rose', late 20th century

              Est: £8,000 - £12,000

              Yves Klein (1928-1962) 'Table Rose', late 20th century Pink pigment, Acrylic, steel Label to underside signed in pen 'R. Klein-Moquay' and with serial no. 'VG-TGXW' 38cm high, 126cm square 

            • Yves Klein - Untitled, Coloured Fire Painting (FC17) - 2019 Offset Lithograph 28" x 23.5"
              Nov. 12, 2024

              Yves Klein - Untitled, Coloured Fire Painting (FC17) - 2019 Offset Lithograph 28" x 23.5"

              Est: $60 - $90

              "Untitled, Coloured Fire Painting (FC17)" by Yves Klein, 2019 Unsigned Offset Lithograph. Paper size is 28 x 23.5 inches, with an image size of 26.5 x 23.5 inches. The Offset Lithograph is from an unknown edition size. and is not framed. The condition was rated A-: Near Mint, very light signs of handling. Additional details: Yves Klein, Untitled, Coloured Fire Painting (FC17) - Poster for the Louisiana Museum of Art This poster, created for the Louisiana Museum of Art, features Untitled, Coloured Fire Painting (FC17) by Yves Klein. Known for his experimental techniques, Klein used fire and vivid pigments to create this striking piece, capturing the ephemeral beauty and intensity of flames.

              DUMBO Auctions
            • YVES KLEIN (AFTER), ''Blue Polar Bear", Resin in velvet sculpture., 24cm x 43cm
              Nov. 12, 2024

              YVES KLEIN (AFTER), ''Blue Polar Bear", Resin in velvet sculpture., 24cm x 43cm

              Est: $2,000 - $3,000

              YVES KLEIN (AFTER) 'Blue Polar Bear" Resin in velvet sculpture.

              Ozbid Auctions
            • * KLEIN, YVES: "Monochrome und Feuer" (Triptyche de Krefeld).
              Nov. 08, 2024

              * KLEIN, YVES: "Monochrome und Feuer" (Triptyche de Krefeld).

              Est: CHF3,400 - CHF5,000

              KLEIN, YVES (Nizza 1928 - 1962 Paris) * : "Monochrome und Feuer" (Triptyche de Krefeld), 2 Farbserigrafien und ein mit Blattgold belegter Karton, je 32x23,5 cm

              Dobiaschofsky Auktionen AG
            • Klein, Yves: Eponge bleu / Souvenir Nr. 412
              Oct. 26, 2024

              Klein, Yves: Eponge bleu / Souvenir Nr. 412

              Est: €1,500 - €2,000

              Yves Klein 1928 - 1962 Eponge bleu / Souvenir Nr. 412 Sponge elements, blue pigmented in plastic box; H 5 cm, W 5 cm, D 5 cm; enclosed blue, pink and gold printed cardboard cards; one card stamped and numbered ''Souvenir Nr.'' and ''412''; from the edition published by ''the Archives'', Amsterdam 1991

              Peter Karbstein - Kunst und Auktionshaus
            • Yves KLEIN (1928-1962) et François POMPON (1855-1933), d’après . Yves KLEIN éditions
              Oct. 26, 2024

              Yves KLEIN (1928-1962) et François POMPON (1855-1933), d’après . Yves KLEIN éditions

              Est: €8,000 - €10,000

              Yves KLEIN (1928-1962) et François POMPON (1855-1933), d’après . Yves KLEIN éditions – Ours Pompon Ours réalisé en résine de 40 cm d’après un moule original de l’Ours blanc de François Pompon – Finition IKB – L’édition porte un numéro individuel 442/999 certifié sous la patte arrière flanc droit – Cloche en plexiglas 49 x 27 x 19 cm Note : Edition numérotée et limitée à 999 exemplaires pour une diffusion mondiale – Certificat d’authenticité avec un numéro individuel certifié du cachet de l’éditeur et signé par les représentants des ayants droit des deux artistes. Cyril Brulé pour l’association François Pompon et par François Roulin pour les Archives Yves Klein – Livret de présentation des deux artistes. *Vendu sur désignation

              Carvajal SVV
            • Yves Klein (1928-1962). Table Monogold TM. 3000 feuilles d'or, plexiglass,
              Oct. 19, 2024

              Yves Klein (1928-1962). Table Monogold TM. 3000 feuilles d'or, plexiglass,

              Est: €12,000 - €18,000

              Yves Klein (1928-1962). Table Monogold TM. 3000 feuilles d'or, plexiglass, verre, bois et pieds en métal chromé 36.2 x 125.1 x 99.7 cm. Conçue en 1961, cette œuvre fait partie d'une édition débutée en 1963 sous la supervision de Rotraut Klein-Moquay d'après un modèle d'Yves Klein.

            • Yves Klein (1928-1962). L'Esclave mourant d'après Michel-Ange (S 20). pigme
              Oct. 19, 2024

              Yves Klein (1928-1962). L'Esclave mourant d'après Michel-Ange (S 20). pigme

              Est: €40,000 - €60,000

              Yves Klein (1928-1962). L'Esclave mourant d'après Michel-Ange (S 20). pigment IKB et résine synthétique sur moulage en plâtre 59 x 18 x 13 cm. Œuvre originale 1962 - Édition multiple posthume 1992; cette œuvre porte le numéro 249 d’une édition de 300 exemplaires et 50 Hors Commerce.

            • Vénus bleue (S41)
              Oct. 18, 2024

              Vénus bleue (S41)

              Est: €80,000 - €120,000

              Yves Klein 1928 - 1962 Vénus bleue (S41) stamped with the artist's name and title VENUS BLEUE de Yves KLEIN and numbered 201/300 on the underside IKB dry pigment and synthetic resin on plaster 66 x 27 x 15 cm; 26 x 10 ⅝ x 5 ⅞ in. Conceived in 1962 and executed posthumously in 1982, this work is number 201 from an edition of 300, plus 50 hors-commerce proofs and 3 artist's proofs. __________________________________________________________________________ Yves Klein 1928 - 1962 Vénus bleue (S41) porte le cachet de l'édition inscrit VENUS BLEUE de Yves KLEIN et numéroté 201/300 sous la jambe droite de la figure pigment IKB et résine synthetique sur platre 66 x 27 x 15 cm; 26 x 10 ⅝ x 5 ⅞ in. Conçue en 1962 et réalisée en 1982, cette oeuvre est le numéro 201 dans une édition de 300 exemplaires plus 50 épreuves hors commerce et 3 épreuves d'artiste.

            • Yves KLEIN
              Oct. 18, 2024

              Yves KLEIN

              Est: €200,000 - €300,000

              Yves KLEIN Monochrome bleu, Sans titre (IKB 265) - 1957 Pigment et résine synthétique sur papier marouflé sur carton Signé et daté en bas à droite « Yves Klein, 57 », dédicacé au dos « A François Dufrêne et Ginette, Yves » 34.0 x 66.3 x 0.0 cm Provenance : Don de l'artiste à Ginette et François Dufrêne Un certificat des Archives Yves Klein, signé par Madame Rotraut Klein Moquay, sera remis à l'acquéreur. Pigment and synthetic resin on paper laid down on cardboard; signed and dated lower right, dedicated on the reverse; 13 ⅜ × 26 ⅛ in. Cette oeuvre est enregistrée dans les Archives Yves Klein sous le n°IKB 265. Yves KLEIN 34.0 x 66.3 x 0.0 cm Pigment and synthetic resin on paper laid down on cardboard; signed and dated lower right, dedicated on the reverse; 13 ⅜ × 26 ⅛ in.

            • Yves Klein, Helena (from the Anthropometries series)
              Oct. 16, 2024

              Yves Klein, Helena (from the Anthropometries series)

              Est: $2,000 - $3,000

              Yves Klein Helena (from the Anthropometries series) 2004 lithograph in colors on Johannot image: 24.75 h x 15 w in (63 x 38 cm) sheet: 30 h x 24.25 w in (76 x 62 cm) Signed and numbered by the artist's wife, Rotraut Klein-Moquay, to verso '36/150 RM' with a certification stamp by Yves Klein Archives. This work is number 36 from the edition of 150. Literature: ANT 61 This work will ship from Lambertville, New Jersey.

              Rago Arts and Auction Center
            • YVES KLEIN (1928-1962). Table IKB®. dry pigment in glass, Plexiglas and chr
              Oct. 15, 2024

              YVES KLEIN (1928-1962). Table IKB®. dry pigment in glass, Plexiglas and chr

              Est: £8,000 - £12,000

              YVES KLEIN (1928-1962). Table IKB®. dry pigment in glass, Plexiglas and chrome-plated legs 15 x 49 3⁄8 x 39 ½in. (38 x 125.3 x 100.3cm.).

            • YVES KLEIN (1928-1962). Sculpture éponge bleue sans titre (SE 287) (Untitle
              Oct. 10, 2024

              YVES KLEIN (1928-1962). Sculpture éponge bleue sans titre (SE 287) (Untitle

              Est: £25,000 - £35,000

              YVES KLEIN (1928-1962). Sculpture éponge bleue sans titre (SE 287) (Untitled Blue Sponge Sculpture.... dry pigment and synthetic resin on natural sponge.

            • Yves Klein (naar)
              Oct. 08, 2024

              Yves Klein (naar)

              Est: €1,500 - €2,500

              Souvenir, sponge gekleurd met IKB (International Klein Blue) en 3 kaartjes (rood/magenta/goud), getiteld en genummerd 149 op het goudkleurige kaartje en met stempelsignatuur (op het blauwe kaartje) zonder orig. perspex box, gemonteerd op een standaard met houten sokkel, H. 19 cm, Postuum itgegeven in 1991 door The Archives, Rotterdam naar aanleiding van een Yves Klein tentoonstelling,

              Venduehuis der Notarissen
              Sep. 28, 2024


              Est: $1,000 - $1,500

              Yves Klein blue pigment on natural sponge. Mounted on brass stand. Sponge measures 4 1/2" x 4 1/2". Stand measures 12" height.

              Antiques & Modern Auction Gallery
            • Klein, Yves (1928 Nizza - Paris 1962)
              Sep. 21, 2024

              Klein, Yves (1928 Nizza - Paris 1962)

              Est: €200 - €240

              Zwei Serigraphien, eine ultramarinblaue Serigraphie und ein goldfoliertes Blatt (je Altersspuren, l. berieben) im Buch "Den inre och den yttre rymden, en utställning rörande universell konst...". Herausgegeben von Bergqvist Lindegren und Karin Hultén. Gruppenausstellungskatalog zu 35 Künstlern (u.a. Max Bill, Enrico Castellani, Piero Dorazio, Lucio Fontana, Don Judd, Piero Manzoni, Otto Piene, Robert Rauschenberg, Frank Stella, Mark Tobey, Günther Uecker, Herman de Vries, etc.) mit zahlreichen, teils farbigen Abbildungen. Stockholm, Moderna Museet, 1965-1966. L. Altersspuren. Schraubenbindung.

            • Yves Klein, Helena (from the Anthropometries series)
              Sep. 04, 2024

              Yves Klein, Helena (from the Anthropometries series)

              Est: $2,000 - $3,000

              Yves Klein Helena (from the Anthropometries series) 2004 lithograph in colors on Johannot image: 25 h x 15.125 w in (63 x 38 cm) sheet: 30 h x 22.375 w in (76 x 57 cm) Signed and numbered to verso by the artist's wife, Rotraut Klein-Moquay '75/150' with a certification stamp by Yves Klein Archives. This work is number 75 from the edition of 150. Literature: ANT 61 This work will ship from Chicago, Illinois.

              Los Angeles Modern Auctions
            • Bundle- 2 Assorted Yves Klein Colorful Posters
              Aug. 15, 2024

              Bundle- 2 Assorted Yves Klein Colorful Posters

              Est: $75 - $125

              This is a bundled assortment of 2 Posters by Yves Klein. Each piece is described as follows: Yves Klein - RE26 - 1994 Offset Lithograph 35.5" x 27.5" Unsigned Offset Lithograph Paper Size: 35.5 x 27.5 inches (90.17 x 69.85cm ) Condition: A: Mint Additional Details: Rare exhibition poster from the series Collection of European Masters, published for the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen by Achenbach Editions. The museum features temporary and permanent exhibitions of German and international art, offering impressive modern installations and interactive displays. The artists whose works you can see displayed at the museum include Kandinsky and Picasso. The permanent exhibitions include works of expressionist and impressionist painters. Yves Klein - Gold Leaf on Panel - 1994 Offset Lithograph 35.5" x 27.5" Unsigned Offset Lithograph Paper Size: 35.5 x 27.5 inches (90.17 x 69.85cm ) Condition: A: Mint Additional Details: Rare exhibition poster from the series Collection of European Masters, published for the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen by Achenbach Editions. The museum features temporary and permanent exhibitions of German and international art, offering impressive modern installations and interactive displays. The artists whose works you can see displayed at the museum include Kandinsky and Picasso. The permanent exhibitions include works of expressionist and impressionist painters.

              DUMBO Auctions
            • Yves Klein - Gold Leaf on Panel - 1994 Offset Lithograph 35.5" x 27.5"
              Aug. 15, 2024

              Yves Klein - Gold Leaf on Panel - 1994 Offset Lithograph 35.5" x 27.5"

              Est: $60 - $90

              "Gold Leaf on Panel" by Yves Klein, 1994 Unsigned Offset Lithograph. Paper size is 35.5 x 27.5 inches, with an image size of 27 x 21.5 inches. The Offset Lithograph is from an edition size of 500 and is not framed. The condition was rated A: Mint. Additional details: Rare exhibition poster from the series Collection of European Masters, published for the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen by Achenbach Editions. The museum features temporary and permanent exhibitions of German and international art, offering impressive modern installations and interactive displays. The artists whose works you can see displayed at the museum include Kandinsky and Picasso. The permanent exhibitions include works of expressionist and impressionist painters.

              DUMBO Auctions
            • Yves Klein - Blue Disk - 1997 Serigraph 31.5" x 23.5"
              Aug. 15, 2024

              Yves Klein - Blue Disk - 1997 Serigraph 31.5" x 23.5"

              Est: $150 - $300

              "Blue Disk" by Yves Klein, 1997 Unsigned Serigraph. Paper size is 31.5 x 23.5 inches, with an image size of 18.5 x 18.5 inches. The Serigraph is from an unknown edition size. and is not framed. The condition was rated A-: Near Mint, very light signs of handling. Additional details: The blue color used is Klein's signature International Klein Blue (IKB), a deep, vibrant ultramarine blue that he famously developed. The overall aesthetic of this poster aligns with Yves Klein's minimalist yet impactful style, capturing the essence of his groundbreaking work in a visually striking manner.

              DUMBO Auctions
            • Yves Klein, Monique (from the Anthropometries series)
              Aug. 14, 2024

              Yves Klein, Monique (from the Anthropometries series)

              Est: $2,000 - $3,000

              Yves Klein Monique (from the Anthropometries series) 2004 lithograph in colors on Johannot image: 21.5 h x 17.5 w in (55 x 44 cm) sheet: 24.125 h x 19.75 w in (61 x 50 cm) Signed and numbered by the artist's wife, Rotraut Klein-Moquay, to verso '237/300' with a certification stamp by Yves Klein Archives. This work is number 237 from the edition of 300. Literature: ANT 57 This work will ship from Chicago, Illinois.

            • Yves Klein, Le Dimanche 27 Novembre 1960
              Aug. 14, 2024

              Yves Klein, Le Dimanche 27 Novembre 1960

              Est: $1,000 - $1,500

              Yves Klein Le Dimanche 27 Novembre 1960 1960 ink on newsprint 21.75 h x 14.875 w in (55 x 38 cm) As a parody of the well-known French newspaper Journal du Dimanche, Klein distributed his version at a press conference at the Galerie Rive Droite and sold it at newsstands alongside the original paper. This work is from the edition of an unknown size printed by Combat and Press de France for the occasion of the third Festival d'Art d'Avant-Garde organized by Jacques Polieri and Michel Ragon. This work will ship from Lambertville, New Jersey.

            • YVES KLEIN 'STAMP BLUE'
              Jul. 27, 2024

              YVES KLEIN 'STAMP BLUE'

              Est: $200 - $300

              Yves Klein (French, 1928-1962) International Klein Blue (IKB) pigment on stamp. Pigment from the artist's studio. Stamp measures approx 32mm x 31mm.

              Antiques & Modern Auction Gallery
            • Yves Klein - Untitled, Coloured Fire Painting (FC17) - 2019 Offset Lithograph 28" x 23.5"
              Jul. 18, 2024

              Yves Klein - Untitled, Coloured Fire Painting (FC17) - 2019 Offset Lithograph 28" x 23.5"

              Est: $325 - $400

              "Untitled, Coloured Fire Painting (FC17)" by Yves Klein, 2019 Unsigned Offset Lithograph. Paper size is 28 x 23.5 inches, with an image size of 26.5 x 23.5 inches. The Offset Lithograph is from an unknown edition size. and is not framed. The condition was rated A-: Near Mint, very light signs of handling. Additional details: Poster created for the Louisiana Museum of Art

              DUMBO Auctions
            • Yves Klein (1928-1962). Table Monogold TM. 3000 gold leaf, Plexiglas, glass
              Jul. 17, 2024

              Yves Klein (1928-1962). Table Monogold TM. 3000 gold leaf, Plexiglas, glass

              Est: $15,000 - $20,000

              Yves Klein (1928-1962). Table Monogold TM. 3000 gold leaf, Plexiglas, glass, wood and chrome-plated legs 14 ¾ x 49 ¼ x 39 ¼ in. (36.2 x 125.1 x 99.7 cm.).

            • YVES KLEIN, YVES KLEIN
              Jul. 17, 2024

              YVES KLEIN, YVES KLEIN

              Est: €150 - €250

              YVES KLEIN (1928 - 1962) Yves Klein 2000 Illustrated monografic catalogue 30,5 x 24 cm Edition Adam Biro Pages 254 Defects

            • Yves Klein (1928-1962)
              Jul. 17, 2024

              Yves Klein (1928-1962)

              Est: £6,000 - £8,000

              'Table Rose', late 20th century Pink pigment, Acrylic, steel Label to underside signed in pen 'R. Klein-Moquay' and with serial no. 'VG-TGXW' 38cm high, 126cm square

            • Yves KLEIN
              Jul. 10, 2024

              Yves KLEIN

              Est: €60,000 - €80,000

              Yves KLEIN ((1928-1962)) Victoire de Samothrace - 1962 Cristal Lalique Signé et daté sur une aile "Y K 62", numéroté et annoté en bas au dos "Lalique France, 40/83" Dimensions du socle : 14 x 21 x 15 cm Un certificat des Archives Klein et Lalique sera remis à l'acquéreur. Lalique crystal; signed and dated on a wing, numbered and inscribed on the back 37 x 25 x 25 cm Yves KLEIN ((1928-1962)) Un certificat des Archives Klein et Lalique sera remis à l'acquéreur. Lalique crystal; signed and dated on a wing, numbered and inscribed on the back 37 x 25 x 25 cm

            • Yves KLEIN
              Jul. 10, 2024

              Yves KLEIN

              Est: €70,000 - €90,000

              Yves KLEIN ((1928-1962)) La Vénus d'Alexandrie (Vénus Bleue, S41) - 1962-82 Pigment IKB sur plâtre dans un emboîtage en plexiglas Monogramme de l'artiste et numéroté en bas d'une jambe "103/300", tampon de la Galerie Bonnier en-dessous "Vénus Bleue de Yves Klein, exemplaire n°103/300" Edition de 300 exemplaires + 3 E.A. + 50 H.C. Edition Galerie Bonnier, Genève Provenance : Galerie Bonnier, Genève Galerie 1900-2000, Paris Acquis directement auprès de cette dernière par l'actuel propriétaire Expositions : Cologne, Museum Ludwig, "Yves Klein", novembre 1994-janvier 1995, reproduit en couleur sous le n°111, p. 247 (un exemplaire similaire) Oslo, Museet for Samtidkunst, "Yves Klein", avril-août 1997, reproduit en couleur sous le n°66, p. 79 (un exemplaire similaire) Exposition itinérante : Tampere (Finlande), Sara Hildén Art Museum, septembre-novembre 1997; Sydney, Museum of Contemporary Art, décembre 1997-mars 1998 Nice, MAMAC, "Yves Klein, La vie, la vie elle-même qui est l'art absolu", avril-septembre 2000, reproduit en couleur pp. 182-183 (un exemplaire similaire) Exposition itinérante : Prato, Museo Pecci, septembre 2000-janvier-2001 (un exemplaire similaire) Lugano, Museo d'Arte di Lugano, "Yves Klein", mai-septembre 2009, reproduit en couleur p. 180 (un exemplaire similaire) Bibliographie : P. Restany, "Yves Klein", Editions du Chêne/Hachette, New York, 1982, reproduit en couleur p. 204 (un exemplaire similaire) "Yves Klein", Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris, 1983, p. 424 (un exemplaire similaire) J-P. Ledeur, "Yves Klein : Catalogue Raisonné des Editions et des Sculptures", Editions Guy Pieters, Knokke, 2000, reproduit en couleur sous la référence Wember S 41, p. 234 (un exemplaire similaire) N. Charlet, "Yves Klein", Paris, 2000, p. 231 (un exemplaire similaire) H. Weitemeier, "Yves Klein 1928-1962 : International Klein Blue", Editions Taschen, 2001, reproduit en couleur p. 25 (un exemplaire similaire) "Marie Raymond - Yves Klein", Musée des Beaux-Arts, Angers, 2004, p. 190 (un exemplaire similaire) IKB pigment on plaster in a plexiglass box; monogram of the artist and numbered lower of one leg, stamped by Galerie Bonnier underneath; edition of 300 + 3 A.P. + 50 H.C. 68 x 30 x 20 cm Yves KLEIN ((1928-1962)) IKB pigment on plaster in a plexiglass box; monogram of the artist and numbered lower of one leg, stamped by Galerie Bonnier underneath; edition of 300 + 3 A.P. + 50 H.C. 68 x 30 x 20 cm

            Lots Per Page: