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László Kézdi-Kovács Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Landscape painter

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  • László Kézdi-Kovács, Kuhhirte
    Aug. 26, 2023

    László Kézdi-Kovács, Kuhhirte

    Est: -

    László Kézdi-Kovács, Kuhhirte Hirte mit gelbem Mantel, Stock und Hütehund mit seiner Kuhherde auf herbstlicher Wiese, Baumkulisse im Hintergrund, etwas pastose, mit flottem Pinselduktus ausgeführte Malerei, Öl auf Karton, um 1900, unten rechts signiert "Kézdi-Kovács", partiell Craqueluren, hinter Glas gerahmt, Falzmaße ca. 33 x 44 cm. Künstlerinfo: ungarischer Maler und Schriftsteller (1864 Alsócikola bis 1942 Budapest), Studium in Budapest, Schüler bei A. Ligeti, 1886 erste Ausstellung mit Landschaften in realistischem Stil, schrieb Gedichte, Novellen, Theaterstücke und Kunstkritiken, Quelle: Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon. László Kézdi-Kovács, Cowherd Herd with yellow coat, stick and herding dog with his herd of cows on an autumnal meadow, tree backdrop in the background, somewhat impasto painting executed with a brisk brushstroke, oil on cardboard, c. 1900, signed lower right "Kézdi-Kovács", partial craquelure, framed behind glass, folding dimensions c. 33 x 44 cm. Artist info: Hungarian painter and writer (1864 Alsócikola to 1942 Budapest), studied in Budapest, pupil of A. Ligeti, 1886 first exhibition with landscapes in realistic style, wrote poems, novellas, plays and art criticism, Source: Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • László Kézdi-Kovács, Kuhhirte
    May. 27, 2023

    László Kézdi-Kovács, Kuhhirte

    Est: -

    László Kézdi-Kovács, Kuhhirte Hirte mit gelbem Mantel, Stock und Hütehund mit seiner Kuhherde auf herbstlicher Wiese, Baumkulisse im Hintergrund, etwas pastose, mit flottem Pinselduktus ausgeführte Malerei, Öl auf Karton, um 1900, unten rechts signiert "Kézdi-Kovács", partiell Craqueluren, hinter Glas gerahmt, Falzmaße ca. 33 x 44 cm. Künstlerinfo: ungarischer Maler und Schriftsteller (1864 Alsócikola bis 1942 Budapest), Studium in Budapest, Schüler bei A. Ligeti, 1886 erste Ausstellung mit Landschaften in realistischem Stil, schrieb Gedichte, Novellen, Theaterstücke und Kunstkritiken, Quelle: Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon. László Kézdi-Kovács, Cowherd Herd with yellow coat, stick and herding dog with his herd of cows on an autumnal meadow, tree backdrop in the background, somewhat impasto painting executed with a brisk brushstroke, oil on cardboard, c. 1900, signed lower right "Kézdi-Kovács", partial craquelure, framed behind glass, folding dimensions c. 33 x 44 cm. Artist info: Hungarian painter and writer (1864 Alsócikola to 1942 Budapest), studied in Budapest, pupil of A. Ligeti, 1886 first exhibition with landscapes in realistic style, wrote poems, novellas, plays and art criticism, Source: Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • László Kézdi-Kovács, Pflügende ungarische Bauern
    May. 27, 2023

    László Kézdi-Kovács, Pflügende ungarische Bauern

    Est: -

    László Kézdi-Kovács, Pflügende ungarische Bauern weite Landschaft mit Bauern beim Pflügen, mit ungarischen Steppenrindern, die sich durch ihre besonders großen Hörner auszeichnen, kaum pastose, stimmungsvolle Landschaftsmalerei in gedeckter Farbigkeit, Öl auf Faserplatte, um 1900, unten links signiert "Kézdi-Kovács.", gerahmt, Craqueluren, reinigungsbedürftig, Falzmaße ca. 35,5 x 45,5 cm. Künstlerinfo: ungarischer Maler und Schriftsteller (1864 Alsócikola bis 1942 Budapest), Studium in Budapest, Schüler bei A. Ligeti, 1886 erste Ausstellung mit Landschaften in realistischem Stil, schrieb Gedichte, Novellen, Theaterstücke und Kunstkritiken, Quelle: Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon. László Kézdi-Kovács, Ploughing Hungarian Peasants wide landscape with peasants ploughing, with Hungarian steppe cattle distinguished by their particularly large horns, barely impasto, atmospheric landscape painting in muted colours, oil on fibreboard, c. 1900, signed lower left "Kézdi-Kovács.", framed, craquelures, in need of cleaning, folding dimensions c. 35.5 x 45.5 cm. Artist info: Hungarian painter and writer (1864 Alsócikola to 1942 Budapest), studied in Budapest, pupil of A. Ligeti, 1886 first exhibition with landscapes in realistic style, wrote poems, novellas, plays and art criticism, Source: Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
    Jun. 11, 2022


    Est: $100 - $150

    Laszlo Kezdi-Kovacs, 1864-1942, Hungarian artist. Oil on board painting depicting a forest pond during late summer or autumn. Signed in the lower left. Canvas mat, golden frame. European Landscape Art For Collectors.

    Antique Arena Inc
  • Kézdi-Kovács László (1864-1972): Fishing Boats in Fano, 1907
    Jun. 02, 2022

    Kézdi-Kovács László (1864-1972): Fishing Boats in Fano, 1907

    Est: Ft340,000 - Ft440,000

    Kézdi-Kovács László (1864-1972): Fishing Boats in Fano, 1907; oil on canvas; 55 x 73 cm; Signed right below: Kézdi Kovács L. Fano 907

    Bodo Gallery and Auction House
    May. 07, 2022


    Est: $100 - $150

    Laszlo Kezdi-Kovacs, 1864-1942, Hungarian artist. Oil on board painting depicting a forest pond during late summer or autumn. Signed in the lower left. Canvas mat, golden frame. European Landscape Art For Collectors.

    Antique Arena Inc
  • LASZLO KEZDI-KOVACS (Hungarian. 1864-1942)
    Jun. 05, 2021

    LASZLO KEZDI-KOVACS (Hungarian. 1864-1942)

    Est: $400 - $600

    Forest Stream. Signed l/r, the reverse with label. Oil on Canvas. 13 by 16.5 in., 17.5 by 21 in.

    Auction Gallery of the Palm Beaches
  • LASZLO KEZDI-KOVACS (Hungarian. 1864-1942)
    Jun. 05, 2021

    LASZLO KEZDI-KOVACS (Hungarian. 1864-1942)

    Est: $150 - $300

    Aspen Stand. Signed l/l. artist plate, the reverse with label, export seal. Oil on Canvas. 20 by 26 in., overall 32 by 37 in.

    Auction Gallery of the Palm Beaches
    Jan. 17, 2021


    Est: $100 - $200

    Framed print, Romantic Landscape with Girl, signed in print lower right Kezdi-Kovacs (Laszlo Kezdi Kovacs, Hungarian, 1864-1942), sight: 23.5"h, 29.5"w, overall: 32"h, 38"w Start Price: $80.00

    Austin Auction Gallery
    May. 17, 2020


    Est: $400 - $600

    KEZDI-KOVACS, Laszlo, (Hungarian, 1864-1942): Misty River Landscape, Oil/Canvas, 23'' x 31'', signed lower left, framed, 27.5'' x 35.25''.

    Burchard Galleries Inc
  • László Kézdi-Kovács: Birch
    Nov. 15, 2018

    László Kézdi-Kovács: Birch

    Est: -

    Laszlo Kezdi-Kovacs (1864-1942): Birch, oil on canvas, 51,5 x 60,5 cm, Signed right below: Kézdi-Kovács L. 1914

    Bodo Gallery and Auction House
  • Laszlo Kezdi-Kovacs (1864-1942), MAN DAYDREAMING STANDING UNDER A TREE, Oil on canvas; signed lower left, 25" x 19.25" — 63.5 x 48.9 cm.
    Jan. 26, 2017

    Laszlo Kezdi-Kovacs (1864-1942), MAN DAYDREAMING STANDING UNDER A TREE, Oil on canvas; signed lower left, 25" x 19.25" — 63.5 x 48.9 cm.

    Est: -

    LASZLO KEZDI-KOVACS (1864-1942), HUNGARIANMAN DAYDREAMING STANDING UNDER A TREEOil on canvas; signed lower left25" x 19.25" — 63.5 x 48.9 cm.Estimate: $400—600

  • Laszlo Kezdi-Kovacs (1864-1942), Hungarian
    Jul. 11, 2013

    Laszlo Kezdi-Kovacs (1864-1942), Hungarian

    Est: $600 - $800

    Laszlo Kezdi-Kovacs (1864-1942), Hungarian STANDING BY THE RIVER AT SUNSET; Oil on canvas; signed lower left 25" x 19.25" - 63.5 x 48.9 cm.

  • KEZDI-KOVACS LASZLO hungarian (1864-1942) LANDSCAPE WITH TREES, , Signed lower right. Oil on canvas. 19 x 27 in.
    Jan. 11, 2006

    KEZDI-KOVACS LASZLO hungarian (1864-1942) LANDSCAPE WITH TREES, , Signed lower right. Oil on canvas. 19 x 27 in.

    Est: $150 - $250

    KEZDI-KOVACS LASZLO hungarian (1864-1942) LANDSCAPE WITH TREES Signed lower right. Oil on canvas. 19 x 27 in.

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