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Ludwig Kainer Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Illustrator, b. 1885 - d. 1967

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  • LUDWIG KAINER 1885-1967 Plakate 1913
    Mar. 05, 2025

    LUDWIG KAINER 1885-1967 Plakate 1913

    Est: €850 - €1,000

    Litografia a colori, senza indicazione dello stampatore.  Qualità: B. Telato.  68,40 x 93,60 cm - Color lithograph, printer unknown.  Condition: B. Backed on linen.  26.93 x 36.85 in.

    Aste Bolaffi
    Jan. 16, 2025


    Est: $300 - $500

    Original German 1919 election poster for the Social Democratic Party of Germany, artwork by Ludwig Kainer (1885-1967), reads in German 'Girls and Women out of the Darkness!' 19.25 x 28.25 inches, 9-inch tear on the top margin repaired on the reverse, some other minor tears repaired on the reverse.

    Fairhill Auction LLC
  • Kainer, Ludwig
    Sep. 27, 2024

    Kainer, Ludwig

    Est: €1,600 - €2,400

    (1885 München - Paris 1967). 6 Kleinplakate. Gert, Valeska. - Kainer, Ludwig. Valeska Gert. Groteske Tänze. Theatersaal d. Hochschule f. Musik. Kleinplakat. Original-Lithographie von 2 Steinen. 27 x 20 cm. Berlin, Dinse & Eckert, 1917. Das populärste Plakat der Berliner Schauspielerin, Kabarettistin, Pantomimin und bedeutenden Vertreterin des Modernen Tanzes Valeska Gert (1892-1978), das der Zeichner, Maler, Illustrator, Filmarchitekt und Kostümbildner Ludwig Kainer (1885-1967) für eine Vorstellung am Mittwoch, den 10. Oktober und Dienstag, den 16. Oktober 1917, jeweils um 8 Uhr entworfen hat. - In leuchtendem Orangedruck. - Weiterhin dabei: Monna Vanna. 1917. - Die Hochzeit im Exzentric-Club. 1917. Der Knute entflohen. 1917. - Max Landa Mia May. - Graf Dohna's zweite Kreuzfahrt. 1913. - Alle sehr selten und gut erhalten. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Ludwig KAINER (1885-1967) Kunstmappe "Russisches Ballet" (1913), komplett mit 14 Grafiken, dies Nr. 37/250, tw. handcoloriert, Einband Gebrauchsspuren, einige Blätter auch leichte Läsuren am Rand bzw. leicht fleckig, 52x38 cm
    Aug. 30, 2024

    Ludwig KAINER (1885-1967) Kunstmappe "Russisches Ballet" (1913), komplett mit 14 Grafiken, dies Nr. 37/250, tw. handcoloriert, Einband Gebrauchsspuren, einige Blätter auch leichte Läsuren am Rand bzw. leicht fleckig, 52x38 cm

    Est: -

    Ludwig KAINER (1885-1967) Kunstmappe "Russisches Ballet" (1913), komplett mit 14 Grafiken, dies Nr. 37/250, tw. handcoloriert, Einband Gebrauchsspuren, einige Blätter auch leichte Läsuren am Rand bzw. leicht fleckig, 52x38 cm

    Auktionshalle Cuxhaven
  • Ludwig Kainer (1885 - 1967) "Russisches ballet" 1913
    Dec. 18, 2023

    Ludwig Kainer (1885 - 1967) "Russisches ballet" 1913

    Est: €150 - €200

    Map met 8 handgekleurde litho's en 6 lichtdrukken, genummerd 61/250, gedrukt bij Kurt Wolff, Leipzig - 1 lichtdruk manco, 3 litho's verkleurd omdat ze ooit waren ingelijst, met handgeschreven opdracht op de map uit 1932. B x cm

    Veilinghuis Onder de Boompjes
  • Ludwig Kainer (1885-1967)
    Oct. 12, 2023

    Ludwig Kainer (1885-1967)

    Est: €50 - €100

    Ludwig Kainer (1885-1967) “Violiste”, gesigneerd en gedateerd '88 l.o.

    Vendu Rotterdam
  • Ludwig Kainer (1885 - 1967) "Russisches ballet" 1913
    Sep. 25, 2023

    Ludwig Kainer (1885 - 1967) "Russisches ballet" 1913

    Est: €300 - €500

    Map met 8 handgekleurde litho's en 6 lichtdrukken, genummerd 61/250, gedrukt bij Kurt Wolff, Leipzig - 1 lichtdruk manco, 3 litho's verkleurd omdat ze ooit waren ingelijst, met handgeschreven opdracht op de map uit 1932. B x cm

    Veilinghuis Onder de Boompjes
  • Das Urteil des Arztes. 1914.
    Nov. 13, 2022

    Das Urteil des Arztes. 1914.

    Est: $1,700 - $2,000

    ARTIST: LUDWIG KAINER (1885-1967) SIZE: 43 1/8 x 58 3/8 in./109.5 x 148.2 cm PRINTER: Dinse, Eckert & Co., Berlin DESCRIPTION: Although no information exists on this German film, Kainer gives us a sense of the action: the male protagonist, played by Albert Bassermann, is clearly smitten with the sharply dressed lady, played by Elsa Bassermann. But she doesn’t seem to return the affection. Surely, this Berlin film was a silent era romance drama. Rare! (Art Nouveau; Film; German)

    Poster Auctions International Inc
  • LUDWIG KAINER (1885-1967). PORGY UND BESS / OPER VON GERSHWIN. 1950. 50¼x36 inches, 127½x91½ cm. Wolfsberg, Zurich.
    Feb. 24, 2022

    LUDWIG KAINER (1885-1967). PORGY UND BESS / OPER VON GERSHWIN. 1950. 50¼x36 inches, 127½x91½ cm. Wolfsberg, Zurich.

    Est: $400 - $600

    LUDWIG KAINER (1885-1967) PORGY UND BESS / OPER VON GERSHWIN. 1950. 50 1/4x36 inches, 127 1/2x91 1/2 cm. Wolfsberg, Zurich. Condition A-: repaired tears at bottom edge, one into lower text; minor restoration at edges and along horizontal fold.

    Swann Auction Galleries
  • Kainer, Ludwig (1885 München-Paris 1967)
    Dec. 11, 2021

    Kainer, Ludwig (1885 München-Paris 1967)

    Est: €100 - €120

    Art Deco-Bühnenbildentwurf mit zwei Tänzerinnen. Aquarell/Bleistift/Papier (Altersspuren), re. u. mit Bleistift sign. Sichtmaß 20x 26,5 cm. Auf PP. montiert, Rahmen (etwas defekt).

  • Kainer, Ludwig (1885 München-Paris 1967)
    Dec. 11, 2021

    Kainer, Ludwig (1885 München-Paris 1967)

    Est: €100 - €120

    Art Deco-Tänzer (wohl Vaslav Nijinsky). Aquarell/Feder und Goldfarbe auf bräunlichem Papier (Altersspuren), re. u. mit Bleistift sign. Sichtmaß 27x 20 cm. PP.

  • Beautiful Old Original Ballet Poster German 1920s
    Dec. 05, 2020

    Beautiful Old Original Ballet Poster German 1920s

    Est: $1,200 - $1,600

    Kainer, Ludwig 1885 - 1967. Petz - Kainer Ballett. Lithograph ca. 1920. Size: 27.5 x 37.7 in. (70 x 96 cm). Printer: Dinse & Eckart, Berlin. Condition Details: (B) was folded, on linen, professionally restored losses in the areas between the hands, the hair and in the right third of the poster, restoration well done

    PosterConnection Inc.
  • Print Portfolio, Ludwig Kainer
    Nov. 15, 2020

    Print Portfolio, Ludwig Kainer

    Est: $700 - $1,000

    Ludwig Kainer (German, 1885-1967), "Ballet Russe," portfolio of ten lithographs with hand coloring, published by Kurt Verlag, edition 27/230, each sheet has edition number lower left, overall (with porfolio case): 20.75"h x 15"w

    Clars Auctions
  • Ludwig Kainer (1885-1967), mi
    Jun. 13, 2020

    Ludwig Kainer (1885-1967), mi

    Est: -

    Ludwig Kainer (1885-1967), mixed lot of four color lithographs with various costume designs, watercolor, u. re. signed, u. left num. Ex. 190, 23 x 32 cm, behind PP 40 x 31 cm

    Historia Auctionata
  • Es Werde Licht. 1918.
    Jun. 23, 2019

    Es Werde Licht. 1918.

    Est: $1,700 - $2,000

    ARTIST: LUDWIG KAINER (1885-1967) SIZE: 37 3/8 x 56 in./95 x 142 cm DESCRIPTION: In post-World War I Germany, concerns about sexual needs and dangers captivated many—particularly, Jewish practitioners inspired by the new Sexualwissenschaft, or sexology. The German army realized the opportunity for propaganda and educative films to share medical facts, but more importantly, alert soldiers and their families to the dangers of sexual disease. And so, in 1916 the aptly named German Society for Combating Venereal Disease commissioned Richard Oswald to direct the film "Es werde Licht!" ("Let There Be Light!")—which we believe to be the first ever sex-ed film. Two sequels followed, and Ludwig Kainer was asked to design this poster for part two—it's a bit more titillating than the film's content, but worked to draw in curious viewers. It's also interesting to note the complex history regarding this poster and its maker: first, this was part of the Hans Sachs collection, which was the largest poster collection in Germany until its seizure during Kristallnacht in 1938. To boot, Kainer had his own extensive collection of works by famous artists, which was also seized during World War II. After Christie's auctioned an $11 million Degas painting attributed to the Kainer heirs in 2009, the jig was up: Swiss bank officials had secretly created a foundation to manage and sell these works without ever notifying the family of their dealings—or even of the collection's existence. After many legal battles, the family has finally secured the inheritance of Ludwig Kainer. (Art Nouveau; Film; German; Jewish Interest)

    Poster Auctions International Inc
  • LUDWIG KAINER (1885-1967). DAS URTEIL DES ARZTES. 1914. 59x42 inches, 150x108 cm. Dinse, Eckert & Co., Berlin.
    Aug. 02, 2017

    LUDWIG KAINER (1885-1967). DAS URTEIL DES ARZTES. 1914. 59x42 inches, 150x108 cm. Dinse, Eckert & Co., Berlin.

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    LUDWIG KAINER (1885-1967) DAS URTEIL DES ARZTES. 1914. 59x42 3/4 inches, 150x108 1/2 cm. Dinse, Eckert & Co., Berlin. Condition B+: repaired tears, creases and abrasions in margins and along horizontal folds.

    Swann Auction Galleries
  • Beautiful Old Original Ballet Poster German 1920s
    Apr. 29, 2017

    Beautiful Old Original Ballet Poster German 1920s

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    Artist: Kainer, Ludwig 1885 - 1967. Petz - Kainer Ballett. Technique: Lithograph ca. 1920. Size: 27.5 x 37.7 in. (70 x 96 cm). Printer: Dinse & Eckart, Berlin. Condition Details: (B) was folded, on linen, professionally restored losses in the areas between the hands, the hair and in the right third of the poster, restoration well done. Estimate: $2500. Reserve / Starting Price: $1500.

    PosterConnection Inc.
  • Original 1910s German Expressionist Art Poster KAINER
    Mar. 03, 2015

    Original 1910s German Expressionist Art Poster KAINER

    Est: $100 - $500

    Kainer, Ludwig 1885 - 1967. Juryfreie Kunstausstellung. Letterpress Print ca. 1919. Size: 27.9 x 18.8 in. (71 x 48 cm). Printer: no information. Condition Details: (B+) on Japan paper, small tears, minor staining and tiny repaired losses at the edges,.

    PosterConnection Inc.
  • Das Kind. ca. 1914
    May. 04, 2014

    Das Kind. ca. 1914

    Est: $2,000 - $2,500

    Artist: LUDWIG KAINER (1885-1967) Size: 42 1/8 x 58 1/4 in./107 x 148 cm Echert, Berlin As titles of silent films were frequently changed as they toured Europe and America, it is difficult to determine what the original title of this movie distributed by Pathé was. It doesn't really matter, however, as the design is one of Kainer's most touching and intimate - a sweet show of domestic affection amongst husband, wife, and child on a magenta divan.

    Poster Auctions International Inc
  • * Kainer (Ludwig, 1885-1967). Carnaval, c. 1910,
    Jul. 17, 2013

    * Kainer (Ludwig, 1885-1967). Carnaval, c. 1910,

    Est: £100 - £150

    * Kainer (Ludwig, 1885-1967). Carnaval, c. 1910, pencil and black ink with watercolour on thin wove paper, signed and titled to lower margin, a sketch book sheet with serrated top margin, torn with a little loss to upper outer corners, sheet size 26 x 21cm (10.25 x 8.25ins) (1)

    Dominic Winter Auctions
  • Kainer, Ludwig, geb. 1885 München, wirkte als
    Oct. 20, 2012

    Kainer, Ludwig, geb. 1885 München, wirkte als

    Est: -

    Kainer, Ludwig, geb. 1885 München, wirkte als Prof. in Berlin, hier: Die Damen des Komitees vor ihren Zuhörerinnen, Aquarell, monogr., ca. 15x29.5cm, im PP. == kein Aufgeld

    Henry's Auktionshaus
  • Ludwig Kainer (German, 1885-1967)
    Mar. 04, 2012

    Ludwig Kainer (German, 1885-1967)

    Est: $200 - $400

    Ludwig Kainer (German, 1885-1967) "The Aviator", watercolor and gouache on paper, signed and dated lower right "Kainer 10", sight 19" x 15-3/4". Glazed, attractively matted and framed.

    New Orleans Auction Galleries
  • Ludwig Kainer (German, 1885-1967)
    Oct. 01, 2011

    Ludwig Kainer (German, 1885-1967)

    Est: $400 - $700

    < b > Ludwig Kainer (German, 1885-1967) < /b > "The Aviator", watercolor and gouache on paper, signed and dated lower right "Kainer 10", sight 19" x 15-3/4". Glazed, attractively matted and framed.

    New Orleans Auction Galleries
  • Ludwig Kainer (German, 1885-1967)
    Oct. 01, 2011

    Ludwig Kainer (German, 1885-1967)

    Est: $400 - $700

    < b > Ludwig Kainer (German, 1885-1967) < /b > "Dressing for a Bal Masque", gouache on paper in grisaille, signed upper left "Kainer", sight 19-1/2" x 15-3/4". Glazed, matted and framed.

    New Orleans Auction Galleries
  • Original 1919 German Jury Free Art Poster Plakat
    Sep. 25, 2010

    Original 1919 German Jury Free Art Poster Plakat

    Est: €200 - €300

    Kainer, Ludwig 1885 - 1967 Juryfreie Kunstausstellung Buchdruck/Letterpress Print ca. 1919 27.9 x 18.8 in. (71 x 48 cm) Printer: Keine Info/no information Details: (B/B+) aJ, diagonaler Knick links oben, kleine Einrisse und winzige Verluste überarbeitet

    Jörg Weigelt Auktionen
  • Original 1919 German Ballet Gavrilov Poster Plakat
    Sep. 25, 2010

    Original 1919 German Ballet Gavrilov Poster Plakat

    Est: €320 - €600

    Kainer, Ludwig 1885 - 1967 Kammer-Ballet Gavrilov Lithographie 1919 53.5 x 37 in. (136 x 94 cm) Printer: Eckert, Berlin Details: (B+) wg, aJ, war in zwei Teilen, Einrisse an den Faltstellen, kleine Ausrisse fachgerecht bearbeitet, etwas fleckig, nicht sign.

    Jörg Weigelt Auktionen
  • [ Poster ]
    Sep. 20, 2008

    [ Poster ]

    Est: €600 - €1,000

    Kainer, Ludwig 1885 - 1967:Kammer-Ballet Gavrilov: Druck: Eckert, Berlin(B+) wg, aJ, war in zwei Teilen, Einrisse an den Faltstellen, kleine Ausrisse fachgerecht bearbeitet, etwas fleckig, nicht sign.: : 1919: 136 x 94 cm

    Jörg Weigelt Auktionen
  • Ludwig Kainer (1885-1967 German)
    Jul. 24, 2007

    Ludwig Kainer (1885-1967 German)

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    the bather, signed and dated lower left: Kainer 11, mixed media on paper under glass, sight size: 19.5 H x 13 W, est:$800/1200. Provenance: Property belonging to the Conservatorship of the Collection of Colonel Paul and Alice Deems, Los Feliz, CA

    John Moran Auctioneers
  • Ludwig Kainer (1885-1967 German)
    Jul. 24, 2007

    Ludwig Kainer (1885-1967 German)

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    the massage, signed and dated lower right: Kainer 11, mixed media on paper under glass, sight size: 21 H x 19.25 W, est:$800/1200. Provenance: Property belonging to the Conservatorship of the Collection of Colonel Paul and Alice Deems, Los Feliz, CA

    John Moran Auctioneers
  • Ludwig Kainer (1885-1967 German)
    Jul. 24, 2007

    Ludwig Kainer (1885-1967 German)

    Est: $600 - $800

    dressing for a Bal Masque, signed upper left: Kainer, gouache on paper en grisaille under glass, image size: 18.75 H x 14.5 W, est:$600/800. Provenance: Property belonging to the Conservatorship of the Collection of Colonel Paul and Alice Deems, Los Feliz, CA

    John Moran Auctioneers
  • Ludwig Kainer (1885-1967 German)
    Jul. 24, 2007

    Ludwig Kainer (1885-1967 German)

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    the aviator, signed and dated lower right: Kainer 10, watercolor and gouache on paper under glass, sight size: 19 H x 15.75 W, est:$1000/1500. Provenance: Property belonging to the Conservatorship of the Collection of Colonel Paul and Alice Deems, Los Feliz, CA

    John Moran Auctioneers
  • KAINER, Ludwig (b.1885)
    Feb. 08, 2001

    KAINER, Ludwig (b.1885)

    Est: $725 - $1,015

    PETZ KAINER BALLET lithograph in colours, printed by Dinse & Eckert, Berlin, condition B-; pierced plastic tape along right hand margin 56 x 371/2in. (142 x 95cm.).

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