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Carl Jörres Sold at Auction Prices


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  • CARL JÖRRES (1872-1947), SUMMERY
    Apr. 16, 2024

    CARL JÖRRES (1872-1947), SUMMERY

    Est: -

    Carl Jörres (1872-1947), Summery scene on the Outer Alster in Impressionist style, oil on canvas, signed lower right, 30 x 40 cm, framed 41 x 51 cm

    Historia Auctionata
  • CARL JÖRRES (1870 Bremen - 1947 ebenda)
    Mar. 03, 2024

    CARL JÖRRES (1870 Bremen - 1947 ebenda)

    Est: €350 - €700

    Öl auf Leinwand, "Sommerlicher Hof", unten rechts signiert "C. Jörres", ca. 71x80,5cm, in Prunkrahmen (90x98cm), Firnis, gebräunt, Rahmen mehrfach bestoßen

    Auktionshaus Rotherbaum OHG
  • Carl Jörres
    May. 13, 2023

    Carl Jörres

    Est: €700 - €1,400

    (1870 Bremen - 1947 Lilienthal) "Studie vom 'Bremer Vulkan'". Originaltitel Impressionistische, in pastosem Duktus angelegte Komposition mit Darstellung des ehemaligen Werftgeländes der Bremer Vulkan AG. Jörres war Schüler bei Fritz Overbeck in Worpswede und Bröcken und u.a. bei Hermann Groeber in München. Öl/Malpappe. L. u. sign.; Verso (orts-)bez. und betitelt. 38,7 cm x 47,3 cm. Rahmen. Oil on cardboard. Signed. Inscribed with artist, location "Lilienthal" and title on the reverse.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
    Apr. 01, 2023


    Est: -

    Jörres, Carl. 1870 - Bremen - 1947. boats at the jetty framed oil/canvas, signed lower right C.Jörres, 70,5 x 79,5 cm, framed 78 x 88,5 cm Jörres, Carl. 1870 - Bremen - 1947. Boote am Anleger. Öl/Lwd., u. re. sign. C.Jörres, 70,5 x 79,5 cm, ger. 78 x 88,5 cm

    Historia Auctionata
    Apr. 01, 2023


    Est: -

    Jörres, Carl. 1870 - Bremen - 1947. birches at the moor ditch in the autumn sun. Oil/canvas, signed lower right C. Jörres, 48.5 x 59 cm, framed 65 x 74 cm. Jörres, Carl. 1870 - Bremen - 1947. Birken am Moorgraben in der Herbstsonne. Öl/Lwd., u. re. sign. C. Jörres, 48,5 x 59 cm, ger. 65 x 74 cm.

    Historia Auctionata
  • Carl JÖRRES (1872-1947), Weidende Kühe, Öl auf Malkartonage.
    Dec. 09, 2022

    Carl JÖRRES (1872-1947), Weidende Kühe, Öl auf Malkartonage.

    Est: -

    Carl JÖRRES (1872-1947), Weidende Kühe, Öl auf Malkartonage, u. re. sign., Maße: 33 x 44 cm, Rahmen. Leicht gedunkelt.

    Auktionshaus Königstein GmbH
  • Carl JÖRRES (1872-1947), Weidende Kühe, Öl auf Malkartonage.
    Sep. 16, 2022

    Carl JÖRRES (1872-1947), Weidende Kühe, Öl auf Malkartonage.

    Est: -

    Carl JÖRRES (1872-1947), Weidende Kühe, Öl auf Malkartonage, u. re. sign., Maße: 33 x 44 cm, Rahmen. Leicht gedunkelt.

    Auktionshaus Königstein GmbH
  • Jörres, Carl. 1872 Bremen - 19
    Apr. 02, 2022

    Jörres, Carl. 1872 Bremen - 19

    Est: -

    Jörres, Carl. 1872 Bremen - 1947 Lilienthal. Field path lined with birch trees. Oil/canvas, signed lower right C. Jörres, 66 x 80 cm, framed 83 x 98 cm.

    Historia Auctionata
  • Carl Jörres
    Sep. 05, 2021

    Carl Jörres

    Est: -

    (1870 Bremen - 1947 Lilienthal) An der Wümme In rötliches Abendlicht getauchte Landschaft mit Pappeln am Ufer der Wümme nahe Ritterhude. Öl/Karton; L. 44 cm x 60 cm. Rahmen. Oil on cardboard.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Carl Jörres, Sommer am Kanal
    Nov. 21, 2020

    Carl Jörres, Sommer am Kanal

    Est: -

    Carl Jörres, Sommer am Kanal Blick entlang eines kleinen, von Bäumen und Buschwerk bewachsenen Kanals, kraftvolle, pastose Landschaftsmalerei in freundlicher Farbigkeit, Öl auf Leinwand, um 1920, rechts unten signiert „C. Jörres“, etwas reinigungsbedürftig, gerahmt, Falzmaße ca. 54 x 59,5 cm. Künstlerinfo: dt. Landschaftsmaler (1870 Bremen bis 1947 Bremen), um 1893 unternahm er zwei Studienreisen, die ihn unter anderem nach Budapest und Neapel führten, ca. 1904–1909 Schüler der privaten Kunstschule Moritz Heymann in München, 1905–06 Schüler von Fritz Overbeck, ab 1919 in Lilienthal tätig, Soldat im 1. Weltkrieg, unterrichtete an der Staatlichen Kunstgewerbeschule in Bremen, 1927 Heirat mit der Malerin Henny Scholz, ab 1933 regelmäßige Aufenthalte an der Ostseeküste, Mitglied im Bremer Künstlerbund, Vereinigung Nordwestdeutscher Künstler, im Reichsverband Bildender Künstler Deutschlands und in der Wirtschaftlichen Vereinigung Worpsweder Künstler, Quelle: Vollmer und Wikipedia.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • Jörres, Carl. 1870 - Bremen -
    Sep. 26, 2020

    Jörres, Carl. 1870 - Bremen -

    Est: -

    Jörres, Carl. 1870 - Bremen - 1947. Sommerlandschaft. Öl/Lwd., u. re. sign. C. Jörres, 26 x 40 cm, ger. 39 x 52 cm

  • Jörres, Carl. 1870 -
    Oct. 19, 2019

    Jörres, Carl. 1870 -

    Est: -

    Jörres, Carl. 1870 - Bremen - 1947. ''In den Dünen von Langeoog''. Öl/fester Karton, u. re. sign. Jörres, verso von späterer Hand betitelt sowie bez., 35,8 x 45,5 cm, ger. 50 x 59,6 cm.- 1932-1939 zog es Jörres im Sommer mit seiner Familie regelmäßig auf die Insel Langeoog. Dort entstanden Gemälde in zurückgenommenem Duktus und gedämpfter Farbigkeit - die rote Badekappe des Mädchens auf den Dünen als Farbtupfer ist eine Reminiszenz an seine vom Impressionismus beeinflußten, in leuchtender Farbigkeit vibrierenden Landschaftsgemälde.

  • Jörres, Carl. 1870 -
    Oct. 19, 2019

    Jörres, Carl. 1870 -

    Est: -

    Jörres, Carl. 1870 - Bremen - 1947. ''Trüber Tag auf Langeoog''. Um 1935. Öl/fester Karton, u. re. sign. C. Jörres, verso von späterer Hand betitelt sowie neuerer bez. Trüber Tag an der Nordsee (Blick von den Dünen), 34,7 x 49,5 cm, ger. 54 x 68,5 cm.- Vgl. Carl Jörres 1870 - 1947. Sommer, Sand und Meer. Die Lageooger Bilder 1932 - 1939, Ausst. Kat. Galerie Cohrs Zirus, Worpswede 2001, Abb. 21

  • Jörres, Carl. 1870 -
    Oct. 19, 2019

    Jörres, Carl. 1870 -

    Est: -

    Jörres, Carl. 1870 - Bremen - 1947. Heuernte. Öl/Lwd., u. re. sign. C. Jörres, 51 x 62 cm, ger. 66 x 77 cm

  • Jörres, Carl. 1870 -
    Oct. 19, 2019

    Jörres, Carl. 1870 -

    Est: -

    Jörres, Carl. 1870 - Bremen - 1947. Herbstliche Landschaft. Öl/Platte, u. re. sign. C. Jörres, verschmutzt, 32 x 39 cm, ger. 44 x 50 cm

  • Jörres, Carl. 1870 -
    Oct. 19, 2019

    Jörres, Carl. 1870 -

    Est: -

    Jörres, Carl. 1870 - Bremen - 1947. Abendstimmung. Öl/fester Karton, u. re. sign. C. Jörres, verso mit Blstft. betitelt und bez. Lillenthal Bremen sowie Ausstellungs-Etikett der Worpsweder Kunsthalle Friedrich Netzel (ohne Jahr), 32 x 39 cm, ger. 44 x 50 cm.

  • Jörres, Carl. 1870 -
    Oct. 19, 2019

    Jörres, Carl. 1870 -

    Est: -

    Jörres, Carl. 1870 - Bremen - 1947. Sommerlandschaft unter weitem Wolkenhimmel. Vor 1943. Öl/Lwd., u. re. sign. C. Jörres, verso auf Keilrahmen Etikett Vereinigung der Nordwestdeutschen Kunstler und Angaben zur Ausstellungen 1943 im Landesmuseum Hannover und Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, 63 x 76 cm, ger. 78,5 x 93 cm

  • Carl Jorres (1872-1947)
    Jun. 02, 2018

    Carl Jorres (1872-1947)

    Est: $700 - $900

    Artist: Carl Jorres. Signature: Lower right margin. Artwork: 25 x 31 inches. Frame: 36 3/4 x 42 1/4 inches. Medium: Oil on canvas.

    Turner Auctions + Appraisals
  • Carl Jorres (1872-1947)
    Nov. 18, 2017

    Carl Jorres (1872-1947)

    Est: $700 - $900

    Artist: Carl Jorres Signature: Lower right margin Artwork: 25 x 31  inches Frame: 36 3/4 x 42 1/4 inches Medium: Oil on canvas

    Turner Auctions + Appraisals
  • Jörres, Carl. 1870 - Bremen - 1947. Landschaft. Öl/Malkarton. Signiert u. re. C.Jörres. 32 x 41,5 cm / R. 46 x 56 cm.- Weiter Blick in die abendliche Landschaft mit blühendem Heidegras.
    Nov. 12, 2016

    Jörres, Carl. 1870 - Bremen - 1947. Landschaft. Öl/Malkarton. Signiert u. re. C.Jörres. 32 x 41,5 cm / R. 46 x 56 cm.- Weiter Blick in die abendliche Landschaft mit blühendem Heidegras.

    Est: -

    Jörres, Carl. 1870 - Bremen - 1947. Landschaft. Öl/Malkarton. Signiert u. re. C.Jörres. 32 x 41,5 cm / R. 46 x 56 cm.- Weiter Blick in die abendliche Landschaft mit blühendem Heidegras.

  • Carl Jörres (1872-1947) Waldweg. Pastell signier
    Aug. 30, 2016

    Carl Jörres (1872-1947) Waldweg. Pastell signier

    Est: -

    Carl Jörres (1872-1947) Waldweg. Pastell signiert u. re. C. Jörres. 31 x 24 cm hinter Glas ger. 50 x 44 cm ungeöffn. am Passepartout mont.

    Historia Auctionata
  • Carl Jörres (1872-1947), Forest Landscape, Oil, Germany, 1920s
    Aug. 26, 2016

    Carl Jörres (1872-1947), Forest Landscape, Oil, Germany, 1920s

    Est: €1,100 - €1,430

    Oil on hardboard Germany, 1920s Carl Jörres (1870-1947) – German painter associated with the Worpswede School Signed at the lower right ‘C. Jörres’ Frame: 79 x 80.5 cm Very good condition Impressionistic-like rendered composition showing a landscape with trees and fowls Condition:The painting is in a very good condition with minimal signs of age and wear. Along the edges partially with color abrasion due to framing. Frame with tiny bumps. The dimensions of the frame measure 79 x 80.5 cm. Carl Jörres (1870-1947)Carl Jörres was born in Bremen in 1870. His painting career began in 1904, at the age of 34 years, when he attended a private art school in Munich, which was run by Moritz Heymann. At the same time he took lessons from Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpswede artists' colony. In 1913, he joined the ‘Deutscher Künstlerbund’ and in 1919, he became a member of the ‘Bremer Künstlerbund’ and ‘Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung’. In comparison to other painters from Worpswede Jörres used more bright than earthy colors. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal, where he settled in 1918. In 1937, three of his paintings were confiscated under the term ‘Degenerate Art’. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthal Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden. (nlu) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, Grazing Horse, Lilienthal, c. 1925
    Jun. 07, 2016

    Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, Grazing Horse, Lilienthal, c. 1925

    Est: €600 - €780

    Oil on painting cardboard Northern Germany, around 1925 Carl Jörres (1870-1947) – German painter associated with the Worpswede school Signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’ Verso later inscriptions (not by the artist) Provenance: from the estate of the family Carl Jörres Paintings by the painter Carl Jörres fetch up to 4,000 Euros on the international auction market Dimensions of the painting: 32 x 39 cm Very good condition The painting by Carl Jörres, an artist who was associated with the Worpswede school, executed in oil on painting cardboard, depicts, in simplified forms, a paddock with several trees. With dynamic brushstrokes and pastose application of paint the observer is presented with the view of the meadow with a grazing horse in the center of the composition. The scenery is most probably set in Lilienthal, where the artist lived most of his life. The painting is signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’ and verso bears later inscriptions (not by the artist). The painting is in very good condition showing only slight signs of age and wear. The dimensions of the painting are 65 x 77 cm (without frame). Carl Jörres (1870-1947) Carl Jörres was born in Bremen in 1870. His painting career began in 1904, at the age of 34 years, when he attended a private art school in Munich, which was run by Moritz Heymann. At the same time he took lessons from Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpswede artists' colony. In 1913, he joined the ‘Deutscher Künstlerbund’ and in 1919, he became a member of the ‘Bremer Künstlerbund’ and ‘Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung’. In comparison to other painters from Worpswede Jörres used more bright than earthy colors. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal, where he settled in 1918. In 1937, three of his paintings were confiscated under the term ‘Degenerate Art’. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthal Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden. (tm) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres (1872-1947), Forest Landscape, Oil, Germany, 1920s
    May. 30, 2016

    Carl Jörres (1872-1947), Forest Landscape, Oil, Germany, 1920s

    Est: €1,100 - €1,430

    Oil on hardboard Germany, 1920s Carl Jörres (1870-1947) – German painter associated with the Worpswede School Signed at the lower right ‘C. Jörres’ Frame: 79 x 80.5 cm Very good condition Impressionistic-like rendered composition showing a landscape with trees and fowls Condition:The painting is in a very good condition with minimal signs of age and wear. Along the edges partially with color abrasion due to framing. Frame with tiny bumps. The dimensions of the frame measure 79 x 80.5 cm. Carl Jörres (1870-1947)Carl Jörres was born in Bremen in 1870. His painting career began in 1904, at the age of 34 years, when he attended a private art school in Munich, which was run by Moritz Heymann. At the same time he took lessons from Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpswede artists' colony. In 1913, he joined the ‘Deutscher Künstlerbund’ and in 1919, he became a member of the ‘Bremer Künstlerbund’ and ‘Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung’. In comparison to other painters from Worpswede Jörres used more bright than earthy colors. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal, where he settled in 1918. In 1937, three of his paintings were confiscated under the term ‘Degenerate Art’. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthal Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden. (nlu) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, Riverscape with Cloudy Sky, c. 1931
    Apr. 19, 2016

    Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, Riverscape with Cloudy Sky, c. 1931

    Est: €750 - €975

    Oil on cardboard Germany, circa 1931 Carl Jörres (1870-1947) – German painter associated with the Worpswede School Signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’ Verso coeval and later inscriptions Dimensions of the painting: 35 x 50 cm Good condition Provenance: From the estate of the artist’s family Paintings by the German painter Carl Jörres fetch up to €4,000 on the international auction market This oil painting was created around 1931 by Carl Jörres, who was associated with the Worpswede School. The local flat landscape with its various seasonal light conditions constitutes a frequent subject in the oeuvre of the North German painter. The broad cloudy sky, the river course and the deep horizon with the indicated houses and trees reveal Jörres’s characteristic dynamic and pastose brushwork in an impressionist manner and in bright colors. The painting is signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’. Verso the cardboard bears coeval (by the artist, faintly visible on the left side) and later inscriptions. The painting is in a good condition with the usual signs of age and use, like small holes caused by drawing pins in the center of the upper rim and on both lower corners. The dimensions of the painting are 35 x 50 cm. Carl Jörres (1870-1947) Carl Jörres was born in Bremen in 1870. His painting career began in 1904, at the age of 34 years, when he attended a private art school in Munich, which was run by Moritz Heymann. At the same time he took lessons from Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpswede artists' colony. In 1913, he joined the ‘Deutscher Künstlerbund’ and in 1919, he became a member of the ‘Bremer Künstlerbund’ and ‘Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung’. In comparison to other painters from Worpswede Jörres used more bright than earthy colors. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal, where he settled in 1918. In 1937, three of his paintings were confiscated under the term ‘Degenerate Art’. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthal Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden. (vsc) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, Grain Stacks under Broad Sky, 1930s
    Apr. 19, 2016

    Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, Grain Stacks under Broad Sky, 1930s

    Est: €950 - €1,235

    Oil on cardboard Germany, 1930s Carl Jörres (1870-1947) – German painter associated with the Worpswede School Signed lower right ‘C. Jörres.’ Verso inscription on the frame ‘Jörres, Getreide’ Overall dimensions, framed: 61.3 x 77.5 cm Good condition Provenance: From the estate of the artist’s family Paintings by the German painter Carl Jörres fetch up to €4,000 on the international auction market This oil painting was created during the 1930s by the German painter Carl Jörres, who was associated with the Worpswede School. It depicts grain stacks piled up in rows under a light blue sky with cumulus clouds and a low horizon. Besides the frequent subject and the composition of the painting, the dynamic and pastose brushwork in an impressionist manner as well as the bright colorfulness are characteristic features of the work of Carl Jörres. The painting is signed lower right ‘C. Jörres.’. Verso the frame bears the inscription ‘Jörres, Getreide’. The painting is in good condition with the usual signs of age and use. The dimensions of the painting are 46.5 x 63 cm. The overall dimensions including the frame are 61.3 x 77.5 cm. Carl Jörres (1870-1947) Carl Jörres was born in Bremen in 1870. His painting career began in 1904, at the age of 34 years, when he attended a private art school in Munich, which was run by Moritz Heymann. At the same time he took lessons from Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpswede artists' colony. In 1913, he joined the ‘Deutscher Künstlerbund’ and in 1919, he became a member of the ‘Bremer Künstlerbund’ and ‘Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung’. In comparison to other painters from Worpswede Jörres used more bright than earthy colors. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal, where he settled in 1918. In 1937, three of his paintings were confiscated under the term ‘Degenerate Art’. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthal Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden. (vsc) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, Lilienthal at Dusk, Germany, c. 1928
    Apr. 19, 2016

    Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, Lilienthal at Dusk, Germany, c. 1928

    Est: €600 - €780

    Oil on canvas on cardboard Germany, circa 1928 Carl Jörres (1870-1947) – German painter associated with the Worpswede School Signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’ Verso later inscription (not by the artist) Dimensions of the cardboard: 38 x 42 cm Good condition Provenance: From the estate of the artist’s family Paintings by the German painter Carl Jörres fetch up to €4,000 on the international auction market This oil painting was created around 1927 by Carl Jörres, who was associated with the Worpswede School. Lilienthal, where Jörres lived since 1909, constitutes a recurring subject in the oeuvre of the North German painter. The houses, paths, trees and fences as well as the yellowish twilight reveal Jörres’s characteristic dynamic and pastose brushwork in an impressionist manner. However, this painting has the unusual feature of the artist treating the rows of houses in an almost Cubist way. The painting is signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’. Verso the cardboard bears later inscriptions (not by the artist). The work is in a good condition with the usual signs of age and use. The dimensions of the painting are 34.5 x 41 cm. Carl Jörres (1870-1947) Carl Jörres was born in Bremen in 1870. His painting career began in 1904, at the age of 34 years, when he attended a private art school in Munich, which was run by Moritz Heymann. At the same time he took lessons from Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpswede artists' colony. In 1913, he joined the ‘Deutscher Künstlerbund’ and in 1919, he became a member of the ‘Bremer Künstlerbund’ and ‘Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung’. In comparison to other painters from Worpswede Jörres used more bright than earthy colors. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal, where he settled in 1918. In 1937, three of his paintings were confiscated under the term ‘Degenerate Art’. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthal Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden. (vsc) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, In the Luneburg Heath, 1943
    Apr. 19, 2016

    Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, In the Luneburg Heath, 1943

    Est: €950 - €1,235

    Oil on canvas Northern Germany, 1943 Carl Jörres (1870-1947) – German painter associated with the Worpswede school Signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’ Verso later inscription (not by the artist) Provenance: from the estate of the family Carl Jörres Paintings by the painter Carl Jörres fetch up to 4,000 Euros on the international auction market Dimensions of the painting: 65 x 79 cm Good condition The painting by the artist Carl Jörres, executed in oil on canvas, depicts the Luneburg Heath. A broad landscape with a few scattered trees and groves, as well as two cows which can be seen in the middle ground. Two thirds of the composition are taken by the light blue sky with cumulus clouds that it is typical for Northern Germany. The painting is signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’ and bears verso a later inscription (not by the artist). The painting is in good condition, with slight distortions of the canvas. The dimensions of the painting are 65 x 79 cm. Carl Jörres (1870-1947) Carl Jörres was born in Bremen in 1870. His painting career began in 1904, at the age of 34 years, when he attended a private art school in Munich, which was run by Moritz Heymann. At the same time he took lessons from Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpswede artists' colony. In 1913, he joined the ‘Deutscher Künstlerbund’ and in 1919, he became a member of the ‘Bremer Künstlerbund’ and ‘Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung’. In comparison to other painters from Worpswede Jörres used more bright than earthy colors. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal, where he settled in 1918. In 1937, three of his paintings were confiscated under the term ‘Degenerate Art’. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthal Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden. (tm) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, Grazing Horse, Lilienthal, c. 1925
    Apr. 19, 2016

    Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, Grazing Horse, Lilienthal, c. 1925

    Est: €600 - €780

    Oil on painting cardboard Northern Germany, around 1925 Carl Jörres (1870-1947) – German painter associated with the Worpswede school Signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’ Verso later inscriptions (not by the artist) Provenance: from the estate of the family Carl Jörres Paintings by the painter Carl Jörres fetch up to 4,000 Euros on the international auction market Dimensions of the painting: 32 x 39 cm Very good condition The painting by Carl Jörres, an artist who was associated with the Worpswede school, executed in oil on painting cardboard, depicts, in simplified forms, a paddock with several trees. With dynamic brushstrokes and pastose application of paint the observer is presented with the view of the meadow with a grazing horse in the center of the composition. The scenery is most probably set in Lilienthal, where the artist lived most of his life. The painting is signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’ and verso bears later inscriptions (not by the artist). The painting is in very good condition showing only slight signs of age and wear. The dimensions of the painting are 65 x 77 cm (without frame). Carl Jörres (1870-1947) Carl Jörres was born in Bremen in 1870. His painting career began in 1904, at the age of 34 years, when he attended a private art school in Munich, which was run by Moritz Heymann. At the same time he took lessons from Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpswede artists' colony. In 1913, he joined the ‘Deutscher Künstlerbund’ and in 1919, he became a member of the ‘Bremer Künstlerbund’ and ‘Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung’. In comparison to other painters from Worpswede Jörres used more bright than earthy colors. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal, where he settled in 1918. In 1937, three of his paintings were confiscated under the term ‘Degenerate Art’. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthal Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden. (tm) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres, Painting, Summer in Lilienthal, Germany, c. 1936
    Apr. 19, 2016

    Carl Jörres, Painting, Summer in Lilienthal, Germany, c. 1936

    Est: €700 - €910

    Oil on cardboard Germany, circa 1936 Carl Jörres (1870-1947) – German painter associated with the Worpswede School Signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’ Verso later inscription (not by the artist) on the cardboard and the frame Overall dimensions, framed: 40.5 x 55.5 cm Good condition Provenance: From the estate of the artist’s family Paintings by the German painter Carl Jörres fetch up to €4,000 on the international auction market This oil painting was created around 1936 by Carl Jörres, who was associated with the Worpswede School. The local landscape around Lilienthal with its various seasonal light conditions constitutes a recurring subject in the oeuvre of the North German painter. Furthermore, the dynamic and pastose brushwork in an impressionist manner and the bright colorfulness represent characteristic features of Carl Jörres’s paintings. The painting is signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’. Verso the cardboard and the frame bear later inscriptions (not by the artist). The painting is in a good condition with the usual signs of age and use, like three small holes caused by drawing pins on the upper rim of the cardboard. The dimensions of the painting are 26 x 41.5 cm. The overall dimensions including the frame are 40.5 x 55.5 cm. Carl Jörres (1870-1947) Carl Jörres was born in Bremen in 1870. His painting career began in 1904, at the age of 34 years, when he attended a private art school in Munich, which was run by Moritz Heymann. At the same time he took lessons from Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpswede artists' colony. In 1913, he joined the ‘Deutscher Künstlerbund’ and in 1919, he became a member of the ‘Bremer Künstlerbund’ and ‘Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung’. In comparison to other painters from Worpswede Jörres used more bright than earthy colors. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal, where he settled in 1918. In 1937, three of his paintings were confiscated under the term ‘Degenerate Art’. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthal Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden. (vsc) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, Harvest, Worpswede, c. 1929
    Apr. 19, 2016

    Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, Harvest, Worpswede, c. 1929

    Est: €900 - €1,170

    Oil on canvas Northern Germany, around 1929 Carl Jörres (1870-1947) – German painter associated with the Worpswede school Signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’ Verso later inscription (not by the artist) Provenance: from the estate of the family Carl Jörres Paintings by the painter Carl Jörres fetch up to 4,000 Euros on the international auction market Dimensions of the painting: 65 x 80 cm Very good condition The painting by Carl Jörres, who was associated with the Worpswede school, executed in oil on canvas, depicts a landscape in North Germany. With dynamic brushstrokes and pastose application of paint the observer is presented with a view of a field, which is strewn with grain stacks. A farmer with a horse-drawn vehicle approaches the beholder on a path leading through the field, from the background right to the front. On the left and in the background, right side, two female harvest workers are depicted. The painting is signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’ and bears verso a later inscription (not by the artist). The painting is in very good condition, with very few traces of age and wear. The dimensions of the stretcher frame are 65 x 80 cm. Carl Jörres (1870-1947) Carl Jörres was born in Bremen in 1870. His painting career began in 1904, at the age of 34 years, when he attended a private art school in Munich, which was run by Moritz Heymann. At the same time he took lessons from Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpswede artists' colony. In 1913, he joined the ‘Deutscher Künstlerbund’ and in 1919, he became a member of the ‘Bremer Künstlerbund’ and ‘Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung’. In comparison to other painters from Worpswede Jörres used more bright than earthy colors. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal, where he settled in 1918. In 1937, three of his paintings were confiscated under the term ‘Degenerate Art’. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthal Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden. (tm) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres, Painting, Two Peasants at the Hay Harvest, c. 1935
    Apr. 19, 2016

    Carl Jörres, Painting, Two Peasants at the Hay Harvest, c. 1935

    Est: €750 - €975

    Oil on cardboard Germany, circa 1935 Carl Jörres (1870-1947) – German painter associated with the Worpswede School Signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’ Verso later inscription (not by the artist) Dimensions of the painting: 36 x 49 cm Good condition Provenance: From the estate of the artist’s family Paintings by the German painter Carl Jörres fetch up to €4,000 on the international auction market This oil painting was created around 1935 by Carl Jörres, who was associated with the Worpswede School. The hay harvest represents a frequent subject in the oeuvre of the North German painter. Furthermore, the sky, the flat landscape and the peasants with their horse and cart reveal Jörres’s characteristic dynamic, pastose brushwork in an impressionist manner and in bright colors. The painting is signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’. Verso the cardboard bears later inscriptions (not by the artist). The painting is in a good condition with the usual signs of age and use, like minimal pressure marks on the upper part. The dimensions of the painting are 36 x 49 cm. Carl Jörres (1870-1947) Carl Jörres was born in Bremen in 1870. His painting career began in 1904, at the age of 34 years, when he attended a private art school in Munich, which was run by Moritz Heymann. At the same time he took lessons from Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpswede artists' colony. In 1913, he joined the ‘Deutscher Künstlerbund’ and in 1919, he became a member of the ‘Bremer Künstlerbund’ and ‘Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung’. In comparison to other painters from Worpswede Jörres used more bright than earthy colors. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal, where he settled in 1918. In 1937, three of his paintings were confiscated under the term ‘Degenerate Art’. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthal Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden. (vsc) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres, Oil Painting Gardens and Houses in Autumn, c. 1925
    Mar. 02, 2016

    Carl Jörres, Oil Painting Gardens and Houses in Autumn, c. 1925

    Est: €1,200 - €1,560

    Oil on canvas North Germany, around 1925 Carl Jörres (1870-1947) – German painter associated with the Worpswede school Signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’ Verso later inscription (not by the artist) Provenance: from the estate of the family Carl Jörres Paintings by the painter Carl Jörres fetch up to 4,000 Euros on the international auction market Dimensions of the painting: 68 x 78 cm Good condition Carl Jörres was associated with the Worpswede school, which was founded in 1889. Among them were many artists, who like Jörres came from the city and felt attracted by the rural idyll. In this painting, Jörres depicts houses and a garden in an autumnal landscape, using muted colors. The vegetable patches in the foreground are indicated by a few dynamic strokes of the brush, which gives the painting an expressive touch. The painting is signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’ and verso bears a later inscription (not by the artist). Its condition is good. However, there are a few distortions of the canvas, including two horizontal folding lines in the upper portion. The dimensions of the painting are 68 x 78 cm (without frame). Carl Jörres (1870-1947) Carl Jörres was born in Bremen in 1870. His painting career began in 1904, at the age of 34 years, when he attended a private art school in Munich, which was run by Moritz Heymann. At the same time he took lessons from Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpswede artists' colony. In 1913, he joined the ‘Deutscher Künstlerbund’ and in 1919, he became a member of the ‘Bremer Künstlerbund’ and ‘Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung’. In comparison to other painters from Worpswede Jörres used more bright than earthy colors. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal, where he settled in 1918. In 1937, three of his paintings were confiscated under the term ‘Degenerate Art’. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthal Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden. (tm) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres, Painting, Country Road in the Luneburg Heath, 1942
    Mar. 02, 2016

    Carl Jörres, Painting, Country Road in the Luneburg Heath, 1942

    Est: €1,200 - €1,560

    Oil on canvas Northern Germany, 1942 Carl Jörres (1870-1947) – German painter associated with the Worpswede school Signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’ Verso later inscription (not by the artist) on the stretcher frame Provenance: from the estate of the family Carl Jörres Paintings by the painter Carl Jörres fetch up to 4,000 Euros on the international auction market Dimensions of the painting: 65 x 81 cm Very good condition Carl Jörres was associated with the Worpswede school, which was initiated in 1889. Among them were many artists, who like Jörres came from the city and felt attracted by the rural idyll. In Jörres’ oeuvre, as well as in the work of the other Worpswede artists, a profound interest in the light is prominent. In this painting of 1942, Jörres depicts a country road in the Luneburg Heath, seamed by a line of trees on the one side. Very beautiful is the impression of the shades of violet that characterize the North German heath landscape. The painting is signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’ and verso bears later inscriptions (not by the artist) on the stretcher frame. The painting is in very good condition showing only slight signs of age and wear. The dimensions of the painting are 65 x 81 cm (without frame). Carl Jörres (1870-1947) Carl Jörres was born in Bremen in 1870. His painting career began in 1904, at the age of 34 years, when he attended a private art school in Munich, which was run by Moritz Heymann. At the same time he took lessons from Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpswede artists' colony. In 1913, he joined the ‘Deutscher Künstlerbund’ and in 1919, he became a member of the ‘Bremer Künstlerbund’ and ‘Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung’. In comparison to other painters from Worpswede Jörres used more bright than earthy colors. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal, where he settled in 1918. In 1937, three of his paintings were confiscated under the term ‘Degenerate Art’. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthal Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden. (tm) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres, Painting, Grain Stacks Below Clouded Sky, 1930s
    Jul. 21, 2015

    Carl Jörres, Painting, Grain Stacks Below Clouded Sky, 1930s

    Est: €1,300 - €1,690

    Oil on canvas Northern Germany, 1930s Carl Jörres (1870-1947) – German painter associated with the Worpswede school Signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’ Verso later inscription (not by the artist) Provenance: from the estate of the family Carl Jörres Paintings by the painter Carl Jörres fetch up to 4,000 Euros on the international auction market Dimensions of the painting: 70 x 86 cm Good condition In this painting by Carl Jörres, who was associated with the Worpswede school (founded in 1889), a composition is depicted that is very characteristic for the artist. The center is dominated by a grain stack that consists of freshly harvested crops. Behind it and in further rows to the sides, other grain stacks are piled up. In the far left a hay wagon drawn by horses is approaching. In the upper half of the painting is a light blue sky with cumulus clouds. The painting is signed lower right ‘C. Jörres’ and bears verso a later inscription (not by the artist). The painting is in good condition showing only slight signs of age and wear. The dimensions of the stretcher frame are 70 x 86 cm. Carl Jörres (1870-1947) Carl Jörres was born in Bremen in 1870. His painting career began in 1904, at the age of 34 years, when he attended a private art school in Munich, which was run by Moritz Heymann. At the same time he took lessons from Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpswede artists' colony. In 1913, he joined the ‘Deutscher Künstlerbund’ and in 1919, he became a member of the ‘Bremer Künstlerbund’ and ‘Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung’. In comparison to other painters from Worpswede Jörres used more bright than earthy colors. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal, where he settled in 1918. In 1937, three of his paintings were confiscated under the term ‘Degenerate Art’. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthal Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden. (tm) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, Forest Path with Walker, 1920s
    Jan. 29, 2015

    Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, Forest Path with Walker, 1920s

    Est: €1,920 - €2,400

    Oil on canvas Northern Germany, 1920s Carl Jörres (1870-1947) - German painter associated with the Worpswede school Signed lower right 'C. Jörres' Verso later inscription (not by the artist) Provenance: from the estate of the family Carl Jörres Paintings by the painter Carl Jörres fetch up to 4,000 Euros on the international auction market Dimensions of the painting: 79 x 92 cm Very good condition This painting by the painter Carl Jörres, who was associated with the Worpswede school, depicts a forest path with a female walker in bright colorfulness and pastose application of paint. The use of atmospheric lighting in the manner of impressionist painting, as well as the dynamic brushwork, are characteristic features of the work of Carl Jörres. The painting is signed lower right 'C. Jörres' and bears verso a later inscription (not by the artist). The painting is in a very good condition and shows only slight signs of age and wear. The dimensions of the stretcher frame are 79 x 92 cm. Carl Jörres (1870-1947) Carl Jörres was born in Bremen in 1870. His painting career began in 1904, at the age of 34 years, when he attended a private art school in Munich, which was run by Moritz Heymann. At the same time he took lessons from Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpswede artists' colony. In 1913, he joined the 'Deutscher Künstlerbund' and in 1919, he became a member of the 'Bremer Künstlerbund' and 'Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung'. In comparison to other painters from Worpswede Jörres used more bright than earthy colors. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal, where he settled in 1918. In 1937, three of his paintings were confiscated under the term 'Degenerate Art'. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthal Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden. (tm) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good - if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given - starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, At the Wörpe Near Lilienthal, 1930s
    Jan. 29, 2015

    Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, At the Wörpe Near Lilienthal, 1930s

    Est: €1,920 - €2,400

    Oil on canvas Northern Germany, 1930s Carl Jörres (1870-1947) - German painter associated with the Worpswede school Signed lower right 'C. Jörres' Verso later inscription (not by the artist) Provenance: from the estate of the family Carl Jörres Paintings by the painter Carl Jörres fetch up to 4,000 Euros on the international auction market Dimensions of the painting: 70 x 85 cm Very good condition This painting by the painter Carl Jörres, who was associated with the Worpswede school, depicts the rivulet Wörpe running through the village of Lilienthal in a spring-like setting, in bright colorfulness and executed in palette-knife technique. Lilienthal is a township in Lower Saxony close to Bremen. Jörres lived in Lilienthal, and his motifs were primarily inspired by these surroundings. The use of atmospheric lighting in the manner of impressionist painting, as well as the dynamic brushwork, are characteristic features of the work of Carl Jörres. The painting is signed lower right 'C. Jörres' and bears verso a later inscription (not by the artist). The painting is in a very good condition and shows only slight signs of age and wear. The dimensions of the stretcher frame are 70 x 85 cm. Carl Jörres (1870-1947) Carl Jörres was born in Bremen in 1870. His painting career began in 1904, at the age of 34 years, when he attended a private art school in Munich, which was run by Moritz Heymann. At the same time he took lessons from Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpswede artists' colony. In 1913, he joined the 'Deutscher Künstlerbund' and in 1919, he became a member of the 'Bremer Künstlerbund' and 'Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung'. In comparison to other painters from Worpswede Jörres used more bright than earthy colors. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal, where he settled in 1918. In 1937, three of his paintings were confiscated under the term 'Degenerate Art'. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthal Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden. (tm) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good - if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given - starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, Forest Landscape, Worpswede, 1920s
    Jan. 29, 2015

    Carl Jörres, Oil Painting, Forest Landscape, Worpswede, 1920s

    Est: €1,440 - €1,800

    Oil on canvas Northern Germany, 1920s Carl Jörres (1870-1947) - German painter associated with the Worpswede school Signed lower right 'C. Jörres' Verso later inscription (not by the artist) on the stretcher frame Provenance: from the estate of the family Carl Jörres Paintings by the painter Carl Jörres fetch up to 4,000 Euros on the international auction market Dimensions of the painting: 93 x 80 cm Good condition This painting by the painter Carl Jörres, who was associated with the Worpswede school, depicts a forest in bright colorfulness and pastose application of paint. The use of atmospheric lighting in the manner of impressionist painting, as well as the dynamic brushwork, are characteristic features of the work of Carl Jörres. The painting is signed lower right 'C. Jörres' and bears verso a later inscription (not by the artist) on the stretcher frame. The painting is overall in a good condition, however, the canvas is slightly distorted and it has a few damages. The dimensions of the painting are 93 x 80 cm (without frame). Carl Jörres (1870-1947) Carl Jörres was born in Bremen in 1870. His painting career began in 1904, at the age of 34 years, when he attended a private art school in Munich, which was run by Moritz Heymann. At the same time he took lessons from Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpswede artists' colony. In 1913, he joined the 'Deutscher Künstlerbund' and in 1919, he became a member of the 'Bremer Künstlerbund' and 'Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung'. In comparison to other painters from Worpswede Jörres used more bright than earthy colors. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal, where he settled in 1918. In 1937, three of his paintings were confiscated under the term 'Degenerate Art'. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthal Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden. (tm) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good - if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given - starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres, Painting, Grain Stacks Below Clouded Sky, 1930s
    Aug. 28, 2014

    Carl Jörres, Painting, Grain Stacks Below Clouded Sky, 1930s

    Est: €2,080 - €2,600

    Oil on canvas Northern Germany, 1930s Carl Jörres (1870-1947) - German painter associated with the Worpswede school Signed lower right 'C. Jörres' Verso later inscription (not by the artist) Provenance: from the estate of the family Carl Jörres Paintings by the painter Carl Jörres fetch up to 4,000 Euros on the international auction market Dimensions of the painting: 70 x 86 cm Good condition In this painting by Carl Jörres, who was associated with the Worpswede school (founded in 1889), a composition is depicted that is very characteristic for the artist. The center is dominated by a grain stack that consists of freshly harvested crops. Behind it and in further rows to the sides, other grain stacks are piled up. In the far left a hay wagon drawn by horses is approaching. In the upper half of the painting is a light blue sky with cumulus clouds. The painting is signed lower right 'C. Jörres' and bears verso a later inscription (not by the artist). The painting is in good condition showing only slight signs of age and wear. The dimensions of the stretcher frame are 70 x 86 cm. Carl Jörres (1870-1947) Carl Jörres was born in Bremen in 1870. His painting career began in 1904, at the age of 34 years, when he attended a private art school in Munich, which was run by Moritz Heymann. At the same time he took lessons from Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpswede artists' colony. In 1913, he joined the 'Deutscher Künstlerbund' and in 1919, he became a member of the 'Bremer Künstlerbund' and 'Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung'. In comparison to other painters from Worpswede Jörres used more bright than earthy colors. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal, where he settled in 1918. In 1937, three of his paintings were confiscated under the term 'Degenerate Art'. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthal Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden. (tm) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Due to the legal obligation for the resale royalty in the art market the following applies: As a result of its membership in the AV Kunst, Auctionata charges additionally to the hammer price the contribution to the AV Kunst of currently 2.1% of the revenues from the sale of fine arts and photographs pro rata towards the buyer. More information about royalty right in our T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres, Two Sided Oil Painting 'Self Portrait', c. 1906
    Jan. 24, 2014

    Carl Jörres, Two Sided Oil Painting 'Self Portrait', c. 1906

    Est: €720 - €900

    Oil on cardboard Germany, around 1906 Carl Jörres (1870-1947) - German Painter from the circle of the Worpswerder artist group Monogrammed lower right 'C. J.' Reversible oil painting In white frame with gold-coloured border, from a later period Overall dimensions, framed: 60 x 44 cm Good condition Provenance: From the estate of the artist's family, Berlin Paintings by Carl Jörres fetch up to 4,000 Euros on the auction market This work by Carl Jörres is a two sided painting, created in oil and depicting a self portrait on each side. On the front, the artist presents himself as half figure standing in his studio, presumably during the time of his studies in Munic. He wears a white coat holding his colour plate and brush in the right hand. The verso shows an unfinished self portrait in three quarter position and is inscribed with a felt pen 'Carl Jörres. Munich. 1906'. The painting is monogrammed on the lower front 'C.J.' and is in a good condition showing slight signs of age and wear. There are few touch ups in the background. The backside with the unfinished portrait indicates few indentations. On the border of the frame are several remarks regarding the artist, title, date and dimensions. The frame shows few traces of age as well. The cardboard measures 49 x 33.5 cm. The framed dimensions are 60 x 44 cm. Carl Jörres (1870-1947) Carl Jörres was born 1870 in Bremen. He began his painting career in 1904 when he was 34 years old and went to a private art school in Munic where he was taught by Moritz Heyman. At the same time he was educated by Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpsweder artist group. In 1913 he joined the 'Deutscher Künstlerbund' as well as the 'Bremer Künstlerbund' and 'Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung'. Compared to the Worpsweder painters, Jörres uses bright, rather than earth tones. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal. In 1937 three of his paintings were confiscated under the term 'Degenerate Art'. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthaler Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres (1870-1947), Oil Painting 'Farm in Oberende', 1908
    Jan. 24, 2014

    Carl Jörres (1870-1947), Oil Painting 'Farm in Oberende', 1908

    Est: €560 - €700

    Oil on cardboard Germany, 1908 Carl Jörres (1870-1947) - German Painter from the circle of the Worpswerder artist group Signed lower right 'C. Jörres' Dimensions: 31.5 x 31.5 cm Very good condition Provenance: From the estate of the artist's family, Berlin Paintings by Carl Jörres fetch up to 4,000 Euros on the auction market This small size oil painting by Carl Jörres was created in 1908 depicting a farm house in Oberende, near Lilienthal. The house in the image centre is painted in bright white, surrounded by trees. A road runs along the property. The sparse tree crowns allow the purple light of the sky to emerge in the image foreground. The oil painting is signed lower right 'C. Jörres' and is in a very good condition showing only minor signs of age and wear. The edges of the board are slightly dented. The backside illustrates several remarks regarding the artist, title, date and measurements. The dimensions of the image are 31.5 x 31.5 cm. Carl Jörres (1870-1947) Carl Jörres was born 1870 in Bremen. He began his painting career in 1904 when he was 34 years old and went to a private art school in Munic where he was taught by Moritz Heyman. At the same time he was educated by Fritz Overbeck, a painter of the Worpsweder artist group. In 1913 he joined the 'Deutscher Künstlerbund' as well as the 'Bremer Künstlerbund' and 'Worpsweder Künstlervereinigung'. Compared to the Worpsweder painters, Jörres uses bright, rather than earth tones. His motifs are primarily taken from his local area around Lilienthal. In 1937 three of his paintings were confiscated under the term 'Degenerate Art'. Nowadays his works can be found in many private and public collections including the Lilienthaler Art Foundation as well as museums in Bremen, Worpswede, Bremerhaven and Emden.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Carl Jörres (1870 Bremen - 1947 Lilienthal)
    May. 06, 2012

    Carl Jörres (1870 Bremen - 1947 Lilienthal)

    Est: - €250

    Carl Jörres (1870 Bremen - 1947 Lilienthal) Fischerboot an der Nordseeküste Öl/Lwd.; R. u.... [Details]

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
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