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Frans Jochems Sold at Auction Prices

Sculptor, b. 1880 - d. 1949

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  • FRANS JOCHEMS (Antwerp, Belgium, 1880- 1949). "Dog". Patinated bronze. Signed and with stamp of the foundation "Corbeels".
    Mar. 10, 2025

    FRANS JOCHEMS (Antwerp, Belgium, 1880- 1949). "Dog". Patinated bronze. Signed and with stamp of the foundation "Corbeels".

    Est: €2,000 - €2,500

    FRANS JOCHEMS (Antwerp, Belgium, 1880- 1949). "Dog". Patinated bronze. Signed and with stamp of the foundation "Corbeels". Measurements: 32 x 44 x 21 cm. Figure in round bulk representing a Pekingese dog with one of its paws on a ball, following the model of the foo dogs, or Chinese guard dogs. Frans Paul Jochems showed interest in the plastic arts from a very young age. He was only twelve years old when he was apprenticed to the lithographer Julien in 't Feld and received classes at the Saint-Lucas Institute in Antwerp. His talent did not take long to manifest itself and he had the opportunity to study at the Antwerp Academy and the Higher Institute of Fine Arts. There he was a pupil of Thomas Vinçotte. He also worked in the workshop of Frans Joris, Josué Dupon and Frans Deckers. Shortly after finishing his studies, Frans Jochems was awarded the Van Lerius and De Keyser prizes. He received numerous commissions from public and private organizations. He made study trips to Paris, Germany and London where he worked for a time. His heyday was from 1918 until the beginning of the great crisis of the thirties. In fact, thereafter began a difficult period for many artists that would last until the end of World War II in 1945. He was a member of various artistic circles, such as Ken U zelf, Wij, Kring der Antwerpse kunsthouwers, and later Pictura, VBKB (Association of Professional Artists of Belgium) and Ronde Tafel. He participated in numerous exhibitions. In 1925, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs awarded him the honorary distinction of Knight of the Order of the Crown for all his work.

    Setdart Auction House
  • Jochems Frans - Printer at the press
    Mar. 01, 2025

    Jochems Frans - Printer at the press

    Est: €1,400 - €1,800

    Sculpture - Bronze - Dark brown patina - On a wooden base - Sig.

    De Vuyst
    May. 28, 2024


    Est: €500 - €700

    Printer at his press

    Campo & Campo
    Jan. 20, 2024


    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Printer at his press

    Campo & Campo
  • FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949)
    Dec. 05, 2023

    FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949)

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    A bronze model of a crouching nude, picking flowers. Dark brown patina. Signed 'F. Jochems', numbered 1/6. Marble base. Description FR Nu accroupi, cueillant des fleurs. Fonte en bronze à patine brun foncé. Signée 'F. Jochems', numérotée 1/6. Base en marbre. Beschrijving NL Gehurkt naakt, bloemen plukkend. Brons, donkerbruine patina. Getekend 'F. Jochems', genummerd 1/6. Marmeren sokkel.

    Bernaerts Auctioneers
  • Frans JOCHEMS (1880-1949)., L'arrivée des courses., Spectaculaire épreuve en bronze à patine foncée., Travail unique réalisé sur commande., Provenance : Atelier et famille de l'artiste. Puis collection privée belge., ...
    Jul. 21, 2023

    Frans JOCHEMS (1880-1949)., L'arrivée des courses., Spectaculaire épreuve en bronze à patine foncée., Travail unique réalisé sur commande., Provenance : Atelier et famille de l'artiste. Puis collection privée belge., ...

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    Frans JOCHEMS (1880-1949). L'arrivée des courses. Spectaculaire épreuve en bronze à patine foncée. Travail unique réalisé sur commande. Provenance : collection privée belge. Hauteur : 52 cm. Longueur : 117 cm. Nous signalons que la base présente un défaut de niveau : bien que le bronze soit parfaitement stable, les extrémités gauche et droite ne sont pas d'équerre et sont courbées vers le haut ce qui génère un écart d'environ 1 cm par rapport au support/meuble/socle sur lequel repose le bronze. Frans JOCHEMS (1880-1949). The arrival of the races. Spectacular dark patina bronze print. Unique commissioned work. Provenance: Belgian private collection. Height: 52 cm. Length : 117 cm.

    MJV Soudant
  • Frans Jochems (Belgium, 1880-1949) Bust of a Girl, circa 1920 Carved marble 15-1
    May. 12, 2022

    Frans Jochems (Belgium, 1880-1949) Bust of a Girl, circa 1920 Carved marble 15-1

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    Frans Jochems (Belgium, 1880-1949) Bust of a Girl, circa 1920 Carved marble 15-1/4 x 14-1/2 x 11 inches (38.7 x 36.8 x 27.9 cm) Signed to base Property from the Estates of Ramon Osuna and Robert Lennon, Washington, D.C. HID01801242017

    Heritage Auctions
  • FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949)
    Dec. 08, 2021

    FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949)

    Est: €600 - €800

    Carrara marble sculpture of a reclining nude. Signed 'Jochems'. Description FR Nu couché. Groupe en marbre de Carrara. Signé 'Jochems'. Beschrijving NL Liggend naakt. Carrara-marmer. Getekend 'Jochems'.

    Bernaerts Auctioneers
  • FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949) - Faisan d’or
    Dec. 05, 2021

    FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949) - Faisan d’or

    Est: €5,000 - €7,000

    FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949) Faisan d’or Bronze à patine dorée. Signé sur la base. Brons met gouden patina. Op de sokkel gesigneerd. 36 x 66 x 16 cm

    Cornette de Saint-Cyr-Bruxelles
  • Frans Jochems (1880-1949), rar
    Nov. 04, 2021

    Frans Jochems (1880-1949), rar

    Est: -

    Frans Jochems (1880-1949), rare, large sculpture of a footballer shooting, patinated bromide over green-black marble plinth, in the stand sign ''Jochems'', h.m. 46,5 cm

    Historia Auctionata
  • Frans Jochems (1880-1949), r
    Aug. 19, 2021

    Frans Jochems (1880-1949), r

    Est: -

    Frans Jochems (1880-1949), rare, large sculpture of a footballer in the shot, patinated bromze over green-black marble plinth, in the stand sign ''Jochems'', h.m. 46,5 cm

    Historia Auctionata
  • Frans Jochems (1880-1949)
    Jun. 13, 2021

    Frans Jochems (1880-1949)

    Est: €200 - €300

    Frans Jochems (1880-1949) A bronze plaque on a marble with bronze mounts. Een bronzen plaquette op een marmer met bronsbeslag.

    Maison Jules Veilinghuis
  • "Femme cueillant des fleurs" en bronze à patine brune. Signé F. Jochems et portant le cachet de fond
    Feb. 24, 2021

    "Femme cueillant des fleurs" en bronze à patine brune. Signé F. Jochems et portant le cachet de fond

    Est: €400 - €600

    "Femme cueillant des fleurs" en bronze à patine brune. Signé F. Jochems et portant le cachet de fondeur Batardy - cire perdue - Bruxelles. Ecole belge. H.:+/-17,8cm.

  • FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949)…
    Mar. 09, 2020

    FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949)…

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949) Buildrager, de armen gekruist. Brons, olijfgroene patina. Getekend 'F. Jochems'. Gemonteerd op marmeren sokkel. H.: 70 cm (H.: 74.5 cm) French Description FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949) Débardeur, les bras croisés. Epreuve d'époque en bronze à patine vert olive. Signée 'F. Jochems'. Sur socle en marbre. H.: 70 cm (H.: 74.5 cm)FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949) Resting docker. Bronze, olive green patina. Signed 'F.Jochems'. Mounted on a marble stand. H.: 70 cm (H.: 74.5 cm)

    Bernaerts Auctioneers
  • FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949)
    Mar. 19, 2018

    FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949)

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949) Pekinees. Brons, bruine patina. Getekend 'F Jochems'. 36 x 37 x 18 FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949) Pékinois. Epreuve d'époque en bronze à patine brune. Signée 'F Jochems'. 36 x 37 x 18 FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949) Pekingese. Bronze, brown patina. Signed 'F Jochems'. 36 x 37 x 18

    Bernaerts Auctioneers
  • * FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949)Ostrich. Bronze, brown patina. Signe
    Dec. 12, 2017

    * FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949)Ostrich. Bronze, brown patina. Signe

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    * FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949) Ostrich. Bronze, brown patina. Signed 'F. Jochems'. Foundry mark 'Batardi / Bruxelles'. Lost wax cast. 45.5 x 29 x 13 * FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949) Struisvogel. Brons, bruine patina. Getekend 'F. Jochems'. Gieterijstempel 'Batardy/Bruxelles'. Gegoten volgens de verloren-was-techniek. 45.5 x 29 x 13

    Bernaerts Auctioneers
  • FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949) (after)Shoe-billed stork. Bronze, black-brown patina. Signed 'F.Jochems'. Imprinted 'Verloren was/cire perdue/De Groeve'. Lit.: Turkry, R., Langs beelden lopen, p. 91, ill. Attached: Folder with documentation about the
    Oct. 10, 2017

    FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949) (after)Shoe-billed stork. Bronze, black-brown patina. Signed 'F.Jochems'. Imprinted 'Verloren was/cire perdue/De Groeve'. Lit.: Turkry, R., Langs beelden lopen, p. 91, ill. Attached: Folder with documentation about the

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949) (after) Shoe-billed stork. Bronze, black-brown patina. Signed 'F.Jochems'. Imprinted 'Verloren was/cire perdue/De Groeve'. Lit.: Turkry, R., Langs beelden lopen, p. 91, ill. Attached: Folder with documentation about the artist's life. Cert.: Jochems-Mortelmans, Berchem, 10.10.2000; Anna Jochems, Berchem, 19.08.2004. H.: 54 FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949) (naar) Schoenbekooievaar. Brons, groene patina. Getekend 'F.Jochems'. Gieterijstempel 'D.De Groeve/Nevele'. Gegoten volgens de verloren was techniek. Certificaat : Berchem, Anna Jochems (kleindochter), 19.8.2004, als 'afgietsel van authentiek beeldhouwwerk' H.: 54

    Bernaerts Auctioneers
  • FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949)
    Jul. 23, 2017

    FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949)

    Est: €20,000 - €30,000

    FRANS JOCHEMS (1880-1949) Course de Jockeys Épreuve en bronze à patine brun foncé Signée sur la terrasse 117 x 23 x 52 cm Provenance Collection particulière, Bruxelles

    HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
  • Frans Jochems. Sculpteur Belge, Anvers 1880 -
    Apr. 25, 2012

    Frans Jochems. Sculpteur Belge, Anvers 1880 -

    Est: €500 - €600

    Frans Jochems. Sculpteur Belge, Anvers 1880 - Berchem 1949.

    Galerie Moderne
  • Frans Jochems (École belge). Sculpture en bronze à
    Sep. 12, 2011

    Frans Jochems (École belge). Sculpture en bronze à

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Frans Jochems (École belge). Sculpture en bronze à patine verte: Pékinois et ours en peluche. Signée: F. Jochems. Dimensions : H.: 34 L.: 64 cm.

  • JOCHEMS FRANS (1880 - 1949) Rozenverkoopsters. La
    Mar. 22, 2011

    JOCHEMS FRANS (1880 - 1949) Rozenverkoopsters. La

    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    JOCHEMS FRANS (1880 - 1949) Rozenverkoopsters. La bouquetière Brons. Bronze. .Get. Sig.. . H= 41 cm

    Campo & Campo
  • JOCHEMS FRANS 1880-1949 Rozenverkoopsters La
    Nov. 30, 2010

    JOCHEMS FRANS 1880-1949 Rozenverkoopsters La

    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    JOCHEMS FRANS 1880-1949 Rozenverkoopsters La bouquetière Brons. Bronze Get. Sig. H= 41

    Campo & Campo
  • FRANS JOCHEMS 1880 - 1949 Belgian school GIRAFFE
    Mar. 14, 2009

    FRANS JOCHEMS 1880 - 1949 Belgian school GIRAFFE

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    FRANS JOCHEMS 1880 - 1949 Belgian school GIRAFFE Sculpture Bronze - Dark brown patina - Sig. - Ex. nr. 1/10 - With stamp Gieterij D. De Groeve Nevele Cire Perdue - 55 x 38 cm Posthumous cast by the artist's family

    De Vuyst
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