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Nikolaus Joseph (Baron von) Jacquin Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1727 - d. 1817

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      • Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817)Dutch, Pr
        Jun. 08, 2024

        Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817)Dutch, Pr

        Est: $100 - $200

        Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817) Dutch, Archival Print. Depicts Areca oleracea. Also known as Roystonea oleracea. Roystonea oleracea, sometimes known as the Caribbean royal palm, palmiste, imperial palm[citation needed] or cabbage palm, is a species of palm which is native to the Lesser Antilles, Colombia, Venezuela, and Trinidad and Tobago. It is also reportedly naturalized in Guyana and on the islands of Mauritius and Réunion in the Indian Ocean. Its specific epithet oleracea means "vegetable/herbal" in Latin and is a form of holeraceus (oleraceus). The plant's buds was eaten in the West Indies. Size: 24 x 15 in. Nikolaus Joseph Freiherr von Jacquin[1] (16 February 1727 – 26 October 1817) was a scientist who studied medicine, chemistry and botany. #1970 Location Box 11

        Sarasota Estate Auction
      • JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph (1727-1817, Baron von) Selectarum Stirpium Americ
        Dec. 13, 2023

        JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph (1727-1817, Baron von) Selectarum Stirpium Americ

        Est: £100,000 - £150,000

        JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph (1727-1817, Baron von) Selectarum Stirpium Americanarum Historia in qua ad Linnaeanum systema...

      • JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph von (1727-1817) Icones plantarum rariorum. Vienna
        Jul. 12, 2023

        JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph von (1727-1817) Icones plantarum rariorum. Vienna

        Est: £50,000 - £80,000

        JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph von (1727-1817) Icones plantarum rariorum. Vienna: for Christian Friedrich Wappler;...

      • Mähler, Johann Willibrord Joseph Anton: Bildnis Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin in der Voliere
        Jun. 04, 2020

        Mähler, Johann Willibrord Joseph Anton: Bildnis Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin in der Voliere

        Est: €7,500 - €9,000

        Bildnis des Naturforschers Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin in der Pfauenvoliere. Öl auf Leinwand. 70 x 54,5 cm. Unten rechts signiert und datiert "J. Mähler pinx. 1806". Der Dargestellte unseres Portraits ist der berühmte niederländische Botaniker und Naturforscher Nikolaus Joseph Baron von Jacquin (1727-1817). Er studierte in Leiden und Paris bevor er nach Wien zog, wo er im Dienste Erzherzogin Maria-Theresias und später des Kaisers Franz I. Stephan stand. 1755 brach Jacquin zu einer Reise zu den Westindischen Inseln und nach Zentralamerika auf, um Pflanzen- und Tierproben sowie Mineralien und Steine für die kaiserliche Sammlung in Schönbrunn zu sammeln. Nach viereinhalb Jahren im Juli 1759 traf der nun 32-jährige Jacquin nach zahlreichen Irrfahrten und Widrigkeiten wieder in Wien ein. Mit ihm hatten es 67 Kisten mit Tieren, Pflanzen und Gesteinsproben geschafft, darunter 1000 lebende Exponate, die das erste Mal europäisches Festland erreichten. Seine Pflanzen und Tiere aus Westindien wurden in den botanischen Garten und in die Menagerie nach Schönbrunn gebracht, wohin nun jährlich tausende Besucher strömten. In imposanten Gewächshäusern, Volieren und Gehegen konnte man die Exotik bewundern, sich an fremde Strände träumen, während man wie gehabt Zeitung und Café genoss (aus Mathis Böhm: Weltvorstellungen und Eurozentrismus in Reiseberichten der Aufklärung, Diplomarbeit, Wien 2010). Jacquin ist hier in fortgeschrittenem Alter in einem Vogelgehege mit Pfauen und Perlhühnern dargestellt. Dieses verweist auf das Interesse, dass Jacquin besonders für Vögel hegte, wie die 1784 erschienene Schrift "Beyträge zur Geschichte der Vögel" belegt. Der Maler unseres Gemäldes Joseph Willibrord Mähler studierte ab 1800 bei einem der wohl berühmtesten Bildnismaler seiner Zeit, Anton Graff in Dresden, bevor er sich ab 1803 an der Wiener Akademie der Künste weiterbildete. In seiner Malerei widmete er sich vor allem dem Portrait und ist besonders durch seine Bildnisse Ludwig van Beethovens, mit dem er eine enge Freundschaft pflegte, und anderer Musiker bekannt. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
        Mar. 18, 2018


        Est: $100 - $250

        (lot of 2) Framed hand-colored botanical illustration engravings on paper, early 19th c., both depicting pinecones, plates "Zamia cycdifolia" and "Zamia horrida" from "Fragmenta Botanica" by Nikolaus Joseph Freiherr von Jacquin (Netherlands, 1727-1817) and Mathiae Andreae Schmidt (18th/19th c.), published in 1809 in Vienna, Austria, sight: 19.25"h, 12.25"w, overall: 30.5"h, 22.5"w; 16lbs total Start Price: $80.00

        Austin Auction Gallery
      • Nicolaus Joseph Jacquin (1727-1817), Group of Four Hand Colored Copper Plate Engravings of Botanicals, 19th c., framed, H.- 19 in.,...
        Dec. 12, 2015

        Nicolaus Joseph Jacquin (1727-1817), Group of Four Hand Colored Copper Plate Engravings of Botanicals, 19th c., framed, H.- 19 in.,...

        Est: $900 - $1,200

        Nicolaus Joseph Jacquin (1727-1817), Group of Four Hand Colored Copper Plate Engravings of Botanicals, 19th c., framed, H.- 19 in., W.- 11 3/4 in.

        Crescent City Auction Gallery
      • JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph, Baron von (1727-1817) Selectarum stirpium Americanarum historia quas in insulis Martinica, Jamaica...
        Dec. 01, 2015

        JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph, Baron von (1727-1817) Selectarum stirpium Americanarum historia quas in insulis Martinica, Jamaica...

        Est: -

        JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph, Baron von (1727-1817) Selectarum stirpium Americanarum historia quas in insulis Martinica, Jamaica...

      • Nicolaus Joseph Jacquin (1727-1817), Group of Four Hand Colored Copper Plate Engravings of Botanicals, 19th c., framed, H.- 19 in.,...
        Mar. 07, 2015

        Nicolaus Joseph Jacquin (1727-1817), Group of Four Hand Colored Copper Plate Engravings of Botanicals, 19th c., framed, H.- 19 in.,...

        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        Nicolaus Joseph Jacquin (1727-1817), Group of Four Hand Colored Copper Plate Engravings of Botanicals, 19th c., framed, H.- 19 in., W.- 11 3/4 in.

        Crescent City Auction Gallery
      • NICOLAI JOSEPH JACQUIN (DUTCH, 1727-1817) FOUR FLORAE AUSTRIACAE VOL V PRINTS Hand-colored engraving: 18 x 10 in.
        Dec. 09, 2014

        NICOLAI JOSEPH JACQUIN (DUTCH, 1727-1817) FOUR FLORAE AUSTRIACAE VOL V PRINTS Hand-colored engraving: 18 x 10 in.

        Est: $300 - $500

        NICOLAI JOSEPH JACQUIN (DUTCH, 1727-1817) FOUR FLORAE AUSTRIACAE VOL V PRINTS Hand-colored engraving: 18 x 10 in. Framed; each upper right numbered: io, 422, 427, io, 439; Verso: each has a photocopy of the cover page of the Florae Austriacae Book, label Buchanan and Kiguel; Certificate of Authenticity

        Potomack Company
      • Nicolaus Joseph von Jacquin, (Dutch, 1727-1817), Lactuca villosa, tab. 367, Othonna retrofracta, tab. 376, and Gorteria spinos, tab. 37
        Oct. 14, 2014

        Nicolaus Joseph von Jacquin, (Dutch, 1727-1817), Lactuca villosa, tab. 367, Othonna retrofracta, tab. 376, and Gorteria spinos, tab. 37

        Est: $100 - $200

        Nicolaus Joseph von Jacquin (Dutch, 1727-1817) Lactuca villosa, tab. 367, Othonna retrofracta, tab. 376, and Gorteria spinos, tab. 371 (three works from Plantarum rariorum horti caesarei Schoenbrunnensis descriptiones et icones, 1797-1804; +three others from a separate work) engraving with hand-coloring (+three other black and white) C.F. Wappler et al. (Vienna, London, Leiden), pubs. Size of largest 18 3/4 x 12 1/4 inches.

      • Nicolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817) BOTANIC
        Jun. 21, 2014

        Nicolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817) BOTANIC

        Est: Kč5,900 - Kč11,800

        Nicolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817) BOTANIC ILLUSTRATIONS. Vienna, 1797-1798. Two graphic pages from Plantarum Rariorum Horti Caesarei Schoenbrunnensis. Coloured cooperplates on handmade paper, 306x212 mm, 277x257 mm, marked upper right 'T. 78', 'T. 79', Latin names of plants underneath 'Carex mirabilis.' and 'Carex baldensis.' . Nicolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817) BOTANICKÉ ILUSTRACE. Vídeň, 1797-1798. Dvojice grafických listů z Plantarum Rariorum Horti Caesarei Schoenbrunnensis. Kolorované mědirytiny na ručním papíře, 306x212 mm, 277x257 mm, zn. vpravo nahoře „T. 78", „T. 79", dole latinské názvy rostlin „Carex mirabilis." a „Carex baldensis.". Nicolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817) BOTANISCHE ILLUSTRATIONEN. Wien, 1797-1798. Zwei Graphiken aus Plantarum Rariorum Horti Caesarei Schoenbrunnensis. Kolorierte Kupferstiche auf Bütten, 306x212 mm, 277x257 mm, rechts oben „T. 78", „T. 79", unten mit lateinischen Namen der Pflanzen „Carex mirabilis." und „Carex baldensis.".

        Auction House Zezula
      • Nicolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817) BOTANICAL
        Nov. 09, 2013

        Nicolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817) BOTANICAL

        Est: Kč3,000 - Kč6,000

        Nicolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817) BOTANICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. Vienna, 1797-1798. Three graphics of Plantarum Rariorum Horti Caesarei Schoenbrunnensis. Colored copperplate on hand-made paper, 293x210 mm, 197x173 mm, 307x254 mm, top right corner marked „T. 72", „T. 80", „T. 90", bottom with Latin plant names „Schoenus albus.", „Carex leporina." and „Carex frigida.". Nicolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817) BOTANICKÉ ILUSTRACE. Vídeň, 1797-1798. Trojice grafických listů z Plantarum Rariorum Horti Caesarei Schoenbrunnensis. Kolorované mědirytiny na ručním papíře, 293x210 mm, 197x173 mm, 307x254 mm, zn. vpravo nahoře „T. 72", „T. 80", „T. 90", dole latinské názvy rostlin „Schoenus albus.", „Carex leporina." a „Carex frigida.". Nicolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817) BOTANISCHE ILLUSTRATIONEN. Wien, 1797-1798. Drei Graphiken aus Plantarum Rariorum Horti Caesarei Schoenbrunnensis. Kolorierte Kupferstiche auf Bütten, 293x210 mm, 197x173 mm, 307x254 mm, rechts oben „T. 72", „T. 80", „T. 90", mit Namen der Pflanzen auf Latein „Schoenus albus.", „Carex leporina." und „Carex frigida.".

        Auction House Zezula
        Feb. 05, 2013


        Est: £1,200 - £1,800

        TWELVE HAND-COLOURED ENGRAVINGS OF BOTANICAL STUDIES NIKOLAUS JOSEPH BARON VON JACQUIN, 1727-1817 Signed Jacquin del and numbered in Latin in cream and mirrored frames 16 x 12½ in. (41 x 13 cm.) (12)

        Apr. 25, 2012


        Est: £1,000 - £1,500

        NINE COLOURED ENGRAVINGS OF BOTANICAL STUDIES NIKOLAUS JOSEPH BARON VON JACQUIN (1727-1817) Each signed 'Jacquin del' and numbered in Latin, in modern bevelled mirror and white-painted frames 16 x 12¾ in. (40.5 x 32.5 cm.) overall (9)

        Mar. 20, 2012


        Est: £1,000 - £1,500

        TEN COLOURED ENGRAVINGS OF BOTANICAL STUDIES NIKOLAUS JOSEPH BARON VON JACQUIN, 1727-1817 Signed Jacquin del and numbered in Latin, in modern painted woof frames decorated with palmettes 15 x 13 in. (38.1 x 33 cm.) overall (10)

      • JACQUIN, NICOLAUS JOSEPH VON. 1727-1817. Selectarium stirpium americanarum historia. Vienna: Kraus, 1763.
        Oct. 10, 2011

        JACQUIN, NICOLAUS JOSEPH VON. 1727-1817. Selectarium stirpium americanarum historia. Vienna: Kraus, 1763.

        Est: $3,000 - $5,000

        Selectarium stirpium americanarum historia. Vienna: Kraus, 1763. Folio (350 x 230 mm). Aυ4 bυ4 cυ2 A-2Mυ4 2Nυ4 [chi]υ1 ›‹υ4. Engraved frontispiece and 184 plates (several of which are double-page or folding). Period calf. Wormholes and several trails (most plates with hole inside platemark), first gathering crumpled and torn at gutter, another loose, rubbed with loss at head of spine. FIRST EDITION of this work on the flora of the Caribbean. Jacquin traveled there and to South America from 1754 to 1759 under the orders of Francis I, Maria Theresa's husband, with the aim of enlarging the Imperial Natural History collections in Vienna. Linnaeus described him as "ambassador of Flora itself, bringing us the treasures from foreign worlds, so far neither heard of nor seen" (Stafleu, Linnaeus and the Linnaeans, p 185). Hunt 579; Nissen BBI 979.

      • JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph (1727-1817, Baron von). Florae Austriacae, sive Plantarum Selectarum in Austriae archiducatu sponte crescentium, icones, ad vivum coloratae, et descriptionibus, ac synonymis illustratae. Vienna: Leopold Johann Kaliwoda
        Nov. 23, 2010

        JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph (1727-1817, Baron von). Florae Austriacae, sive Plantarum Selectarum in Austriae archiducatu sponte crescentium, icones, ad vivum coloratae, et descriptionibus, ac synonymis illustratae. Vienna: Leopold Johann Kaliwoda

        Est: £30,000 - £40,000

        JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph (1727-1817, Baron von). Florae Austriacae, sive Plantarum Selectarum in Austriae archiducatu sponte crescentium, icones, ad vivum coloratae, et descriptionibus, ac synonymis illustratae. Vienna: Leopold Johann Kaliwoda (vols. I-III) and Joseph Michael Gerold (vols. IV & V), 1773-1778. 5 volumes in 3, large 2° (465 x 280mm). Half-titles, titles with hand-coloured engraved views. 500 FINE HAND-COLOURED ENGRAVED PLATES, one folding, and one uncoloured plate, most by I. Adam after Franz von Scheidl. (Some plates shaved into blank plate area, 17 shaved touching the image, half-title of vol. II laminated with repaired 10cm. tear in upper blank margin, unobtrusive stamps skilfully removed from verso of titles and five plates, occasional very light spotting or browning.) Bound by J. Mackenzie c. 1831-37: dark green morocco gilt, covers with wide arabesque border, spine richly gilt and lettered, gilt-ruled turn-ins, gilt edges. Provenance: British Museum (stamps, 1831 duplicate stamps, mostly erased; sale Sotheby's 24 February 1831, lot 1003, £11) -- Beriah Botfield (sale Christie's, 30 March 1994, lot 69). FIRST EDITION of one of the greatest works on Austrian flora. It was produced during the golden age of Viennese botanical books with the assistance of generous imperial patronage. Emperor Franz I appointed Jacquin curator of the gardens at Schönbrunn, which grew to be the most celebrated in Europe, and formed the basis of some of his majestic volumes. Jacquin considered Scheidl the best botanical illustrator of the day, and Scheidl was responsible for two of the topographical vignettes as well as most of the botanical plates here. This copy has been bound with volume I containing the titles and text of vols. I and II and plates numbered 1-145; vol. II contains the titles and text of vol. III and plate numbers 146-300; volume III contains the titles and text of vols. IV and V and plate numbers 301-392, 392*, 393-450 & A.T.1 - A.T.50. Nissen BBI 971; Great Flower Books p. 61; Dunthorne 151; Stafleu and Cowan 3247. (3)

      • JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph (1727-1817, Baron von). Florae Austriacae, sive Plantarum Selectarum in Austriae archiducatu sponte crescentium, icones, ad vivum coloratae, et descriptionibus, ac synonymis illustratae. Vienna: Leopold Johann Kaliwoda
        Dec. 09, 2009

        JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph (1727-1817, Baron von). Florae Austriacae, sive Plantarum Selectarum in Austriae archiducatu sponte crescentium, icones, ad vivum coloratae, et descriptionibus, ac synonymis illustratae. Vienna: Leopold Johann Kaliwoda

        Est: £30,000 - £40,000

        JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph (1727-1817, Baron von). Florae Austriacae, sive Plantarum Selectarum in Austriae archiducatu sponte crescentium, icones, ad vivum coloratae, et descriptionibus, ac synonymis illustratae. Vienna: Leopold Johann Kaliwoda (vols. I-III) and Joseph Michael Gerold (vols. IV & V), 1773-1778. 5 volumes in 3, large 2° (465 x 280mm). Half-titles, titles with hand-coloured engraved views. 500 FINE HAND-COLOURED ENGRAVED PLATES, one folding, and one uncoloured plate, most by I. Adam after Franz von Scheidl. (Some plates shaved into blank plate area, 17 shaved touching the image, half-title of vol. II laminated with repaired 10cm. tear in upper blank margin, unobtrusive stamps skilfully removed from verso of titles and five plates, occasional very light spotting or browning.) Bound by J. Mackenzie c. 1831-37: dark green morocco gilt, covers with wide arabesque border, spine richly gilt and lettered, gilt-ruled turn-ins, gilt edges. Provenance: British Museum (stamps, 1831 duplicate stamps, mostly erased; sale Sotheby's 24 February 1831, lot 1003, £11) -- Beriah Botfield (sale Christie's, 30 March 1994, lot 69). FIRST EDITION of one of the greatest works on Austrian flora. It was produced during the golden age of Viennese botanical books with the assistance of generous imperial patronage. Emperor Franz I appointed Jacquin curator of the gardens at Schönbrunn, which grew to be the most celebrated in Europe, and formed the basis of some of his majestic volumes. Jacquin considered Scheidl the best botanical illustrator of the day, and Scheidl was responsible for two of the topographical vignettes as well as most of the botanical plates here. This copy has been bound with volume I containing the titles and text of vols. I and II and plates numbered 1-145; vol. II contains the titles and text of vol. III and plate numbers 146-300; volume III contains the titles and text of vols. IV and V and plate numbers 301-392, 392*, 393-450 & A.T.1 - A.T.50. Nissen BBI 971; Great Flower Books p. 61; Dunthorne 151; Stafleu and Cowan 3247. (3)

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