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Nianzu Hu Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1927 -

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      • 孫家勤 ; 胡念祖 ; 鍾壽仁 ; 喻仲林 SUN Jia-qin (Taiwanese, 1930-2010); HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019); CHUNG Shou-ren (Taiwanese, 1927-1999); YU Chung-lin (Taiwanese, 1925-1985)
        Nov. 30, 2024

        孫家勤 ; 胡念祖 ; 鍾壽仁 ; 喻仲林 SUN Jia-qin (Taiwanese, 1930-2010); HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019); CHUNG Shou-ren (Taiwanese, 1927-1999); YU Chung-lin (Taiwanese, 1925-1985)

        Est: NT$30,000 - NT$60,000

        仕女、山水、朱竹、雀語(四件一組) Lady, Landscape, Bamboo, and Sparrows (A Set of Four) 款識: (一)上典先生靜曾夫人儷正,甲辰福月山東孫家勤畫於麗水精舍。 (二)上典先生靜曾夫人儷正,甲辰盛夏胡念祖。 (三)靜曾夫人清賞,戊午新春初十鍾壽仁。 (四)上典先生靜曾夫人儷正,甲辰小暑喻仲林寫。 鈐印: (一)孫氏(朱文)、家勤(白文)、耘野(朱文) (二)念祖(朱文) (三)鍾(白文)、壽仁(朱文)、四季平安(朱文) (四)喻(白文)、仲林(朱文) Signed SUN Jia-qin, HU Nian-zu, CHUNG Shou-ren and YU Chung-lin in Chinese With nine seals of the artists

      • 陳立夫;蘇葆楨;胡念祖 CHEN Li-fu (Chinese, 1900-2001); SU Bau-jen (Chinese, 1916-1990); HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)
        Nov. 30, 2024

        陳立夫;蘇葆楨;胡念祖 CHEN Li-fu (Chinese, 1900-2001); SU Bau-jen (Chinese, 1916-1990); HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)

        Est: NT$20,000 - NT$40,000

        行書書法、果實纍纍、峻嶺雲霄(三件一組) Calligraphy in Running Script, Grapes, Misty Landscape (A Set of Three) 釋文: (一)仁,天之尊爵也,人之安宅也。居安宅而修天爵智也,當仁不讓勇也。 (二)果實纍纍。 款識: (一)上典學弟留念。陳立夫。七一、十二、二。 (二)已巳年初春於蜀都。 (三)上典先生暨夫人雅正。丙午春二月,益陽胡念祖。 鈐印: (一)陳立夫印(白文)、虬毅齋(白文) (二)畫癖(朱文)、錦水春風(朱文)、畫中有書(白文) (三)胡念祖印(白文) Signed CHEN Li-fu and HU Nian-zu in Chinese With six seals of the artists

      • HU Nian-Zu, LANDSCAPE
        Oct. 05, 2024

        HU Nian-Zu, LANDSCAPE

        Est: $4,000 - $5,000

        stamped on the leftt side framed

        New Art Est-Ouest Auctions
      • HU NIEN-TSU (HU NIANZU, 1927-2019) Climbing the Misty Mountain in the Early Morning, 1973
        Sep. 17, 2024

        HU NIEN-TSU (HU NIANZU, 1927-2019) Climbing the Misty Mountain in the Early Morning, 1973

        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        HU NIEN-TSU (HU NIANZU, 1927-2019) Climbing the Misty Mountain in the Early Morning, 1973 Laid on board and framed and glazed, ink and color on paper, inscribed by the artist and dated 1973 and signed Hu Nianzu, with two artist's seals; together with two Hu Nianzu publications, one inscribed by the artist with a dedication and dated February 23, 1974. 23 1/2 x 72in (59.7 x 182.9cm)

      • 胡念祖HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)
        Jun. 01, 2024

        胡念祖HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)

        Est: NT$20,000 - NT$40,000

        溪流煙影 Splashed Landscape 釋文:山中有流水,借問不知名。映地為天色,飛空作雨聲。轉來深澗滿,分出小池平。恬淡無人見,年年常自清。 款識:時在己卯仲秋西元一九九九年九月,擬唐人詩意,以灑拓法成之亦畫也,石牛老牧胡念祖。此法得自西方,有天然風趣,偶一為之,無傷大雅。 鈐印:胡念祖(白文)、心原(朱文)、石牛老牧(朱文) Signed HU Nian-zu in Chinese With three seals of the artist

      • 胡念祖 HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)
        Dec. 02, 2023

        胡念祖 HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)

        Est: NT$30,000 - NT$60,000

        寓居漁村 Residing at the Fishing Village 釋文:迎風厝貧居數代,鼓浪舟苦度一生。 款識:時在丁丑孟春月憶寫漁村小景於麗水精舍, 石牛老牧胡念祖。 鈐印:石牛老牧(白文)、胡(朱文)、念祖(白文)、 麗水精舍(白文) Signed HU Nian-zu in Chinese With three seals of the artist

      • 胡念祖 HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)
        Dec. 02, 2023

        胡念祖 HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)

        Est: NT$30,000 - NT$60,000

        峻嶺雲霄 Misty Landscape 款識:上典先生暨夫人雅正。丙午春二月,益陽胡念祖。 鈐印:胡念祖印(白文) Signed HU Nian-zu in Chinese With one seal of the artist

      • 金勤伯 ; 胡念祖 JIN Chin-bo (Taiwanese, 1910-1998) ; HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)
        Dec. 02, 2023

        金勤伯 ; 胡念祖 JIN Chin-bo (Taiwanese, 1910-1998) ; HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)

        Est: NT$20,000 - NT$40,000

        杜鵑及水閣清吟(兩件一組) Azaleas and Kiosk by the Hill (A Set of Two) 款識: (上)聲白仁兄方家正畫,吳興勤伯金業擬趙撝叔本。 (下)歲在癸卯夏月寫水閣清吟圖,以應立齋先生雅屬,學淵胡念祖時同客台灣。 鈐印: (上)金(朱文) (下)學淵(白文)、念祖(朱文) Signed JIN Chin-bo and HU Nian-zu in Chinese With three seals of the artist

      • 胡念祖 HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)
        Dec. 02, 2023

        胡念祖 HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)

        Est: NT$50,000 - NT$100,000

        秋江小品(兩件一組) Autumn Scenes (A Set of Two) 釋文: (左)臥聽青山鐘,遙在白雲裏。 (右)秋江晚渡。 款識: (左)丙午大寒於麗水精舍,胡念祖。 (右)丙午深秋於麗水精舍,胡念祖。 鈐印: (左)胡氏(朱文)、念祖(白文) (右)胡(朱文)、念祖(白文) Signed HU Nian-zu in Chinese With four seals of the artist

      • 胡念祖 HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)
        Jun. 03, 2023

        胡念祖 HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)

        Est: NT$20,000 - NT$40,000

        寒江孤舟River Landscape in Winter 釋文:溪水寒不流,溪上雪盈尺。填溪溪路平,溪行路欲絕。北風三日勁,雪凍堅若鐵。何時棹舟來,臥 聽聲騷屑。 款識:錄清人句並寫其意,時年西曆一九八五年中華民主紀元第七十四年於北美紐約森林山居桃江遊子念 祖心原。 鈐印:學淵(朱文)、胡 (白文)、森林山居(朱文) Signed Nian-zu in Chinese With three seals of the artist

      • HU NIANZU (1927 - 2019) Clouds in the Mountains
        Jun. 02, 2023

        HU NIANZU (1927 - 2019) Clouds in the Mountains

        Est: $25,000 - $40,000

        HU NIANZU (1927 - 2019) Clouds in the Mountains Ink and colour on silk, horizontal scroll, framed Inscribed and signed Yiyang Hu Nianzu, with two artist's seals Dated bingwu (1966) 120 x 62cm (40 x 24⅜in) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • 胡念祖 HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)
        Jun. 04, 2022

        胡念祖 HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)

        Est: NT$30,000 - NT$60,000

        春林飛瀑 Waterfall in Spring 釋文:中國民主建國第七十年,西曆一九八一年之夏寫幽巖飛瀑,為緯炎醫師雙儷補壁,益陽胡念祖時寓美國紐約。 鈐印:胡念祖印(白文)、心原書畫(朱文)、家在洞庭(白文) Signed HU Nian-zu in Chinese With three seals of the artist

      • 胡念祖 HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)
        Jun. 04, 2022

        胡念祖 HU Nian-zu (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)

        Est: NT$30,000 - NT$60,000

        谿山雪霽 Landscape 款識: (上)此余三十年前舊作,斯見故人,甲申仲秋,石牛老牧。 (下)胡念祖。 鈐印:心原胡念祖(白文)、石牛老牧(朱文)、胡念祖印(白文) Signed HU Nian-zu in Chinese With three seals of the artist

      • 胡念祖 HU NIAN-ZU (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)
        Dec. 05, 2020

        胡念祖 HU NIAN-ZU (Taiwanese, 1927-2019)

        Est: NT$30,000 - NT$60,000

        寒巖清泉 Landscape 釋文:白石巖腰屑玉泉,佳名初自老君傳。渾疑齒頰冰霜論,終日霏霏落半天。 款識:宋人詩意。時在辛巳深冬,石牛老牧於麗水精舍胡念祖。 鈐印:石牛老牧(白文)、胡(朱文)、念祖(白文)、麗水精舍(白文) Signed Hu Nian-Zu in Chinese With four seals of the artist

      • Hu Nianzu (1927-2019) Waterfall Landscape
        Jul. 07, 2020

        Hu Nianzu (1927-2019) Waterfall Landscape

        Est: $8,000 - $15,000

        Hu Nianzu (1927-2019) Waterfall Landscape Ink and colour on paper, framed Inscribed and signed Shiniu Laomu Xinyuan Hu Nianzu, with three seals of the artist Dated gengchen year (2000) 52.4 x 79.2cm (20⅝ x 31⅛in) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

        Jun. 29, 2018


        Est: $30,000 - $50,000

        A Chinese Folio Album with Watercolor Landscape Paintings by Huang Binhong (1865-1955) and Colophon by Hu Nianzu (b. 1927) 13-1/2 inches high x 11 inches wide (34.3 x 27.9 cm) (each, work) 16-3/4 inches high x 13-1/4 inches wide (overall) PROVENANCE: Collection of Robert H. Ellsworth; Acquired from the above. Album containing seven watercolor landscape painting and one colophon page. HID04901242017

        Heritage Auctions
      • HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "SHEPHERD WITH GOATS IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed and sealed.
        Dec. 14, 2017

        HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "SHEPHERD WITH GOATS IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed and sealed.

        Est: $800 - $1,000

        HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "SHEPHERD WITH GOATS IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed and sealed - 19 3/4 x 10 1/2 in.

        Sloans & Kenyon
      • HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "SHEPARD WITH GOATS IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed and sealed.
        Sep. 23, 2017

        HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "SHEPARD WITH GOATS IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed and sealed.

        Est: $1,000 - $1,200

        HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "SHEPARD WITH GOATS IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed and sealed - 19 3/4 x 10 1/2 in.

        Sloans & Kenyon
      • HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "TRAIL IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed, sealed, framed.
        Sep. 23, 2017

        HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "TRAIL IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed, sealed, framed.

        Est: $1,200 - $1,500

        HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "TRAIL IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed, sealed, framed - 14 3/4 x 19 3/4 in.

        Sloans & Kenyon
      • ZHANG WEIGUO (20TH CENTURY) Boats on River Scroll, unmounted, ink and color
        Mar. 14, 2017

        ZHANG WEIGUO (20TH CENTURY) Boats on River Scroll, unmounted, ink and color

        Est: $2,600 - $7,600

        ZHANG WEIGUO (20TH CENTURY) Boats on River Scroll, unmounted, ink and color on paper 53 1/4 x 10 3/4 in. (135.5 x 27.2 cm.) Inscribed and signed, with four seals of the artist Dated guiwei year (2003) HU NIANZU (BORN 1927) Figures on Boats Scroll, mounted for framing, ink and color on paper 27 1/2 x 13 3/8 in. (69.8 x 34 cm.) Inscribed and signed, with one seals of the artist Dated early summer, yisi year (1965) LU YUANDING (BORN 1911) Landscape Scroll, unmounted, ink on paper 26 3/4 x 16 1/2 in. (68.2 x 41.8 cm.) Entitled, inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dated the seventh month, jiwei year (1979) Dedicated to Jiaona (Josiane De s m e d t Y e n )(3)

      • Hu Nianzu (1927- ) Plum Blossom
        Feb. 18, 2017

        Hu Nianzu (1927- ) Plum Blossom

        Est: $2,000 - $4,000

        Plum blossoms issuing from a cliff, signed Hu Nianzu with three seals of the artist, ink and watercolour on paper, 99 cm x 24 cm 胡念祖 花卉山水 设色纸本

        Stunning Arts Auction & Appraisal
      • Hu Nianzu (1927- ) Pine Trees By The Cliffs
        Feb. 18, 2017

        Hu Nianzu (1927- ) Pine Trees By The Cliffs

        Est: $4,000 - $8,000

        Pine trees by the cliffs, signed Hu Nianzu with seven seals of the artist, ink and watercolour on paper, published on an artbook about the paintings by the artist, 62.5 cm x 89 cm 胡念祖 石牛老牧写意 设色纸本 镜心 画册原作

        Stunning Arts Auction & Appraisal
      • HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "SHEPARD WITH GOATS IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed and sealed.
        Sep. 17, 2016

        HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "SHEPARD WITH GOATS IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed and sealed.

        Est: $1,600 - $2,000

        HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "SHEPARD WITH GOATS IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed and sealed - 19 3/4 x 10 1/2 in.

        Sloans & Kenyon
      • HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "TRAIL IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed, sealed, framed.
        Sep. 17, 2016

        HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "TRAIL IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed, sealed, framed.

        Est: $2,400 - $3,200

        HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "TRAIL IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed, sealed, framed - 14 3/4 x 19 3/4 in.

        Sloans & Kenyon
      • HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "TRAIL IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed, sealed, framed.
        Apr. 25, 2015

        HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "TRAIL IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed, sealed, framed.

        Est: $3,000 - $4,000

        HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "TRAIL IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed, sealed, framed - 14 3/4 x 19 3/4 in.

        Sloans & Kenyon
      • HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "SHEPARD WITH GOATS IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed and sealed.
        Apr. 25, 2015

        HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "SHEPARD WITH GOATS IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed and sealed.

        Est: $2,000 - $2,500

        HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "SHEPARD WITH GOATS IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed and sealed - 19 3/4 x 10 1/2 in.

        Sloans & Kenyon
      • HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "TRAIL IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed, sealed, framed.
        Feb. 21, 2015

        HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "TRAIL IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed, sealed, framed.

        Est: $3,000 - $4,000

        HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "TRAIL IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed, sealed, framed - 14 3/4 x 19 3/4 in.

        Sloans & Kenyon
      • HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "SHEPARD WITH GOATS IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed and sealed.
        Feb. 21, 2015

        HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "SHEPARD WITH GOATS IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed and sealed.

        Est: $2,500 - $3,000

        HU NIANZU (Chinese, b. 1927). "SHEPARD WITH GOATS IN THE MOUNTAINS", Ink and color on paper, signed and sealed - 19 3/4 x 10 1/2 in.

        Sloans & Kenyon
      • Hu Nianzu (b. 1927), Landscape, 1947
        Dec. 06, 2014

        Hu Nianzu (b. 1927), Landscape, 1947

        Est: $800 - $1,200

        Ink and color on paper, a painting of a fisherman sitting on a rocky cliff beneath a tree, mountains towering in the distance, artist's signature and date inscribed to upper right, artist's seal to upper right, collector's seal to lower left, mounted in a frame, light foxing, approx. 21 3/4 by 11 5/8 in., 55 by 29.5 cm.

        Waterford's Art & Antiques Auctioneers
      • Hu Nianzu (b.1927) Landscape
        Nov. 23, 2014

        Hu Nianzu (b.1927) Landscape

        Est: -

        Hu Nianzu (b.1927) Landscape

      • Chinese 20th C. Scroll Painting
        Mar. 30, 2013

        Chinese 20th C. Scroll Painting

        Est: $6,000 - $8,000

        Scroll painting, China, 20th century, of a mountain landscape, signed Hu Nianzu, dated 1967, 21 1/2" h x 37" w, framed 27" h x 45 1/2" w. From a New York collector.

        Kaminski Auctions
      • HU NIANZU (b. 1927): LANDSCAPE, dated 1961, ink
        May. 07, 2010

        HU NIANZU (b. 1927): LANDSCAPE, dated 1961, ink

        Est: - €3,000

        HU NIANZU (b. 1927): LANDSCAPE, dated 1961, ink and colours on paper, inscribed zhonghua minguo wushi nian chuchun hua yu taiwan lishui jingshe xueliu Hu Nianzu", seals: 'xueyuan - Hu Nianzu yin' - Property from an European private collection - Good condi

        Nagel Auction
      • Hu Nianzu B. 1927 , EXCURSION IN THE FOREST ink and colour on paper, framed
        Oct. 06, 2008

        Hu Nianzu B. 1927 , EXCURSION IN THE FOREST ink and colour on paper, framed

        Est: $35,000 - $50,000

        signed SHINIU LAOMU HU NIANZU , dated xin si , 2001, summer, inscribed, and with three seals of the artist. Frontisepiece by the artist himself ink and colour on paper, framed

      • Hu Nien-Tsu (Hu Nianzu) b. 1927 Snowscape Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper 54 x 28 inches
        Mar. 20, 2007

        Hu Nien-Tsu (Hu Nianzu) b. 1927 Snowscape Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper 54 x 28 inches

        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        Hu Nien-Tsu (Hu Nianzu) b. 1927 Snowscape Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper 54 x 28 inches St. John's University mounting in ripped in several places, needs remounting

        Doyle New York
      • Hu Nien-Tsu (Hu Nianzu) b. 1927 Landscape Dated 1973 Ink and color on paper 14 1/2 x 78 inches
        Mar. 20, 2007

        Hu Nien-Tsu (Hu Nianzu) b. 1927 Landscape Dated 1973 Ink and color on paper 14 1/2 x 78 inches

        Est: $1,200 - $1,800

        Hu Nien-Tsu (Hu Nianzu) b. 1927 Landscape Dated 1973 Ink and color on paper 14 1/2 x 78 inches

        Doyle New York
      • Hu Nien-Tsu Nianzu b. 1927 Landscape Dated 1973 Ink and color on paper 23 x 85 inches
        Mar. 20, 2007

        Hu Nien-Tsu Nianzu b. 1927 Landscape Dated 1973 Ink and color on paper 23 x 85 inches

        Est: $1,500 - $2,500

        Hu Nien-Tsu Nianzu b. 1927 Landscape Dated 1973 Ink and color on paper 23 x 85 inches

        Doyle New York
      • Hu Nien-Tsu (Hu Nianzu b. 1927 Landscape Dated 1973 Ink and color on paper 20 x 24 inches
        Mar. 20, 2007

        Hu Nien-Tsu (Hu Nianzu b. 1927 Landscape Dated 1973 Ink and color on paper 20 x 24 inches

        Est: $500 - $700

        Hu Nien-Tsu (Hu Nianzu b. 1927 Landscape Dated 1973 Ink and color on paper 20 x 24 inches St. John's University

        Doyle New York
      • HU NIANZU (BORN 1927)
        Nov. 27, 2006

        HU NIANZU (BORN 1927)

        Est: $60,000 - $80,000

        A Towering Cliff Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 44.5 x 105.5 cm. (17 1/2 x 41 1/2 in.) Entitled, inscribed and signed, with four seals of the artist Dated winter, 2005

      • Hu Nianzu (Born 1927): Waterfall
        May. 10, 2004

        Hu Nianzu (Born 1927): Waterfall

        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        Hu Nianzu (Born 1927): Waterfall Framed and glazed, ink and color on paper; the right dated Zhonghua Minguo fifty-sixth year (1967), signed Hu Nianzu, with two artist's seals, one reading Nianzu huayin. Dimensions 19 1/2 x 53 1/4in (49.5 x 135.2cm)

      Lots Per Page: