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Cornelis Holsteijn Sold at Auction Prices

Historical-scenes painter, Genre Painter, Glass painter, Etcher

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  • Diana and her nymphs
    Apr. 10, 2024

    Diana and her nymphs

    Est: £7,000 - £10,000

    Cornelis Holsteyn Haarlem 1618–1658 Amsterdam Diana and her nymphs signed and dated centre left edge: CHolsteyn / 1654 oil on canvas unframed: 73.6 x 86.4 cm.; 29 x 34 in. framed: 89 x 102 cm.; 35 x 40⅛ in.

  • Cornelis Holsteyn, attributed to, Vertumnus and Pomona
    May. 20, 2023

    Cornelis Holsteyn, attributed to, Vertumnus and Pomona

    Est: €22,000 - €24,000

    This depiction is based on an episode from Ovid's Metarmorphoses. The god of vegetation Vertumnus falls in love with the goddess of tree fruits Pomona, but she rejects him. He unsuccessfully courts her in the guise of various characters until he approaches her disguised as an old woman and thus gains access to her garden. Few surely attributed works by the Dutch classicist Cornelis Holsteyn are known. Born in Haarlem, he specialised in portrait painting as well as biblical and mytological themes. One of his most beautiful works is the painting "Venus Mourning for Adonis" in the Frans Hals Museum, Haarelm, which was painted around 1655. This painting was thought to be the work of Caesar van Everdingen, but is now attributed to Cornelis Holsteyn. The canvas is registered in the RKD (Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie) under the no. 121544.

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Holsteijn, C. (1618-1658). (Bacchus and his followers comforting Ariadne).
    Nov. 25, 2022

    Holsteijn, C. (1618-1658). (Bacchus and his followers comforting Ariadne).

    Est: €200 - €300

    Holsteijn, C. (1618-1658). (Bacchus and his followers comforting Ariadne). Etching, 29,4x19,6 cm., etched caption in Latin and Dutch below image. - Sm. spot w. manuscript restoration in upper right corner; sm. rubbed spot in upper left corner; a few sm. strengthened spots on verso. Othewise fine and a strong impression. = Hollstein 1; Wurzbach I, p701-702. Dutch caption reading "daer Bachus ons ansiet De droefhydt ons ontvliedt". Provenance: Dr. Julius Hofmann (Lugt 1264) and Carl Ritter von Zepharovich (Lugt 2675). Very rare.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Painter of the Late 17th / early 18th Century, Saint Peter
    Mar. 24, 2021

    Painter of the Late 17th / early 18th Century, Saint Peter

    Est: €1,500 -

    The saint against a brown background in a dark robe with white sleeve ends and shirt collar protruding from underneath, his hands resting on a table, slightly folded over one another. Lying in front of him, as one of his attributes, is a key. He has raised his head slightly and is staring at a magnificent rooster with shining eyes. The painting refers to the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 14, in which Jesus says to Peter “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times”. In the picture shown, Peter remembers this sentence, full of sadness, and tears in his eyes. Painting in a skilful light and dark staging

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • Holsteijn, Cornelis 1618 Haarlem - 1658 Amsterdam
    Sep. 26, 2020

    Holsteijn, Cornelis 1618 Haarlem - 1658 Amsterdam

    Est: -

    Holsteijn, Cornelis 1618 Haarlem - 1658 Amsterdam Zwei Gemälde. Puttenreigen. Öl/Holz, je 19 x 24,5 cm. Provenienz: Königliche Sammlung Hannover. Fideikommiss des Hauses Braunschweig-Lüneburg. Versteigerung: Paul Cassirer/Hugo Helbing, Berlin, 27 April 1926, Nr. 68 und 69. Rahmen um 1800.

    Dusseldorfer Auktionshaus
  • Cornelis Holsteijn (1618 - 1658) - Bacchus
    May. 09, 2020

    Cornelis Holsteijn (1618 - 1658) - Bacchus

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    In Cornelis Holsteijn’s work, he focused mainly on painting historical allegories and mythological themes. The artist was probably trained by his father, who was a glass painter. This painting depicts Dionysus, god of wine and unbridled merriment, and his mistress Semele. He is comfortably seated on a leopard skin, with a typical vine wreath on his head, in the embrace of naked women and a satyr servant, pouring wine into a large ornate cup. The scene is set in open countryside, in the shelter of rocks. In the trees, two small satyrs play and the grouping is accompanied by a goat.

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • Cornelis Holsteijn (1618 - 1658) - Bacchus
    Sep. 30, 2019

    Cornelis Holsteijn (1618 - 1658) - Bacchus

    Est: Kč180,000 - Kč230,000

    Oil on wood panel. In Cornelis Holsteijn’s work, he focused mainly on painting historical allegories and mythological themes. The artist was probably trained by his father, who was a glass painter. This painting depicts Dionysus, god of wine and unbridled merriment, and his mistress Semele. He is comfortably seated on a leopard skin, with a typical vine wreath on his head, in the embrace of naked women and a satyr servant, pouring wine into a large ornate cup. The scene is set in open countryside, in the shelter of rocks. In the trees, two small satyrs play and the grouping is accompanied by a goat.

    Arcimboldo Auctions
  • Cornelis Holsteijn (1618 - 1658) - Bacchus
    Sep. 14, 2019

    Cornelis Holsteijn (1618 - 1658) - Bacchus

    Est: Kč180,000 - Kč230,000

    Oil on wood panel. In Cornelis Holsteijn’s work, he focused mainly on painting historical allegories and mythological themes. The artist was probably trained by his father, who was a glass painter. This painting depicts Dionysus, god of wine and unbridled merriment, and his mistress Semele. He is comfortably seated on a leopard skin, with a typical vine wreath on his head, in the embrace of naked women and a satyr servant, pouring wine into a large ornate cup. The scene is set in open countryside, in the shelter of rocks. In the trees, two small satyrs play and the grouping is accompanied by a goat.

    Arcimboldo Auctions
  • Holsteyn, Cornelis: Verscheyde aerdige Kinderspel
    Nov. 24, 2016

    Holsteyn, Cornelis: Verscheyde aerdige Kinderspel

    Est: €500 - €750

    nach. Verscheyde aerdige Kinderspel. 6 Radierungen. Je ca. 21,4 x 27,2 cm. Hollstein (Hollsteyn) 30-35. Wz. Schellenkappe mit drei Kugeln. Ganz ausgezeichnete, gleichmäßige und teils leuchtende Drucke, die Blätter 1, 2 und 6 mit breitem Rand, die Blätter 3-5 mit feinem Rändchen um die Plattenkante. Minimal fleckig sowie unten rechts minimal fingerfleckig, das Titelblatt mit zwei geschlossenen Randeinrissen bis knapp in die Darstellung reichend, schwache vertikale Trocken- bzw. Quetschfältchen, einzelne kleine ausgebesserte Stellen, links Spuren einer alten Bindung, drei Blatt auf ein Fensterpassepartout montiert, sonst gut erhaltene Exemplare. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Holsteyn, Cornelis: Bacchus tröstet Ariadne
    May. 28, 2015

    Holsteyn, Cornelis: Bacchus tröstet Ariadne

    Est: €200 - €300

    Bacchus tröstet Ariadne. Radierung. 29,7 x 19,9 cm. Hollstein 1. Wz. Wappen von Amsterdam mit Nebenmarke CS. Ausgezeichneter Druck mit feinem Rändchen um die Plattenkante. Lediglich im linken äußeren Rand oben und unten leichte Ausbesserung, geringfügig altersspurig, sonst sehr schön erhalten. Aus der Sammlung Fabricius (Lugt 847a und 919bis). Beigegeben von Hendrick Goltzius nach Polidoro da Caravaggio "Bacchus" (Lugt 321).

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Holsteyn, Cornelis: Darstellungen verschiedener Kinderspiele - Verscheyde Aerdig Kinderspel
    May. 29, 2014

    Holsteyn, Cornelis: Darstellungen verschiedener Kinderspiele - Verscheyde Aerdig Kinderspel

    Est: €350 - €450

    Darstellungen verschiedener Kinderspiele - Verscheyde Aerdig Kinderspel... Titel und 5 Kupferstiche gestochen von D. Danckerts. Je ca. 15 x 19,5 cm. Aus Hollstein 10-21 bzw. aus Hollstein (D. Danckerts) 32-43. Die sechs Blatt der Folge in ausgezeichneten, gleichmäßigen Drucken mit dem (wohl) vollen Rand, teils noch in den original Lagen gebunden. Vor allem im weißen Rand fleckig und etwas angestaubt, vereinzelt kleine Wurmgänge und partiell mit kleineren Randschäden, Hängefalten, meist kleinere Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren, sonst gut erhalten.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Holsteyn, Cornelis: Darstellungen verschiedener Kinderspiele - Verscheyde Aerdig Kinderspel
    Nov. 28, 2013

    Holsteyn, Cornelis: Darstellungen verschiedener Kinderspiele - Verscheyde Aerdig Kinderspel

    Est: €350 - €450

    Darstellungen verschiedener Kinderspiele - Verscheyde Aerdig Kinderspel... Titel und 5 Kupferstiche gestochen von D. Danckerts. Je ca. 15 x 19,5 cm. Aus Hollstein 10-21 bzw. aus Hollstein (D. Danckerts) 32-43. Die sechs Blatt der Folge in ausgezeichneten, gleichmäßigen Drucken mit dem (wohl) vollen Rand, teils noch in den original Lagen gebunden. Vor allem im weißen Rand fleckig und etwas angestaubt, vereinzelt kleine Wurmgänge und partiell mit kleineren Randschäden, Hängefalten, meist kleinere Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren, sonst gut erhalten.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Cornelis Holsteyn Haarlem 1618 - 1658 Amsterdam , Putti Making Music and Dancing in a Landscape oil on canvas
    Jun. 06, 2008

    Cornelis Holsteyn Haarlem 1618 - 1658 Amsterdam , Putti Making Music and Dancing in a Landscape oil on canvas

    Est: $1,618 - $1,658

    signed C. Holsteyn f. and dated 1654 lower left oil on canvas

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