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Jammie Holmes Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1984 -

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  • JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984). Preacher. acrylic and oil stick on canvas 88 ½ x 7
    Dec. 18, 2024

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984). Preacher. acrylic and oil stick on canvas 88 ½ x 7

    Est: $50,000 - $70,000

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984). Preacher. acrylic and oil stick on canvas 88 ½ x 78 in. (224.8 x 198.1 cm.).

  • Recycled Tradition
    Nov. 21, 2024

    Recycled Tradition

    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    Jammie Holmes b. 1984 Recycled Tradition signed and dated 2020 (on the reverse) acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 66 ¼ by 84 in. 168.3 by 213.4 cm. Executed in 2020.

  • Jammie Holmes, Untitled
    Sep. 12, 2024

    Jammie Holmes, Untitled

    Est: $6,000 - $8,000

    Jammie Holmes Untitled 2022 charcoal, ink and gold leaf on paper 14.75 h x 13.5 w in (37 x 34 cm) Signed and dated to lower left 'Jammie Holmes 2022'. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist, Collection of Shawn and Andrew Hosner of Thinkspace Projects, Los Angeles This work will ship from Los Angeles, California.

    Los Angeles Modern Auctions
  • Aging
    Oct. 03, 2023


    Est: $30,000 - $40,000

    Jammie Holmes b. 1984 Aging signed (lower right) oil on canvas 36 by 48 in. 91.4 by 121.9 cm. Executed in 2018.

  • Untitled [Two Works]
    Jul. 19, 2023

    Untitled [Two Works]

    Est: $30,000 - $50,000

    Jammie Holmes b. 1984 Untitled [Two Works] signed and dated 2019 (on the reverse of each) oil and acrylic on canvas 48⅞ by 23⅞ in. 124.1 60.6 cm. Executed in 2019.

  • Jammie Holmes (American 1984-), 'Pop Gun', 2020
    Jun. 07, 2023

    Jammie Holmes (American 1984-), 'Pop Gun', 2020

    Est: £700 - £900

    Jammie Holmes (American 1984-), 'Pop Gun', 2020, archival inkjet print on 290gsm paper, signed and numbered from an edition of 150 in pencil, published by Louis & Buhl; sheet: 51 x 40.5cm

    Tate Ward Auctions
  • JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Just Like My Mom acrylic and oil stick on canvas 12
    May. 29, 2023

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Just Like My Mom acrylic and oil stick on canvas 12

    Est: $200,000 - $400,000

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Just Like My Mom acrylic and oil stick on canvas 120 x 95 cm. (47 1/4 x 37 3/8 in. )

  • JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Study 3 acrylic on canvas 19 7/8 x 20 in. (50.5 x 5
    Mar. 10, 2023

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Study 3 acrylic on canvas 19 7/8 x 20 in. (50.5 x 5

    Est: $18,000 - $25,000

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Study 3 acrylic on canvas 19 7/8 x 20 in. (50.5 x 50.8 cm.)

  • Jammie Holmes (American 1984-), 'A Self Portrait Of An Artist On Narrow Street (Hand Finished)', 2020
    Dec. 07, 2022

    Jammie Holmes (American 1984-), 'A Self Portrait Of An Artist On Narrow Street (Hand Finished)', 2020

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    Jammie Holmes (American 1984-), 'A Self Portrait Of An Artist On Narrow Street', 2020, unique hand finished 4 Color Process Serigraph Print on Mohawk Superfine UltraWhite, 160 lb cover paper, signed in pencil; sheet: 89 x 53.5cm

    Tate Ward Auctions
  • JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) My Baby Birthday acrylic and oilstick on canvas 112
    Dec. 01, 2022

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) My Baby Birthday acrylic and oilstick on canvas 112

    Est: $200,000 - $400,000

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) My Baby Birthday acrylic and oilstick on canvas 112 x 91.5 cm. (48 x 36 cm.)

  • JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) 1984/Teenage Years II JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) 1984
    Oct. 11, 2022

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) 1984/Teenage Years II JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) 1984

    Est: $60,000 - $100,000

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) 1984/Teenage Years II JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) 1984/Teenage Years II signed with artist’s signature and dated ‘2019’ (on the reverse) acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 50 x 39.5 cm. (19 5/8 x 15 1/2 in.) Executed in 2019

  • JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) - A Self portrait of an Artist on Narrow Street
    Jul. 21, 2022

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) - A Self portrait of an Artist on Narrow Street

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) A Self portrait of an Artist on Narrow Street screenprint in colors, on Mohawk paper Sheet: 29 7⁄8 x 22 in. (76.2 x 55.9 cm.)

  • Jammie Holmes (American 1984-), 'Pop Gun', 2020
    Jul. 13, 2022

    Jammie Holmes (American 1984-), 'Pop Gun', 2020

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    Jammie Holmes (American 1984-), 'Pop Gun', 2020, archival inkjet print on 290gsm paper, signed and numbered from an edition of 150 in pencil, published by Louis & Buhl; sheet: 51 x 40.5cm

    Tate Ward Auctions
  • 傑米.霍姆斯 Jammie Holmes (American, b. 1984)
    Jun. 04, 2022

    傑米.霍姆斯 Jammie Holmes (American, b. 1984)

    Est: NT$1,900,000 - NT$2,800,000

    童兵系列─五分錢 Child Soldier Series - 5 Cents a Day 簽名題識畫背:JH 5¢ a Day 2019 Initialed reverse JH, titled 5¢ a Day and dated 2019 傑米.霍姆斯出生於美國路易斯安那州的提柏道克斯,是一個自學成才的藝術家,他的作品描述美國南部地區黑人家庭的生活故事。藉由具象的繪畫,霍姆斯表現日常的悲喜掙扎。他生長的地方距密西西比河二十分鐘路程,仍圍繞在過去黑歷史的社會和經濟現實,自1887年「提柏道克斯大屠殺」(Thibodaux Massacre)以來,奴役的記憶,工會衝突持續不斷。霍姆斯的作品既表現了路易斯安那州熱情包容的浪漫神話,同時有意隱藏延續幾世紀以來貧窮和種族主義的傷痕。儘管環境如此,霍姆斯的作品仍以捕捉家庭、儀式和傳統的節慶時刻為特色。 霍姆斯的祖母是提柏道克斯社區教會的引座員,自幼隨之參與教會活動。禮拜天總是混亂繁忙,對一個小男孩來說,對宗教的矛盾情緒,隨著年齡的增長與日俱增。霍姆斯說:「宗教的意義現在變得很不同。我們生活在魯莽輕率的環境中,所以教會感覺就像避風港,也是聆聽人生教誨的所在。而牧師在簾後聽著我們訴說現實生活的種種。」有時出現在霍姆斯的作品中的花卉壁紙,出現在男性人像的背景之中,就像禮拜天一樣,象徵著黑人男性為了生存而要表現得不具威脅感。其作品也反映出孩子在權利被剝奪的社區中長大,必須懂得「堅強」的壓力;照顧自身與家人;犯罪、暴力和虐待的威脅已成為日常。他說:「許多美國孩童在被剝奪權利的社區中長大。我們忘記了崎嶇的城市裡到處是早熟的孩子。」 在整個美國,青年的流失往往是槍枝暴力的結果,源自於長期以來社會和種族的不平等,貧窮社區的有色人種被迫為了生存而戰鬥。傑米.霍姆斯知名的公共項目「他們要殺了我」(They're Going to Kill Me)行為藝術,即是為了回應喬治.弗洛伊德被謀殺的新聞事件。本件讓人聯想起霍姆斯早期的創作,探討在魯莽環境中長大的孩子,類比於獅子山共和國的窮困兒童兵。灰色如混凝土般的背景為這作品奠定了基礎,象徵了一個冷硬的過去;畫中男孩模糊而不具體的外表,則代表了這是所有黑人的共同經歷。 作於2020 年的知名公共藝術作品「通用語言」(Universal Language),這幅壁畫是描述兒童遊戲時會使用的通用語言。儘管不會說同一種語言,孩子仍然知道如何一起玩耍,因為不得不背負的責任,現在的孩子過於早熟,不管在何處,孩童的嘻笑聲總是相同。壁畫內容描繪了在舊床墊上後空翻的孩子,提醒著我們:孩子們總是能找到保有童心的創造性方法,而我們不應剝奪他們的權利。 達拉斯藝術博物館當代藝術助理策展人薇薇安. 克羅克特(Vivian Crockett)如此形容霍姆斯的作品:「我認為霍姆斯以一種不常見,而又複雜的表現方式,展現黑人男子氣概,非常有力量。」其作品已為達拉斯藝術博物館永久典藏。重要的展覽經歷包括:「傑米.霍姆斯:所有都受傷」(達拉斯當代美術館,德州,美國,2020)、「解剖:傑米.霍姆斯」(圖書館街頭團體畫廊,底特律,2020)、「男人的碎片」(2021)和「待確認」(2020)等。 Jammie Holmes is a self-taught painter from Thibodaux, Louisiana, whose work tells the story of contemporary life for many black families in the Deep South. Through figurative works and tableaux, Holmes depicts stories of the celebrations and struggles of everyday life. Growing up 20 minutes from the Mississippi River, Holmes was surrounded by the social and economic consequences of America's dark past, where reminders of slavery exist alongside labor union conflicts that have fluctuated in intensity since the Thibodaux Massacre of 1887. His work is a counterpoint to the romantic mythology of Louisiana as a hub of charming hospitality, an idea that has been perpetuated in order to hide the deep scars of poverty and racism that have structured life in the state for centuries. Despite the circumstances of its setting, Holmes' work is characterized by the moments he captures where family, ritual and tradition are celebrated. Holmes' grandmother was an usher at his community church in Thibodaux, having been involved with the congregation from a young age. Sunday was always chaotic, and as a boy, he had conflicted feelings around religion that only grew as he did. Says Holmes, "Religion now means something different. We were living in a reckless environment, so church felt like a safe haven and a place to listen to life lessons. Across America, loss of the young in particular is too often the result of gun violence that stems from deep and long standing social and racial inequity, where people of color in poor communities are forced to struggle to survive. Jamie Holmes initiated the "They Are Killing Me" public project in response to the news that George Floyd was murdered. This artwork is reminiscent of earlier works by Holmes that paralleled kids growing up in rough neighborhoods to child soldiers in Sierra Leone. The grey concrete grounds the work and represents a hardened past. The vague and unrealistic appearance represents that this is the common experience of all blacks. Our reverend lived in the hood and talked about real things happening." Floral wallpaper is sometimes incorporated into Homes' paintings as in All on a Sunday - often depicted just behind a male figure - meant to symbolize the need black men feel to present themselves as unthreatening in order to stay alive. His artworks also reflect the pressure on children growing up in disenfranchised neighborhoods to 'be strong'; take care of themselves and their families from a young age; and to normalize exposure to threats of crime, violence, or abuse. "So many American kids are growing up in disenfranchised neighborhoods. We forget that rough cities are filled with kids who grew up too fast." - JAMMIE HOLMES One of his public artwork, "Universal Language" has been created in 2020. Says Holmes: "This mural is about the universal language spoken by children through play; kids who may not speak the same language still know how to have fun with each other. Kids grow up too fast now because of the responsibilities we put on them. Laughter and play will always sound and look the same no matter where it happens. In the mural, there is a kid doing a backflip on an old mattress outside, left for trash. Kids will always find creative ways to stay young - it's up to us not to take that away from them." "I think there's something very powerful about the way that (Holmes) presents black masculinity; a way that people aren't used to seeing. It's a very complex portrayal." - Vivian Crockett, the Nancy and Tim Hanley Assistant Curator of Contemporary Art at the Dallas Museum of Art. His artwork have been selected by the Dallas Museum of Art. His exhibitions include: "Jammie Holmes: Everything Hurts." (Dallas Contemporary, Dallas, TX, USA, 2020), "Anatomy: Jammie Holmes" (Library Street Collective, Detroit, 2020), "Pieces of a Man" (2021) and "To Be Determined" (2020), etc.

  • Jammie Holmes (American 1984-), 'Pop Gun', 2020
    Mar. 30, 2022

    Jammie Holmes (American 1984-), 'Pop Gun', 2020

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    Jammie Holmes (American 1984-), 'Pop Gun', 2020, archival inkjet print on 290gsm paper, signed and numbered from an edition of 150 in pencil, published by Louis & Buhl; sheet: 51 x 40.5cm

    Tate Ward Auctions
  • JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Artist Self Portrait acrylic, oil pastel and charco
    Mar. 02, 2022

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Artist Self Portrait acrylic, oil pastel and charco

    Est: £60,000 - £80,000

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Artist Self Portrait acrylic, oil pastel and charcoal on canvas 60 1/8 x 48 1/8in. (152.7 x 122.2cm.)

  • JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Preachers Son acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 48 1
    Dec. 15, 2021

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Preachers Son acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 48 1

    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Preachers Son acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 48 1/4 x 36 in. (122.5 x 91.4 cm.)

  • Jammie Holmes (American 1984-), 'A Self Portrait Of An Artist On Narrow Street', 2020
    Dec. 07, 2021

    Jammie Holmes (American 1984-), 'A Self Portrait Of An Artist On Narrow Street', 2020

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    Jammie Holmes (American 1984-), 'A Self Portrait Of An Artist On Narrow Street', 2020, unique hand finished 4 Color Process Serigraph Print on Mohawk Superfine UltraWhite, 160 lb cover paper, signed in pencil; sheet: 89 x 53.5cm

    Tate Ward Auctions
  • 傑米.霍姆斯(美國,1984年生) Jammie HOLMES (American, b. 1984)
    Dec. 04, 2021

    傑米.霍姆斯(美國,1984年生) Jammie HOLMES (American, b. 1984)

    Est: NT$3,000,000 - NT$5,000,000

    回家 Coming Home 簽名題識畫背:JH 2020 Coming Home Initialed reverse JH, titled Coming Home and dated 2020 傑米.霍姆斯出生於美國路易斯安那州的提柏道克斯,是一個自學成才的藝術家,他的作品描述美國南部地區黑人家庭的生活故事。藉由具象的繪畫,霍姆斯表現日常的悲喜掙扎。他生長的地方距密西西比河二十分鐘路程,仍圍繞在過去黑歷史的社會和經濟現實,自1887年「提柏道克斯大屠殺」(Thibodaux Massacre)以來,奴役的記憶,工會衝突持續不斷。霍姆斯的作品既表現了路易斯安那州熱情包容的浪漫神話,同時有意隱藏延續幾世紀以來貧窮和種族主義的傷痕。儘管環境如此,霍姆斯的作品仍以捕捉家庭、儀式和傳統的節慶時刻為特色。 霍姆斯的祖母是提柏道克斯社區教會的引座員,自幼隨之參與教會活動。禮拜天總是混亂繁忙,對一個小男孩來說,對宗教的矛盾情緒,隨著年齡的增長與日俱增。霍姆斯說:「宗教的意義現在變得很不同。我們生活在魯莽輕率的環境中,所以教會感覺就像避風港,也是聆聽人生教誨的所在。而牧師在簾後聽著我們訴說現實生活的種種。」有時出現在霍姆斯的作品中的花卉壁紙,出現在男性人像的背景之中,就像禮拜天一樣,象徵著黑人男性為了生存而要表現得不具威脅感。其作品也反映出孩子在權利被剝奪的社區中長大,必須懂得「堅強」的壓力;照顧自身與家人;犯罪、暴力和虐待的威脅已成為日常。他說:「許多美國孩童在被剝奪權利的社區中長大。我們忘記了崎嶇的城市裡到處是早熟的孩子。」 作於2020 年的知名公共藝術作品「通用語言」(Universal Language),這幅壁畫是描述兒童遊戲時會使用的通用語言。儘管不會說同一種語言,孩子仍然知道如何一起玩耍,因為不得不背負的責任,現在的孩子過於早熟,不管在何處,孩童的嘻笑聲總是相同。壁畫內容描繪了在舊床墊上後空翻的孩子,提醒著我們:孩子們總是能找到保有童心的創造性方法,而我們不應剝奪他們的權利。 達拉斯藝術博物館當代藝術助理策展人薇薇安. 克羅克特(Vivian Crockett)如此形容霍姆斯的作品:「我認為霍姆斯以一種不常見,而又複雜的表現方式,展現黑人男子氣概,非常有力量。」其作品已為達拉斯藝術博物館永久典藏。重要的展覽經歷包括:「傑米.霍姆斯:所有都受傷」(達拉斯當代美術館,德州,美國,2020)、「解剖:傑米.霍姆斯」(圖書館街頭團體畫廊,底特律,2020)、「男人的碎片」(2021)和「待確認」(2020)等。 Jammie Holmes is a self-taught painter from Thibodaux, Louisiana, whose work tells the story of contemporary life for many black families in the Deep South. Through figurative works and tableaux, Holmes depicts stories of the celebrations and struggles of everyday life. Growing up 20 minutes from the Mississippi River, Holmes was surrounded by the social and economic consequences of America's dark past, where reminders of slavery exist alongside labor union conflicts that have fluctuated in intensity since the Thibodaux Massacre of 1887. His work is a counterpoint to the romantic mythology of Louisiana as a hub of charming hospitality, an idea that has been perpetuated in order to hide the deep scars of poverty and racism that have structured life in the state for centuries. Despite the circumstances of its setting, Holmes' work is characterized by the moments he captures where family, ritual and tradition are celebrated. Holmes' grandmother was an usher at his community church in Thibodaux, having been involved with the congregation from a young age. Sunday was always chaotic, and as a boy, he had conflicted feelings around religion that only grew as he did. Says Holmes, "Religion now means something different. We were living in a reckless environment, so church felt like a safe haven and a place to listen to life lessons. Our reverend lived in the hood and talked about real things happening." Floral wallpaper is sometimes incorporated into Homes' paintings as in All on a Sunday - often depicted just behind a male figure - meant to symbolize the need black men feel to present themselves as unthreatening in order to stay alive. His artworks also reflect the pressure on children growing up in disenfranchised neighborhoods to 'be strong'; take care of themselves and their families from a young age; and to normalize exposure to threats of crime, violence, or abuse. "So many American kids are growing up in disenfranchised neighborhoods. We forget that rough cities are filled with kids who grew up too fast." - JAMMIE HOLMES One of his public artwork, "Universal Language" has been created in 2020. Says Holmes: "This mural is about the universal language spoken by children through play; kids who may not speak the same language still know how to have fun with each other. Kids grow up too fast now because of the responsibilities we put on them. Laughter and play will always sound and look the same no matter where it happens. In the mural, there is a kid doing a backflip on an old mattress outside, left for trash. Kids will always find creative ways to stay young - it's up to us not to take that away from them." "I think there's something very powerful about the way that (Holmes) presents black masculinity; a way that people aren't used to seeing. It's a very complex portrayal." - Vivian Crockett, the Nancy and Tim Hanley Assistant Curator of Contemporary Art at the Dallas Museum of Art. His artwork have been selected by the Dallas Museum of Art. His exhibitions include: "Jammie Holmes: Everything Hurts." (Dallas Contemporary, Dallas, TX, USA, 2020), "Anatomy: Jammie Holmes" (Library Street Collective, Detroit, 2020), "Pieces of a Man" (2021) and "To Be Determined" (2020), etc.

  • 傑米.霍姆斯(美國,1984年生) Jammie HOLMES (American, b. 1984)
    Dec. 04, 2021

    傑米.霍姆斯(美國,1984年生) Jammie HOLMES (American, b. 1984)

    Est: NT$1,200,000 - NT$1,800,000

    戰爭之子 Children of War 簽名題識畫背:JH 2019 Children of War Initialed reverse JH, titled Children of War and dated 2019 在整個美國,青年的流失往往是槍枝暴力的結果,源自於長期以來社會和種族的不平等,貧窮社區的有色人種被迫為了生存而戰鬥。傑米.霍姆斯知名的公共項目「他們要殺了我」(They're Going to Kill Me)行為藝術,即是為了回應喬治.弗洛伊德被謀殺的新聞事件。本件讓人聯想起霍姆斯早期的創作,探討在魯莽環境中長大的孩子,類比於獅子山共和國的窮困兒童兵。灰色如混凝土般的背景為這作品奠定了基礎,象徵了一個冷硬的過去;畫中男孩模糊而不具體的外表,則代表了這是所有黑人的共同經歷。 Across America, loss of the young in particular is too often the result of gun violence that stems from deep and long standing social and racial inequity, where people of color in poor communities are forced to struggle to survive. Jamie Holmes initiated the "They Are Killing Me" public project in response to the news that George Floyd was murdered. This artwork is reminiscent of earlier works by Holmes that paralleled kids growing up in rough neighborhoods to child soldiers in Sierra Leone. The grey concrete grounds the work and represents a hardened past. The vague and unrealistic appearance represents that this is the common experience of all blacks.

  • JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Need Smoke acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 48 x 36
    Nov. 12, 2021

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Need Smoke acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 48 x 36

    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Need Smoke acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 48 x 36 in. (121.9 x 91.4 cm.)

  • JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Colored Only acrylic and pastel on canvas 48 x 48 i
    Oct. 01, 2021

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Colored Only acrylic and pastel on canvas 48 x 48 i

    Est: $60,000 - $80,000

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Colored Only acrylic and pastel on canvas 48 x 48 in. (121.9 x 121.9 cm.)

  • JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) - Frozen Cup
    Jul. 02, 2021

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) - Frozen Cup

    Est: £20,000 - £30,000

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Frozen Cup signed with the artist's initials, titled and dated 'JH 2019 "Frozen Cup"' (on the reverse) acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 47 7/8 x 36in. (121.6 x 91.4cm.) Executed in 2019

  • Jammie Holmes (b. 1984) - Child Soldier
    May. 25, 2021

    Jammie Holmes (b. 1984) - Child Soldier

    Est: $200,000 - $400,000

    Jammie Holmes (b. 1984) Child Soldier acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 122 x 61 cm. (48 x 24 in.)

  • JAMMIE HOLMES (b. 1984) - First Birthday
    May. 25, 2021

    JAMMIE HOLMES (b. 1984) - First Birthday

    Est: $480,000 - $680,000

    JAMMIE HOLMES (b. 1984) First Birthday acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 121.6 x 152.1 cm. (47 7/8 x 59 7/8 in.)

  • JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Center of Attention acrylic on canvas 52 ½ x 81 ½ i
    May. 14, 2021

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Center of Attention acrylic on canvas 52 ½ x 81 ½ i

    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Center of Attention acrylic on canvas 52 ½ x 81 ½ in. (133.4 x 206.6 cm.)

  • JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Untitled (Aunt) acrylic and oil pastels on canvas 5
    Mar. 25, 2021

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Untitled (Aunt) acrylic and oil pastels on canvas 5

    Est: £35,000 - £55,000

    JAMMIE HOLMES (B. 1984) Untitled (Aunt) acrylic and oil pastels on canvas 59 7/8 x 47 7/8in. (152 x 121.5cm.)

  • Jammie Holmes (b. 1984) This Week's Last Supper acrylic and oil pastel on c
    Mar. 09, 2021

    Jammie Holmes (b. 1984) This Week's Last Supper acrylic and oil pastel on c

    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    Jammie Holmes (b. 1984) This Week's Last Supper acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 48 x 60 in. (121.9 x 152.4 cm.)

  • Jammie Holmes (b. 1984) Balloon Happy acrylic on canvas 60 x 48 in. (152.4
    Dec. 03, 2020

    Jammie Holmes (b. 1984) Balloon Happy acrylic on canvas 60 x 48 in. (152.4

    Est: $20,000 - $30,000

    Jammie Holmes (b. 1984) Balloon Happy acrylic on canvas 60 x 48 in. (152.4 x 121.9 cm.)

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