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Carsten Holler Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1961 -

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  • Höller, Carsten. Ohne Titel.
    May. 11, 2024

    Höller, Carsten. Ohne Titel.

    Est: €600 - €900

    Höller, Carsten. Ohne Titel. (Rentier). Farbserigraphie und Photogravüre auf Bütten. Signiert, datiert sowie nummeriert mit Bleistift. Exemplar: 48/55. 2010. Bildgröße: 54 x 49,5 cm. Blattmaße: 77 x 68 cm. Ausdrucksstarkes Werk des vor allem durch seine Objekt- und Installationsarbeiten bekannten Künstlers Carsten Höller (geb. 1961). Das Rentier und der Fliegenpilz verkörpern dabei zentrale Elemente Höllers künstlerischer Schaffenspraxis. Beide dienen als Sinnbild für die bereits in einer der Gründungsschriften des Hinduismus besungenen rituellen Substanz "Soma", welche durch Konsum Zugang zur göttlichen Sphäre ermöglichen solle. Jener Zustand könne wohl nach Höllers Überlegungen durch den Konsum des psychoaktiven Urins von Rentieren nach deren Verzehr des für sie ungiftigen Fliegenpilzes, angenähert werden können. Aus einer tiefen Faszination heraus, thematisiert Höller diese Zusammenhänge in vielen seiner experimentellen Werke, so auch in einer seiner größten Installationen "Soma" (2010/2011) im Hamburger Bahnhof. - Verso an den Eckpunkten auf Karton moniert, in sehr gutem Zustand.

    Nosbüsch & Stucke GmbH
  • Carsten Höller (1961 in Brüssel – lebt in Köln)
    Dec. 09, 2023

    Carsten Höller (1961 in Brüssel – lebt in Köln)

    Est: €100 - €200

    Somagabel. 2011. Gabel mit einem Griff aus Rentiergeweih, in Original-Karton. Auf einem beiliegenden Zertifikat signiert und nummeriert: Carsten Höller, 82/100 Maße Gabel: 20 x 6 x 1 cm. Herausgegeben von: Texte zur Kunst, Berlin 2011.

    AaG Auktionshaus am Grunewald
  • Carsten Höller, Rentier, signierte Photogravure von 2010, galeriegerahmt
    Nov. 03, 2023

    Carsten Höller, Rentier, signierte Photogravure von 2010, galeriegerahmt

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Carsten Höller, Rentier, signierte Photogravure von 2010, galeriegerahmt Carsten Höller, *1961 Brüssel, Objekt- und Installationskünstler, Rentier, Photogravure, 54 x 49 cm, signiert, datiert 2010, nummeriert 12/55, galeriegerahmt. Höller studierte ab dem Wintersemester 1979/80 in Kiel Agrarwissenschaft an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität und habilitierte sich 1993 in Phytopathologie mit einer Arbeit über die Geruchskommunikation zwischen Insekten. Noch während seiner Arbeit als Naturwissenschaftler begann er in den 1980er Jahren, das Experiment als Verfahren auch in künstlerischen Arbeiten zu realisieren. Bereits 1993 stellte Höller im „Aperto“-Teil der Biennale Venedig aus, auf der er schließlich 2005 gemeinsam mit Miriam Bäckström den schwedischen Pavillon bespielte. Seine Arbeiten fordern oftmals den Betrachter zur Teilnahme auf, um auf sehr direkte Weise ästhetische oder emotionale Erfahrungen hervorzurufen. 2005 stand Höller auf Rang 40 des Kunstkompass, 2007 auf Rang 34. Er lebt und arbeitet in Köln und Stockholm. Carsten Höller, Reindeer, signed photogravure from 2010, gallery-framed Carsten Höller, *1961 Brussels, object and installation artist, Reindeer, photogravure, 54 x 49 cm, signed, dated 2010, numbered 12/55, gallery-framed. Höller studied agricultural science at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität in Kiel from the winter semester 1979/80 and habilitated in phytopathology in 1993 with a thesis on olfactory communication between insects. While still working as a natural scientist, he began in the 1980s to realise the experiment as a procedure in artistic works as well. As early as 1993, Höller exhibited in the "Aperto" section of the Venice Biennale, at which he finally occupied the Swedish pavilion together with Miriam Bäckström in 2005. His works often invite the viewer to participate in order to evoke aesthetic or emotional experiences in a very direct way. In 2005 Höller was ranked 40th in the Art Compass, in 2007 34th. He lives and works in Cologne and Stockholm.

    K&K – Auktionen in Heidelberg
  • Key to the Laboratory of Doubt (for Parkett 77)
    Oct. 31, 2023

    Key to the Laboratory of Doubt (for Parkett 77)

    Est: €200 - €400

    HÖLLER, CARSTEN 1961 BRÜSSEL Title: Key to the Laboratory of Doubt (for Parkett 77). Date: 2006. Technique: In the shape of distorted key and geometric object, each cast in sterling silver, silver chain. In black cardboard box. Measurement: Key: 9 x 5,5 x 0,5cm, object: 4 x 3 x 2,5cm, length of the chain: ca. 70cm. Notation: Monogrammed, numbered and inscribed (engraved) on one side of the object. Publisher: Parkett-Verlag, Zurich (publisher). Number: 1/50. Condition: The multiple is in very good condition. With Parkett magazine. "Doubt and its semantic cousin, perplexity, which are both equally important to me, are unsightly states of mind we'd rather keep under lock and key because we associate them with uneasiness, with a failure of values. But wouldn't it be more accurate to claim the opposite, that certainty in the sense of brazen, untenable affirmation is much more pathetic? It is simply its association with notions of well-being that gives affirmation its current status. What needs to be done is to sever the association between affirmation and well-being." Carsten Höller interview with Hans Ulrich Obrist, Parkett no. 77, 2006. article on work and artist from Parkett edition no. 77. Explanations to the Catalogue

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Doppelpilzvitrine (1 Doppelpilz) (Double-mushroom showcase (1 double-mushroom))
    Sep. 21, 2023

    Doppelpilzvitrine (1 Doppelpilz) (Double-mushroom showcase (1 double-mushroom))

    Est: €12,000 - €18,000

    Be Amazing: Vibrant Contemporary Expressions. Property from an Important Private Collection, Europe Carsten Höller b. 1961 Doppelpilzvitrine (1 Doppelpilz) (Double-mushroom showcase (1 double-mushroom)) hand-painted polyurethane-resin multiple, in glass box  Height sculpture circa: 20 cm. 7⅞ in. Overall: 31,5 x 26 x 26 cm. 12⅜ by 10¼ by 10¼ in. Executed in 2009/10. _________________________________________________________ Be Amazing: Vibrant Contemporary Expressionss. Aus einer bedeutenden Privatsammlung, Europa Carsten Höller g. 1961 Doppelpilzvitrine (1 Doppelpilz)  handbemaltes Polyurethan-Harz-Multiple, in Glasbox  Höhe Skulptur circa: 20 cm. 7⅞ in. Insgesamt: 31,5 x 26 x 26 cm. 12⅜ by 10¼ by 10¼ in. Entstanden 2009/10.

  • Multiple Mushroom Dome (Amanita muscaria Coprinus comatus/Boletus edulis/Pleurotus ostreatus)
    Jul. 19, 2023

    Multiple Mushroom Dome (Amanita muscaria Coprinus comatus/Boletus edulis/Pleurotus ostreatus)

    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    Carsten Höller b. 1961 Multiple Mushroom Dome (Amanita muscaria Coprinus comatus/Boletus edulis/Pleurotus ostreatus) numbered 18/20 (on a printed label affixed to the underside of the base) hand-painted polyurethane-resin multiple in glass dome with wood base height approx.: 12⅜ in. (31.5 cm.) Executed in 2012; this example is number 18 from the edition of 20 plus five artist's proofs, produced for the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York.

  • Carsten Höller (1961 Brüssel) – Schlingenthal
    Jun. 21, 2023

    Carsten Höller (1961 Brüssel) – Schlingenthal

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Fotogravur auf festem Velin. 1997. Ca. 45 x 30 cm (Blattgröße ca. 65 x 49,5 cm). Ein „e.a.“-Exemplar außerhalb der Auflage von 10. Verso signiert und datiert. Im Randbereich vereinzelt zarte Griffspuren, Ecken kaum merklich bestoßen, sonst sehr gut. Taxation: differenzbesteuert (VAT: Margin Scheme)

    Karl & Faber - Timed
  • Carsten Höller (b. 1961 ) Lignano Apollo Swing, Lignano Sabbiadoro, 2006
    Feb. 15, 2023

    Carsten Höller (b. 1961 ) Lignano Apollo Swing, Lignano Sabbiadoro, 2006

    Est: €5,000 - €7,000

    Carsten Höller (b. 1961 ) Lignano Apollo Swing, Lignano Sabbiadoro, 2006 Chromogenic print on aluminium Signed on a label on the reverse AP 2/2 Edition of 3+ 2 AP Image : 90 x 122 cm Sheet : 117 x 148 cm Provenance : - Galerie Esther Schipper, Paris - Acquired from the latter by the current owners - Collection René-Julien Praz & Bruno Delavallade, Paris Carsten Höller (né en 1961 ) Lignano Apollo Swing, Lignano Sabbiadoro, 2006 Tirage chromogénique sur panneau d'aluminium composite Signé sur une étiquette au dos EA 2/2 Edition de 3 exemplaire + 2 EA Image : 90 x 122 cm Feuille : 117 x 148 cm Provenance : - Galerie Esther Schipper, Paris - Acquis auprès de cette dernière par les actuels propriétaires - Collection René-Julien Praz & Bruno Delavallade, Paris

  • Carsten Höller (b. 1961) Canaries, 2009
    Feb. 15, 2023

    Carsten Höller (b. 1961) Canaries, 2009

    Est: €12,000 - €18,000

    Carsten Höller (b. 1961) Canaries, 2009 Set of nine photogravures on Somerset 300 gr paper Signed bottom left Dated bottom center Numbered bottom right : "7/24" (each) Edition of 24 Image : 83 x 56,5 cm (each) Sheet : 108 × 78 cm (each) Provenance : - Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin - Acquired from the latter by the current owners - René-Julien Praz & Bruno Delavallade Collection, Paris Note : The "Canary" series depicts hybrid birds created by the artist, photogravures printed with gold powder on paper. Rendered sterile by unnatural genetic crossbreeding, they illustrate a singular phenomenon : they are both the first and the last of their species. Carsten Höller (né en 1961) Canaries, 2009 Ensemble de neuf photogravures sur papier Somerset 300 gr Signé en bas à gauche Daté en bas au centre Numéroté en bas à droite : "7/24" (chaque) Edition de 24 exemplaires Image : 83 x 56,5 cm (chaque) Feuille : 108 × 78 cm (chaque) Provenance : - Galerie Esther Schipper, Berlin - Acquis auprès de cette dernière par les actuels propriétaires - Collection René-Julien Praz & Bruno Delavallade, Paris Note : La série "Canary" représente des oiseaux hybrides créés par l'artiste, des photogravures tirées à la poudre d'or sur papier. Rendus stériles par des croisements génétiques contre nature, ils illustrent un phénomène singulier : ils sont à la fois le premier et le dernier de leur espèce.

  • Carsten Höller (b. 1961) Untitled (Canary), 2006
    Feb. 15, 2023

    Carsten Höller (b. 1961) Untitled (Canary), 2006

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    Carsten Höller (b. 1961) Untitled (Canary), 2006 Photogravure in color on 300 gr Somerset paper Signed bottom left Dated bottom center Numbered bottom right : "13/24" Edition of 24 Image : 49 x 33,5 cm Sheet : 75 x 56 cm Provenance : - Gagosian Gallery, Los Angeles - Acquired from the latter by the current owners - René-Julien Praz & Bruno Delavallade Collection, Paris Exhibition : New York, Carolina Nitsch Project Room, "Carsten Höller: Birds and Mushrooms," October 27-December 23, 2011, a similar work Carsten Höller (né en 1961) Sans titre (Canary), 2006 Photogravure en couleur sur papier Somerset 300 gr Signé en bas à gauche Daté en bas au centre Numéroté en bas à droite : "13/24" Edition de 24 exemplaires Image : 49 x 33,5 cm Feuille : 75 x 56 cm cm Provenance : - Galerie Gagosian, Los Angeles - Acquis auprès de cette dernière par les actuels propriétaires - Collection René-Julien Praz & Bruno Delavallade, Paris Exposition : New York, Carolina Nitsch Project Room, "Carsten Höller : Birds and Mushrooms", 27 Octobre- 23 Décembre, 2011, une oeuvre similaire

  • Carsten Höller (b. 1961) Amanite fluorescente, 2004
    Feb. 15, 2023

    Carsten Höller (b. 1961) Amanite fluorescente, 2004

    Est: €6,000 - €9,000

    Carsten Höller (b. 1961) Amanite fluorescente, 2004 Screenprint on 400 gr Arches Velin paper Signed bottom left Dated bottom center Numbered bottom right: "2/8" Edition of 8 + 2 AP Image : 87 x 78 cm Sheet : 110 x 98 cm Provenance : - Galerie Air de Paris, Paris - Acquired from the latter by the current owners - René-Julien Praz & Bruno Delavallade Collection, Paris Carsten Höller (né en 1961) Amanite fluorescente, 2004 Sérigraphie sur papier Vélin d'Arches 400 gr Signé en bas à gauche Daté en bas au centre Numéroté en bas à droite : "2/8" Edition de 8 exemplaires + 2 EA Image : 87 x 78 cm Feuille : 110 x 98 cm Provenance : - Galerie Air de Paris, Paris - Acquis auprès de cette dernière par les actuels propriétaires - Collection René-Julien Praz & Bruno Delavallade, Paris

  • Carsten Höller (born 1961); Canaries;
    Sep. 27, 2022

    Carsten Höller (born 1961); Canaries;

    Est: $12,000 - $15,000

    Carsten Höller (born 1961) Canaries, 2009 The complete set of 9 photogravures in colors on Somerset Paper, each signed in pencil, dated and numbered 8/24 (there were also 6 artist's proofs), published the artist, with full margins, each framed. each plate approx. 33 1/4 x 23in (84.5 x 58.4cm) each sheet 42 1/2 x 30 1/2in (108 x 77.5cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • CARSTEN HOLLER (né en 1961.) - The Elevator, 2004.
    Jun. 13, 2022

    CARSTEN HOLLER (né en 1961.) - The Elevator, 2004.

    Est: €20,000 - €30,000

    CARSTEN HOLLER (né en 1961.) The Elevator, 2004. Technique mixte. Structure, TV, Labtop, chaise. Edition 2/3 + 1EA. Gemengde media. Structuur, TV, Labtop, stoel. Editie 2/3 + EA. 153 x 182 x 52 cm Provenance / Herkomst : Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Anvers. Collection privée, Bruxelles. Un certificat de l’artiste sera remis à l’acquéreur.

    Cornette de Saint-Cyr-Bruxelles
  • CARSTEN HÖLLER | Crocodile
    Oct. 04, 2019

    CARSTEN HÖLLER | Crocodile

    Est: £15,000 - £20,000

    molded resin

  • CARSTEN HÖLLER - Canaries, 2009
    Apr. 23, 2019

    CARSTEN HÖLLER - Canaries, 2009

    Est: $15,000 - $25,000

    CARSTEN HÖLLER - Canaries, 2009

  • CARSTEN HÖLLER - Punktebilder (Dot Paintings)
    Apr. 11, 2019

    CARSTEN HÖLLER - Punktebilder (Dot Paintings)

    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    CARSTEN HÖLLER - Punktebilder (Dot Paintings) • ♠

  • Carsten Holler (1961). Pistoia Cars and Carrouselle 2007. . Color C-print.. Massimo De Carlo
    Dec. 17, 2018

    Carsten Holler (1961). Pistoia Cars and Carrouselle 2007. . Color C-print.. Massimo De Carlo

    Est: €3,200 - €3,800

    Carsten Holler (1961) Pistoia Cars and Carrouselle 2007 Color C-print. Massimo De Carlo Gallery label with work data on the reverse. 3/3. Certificate of authenticity. Framed 46.26 x 58.66 in. Provenienza/Provenance Galleria Massimo De Carlo. IT Pistoia Cars and Carrouselle 2007 Stampa fotografica a colori procedimento cromogeno. Etichetta della Galleria Massimo De Carlo con i dati dell'opera al verso. 3/3. Opera accompagnata da certificato di autenticità. Opera in cornice cm 117,5 x 149 Provenienza/Provenance Galleria Massimo De Carlo.

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • CARSTEN HÖLLER (B. 1961) | Mason Wheel, 2001
    Sep. 28, 2018

    CARSTEN HÖLLER (B. 1961) | Mason Wheel, 2001

    Est: $15,000 - $20,000

    lacquer on aluminum and steel

  • Höller Carsten, 1961, Gardaland Street
    Jun. 05, 2018

    Höller Carsten, 1961, Gardaland Street

    Est: CHF800 - CHF1,200

    C-print, mounted on aluminium, in acrylic glass frame. Verso on etiquette : 29/40. Signed: Carsten Höller. (Frame).

    Germann Auction House Ltd
  • From the series "Canaries", 2009
    Apr. 19, 2018

    From the series "Canaries", 2009

    Est: kr25,000 - kr30,000

    Signed Carsten Höller and dated 2009 and numbered 16/24. Photogravure on Somerset 300 gr. paper, image 83 x 58 cm. Sheet 108 x 78 cm.

  • CARSTEN HÖLLER - Doppelpilzvitrine
    Apr. 11, 2018

    CARSTEN HÖLLER - Doppelpilzvitrine

    Est: £10,000 - £15,000

    CARSTEN HÖLLER - Doppelpilzvitrine

  • CARSTEN HÖLLER | Braunes Beyer-Auge
    Mar. 05, 2018

    CARSTEN HÖLLER | Braunes Beyer-Auge

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    photojet print

  • Höller Carsten, 1961 (B) Gardaland Street
    Nov. 21, 2017

    Höller Carsten, 1961 (B) Gardaland Street

    Est: CHF800 - CHF1,200

    C-print, mounted on aluminium, in acrylic glass frame. (Frame). Verso on label: 29/40. Signed: Carsten Höller.

    Germann Auction House Ltd
  • CARSTEN HÖLLER - Red Baby Whale
    Jun. 30, 2017

    CARSTEN HÖLLER - Red Baby Whale

    Est: £15,000 - £20,000

    CARSTEN HÖLLER - Red Baby Whale

  • Carsten Höller (b. 1961) Giulianova New Eagles
    May. 18, 2017

    Carsten Höller (b. 1961) Giulianova New Eagles

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    Carsten Höller (b. 1961) Giulianova New Eagles chromogenic print mounted on aluminum image: 36 1/2 x 48 1/2 in. (92.7 x 123.2 cm.) sheet: 46 1/2 x 58 in. (118.1 x 147.3 cm.)

  • Carsten Höller (b. 1961) Tortoreto Ondablu
    May. 18, 2017

    Carsten Höller (b. 1961) Tortoreto Ondablu

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    Carsten Höller (b. 1961) Tortoreto Ondablu chromogenic print mounted on aluminum image: 36 1/2 x 48 1/2 in. (92.7 x 123.3 cm.) sheet: 46 1/2 x 58 in. (118.1 x 147.3 cm.)

  • CARSTEN HÖLLER (B. 1961) Orango Tango fbre on silicon rubber, plastic eyes
    Apr. 05, 2017

    CARSTEN HÖLLER (B. 1961) Orango Tango fbre on silicon rubber, plastic eyes

    Est: £18,000 - £25,000

    CARSTEN HÖLLER (B. 1961) Orango Tango fbre on silicon rubber, plastic eyes and horn nails 15 3/8 x 44 1/2 x 22 1/2 in. (39 x 113 x 57cm.) Executed in 2001

  • CARSTEN HÖLLER - Doppelpilzvitrine (24 Doppelpilze)
    Mar. 10, 2017

    CARSTEN HÖLLER - Doppelpilzvitrine (24 Doppelpilze)

    Est: £20,000 - £30,000

    CARSTEN HÖLLER - Doppelpilzvitrine (24 Doppelpilze)

  • CARSTEN HÖLLER - Doppelpilzvitrine (10 Doppelpilze), 2009
    Jun. 28, 2016

    CARSTEN HÖLLER - Doppelpilzvitrine (10 Doppelpilze), 2009

    Est: £20,000 - £30,000

    CARSTEN HÖLLER - Doppelpilzvitrine (10 Doppelpilze), 2009

  • Carsten Höller - Ratlosigkeitsball.
    Jun. 10, 2016

    Carsten Höller - Ratlosigkeitsball.

    Est: €7,000 - €9,000

    Leder und Latex. (1999). Ca. 46 : 24 : 24 cm. Ein Exemplar außerhalb der Auflage von 7. Signiert auf der beiliegenden Echtheitsbestätigung. Mit einer schriftlichen Fotoexpertise von Carsten Höller, von 2003. Wir danken Stefanie Hessler, Studio Carsten Höller, Stockholm, für ihre Auskunft bei der Katalogisierung dieses Werkes. Carsten Höller versetzt die Kunstwelt mit seinen Installationen in Staunen und spielerische Euphorie. In seinen spektakulärsten Projekten verwandelt er den Hamburger Bahnhof (Berlin) 2010 in ein großräumiges Wildgehege und die Turbinenhalle der Tate Gallery in London 2006 zum Vergnügungspark. Er ermuntert die Museumsbesucher, mit seiner Kunst zu interagieren und sich von der traditionellen Ansicht über die Aufgabe von Kunst zu lösen. Er möchte das Kind in uns wecken. Die vorliegende Arbeit, der Ratlosigkeitsball, ist ein unförmiges, ballartiges, mit Luft gefülltes Objekt. Nur scheinbar ein Ball, wird es nach dem Auftreffen auf dem Boden unkontrolliert zurückprallen und den Betrachter in Ratlosigkeit versetzen. Dieses Multiple wurde exklusiv für den Kölnischen Kunstverein herausgegeben. – Vereinzelt kaum merkliche Bereibungen der Oberfläche, sonst sehr gut.

    Karl & Faber
  • Carsten Höller, ‘Gardaland Street’, C-Print, 2008
    Apr. 26, 2016

    Carsten Höller, ‘Gardaland Street’, C-Print, 2008

    Est: $1,700 - $2,210

    Chromogenic print mounted on aluminum (Dibond) in acrylic frame Munich, 2008 Carsten Höller (b. 1961) – Belgian-born German contemporary artist Published by Edition Schellmann, Munich-New York for Kunsthaus Bregenz Signed by the artist on publisher’s label on verso Numbered from an edition of 40 on label on verso Dimensions: 22 4/5 x 29 ½ in; 58 x 75 cm Framed dimensions: 23 ¼ x 30 in; 59.1 x 76.2 cm Very good condition Estimate: $2,000-$3,000 A beautiful amusement park scene, this is a wonderful photo by Höller. He makes a fair grounds into an altered landscape, introducing a split color disorienting effect. Looking at the photograph makes the viewer feel like they have just gotten off one of the fair rides. Carsten Höller (b. 1961) Carsten Höller is a renowned Belgian artist who came to prominence in the 1990s and sought to redefine the experience and perception of art through multiple disciplines, often allowing the viewer to become part of the experiment. His work often focusses on the interaction between artwork and the public, and he seeks to engage with human emotion on a subliminal level. Höller has held solo exhibitions globally includingThe Unilever Series: Carsten Höller at The Tate Modern, London (2006), The Nordic Pavilion, La Biennale di Venezia (2005), and Half Fiction, Institute of Contemporary Arts, Boston (2003) to name a few. He has also been included in major group exhibitions at the Museum of Contemporary art, Chicago, the Centre Pompidou, Paris, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles and the Tate Britain in London. He currently lives in Stockholm, Sweden. Condition In apparent very good condition. Not examined out of frame. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata US
  • CARSTEN HÖLLER - Mushroom, 2004
    Apr. 25, 2016

    CARSTEN HÖLLER - Mushroom, 2004

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    CARSTEN HÖLLER - Mushroom, 2004

  • CARSTEN HÖLLER, SLIDE HOUSE PROJECT (UNIVERSITY, KINSHASA) | Slide House Project (University, Kinshasa)
    Mar. 03, 2016

    CARSTEN HÖLLER, SLIDE HOUSE PROJECT (UNIVERSITY, KINSHASA) | Slide House Project (University, Kinshasa)

    Est: $12,000 - $18,000

    graphite and screenprint on paper

  • Carsten Höller (b. 1961), A-Rad, Installation, 1997
    Dec. 07, 2015

    Carsten Höller (b. 1961), A-Rad, Installation, 1997

    Est: €18,000 - €23,400

    Silver painted steel, motorized, electric, switch and fuse box Germany/Norway 1997 Carsten Höller (b. 1961) – Belgium object and installation artist Number 2 from an edition of 3 copies With bulbs and fixture Authentication Galleria Massimo De Carlo, signed by the artist, December 1998 (in copy) Provenance: Galleria Massimo De Carlo, Milan; private collection, Germany Exhibition: Light Show, Galleria Massimo De Carlo, Milan Dimensions: diameter 180 cm, height 66 cm With the engine running, the work turns and flashes Object is regular taxed. 19% VAT is added to the purchase price for deliveries within the EU. Estimate by Auctionata Expert: 36,000 Euro Condition: The object shows wear to the paint. Present are light bulbs and fixing. The functionality has not been verified. The diameter is 180 cm and height 66 cm. Carsten Höller (b. 1961) Carsten Höller was born in Brussels. He studied agricultural science, doctorate and habilitate in 1993 with a work on Phytopathology. Then he devoted himself entirely of fine art and was represented already in the same year at the exhibition ‘Aperto '93’ at the Venice Biennale. In cooperation with Rosemarie Trockel he took part in 1997 at the Documenta X in Kassel. Höller's conceptual and often interactive installations are characterized by his scientific knowledge and are intended to give the recipient a thought-provoking impulse, leading to the implementation in real life. Carsten Höller lives and works in Cologne and Stockholm. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • CARSTEN HÖLLER | (i) Untitled (ii) Das Einsame Mädchen (iii) Komm Kleines Kriegst Was Feines
    Oct. 16, 2015

    CARSTEN HÖLLER | (i) Untitled (ii) Das Einsame Mädchen (iii) Komm Kleines Kriegst Was Feines

    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    (i) - (iii) pencil on paper

    Oct. 16, 2015


    Est: £25,000 - £35,000

    polyester, glass, hair and swordfish bill

  • CARSTEN HÖLLER (GER/1961) Schlingenthal, 1997
    Mar. 24, 2015

    CARSTEN HÖLLER (GER/1961) Schlingenthal, 1997

    Est: €6,000 - €7,000

    CARSTEN HÖLLER (GER/1961) Schlingenthal, 1997 Photographie couleur 45 x 30 cm Signée et numérotée Ed. de 10 ex. + 2 AP

    Leclere - Maison de ventes
  • CARSTEN HÖLLER, Pilzkoffer (rot), 1997/2001
    Nov. 27, 2013

    CARSTEN HÖLLER, Pilzkoffer (rot), 1997/2001

    Est: €22,000 - €25,000

    Aluminium suitcase with solar collector, electric engine, cable, foam and mushroom object approx. 39 x 32 x 39 cm. Provenance: Galerie Schipper&Krome, Berlin; Private Collection, Switzerland

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • CARSTEN HÖLLER, Quallen 2 (Jellyfish 2), 1998
    Nov. 27, 2013

    CARSTEN HÖLLER, Quallen 2 (Jellyfish 2), 1998

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    Chromogenic print on Agfa-Professional paper, face-mounted to plexiglass. Diameter 80 cm (100 cm). Gallery's label, thereon typed date, title and information about the work, as well as aluminium border for hanging on the verso. Provenance: Galerie Schipper und Krome, Berlin

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Carsten Höller (B. 1961)
    Jul. 17, 2013

    Carsten Höller (B. 1961)

    Est: -

    Carsten Höller (B. 1961) The Loverfinch three elements--VHS video tape dimension variable Executed in 1995. This work is number three from an edition of twenty.

  • CARSTEN Höller (B. 1961)
    Mar. 08, 2013

    CARSTEN Höller (B. 1961)

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    CARSTEN Höller (B. 1961) Strabilia Giant Wheel signed, numbered and dated 'Carsten Höller 1/3 2005' (on the reverse) color coupler print mounted on aluminum 46½ x 59 in. (118.1 x 149.9 cm.) Executed in 2005. This work is number one from an edition of three.

    Feb. 13, 2013


    Est: £30,000 - £40,000

    B.1961 UNTITLED  (ORANGO  TANGO) silicone  rubber  and  glass 35  by  113  by  58cm.;  13  3/4    by  44  1/2    by  22  7/8  in. Executed  in  2001.

    Feb. 13, 2013


    Est: £20,000 - £30,000

    B.1961 A-RAD steel,  lamps  and  motor 180  by  180  by  50cm.;  70  7/8    by  70  7/8    by  19  3/4  in. Executed  in  1997.

    Jun. 27, 2012


    Est: £30,000 - £40,000

    B.1961 CABIN Plexiglas 53  by  132  by  50cm.;  20  7/8    by  52  by  19  3/4  in. Executed  in  2007,  this  work  is  from  an  edition  of  4,  plus  1  artist's  proof.

  • Höller, Carsten, geb. 1961, Multiple, C-Print auf
    May. 26, 2012

    Höller, Carsten, geb. 1961, Multiple, C-Print auf

    Est: €7,000 - €8,400

    Höller, Carsten, geb. 1961, Multiple, C-Print auf Aluminium in Acrylkasten, handsign. und num. 18/40, ca. 58x75x7cm

    Henry's Auktionshaus
    Feb. 16, 2012


    Est: £60,000 - £80,000

    B.1961 A-RAD steel, lamps and motor 180 by 180 by 50cm.; 70 7/8 by 70 7/8 by 19 3/4 in. Executed in 1997.

  • Carsten Höller (b. 1961)
    Oct. 15, 2011

    Carsten Höller (b. 1961)

    Est: £1,000 - £2,000

    Carsten Höller (b. 1961) Rentierkopf (Reindeer Head) signed, numbered and dated 'Carsten Höller 2010 e.d. II/X' (lower margin) colour screenprint image: 21½ x 19½in. (54.5 x 49.5cm.) sheet: 30 5/8 x 27in. (77 x 68.5cm.) Executed in 2010, this work is number two from an edition of 10

  • CARSTEN HÖLLER, "Mushrooms" Suite with 12 photo
    Nov. 17, 2010

    CARSTEN HÖLLER, "Mushrooms" Suite with 12 photo

    Est: kr70,000 - kr100,000

    CARSTEN HÖLLER, "Mushrooms" Suite with 12 photo eng

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