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Yngve Holen Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1982 -

The human body is conspicuously absent in Yngve Holen’s work. Absent, since the artist’s cool, near-abstract, often-disassembled industrial objects rarely depict a human form, but conspicuous, nonetheless, because the state-of-the-art surfaces of his pieces somehow point to a fraught, hollowed-out reformulation of the human body and its shifting relationship to the various prostheses of our age of mass digitization, 3D-printing and proto-bionic tools. A generation of young sculptors has begun responding to a recent crisis of the (post-)human body by attempting, in reactionary fashion, to refigure it in very literal, physical terms. By contrast, Holen starts at the iconoclastic end of the spectrum, seemingly beyond humanity, where the human is akin to a piece of gristle, an afterthought or an accident. Such is the case with Sensitive to Detergent, Moving Forward (2012), which includes a VW-branded, ghost-white, 3D-printed chicken breast resting on the drum of a washing machine.

Holen’s most recent exhibition, ‘World of Hope’ (2015) at Galerie Neu in Berlin, was a spare presentation of six oversize, doughnut-shaped metal sculptures clothed in different-coloured fishnet fabric, hung on white walls and looming coldly and menacingly above the viewer. These featured brand-new parts from Siemens ct scanners, medical machines ordinarily used to render cross-sections of the person lying inside. A key to these hole-shaped works, which – set flat against the wall – literally refused entry, was the magazine ETOPS II (2015), presented by Holen in the same space. This publication contains a series of interviews the artist conducted, anonymously, with major players in the pornography and plastic surgery industries in Los Angeles, which make the Marquis de Sade read like children’s stories. Covering the daily lives of porn stars, their agents and peripheral professionals, the texts are shocking because of the nonchalance with which the interviewees describe the limitations, modification and dehumanization of their bodies.

I don’t trust anyone for the most part. But then again, I am my own creature, 2015, plastic, fabric, metal, 177 × 185 × 36 cm. Courtesy: the artist and Stuart Shave/ Modern Art, London; photograph: Simon Vogel

I don’t trust anyone for the most part. But then again, I am my own creature, 2015, plastic, fabric, metal, 177 × 185 × 36 cm. Courtesy: the artist and Stuart Shave/ Modern Art, London; photograph: Simon Vogel

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  • Yngve Holen
    Nov. 30, 2024

    Yngve Holen

    Est: €2,400 - €4,800

    (Geb. 1982 Braunschweig; lebt und arbeiten in Berlin) "Window Seat Y". Originaltitel Mundgeblasenes Uran-Glas, pulverbeschichteter Stahl und Silikon, 2019. Aus der Serie "Window Seats", die Holen u. a. in der Kunsthalle Basel und der 9. Berlin Biennale 2016 zeigte. In seinen Installationen, skulpturalen und architektonischen Arbeiten, beschäftigt sich der Künstler mit dem Konzept des Posthumanen, insbesondere in Bezug auf die ständigen technologischen Fortschritte auf den menschlichen Körper und verändert den Blickwinkel auf unsere alltägliche Umgebung. Holen, der Meisterschüler der Bildhauerei an der HfBK Städelschule in Frankfurt a. M. war und an der Universität für angewandte Kunst in Wien studierte, gehört zu den wichtigsten Vertretern der sog. Digital Art Generation, die seit Beginn der 2010er Jahre im internationalen Fokus der Kunstwelt steht. 65 cm x 55 cm x 25 cm. Provenienz: Aus dem Atelier des Künstlers; Schleswig-Holsteinische Stiftung. Mouth-blown uranium glass, powder-coated steel and silicone, 2019.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • YNGVE HOLEN (B. 1982) Sensitive to Detergent
    Oct. 19, 2022

    YNGVE HOLEN (B. 1982) Sensitive to Detergent

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    YNGVE HOLEN (B. 1982) /Sensitive to Detergent/ stainless steel washing machine drum, aluminium honeycomb panel, 3D print, three pairs of socks and plastic car badge 53 1 ⁄8 x 23 1 ⁄2 x 25in. (135 x 59.8 x 63.5cm.) Executed in 2014

  • Yngve Holen, (b. 1982, German), "It's your Prada dress and you have a little ...u always look at it. Shit, that's my Prada dress. So
    Nov. 09, 2021

    Yngve Holen, (b. 1982, German), "It's your Prada dress and you have a little ...u always look at it. Shit, that's my Prada dress. So

    Est: $12,000 - $18,000

    Yngve Holen (b. 1982, German) "It's your Prada dress and you have a little ...u always look at it. Shit, that's my Prada dress. So I fix that," 2015 Plastic, fabric, and steel Appears unsigned 69.75" H x 73" W x 14.25" D Provenance: Private Collection, New York, NY Notes: Holen's oeuvre explores industrial objects and materials in unusual contexts and scales. Despite the intentional absence of handcraftsmanship or a visible human element, his sculptures frequently evoke the body, often in relation to technology. The present example has a bewildering title alluding to the female form and yet it is utterly incongruous with the curious, sizable metal segment presented before the viewer. In addition to his artmaking practice, Holen founded a magazine, ETOPS (an acronym for "Extended-range Twin-engine Operational Performance Standards"). The second installation of the publication featured extensive interviews with plastic surgeons and porn professionals in Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Monaco. His peculiar title is in fact derived from one such dialogue. Shiny, sleek and divorced from function, the object is both mysterious and formally compelling. Resident in Berlin, Holen exhibits his work widely.

    John Moran Auctioneers
  • Yngve Holen (b. 1982) - Hater Headlight
    Sep. 27, 2019

    Yngve Holen (b. 1982) - Hater Headlight

    Est: $7,000 - $9,000

    Yngve Holen (b. 1982) Hater Headlight motorcyle headlights and powder coated steel 9 ½ x 19 ¼ x 26 in. (24.1 x 48.9 x 66 cm.)

  • YNGVE HOLEN (B. 1982) Untitled Plexiglas, lock, shoe, toy train and cre
    Sep. 15, 2017

    YNGVE HOLEN (B. 1982) Untitled Plexiglas, lock, shoe, toy train and cre

    Est: £2,500 - £3,500

    YNGVE HOLEN (B. 1982) Untitled Plexiglas, lock, shoe, toy train and credit card height: 71ºin. (181cm.) Executed in 2012

  • Yngve Holen (B. 1982) Sensitive to Detergent (Stomp II) washing
    Sep. 29, 2016

    Yngve Holen (B. 1982) Sensitive to Detergent (Stomp II) washing

    Est: £5,000 - £7,000

    Yngve Holen (B. 1982) Sensitive to Detergent (Stomp II) washing machine drum, cast of run over meat, cotton sock, metal tripod overall: 57 7/8 x 26 3/8 x 35 3/8in. (147 x 67 x 90cm.) Dimensions variable

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