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Hans (1460) Holbein Sold at Auction Prices


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  • Holbein, Hans (±1465-1524) (after). (Portrait of Erasmus posing behind a statue of Terminus).
    Nov. 22, 2024

    Holbein, Hans (±1465-1524) (after). (Portrait of Erasmus posing behind a statue of Terminus).

    Est: €40 - €60

    Holbein, Hans (±1465-1524) (after). (Portrait of Erasmus posing behind a statue of Terminus). Woodcut, 19th cent. impression, 30x17,8 cm., "Terminus" in the block.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Holbein, Hans (±1465-1524) (after). (Portrait of Erasmus posing behind a statue of Terminus).
    May. 17, 2024

    Holbein, Hans (±1465-1524) (after). (Portrait of Erasmus posing behind a statue of Terminus).

    Est: €70 - €90

    Holbein, Hans (±1465-1524) (after). (Portrait of Erasmus posing behind a statue of Terminus). Woodcut, 19th cent. impression, 30x17,8 cm., "Terminus" in the block.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • J. STRIXNER (*1782) after HOLBEIN (*1460), St Elisabeth with beggars, Lithography
    Dec. 30, 2023

    J. STRIXNER (*1782) after HOLBEIN (*1460), St Elisabeth with beggars, Lithography

    Est: €300 - €400

    Johann Nepomuk Franz Xaver Strixner (1782 Altötting - 1855 Munich) after Hans Holbein sen. (1460 Augsburg - 1524 Issenheim): Saint Elisabeth with three beggars, distributing alms, 19th century, Lithography Technique: Lithography on Paper Inscription: Signed on the left and right below the image. Date: 19th century Description: The present print reproduces the left wing of St Sebastian's Altarpiece. Framed by a stage-like Renaissance architecture, St. Elisabeth stands and gives water from a jug to one of three beggars kneeling at her feet. St. Elisabeth was a benefactress of the poor, sick and lepers in 13th century Thuringia, where she lived as the wife of Landgrave Ludwig IV at Wartburg Castle. An interesting detail: Holbein gave the pox-ridden boy on Elisabeth's right the face of his son, while he portrayed himself in the full-bearded head behind on the saint's left. Keywords: Saint, Saint Elisabeth, Elisabeth of Thuringia, Elisabeth of Hungary, patron saint of the country, Catholic Church, strong woman, alms, beggars, 19th century, Renaissance, Religious, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • HANS HOLBEIN THE ELDER | The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne
    Feb. 01, 2018

    HANS HOLBEIN THE ELDER | The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne

    Est: $400,000 - $600,000

    oil on panel

  • After Hans Holbein (German 1465-1524),
    Oct. 24, 2014

    After Hans Holbein (German 1465-1524),

    Est: $500 - $700

    After Hans Holbein (German 1465-1524) Portrait of The Lady Buts, Portrait of I. Russell Lord Privy Seal and Portrait of a Lady: Three Prints Each a hand colored engraving, each by F. Bartolozzi R.A., 19th Century; each with foxing and subtle toning. Each framed.* Each: 419 x 318 mm (16-1/2 x 12-1/2 in)

  • After Holbein
    Dec. 05, 2013

    After Holbein

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    After Holbein >Portrait of Johan Froben (also known as Johannes Frobenius) (<i>c.<i> 1460-1527), after Hans Holbein the Younger (c. 1497-1543), quarter length, in a black coat with a fur collar >coloured chalks, on buff paper<br>10¾ x 8¼ in. (27.3 x 20.8 cm.)

  • after: Hans Holbein the Elder German (born circa 1465-1524) 19th Century Continental Hand Painted Portrait Miniature on Ivory of a Gentleman of 16th Century Dress Mounted in Gilt Metal Frame with Blue Inlaid Stones. Signature Holbein Right. Good to
    Oct. 17, 2012

    after: Hans Holbein the Elder German (born circa 1465-1524) 19th Century Continental Hand Painted Portrait Miniature on Ivory of a Gentleman of 16th Century Dress Mounted in Gilt Metal Frame with Blue Inlaid Stones. Signature Holbein Right. Good to

    Est: $150 - $250

    after: Hans Holbein the Elder German (born circa 1465-1524) 19th Century Continental Hand Painted Portrait Miniature on Ivory of a Gentleman of 16th Century Dress Mounted in Gilt Metal Frame with Blue Inlaid Stones. Signature Holbein Right. Good to Very Good Condition. Image Measures 3-1/4 Inches by 2-1/2 Inches. Frame Measures 4-3/4 Inches Tall and 3-7/8 Inches Wide. Shipping $20.00

    Kodner Galleries
  • School of HANS HOLBEIN (German, 1460-1524) Portrait of
    Sep. 12, 2012

    School of HANS HOLBEIN (German, 1460-1524) Portrait of

    Est: $100 - $200

    School of HANS HOLBEIN (German, 1460-1524) Portrait of an Elizabethan Lady Before a Window Oil on wood panel 9-1/2 x 8 inches (24.1 x 20.3 cm) (oval)

    Heritage Auctions
  • Václav Hollar (1607-1677), Hans Holbein (1465-1524)
    Jun. 11, 2011

    Václav Hollar (1607-1677), Hans Holbein (1465-1524)

    Est: Kč10,000 - Kč20,000

    Václav Hollar (1607-1677), Hans Holbein (1465-1524) Dance of Death. London, 1816 (?). According to Holbein's cycle The Dance of Death, which was made as series of woodcuts. This one is from the set made by Václav Hollar with 30 copperplates completed with Latin inscriptions. First published in 1651. Later was published again but the number of editions is not known. This edition is completed with English and French inscription of each print, the biography of Holbein and the title portrait of the engraver. Size 210x135 mm, hard cover with leather decorated by gilded blind blocking and the book spine with printed title, 69 pages, 30 colored copperplates, one colored woodcut and a portrait of Hollar. Missing front page and the portrait of Holbein that are present in other editions. Condition C. Václav Hollar (1607-1677), Hans Holbein (1465-1524) TANZ DES TODES. London, 1816 (?) Nach Zyklus Holbeins (Holzstiche) geschaffen von Václav Hollar. 30 Kupferstiche mit lateinischen Aufschriften, zuerst herausgeben 1651. Später wurden sie noch mehrmals herausgegeben, obwohl die Anzahl der Editionen unbekannt ist. Diese Ausgabe enthält französische und englische Beschreibung, Lebenslauf Holbeins und Porträt des Stechers. Format 210×135 mm, fester lederbezogener Einband, Blindprägung, vergoldet, 69 Seiten, 30 kolorierte Kupferstiche und Holzstich mit Proträt Hollars. Die Titelseite sowie Porträt Holbeins (bekannt aus anderen Editionen) fehlen. Zustand C. Václav Hollar (1607-1677), Hans Holbein (1465-1524) TANEC SMRTI. Londýn, 1816 (?). Podle Holbeinova cyklu Tance smrti, provedeného jako dřevoryty, vytvořil Václav Hollar 30 mědirytů opatřených latinskými nápisy a poprvé je vydal r. 1651. Později byly vydány ještě několikrát, ač počet edicí není přesně známý. Toto vydání je doprovozené anglickým a francouzským popisem jednotlivých tisků, Holbeinovým životopisem a úvodním portrétem rytce. Formát 210×135 mm, pevná vazba potažená kůží a zlaceným slepotiskovým ornamentem, na hřbetě tištěný titul, 69 stran, 30 kolorovaných mědirytů, jeden kolorovaný dřevoryt a Hollarův portrét. Chybí titulní list a Holbeinův portrét známý z jiných edicí. Stav C.

    Auction House Zezula
  • After Hans Holbein (German, 1460-1524) "Portraits
    Jun. 08, 2008

    After Hans Holbein (German, 1460-1524) "Portraits

    Est: $150 - $300

    After Hans Holbein (German, 1460-1524) "Portraits of Gentlemen in His Majesty's Collections", sight 12" x 9", London, published by J. Chamberlaine, 1st Jan. 1812. Glazed, matted and presented in ebonized and parcel-gilt "Hogarth"-style frames (two pieces).

    St Charles Gallery
  • After Hans Holbein (German, 1468-1524) "The Lady
    Dec. 08, 2007

    After Hans Holbein (German, 1468-1524) "The Lady

    Est: $200 - $400

    After Hans Holbein (German, 1468-1524) "The Lady Henegham" and "The Lady Mary after Queen", pair of hand-colored lithographs sight 11" x 7-1/2". Glazed, matted and presented in carved silver-gilt frames.

    St Charles Gallery
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