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Friedrich Hohe Sold at Auction Prices

Lithographer, Etcher, Painter

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  • F. HOHE (*1802) after WOUWERMAN (*1619), The forge, 1837,
    Jan. 25, 2025

    F. HOHE (*1802) after WOUWERMAN (*1619), The forge, 1837,

    Est: €300 - €400

    Friedrich Hohe (1802 Bayreuth - 1870 Munich) after Philips Wouwerman (1619 Haarlem - 1668 ibid.): The forge, 1837, Lithography Technique: Lithography on Paper, rolled-on on Paper Stamp: Blind stamp, publisher's stamp, Franz Hanfstaengl. Dresden Inscription: lower left signed in the printing plate: "N. d. Original auf Stein gez. v. Friedr. Hohe, Dresden 1837". lower left dated: "1837". Lower middle further inscription: "Die Schmiede von Philipp Wouwermann / Königl. Gemälde Galerie in Dresden / Herausgegeben v. Franz Hanfstaengl.". Date: 1837 Description: Extremely impressive graphic realisation of one of Philips Wouweverman's major works and at the same time a major work of lithographic art of his time Keywords: Horses, Blacksmith, Netherlands, Old Master, Holland, Genre scene, Horseshoe, 19th century, Baroque, Professions, Netherlands, Size: Paper: 52,5 cm x 70,7 cm (20,7 x 27,8 in), Depiction: 41,8 cm x 53,5 cm (16,5 x 21,1 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. HOHE (1802-1870), The cattle trough, Pencil
    Nov. 16, 2024

    F. HOHE (1802-1870), The cattle trough, Pencil

    Est: €450 - €600

    Friedrich Hohe (1802 Bayreuth - 1870 Munich): The cattle trough, 19th century, Pencil Technique: Pencil on Paper Stamp: Collector's stamp, Georg und Dr. F. Wilhelm Denzel. Munich. 20th century, 19th century Date: 19th century Keywords: 19th century, Romanticism, Landscape, Germany, Size: Paper: 23,6 cm x 36,6 cm (9,3 x 14,4 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Friedrich Hohe, Rehbock am Waldesrand
    May. 25, 2024

    Friedrich Hohe, Rehbock am Waldesrand

    Est: -

    Friedrich Hohe, Rehbock am Waldesrand felsige Landschaft mit seitlich blickendem Rehbock, unter bewölktem Himmel, Öl auf Holzplatte, rechts unten signiert, etwas restaurierungsbedürftig, in reliefierte Goldstuckleiste gerahmt, diese mit Fehlstellen, Falzmaße 28,5 x 38,5 cm. Künstlerinfo: dt. Maler und Lithograph (1802 Bayreuth bis 1870 München), Sohn des Malers Johann Hohe, ab 1820 Studium an der Akademie in München, ab 1823 Beschäftigung mit der Lithographie, Quelle: Thieme-Becker, Matrikeln der Münchner Akademie und Wikipedia. Friedrich Hohe, Rehbock am Waldesrand felsige Landschaft mit seitlich Blickendem Rehbock, unter bewölkem Himmel, oil on wood panel, signed lower right, somewhat in need of restoration, framed in relief gilt stucco moulding, this with defects, rebate dimensions 28.5 x 38.5 cm. Artist information: German painter and lithographer (1802 Bayreuth - 1870 Munich), son of the painter Johann Hohe, from 1820 studied at the Munich Academy, from 1823 occupied himself with lithography, source: Thieme-Becker, Matrikeln der Münchner Akademie and Wikipedia.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • F. HOHE (*1802) after HESS (*1798), Farewell to St Boniface, 1843, Lithography
    Apr. 27, 2024

    F. HOHE (*1802) after HESS (*1798), Farewell to St Boniface, 1843, Lithography

    Est: €1,650 - €2,200

    Friedrich Hohe (1802 Bayreuth - 1870 Munich) after Heinrich Maria von Hess (1798 - 1863 ): St Boniface bids farewell to his monastery in England, 1843, Lithography Technique: Lithography on Paper Stamp: At the bottom Blank stamp, Kunstverein in München. Inscription: At the lower part signed in the printing plate: "Auf Stein gez. v. Fr. Hohe / Gedr. v. J. B. Kuhn". At the lower part inscribed in the printing plate: "Abschied des Heiligen Bonifacius von seinem Kloster in England. / Der Kunstverein in München seinen Mitgliedern für das Jahr MDCCCXLIII. | Zweites Bild aus dem Cyklus der das Leben des heil. Bonifacius darstellenden Wandgemälde in der Basilica zu München.". Date: 1843 Description: When King Ludwig I of Bavaria expanded his residential city of Munich at the beginning of the 19th century, the art-loving ruler had to consider not only the aesthetic design of the sprawling city but also religious needs, which even corresponded to the current zeitgeist in the idea of combining art and religion, characterised by Nazarene art. From 1828, the construction of the Benedictine Abbey of St Boniface was planned in Maxvorstadt. The monastery church was also to take on the function of a parish church for the newly developed and increasingly populated district. The form of a basilica had already been specified in the earliest designs and the king suggested that the architects orientate themselves on the basilical churches of Rome and Ravenna, not least "[...] because of the wall decorations above the columns." (Letter dated 14 May 1829, St Bonifaz Abbey Archive, Munich). The design of the interior was entrusted to Heinrich Hess, who had been a member of Ludwig's circle of visual artists even before the crown prince's coronation and had been a professor at the Munich Academy since 1826. He had already become acquainted with the Italian buildings with their figural paintings during a travelling scholarship. In Munich, he was entrusted with the painting of the new Allerheiligen-Hofkirche from the 1830s, creating a beautiful cycle of frescoes in a Byzantine-inspired style, before beginning the history cycle on St Bonfatius in the church of St Boniface in 1837. The present lithograph shows a scene from the fresco cycle, in which the young clergyman can be seen on the deck of a small ship on the south coast of England, bidding farewell to his homeland. As a Benedictine monk, he had set himself the task of spreading the word of God among the unbaptised peoples of the continent and is therefore particularly known for his intensive missionary work among the Frisians and Franks. He is probably shown here on his departure on his first missionary journey in 716, as the simple costume of the Anglo-Saxon reveals. His later journeys, during which he succeeded in missionising the Frankish kingdom and founding numerous monasteries, he did so in the position of abbot of a monastery in Nursling. In the depiction according to Hess, Boniface's humble gaze shows the young monk's willingness to sacrifice himself in his God-pleasing activities. The saint's charisma, which probably characterises a successful missionary, can be seen in the admiring glances of his fellow travellers and the departing monks. As a depiction in the clerestory of the Munich basilica as well as in this large-format lithograph, the rousing effect of the missionary unfolds, who here receives the blessing of his abbot along the way. Keywords: King Ludwig I; of Bavaria; residential city of Munich; religious needs; Nazarene art; combination of art and religion; Benedictine Abbey of St; Boniface; monastery church; basilica; Heinrich Hess; Allerheiligen-Hofkirche; history cycle; Saint Boniface; Anglo-Saxons; missionary activity; Frisians; Franconia; departure on the first missionary journey; monastic costume; abbot of a monastery in Nursling; humble look; willingness to sacrifice; fellow travellers; monastic brothers; blessing; lithograph; clerestory; Munich, 19th century, Romanticism, Religious, United Kingdom,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Friedrich Hohe, Rehbock am Waldesrand
    Feb. 24, 2024

    Friedrich Hohe, Rehbock am Waldesrand

    Est: -

    Friedrich Hohe, Rehbock am Waldesrand felsige Landschaft mit seitlich blickendem Rehbock, unter bewölktem Himmel, Öl auf Holzplatte, rechts unten signiert, etwas restaurierungsbedürftig, in reliefierte Goldstuckleiste gerahmt, diese mit Fehlstellen, Falzmaße 28,5 x 38,5 cm. Künstlerinfo: dt. Maler und Lithograph (1802 Bayreuth bis 1870 München), Sohn des Malers Johann Hohe, ab 1820 Studium an der Akademie in München, ab 1823 Beschäftigung mit der Lithographie, Quelle: Thieme-Becker, Matrikeln der Münchner Akademie und Wikipedia. Friedrich Hohe, Rehbock am Waldesrand felsige Landschaft mit seitlich Blickendem Rehbock, unter bewölkem Himmel, oil on wood panel, signed lower right, somewhat in need of restoration, framed in relief gilt stucco moulding, this with defects, rebate dimensions 28.5 x 38.5 cm. Artist information: German painter and lithographer (1802 Bayreuth - 1870 Munich), son of the painter Johann Hohe, from 1820 studied at the Munich Academy, from 1823 occupied himself with lithography, source: Thieme-Becker, Matrikeln der Münchner Akademie and Wikipedia.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • F. HOHE (*1802) after WOUWERMAN (*1619), The forge, 1837, Lithography
    Dec. 02, 2023

    F. HOHE (*1802) after WOUWERMAN (*1619), The forge, 1837, Lithography

    Est: €300 - €400

    Friedrich Hohe (1802 Bayreuth - 1870 Munich) after Philips Wouwerman (1619 Haarlem - 1668 ibid.): The forge, 1837, Lithography Technique: Lithography on Paper, rolled-on on Paper Stamp: Blind stamp, publisher's stamp, Franz Hanfstaengl. Dresden Inscription: lower left signed in the printing plate: "N. d. Original auf Stein gez. v. Friedr. Hohe, Dresden 1837". lower left dated: "1837". Lower middle further inscription: "Die Schmiede von Philipp Wouwermann / Königl. Gemälde Galerie in Dresden / Herausgegeben v. Franz Hanfstaengl.". Date: 1837 Description: Extremely impressive graphic realisation of one of Philips Wouweverman's major works and at the same time a major work of lithographic art of his time Keywords: Horses, Blacksmith, Netherlands, Old Master, Holland, Genre scene, Horseshoe, 19th century, Baroque, Professions, Netherlands,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. HOHE (1802-1870), The cattle trough,
    Dec. 02, 2023

    F. HOHE (1802-1870), The cattle trough,

    Est: €450 - €600

    Friedrich Hohe (1802 Bayreuth - 1870 Munich): The cattle trough, 19th century, Pencil Technique: Pencil on Paper Stamp: Collector's stamp, Georg und Dr. F. Wilhelm Denzel. Munich. 20th century, 19th century Date: 19th century Keywords: 19th century, Romanticism, Landscape, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Friedrich Hohe, Rehbock am Waldesrand
    Nov. 18, 2023

    Friedrich Hohe, Rehbock am Waldesrand

    Est: -

    Friedrich Hohe, Rehbock am Waldesrand felsige Landschaft mit seitlich blickendem Rehbock, unter bewölktem Himmel, Öl auf Holzplatte, rechts unten signiert, etwas restaurierungsbedürftig, in reliefierte Goldstuckleiste gerahmt, diese mit Fehlstellen, Falzmaße 28,5 x 38,5 cm. Künstlerinfo: dt. Maler und Lithograph (1802 Bayreuth bis 1870 München), Sohn des Malers Johann Hohe, ab 1820 Studium an der Akademie in München, ab 1823 Beschäftigung mit der Lithographie, Quelle: Thieme-Becker, Matrikeln der Münchner Akademie und Wikipedia. Friedrich Hohe, Roebuck at the Edge of the Forest Rocky landscape with a roebuck looking sideways, under a cloudy sky, oil on wood panel, signed lower right, somewhat in need of restoration, framed in gold stucco moulding in relief, this with missing parts, folding dimensions 28.5 x 38.5 cm. Artist's info: German painter and lithographer (1802 Bayreuth to 1870 Munich), son of the painter Johann Hohe, from 1820 studied at the academy in Munich, from 1823 occupied with lithography, source: Thieme-Becker, Matrikeln der Münchner Akademie und Wikipedia.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • F. HOHE (*1802) after HESS (*1792), The Osteria, 1828, Lithography
    Aug. 26, 2023

    F. HOHE (*1802) after HESS (*1792), The Osteria, 1828, Lithography

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    Friedrich Hohe (1802 Bayreuth - 1870 Munich) after Peter von Hess (1792 Düsseldorf - 1871 Munich): The Osteria, 1828, Lithography Technique: Lithography on Paper Inscription: At the lower part signed in the printing plate: "Gemalt von Peter Hess. / Gezeichnet von Friedrich Hohe". At the lower part inscribed in the printing plate: "Die Osteria. Das Original von derselben Grösse gehört dem Herrn C. A. von Vogel auf Ascholding in München. Zu haben bei Ioh. Velten in Carlsruhe 1828.". Date: 1828 Description: The Osteria depicted here by Peter von Hess will probably never have existed in this form. It is a perfect ideal image that is based more on desire than reality. Italy appears here as the audience in Germany dreamed it would: rustic, hearty, simple and honest. The text above the archway sums this up: "Good wine, wonderful cuisine". That's all you need to know. Hess therefore also composes his painting from a wide variety of set pieces that fit together but still retain their fragmentary character, much like the individual architectural elements that make up the house. The crucial thing is that as many parts as possible represent that ideal character of Italian life. So, as posed as this stage play may seem, this is precisely the intention of the picture. It would have missed its point if it were to be absorbed in a reproduction of reality. It is precisely this idea that makes the picture so exciting at a time when the bourgeoisie is strongly emancipating itself and giving expression to its own ideal ideas. Keywords: Peter von Hess; Osteria; ideal image; wish; reality; Italy; Germany; rustic; cordial; simple; honest; text above the archway; good wine; wonderful cuisine; painting; set pieces; fragmentary character; architectural elements; house; ideal character; Italian life; stage play; intention; reproduction of reality; exciting; bourgeoisie; emancipation; ideals; expression, 19th century, Romanticism, Genre, Italy,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F.HOHE (1802-1870), The cattle trough, Pencil
    Dec. 30, 2021

    F.HOHE (1802-1870), The cattle trough, Pencil

    Est: €600 - €800

    Friedrich Hohe (1802 Bayreuth - 1870 München), The cattle trough, 19th century, Pencil Technique: Pencil on Paper Stamp: Georg und Dr. F. Wilhelm Denzel, München, "G+W D" Date: 19th century Description: On the reverse is the collection stamp "G+W D" of Georg and Dr. F.Wilhelm Denzel from Munich. Keywords: 19th century, Romanticism, Landscapes, Germany, Size: 23,6 cm x 36,6 cm Condition: Very good Condition. Very good condition.

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F.HOHE (*1802) after WOUWERMAN (*1619), The forge, 1837, Lithography
    Nov. 20, 2021

    F.HOHE (*1802) after WOUWERMAN (*1619), The forge, 1837, Lithography

    Est: €360 - €600

    Friedrich Hohe (1802 Bayreuth - 1870 München) after Philips Wouwerman (1619 Haarlem - 1668 ibid.), The forge, 1837, Lithography Technique: Lithography on Paper, rolled-on on Paper Stamp: Franz Hanfstaengl, Dresden, "F. H." Inscription: lower left signed in the printing plate: "N. d. Original auf Stein gez. v. Friedr. Hohe, Dresden 1837". lower left dated: "1837". Lower middle further inscription: "Die Schmiede von Philipp Wouwermann / Königl. Gemälde Galerie in Dresden / Herausgegeben v. Franz Hanfstaengl.". Date: 1837 Description: Extremely impressive graphic realisation of one of the main works by Philips Wouweverman and at the same time a major work of the lithographic art of his time Keywords: Horses, Blacksmith, Netherlands, Old masters, Holland, Genre scene, Horseshoes, 19th century, Baroque, Professions, Netherlands, horse Size: 52,5 cm x 70,7 cm, Depiction: 41,8 cm x 53,5 cm Condition: Good Condition. The backing paper of the lithograph browned and with slight stains, a few of them also on the white lithograph paper. Approx. 4 cm long tear in the backing paper at the right margin, with a small crease at the upper right. Slightly bumped at the corners. Further small tears in margin. Overall nice and decorative appearance.

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Friedrich Hohe (1802-1870) after Peter von Hess (1792-1871): DER MORGEN' AND 'DIE PLÜNDERUNG', 1825-1826
    Nov. 16, 2021

    Friedrich Hohe (1802-1870) after Peter von Hess (1792-1871): DER MORGEN' AND 'DIE PLÜNDERUNG', 1825-1826

    Est: -

    Good condition: short tears on the edges, repaired on the reverse.

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Hohe,F.
    Jul. 08, 2021


    Est: €80 - €120

    Der Begleiter. Wissenschaftliche Tabellen und Notizen mit vier kolorirten Karten. Eine Gedächtnißhilfe für Jedermann. Mchn., Selbstverlag 1857. 12°. Mit 4 dplblgr. kolor. lithogr. Karten. VIII, 232 S. Hlwd. d. Zt. (Berieb. u. best.). Einzige Ausgabe. - Als Maler und Lithograph war Friedrich Hohe (1802-1870) auf die Reproduktion von Gemälden spezialisiert (Thieme-B. XVII, 311). - Tls. etw. fleckig, 1 Karte lose, N.a.V. - ╔Dabei: Henner,B.╗ Conatus physico-experimentales de corporum affectionibus tum generalibus tum specialibus... Pars prima (von 2): De attributis corporum generalibus. Würzburg, Kleyer für Stahel 1756. Mit 16 gefalt. Kupfertaf. 16 Bl., 536 S. Pbd. d. Zt. (Berieb.). - De Backer/S. IV, 271, 3. Erste Ausgabe. - Die Tafeln zeigen Darst. physikalischer Versuche. - Etw. Gebrauchsspuren, le. S. mit Fehlst. - ╔Archives of microbiology.╗ 35 Bde. d. Reihe. Bln. u.a., Springer 1976-2007. 4°. Hlwdbde. d. Zt. (4) u. Lwdbde. d. Zt. (31) (Tls. Gebrauchssp.). - Enthält: Bde. 111-120, 124-125, 128-131 u. 136-188. - Gebrauchssp. (Bd. 173/174 etw. stärker). Nicht eingehend kollat.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Am Golf von La Spezia
    Sep. 18, 2020

    Am Golf von La Spezia

    Est: €500 - €600

    Öl / Karton 18 x 40 cm Rückseitig bez. "Am Golf von Spezia. F. Hohe pinx.". Rahmen

    Scheublein Art & Auktionen
  • Friedrich Hohe, Blick auf Burg Trifels
    Aug. 29, 2020

    Friedrich Hohe, Blick auf Burg Trifels

    Est: -

    Friedrich Hohe, Blick auf Burg Trifels weites Tal mit Burgruinen auf den Bergkuppen und Fuchs im Vordergrund, unter luftig bewölktem Himmel, teils mit spitzem Pinsel ausgeführte Landschaftsmalerei, Öl auf Leinwand, rechts unten signiert „F. Hohe“, rückseitig angeklebter Zettel mit biographischen Notizen und weitere Etiketten und hierauf datiert "1858", sowie bezeichnet "Trifels", restaurierungsbedürftig, gerahmt, Falzmaße ca. 23 x 31 cm. Künstlerinfo: dt. Maler und Lithograph (1802 Bayreuth bis 1870 München), Sohn des Malers Johann Hohe, ab 1820 Studium an der Akademie in München, ab 1823 Beschäftigung mit der Lithographie, Quelle: Thieme-Becker, Matrikeln der Münchner Akademie und Wikipedia.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
    Mar. 07, 2020


    Est: -

    HOHE, Friedrich (1802 Bayreuth - 1870 München) Wohl Ansicht der Küste Patagoniens Öl/Holz.Links unten signiert. 21 x 44 cm.Gerahmt: 27 x 51 cm. Stimmungsvoller Meerblick von einer felsigen Küste über die Bucht zu den mit Schnee bedeckten Gipfeln am Horizont. Deutscher Maler und Lithograf, studierte an der Akademie München, reiste mit Rottmann durch die Schweiz und Italien. Literatur: Thieme/Becker.

    Auktionshaus Wendl
  • ALTE GRAPHIK 18. - 19. Jahrhundert - Friedrich Hohe (1802 - 1870) - „Die Plünderung“
    Nov. 30, 2019

    ALTE GRAPHIK 18. - 19. Jahrhundert - Friedrich Hohe (1802 - 1870) - „Die Plünderung“

    Est: €150 - €200

    ALTE GRAPHIK 18. - 19. Jahrhundert Friedrich Hohe (1802 - 1870) „Die Plünderung“ Kreidelith., „Gemalt v. Peter Heß“, „Gezeichnet v. Friedrich Hohe“. „Zu haben bey J. Velten in Carlsruhe“, nach 1820. Abb. 38 x 33,5, Blattgr. ca. 64 x 60 cm. (7) Unten rechts Sign. No. 3. Die Vorlage „Plündernde Kosaken“, die einen Vorfall aus den napoleo¬nischen Kriegen zum Gegenstand hat, hat Peter von Hess 1820 gemalt. Im Fuß trägt unser Blatt den Hinweis „Das Original von derselben Größe gehört dem K. Baier. Forstmeister Herrn Carl von Mannlich“. – Prächtiger nuancenreicher Druck auf breitrandigem Velin. Unten links in der Abb. minim. Läsur (Nadelstich ?). Der breite Rand geringf. fleckig. Verso alter Slg.- u. Inv.-Stempel.

    Antiquariat Auktionen Christoph & Co Gmbh
  • HOHE, FRIEDRICH (Bayreuth 1802 - 1870 Munich )
    Mar. 26, 2010

    HOHE, FRIEDRICH (Bayreuth 1802 - 1870 Munich )

    Est: CHF600 - CHF800

    HOHE, FRIEDRICH (Bayreuth 1802 - 1870 Munich ) Villa Württemberg in Monaco, 1864. Pen and watercolour. Signed and dated lower right : Fr. Hohe 15. feb. 64. Entitled verso in pencil. 30.9 x 53 cm. HOHE, FRIEDRICH (Bayreuth 1802 - 1870 München) Villa Württemberg in Monaco, 1864. Bleistift, Aquarell. Unten rechts signiert und datiert: Fr. Hohe 15. feb. 64. Verso mit Bleistift betitelt. 30,9 x 53 cm.

    Koller Auctions
  • FRIEDRICH HOHE Familie bei der Rast, links ein Heuwagen - Jagdszene.
    May. 09, 2009

    FRIEDRICH HOHE Familie bei der Rast, links ein Heuwagen - Jagdszene.

    Est: - €90

    FRIEDRICH HOHE Bayreuth 1802 - 1870 München Familie bei der Rast, links ein Heuwagen - Jagdszene. 2 Bll. Lithographien nach Gemälden von Ph. Wouwerman. Bl. 1 mit dem Monogramm Wouwermans im Stein sowie den typographischen Namenszügen der Künstler, Druckeradresse von B. Berner, Verlegeradresse von J. G. Cotta, München und der Bezeichnung "Herzoglich Leuchtenberg'sche Gemäldesammlung" unterhalb der Darstellung. Bl. 2 mit den typographischen Namenszügen der Künstler und Druckeradresse von J. Selb unterhalb der Darstellung. Auf aufgewalztem China bzw. Velin. 40 x 35,7 und 23,7 x 36,7 cm. Bl. 1 mit schwachen Bereibungen und Papierquetschfalten außerhalb der Darstellung. [sg]

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