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Heinrich (1841) Hirt Sold at Auction Prices

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  • Heinrich Hirt "Jägerlatein"
    Sep. 25, 2024

    Heinrich Hirt "Jägerlatein"

    Est: €5,000 - €6,000

    Heinrich Hirt 1841 Fürth - 1902 München "Jägerlatein" Signed and inscribed with the place name München lower left. Oil auf canvas. 72 x 83 cm. Restored. Minor damage. Framed (90.5 x 101 cm). provenance: Philipps, London, Auction 22 June 1999, catalogue number 3. - Private collection, Hesse.

  • Heinrich Hirt (German, 1841-1902) Interior- Child sneaking a treat with kitten wanting to join her. Oil on canvas, Signed H. Hirt (lower left) inscribed Munchen 1873. canvas 19-1/2 x 15-1/2 inches overall framed size 29 x 25 inches
    Sep. 03, 2024

    Heinrich Hirt (German, 1841-1902) Interior- Child sneaking a treat with kitten wanting to join her. Oil on canvas, Signed H. Hirt (lower left) inscribed Munchen 1873. canvas 19-1/2 x 15-1/2 inches overall framed size 29 x 25 inches

    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    Heinrich Hirt (German, 1841-1902) Interior- Child sneaking a treat with kitten wanting to join her. Oil on canvas, Signed H. Hirt (lower left) inscribed Munchen 1873. canvas 19-1/2 x 15-1/2 inches overall framed size 29 x 25 inches

    Bill Hood & Sons Arts & Antiques Auctions
  • Heinrich Hirt Arrival of the swallows
    Jun. 26, 2024

    Heinrich Hirt Arrival of the swallows

    Est: €4,000 - €5,000

    Heinrich Hirt 1841 Fürth - 1902 München Arrival of the swallows Signed and inscribed with the place name München lower right. Oil auf canvas. 70 x 55 cm. Restored. Damaged. Minor damage to frame (86 x 70 cm). Literatur: Boetticher, Friedrich von, Malerwerke des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, volume I, 1. Leipzig 1941 (reprint), page 543, number 3 (illustration "Gartenlaube" 83).

  • Heinrich Hirt (German,1841-1902) oil painting antique
    May. 05, 2024

    Heinrich Hirt (German,1841-1902) oil painting antique

    Est: $6,500 - $8,000

    ARTIST: Heinrich Hirt (Germany, 1841 - 1902) TITLE: Children Playing with Kitten MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: Relined. Few minor paint losses. Some craquelure. Few scattered minor inpaintings. ART SIZE: 29 x 23 inches / 73 x 58 cm FRAME SIZE: 38 x 32 inches / 96 x 81 cm SIGNATURE: lower right ATTENTION: This lot is located at our Mamaroneck, NY office. CATEGORY: old antique vintage painting for auction sale online AD: ART WANTED: Consign, Trade In, Cash Offer SKU#: 132056 US Shipping $120 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Heinrich Hirt concentrated children as subjects; his theme often being their preoccupations and their place in the family. The rapid passing of childhood innocence and the suggestion of youthful amusements were topics that always seemed to find an appreciative audience.Although Hirt was well known as a painter of fine sentimental interpretation, few biographical details are available on his life. He was born in Furth, Germany, the son of a comb factory owner, Georg Karl Wilhelm Hirt. His education and art instruction are not recorded, although his older brother, the sculptor Johann Christian Hirt attended the Munich Academy of Art.

    Broward Auction Gallery LLC
  • Heinrich Hirt, r.u.sig., ortsbez. München
    Nov. 19, 2022

    Heinrich Hirt, r.u.sig., ortsbez. München

    Est: -

    Fürth 1841 - 1902 München, 'Das Wollknäuel', Öl/Lwd., 61 x 50 cm, doubliert, restauriert - Expertise: Keul 1995, DM 68.000,- -

    Auktionshaus Arnold
  • Heinrich HIRT (1841-1902)
    Sep. 20, 2022

    Heinrich HIRT (1841-1902)

    Est: €4,500 - €6,000

    Heinrich HIRT (1841-1902) "die Zuckertüte" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand, 70 cm x 57,5 cm, gerahmt 88,5 cm x 75 cm, links unten signiert und datiert 1874 Heinrich HIRT (1841-1902) "the candy bag" painting - oil on canvas, 70 cm x 57.5 cm, framed 88.5 cm x 75 cm, signed at the lower left and dated 1874

    Auktionshaus Kloss
  • HEINRICH HIRT (1841 - 1902)
    Mar. 06, 2022

    HEINRICH HIRT (1841 - 1902)

    Est: $6,000 - $8,000

    Feeding Baby; oil on canvas; signed lower left; Provenance: MacConnal-Mason label verso; Provenance: The Estate of Hollywood Actress Gloria Warren Gold, Beverly Hills, CA; 30 1/4 x 24 inches; 35 1/2 x 29 inches frame

    Abell Auction
  • Heinrich Hirt – Knabe mit Eichkätzchen (Boy with a squirrel)
    Jun. 16, 2021

    Heinrich Hirt – Knabe mit Eichkätzchen (Boy with a squirrel)

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Oil on canvas, relined. 32.6 x 24.7 cm. Signed lower right. Framed.

    Karl & Faber
    Dec. 05, 2020


    Est: $500 - $2,000

    HEINRICH HIRT OIL PAINTING ON BOARD GIRL W/ RABBIT Heinrich Hirt (1841- 1902, German) original signed oil painting on board of a young girl feeding rabbits fresh lettuce. Early work. Size: 11 X 14" Art, 14 X 17" frame Condition: Very fine

    Florida Estate Sales Inc.
  • Heinrich Hirt, 1841 – 1902
    Apr. 02, 2020

    Heinrich Hirt, 1841 – 1902

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    KNABE MIT EICHKÄTZCHEN Öl auf Leinwand. 33 x 25 cm. Rechts unten signiert „H. Hirt“. Vor grünlichem Hintergrund, neben einem Tisch, auf welchem ein aufgeschnittener Apfel liegt, ein in grünem Wams gekleideter Junge mit dunklem Haar, auf dessen Arm ein Eichhörnchen hockt und an einem Apfelstück schnuppert, das der Junge dem Eichhörnchen entgegenhält. Rahmen besch. (12216016) (13)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Heinrich Hirt (German, 1841-1902)
    Jul. 18, 2019

    Heinrich Hirt (German, 1841-1902)

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    *Heinrich Hirt (German, 1841-1902) Madchen und Hund oil on canvas signed H. Hirt Munchen (lower right), titled (verso)  19 1/4 x 15 3/8 inches. Property from the Estate of Jacqueline Macomber, Fox Point, Wisconsin 

  • Heinrich Hirt, Girls Sewing, Oil on Board
    Mar. 03, 2019

    Heinrich Hirt, Girls Sewing, Oil on Board

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    Heinrich Hirt (German, 1841-1902), girls sewing, oil on board, signed, 11 1/2" x 8 1/2", framed 14" x 12". Provenance: Boca Raton, Florida collection.

    Kaminski Auctions
  • Heinrich Hirt (German 1841 - 1902) oil on panel, INTERIOR WITH KIDS, 11-1/2 x 9 inches
    Jan. 15, 2019

    Heinrich Hirt (German 1841 - 1902) oil on panel, INTERIOR WITH KIDS, 11-1/2 x 9 inches

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Heinrich Hirt (German 1841 - 1902) oil on panel, INTERIOR WITH KIDS, 11-1/2 x 9 inches

    Bill Hood & Sons Arts & Antiques Auctions
  • 19 Century German Oil Painting By Heinrich Hirt (1841-1902)
    Sep. 23, 2018

    19 Century German Oil Painting By Heinrich Hirt (1841-1902)

    Est: $15,000 - $20,000

    19 Century German Oil Painting By Heinrich Hirt (1841-1902) Heinrich Hirt (German, 1841-1902) Interior with Mother, Child and Kittens. Oil on canvas, laid down on board. Signed H. Hirt (lower left) inscribed Munchen. Size: 32 1/2 by 25 (82 by 63.5 centimeters) Frame: 39 1/2 by 32 1/2 (100.3 82 centimeters)

    Hidden Treasures Antiques & Fine Arts
  • HEINRICH HIRT - Geschwister beim Vorlesen
    Jun. 15, 2016

    HEINRICH HIRT - Geschwister beim Vorlesen

    Est: CHF2,000 - CHF3,000

    Fürth 1841-1902 München Unten links signiert "Heinrich Hirt" und bezeichnet "München". Öl auf Lwd., 49 x 39 cm, Retouchen am Randbereich und Craquelé

    Galerie Fischer Auktionen AG
  • Heinrich Hirt, 1841-1902
    Mar. 26, 2016

    Heinrich Hirt, 1841-1902

    Est: €2,900 - €6,000

    Heinrich Hirt, 1841 Furth - 1902 Munich, 'first aid', grandmother doctored in the family circle the paw of the injured hound, type genre painting of the 19th century represented women in devotional maternal understanding of time, emphasizes the moment of affection and intimacy through posture, fine banner painting with alla-prima- completion, skilful flesh tones with high materiality, oil / canvas, signed and inscribed Munich, 79 x 64 cm, minor restorations respectively patched crazings, signs of age, pomp frame from the period, withflaws respectively repairs, Canvas should be re-tensioned, Heinrich Hirt was a genre painter of Munich, represented at German exhibitions, especially in the 1870 and 1880s,see refs. Bruckmanns lexicon of Munich Art Vol. 2 p 191 . German Description: Heinrich Hirt, 1841 Fürth - 1902 München, 'Erste Hilfe', Großmutter verarztet im Familienkreis die Pfote des verletzten Dackels, typ. Genremalerei des 19. Jh., Frauen in hingebungsvollem mütterlichen Verständnis der Zeit dargestellt, Moment der Zuwendung und Innigkeit durch Körperhaltung betont, feine lasierende Malereimit Alla-Prima-Abschluß, gekonntes Inkarnat mit hoher Stofflichkeit, Öl/Lwd, signiert und bez. München, 79 x 64 cm, l. rest. bzw. ausgebesserte Krakeluren, Altersspuren, Prunkrahmen aus der Zeit, mit Fehlstellen bzw.Ausbesserungen, Leinwand sollte neu verspannt werden, Heinrich Hirt war ein Genremaler aus München, auf deutschen Ausstellungen vertreten, vor allem in den 1870 und 1880er Jahren, Lit. vgl. Bruckmanns Lexikon der Münchner Kunst Bd. 2 S. 191

    Henry's Auktionshaus
  • Heinrich Hirt, 1841 Furth - 1902 Munich
    Nov. 28, 2015

    Heinrich Hirt, 1841 Furth - 1902 Munich

    Est: €4,500 - €9,000

    Heinrich Hirt, 1841 Furth - 1902 Munich, 'first aid', grandmother doctored in the family circle the paw of the injured hound, type genre painting of the 19th century represented women in devotional maternal understanding of time, emphasizes the moment of affection and intimacy through posture, fine banner painting with alla-prima- completion, skilful flesh tones with high materiality, oil / canvas, signed and inscribed Munich, 79 x 64 cm, minor restorations respectively patched crazings, signs of age, pomp frame from the period, withflaws respectively repairs, Canvas should be re-tensioned, Heinrich Hirt was a genre painter of Munich, represented at German exhibitions, especially in the 1870 and 1880s,see refs. Bruckmanns lexicon of Munich Art Vol. 2 p 191,#painting/picture/image/old/art/fine/century . German Description: Heinrich Hirt, 1841 Fürth - 1902 München, 'Erste Hilfe', Großmutter verarztet im Familienkreis die Pfote des verletzten Dackels, typ. Genremalerei des 19. Jh., Frauen in hingebungsvollem mütterlichen Verständnis der Zeit dargestellt, Moment der Zuwendung und Innigkeit durch Körperhaltung betont, feine lasierende Malereimit Alla-Prima-Abschluß, gekonntes Inkarnat mit hoher Stofflichkeit, Öl/Lwd, signiert und bez. München, 79 x 64 cm, l. rest. bzw. ausgebesserte Krakeluren, Altersspuren, Prunkrahmen aus der Zeit, mit Fehlstellen bzw.Ausbesserungen, Leinwand sollte neu verspannt werden, Heinrich Hirt war ein Genremaler aus München, auf deutschen Ausstellungen vertreten, vor allem in den 1870 und 1880er Jahren, Lit. vgl. Bruckmanns Lexikon der Münchner Kunst Bd. 2 S. 191

    Henry's Auktionshaus
  • Heinrich Hirt (1842-1902) German ''Grandma's
    Nov. 16, 2013

    Heinrich Hirt (1842-1902) German ''Grandma's

    Est: £8,000 - £12,000

    Heinrich Hirt (1842-1902) German ''Grandma's Story'' Signed, inscribed 'Munchen' and dated 1889, oil on canvas, 63.5cm by 51.5cm Provenance: MacConnal- Mason & Son Ltd, London

  • Heinrich Hirt (German, 1841-1902), The Little Peasant Girl, Signed and inscribed "H. Hirt/München" l.l., Condition: Retouch, minor pain
    May. 17, 2013

    Heinrich Hirt (German, 1841-1902), The Little Peasant Girl, Signed and inscribed "H. Hirt/München" l.l., Condition: Retouch, minor pain

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    Heinrich Hirt (German, 1841-1902) The Little Peasant Girl Signed and inscribed "H. Hirt/München" l.l. Oil on canvas, 14 1/2 x 11 1/4 in. (37.0 x 28.5 cm), framed. Condition: Retouch, minor paint loss, craquelure.

  • Heinrich Hirt (1841-1902). Personen am Weg in
    Dec. 08, 2012

    Heinrich Hirt (1841-1902). Personen am Weg in

    Est: -

    Heinrich Hirt (1841-1902). Personen am Weg in Felslandschaft. Öl/Lw., re./u./sign., gerahmt, 45 x 56,5 cm. (Schätzwert Euro 3.000,-) Vorgebot für diese Katalog-Nr. abgeben Telefonisches Bieten ist bei dieser Auktion nicht möglich

    Antiquitäten Metz GmbH - Kunstauktionen
  • Attributed to Heinrich Hirt (German 1841-1902) A
    Mar. 11, 2009

    Attributed to Heinrich Hirt (German 1841-1902) A

    Est: $300 - $500

    Attributed to Heinrich Hirt (German 1841-1902) A Moment's Rest Oil on board Inscribed on verso Heinrich Hirt 5 inches x 3.5 inches (13 x 9 cm)

    Jackson's International
  • Heinrich Hirt 1841 Furth - 1902 Munchen Die Mittagssuppe. Eine Grossmutter mit ihren drei Enkelkindern in der Kuche. L. u. signiert und Ortsbezeichnung Munchen. Ol auf Lwd. 70.5 x 54cm. Min. besch. - Rahmen besch.
    Jun. 29, 2005

    Heinrich Hirt 1841 Furth - 1902 Munchen Die Mittagssuppe. Eine Grossmutter mit ihren drei Enkelkindern in der Kuche. L. u. signiert und Ortsbezeichnung Munchen. Ol auf Lwd. 70.5 x 54cm. Min. besch. - Rahmen besch.

    Est: €14,000 -

    Heinrich Hirt 1841 Furth - 1902 Munchen Die Mittagssuppe. Eine Grossmutter mit ihren drei Enkelkindern in der Kuche. L. u. signiert und Ortsbezeichnung Munchen. Ol auf Lwd. 70.5 x 54cm. Min. besch. - Rahmen besch.

  • Heinrich Hirt (German, 1841-1902)
    Jun. 08, 2005

    Heinrich Hirt (German, 1841-1902)

    Est: £5,000 - £7,000

    Feeding the rabbits signed and inscribed 'H. Hirt Munchen' (lower right) oil on canvas 19 1/2 x 14 3/4 in. (49.5 x 37.5 cm.)

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