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Maarten van Heemskerck Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, copperplate engraver, b. 1498 - d. 1574

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  • Maerten van Heemskerck, Dirck Volckertsz. Coornhert, complete series of "The parable of the great banquet (wedding feast)".
    Dec. 12, 2024

    Maerten van Heemskerck, Dirck Volckertsz. Coornhert, complete series of "The parable of the great banquet (wedding feast)".

    Est: €1,250 - €1,450

    The parable of the great banquet. Jesus Christ told this parable: A man has invited a lot of friends to come to a very large diner. When the diner was read, they all had an excuse, not to come. One had bought a land, a second had bough new oxes, one was getting married. So the man invited instead all the poor people living on the streets. The complete set of 6 engravings was made by Dirck Volckertsz. Coornhert (1522-1590) in Haarlem 1558-1559 after drawings of Maerten van Heemskerck (1498-1574), published by Theodore Galle ca 1581-1633. References: Hollstein Dutch 101 2(3)- 106 2(3), New Hollstein Dutch 343 2(4) - 248 2(4). Series printed together, born together. Early renaissance etchings after Maerten van Heemskerck. In good condition. Etchings printed on the same kind of laid paper with large margins. Good dark impressions. With a watermark.

    Old Master Print
  • Maarten van Heemskerck, H.J. Muller - Complete set of the nine worthies - 1567
    Dec. 12, 2024

    Maarten van Heemskerck, H.J. Muller - Complete set of the nine worthies - 1567

    Est: €650 - €900

    The nine worthies. The complete set of three engravings ( (New Hollstein 521-523). Shown are: Hector of Troy, Alexander of Macedonia and Julius Caesar; Joshua, David and Judas Maccabeus; King Arthur, Charlemagne and Godfrey of Bouillon. Second state signed: "MHeemskerck Inuent / Theodorus Galle excud / Muller fe". This state is rare to be found. State I and III are more common.

    Old Master Print
  • Follower of Maarten van Heemskerck,  Dutch 1498-1574-  Procession of figures carrying a man wrapped
    Nov. 20, 2024

    Follower of Maarten van Heemskerck,  Dutch 1498-1574-  Procession of figures carrying a man wrapped

    Est: £250 - £350

    Follower of Maarten van Heemskerck,  Dutch 1498-1574-  Procession of figures carrying a man wrapped in a shroud, possibly Lazarus;  brown ink and wash on paper, stamped with unrecorded collectors' mark G.F. (lower right), the reverse stamped for the Collection Jean Philippe Guéant, 24.7 x 16.3 cm. 

  • Maarten van Heemskerck (attr.) "Pieta" oil on panel (32.5x36 cm.) (defects) Thanks to Alessandro Morandotti for suggesting the attribution...
    Oct. 23, 2024

    Maarten van Heemskerck (attr.) "Pieta" oil on panel (32.5x36 cm.) (defects) Thanks to Alessandro Morandotti for suggesting the attribution...

    Est: €40,000 - €50,000

    (Heemskerck 1498 - Haarlem 1574) (attr.) "Pieta" oil on panel (32.5x36 cm.) (defects) Thanks to Alessandro Morandotti for suggesting the attribution IT (attr.) "Pietà" olio su tavola (cm 32,5x36) (difetti) Si ringrazia Alessandro Morandotti per aver suggerito l'attribuzione

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Heemskerck, Maarten van
    Sep. 27, 2024

    Heemskerck, Maarten van

    Est: €60 - €100

    (1498-1574) nach. König Josia zerreisst seine Kleider als Saphan ihm aus einem Gesetzbuch vorliest. Bl. aus der Folge " Die Reformen des Königs Josias. Kupferstich, 16. Jh. Blgr. 20,4 x 25,2 cm. Mit dem Namenszug u. Titel i.d. Platte. Auf Darst. beschnitten. Aufgezogen. New Ho. 41. - Etw. stockfl., tls. größere Braunfl. Aus den Slgn. Sibyll Kaps (L.3574) u. Ines Kaps (L.3551). R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Follower of Maarten van Heemskerck,  Dutch 1498-1574-  Procession of figur
    Jul. 09, 2024

    Follower of Maarten van Heemskerck,  Dutch 1498-1574-  Procession of figur

    Est: £400 - £600

    Follower of Maarten van Heemskerck,  Dutch 1498-1574-  Procession of figures carrying a man wrapped in a shroud, possibly Lazarus;  brown ink and wash on paper, stamped with unrecorded collectors' mark G.F. (lower right), the reverse stamped for the Collection Jean Philippe Guéant, 24.7 x 16.3 cm. 

  • Daniel Pulled out of the Lions' Den
    Jul. 03, 2024

    Daniel Pulled out of the Lions' Den

    Est: £100,000 - £150,000

    Property of a Noble Belgian Family Maarten van Heemskerck (Heemskerk 1498 – 1574 Haarlem) Daniel Pulled out of the Lions’ Den Pen and brown ink over black chalk, within brown ink framing lines; the outlines indented for transfer; signed and dated, centre left: Martyn van / Heemskerck / inventor / 1564, and numbered, lower centre: 9; bears numberings, verso: 9 (brown ink, top centre), I / XX (brown ink, left edge, upper centre; possibly numbering of Valerius Röver), and N3055 (maroon ink, lower left; Goll van Franckenstein); bears 17th-century inscriptions in black chalk: no.28 de histori van Daniel / van Heemskerk, and lower down, in same hand: 10 stuks s f 5 – is f 50 197 by 251 mm

  • Attribué à Maarten van HEEMSKERCK Heemskerck, 1498 - 1574, Haarlem Déposition du Christ
    Jun. 25, 2024

    Attribué à Maarten van HEEMSKERCK Heemskerck, 1498 - 1574, Haarlem Déposition du Christ

    Est: €30,000 - €50,000

    Attribué à Maarten van HEEMSKERCK Heemskerck, 1498 - 1574, Haarlem Déposition du Christ Panneau de chêne (trois planches, non parqueté) 83,5 x 78,9 cm - 32 7/8 x 31 1/16 in. Deposition of Christ, panel OEUVRES EN RAPPORT Maarten van Heemskerck, Mise au tombeau du Christ, 1540 - 1545, panneau, 88 x 79 cm, Turin, Pinacoteca dell’Accdemia Albertina di Belle Arti reproduit in: Rainald Grosshans, Maerten Van Heemskerck Die Gemälde, Berlin 1980, cat. N°43 pl. 65. Maarten van Heemskerck, Mise au tombeau du Christ, 1540 - 1545, panneau, 88,5 x 79 cm, Rotterdam, musée Boijmans Van Beuningen, inv. 1291(Rainal Grooshans op. cit. cat N° 44 Pl. 67).

  • Heemskerck, Marten van
    May. 04, 2024

    Heemskerck, Marten van

    Est: €100 - €150

    (1498 Heemskerck b. Haarlem - 1574 Haarlem), nach. Die Qualen im Garten. Kupferst. v. Dirck Volckertz. Ca. 11 x 9 cm. ╔Dabei: Ders. nach╗ Aus der Reihe: Judaskuss und Verhaftung von Christus, Sündenfall und Erlösung der Menschheit durch das Leben Christi. Kupferst. Dirck Volkert, zugeschr. Ca. 11 x 9 cm. - ╔Ders., nach.╗ Christus vor dem Hohepriester Hannas. Kupferst. Unbek. nach Dirck Volkertz. Ca. 9 x 11 cm., alle 3 unter einem Passep. D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Heemskerck, Marten van
    May. 04, 2024

    Heemskerck, Marten van

    Est: €40 - €60

    (1498-1574) nach. Jehu befiehlt den Tod Isebels, re. fressen die Hunde ihren Leichnam u. lecken ihr Blut. Bl. 6 aus der Folge: Geschichte von Ahab, Isebel und Nabot. Kupferstich auf Bütten mit WZ "Stehender Löwe" bei C.J.Visscher, 17. Jh. Plgr. 21 x 24,7, Blgr. 30,5 x 37 cm. Mit den Namensz. u. Titel "Iesebel praecipitatur..." i.d. Platte. Vgl. New Ho. 117-137 (bei H.Cock). Vgl. Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum DVCoornhert AB 3.66 (bei H.Cock). - Klarer, tiefschwarzer Druck. - W. Rd. tls. leicht fingerfl. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Maerten van Heemskerck, Philips Galle, Matthew the Evangelist writes his Gospel
    Apr. 18, 2024

    Maerten van Heemskerck, Philips Galle, Matthew the Evangelist writes his Gospel

    Est: €325 - €425

    Matthew the Evangelist writes his Gospel. Engraving made by Philips Galle (1537-1612) in Antwerp ca 1562, after Maerten van Heemskerck (1498-1574). New Hollstein Dutch Galle 331-3(3) , New Hollstein Dutch 413-3(3) Heemskerck. In good condition. Good impression on thin laid paper, on the margins and missing the text border below. Rare engraving.

    Old Master Print
  • M. HEEMSKERCK (*1498) after UNGER (*1837), Pieter Jan Foppesz and his family, Etching
    Mar. 23, 2024

    M. HEEMSKERCK (*1498) after UNGER (*1837), Pieter Jan Foppesz and his family, Etching

    Est: €45 - €75

    Maarten van van Heemskerck (1498 Heemskerk - 1574 Haarlem) after William Unger (1837 Hannover - 1932 Innsbruck): Portrait of a Nobly Dressed Family at the Dining Table after the Original Pieter Jan Foppesz and His Family by Marten van Heemskerck c 1530 in the Gemäldegalerie Kassel, 19th century, Etching Technique: Etching on Paper Inscription: Signed on the left below the picture as "Dutch School (c. 1830)" and on the right signed as "W. Unger sculps.". Below titled as "Family picture". Date: 19th century Keywords: 19th century, Romanticism, Portraits, Netherlands,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Heemskerck, Marten van
    Feb. 16, 2024

    Heemskerck, Marten van

    Est: €160 - €240

    (1498 Heemskerck b. Haarlem - 1574 Haarlem), nach. Die Qualen im Garten. Kupferst. v. Dirck Volckertz. Ca. 11 x 9 cm. ╔Dabei: Ders. nach╗ Aus der Reihe: Judaskuss und Verhaftung von Christus, Sündenfall und Erlösung der Menschheit durch das Leben Christi. Kupferst. Dirck Volkert, zugeschr. Ca. 11 x 9 cm. - ╔Ders., nach.╗ Christus vor dem Hohepriester Hannas. Kupferst. Unbek. nach Dirck Volkertz. Ca. 9 x 11 cm., alle 3 unter einem Passep. D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Maerten Van Heemskerck, Theodore Galle, History of Job with God and the devil.
    Dec. 14, 2023

    Maerten Van Heemskerck, Theodore Galle, History of Job with God and the devil.

    Est: €1,600 - €2,000

    History of Job with God and the devil, Complete set of 8 engravings after Maerten van Heemskerck (1498-1574), Engravings made by Philips Galle (1537-1612) ca 1563. With the publishers address of his son Theodore Galle (1571-1633) ont he first plate, there signed MHeem. Inven -Th Galle Exc. --------- /1. Job sacrificing for the sins of his children / 2. The sons of God (the angels), Satan amongst them, present themselves before the Lord / 3,.ob receiving the ill-news of his misfortunes / 4. Satan challenging the Lord to remove his protection from Job / 5. Satan smiting Job with boils./ 6.Job sitting on the dunghill / 7. The Lord answering Job/ 8. Job receiving gifts/ ------ All eight in good condition. Good grey impression on the same kind of laid paper with large margins. With a good watermark.

    Old Master Print
  • Maerten van Heemskerck, Philips Galle, The four Seasons, Joan Galle
    Dec. 14, 2023

    Maerten van Heemskerck, Philips Galle, The four Seasons, Joan Galle

    Est: €2,200 - €2,800

    The four seasons, complete set of four engraving made by Philips Galle ( 1537-1612) in Haarlem ca 1563, after Maerten van Heemskerck (1498-1574). Published by Joan Galle (1600-1676). Spring: New Hollstein Dutch 369 3(4), New Hollstein Dutch 538-2(3) Heemskerck. Summer: New Hollstein Dutch 370 3(4), New Hollstein Dutch 539-2(3) Heemskerck. Autumn: New Hollstein Dutch 371 3(4), New Hollstein Dutch 540-2(3) Heemskerck. Winter: New Hollstein Dutch 372 3(4) state, New Hollstein Dutch 541-2(3) Heemskerck. All four in very good condition. Good dark impressions on laid paper with large margins. Al four printed on the same kind of laid paper, set is born together. Collection mark: Lugt L5437. Collectioneur is not known.

    Old Master Print
  • Maerten van Heemskerck, Dirck Volckertsz. Coornhert, Joseph explaining the dreams in the prison of the Pharaoh
    Dec. 14, 2023

    Maerten van Heemskerck, Dirck Volckertsz. Coornhert, Joseph explaining the dreams in the prison of the Pharaoh

    Est: €325 - €425

    Joseph explaining the dreams in the prison of the Pharaoh. Joseph interprets the dreams of the cupbearer and the baker. The baker dreams about a basket full of bread that he carries on his head and that birds peck at. The wine pourer dreams of a blossoming vine from which he picks grapes. One will be free and the other will die the day after. Etching made by Dirck Volckertsz. Coornhert (1522-1590) in Haarlem 1549, after a drawing of Maerten van Heemskerck (1498-1574). References: Hollstein Dutch 43, New Hollstein Dutch 46. Early renaissance engraving after Maerten van Heemskerck. In good condition. Etching printed on thin laid paper on the margins image complete , mounted on a thicker laid paper. With a watermark: can.

    Old Master Print
  • Maerten van Heemskerck, Philips Galle, Hero and Leander
    Dec. 14, 2023

    Maerten van Heemskerck, Philips Galle, Hero and Leander

    Est: €850 - €1,150

    Hero and Leander, Engraving made and published by Philips Galle (1537-1612) in Haarlem ca 1569, after Maerten van Heemskerck (1498-1574). New Hollstein Dutch 398-1(2) first state, New Hollstein Dutch 512-1(2) Heemskerck. In good condition. Good impression on thin laid paper with a good watermark. Left margin 1 cm, above margin 2 cm, below margin 7,5 cm, right margin remargined, not visible in front. Very rare engraving.

    Old Master Print
  • Roman School, XVII century - Siege of the Landsknechts at Castel Sant'Angelo
    Nov. 29, 2023

    Roman School, XVII century - Siege of the Landsknechts at Castel Sant'Angelo

    Est: €1,800 - €2,200

    oil on board 103 x 120 cm The composition of the present painting comes from an engraving by Maarten van Heemskerk (Heemskerk c. 1498 - Haarlem 1574).

  • Heemskerck, Maarten van (1498-1574) (after). St Philip baptizing the eunuch.
    Nov. 24, 2023

    Heemskerck, Maarten van (1498-1574) (after). St Philip baptizing the eunuch.

    Est: €60 - €80

    Heemskerck, Maarten van (1498-1574) (after). St Philip baptizing the eunuch. Engraving, 21,3x27,6 cm., engr. captions and numb. "15" below, framed. - Trimmed on/ just inside the borderline. Outer left edge laid down on mount. = New Hollstein (Heemskerck) II.406, 2nd state of 3 (Hollstein mentions that this print is numb. "14"). "Et Dominus Deus in terra inculta plantabat hortum, et nominem in illo posuit." Contemp. handcol. engr. optical view, engr. captions in Latin, French, Italian and German, Augsb., G.B. Probst, ±1780, framed. - AND 3 other biblical engravings. = From the collection of P.J. and L. Buijnsters-Smets.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Dessins VAN HEEMSKERK Marten (1498 - 1574). Attribué à. "Bacchus" plu
    Nov. 14, 2023

    Dessins VAN HEEMSKERK Marten (1498 - 1574). Attribué à. "Bacchus" plu

    Est: €600 - €800

    Dessins VAN HEEMSKERK Marten (1498 - 1574). Attribué à. "Bacchus" plume d'encre brune sur papier. Portant en bas à droite la mention Mic.Ang. Inv en référence au "Bacchus" de Michel-Ange se trouvant au Bargello à Florence. Attribué à Maarten Jacobsz van Heemskerck. Ecole hollandaise. Epoque: XVIème. Dim.:+/-295x100mm.

  • Heemskerk, Maarten van
    May. 13, 2023

    Heemskerk, Maarten van

    Est: -

    Heemskerk, Maarten van 1498 Heemskerk - 1574 Haarlem (Umkreis) Triumph über Tod und Teufel. Öl/Holz, 109 x 65 cm.

    Dusseldorfer Auktionshaus
  • Ecole flamande du XVIII ème - d'après Maarten van Heemskerck (1498–1574)
    Feb. 23, 2023

    Ecole flamande du XVIII ème - d'après Maarten van Heemskerck (1498–1574)

    Est: €600 - €800

    Ecole flamande du XVIII ème - d'après Maarten van Heemskerck (1498–1574)

    Millon Riviera
  • MARTIN VAN HEEMSKERCK MAARTEN VAN HEMSERCK (Heemskerk, 1498-Haarlem, 1574). "Vanitas". Oil on oak board. seamed.
    Dec. 29, 2022

    MARTIN VAN HEEMSKERCK MAARTEN VAN HEMSERCK (Heemskerk, 1498-Haarlem, 1574). "Vanitas". Oil on oak board. seamed.

    Est: €16,000 - €18,000

    MARTIN VAN HEEMSKERCK MAARTEN VAN HEMSERCK (Heemskerk, 1498-Haarlem, 1574). "Vanitas. Oil on oak panel. Engatillada. Size: 63 x 69 cm; 85 x 101 cm (frame). In a sober interior rests the figure of a small boy, who sleepily rests one of his hands on a skull, while with the other one he holds a poster on which it can be read "Nascendo Morimur". The image, which loses its innocence through the presence of death as an idea lurking over the child's innocence and innocence, takes place in an interior of great spatial amplitude. In this space, only the curtain stands out as an ornamental element, which, due to its colour and modelling, brings luminosity and volume to the work. On the right-hand side, the space is open to a distant landscape dominated by the cold colours of the vegetation, while the sky has been painted in a warmer ochre. In this vegetation, the figure of a second character can be seen, which is outlined in the composition. Returning to the words on the poster carried by the protagonist, Nascendo Morimur refers to a specific 16th-century artistic genre, which could be translated as "As we are born, so we die". This was a popular theme in Flanders and Germany during that period, and is strongly related to the more popular Vanitas still lifes. Within the genre of vanities, which was so important, depicting the transience of life was one of the themes that most preoccupied Baroque artists. Vanities denounce the relativity of knowledge and the vanity of the human race subject to the passage of time and death. Its title and conception are related to a passage from Ecclesiastes: "vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas" ("vanity of vanities, all is vanity"). Marten Jacobszoon Heemskerk van Veen was a Netherlandish painter of the so-called Antwerp school, known for his portraits, his religious works and his reconstructions of the Seven Wonders of the World, which were disseminated throughout Europe in prints. He learned with Jan van Scorel and was influenced by Italian Mannerism in his workshop, but his style changed radically when he was able to travel to Italy (with a long stop in Rome, where he seems to have collaborated with Antonio da Sangallo the Younger on the Porta di San Sebastiano) and see everything at first hand. Even after returning to his native country in 1536, he always maintained a highly ornamental aesthetic, which earned him a very comfortable position and a certain prestige. His work, which is not very abundant, is to be found in museums such as the Fitzwilliam in Cambridge (UK), the Thyssen-Bornemisza in Madrid, the National Museum in Warsaw and the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, as well as in important private collections.

    Setdart Auction House
  • van Heemskerck, Maarten (1498 Hemskerk - Harlem 1574)
    Dec. 10, 2022

    van Heemskerck, Maarten (1498 Hemskerk - Harlem 1574)

    Est: €100 - €120

    Vier Kupferstiche mit biblischen Darstellungen. Stark gebräunt, bis an den Plattenrand beschnitten, 1x mit Flecken und 1x hinterlegter Riss. Je ca. 14x 20 cm. PP., R. (nicht ausgerahmt).

  • van Heemskerck, Maarten (1498 Hemskerk - Harlem 1574)
    Dec. 10, 2022

    van Heemskerck, Maarten (1498 Hemskerk - Harlem 1574)

    Est: €100 - €120

    Fünf Kupferstiche mit biblischen Darstellungen, teils koloriert. Stark gebräunt, bis an den Plattenrand beschnitten, 1x hinterlegte Besch. am unteren Rand, 1x mit Löchern und aufgezogen. Je ca. 14x 20 cm. PP., R. (nicht ausgerahmt).

    Nov. 29, 2022


    Est: €5,000 - €8,000

    Maarten van Heemskerck (Heemskerk 1498 - Haarlem 1574) cerchia/seguace di Veduta del Colosseo Olio su tavola 43 x 58 cm Maarten van Heemskerck iniziò la sua formazione presso Jan van Scorel, ottenendo presto una ottima fama di ritrattista che scatenò l'invidia del maestro. Questo dissidio provocò la partenza verso l'Italia nel 1532, fatto che risultò determinante per la crescita artistica di Marten. Egli soggiornò a Roma quattro anni, dedicandosi soprattutto allo studio dell'antico mediante l'esercizio del disegno, lasciando preziose testimonianze dell'esistenza di alcuni resti oggi perduti e dello stato di altri monumenti in quel determinato periodo. I suoi disegni sono la cronaca figurata dei cantieri romani del XVI secolo negli anni successivi al Sacco di Roma. Ritornato in patria, continuò a dipingere le antiche rovine di Roma, come l'Autoritratto con il Colosseo sullo sfondo. Maarten van Heemskerck (Heemskerk 1498 - Haarlem 1574) circle/follower of View of the Colosseum Oil on panel 43 x 58 cm

    Lucas Aste
  • MAARTEN JACOBSZ VAN HEEMSKERCK Heemskerck (1498) / Harlem (1574) "Sleeping Baby Jesus"
    Sep. 28, 2022

    MAARTEN JACOBSZ VAN HEEMSKERCK Heemskerck (1498) / Harlem (1574) "Sleeping Baby Jesus"

    Est: €22,500 - €30,000

    Oil on panel Measurements: 62.5 x 80 cm

  • Heemskerck, Marten van
    Jun. 22, 2022

    Heemskerck, Marten van

    Est: €300 - €450

    Heemskerck, Marten van (1498-1574), nach. Dankopfer Noahs. Kupferstich, monogr. S (wohl Petro Stefanoni, vgl. Nagler, Monogr. IV, 3879). Textzeile, breitrandig, vollschwarzer Druck. 20,7:25 (27:36,7) cm. Provenienz: Sammlung Dr. Gisela Scheffler.

  • Bottega di Maarten van Heemskerck (Heemskerk 1498 - Haarlem 1574)
    May. 24, 2022

    Bottega di Maarten van Heemskerck (Heemskerk 1498 - Haarlem 1574)

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Bottega di Maarten van Heemskerck (Heemskerk 1498 - Haarlem 1574) Ritratto di magistrato Olio su tavola Alla base reca iscrizione: RATIO QUIQUE REDDENTA- ANNO D 1549- AETATIS SUA 52 54 x 38 cm L’opera trova conforto attributivo con la tavola di eguale soggetto, seppur con varianti nel vestiario, comparsa presso Christie's il 20 giugno 2007 a Parigi, presentato come opera della cerchia di Maarten van Heemskerck. Maarten van Heemskerck fu allievo di Jan van Scorel, con il quale apprese la tecnica del ritratto. Nel 1532 partì per l’Italia: qui soggiornò a Roma per quattro anni, dedicandosi al disegno dei ruderi e delle architetture classiche. Grazie alle sue prove grafiche, ad oggi siamo in grado di conoscere come furono i monumenti all’epoca, oppure siamo edotti dell’esistenza di altri oggi scomparsi. Ritornato in patria, continuò a esercitare la professione di ritrattista e a dipingere opere con le antiche rovine della Città Eterna. Workshop of Maarten van Heemskerck (Heemskerk 1498 - Haarlem 1574) Portrait of a magistrate Oil on panel At the base it has the inscription: RATIO QUIQUE REDDENTA- YEAR D 1549- AETATIS SUA 52 54 x 38 cm The artwork finds attributive comfort with the panel of the same subject, albeit with variations in the clothing, which appeared at Christie's on June 20, 2007 in Paris, presented as an artwork by the circle of Maarten van Heemskerck.

    Lucas Aste
  • Maarten van Heemskerck, The Holy Trinity
    May. 21, 2022

    Maarten van Heemskerck, The Holy Trinity

    Est: €200,000 - €250,000

    The present painting is an important discovery of a composition by the master known from an engraving made by Haarlem engraver Jacob Matham in 1602 (London, The British Museum, inv. 1856-0209.289) which mentions “M. Heemskerck pinxit” (fig. 1). Thanks to Dr. Ilja Veldman, specialized in Van Heemskerck’s œuvre, the panel can be recognized today as the true model for Matham’s engraving. The composition must have been much appreciated as another version of lesser quality exists in the Grzimek collection in Friedrichshafen. The Holy Trinity constituted a major dogma of the Christian Faith in the medieval society. As such it has been depicted many times by some of the greatest masters north of the Alps in the 15th and 16th centuries, like the Master of Flémalle and Colin de Coter in Flanders, Albrecht Dürer in Southern Germany or Maarten van Heemskerck in the Northern Netherlands. At first sight only God the Father holding his dead Son on his lap is represented against the golden-brown background. But close examination with infrared light (fig. 2) shows the head and the wing of the Holy Spirit hovering in the upper left space between both figures, a detail which has been overpainted over the time. Stylistically it allows good comparison with doves in other paintings of Van Heemskerck as his “Venus and Cupid” (Cologne, Wallraf-Richartz Museum, inv. no. 875) or “The Triumphant Christ” (Copenhagen, Statens Museum for Kunst). Dr. Ilia Veldman emphasizes the high quality of the present work. Stylistically, The Holy Trinity corresponds to the working method of the artist in the years 1545-1548 (written communications of 4 August 2019 and 18 February 2022). The 1540s were a particularly fruitful creative period for Heemskerck and his workshop. During this time he created a number of depictions of Christ as the “Man of Sorrows” and the “Lamentation of Christ”. Common to all works is the central figure of the seated Christ in half length, which Heemskerck formulated for the first time in 1532 in the „Man of Sorrows" in the Museum of Fine Arts in Ghent (inv. no. S-53). The muscular body of Christ is also the defining element in the Trinity. The slightly rotated position of the lifeless Son due to a raised shoulder gives His limp body great tension and presence. Heemskerck's interest in mannerist poses and pronounced muscles, which he got to know while studying in Italy is clearly evident. A Lamentation from around 1545 in the Pinacoteca dell'Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti in Turin is stylistically closely comparable, showing a very similar structure of the body, as does the “Ecce Homo” in Warsaw (Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie) from 1544. The Man of Sorrows has the same facial type with almost closed eyes, a narrow fleshy mouth, a classically clipped nose and a parted beard. Similar to Van Heemskerck's Warsaw and Ghent paintings mentioned above, no preparatory underdrawing was found in the present painting. Indeed for the underdrawing Van Heemskerck sometimes used materials that cannot be shown by infrared reflectography (fig. 3).

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • M.HEEMSKERCK (*1498) after UNGER (*1837), Pieter Jan Foppesz and his family, Etching
    Dec. 30, 2021

    M.HEEMSKERCK (*1498) after UNGER (*1837), Pieter Jan Foppesz and his family, Etching

    Est: €45 - €75

    Maarten van van Heemskerck (1498 Heemskerk - 1574 Haarlem) after William Unger (1837 Hannover - 1932 Innsbruck), Portrait of a Nobly Dressed Family at the Dining Table after the Original Pieter Jan Foppesz and His Family by Marten van Heemskerck c 1530 in the Gemäldegalerie Kassel, 19th century, Etching Technique: Etching on Paper Inscription: Signed on the left below the picture as "Dutch School (c. 1830)" and on the right signed as "W. Unger sculps.". Below titled as "Family picture". Date: 19th century Keywords: 19th century, Romanticism, Portraits, Netherlands, Size: 31,2 cm x 22,9 cm, Plate: 23,0 cm x 17,7 cm, Depiction: 16,8 cm x 13,9 cm Condition: Very good Condition. The print appears fresh. Corner faintly bumped lower right.

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Heemeskerck, Maarten van
    Dec. 18, 2021

    Heemeskerck, Maarten van

    Est: €500 - €750

    (1498 Heemskerk - Haarlem 1574), nach. Geschichte von Ahab, Isebel und Nabot, Folge von 6 Bl. Kupferstichen bei Cornelius Visscher, um 1590. Plgr. je 20,5 x 24,5 cm, Blgr. je ca. 28,5 x 33 cm. - Blätter tls. minimal fleckig u. braunrandig. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Heemeskerck, Maarten van
    Dec. 18, 2021

    Heemeskerck, Maarten van

    Est: €850 - €1,300

    (1498 Heemskerk - Haarlem 1574), nach. Vater unser. 7 (von 8) Kupferstiche auf Bütten. Folge von ursprüngl. 8 Bl. (hier ohne Bl. 2) bei Cornelius Visscher um 1590. Plgr. je 20,5 x 25,5 cm, Blgr. je ca. 28,5 x 33 cm. Blätter tls. minimal fleckig, leicht knittrig. Unten außerhalb d. Platte je hs. Marginalien. - Seltene Darstellung des Vater unser aus dem Mattäusevangelium (6,9-13). - After. Lord's prayer. 7 (of 8, without sheet 2) copper engravings on laid paper. Partly slightly stained, slightly creased. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Maarten van Heemskerck, Hieronymus Cock, Balaam and the angel.
    Dec. 14, 2021

    Maarten van Heemskerck, Hieronymus Cock, Balaam and the angel.

    Est: €1,850 - €2,850

    Balaam and the angel, engraving made after Maarten van Heemskerck (1498-1574), engraved by Dirck Volkertsz Coornhert (1517-1570) ca 1554. Published in Antwerp by Hieronymus Cock (1518-1570) ca 1554. References Hollstein Dutch 63-1(2) first state of two. Very rare. In good condition. Very good dark early impression. Printed on laid paper with margins. Restored tear in the right lower corner nearly visible. Large engravings in good condition are very rare.

    Old Master Print
  • Heemeskerck, Maarten van
    Oct. 16, 2021

    Heemeskerck, Maarten van

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    (1498 Heemskerk - Haarlem 1574), nach. Vater unser. 7 (von 8) Kupferstiche auf Bütten. Folge von ursprüngl. 8 Bl. (hier ohne Bl. 2) bei Cornelius Visscher um 1590. Plgr. je 20,5 x 25,5 cm, Blgr. je ca. 28,5 x 33 cm. Blätter tls. minimal fleckig, leicht knittrig. Unten außerhalb d. Platte je hs. Marginalien. - Seltene Darstellung des Vater unser aus dem Mattäusevangelium (6,9-13). - After. Lord's prayer. 7 (of 8, without sheet 2) copper engravings on laid paper. Partly slightly stained, slightly creased. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Heemeskerck, Maarten van
    Oct. 16, 2021

    Heemeskerck, Maarten van

    Est: €100 - €150

    (1498 Heemskerk - Haarlem 1574), nach. Die Taufe des Eunuchen. Kupferstich auf Bütten, um 1590. Plgr. 20,5 x 26,5 cm, Blgr. ca. 28,5 x 33 cm. - Am Rd. mit hs. Marginalien. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Heemeskerck, Maarten van
    Oct. 16, 2021

    Heemeskerck, Maarten van

    Est: €600 - €900

    (1498 Heemskerk - Haarlem 1574), nach. Geschichte von Ahab, Isebel und Nabot, Folge von 6 Bl. Kupferstichen bei Cornelius Visscher, um 1590. Plgr. je 20,5 x 24,5 cm, Blgr. je ca. 28,5 x 33 cm. - Blätter tls. minimal fleckig u. braunrandig. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • MAARTEN VAN HEEMSKERCK (HEEMSKERK 1498-1574 HAARLEM) Christ on the Road to
    Oct. 14, 2021

    MAARTEN VAN HEEMSKERCK (HEEMSKERK 1498-1574 HAARLEM) Christ on the Road to

    Est: $100,000 - $200,000

    MAARTEN VAN HEEMSKERCK (HEEMSKERK 1498-1574 HAARLEM) Christ on the Road to Calvary oil on panel 55 1/8 x 27 ¾ in. (140 x 70.5 cm.)

  • Maarten van Heemskerck (Heemskerk 1498-1574 Haarlem) Susanna and her relati
    Oct. 14, 2021

    Maarten van Heemskerck (Heemskerk 1498-1574 Haarlem) Susanna and her relati

    Est: $100,000 - $150,000

    Maarten van Heemskerck (Heemskerk 1498-1574 Haarlem) Susanna and her relatives praising the Lord pen and brown ink, incised for transfer, pen and ink framing lines 7 ½ x 9 ¾ in. (19.3 x 25 cm)

  • Dirck Volckertzs Coornhert, Maerten van Heemskerck, Christ before the high priest Annas, 1548
    Sep. 30, 2021

    Dirck Volckertzs Coornhert, Maerten van Heemskerck, Christ before the high priest Annas, 1548

    Est: €375 - €500

    Etching made by Dirck Volckertzs Coornhert (1522-1590), after a drawing of Maerten van Heemskerck (1498-1574), Christ before the high priest Annas, 1548, The illustrated bartsh 25-16, New Holstein Dutch 288. Early Dutch etching from published in Harlem in 1548. From the series "Fall and the redemption of mankind through the life and passion of Christ". Very good dark impression of this rare etching. Printed on watermaked thin laid paper. Trimmed on the margins and just on, 1 mm above in the right margin. Excellent quality.

    Old Master Print
  • Maarten van Heemskerck (Heemskerk 1498 - Haarlem 1574), attribuito a, Autoritratto
    Jun. 16, 2021

    Maarten van Heemskerck (Heemskerk 1498 - Haarlem 1574), attribuito a, Autoritratto

    Est: €2,500 - €3,000

    olio su tavola, cm 31x26 in cornice dorata

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Jacob de Gheyn II ( 1565 - 1629 ), vier Kupferstiche, koloriert
    May. 29, 2021

    Jacob de Gheyn II ( 1565 - 1629 ), vier Kupferstiche, koloriert

    Est: -

    Acta Apostolorum, Antwerpen, Philips Galle, 1582, Konvolut aus 6 Blätte, Maarten van Heemskerck (1498-1574): Die Aussendung des Heiligen Geistes, Matthias wird als Apostel erwählt, Die Apostel taufen in Jerusalem, Die Apostel heilen die Kranken und vertreiben die unreinen Geister, Der Hl. Stephanus vor dem Hohepriester, Petrus, Johannes und Philippus legen ihre Hände auf die Getauften von Samaria, Maße: 22 x 27,5 cm, gebräunt, leicht stockflekig.

    Auktionshaus Demessieur
    Mar. 02, 2021


    Est: €150 - €200

    MAARTEN VAN HEEMSKERCK (1498-1574) LE CHRIST ET LA FEMME DE CANAAN Planche de la série de 'La Passion' Eau-forte sur papier Epreuve coupée au sujet et un peu rognée avant la marque du cuivre, quelques traces de plis, plis pincés, cassures, petits manques amincissures et accidents Etching on paper; cut on the image before the copper 24,5 x 19 cm - 9 5/8 x 7 1/2 in. €150-200 BIBLIOGRAPHIE New Hollstein 280

  • Heemskerck, Maarten van
    Feb. 20, 2021

    Heemskerck, Maarten van

    Est: €100 - €150

    (1498 Heemskerck - Haarlem 1574) nach. Superbia invidiam et peperit adultior... Der Triumpf des Neides. Bl. 3 (von 9) Die Wechselfälle der menschlichen Geschäfte. Kupferstich bei H.Cock, um 1564. 22 x 29,5 cm. Mit den Namensz., Nr. 3 u. lat. Titel i.d. Platte. Unter Passep. u. Glas gerahmt (nicht ausgerahmt). - Aus New Ho. 482-490. Wohl I. (v. III) Zustand mit der Adr. von Cock. - Etw. gebr.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    Jan. 28, 2021


    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    GIOVANNI BATTISTA FONTANA (1524-1587) AFTER DIRCK VOLKERTSZ. COORNHERT (1522-1590) AFTER MAARTEN VAN HEEMSKERCK (1498-1574) Heraclitus and Democritus etching, circa 1557-1565, on laid paper, watermark...

  • Heemskerck, Maarten van
    Dec. 12, 2020

    Heemskerck, Maarten van

    Est: €240 - €360

    (1498 Heemskerck - Haarlem 1574) nach. Hiob auf dem Misthaufen. Anonymer Kupferstich auf feinem Bütten mit WZ "Buchstaben" bei H.Cock, 1556.Plgr. 21,1 x 30,2 cm. Mit Rand. Unter Passep. mont. New Ho. 160 I (von II). Riggs 138. Vorzügl. zeitgenöss. Abdruck des I. Zustands. - Zwei unauffällige Diagonalfalten, sonst gut erhalten. - D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Marten Jacob Van Heemskerk (Heemskerk 1498 - Haarlem 1574), Interno di osteria
    Dec. 11, 2020

    Marten Jacob Van Heemskerk (Heemskerk 1498 - Haarlem 1574), Interno di osteria

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    olio su tela, cm 56x45

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Marten Jacob Van Heemskerk (Heemskerk 1498 - Haarlem 1574), Maddalena
    Dec. 10, 2020

    Marten Jacob Van Heemskerk (Heemskerk 1498 - Haarlem 1574), Maddalena

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    olio su tavola, cm 63x28

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
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