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Egbert "van" (1676) Heemskerck Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1676 - d. 1744

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    Feb. 11, 2025


    Est: €200 - €500

    (Haarlem, 1676 - Londra, 1744) Figure intente a leggere una lettera Olio su tela applicata su tavola ovale, cm 12X9 Provenienza: New York, Sotheby's, 12 luglio 1989, lotto 102 (come attribuito a Egbert Van Heemskerck) Bibliografia: https://rkd.nl/imageslite/468747 L'opera è corredata da una perizia di Ferdinando Arisi.

    Wannenes Art Auctions
    Jun. 21, 2024


    Est: €250 - €500

    Egbert II Van Heemskerck (1676-1744, in the manner of): Peasants making merry at an inn, oil on panel, 18th C. Work: 33,5 x 28,5 cm Frame: 51 x 45,5 cm

    Coronari Auctions
    Jun. 18, 2024


    Est: €500 - €800

    (Haarlem, 1676 - Londra, 1744) Scena di interno Monogrammato sul tavolo: HK Olio su tavola, cm 25X29,5 Provenienza: Buckfield, Sherfield on London, Basingstke, John Bramston stane Londra, Christie's, 21 luglio 1888, lotto 35 Londra, Christie's, 20 ottobre 1995, lotto 92 (come Egbert Van Heemskerck I) Collezione privata Bibliografia: RKD: https://rkd.nl/imageslite/469454 Già riferito a Egbert Van Heemskerck I (1610 ; 1680) il dipinto è stato ricondotto alla mano di Egbert Van Heemskerck II da Raffaella Colace. La tavola raffigura una scena di cucina con i protagonisti intenti a pregare prima del pasto. Le figure presentano volti caricaturali che rammentano le fisionomie di Adriaen van Ostade (Haarlem, 1610 ; 1684), vero e proprio cantore di scene di genere e d'osteria. Il quadro presenta altresì una vaga ascendenza caravaggesca, per la modalità con cui il pittore fa emergere dall'ombra le figure. Lo sfondo, di conseguenza, è a mala pena definito e si staglia solo un disegno appeso alla parete, mentre tutta l'attenzione del pittore si concentra nel descrivere le espressioni, gli sguardi e la gestualità. L'opera è corredata da una scheda critica di Raffaella Colace. Bibliografia di riferimento: I. van Thiel Stroman, Egbert Jaspersz van lieeinsked I, in Pninling in Holm 1500.1850, The milection of the Frane Hals Musoni, Gent; Haarlem 2006, pp, 195-196, 349

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Heemskerck II., Egbert van (Haarlem 1676 - 1744 London, niederländischer Genremaler, stilistische und thematische Annährung an Adriaen Brouwer und David Teniers), Nachfolger,
    Jun. 03, 2023

    Heemskerck II., Egbert van (Haarlem 1676 - 1744 London, niederländischer Genremaler, stilistische und thematische Annährung an Adriaen Brouwer und David Teniers), Nachfolger,

    Est: -

    Heemskerck II., Egbert van (Haarlem 1676 - 1744 London, niederländischer Genremaler, stilistische und thematische Annährung an Adriaen Brouwer und David Teniers), Nachfolger, "Mönche in einer Grotte", Öl auf Holz, parkettiert, 29 x 42 cm, Übermalungen

    Auktionshaus Plückbaum
  • Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger, Interior with Peasants Dancing and Making Music
    May. 20, 2023

    Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger, Interior with Peasants Dancing and Making Music

    Est: €3,500 - €4,500

    Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger, Interior with Peasants Dancing and Making Music

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Egbert van Heemskerck, After (Dutch, 1676 - 1744)
    Mar. 23, 2023

    Egbert van Heemskerck, After (Dutch, 1676 - 1744)

    Est: $50 - $500

    "O Rare Show." Mezzotint (circa 1680/1700). John Smith (British, 1652 - 1743) after, Egbert van Heemskerck. See, The Yale Center for British Art, for another example of this rare mezzotint. 12 x 9".

    Vallot Auctioneers
  • Heemskerck II., Egbert van (Haarlem 1676 - 1744 London, niederländischer Genremaler, stilistische und thematische Annährung an Adriaen Brouwer und David Teniers), Nachfolger,
    Feb. 11, 2023

    Heemskerck II., Egbert van (Haarlem 1676 - 1744 London, niederländischer Genremaler, stilistische und thematische Annährung an Adriaen Brouwer und David Teniers), Nachfolger,

    Est: -

    Heemskerck II., Egbert van (Haarlem 1676 - 1744 London, niederländischer Genremaler, stilistische und thematische Annährung an Adriaen Brouwer und David Teniers), Nachfolger, "Mönche in einer Grotte", Öl auf Holz, parkettiert, 29 x 42 cm, Übermalungen

    Auktionshaus Plückbaum
    Dec. 12, 2022


    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Peasants Smoking in a Tavern Signed DJ on the table Oil on panel, 21.9 x 30.3 cm Provenance: Private collection, the Netherlands * Condition report available upon request

    AAG Auctioneers
  • Egbert van Heemskerck d. J., 1676 – 1744, zugeschrieben
    Dec. 08, 2022

    Egbert van Heemskerck d. J., 1676 – 1744, zugeschrieben

    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    Im Wirtshaus Öl auf Holz. 38 x 48 cm. Verso alte Aufkleber und Wachssiegel. In einer großen Wirtsstube sitzt in der Bildmitte ein junges Paar: die Frau mit langem hellblauem Rock und darauf einer weißen Schürze, einer roten Weste und einer Haube auf dem Kopf. Sie hält einen Brief in ihrer linken Hand nach unten, den sie wohl gerade gelesen hat, und blickt dabei fragend den neben ihr sitzenden jungen Mann an, der gerade aus einer Schale löffelt. Ein hinter beiden Stehender wendet sich ihnen aufmerksam zu. Im rechten Hintergrund ist vor einem großen Fenster und der halb geöffneten Eingangstür eine fröhliche kleine Gesellschaft, von denen einer zur Musik eines Geigenspielers mit erhobenem Glas munter tanzt. Im Hintergrund der linken Seite drei weitere Männer in einer Nische. Malerei in überwiegend rot-brauner Farbigkeit, die Frau durch ihre hellere farbige Kleidung und den Lichteinfall auf sie besonders hervorgehoben. (13403527) (18) Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger, 1676 – 1744, attributed IN THE TAVERN Oil on panel. 38 x 48 cm.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Egbert van Heemskerck d. J., 1676 – 1744, zugeschrieben
    Jun. 30, 2022

    Egbert van Heemskerck d. J., 1676 – 1744, zugeschrieben

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    GROSSES INTERIEUR MIT FORSCHENDEM WISSENSCHAFTLER Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. Im Queroval: 65 x 78 cm. Im Mittelpunkt eines großen dunkleren Raumes eine stehende Bäuerin in weiß-grauer Kleidung, in ihrem linken Ellenbogen einen mit Eiern gefüllten Korb haltend. Mit ihrer rechten Hand scheint sie gerade einen sitzenden Mann mit rotem Pullunder zur Bezahlung aufzufordern. Dieser sucht in seinen Hosentaschen nach Geld und blickt sie dabei an. Vor ihm auf dem Tisch ein Globus und einige verschlossene Krüge, was auf seine wissenschaftliche Arbeit hinweisen könnte. Auf der rechten Bildseite ein weiterer größerer Tisch, vor dem am Steinboden und auf der mit dunkelrotem Tuch gedeckten Platte weitere, meist mit einem Stoffstück verschlossene Gefäße stehen. Im Hintergrund zwei weitere Männer, davon einer in Rückenansicht vor einer Platte mit Gefässen. Von der Decke an Seilen herabhängend mehrere große Fische. Am linken Bildrand ein großes Fenster, durch das das Licht auf den Globus und die beiden Hauptfiguren fällt. Malerei mit vielen Details in überwiegend beige-brauner Farbigkeit, aufgelockert durch ein rotes Kleidungsstück und rote Gefäßabdeckungen. Teils rest., teils Retuschen, Rahmenschäden. (13206112) (1) (18) Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger, 1676 – 1744, attributed LARGE INTERIOR WITH RESEARCHING SCHOLAR Oil on canvas. Relined. In horizontal oval: 65 x 78 cm.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Egbert VAN HEEMSKERCK (1610-1680) (attrib.)
    May. 15, 2022

    Egbert VAN HEEMSKERCK (1610-1680) (attrib.)

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    Egbert VAN HEEMSKERCK (1610-1680) (attrib.) Oil on panel Interior of a tavern. Olie op paneel Interieur van een herberg.

    Maison Jules Veilinghuis
  • Attributed to Egbert van Heemskerck (London circa 1676-circa 1744) Figures singing in an interior
    Apr. 12, 2022

    Attributed to Egbert van Heemskerck (London circa 1676-circa 1744) Figures singing in an interior

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    Attributed to Egbert van Heemskerck (London circa 1676-circa 1744) Figures singing in an interior oil on panel 25 x 20.2cm (9 13/16 x 7 15/16in). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

    Oct. 12, 2021


    Est: £800 - £1,200

    † EGBERT VAN HEEMSKERCK II (DUTCH/ENGLISH C.1676-1744) EGBERT VAN HEEMSKERCK II (DUTCH/ENGLISH C.1676-1744) Tavern Scene oil on panel 18.8 x 18 cm (7 3/8 x 7 1/16 in) unframed The present lot is a newly discovered painting by Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger. More caricatural than the work of his father, Egbert van Heemskerck the Elder (1634-1704), it can be compared to a painting by Egbert the Younger sold at Phillips, London, 7 July, 1998 (lot 114B) and Bonhams, London, 9 July, 2003 (lot 190). See Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie illustration nos 0000141305 and 000041401. We would like to thank Dr Fred G. Meijer for his assistance in cataloguing this lot.

    Chiswick Auctions
  • Egbert Van Heemskerck the Younger, (c.1676-1744, Dutch), "Two Monks", Oil on canvas laid to canvas, 10.25" H x 9.25" W
    Sep. 28, 2021

    Egbert Van Heemskerck the Younger, (c.1676-1744, Dutch), "Two Monks", Oil on canvas laid to canvas, 10.25" H x 9.25" W

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    Egbert Van Heemskerck the Younger (c.1676-1744, Dutch) "Two Monks" Oil on canvas laid to canvas Indistinctly initialed lower left: EH; titled in another hand on a label affixed verso and with an alternate title in another hand on the stretcher: "A Monk at Confession" 10.25" H x 9.25" W

    John Moran Auctioneers
  • Egbert van Heemskerck d. J., 1676 – 1744, zugeschrieben/ Umkreis des
    Sep. 24, 2021

    Egbert van Heemskerck d. J., 1676 – 1744, zugeschrieben/ Umkreis des

    Est: €5,000 - €7,000

    INNERES EINER BAUERNWIRTSCHAFT Öl auf Leinwand. 54 x 88,5 cm. Ungerahmt.Im Inneren eines großen Gastraums ein großer, weiß gedeckter Tisch mit Platte, Brot und einer Pastete. Darum versammelt diverse Figuren unterschiedlichen Alters beim Festschmaus. Ein Geigenspieler ist hinter einem verliebten Paar am Tisch zu erkennen. Links des Tisches, in rot-blauem Gewand, die Wirtin, die fröhlich Feiernden betrachtend. Rechtsseitig unterhalb eines Windfangs eine ältere sitzende Frau mit zwei Kindern, die über dem offenen Feuer Pfannenkuchen herstellt. Der entsprechende Teig steht neben ihr in einem großen braunen Bottich. Malerei in überwiegend beige-brauner Farbigkeit, in der typischen Manier des bekannten Künstlers. Rest., vereinzelt leichter Farbabrieb. (1280891) (2) (18)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Egbert van Heemskerck, the Younger (1666 or 1676 London (?) - 1744 ibid.), attributed to - Tavern Interior
    Jun. 24, 2021

    Egbert van Heemskerck, the Younger (1666 or 1676 London (?) - 1744 ibid.), attributed to - Tavern Interior

    Est: €5,000 - €8,000

    Adhesive label from the art dealer \"William Holder & Sons\", London, and damaged label from the Vienna exhibition (1930) numbered 6 on the stretcher. Oil on canvas. 75.5 x 83 cm. Relined. Restored. Minor damage to frame. The attribution of the present wo

  • Egbert van Heemskerck d. J., 1676 - 1744, zug.
    Mar. 25, 2021

    Egbert van Heemskerck d. J., 1676 - 1744, zug.

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    INNERES EINER BAUERNWIRTSCHAFT Öl auf Leinwand. 54 x 89 cm. Ungerahmt. Mit einem zentralen Tisch, um den Personen unterschiedlichen Alters angeordnet sind beim Festschmaus und Liebelei. Unter einem Windfang auf der rechten Seite werden über offenem Feuer Pfannenkuchen hergestellt, der dazu notwendige Teig in einem großen braunen Henkelbottich. Rest., minimal besch. (1261491) (2) (13)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Egbert II van Heemskerck (1676-1744), Interior view with peo ...
    Feb. 15, 2021

    Egbert II van Heemskerck (1676-1744), Interior view with peo ...

    Est: €450 - €650

    Egbert II van Heemskerck (1676-1744), Interior view with people, oil on panel, 10.5 x 9 cm.

    Van Zadelhoff Veilingen en Taxaties
  • Egbert van Heemskerck d. J., 1676 – 1744, zugeschrieben
    Dec. 04, 2020

    Egbert van Heemskerck d. J., 1676 – 1744, zugeschrieben

    Est: €2,500 - €3,500

    FRÖHLICH FEIERNDE BAUERN IN EINEM GROSSEN EINFACHEN INNENRAUM Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 69 x 88 cm. In breitem Holzrahmen. Von erhöhtem Standpunkt Blick auf einen großen Holztisch, an dem zahlreiche fröhlich feiernde Männer und Frauen sitzen. Darunter auch ein auffallend gut gekleideter ältere Mann mit blauem Gewand und einem Hut mit Federn, vor ihm eine silberne Platte mit einem Braten stehend. Die meisten von ihnen blicken auf ein junges Paar, das links von ihnen zur Musik eines Geigenspielers tanzt. Auch ein kleines braun-weißes Hündchen scheint auf seinen Hinterpfoten zu tanzen. In der Mitte der Hintergrunds ein weiterer Tisch und diverse sich liebevoll umarmende Paare. Auf dem Bild links oben ist ein weiterer Raum zu erkennen mit Männer und Frauen um einen Tisch, zwei von ihnen Briefe in ihren Händen haltend. Auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite sind oben mehrere Holzbalken zwischen dem einfachen Mauerwerk und ein Holzbord mit diversen Gegenständen sowie am rechten oberen Rand eine Art Stallung mit Stroh zu erkennen. Im Vordergrund unten rechts eine Dreieckskomposition, bei der Gegenstände wie Tonkrüge und -schalen sowie ein glänzender Messingkessel stilllebenhaft präsentiert werden. Vielfigurige Malerei in überwiegend beige-brauner Farbigkeit, wobei einzelne Figuren durch hellere Beleuchtung und rote Kleidungsstücke besonders hervorgehoben werden. Rest., kleinere Retuschen. Anmerkung: Der Künstler war ein niederländischer Bauernmaler und Genremaler. Sein Stil richtete sich nach der Manier seines Vaters und insbesondere auch nach Adriaen Brouwer (1605/06-1638). Zu der Wahl seiner Stoffe gehörten überwiegend Wirtshausszenen und ländliche Vergnügungen. (12512914) (18)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Egbert van Heemskerck, the Younger - Tavern Interior
    Dec. 03, 2020

    Egbert van Heemskerck, the Younger - Tavern Interior

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    Adhesive label from the art dealer ''William Holder & Sons'', London, and damaged label from the Vienna exhibition (1930) numbered 6 on the stretcher. Oil on canvas. 75.5 x 83 cm. Relined. Restored. Minor damage to frame. The attribution of the present work to Egbert van Heemskerck the younger was made some time ago. At the RKD, Den Haag, W. van de Watering corrected the former attribution to Richard Brakenburgh in the catalogue of the exhibition 1930 (see below) to an attribution to Heemskerck, which was confirmed by Fred G. Meijer in 1986 and recently by Ellis Dullaart. Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger was focused on still life paintings, further he was interested in the representation of fairs and festivals of typical English local atmosphere and satirical and burlesque scenes. His work is very similar to his father's paintings. But Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger preferred larger formats, his brushstrokes can be characterized as fast and spirited, cleary noticable in the figures. Exhibition: 'Das holländische Sittenbild im 17. Jahrhundert', Gallery Neumann and Salzer, Vienna, May 20 - June 20, 1930: as a work by Richard Brakenburgh. Provenance: Dorotheum, Vienna, auction 18 November 1952, lot 1045 (as work by Richard Brakenburgh). - Lempertz, Cologne, auction 21-25 January 1958, lot 22 (as work by Richard Brakenburgh) - Private collection Austria. Statement from Ellis Dullaart MA, RKD, The Hague, 26 August 2020: confirmation of the attribution to Egbert van Heemskerck, the Younger. The painting was included in the RKD database under number 298410.

  • EGBERT VAN HEEMSKERCK, THE ELDER "Interior de taberna", ca. 1680. Oil on ca
    Dec. 12, 2019

    EGBERT VAN HEEMSKERCK, THE ELDER "Interior de taberna", ca. 1680. Oil on ca

    Est: -

    EGBERT VAN HEEMSKERCK, THE ELDER "Interior de taberna", ca. 1680. Oil on canvas, OLD MASTERS EGBERT VAN HEEMSKERCK, EL VIEJO 1610 / 1680 "Interior de taberna", ca. 1680 Óleo sobre lienzo 40 cm x 36,5 cm Firmada en el ángulo inferior derecho Procedencia : -Colección Nathaniel Cholmley (+ 1791) y sus herederos en Howsham Hall, Yorkshire, la primera mención sobre esto aparece en 1852. -Colección Hon. Mrs. Esther Willoughby (+ 1947), Howsham Hall, Yorkshire, inv. nr. 139 -Colección privada, Londres.

  • Egbert van Heemskerck d. J., 1676 – 1744, Kreis des
    Dec. 05, 2019

    Egbert van Heemskerck d. J., 1676 – 1744, Kreis des

    Est: €1,200 - €1,600

    BÄUERLICHE GESELLSCHAFT IN EINER KATE MIT KARTENSPIELERN Öl auf Holz. 48 x 57 cm. Zweite Hälfte 17. Jahrhundert. Mehrere Personen um einen Tisch gruppiert, darauf Spielkarten und Würfel. Die zentrale Gruppe umgeben von weiteren Figuren, wie einem krugtragenden jungen Mann, einer alten Frau vor einem Kamin rechts sowie einem sitzenden Mann mit Hut, der Suppe aus einem Topf löffelt. Im Vorder- und Hintergrund zahlreiche Gegenstände des täglichen bäuerlichen Lebens mit detailierter Schilderung des Innenraums. Markante, stark charakterisierende und kontrastierende Zeichnung der Figuren und Physiognomien. (12110116) (11)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Egbert Van Heemskerck the Younger, (c.1676-1744 Dutch), "Two Monks", Oil on canvas laid to canvas, 10.25" H x 9" W
    Jul. 21, 2019

    Egbert Van Heemskerck the Younger, (c.1676-1744 Dutch), "Two Monks", Oil on canvas laid to canvas, 10.25" H x 9" W

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    Egbert Van Heemskerck the Younger (c.1676-1744 Dutch) "Two Monks" Oil on canvas laid to canvas Initialed lower left: EH, titled in another hand on a label affixed verso, with alternate title in another hand on the stretcher: "A Monk at Confession" 10.25" H x 9" W

    John Moran Auctioneers
    Oct. 30, 2018


    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    EGBERT VAN HEEMSKERCK II (?LONDON C. 1676-1744) The Temptation of Saint Anthony signed 'E Hee[...]ck' (center left, on the stone) oil on canvas 11 3/4 x 13 7/8 in. (29.7 x 35.2 cm.)

    Oct. 24, 2018


    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    ATTRIBUTED TO EGBERT VAN HEEMSKERCK THE YOUNGER (HAARLEM(?) CIRCA 1676-1744 LONDON) A village kermesse oil on canvas 70.8 x 91.2cm (27 7/8 x 35 7/8in).

  • EGBERT VAN HEEMSKERCK THE YOUNGER | An amorous couple in an inn
    May. 02, 2018

    EGBERT VAN HEEMSKERCK THE YOUNGER | An amorous couple in an inn

    Est: £1,500 - £2,000

    oil on oak panel, with an unidentified collector's wax seal bearing the initial 'H' on the reverse of the panel

  • EGBERT II VAN HEEMSKERCK THE YOUNGER (DUTCH 1676 - 1744) A hermit in cont
    Feb. 28, 2018

    EGBERT II VAN HEEMSKERCK THE YOUNGER (DUTCH 1676 - 1744) A hermit in cont

    Est: £300 - £500

    EGBERT II VAN HEEMSKERCK THE YOUNGER (DUTCH 1676 - 1744) A hermit in contemplation, signed in ligature, oil on canvas, unframed, 36 x 31cm Prov. Bonhams London Lot 21 6th July 2004

  • Egbert van Heemskerck
    Jun. 14, 2017

    Egbert van Heemskerck

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    Egbert van Heemskerck (Dutch, circa 1676-circa 1744) Final Confession

  • Egbert v. Heemskerck II (1676-1744), 2 Tavern Scenes, c. 1700
    Nov. 28, 2015

    Egbert v. Heemskerck II (1676-1744), 2 Tavern Scenes, c. 1700

    Est: €2,400 - €3,120

    Oil on panel Netherlands, c. 1700 Egbert van Heemskerck II (1676-1744) - Dutch genre painter Each monogrammed within the image ‘E HK’ The works are listed under numbers 7531 and 7533 in the Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie (RKD), The Hague Dimensions: 28 x 34.5 cm each Ornament frame: 43 x 50 cm each Good condition Heemskerck is mainly known for his anecdotal descriptions of music making and pipe-smoking farmers; comparable paintings illustrating tavern scenes fetch up to €14,000 on the international auction market Estimate by Auctionata Expert: 5,000 Euro Egbert van Heemskerck II, like his father Egbert van Heemskerck I., is known for his peasant genre paintings following the style and subject of Adriaen Brouwer and Heinderick Teniers. His tavern scenes are illustrated with rough smiling faces, acting partly caricatural. He preferred a monochrome color palette in brown and black tones with individual accentuations of color. Condition Overall of good impression, new varnish, partly light abrasions due to framing. The card players scene with small color flaking in the peripheral areas, both show overpainting in the figures, one with two small touch-ups on the bottom left. The dimensions are 28 x 34.5 cm each, the framed dimensions are 43 x 50 cm. Egbert van Heemskerck II (1676-1744) Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger received his training by Pieter Fransz de Grebber, however, his works are dominated by the style of his father Egbert van Heemskerck I. (1634-1704), who in turn was influenced by Adriaen Brouwer and Heinderick Teniers. In the 1680s he moved to London, where he successfully worked until his death. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Heemskerck II, Egbert van: Der Briefvorleser in einem Gasthaus
    Nov. 27, 2015

    Heemskerck II, Egbert van: Der Briefvorleser in einem Gasthaus

    Est: €2,000 - €2,500

    Der Briefvorleser in einem Gasthaus. Öl auf Leinwand. 103 x 127 cm.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Att. to E. v. Heemskerck, d.j. (Dutch, 1676-1744)
    Aug. 22, 2015

    Att. to E. v. Heemskerck, d.j. (Dutch, 1676-1744)

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    Attributed to Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger (Dutch, 1676-1744), "Tavern Scene with Men Smoking Pipes", oil on canvas, faintly initialed lower left, 27" x 21-3/4". Presented in a frame affixed with artist's plaque.

    New Orleans Auction Galleries
  • Egbert v. Heemskerck II (1676-1744), 2 Tavern Scenes, c. 1700
    Jul. 21, 2015

    Egbert v. Heemskerck II (1676-1744), 2 Tavern Scenes, c. 1700

    Est: €3,400 - €4,420

    Oil on panel Netherlands, c. 1700 Egbert van Heemskerck II (1676-1744) - Dutch genre painter Each monogrammed within the image ‘E HK’ The works are listed under numbers 7531 and 7533 in the Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie (RKD), The Hague Dimensions: 28 x 34.5 cm each Ornament frame: 43 x 50 cm each Good condition Heemskerck is mainly known for his anecdotal descriptions of music making and pipe-smoking farmers; comparable paintings illustrating tavern scenes fetch up to €14,000 on the international auction market Egbert van Heemskerck II, like his father Egbert van Heemskerck I., is known for his peasant genre paintings following the style and subject of Adriaen Brouwer and Heinderick Teniers. His tavern scenes are illustrated with rough smiling faces, acting partly caricatural. He preferred a monochrome color palette in brown and black tones with individual accentuations of color. Condition Overall of good impression, new varnish, partly light abrasions due to framing. The card players scene with small color flaking in the peripheral areas, both show overpainting in the figures, one with two small touch-ups on the bottom left. The dimensions are 28 x 34.5 cm each, the framed dimensions are 43 x 50 cm. Egbert van Heemskerck II (1676-1744) Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger received his training by Pieter Fransz de Grebber, however, his works are dominated by the style of his father Egbert van Heemskerck I. (1634-1704), who in turn was influenced by Adriaen Brouwer and Heinderick Teniers. In the 1680s he moved to London, where he successfully worked until his death. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Egbert v. Heemskerck II (1676-1744), 2 Tavern Scenes, c. 1700
    May. 18, 2015

    Egbert v. Heemskerck II (1676-1744), 2 Tavern Scenes, c. 1700

    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    Oil on panel Netherlands, c. 1700 Egbert van Heemskerck II (1676-1744) - Dutch genre painter Each monogrammed within the image ‘E HK’ The works are listed under numbers 7531 and 7533 in the Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie (RKD), The Hague Dimensions: 28 x 34.5 cm each Ornament frame: 43 x 50 cm each Good condition Heemskerck is mainly known for his anecdotal descriptions of music making and pipe-smoking farmers; comparable paintings illustrating tavern scenes fetch up to €14,000 on the international auction market Egbert van Heemskerck II, like his father Egbert van Heemskerck I., is known for his peasant genre paintings following the style and subject of Adriaen Brouwer and Heinderick Teniers. His tavern scenes are illustrated with rough smiling faces, acting partly caricatural. He preferred a monochrome color palette in brown and black tones with individual accentuations of color. Condition Overall of good impression, new varnish, partly light abrasions due to framing. The card players scene with small color flaking in the peripheral areas, both show overpainting in the figures, one with two small touch-ups on the bottom left. The dimensions are 28 x 34.5 cm each, the framed dimensions are 43 x 50 cm. Egbert van Heemskerck II (1676-1744) Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger received his training by Pieter Fransz de Grebber, however, his works are dominated by the style of his father Egbert van Heemskerck I. (1634-1704), who in turn was influenced by Adriaen Brouwer and Heinderick Teniers. In the 1680s he moved to London, where he successfully worked until his death. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Attributed to Egbert van Heemskerck the Youn
    Apr. 14, 2015

    Attributed to Egbert van Heemskerck the Youn

    Est: £500 - £700

    Attributed to Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger (Haarlem circa 1676-1744 London) A hermit monk unframed

  • Egbert v. Heemskerck II (1676-1744), 2 Tavern Scenes, c. 1700
    Mar. 24, 2015

    Egbert v. Heemskerck II (1676-1744), 2 Tavern Scenes, c. 1700

    Est: €9,600 - €12,000

    Oil on panel Netherlands, c. 1700 Egbert van Heemskerck II (1676-1744) - Dutch genre painter Each monogrammed within the image 'E HK' The works are listed under numbers 7531 and 7533 in the Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie (RKD), The Hague Dimensions: 28 x 34.5 cm each Ornament frame: 43 x 50 cm each Good condition Heemskerck is mainly known for his anecdotal descriptions of music making and pipe-smoking farmers; comparable paintings illustrating tavern scenes fetch up to €14,000 on the international auction market Egbert van Heemskerck II, like his father Egbert van Heemskerck I., is known for his peasant genre paintings following the style and subject of Adriaen Brouwer and Heinderick Teniers. His tavern scenes are illustrated with rough smiling faces, acting partly caricatural. He preferred a monochrome color palette in brown and black tones with individual accentuations of color. Condition Overall of good impression, new varnish, partly light abrasions due to framing. The card players scene with small color flaking in the peripheral areas, both show overpainting in the figures, one with two small touch-ups on the bottom left. The dimensions are 28 x 34.5 cm each, the framed dimensions are 43 x 50 cm. Egbert van Heemskerck II (1676-1744) Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger received his training by Pieter Fransz de Grebber, however, his works are dominated by the style of his father Egbert van Heemskerck I. (1634-1704), who in turn was influenced by Adriaen Brouwer and Heinderick Teniers. In the 1680s he moved to London, where he successfully worked until his death. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Egbert Van Heemskerck the Younger (Netherlands c.1676 - 1744) oil on canvas, Interior Scene, signed lower left, 27" x 22"
    Feb. 17, 2015

    Egbert Van Heemskerck the Younger (Netherlands c.1676 - 1744) oil on canvas, Interior Scene, signed lower left, 27" x 22"

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Egbert Van Heemskerck the Younger (Netherlands c.1676 - 1744) oil on canvas, Interior Scene, signed lower left, 27" x 22"

    Bill Hood & Sons Arts & Antiques Auctions
  • Egbert van Heemskerck II (Haarlem c. 1676-1744 London)
    Dec. 02, 2014

    Egbert van Heemskerck II (Haarlem c. 1676-1744 London)

    Est: £5,000 - £7,000

    Egbert van Heemskerck II (Haarlem c. 1676-1744 London) A village carnival with figures of the Commedia dell'Arte oil on canvas 29 7/8 x 36 ½ in. (75.8 x 93 cm.)

  • Egbert van Heemskerck (Dutch, c.1676-1744)
    Sep. 04, 2014

    Egbert van Heemskerck (Dutch, c.1676-1744)

    Est: $5,000 - $10,000

    View on AspireAuctions.com

    Aspire Auctions Fine Art & Antiques
    Apr. 26, 2014


    Est: $100 - $200

    ATTRIBUTED TO EGBERT VAN HEEMSKERCK (DUTCH, 1676-1744) TAVERN SKETCH. Ink on paper. Together with a 19th century German pencil drawing, a graphite drawing of a hound and fox, and an ink on paper illustration of Tom O'Shanter dated 1846. Together with a booklet of the Tom O'Shanter story by Robert Burns Sheet: 7" x 9.75"

  • Circle of Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger-(Haarlem circa 1676-1744 London)-An interior with women seated at a table drinking tea 7 3/4 x 10in
    Dec. 08, 2013

    Circle of Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger-(Haarlem circa 1676-1744 London)-An interior with women seated at a table drinking tea 7 3/4 x 10in

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    An interior with women seated at a table drinking tea oil on panel 7 3/4 x 10in

  • Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger (Haarlem circa 1676-1744 London)
    Mar. 27, 2013

    Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger (Haarlem circa 1676-1744 London)

    Est: £400 - £600

    Tavern interior oil on canvas 69 x 61cm (27 3/16 x 24in).

  • Heemskerck, Egbert d.J. Niederlande, 1676 - 1744
    Feb. 21, 2013

    Heemskerck, Egbert d.J. Niederlande, 1676 - 1744

    Est: - €4,800

    Heemskerck, Egbert d.J. Niederlande, 1676 - 1744 39 x 56 cm

    Nagel Auction
  • Egbert van Heemskerck II Holland 1676-1744. Hans
    Jan. 29, 2013

    Egbert van Heemskerck II Holland 1676-1744. Hans

    Est: kr5,000 - kr6,000

    Egbert van Heemskerck II Holland 1676-1744. Hans krets. Interiör med kväkare. Olja på duk lagd på pannå, 65 x 78.

    Auktionskammare Uppsala
    Jun. 12, 2012


    Est: £150 - £200

    FOLLOWER OF EGBERT VAN HEEMSKERCK the Younger c.1676 - 1744 - Interior with woman, children and a man carrying a bag, oil on canvas, 30cms x 24cms

  • Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger, The Doctor, Oil on canvas (relined), 46 x 35 cm
    Mar. 21, 2012

    Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger, The Doctor, Oil on canvas (relined), 46 x 35 cm

    Est: €2,000 - €2,500

    Provenance Christie´s South Kensington 20.7.1983, Lot 80. - Private collection, Rhineland. Notes: margin scheme

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Egbert van Heemskerck II (Haarlem c. 1676-1744)
    Dec. 13, 2011

    Egbert van Heemskerck II (Haarlem c. 1676-1744)

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Egbert van Heemskerck II (Haarlem c. 1676-1744) A tavern interior with peasants playing cards oil on panel 17.9 x 27 cm. remains of a red wax seal on the reverse

  • Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger (Haarlem circa 1676-1744 London) Peasants drinking in a tavern interior
    Nov. 29, 2011

    Egbert van Heemskerck the Younger (Haarlem circa 1676-1744 London) Peasants drinking in a tavern interior

    Est: £600 - £800

    Peasants drinking in a tavern interior oil on canvas 34.2 x 43.2cm (13 7/16 x 17in).

    May. 10, 2011


    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    EGBERT VAN HEEMSKERCK THE YOUNGER HAARLEM(?) CIRCA 1676 - 1744 A TAVERN INTERIOR WITH PEASANTS DRINKING AND SINGING signed with monogram lower left: HK (in ligature) oil on canvas 57.6 by 51 cm.

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