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Caspar Gras Sold at Auction Prices

Sculptor, b. 1585 - d. 1674

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    • Caspar Gras (1585-1674)
      Jul. 01, 2022

      Caspar Gras (1585-1674)

      Est: €2,400 - €4,800

      Caspar Gras (1585-1674), Nessus and Deianeira , bronze cast with fine hand finish and original patina lightly rubbed small tear and damages on a french ebonized wooden base with geometrical bronze intarsias . Literatur :compare Rijks Museum Amsterdam object nr. BK-16508-1, Adriain de Vries , Fritz Scholten illustration page 42-43 and bronzes fro the Rijks Museum Cat. Nr 30 , provenance from a late Collector , bronze size only 35,5x26 cm total size 47x27cm

      Deutsch Auktionen
    • Ferdinand Charles, Archduke of Austria (1628-1662) on horseback | Statue équestre de l'Archiduc Ferdinand Karl d'Autriche (1628-1662)
      Jun. 14, 2022

      Ferdinand Charles, Archduke of Austria (1628-1662) on horseback | Statue équestre de l'Archiduc Ferdinand Karl d'Autriche (1628-1662)

      Est: €80,000 - €120,000

      Attributed to Caspar Grass (1585-1674) Austria, circa 1650 Ferdinand Charles, Archduke of Austria (1628-1662) on horseback bronze, dark brown patina; on a wooden base 43 by 41,5 cm ; 17 by 16⅓ in. ___________________________________________ Attribué à Caspar Grass (1585-1674) Autriche, vers 1650 Statue équestre de l'Archiduc Ferdinand Karl d'Autriche (1628-1662) bronze à patine brun foncé ; sur un socle en bois 43 by 41,5 cm ; 17 by 16⅓ in. Bid on Sotheby's

    • Caspar Gras, 1585 Memmingen – 1674 Schwaz
      Dec. 09, 2021

      Caspar Gras, 1585 Memmingen – 1674 Schwaz

      Est: €12,000 - €15,000

      AUGSBURGER REITERFIGUR IN SILBER: KAISER LEOPOLD V Höhe der Reiterstatue: 9 cm. Gesamthöhe: 22,5 cm. Die Kleinplastik in Ausführung eines Reiterdenkmals, in Silber gegossen, die Rüstung vergoldet. Das Pferd mit angehobenem linkem Fuß, der Reiter aufrecht im Ganzharnisch, die Linke am Zügel, die Rechte hält ein ebenso vergoldetes Schwert. Der Kopf unbehelmt, mit langem Haar. Montiert auf einem längsoktogonalen flachen Sockel, der von einer Elfenbeinsäule getragen wird und wiederum einem gleichgestalteten, größeren Basissockel aufsteht. Die Sockel in Palisanderholz, mit Randeinlagen in Elfenbein, an den Wölbungen Schildpatt, das untere Sockelprofil im Wechsel von Elfenbein und Ebenholz. Zum Vergleich seien hier Werke des Caspar Gras genannt, der sehr ähnliche Reiterfiguren schuf, die sich in mehreren Museen von Rang befinden. Das Kunsthistorische Museum Wien besitzt eine Gruppe von Reitern, bezeichet als die Kaiser Ferdinand III, Leopold I sowie ein nicht identifiziertes Mitglied der Habsburger Herrscherfamilie. Bei H. Seling (s. Lit.) werden Augsburger Silberarbeiten mit diesem Thema aufgeführt (Kat.Nr. 586-593). Das Kunstobjekt in tadelloser Erhaltung. A.R. Literatur: Franz Caramelle, Caspar Gras. 1585-1674. Leben und Werk, Innsbruck 1972. Erich Egg, Gras, Kaspar, in: Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB), Bd. 6, Berlin 1964, S. 745. Wilhelm Adolf Schmidt, Gras, Kaspar, in: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB), Bd. 9, Leipzig 1879, S. 590. Helmut Seling, Die Kunst der Augsburger Goldschmiede 1529-1868, München 1980. Manfred Leithe-Jasper, Renaissance Master Bronzes. From the Collection of the Kunsthistoisches Museum Vienna, Washington DC 1986. (1291246) (11) Caspar Gras, 1585 Memmingen – 1674 Schwaz SILVER AUGSBURG EQUESTRIAN FIGURE: EMPEROR LEOPOLD VHeight of equestrian figure: 9 cm. Total height: 22.5 cm. Small sculpture of an equestrian figure, cast in silver, gilt armour. For comparison, works by Caspar Gras should be mentioned, who created very similar equestrian figures held in several museums of great importance. The Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna owns a group of equestrian figures, identified as Emperors Ferdinand III, Leopold I and an unidentified member of the Habsburg ruling family. H. Seling (see lit.) lists silver works from Augsburg with this subject (cat. no. 586-93). In excellent condition. Export restrictions outside the EU.

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • CASPAR GRAS (1585 - 1674), INNSBRUCK, CIRCA 1630-50 EMPEROR FERDINAND III ON HORSEBACK 14 in. (35.5 cm) high; 15 in. (38 cm) long; 19 3/4 in. (50.2 cm) high, overall
      Oct. 15, 2019

      CASPAR GRAS (1585 - 1674), INNSBRUCK, CIRCA 1630-50 EMPEROR FERDINAND III ON HORSEBACK 14 in. (35.5 cm) high; 15 in. (38 cm) long; 19 3/4 in. (50.2 cm) high, overall

      Est: £60,000 - £80,000

      CASPAR GRAS (1585 - 1674), INNSBRUCK, CIRCA 1630-50 EMPEROR FERDINAND III ON HORSEBACK in elaborate armour seated on a curveting horse; on a canted rectangular variegated marble base 14 in. (35.5 cm) high; 15 in. (38 cm) long; 19 3/4 in. (50.2 cm) high, overall

    • CASPAR GRAS (1585 - 1674), INNSBRUCK, CIRCA 1630-50 EMPEROR FERDINAND III ON HORSEBACK 14 in. (35.5 cm) high; 15 in. (38 cm) long; 19 3/4 in. (50.2 cm) high, overall
      Jul. 04, 2019

      CASPAR GRAS (1585 - 1674), INNSBRUCK, CIRCA 1630-50 EMPEROR FERDINAND III ON HORSEBACK 14 in. (35.5 cm) high; 15 in. (38 cm) long; 19 3/4 in. (50.2 cm) high, overall

      Est: £100,000 - £150,000

      CASPAR GRAS (1585 - 1674), INNSBRUCK, CIRCA 1630-50 EMPEROR FERDINAND III ON HORSEBACK in elaborate armour seated on a curveting horse; on a canted rectangular variegated marble base 14 in. (35.5 cm) high; 15 in. (38 cm) long; 19 3/4 in. (50.2 cm) high, overall

    • Caspar Gras (1585-1674)-attributed, Equestrian bronze sculpture
      Apr. 04, 2017

      Caspar Gras (1585-1674)-attributed, Equestrian bronze sculpture

      Est: €1,800 - €3,500

      Caspar Gras (1585-1674)-attributed, Possible equestrian bronze sculpture of Leopold I (1640�1705) in armour, riding a walking horse; bronze cast with fine hand finish and original red brown patina; on later 18th Century wooden carved gilded base.

      Deutsch Auktionen
      Jul. 08, 2010


      Est: £120,000 - £150,000

      ATTRIBUTED TO CASPAR GRAS (CIRCA 1585-1674), AUSTRIAN, INNSBRUCK, MID-17TH CENTURY EQUESTRIAN PORTRAIT OF ARCHDUKE FERDINAND KARL OR ARCHDUKE SIGMUND FRANZ VON HABSBURG Published by Leithe-Jasper in 1986, this bronze forms part of a fascinating series of equestrian bronze statuettes of Habsburg rulers and royalty which is now attributed to Caspar Gras. Four groups in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna represent Ferdinand III as a young man and in later life, Leopold I and another which cannot be securely identified. Similarly the identity of the rider of the present bronze is ambiguous and could either be Archduke Ferdinand Carl (1628-1662) or Siegmund Franz (1630-1665). These five groups all show the horse in a curvetting stance. Other related bronzes are in the Victoria and Albert Museum, Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen. Further related equestrian groups have horses either walking or in full gallop. The authorship of this group has variously been given to Caspar Gras (pupil of Hubert Gerhard and Imperial court sculptor in Innsbruck) and to Giovanni Francesco Susini. The attribution to Gras was proposed as early as 1742 by Roschmann. Baldinucci (1688) is the source for attribution to Susini – ' fece piu modelli di piccolo cavalli ... facendovi sopra le figure co' ritratti di coloro che gli domandavan, e di si fatte sue opera mano in quantita in Lombardia, in Germani, e in Francia a gran prezzi'. Most recent scholars have agreed with the attribution to Gras whose monumental equestrian statue of Archduke Leopold V in Innsbruck (1622-1631) is usually regarded as the inspiration for the statuettes. The present bronze is notable for the representation of the Golden Fleece on its riband and is the only example with a dark patina. As Leithe-Jasper has noted it is seems that these figures of horsemen were produced in quantity and kept in store; in all probability the heads were executed last, when it was known who was to be portrayed ... For the rider ...there were two basic models, one sitting straight and the other turned to the right, with minor variation is the accessories; the horse, on the other hand, is always cast from the same model. bronze, on an ebonised wood base bronze: 36.5cm., 14 3/8 in. base: 5cm., 2in.

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