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Henri Godet Sold at Auction Prices


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  • Henri Godet: a pair of bronze statues 'elegant couple'
    Feb. 11, 2025

    Henri Godet: a pair of bronze statues 'elegant couple'

    Est: €300 - €500

    Henri Godet: a pair of bronze statues 'elegant couple'

    Veilinghuis Loeckx
  • Henri Godet (French, 1863-1937), Art Nouveau Sculpture of a Woman with Lily
    Feb. 02, 2025

    Henri Godet (French, 1863-1937), Art Nouveau Sculpture of a Woman with Lily

    Est: $600 - $800

    Henri Godet (French, 1863-1937) Art Nouveau Sculpture of a Woman with Lily bronze, marble signed "H. Godet, Med. D'or" 8 1/4 x 5 x 5 1/4 inches

    Fontaine's Auction Gallery
  • Henri Godet (French, 1863-1937), Bronze Sculpture of a Female Bust
    Feb. 01, 2025

    Henri Godet (French, 1863-1937), Bronze Sculpture of a Female Bust

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    Henri Godet (French, 1863-1937) Sculpture of a Female Bust patinated bronze signed "Henri Godet" 24 x 24 1/2 x 14 1/2 inches

    Fontaine's Auction Gallery
  • Henri Godet "L'Aurore" Patinated Bronze Sculpture
    Jan. 09, 2025

    Henri Godet "L'Aurore" Patinated Bronze Sculpture

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    Henri Godet (French, 1863-1937) "La Reveil de L'Aurore" [The Awakening of Dawn] Patinated Bronze Sculpture, early 20th century, on a circular base with applied plaque "La Reveil de L'Aurore / Salon des Beaux Arts 1895 Henri Godet" and signed "Henri Godet". 40" H x 17" W. Keywords: Art Nouveau, French Art, European, Romantic, Statue, Figural, Figurative, Nude Woman, Female figure, Paris, Salon, Whimsical, Fin de Siecle, Gilded Age, Turn-of-the-Century Art, Decorative Arts

    Auctions at Showplace
  • Henri GODET (1863-1937), Jugendstil Bronze Akt mit Grotte Mystérieuse
    Jan. 04, 2025

    Henri GODET (1863-1937), Jugendstil Bronze Akt mit Grotte Mystérieuse

    Est: €1,000 - €2,000

    Material: Bronze patiniert, bzw. vergoldet, Uhrwerk und Spiegel, Marken: Künstlersignatur Henri Godet, Medaille d´or, Höhe: 34 cm, Zustand: Werk müsste revidiert werden, Schlüssel fehlt

    Auktionshaus Schwab
  • HENRI GODET (1863-1937) Rêverie, 1893
    Nov. 14, 2024

    HENRI GODET (1863-1937) Rêverie, 1893

    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    HENRI GODET (1863-1937) "Rêverie", 1893 Rare sculpture in white Carrara marble and bronze with golden patina, featuring a young woman's bust girdled with flowering poppy leaves. Signed "H. Godet" and inscribed "Méd. d'or Salon 1893". H. 58 cm, H. 22 7/8 in. A rare "Rêverie" sculpture, 1893, white Carrara marble, bronze. Signed. PROVENANCE Private collection, Belgium EXHIBITION This work was first shown at the Salon des Artistes Français in 1893 (under no. 2926). HENRI GODET (1863-1937) « Rêverie », 1893 Rare sculpture en marbre blanc de Carrare et bronze à patine dorée, figurant un buste de jeune femme ceint de feuilles de pavots fleuries. Signée « H. Godet » et mention « Méd. d'or Salon 1893 ». H. 58 cm, H. 22 7/8 in. A rare « Rêverie » sculpture, 1893, white Carrare marble, bronze. Signed. PROVENANCE Collection particulière, Belgique EXPOSITION Cette oeuvre fût présentée pour la première fois au Salon des Artistes Français de 1893 (sous le n° 2926) HENRI GODET (1863-1937) "Rêverie", 1893 Rara escultura en mármol blanco de Carrara y bronce con pátina dorada, que representa el busto de una joven rodeada de hojas de amapola en flor. Firmada "H. Godet" e inscrita "Méd. d'or Salón 1893". H. 58 cm, H. 22 7/8 in. Rara escultura "Rêverie", 1893, mármol blanco de Carrara, bronce. mármol de Carrara, bronce. Firmada. PROCEDENCIA Colección privada, Bélgica EXPOSICIÓN Esta obra se presentó por primera vez en el Salon des Artistes Français en 1893 (con el nº 2926) HENRI GODET (1863-1937) "Rêverie" (Träumerei), 1893 Seltene Skulptur aus weißem Carrara-Marmor und Bronze mit goldener Patina, die die Büste einer jungen Frau darstellt, die mit blühenden Mohnblättern umgürtet ist. Signiert "H. Godet" und Vermerk "Méd. d'or. Salon 1893". H. 58 cm, H. 22 7/8 in. Eine seltene "Rêverie"-Skulptur, 1893, weiß. Carrara Marmor, Bronze. Signiert. PROVENANCE Private Sammlung, Belgien AUSSTELLUNG Dieses Werk wurde zum ersten Mal im Salon des Artistes Français von 1893 (unter der Nr. 2926) ausgestellt. HENRI GODET (1863-1937) "Rêverie", 1893 Rara scultura in marmo bianco di Carrara e bronzo con patina dorata, raffigurante il busto di una giovane donna circondata da foglie di papavero in fiore. Firmata "H. Godet" e iscritta "Méd. d'or Salon 1893". H. 58 cm, H. 22 7/8 in. Rara scultura "Rêverie", 1893. marmo bianco di Carrara, bronzo. Firmata. PROVENIENZA Collezione privata, Belgio ESPOSIZIONE Quest'opera è stata presentata per la prima volta al Salon des Artistes Français nel 1893 (con il n. 2926). 亨利-戈代(1863-1937) "Rêverie",1893 年 这是一件罕见的白色卡拉拉大理石和青铜雕塑,带有金色的铜锈,描绘了一位被罂粟花叶环绕的年轻女性的半身像。 作品上有 "H. Godet "的签名和 "Méd. 沙龙 1893"。 H.高 58 厘米,22 7/8 英寸。 罕见的 "Rêverie "雕塑,1893 年,白 卡拉拉大理石,青铜。已签名。 出处 私人收藏,比利时 展览 这件作品于 1893 年首次在法国艺术家沙龙展出(编号 2926)。

  • HENRI GODET (1863-1937), FRENCH A
    Nov. 13, 2024

    HENRI GODET (1863-1937), FRENCH A

    Est: -

    Henri Godet (1863-1937), French Art Nouveau sculptor, female bust emerging from a flower, brown patinated bronze on a reddish marble plinth, signed in the cast, overall h. 22.5 cm

    Historia Auctionata
  • Henri Godet
    Sep. 21, 2024

    Henri Godet

    Est: €600 - €900

    Henri Godet 1863 Paris - 1937 Vincennes - La Glaneuse - Bronze. Braun patiniert. H. 76 cm. Am Sockel bez.: "Glaneuse par H. Godet / Salon des Beaux - Arts. Gießervermerk: Bronze Garanti Au Titre L.V. Deposee. Moddel Nr. 5264. - Prov.: Privatsammlung.

    Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
  • Henri GODET (1863-1937), Jugendstil Bronze Akt mit Grotte Mystérieuse
    Jul. 08, 2024

    Henri GODET (1863-1937), Jugendstil Bronze Akt mit Grotte Mystérieuse

    Est: €1,000 - €2,000

    Material: Bronze patiniert, bzw. vergoldet, Uhrwerk und Spiegel, Marken: Künstlersignatur Henri Godet, Medaille d´or, Höhe: 34 cm, Zustand: Werk müsste revidiert werden, Schlüssel fehlt

    Auktionshaus Schwab
    Jun. 29, 2024


    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    HENRI GODET (FRANCE, 1863-1937) AFTER WILLIAM BOUGUEREAU (ITALY/FRANCE, 1825-1905) "Le Ravissement de Psyche" circa 1900, cast and patinated bronze on green marble base, marked "W. Bouguereau Pd. H. Godet Sc. Salon des Beaux Arts", roughly 32 x 12" x 9". From the Dan Fogelberg Estate, Deer Isle, Maine

    Thomaston Place Auction Galleries
    Jun. 25, 2024


    Est: £800 - £1,200

    AFTER THE ANTIQUE, AN ITALIAN BRONZE GRAND TOUR FIGURE OF NARCISSUS PROBABLY NAPLES, LATE 19TH CENTURY Set on characteristic circular base with stiff leaf banding, 'antique' verdigris patina 62cm high, base 25cm diameter

    Dreweatts 1759 Fine Sales
  • Henri Godet
    Jun. 15, 2024

    Henri Godet

    Est: €950 - €1,500

    Henri Godet 1863 Paris - 1937 Vincennes - La Glaneuse - Bronze. Braun patiniert. H. 76 cm. Am Sockel bez.: "Glaneuse par H. Godet / Salon des Beaux - Arts. Gießervermerk: Bronze Garanti Au Titre L.V. Deposee. Moddel Nr. 5264. - Prov.: Privatsammlung.

    Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
    Jun. 02, 2024


    Est: $500 - $1,500


    Carlsen Gallery, Inc.
  • HENRI GODET (Paris, 1863 - Vincennes, 1927). "Fille souriante au chapeau", late 19th century. Sculpture in white Carrara marble. Signed: HENRI GODET.
    May. 27, 2024

    HENRI GODET (Paris, 1863 - Vincennes, 1927). "Fille souriante au chapeau", late 19th century. Sculpture in white Carrara marble. Signed: HENRI GODET.

    Est: €5,000 - €5,500

    HENRI GODET (Paris, 1863 - Vincennes, 1927). "Fille souriante au chapeau", late 19th century. Sculpture in white Carrara marble. Signed: HENRI GODET. Measurements: 54,5 cm (height) x 23 cm. The sculptor knows how to capture with success the perspicacious attitude of the portrayed one by means of his glance, that rises and of sidelong meets that of his interlocutor, perhaps, inside a game or intimate moment that seems to be interrupted by the spectator. Henri Godet was a sculptor and engraver of medals. He was known for his numerous busts of women decorated with flowers. He made many sculptures in bronze, but very few in marble. Godet exhibited regularly at the Salons from 1883 until his death. The Musée d'Orsay acquired Mr. Godet's earthenware sketches. This very specialized artist published his works himself.

    Setdart Auction House
    Feb. 22, 2024


    Est: -

    GODET, Henri(1863 Paris - 1937 Vincennes) Weibliche Personifikation des Mohns Bronze rotbraun und grün patiniert, rote Marmor-Plinthe. Bezeichnet mit Zusatz "Méd d'or". H 19,5 / 22 cm. Aus der Mohnblüte blickende Büste einer jungen Frau . Patina etwas berieben, geringe Abplatzer am Marmor. Godet war Bildhauer in Paris, Schüler von Mathurin Moreau. Literatur : Thieme/Becker. Aufrufzeit 22. | Feb 2024 | voraussichtlich 14:32 Uhr (CET) GODET, Henri(1863 Paris - 1937 Vincennes) Female personification of the poppy Bronze with red-brown and green patina, red marble plinth. Marked with the addition "Méd d'or". H 19.5 / 22 cm. Bust of a young woman looking out of a poppy blossom . Patina somewhat rubbed, minor flaking to the marble. Godet was a sculptor in Paris, pupil of Mathurin Moreau. Literature : Thieme/Becker. Call time 22 | Feb 2024 | probably 14:32 (CET) *This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.

    Auktionshaus Wendl
  • Henri GODET (1863-1937), Jugendstil Bronze Akt mit Grotte Mystérieuse
    Jan. 05, 2024

    Henri GODET (1863-1937), Jugendstil Bronze Akt mit Grotte Mystérieuse

    Est: €1,000 - €2,000

    Material: Bronze patiniert, bzw. vergoldet, Uhrwerk und Spiegel, Marken: Künstlersignatur Henri Godet, Medaille d´or, Höhe: 34 cm, Zustand: Werk müsste revidiert werden, Schlüssel fehlt

    Auktionshaus Schwab
  • Cupid and Psyche
    Dec. 13, 2023

    Cupid and Psyche

    Est: £15,000 - £20,000

    Property from an Important North American Private Collection  Henri Godet French 1863 - 1937 Cupid and Psyche signed: HENRI GODET and entitled: L'AMOUR ET PSYCHE white marble 100cm., 39½in.

  • Godet, Henri
    Nov. 18, 2023

    Godet, Henri

    Est: €380 - €680

    Große Tischuhr Jour & Nuit Frankreich, 19. Jh. Entwurf: Henri Godet. Zinkguss. Braun Patiniert. Marmor. 76 x 39 x 24 cm. Schlag auf Glocke. Römische Ziffern. Auf der Platine bez. Werk und Funktion ohne Gewähr. - Prov.: Privatsammlung.

    Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
  • Henri Godet
    Nov. 18, 2023

    Henri Godet

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    Henri Godet 1863 Paris - 1937 Vincennes - La Glaneuse - Bronze. Braun patiniert. H. 76 cm. Am Sockel bez.: "Glaneuse par H. Godet / Salon des Beaux - Arts. Gießervermerk: Bronze Garanti Au Titre L.V. Deposee. Moddel Nr. 5264. - Prov.: Privatsammlung.

    Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
  • HENRI GODET (French,1863-1937).
    Nov. 12, 2023

    HENRI GODET (French,1863-1937).

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Classical nude beauty and an admirer. Fine and large sculpture in a nice original; brown patina. Signed on the base. From a Brooklyn, NY estate.

    Clarke Auction Gallery
  • Henri GODET (1863-1937), Jugendstil Bronze Akt mit Grotte Mystérieuse
    Oct. 07, 2023

    Henri GODET (1863-1937), Jugendstil Bronze Akt mit Grotte Mystérieuse

    Est: €1,000 - €2,000

    Material: Bronze patiniert, bzw. vergoldet, Uhrwerk und Spiegel, Marken: Künstlersignatur Henri Godet, Medaille d´or, Höhe: 34 cm, Zustand: Werk müsste revidiert werden, Schlüssel fehlt

    Auktionshaus Schwab
    Aug. 23, 2023


    Est: $600 - $900

    Henri Godet (French, 1863 -1937) A signed figural bronze clock raised on a rouge marble base.

    Kamelot Auctions
  • Henri Godet, France (1863-1937) Bronze
    Apr. 30, 2023

    Henri Godet, France (1863-1937) Bronze

    Est: $400 - $600

    Henri Godet, France (1863-1937) Bronze Sculpture on Marble Base, "Flower Woman". Signed on the Back. Condition: Excellent. Dimensions: Bronze H- 7.75", Total H- 9.5". Provenance: From a Private New Jersey Collector. Please note the absence of a Condition Report does not imply that there are no condition issues with this lot. Please contact us for a detailed Condition Report. It is the Buyer's responsibility to inspect each lot and deem their own opinions on Condition, Description, Provenance, and Validity before purchasing. Please make an appointment to preview or ask for Condition Reports. Condition Reports are rendered as an opinion by the staff of the Auction House and not as statements of fact. REMEMBER ALL SALES ARE FINAL AND ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS-IS, WHERE IS.

    World Auction Gallery
  • GODET HENRI (1863 - 1937) Poésie
    Feb. 22, 2023

    GODET HENRI (1863 - 1937) Poésie

    Est: €200 - €300

    GODET HENRI (1863 - 1937). Poésie. Cm 11,00 x 21,80 x 7,50.

    Capitolium Art
  • Henri Godet, Cupid & Psyche Bronze
    Jan. 21, 2023

    Henri Godet, Cupid & Psyche Bronze

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    (French, 1863-1937). Large bronze figural group, Inscribed:" W. BOUGUEREAU P. / H. GODET SCPT / Salon des Beaux-Arts 1896," 40 in. H.

    Alex Cooper
  • French Art Nouveau-sculpture in biscuit-porcelain …
    Dec. 10, 2022

    French Art Nouveau-sculpture in biscuit-porcelain …

    Est: €100 - €200

    GODET HENRI (1863 - 1937) Franse Art Nouveau-sculptuur in biscuit : "Buste van een meisje" - hoogte : 44 cm - ca 1900 getekend French Art Nouveau-sculpture in biscuit-porcelain - signed Henri Godet

  • Henri Godet
    Dec. 03, 2022

    Henri Godet

    Est: €1,900 - €3,800

    (1863 Paris - 1937 Vincennes) Galantes Paar Gegenstücke. Bronze, vergoldet. Ahornholz-Sockel. Jeweils auf einem als Tisch konzipierten Holzsockel stehendes Rokoko-Paar. Elegant gekleideter Herr mit Blumenkorb, in der linken Hand eine Rose überreichend. Als Pendant eine ihm ebenbürtig gekleidete Dame mit Tablett in den Händen, den Blick zum Mann gerichtet. Sehr fein gearbeitete Belle Epoque Goldbronzen von Henri Godet, ein in Paris geborener Bildhauer und Medailleur, Schüler von Math. Moreau, der in der Zeit von 1880 bis 1914 den Salon de Paris mit Büsten, Statuetten, Gruppen und Plaketten beschickte. Sign. "H. Godet", dat. "Salon 1898". Skulpturen-H. 22-23 cm. Two gilt Belle Epoque bronze sculptures of a fine dressed couple on maple wood base. Signed and dated.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Henri Godet (French, 1863-1937), "L'Aurore"
    Sep. 25, 2022

    Henri Godet (French, 1863-1937), "L'Aurore"

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Henri Godet (French, 1863-1937) "L'Aurore" patinated bronze sculpture signed "Henri Godet" and further marked "L'Aurore / Henri Godet" 29 1/2 x 10 3/4 x 8 inches

    Fontaine's Auction Gallery
  • Henri Godet (Paris 1863 - 1937 Vincennes), "La Glaneuse", A bronze sculpture of a gleaner, France, early 20th century.
    Mar. 17, 2022

    Henri Godet (Paris 1863 - 1937 Vincennes), "La Glaneuse", A bronze sculpture of a gleaner, France, early 20th century.

    Est: €400 - €600

    The arms folded and leaning on a hay fork. Signed in the foot: "Glaneuse / par H. Godet / Salon des Beaux Arts" and stamped: "Bronze Garanti au Titre".

    Goudwisselkantoor Veilingen
  • Henri Godet (Paris 1863 - 1937 Vincennes), A bronze sculpture of a farmers' boy with hayfork, France, early 20th century.
    Mar. 17, 2022

    Henri Godet (Paris 1863 - 1937 Vincennes), A bronze sculpture of a farmers' boy with hayfork, France, early 20th century.

    Est: €300 - €500

    Naked to the waist, with pitchfork in hand lifting a wheatsheaf. Signed in the foot: "H. Godet".

    Goudwisselkantoor Veilingen
  • HENRI GODET (1863 - 1937) FRENCH A SUPERB LARGE BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON, his head looking to his right, th
    Mar. 03, 2022

    HENRI GODET (1863 - 1937) FRENCH A SUPERB LARGE BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON, his head looking to his right, th

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    HENRI GODET (1863 - 1937) FRENCH A SUPERB LARGE BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON, his head looking to his right, the naturalistic base with an eagle. Signed, with later stand. Bust 26ins high.

    John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
  • HENRI GODET (1863 - 1937) FRENCH A SUPERB LARGE BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON, his head looking to his right, th
    Jan. 27, 2022

    HENRI GODET (1863 - 1937) FRENCH A SUPERB LARGE BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON, his head looking to his right, th

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    HENRI GODET (1863 - 1937) FRENCH A SUPERB LARGE BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON, his head looking to his right, the naturalistic base with an eagle. Signed, with later stand. Bust 26ins high.

    John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
  • Henri Godet (French, 1863) Gilt Bronze & Marble Sculpture
    Dec. 16, 2021

    Henri Godet (French, 1863) Gilt Bronze & Marble Sculpture

    Est: $200 - $2,000

    DESCRIPTION: A Henri Godet (French, 1863-1937) gilt bronze & marble sculpture depicting a winged cherub angel. With engraved signature "H.Godet". This small bronze sculpture sits atop a baluster rounded red marble base. CIRCA: 20th Century, possibly older. ORIGIN: France. DIMENSIONS: H: 7 3/4" W: 3 1/4". Have a similar item to sell? Contact: Info@Akibaantiques.com. CONDITION: Great condition. Some marble chips on base. See lot description for details on item condition. More detailed condition requests can be obtained via email (info@akibaantiques.com) or SMS(305)-332-9274. Any condition statement given, as a courtesy to a client, is only an opinion and should not be treated as a statement of fact. Akiba Antiques shall have no responsibility for any error or omission."

    Akiba Galleries
  • HENRI GODET (1863 - 1937) FRENCH A SUPERB LARGE BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON, his head looking to his right, th
    Dec. 16, 2021

    HENRI GODET (1863 - 1937) FRENCH A SUPERB LARGE BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON, his head looking to his right, th

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    HENRI GODET (1863 - 1937) FRENCH A SUPERB LARGE BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON, his head looking to his right, the naturalistic base with an eagle. Signed, with later stand. Bust 26ins high.

    John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
  • HENRI GODET (1863 - 1937) FRENCH A SUPERB LARGE BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON, his head looking to his right, th
    Nov. 18, 2021

    HENRI GODET (1863 - 1937) FRENCH A SUPERB LARGE BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON, his head looking to his right, th

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    HENRI GODET (1863 - 1937) FRENCH A SUPERB LARGE BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON, his head looking to his right, the naturalistic base with an eagle. Signed, with later stand. Bust 26ins high.

    John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
  • Henri Godet (1863-1937), alleg
    Nov. 04, 2021

    Henri Godet (1863-1937), alleg

    Est: -

    Henri Godet (1863-1937), allegorical figure of the morning in the shape of a rising nude woman with a shawl, patinated bronze on round stand, signed ''Godet'', h. 53 cm

    Historia Auctionata
  • Henri Godet, 'L Aoriculture offre a 'L homme les produits de La Terre
    Oct. 08, 2021

    Henri Godet, 'L Aoriculture offre a 'L homme les produits de La Terre

    Est: -

    Particularly large antique French figure by Henri Godet. Standing woman. 'L Aoriculture offersre a 'L homme les produits de La Terre. Dimensions: 77 cm. In good condition.

    Twents Veilinghuis
  • HENRI GODET (FRENCH, 1863-1937) Le Ravissement de Psyché (after William Bou
    Apr. 21, 2021

    HENRI GODET (FRENCH, 1863-1937) Le Ravissement de Psyché (after William Bou

    Est: $12,000 - $18,000

    HENRI GODET (FRENCH, 1863-1937) Le Ravissement de Psyché (after William Bouguereau) Bronze, dark brown patina 39 5/8 in. (100.6 cm.) high

    Jan. 17, 2021


    Est: $400 - $600

    Henri Godet (French, 1863-1937). "La Declaration", pair of highly burnished gilt bronzes on light green marble base. Each signed and inscribed noting these won the gold medal at the Paris Salon in 1889, All information is reiterated on aplaque on the marble base. Approx. h. 9.5" each

    Ahlers & Ogletree Inc.
  • Henri Godet (French, 1863 - 1937)La Glaneusebronze with brown patinainscribed by the foundry on the baseheight 30 1/2 inches
    Jan. 01, 2021

    Henri Godet (French, 1863 - 1937)La Glaneusebronze with brown patinainscribed by the foundry on the baseheight 30 1/2 inches

    Est: $400 - $800

    Henri Godet (French, 1863 - 1937)La Glaneusebronze with brown patinainscribed by the foundry on the baseheight 30 1/2 inches

    Nadeau's Auction Gallery
  • Henri Godet French 1863-1937 bronze sculpture Antiquity Figures Pygmalion
    Oct. 25, 2020

    Henri Godet French 1863-1937 bronze sculpture Antiquity Figures Pygmalion

    Est: $5,000 - $7,000

    Godet, Henri (French 1863-1937) Imposing bronze sculpture of Greek Mythological figures Pygmalion and Galatea. 19th Century cast, with presentation tag noting it as a gift in 1905. Signed Godet to front right base. 50lb Approx. Measurements: 31 inches tall, 15" wide.

    Global Auctions Company
  • Henri Godet (1863-1937) - gepatineerd bronzen sculptuur met voorstelling van dame met hooivork, g
    Oct. 20, 2020

    Henri Godet (1863-1937) - gepatineerd bronzen sculptuur met voorstelling van dame met hooivork, g

    Est: €500 - €700

    Henri Godet (1863-1937) gepatineerd bronzen sculptuur met voorstelling van dame met hooivork, getiteld: Glaneuse, anno 1897, gesigneerd op voet, h. 59 cm ONLINE ONLY Furniture, Interior and general antiques (closing tuesday oktober 20 from 19.00)

    Veilinghuis Van Spengen
  • HENRI GODET (FRENCH, 1863-1937) - Fleur-femme
    Oct. 16, 2020

    HENRI GODET (FRENCH, 1863-1937) - Fleur-femme

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    HENRI GODET (FRENCH, 1863-1937) Fleur-femme signed 'H. Godet/Mdailles d'Or' (on the reverse) bronze and marble 23 in. (58.5 cm.) high

  • Henri Godet (1863-1937) gepatineerd bronzen sculptuur met voorstelling van dame met hooivork, g
    Sep. 04, 2020

    Henri Godet (1863-1937) gepatineerd bronzen sculptuur met voorstelling van dame met hooivork, g

    Est: €700 - €900

    Henri Godet (1863-1937) gepatineerd bronzen sculptuur met voorstelling van dame met hooivork, getiteld: Glaneuse, anno 1897, gesigneerd op voet, h. 59 cm

    Veilinghuis Van Spengen
  • HENRI GODET (1863-1937), Bronzefigur ¨Glaneuse¨
    Apr. 25, 2020

    HENRI GODET (1863-1937), Bronzefigur ¨Glaneuse¨

    Est: -

    stehende Frau mit verschränkten Armen und Kopftuch auf naturalistischer Plinthe, bezeichnet ¨Glaneuse par H. Godet, Salon des Beaux Arts¨, rückseitig Gießerstempel ¨Bronze Garanti Au Titre L.V. Deposee¨, nummeriert ¨8996¨, H ca. 24cm, Montierung gelockert

    Auktionshaus Rotherbaum OHG
  • Bronze and Marble Figure of Cupid and Psyche
    Jan. 25, 2020

    Bronze and Marble Figure of Cupid and Psyche

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    Bronze and Marble Figure of Cupid and Psyche after Henri Godet (French 1863-1937), presented on a pedestal molded with The Three Graces, the pedestal indistinctly signed. h. 63", dia. 12-1/2" Provenance: The Estate of Donald J. Hurst, Waterloo, Iowa.

    New Orleans Auction Galleries
    Nov. 02, 2019


    Est: €4,000 - €4,500

    IMPORTANT BRONZE "LE REVEIL DE L'AURORE" DE Henri GODET (1863-1937) En bronze patiné, signé "HENRI GODET", reposant sur une base circulaire moulurée portant un cartel. Fonte ancienne. H : 100 x D : 28 cm

    Paris Oise Enchères
  • HENRI GODET (FRENCH, 1863-1937) Femme-fleur patinated bronze, enamel and marble 8 3/8 in. (21.5 cm.) high
    Oct. 15, 2019

    HENRI GODET (FRENCH, 1863-1937) Femme-fleur patinated bronze, enamel and marble 8 3/8 in. (21.5 cm.) high

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    HENRI GODET (FRENCH, 1863-1937) Femme-fleur inscribed 'H '24 Godet / Med. d'or' patinated bronze, enamel and marble 8 3/8 in. (21.5 cm.) high Executed circa 1924.

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