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Charles I. Gibbons Sold at Auction Prices

Naval painter

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  • C.I. GIBBONS, WEST WIND, coloured pencil drawing, 18.25 ins x 25.75 ins; 58.4 cms x 78.7 cms
    May. 30, 2016

    C.I. GIBBONS, WEST WIND, coloured pencil drawing, 18.25 ins x 25.75 ins; 58.4 cms x 78.7 cms

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    C.I. GIBBONSWEST WINDcoloured pencil drawingsigned, titled and inscribed “Toronto” 18.25 ins x 25.75 ins; 58.4 cms x 78.7 cms Provenance:Private Collection, Toronto (by descent)Note:The West Wind, which was wrecked off Cobourg in 1879, was owned by Captain James McSherry, Senior, who sailed for forty years, “ten on salt water and thirty on the great lakes.” In addition to the West Wind, McSherry owned two other Great Lakes vessels: the Echo and the Belle Sheridan. The Belle Sheridan was lost just one year after the West Wind in one of the fiercest gales ever recorded on Lake Ontario. There was but one survivor, the captain’s son, also called James. Young James McSherry would himself become a Great Lakes captain, sailing for the Tymon & Murphy Company.

  • C.I. GIBBONS, ORIOLE, AILEEN AND ZELMA, coloured pencil drawing, 19.5 ins x 32.25 ins; 49.5 cms x 81.9 cms
    May. 25, 2015

    C.I. GIBBONS, ORIOLE, AILEEN AND ZELMA, coloured pencil drawing, 19.5 ins x 32.25 ins; 49.5 cms x 81.9 cms

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    C.I. GIBBONS ORIOLE, AILEEN AND ZELMA coloured pencil drawingsigned and dated 1900 19.5 ins x 32.25 ins; 49.5 cms x 81.9 cms Provenance:Private Collection, OntarioNote:In 1861 the Prince of Wales was asked by members of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club (R.C.Y.C.) if he would donate a cup to commemorate his visit to Toronto the previous year. He agreed and so began the annual Prince of Wales Cup Race on Lake Ontario. During the 1880s the Aileen and Oriole - owned by the Gooderham family - were both frequent winners of the Cup.According to RCYC records, "During the season of 1893, the Zelma started in every race for which she was eligible and finished with an unbroken record of first places, nothwithstanding that in many cases she had to compete with boats of double her own tonnage..."

  • Gibbons, Charles, W., geb. 1894 Ngaraard (Palau),
    Oct. 27, 2012

    Gibbons, Charles, W., geb. 1894 Ngaraard (Palau),

    Est: €280 - €336

    Gibbons, Charles, W., geb. 1894 Ngaraard (Palau), bedeutender naiver Künstler aus Palau, Oto Bihalji-Merin widmet dem Künstler eine ganze Seite in seiner Weltenzyklopädie Naive Kunst, Gibbons begann erst nach 1959 mit der Malerei, er hatte dann erfolgreiche Ausstellungen 1971 in Washington und 1973 in Guam, Werke in Privatsammlungen weltweit und im Museum Palau, Gibbons schildert in seinen Werken die Traditionen seines Volkes, hier: Personen mit Fackeln im nächtlichen Dorf, Tempera, re. u. sign., ca. 28x38cm, u. Gl., R.

    Henry's Auktionshaus
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