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Pere García de Benabarre Sold at Auction Prices


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    • Pere García de Benavarre (1445-1485)
      Dec. 15, 2020

      Pere García de Benavarre (1445-1485)

      Est: €60,000 - €70,000

      Pere García de Benavarre (1445-1485) "Calvary" Tempera painting on wood. Circa 1456 – 1458. 90 x 70 cm. Provenience: - Vilalba Sasserra, Barcelona. - Maria Esclasans (Barcelona, 1936) - Private collection Barcelona. Biliography: Josep Gudiol Ricart, La pintura gòtica a Catalunya, Barcelona, Sala Parés, 1936, p. 15, cat. 18, lám. 18 (reproducido). Enric F. Gual, “II Saló Mirador: La pintura gòtica a Catalunya”, Mirador. Setmanari de Literatura, Art i Política, núm. 377, 7 de mayo de 1936, p. 2. Chandler Rathfon Post, The Catalan School in the Late Middle Ages (A History of Spanish Painting, vol. VII), Cambridge (Massachusets), Harvard University Press, 1938, p. 236. Antoni Gallardo, “Del Mogent al Pla de la Calma (acabament)”, Butlletí del Centre Excursionista de Catalunya, núms. 518_523, julio_diciembre de 1938, p. 195, fig. p. 188 (reproducido). Joan Ainaud De Lasarte y Frederic Pau Verrié, La pintura gótica en la Catedral de Barcelona, Barcelona, (estudio inédito conservado en el Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat de Barcelona), 1942, p. 58. Josep Gudiol Ricart, Pintura Medieval en Aragón, Zaragoza, Institución “Fernando el Católico”, 1971, p. 80, cat. 206. Josep Gudiol Ricart y Santiago Alcolea Blanch, Pintura Gótica Catalana, Barcelona, Editorial Polígrafa, 1986, p. 132, cat. 401. Francesc Ruiz i Quesada, “Dalmau, Huguet i Bermejo, tres grans mestres que il_luminen el darrer gòtic català”, en La pintura gòtica hispanoflamenca. Bartolomé Bermejo i la seva època, Barcelona, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao, 2003, p. 51 (reproducido). Alberto Velasco Gonzàlez, Fragments d’un passat. Pere Garcia de Benavarri i el retaule de l’església de Sant Joan de Lleida, Lleida, Museu de Lleida: diocesà i comarcal, Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida, 2012, pp. 47_49, fig. 15 (reproducido). Guadaira Macías Prieto, La pintura aragonesa de la segona meitat del segle XV relacionada amb l’escola catalana: dues vies creatives a examen, tesis doctoral, Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, 2013, pp. 136_137, fig. 103 (reproducido). Alberto Velasco Gonzàlez, Pintura tardogótica a l’Aragó i Catalunya: Pere Garcia de Benavarri, tesis doctoral, Lleida, Universitat de Lleida, vol. I, pp. 176-177 y 447-450 (cat. 12), vol. II, p. 130, figs. 216-217 (reproducido).We thank Dr. Alberto Velasco Gonzàlez, for his help in cataloguing this work. We thank Dr. Alberto Velasco Gonzàlez, for his help in identifying and cataloguing this work. This painting is included in the catalogue of Catalan Cultural Patrimony and therefore cannot be exported. Medieval.

      La Suite Subastas
    • Pere García Benavarre (1445-1485) - "Saint Anthony the abbot"
      Dec. 14, 2017

      Pere García Benavarre (1445-1485) - "Saint Anthony the abbot"

      Est: €45,000 - €55,000

      Pere García Benavarre (1445-1485) "Saint Anthony the abbot" Gothic. Tempera on board, with stucco reliefs gilded with gold leaf. The artist is documented as being in Zaragoza, Benabarre, Lerida and Barbastro from 1445-1485. As Alberto Velasco reports in his 2015 doctoral thesis: "Pintura tardogòtica a l'Aragó i Catalunya: Pere Garcia de Benavarri" (Late Gotic painting in Aragon and Catalonia) this panel painting may come from the altarpiece of the Dominican Monastery in Cervera, dated circa 1459-1460. The altarpiece was kept at the Dominican monastery until the end of the 19th century, and is one of Pere García´s best-known works. Two compartments of the same altarpiece are kept at the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya in Barcelona: “Madonna and Child” and “Saint Vicent Ferrer with two donors”; and the compartment “Saint Vincent Ferrer´s profession of faith” is kept at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, the painting was donated by Émile Peyre in 1905. Alberto Velasco also mentions that this painting has a lot of similarity to that of Saint Peter in the Bellcaire d´Urgell altarpiece which is kept at the Musée Goya in Castres. Provenance: - Former Schäfer Collection. - Private Collection Barcelona 66 x 58 cm.

      La Suite Subastas
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