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Anton Domenico Gabbiani Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1652 - d. 1726

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  • A. GABBIANI (1652-1726) attributed, Centaur with child, Pen drawing
    Dec. 07, 2024

    A. GABBIANI (1652-1726) attributed, Centaur with child, Pen drawing

    Est: €600 - €800

    Anton Domenico Gabbiani (1652 Florence - 1726 ibid.) attributed: Centaur with child Cheiron and Achilles, 17th century, Pen drawing Technique: Pen drawing over Pencil on Paper Date: 17th century Keywords: Centaur; Faun; Achilles; Teacher; Greek mythology, 17th century, Rococo, Mythology, Italy, Size: Paper: 23,3 cm x 23,0 cm (9,2 x 9,1 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
    Nov. 26, 2024


    Est: €6,000 - €10,000

    Anton Domenico Gabbiani (Florence, 1652 - 1726) “Mystical nuptials of St. Catherine of Siena”. Oil on canvas. 228 x 183,5 cm. Attached is a study by Professor Paolo Erasmo Mangiante, from which we extracted information for this catalog description. The altarpiece that we have here, with a reinforced stretcher, is the work of the Florentine Antonio Domenico Gabbiani, and was made in the second half of the sixteenth century. The Prado Museum describes this author as “the most sought after and admired of the Florentine painters of his time [whose] frescoes and canvases decorate palaces and churches in Tuscany, such as the ceilings of Palazzo Pitti, those of the Villa of Poggio a Caiano, and the frescoes of the San Frediano di Castello church dome, at the time that Rococo style was emerging. In his artworks, Gabbiani recovers the Florentine tradition of meticulous draftsmanship and employs perfect technique, in the early years his style was spontaneous and light, and later, rigorous and cold, tinged with academicism”. Mangiante goes on to state that the “pictorial composition is, in fact, similar to that of other altarpieces executed in this period by Gabbiani” and that “Gabbiani's method for creating this stupendous altarpiece employs numerous, meticulous pictorial details, such as the folds of the clothes, the delicate anatomy of the fingers of the hands, their elegant gesture, the beauty of the angelic faces and the particular intensity of expression of the curly head of Christ. All these qualities, as well as the intense chromatism and the high quality of the pictorial material demonstrate the great commitment the Florentine painter had in the execution of this important painting, which is included among his most accomplished artworks.” It is, in short, an extraordinary canvas in the form of a door with a semicircular arch of authentic religious perfection, which captures the ineffable moment of union of the soul with God through love, with the ecstasy of the Dominican saint, already an abbess, and the revelation of the wounds of her Beloved. In a silent atmosphere of prayer and reverence attended by a choir of adoring and contemplating angels, everything in the painting shows veneration and plenitude. This large format canvas by Gabbiani that crossed the borders of Italy, to move the spirits of the devout faithful and dedicated nuns who contemplate it, was possibly made for a convent of cloistered Dominican nuns. The art of the brushstroke in this oil painting is direct and triumphant, almost theatrical, with the capacity to seduce, move and conquer the viewer with strong feelings of love. The expressions on the faces and in the glances are harmonious, this is a scene that directly appeals to the emotions on a visceral level. Saint Catherine, considered to be one of the great mystics of her time, also stood out as a preacher and writer. In the painting, in fact, a wise angel can be seen in the lower left margin holding the pages of her spiritual treatises: the famous Dialogue of Divine Providence. Her decisive contribution to the return of the papacy to Rome after exile in Avignon was also outstanding. Doctor of the Church, patroness of Europe and Italy, she is a highly venerated and popular saint in foundations, churches and sanctuaries of the Dominican Order. Reference bibliography: - Museo del Prado. (s.f.). 'Gabbiani, Anton Domenico'. https://www.museodelprado.es/coleccion/artista/gabbiani-anton-domenico/ce702620-9999-4bb3-a4b8-ec66229b5968. Antiques.

    La Suite Subastas
  • A. CROCI (*1823) after GABBIANI (*1652), Arcadian landscape with monastery, Etching
    Sep. 28, 2024

    A. CROCI (*1823) after GABBIANI (*1652), Arcadian landscape with monastery, Etching

    Est: €300 - €400

    Antonio Croci (1823 Mendrisio - 1884 ibid.) after Anton Domenico Gabbiani (1652 Florence - 1726 ibid.): Arcadian Landscape with Monastery and Resting Traveller, 19th century, Etching Technique: Etching on Paper Stamp: Collector's stamp, Lugt no.: 1041c. Friedrich Quiring (geb. 1889). Eberswalde near Berlin. 20th century Inscription: Signed and numbered below in the printing plate. Date: 19th century Keywords: 19th century, Romanticism, Landscape, Italy, Size: Paper: 44,4 cm x 31,2 cm (17,5 x 12,3 in), Plate: 42,0 cm x 29,4 cm (16,5 x 11,6 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
    Sep. 20, 2024


    Est: CHF1,000 - CHF1,500

    Attributed to ANTON DOMENICO GABBIANI (1652 Florence 1726) The Flight into Egypt. Pen and brush and brown ink, black chalk. 33 x 24.5 cm. ------------------------------------------------- ANTON DOMENICO GABBIANI, zugeschrieben (1652 Florenz 1726) Die Flucht nach Ägypten. Feder und Pinsel in Braun, schwarze Kreide. 33 x 24,5 cm.

    Koller Auctions
  • A. GABBIANI (1652-1726) attributed, Centaur with child, Pen drawing
    Jul. 06, 2024

    A. GABBIANI (1652-1726) attributed, Centaur with child, Pen drawing

    Est: €600 - €800

    Anton Domenico Gabbiani (1652 Florence - 1726 ibid.) attributed: Centaur with child Cheiron and Achilles, 17th century, Pen drawing Technique: Pen drawing over Pencil on Paper Date: 17th century Keywords: Centaur; Faun; Achilles; Teacher; Greek mythology, 17th century, Rococo, Mythology, Italy, Size: Paper: 23,3 cm x 23,0 cm (9,2 x 9,1 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Antonio Domenico GABBIANI (1652-1726), Verstoßung der Hagar: Abraham begleitet Hagar und seinen Sohn Ismael zum Abschied, bezeichn
    Jul. 06, 2024

    Antonio Domenico GABBIANI (1652-1726), Verstoßung der Hagar: Abraham begleitet Hagar und seinen Sohn Ismael zum Abschied, bezeichn

    Est: -

    Antonio Domenico GABBIANI (1652-1726), Verstoßung der Hagar: Abraham begleitet Hagar und seinen Sohn Ismael zum Abschied, bezeichnet A.D. Gabbiani inv. XXIII G.B. Galli scul., Altersspuren, 24 x 19 cm. Antonio Domenico GABBIANI (1652-1726), The Expulsion of Hagar: Abraham accompanies Hagar and his son Ishmael on their departure, inscribed A.D. Gabbiani inv. XXIII G.B. Galli scul., traces of age, 24 x 19 cm.

    Auktionshaus Mars
  • Antonio Domenico Gabbiani (Firenze, 1652 - 1726) – Baccanale
    Mar. 15, 2024

    Antonio Domenico Gabbiani (Firenze, 1652 - 1726) – Baccanale

    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    Olio su tela, cm. 43x73,5. "[...] Si tratta con evidenza di un dipinto fiorentino facilmente attribuibile, per i tratti di stile e per la cultura pittorica, a Anton Domenico Gabbiani, pittore amato dal Gran Principe Ferdinando, e ricercato dai più raffinati estimatori fiorentini, della sua epoca come il Marchese Pier Antonio Gerini, Filippo Corsini, il Marchese Ridolfi, Giovan Battista Guadagni, tutti noti collezionisti dell'epoca. Fu protetto in particolare dal Marchese Riccardi e da Giovanni Vincenzo Salviati. I tratti di stile rivelano la formazione pittorica del Gabbiani avvenuta, in un primo tempo della bottega del Gantagallina e del Suttermann, dal quale apprende sicuramente la sua provata abilità nel ritratto, formazione che si completa nei tre anni passati presso Vincenzo Dandini e nei successivi tre anni trascorsi a Roma con Ciro Ferri. [...] Per quanto riguarda la sua datazione, pensiamo che essa possa essere collocata intorno al 1700 per le evidenti relazioni stilistiche con gli affreschi eseguiti dal Gabbiani in una delle stanze affacciate sul Lungarno del Palazzo Corsini, a Firenze, dove il pittore raffigurò l'Apoteosi di Ercole. [...] In particolare il putto che suona la chiarina è del tutto simile al Satirello posto nell'estrema destra di chi guarda il nostro quadro." Scheda critica di Giuseppe Cantelli.

    Pananti Casa D'Aste SRL
  • A. GABBIANI (1652-1726) attributed, Centaur with child, Pen drawing
    Feb. 17, 2024

    A. GABBIANI (1652-1726) attributed, Centaur with child, Pen drawing

    Est: €750 - €1,000

    Anton Domenico Gabbiani (1652 Florence - 1726 ibid.) attributed: Centaur with child Cheiron and Achilles, 17th century, Pen drawing Technique: Pen drawing over Pencil on Paper Date: 17th century Keywords: Centaur; Faun; Achilles; Teacher; Greek mythology, 17th century, Rococo, Mythology, Italy,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Gabbiani, Anton Domenico
    Feb. 16, 2024

    Gabbiani, Anton Domenico

    Est: €70 - €100

    (1652 Florenz 1726). Junge in Landschaft. Radierung um 1700. Blgr. 18,5 x 13 cm. - Auf Papier mont. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Gabbiani, Antonio Domenico (1652-1726). (Diana resting after the hunt).
    Nov. 24, 2023

    Gabbiani, Antonio Domenico (1652-1726). (Diana resting after the hunt).

    Est: €300 - €500

    Gabbiani, Antonio Domenico (1652-1726). (Diana resting after the hunt). Drawing, pen and brush and brown ink, 18,3x13,3 cm., inscr. "Gabbiani" in pen and ink, on two attached pieces of paper. - Laid down on later 18th cent. mount w. annot. "Del Gabbiani"; a few holes in upper part; with a pencil grid.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • A. GABBIANI (1652-1726) attributed, Centaur with child, Pen drawing
    Nov. 11, 2023

    A. GABBIANI (1652-1726) attributed, Centaur with child, Pen drawing

    Est: €750 - €1,000

    Anton Domenico Gabbiani (1652 Florence - 1726 ibid.) attributed: Centaur with child Cheiron and Achilles, 17th century, Pen drawing Technique: Pen drawing over Pencil on Paper Date: 17th century Keywords: Centaur; Faun; Achilles; Teacher; Greek mythology, 17th century, Rococo, Mythology, Italy,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • A. CROCI (*1823) after GABBIANI (*1652), Arcadian landscape with monastery, Etching
    Oct. 14, 2023

    A. CROCI (*1823) after GABBIANI (*1652), Arcadian landscape with monastery, Etching

    Est: €300 - €400

    Antonio Croci (1823 Mendrisio - 1884 ibid.) after Anton Domenico Gabbiani (1652 Florence - 1726 ibid.): Arcadian Landscape with Monastery and Resting Traveller, 19th century, Etching Technique: Etching on Paper Stamp: Collector's stamp, Lugt no.: 1041c. Friedrich Quiring (geb. 1889). Eberswalde near Berlin. 20th century Inscription: Signed and numbered below in the printing plate. Date: 19th century Keywords: 19th century, Romanticism, Landscape, Italy,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • A. CROCI (*1823) after GABBIANI (*1652), Arcadian landscape with monastery, Etching
    May. 06, 2023

    A. CROCI (*1823) after GABBIANI (*1652), Arcadian landscape with monastery, Etching

    Est: €300 - €400

    Antonio Croci (1823 Mendrisio - 1884 ibid.) after Anton Domenico Gabbiani (1652 Florence - 1726 ibid.): Arcadian Landscape with Monastery and Resting Traveller, 19th century, Etching Technique: Etching on Paper Stamp: Collector's stamp, Lugt no.: 1041c. Friedrich Quiring (geb. 1889). Eberswalde near Berlin. 20th century Inscription: Signed and numbered below in the printing plate. Date: 19th century Keywords: 19th century, Romanticism, Landscape, Italy,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Gabbiani Anton Domenico, Matrimonio mistico di santa Caterina
    Dec. 14, 2022

    Gabbiani Anton Domenico, Matrimonio mistico di santa Caterina

    Est: €500 - €700

    matita nera su carta, W. 185 - H. 230 mm

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • C. FAUCCI (*1729) after CIPRIANI (*1727), Portrait d A Domenico Gabbiani, 1751, Copper engraving
    Dec. 10, 2022

    C. FAUCCI (*1729) after CIPRIANI (*1727), Portrait d A Domenico Gabbiani, 1751, Copper engraving

    Est: €300 - €400

    Carlo FAUCCI (1729 - after 1784 ) after Giovanni Battista Cipriani (1727 Florence - 1785 Hammersmith): Portrait of Anton Domenico Gabbiani (1652 Florence - 1726 ibid), Florentine Baroque painter, half-figure in three-quarter profile to the right, holding a scroll with painting utensils, brush, palette and stick lying on the table, 1751, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: Inscribed in Latin below the image with the sitter's name and dates of life : "Effigies ANTONI DOMINICI GABBIANI Florentini, / Pictoris eximii, quam ipse per se an 1685 ad vivum exprimebat". Signed and dated below in the printing plate on the left and right. Date: 1751 Description: The table top in the illustration bears the inscription "GAD 1685". Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Portraits, Italy,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • ANTON DOMENICO GABBIANI (Florence, 1652-1726). "Glorification of a holy nun". Oil on canvas. With reinforced stretcher. Attached study by the historian Paolo Erasmo Mangianto (1989).
    Mar. 09, 2022

    ANTON DOMENICO GABBIANI (Florence, 1652-1726). "Glorification of a holy nun". Oil on canvas. With reinforced stretcher. Attached study by the historian Paolo Erasmo Mangianto (1989).

    Est: €25,000 - €30,000

    ANTON DOMENICO GABBIANI (Florence, 1652-1726). "Glorification of a holy nun". Oil on canvas. With reinforced stretcher. Attached study by the historian Paolo Erasmo Mangianto (1989). Measurements: 230 x 184 cm. Provenance: At the end of the 16th century, the Marquis of Castellbell, Manuel de Amat y Juniet, returns to Barcelona with the fortune that he had made during the period that he was, first, governor of Chile (1755 -1761) and, later, Viceroy of Peru (1761 - 1776). He had the Palacio de la Virreina built between 1772 and 1778. The building, located on La Rambla Sant Josep, is one of the finest examples of Catalan civil Baroque architecture. The Palau de la Virreina remained linked to the Amat family until 1835 when it was acquired by its administrator, Josep Carreras de Argerich. The Palace belonged to the Carreras family until 1944 when it was bought by Barcelona City Council. After this sale, the work was transferred from this building to the new residence of the heirs of Josep Carreras d'Argerich, in the Maresme area, and was deposited and exhibited in the chapel of the estate, later being acquired by the current owner. This altarpiece depicts the Glorification of a holy nun and her reception into heaven by Jesus Christ. According to a study of this work by Paolo Erasmo Mangianto, it was made by Anton Domenico Gabbiani in the second half of the 16th century for a private chapel. He notes the similarity with other altarpieces executed by the Florentine master during this period, in which the saint kneels and is welcomed by the heavenly court, presided over by the Virgin and Christ, surrounded by a court of angels. This compositional model is repeated in his Glorifications of Saints: the nun, in an attitude of devotion, is welcomed by a halo of angels. The angels carry cult and pastoral symbols. The delicate anatomy of the fingers and the folds of the drapery help to determine the artist's attribution, as do the chromatic qualities and the high quality of execution. Mangianto states that this Glorification is among his most accomplished works. The breaking of Gloria with an ascensional theme was particularly fruitful during the Baroque period. On this occasion, the abbey staff carried by the angels and the saint's black habit suggest that she may be Gertrude Magna. In the manner of a mystical vision, the saint is received with paternal love by the Lord, who draws her to his bosom. The Father is surrounded by archangels, and a court of seraphim radiate from the golden divine halo. The ascensional theme allowed the painter to express with great scenographic power the sublimity of assumptions and spiritual ecstasies. In this painting by Gabbiani, the bodies are endowed with great sculptural presence and volumetric entity, but without losing their ethereal condition, which denotes his mastery. There are stylistic and compositional affinities with other works by the artist, such as the paintings of the Villa Medici in Poggio, or the glorification of the Corsini family. The oil painting is in the best tradition of the Florentine school, in which meticulous draughtsmanship is combined with expressive chiaroscuro work. A painter of the late Italian Baroque, Anton Domenico Gabbiani was a pupil of Sustermans, a Flemish painter in the service of the Medici, but Gabbiani's later training was manifold and varied. In addition to his first contact with Flemish painting, he studied in the studio of the Florentine Vincenzo Dandini and in 1673 he went to Rome, where he was paid by the Accademia Medicea. His knowledge, through his master Ciro Ferri, of the Roman Cortonese atmosphere, is tinged with the rigour and balance of the classicist tendency of the second half of the 17th century in Rome, represented by Carlo Maratti. After a brief stay in Venice, Gabbiani returned to Florence; a member of the Accademia del Disegno and at the head of an important workshop, he became

    Setdart Auction House
  • ANTON DOMENICO GABBIANI (Florence, 1652-1726). "Glorification of a holy nun". Oil on canvas. With reinforced stretcher. Attached study by the historian Paolo Erasmo Mangianto (1989).
    Jan. 26, 2022

    ANTON DOMENICO GABBIANI (Florence, 1652-1726). "Glorification of a holy nun". Oil on canvas. With reinforced stretcher. Attached study by the historian Paolo Erasmo Mangianto (1989).

    Est: €40,000 - €50,000

    ANTON DOMENICO GABBIANI (Florence, 1652-1726). "Glorification of a holy nun". Oil on canvas. With reinforced stretcher. Attached study by the historian Paolo Erasmo Mangianto (1989). Measurements: 230 x 184 cm. Provenance: At the end of the 16th century, the Marquis of Castellbell, Manuel de Amat y Juniet, returns to Barcelona with the fortune that he had made during the period that he was, first, governor of Chile (1755 -1761) and, later, Viceroy of Peru (1761 - 1776). He had the Palacio de la Virreina built between 1772 and 1778. The building, located on La Rambla Sant Josep, is one of the finest examples of Catalan civil Baroque architecture. The Palau de la Virreina remained linked to the Amat family until 1835 when it was acquired by its administrator, Josep Carreras de Argerich. The Palace belonged to the Carreras family until 1944 when it was bought by Barcelona City Council. After this sale, the work was transferred from this building to the new residence of the heirs of Josep Carreras d'Argerich, in the Maresme area, and was deposited and exhibited in the chapel of the estate, later being acquired by the current owner. This altarpiece depicts the Glorification of a holy nun and her reception into heaven by Jesus Christ. According to a study of this work by Paolo Erasmo Mangianto, it was made by Anton Domenico Gabbiani in the second half of the 16th century for a private chapel. He notes the similarity with other altarpieces executed by the Florentine master during this period, in which the saint kneels and is welcomed by the heavenly court, presided over by the Virgin and Christ, surrounded by a court of angels. This compositional model is repeated in his Glorifications of Saints: the nun, in an attitude of devotion, is welcomed by a halo of angels. The angels carry cult and pastoral symbols. The delicate anatomy of the fingers and the folds of the drapery help to determine the artist's attribution, as do the chromatic qualities and the high quality of execution. Mangianto states that this Glorification is among his most accomplished works. The breaking of Gloria with an ascensional theme was particularly fruitful during the Baroque period. On this occasion, the abbey staff carried by the angels and the saint's black habit suggest that she may be Gertrude Magna. In the manner of a mystical vision, the saint is received with paternal love by the Lord, who draws her to his bosom. The Father is surrounded by archangels, and a court of seraphim radiate from the golden divine halo. The ascensional theme allowed the painter to express with great scenographic power the sublimity of assumptions and spiritual ecstasies. In this painting by Gabbiani, the bodies are endowed with great sculptural presence and volumetric entity, but without losing their ethereal condition, which denotes his mastery. There are stylistic and compositional affinities with other works by the artist, such as the paintings of the Villa Medici in Poggio, or the glorification of the Corsini family. The oil painting is in the best tradition of the Florentine school, in which meticulous draughtsmanship is combined with expressive chiaroscuro work. A painter of the late Italian Baroque, Anton Domenico Gabbiani was a pupil of Sustermans, a Flemish painter in the service of the Medici, but Gabbiani's later training was manifold and varied. In addition to his first contact with Flemish painting, he studied in the studio of the Florentine Vincenzo Dandini and in 1673 he went to Rome, where he was paid by the Accademia Medicea. His knowledge, through his master Ciro Ferri, of the Roman Cortonese atmosphere, is tinged with the rigour and balance of the classicist tendency of the second half of the 17th century in Rome, represented by Carlo Maratti. After a brief stay in Venice, Gabbiani returned to Florence; a member of the Accademia del Disegno and at the head of an important workshop, he became

    Setdart Auction House
  • GABBIANI, Anton Domenico (1652-1726) - Collection de cent pensees. Rome: Jean Zempel à Mont Jordan, 1786. A valuable and finely engraved work that reproduces a collection of drawings by Anton Domenico Gabbiani, one of the leading Florenti...
    Jan. 25, 2022

    GABBIANI, Anton Domenico (1652-1726) - Collection de cent pensees. Rome: Jean Zempel à Mont Jordan, 1786. A valuable and finely engraved work that reproduces a collection of drawings by Anton Domenico Gabbiani, one of the leading Florenti...

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    GABBIANI, Anton Domenico (1652-1726) - Collection de cent pensees. Rome: Jean Zempel à Mont Jordan, 1786. A valuable and finely engraved work that reproduces a collection of drawings by Anton Domenico Gabbiani, one of the leading Florentine painters of the late Baroque particularly appreciated by the de Medici family. Folio (475 x 320mm). Vignette on title, printed in red and black, portrait of the author, 100 plates on 74 leaves engraved in sepia, sanguine and one in green (foxing, mainly in the margins, few leaves with occasional browning). Full leather binding with gilt title on the spine label, red edges (modern guards, joints skilfully restored, light wear). IT GABBIANI, Anton Domenico (1652-1726) - Collection de cent pensees. Roma: Jean Zempel à Mont Jordan, 1786. Pregevole opera finemenete incisa che riproduce una raccolta di disegni di Anton Domenico Gabbiani, tra i principali pittori fiorentini del tardo Barocco particolarmente apprezzato dalla famiglia de Medici. Folio (475 x 320mm). Vignetta al frontespizio, stampato in rosso e nero, ritratto dell'autore, 100 tavole su 74 carte incise in seppia, sanguigna e una in verde (fioriture, principalmente marginali e poche occasionali bruniture). Legatura in piena pelle con titolo in oro su tassello al dorso, tagli rossi (sguardie in carta moderna, abile restauro alle giunture, lievi difetti).

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Anton Domenico Gabbiani (Firenze 1652-1726), nei modi di, Ritrovamento di Mosè
    Jun. 16, 2021

    Anton Domenico Gabbiani (Firenze 1652-1726), nei modi di, Ritrovamento di Mosè

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    olio su tela, cm 144x202

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
    Apr. 29, 2021


    Est: -

    etching by G. B. Cipriani (1727-1785) from "Raccolta di cento pensieri diversi di Anton Domenico Gabbiani, pittor Fiorentino …" di Anton Domenico Gabbiani ( 1652-1726), tav. LXIII 30 x 40,4 cm Fresh copy with complete margins, in good general condition

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • ANTON DOMENICO GABBIANI invented. Italy 1652 - 1726 SANTE PACINI sculpit in Italy 1735 - c
    Mar. 23, 2021

    ANTON DOMENICO GABBIANI invented. Italy 1652 - 1726 SANTE PACINI sculpit in Italy 1735 - c

    Est: -

    ANTON DOMENICO GABBIANI invented. Italy 1652 - 1726 SANTE PACINI sculpit in Italy 1735 - c. 1800 Santo Domingo de Guzmán, Santa Rosa de Lima and San Luis rey de Francia Engraving Signed and titled Size 30.5 x 21 cm plate

    Subastas Segre
  • Preparatory drawing for Etching by Anton Domenico Gabbiani (Florence 1652-1726) depicting a beggar
    Dec. 19, 2020

    Preparatory drawing for Etching by Anton Domenico Gabbiani (Florence 1652-1726) depicting a beggar

    Est: -

    Preparatory drawing for Etching by Anton Domenico Gabbiani (Florence 1652-1726) depicting a beggar and characters. Mm 147x200, 385x470 framed Mm. Sculptor Č.B. Gregori.

  • Prepatatory drawing for Anton Domenico Gabbiani's engraving (Florence 1652-1726) depicting beggar and characters. MM 147
    Oct. 10, 2020

    Prepatatory drawing for Anton Domenico Gabbiani's engraving (Florence 1652-1726) depicting beggar and characters. MM 147

    Est: €400 - €9,999,999

    Prepatatory drawing for Anton Domenico Gabbiani's engraving (Florence 1652-1726) depicting beggar and characters. MM 147x200, with frame Mm 385x470. Sculptor C.B. Gregori

  • Art Décoratif
    Sep. 08, 2020

    Art Décoratif

    Est: €300 - €400

    Lot de deux objets comprenant: un "Portrait ovale de Cosme III de Médicis" en ivoire sculpté. D'après Antonio Domenico Gabbiani. Dans un encadrement en bois sculpté. On y joint un petit bas-relief "Ange" en os sculpté. Travail de l'Ecole de Embriachi, Venise. Epoque : début XVIème et XVIIIème. (*). Dim.:7,5x6cm et 3,7x7,7cm.

  • Antonio Domenico Gabbiani (1652 - 1726) FIGURA VIRILE AMMANTATA Penna e inchiostro bruno. mm 121x72
    Oct. 30, 2019

    Antonio Domenico Gabbiani (1652 - 1726) FIGURA VIRILE AMMANTATA Penna e inchiostro bruno. mm 121x72

    Est: €600 - €800

    Antonio Domenico Gabbiani (1652 - 1726) FIGURA VIRILE AMMANTATA Penna e inchiostro bruno. mm 121x72.

  • * Gabbiani (Anton Domenico, 1652-1726). Andromeda Chained to the Rocks/Study of Hands
    Oct. 22, 2019

    * Gabbiani (Anton Domenico, 1652-1726). Andromeda Chained to the Rocks/Study of Hands

    Est: £200 - £300

    * Gabbiani (Anton Domenico, 1652-1726). Andromeda Chained to the Rocks/Study of Hands, pen and brown ink on laid paper, with red chalk drawing of hands to verso, sheet size 105 x 128 mm (4.1 x 5 ins), window-mounted (Qty: 1)

    Dominic Winter Auctions
  • Antonio Domenico Gabbiani (1652 - 1726) FIGURA VIRILE AMMANTATA Penna e inchiostro bruno. mm 121x72.
    Jun. 03, 2019

    Antonio Domenico Gabbiani (1652 - 1726) FIGURA VIRILE AMMANTATA Penna e inchiostro bruno. mm 121x72.

    Est: €600 - €800

    Antonio Domenico Gabbiani (1652 - 1726) FIGURA VIRILE AMMANTATA Penna e inchiostro bruno. mm 121x72.

  • After Antonio Domenico Gabbiani (Italian, 1652-1726), etching of bearded man, 2-3/4" x 2-3/8" plate, in a 9-3/4" x 7-1/4" frame, goo...
    Sep. 26, 2017

    After Antonio Domenico Gabbiani (Italian, 1652-1726), etching of bearded man, 2-3/4" x 2-3/8" plate, in a 9-3/4" x 7-1/4" frame, goo...

    Est: $200 - $400

    After Antonio Domenico Gabbiani (Italian, 1652-1726), etching of bearded man, 2-3/4" x 2-3/8" plate, in a 9-3/4" x 7-1/4" frame, good condition with foxing, not examined out of frame

    William Bunch Auctions & Appraisals
  • Cerchia di Domenico Antonio Gabbiani (Firenze 1652 – 1726)
    Nov. 29, 2016

    Cerchia di Domenico Antonio Gabbiani (Firenze 1652 – 1726)

    Est: €700 - €1,000

    Studi di gruppi di figure e di dettagli anatomici (recto e verso) penna e inchiostro nero, sanguigna su carta, mm 269 x 410

    Finarte Roma
  • Anton Domenico GABBIANI (Florence, 13 février 1652 - 22 novembre 1726) Port
    May. 01, 2016

    Anton Domenico GABBIANI (Florence, 13 février 1652 - 22 novembre 1726) Port

    Est: €20,000 - €30,000

    Anton Domenico GABBIANI (Florence, 13 février 1652 - 22 novembre 1726) Portrait de gentilhomme en armure, accompagné de son serviteur noir, sur fond de paysage, colonne et rideau rouge orné d’un pompon. Huile sur toile 108 x 122 cm (restaurations) NOTA : Peintre italien du Baroque tardif de l’Ecole florentine qui a été surtout actif en Toscane. Ce tableau est à comparer à celui des Musiciens de la cour de Ferdinand III de Médicis (1663-1713) et au Portrait de ses serviteurs. Les compositions et l’arrière-plan de ces trois tableaux démontrent qu’ils ont été peints dans le même atelier.

  • Gabbiani, Antonio Domenico: Fliegender Putto
    Nov. 28, 2014

    Gabbiani, Antonio Domenico: Fliegender Putto

    Est: €500 - €750

    Fliegender Putto. Schwarze Kreide auf Bütten, aufgezogen. 32,4 x 45 cm. Unten rechts sowie verso von fremder Hand bez. "Gabbiani"

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Anton Domenico GABBIANI (1652-1726) Le repos pendant la fuite en Egypte Plume et encre brune sur traits de crayon noir, lavis brun 2...
    Mar. 28, 2014

    Anton Domenico GABBIANI (1652-1726) Le repos pendant la fuite en Egypte Plume et encre brune sur traits de crayon noir, lavis brun 2...

    Est: €600 - €800

    Anton Domenico GABBIANI (1652-1726) Le repos pendant la fuite en Egypte Plume et encre brune sur traits de crayon noir, lavis brun 26 × 33,8 cm Numéroté en bas à droite 54 (Taches, épidermures) Provenance : ancienne collection A. Mauban, son cachet en bas à droite (L.100)€

  • Antonio Domenico Gabbiani
    Jan. 29, 2014

    Antonio Domenico Gabbiani

    Est: $6,000 - $8,000

    Black chalk on paper washed gray (recto and verso);bears old inventory numbers in pen and brown ink recto: 259. , 272. and verso: No. 932,262 by 354 mm; 10 3/8  by 14 in

  • Antonio Domenico Gabbiani, 1652 - 1726
    Apr. 11, 2013

    Antonio Domenico Gabbiani, 1652 - 1726

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Antonio Domenico Gabbiani, 1652 - 1726 Studien zu einem Adlerkopf Rote Kreide auf Papier. 11 x 16 cm. Die kleine Studie zeigt einen Adlerkopf seitlich gesehen nach links. Der Schnabel ist leicht geöffnet, der Blick intensiv. Hinter der Zeichnung ist die Skizze eines Adlers mit zum Flug bereiten, aufgestellten Flügeln zu sehen. Lockere Linienführung, guter Zustand. (892333)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Antonio-Domenico Gabbiani, 1652 - 1726
    Apr. 11, 2013

    Antonio-Domenico Gabbiani, 1652 - 1726

    Est: €15,000 - €20,000

    Antonio-Domenico Gabbiani, 1652 - 1726 PORTRAIT EINES ADELIGEN HERREN Öl auf Leinwand. 89 x 52,5 cm. Der Herr mit Lippenbart, leicht an der Schläfe ergrautem, seitlich in Wellen herabhängendem, langem Haar. In dunkler Kleidung, vor dunklem Hintergrund, der sich nach rechts grünlich aufhellt. Über dem schwarzen Rock ein breiter, weißer Kragen mit darunter hervortretender Silberquaste, über die Brust ein silberbesticktes Band gelegt. Halbbildnis nach rechts, der Blick gilt dem Betrachter. Möglicherweise handelt es sich bei dem Dargestellten um einen niederländischen Gesandten, der in Italien tätig war. (8909317) Antonio-Domenico Gabbiani, 1652 - 1726 Portrait of a Nobleman Oil on canvas. 89 x 52.5 cm. It is likely that the man portrayed was a Dutch emissary who was active in Italy.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Attributed to Anton Domenico Gabbiani (Florence 1652-1726) The Flight into Egypt 213 x 180 mm unframed
    Oct. 27, 2010

    Attributed to Anton Domenico Gabbiani (Florence 1652-1726) The Flight into Egypt 213 x 180 mm unframed

    Est: £500 - £700

    The Flight into Egypt inscribed 'Gabbiani' on the mount and numbered '242' pencil, brown ink and wash over pencil on paper 213 x 180 mm unframed

  • Antonio Domenico Gabbiani , Florence 1652 - 1726 the rape of the sabine women Pen and brown ink and wash over black chalk; bears inscription in pen and brown ink: P. Berretini
    Jan. 23, 2008

    Antonio Domenico Gabbiani , Florence 1652 - 1726 the rape of the sabine women Pen and brown ink and wash over black chalk; bears inscription in pen and brown ink: P. Berretini

    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    Pen and brown ink and wash over black chalk; bears inscription in pen and brown ink: P. Berretini

  • Anton Domenico Gabbiani (Florence 1652-1726)
    Feb. 24, 2005

    Anton Domenico Gabbiani (Florence 1652-1726)

    Est: £40,000 - £60,000

    Group portrait of three gentlemen, half-length, one in a red doublet holding a viola da gamba in one hand and a miniature portrait in the other, the second in a brown coat with a silk cravat, holding a letter, the last holding up a medal from a chain around his neck, a view of St. Peter's, Rome and the Castel Sant'Angelo beyond. oil on canvas 41 1/4 x 39 1/2 in. (104.8 x 100.3 cm.)

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