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Wang Fu Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1362 - d. 1416

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  • 王福厂 隸書八言聯 | Wang Fu'an, Calligraphy Couplet in Lishu
    Oct. 08, 2023

    王福厂 隸書八言聯 | Wang Fu'an, Calligraphy Couplet in Lishu

    Est: $90,000 - $120,000

    王福厂 隸書八言聯 水墨紙本 立軸 一九四四年作 款識:精神之緜,蟠為山嶽;金石所述,習其源流。 書彊邨老人集黃安濤、胡天游、洪亮吉、陳維崧句。閼逢涒灘無射之月。福厂王禔。 鈐印:「王禔私印」、「福厂六十歲後所書」。 著錄:〈王福厂書法選〉,周建國、高申杰編選(上海,二〇一二年七月),頁193 來源:香港蘇富比,二○一六年四月,中國書畫拍賣,編號1297 各 130.1 x 19.6 cm 51¼ x 7¾ in. (2) --------------------------------------------- Wang Fu'an 1880 - 1960 Calligraphy Couplet in Lishu ink on paper, pair of hanging scrolls signed, dated 1944, with 2 seals of the artist each 130.1 x 19.6 cm 51¼ x 7¾ in. (2)

  • 王福厂 篆書〈西都賦〉 | Wang Fu'an, Calligraphy in Zhuanshu
    Oct. 08, 2023

    王福厂 篆書〈西都賦〉 | Wang Fu'an, Calligraphy in Zhuanshu

    Est: $26,000 - $40,000

    王福厂 篆書〈西都賦〉 水墨紙本 扇面 鏡框 一九三三年作 款識:節〈西都賦〉。癸酉新秋篆奉岳軍先生鑒正。福厂王褆。 鈐印:「王褆」、「福厂五十後書」。 19 x 54.2 cm 7½ x 21¼ in. 張群「中行廬」藏書畫 (編號6102-6137) 張群(1889-1990),近代政界大老。早歲投身革命,民國肇建,襄助極峰,掌外交,主省政,討袁、北伐、抗日,無役不與。本輯所集,著眼於民國政壇元老寫贈者,範圍自護國運動以迄抗日戰爭,如李烈鈞、吳稚暉、戴季陶等,所涉人事,在在映照其歷史發展軌跡。尤以黃克強書迹,乃討袁役後寫贈,譚延闓跋曰乃黃氏「絕筆」,足堪寶之。 他嗜藝術,二十年代末起矢志收藏,其「中行廬」藏品今春於蘇富比釋出時,集中於三十年代京滬名家畫作。本輯承襲此脈,匯聚同期名家寫贈成扇、扇面及冊頁, 集南北藝文界人士逾廿家,如謝玉岑、賀天健、蕭愻、王一亭、傅增湘等,皆精心繪製。 輯中亦集政壇藝壇友好為其祝嘏之作,如趙恒惖、王雲五等,其中于右任及黃君璧將其名句「人生七十方開始」賡詩書贈,蓋其歷盡風雲變幻,練就曠達胸懷,於養心養生尤有所得。親若手足之張大千,於節慶贈畫,亦書「金石仁義」聯誌念兩人半生莫逆、患難相扶之情誼,並贈以「大風堂」訂製文房用品及擺設,足證對摯交惦記之情矣! --------------------------------------------- Wang Fu'an 1880 - 1960 Calligraphy in Zhuanshu ink on paper, fan leaf, framed signed, dated 1933, with 2 seals of the artist 19 x 54.2 cm 7½ x 21¼ in. FROM THE COLLECTION OF CHANG CHUN (LOTS 6102-6137) Chang Chun (1889-1990) was a prominent figure in modern Chinese politics. Earlier in his life, he dedicated himself to serving the revolutionary cause and was instrumental in the founding of the Republic of China. He took on the duties of foreign diplomacy and provincial affairs, and heroically engaged in the Second Revolution, Northern Expedition, and the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. The highlight of this collection is the gifted writings of eminent Republic officials, spanning from The National Protection War to the Second Sino-Japanese War. With works by notable men including Li Liejun, Wu Zhihui and Dai Jitao, this bespoke curation unravels the gripping narrative of Chinese history. Taking center stage is the writings of Huang Xing, gifted in the aftermath of the Second Revolution. Referred by Chinese political Tan Yankai as Huang’s last work executed before his death, it attests to the utmost rarity of the piece. A savant in arts, Chang began his lifelong journey as a refined connoisseur in the late 1920s. The Collection of Chang Chun made its debut first this spring at Sotheby’s , focusing on artworks by renowned Beijing and Shanghai artists of the 1930s. Following its footsteps, this season gathers together gifts of fans and albums from the same period, meticulously crafted by around 20 notable Beijing-Shanghai artists, including Xie Yucun, He Tianjian, Xiao Xun, Wang Yiting and Fu Zengxiang. This collection also features benedictions from intimate friends in politics and art, such as Zhao Hengti and Wang Yunwu. Among the ensemble of cherished works, Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu, gifted by Yu Youren and Huang Junbi, immaculately encapsulates Chang’s life experiences: the expression ‘Life begins at seventy’ applauds him for his continued self-cultivation amidst any turbulence in life. Close confidante Zhang Daqian once presented to Chang, on the occasion of a festival, the painting Summer Fruits and Blossoms and a Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu, as a tribute to their half of a lifetime of brotherhood through thick and thin. Gifted too were custom-made Dafengtang vases and small plates – undoubtedly a testament to their profound camaraderie!

  • WANG FU (LATE 18TH-EARLY 19TH CENTURY) Landscape, 1813
    Dec. 14, 2022

    WANG FU (LATE 18TH-EARLY 19TH CENTURY) Landscape, 1813

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    WANG FU (LATE 18TH-EARLY 19TH CENTURY) Landscape, 1813 Ink on paper, horizontal hanging scroll, framed, dated guiyou year (1813), with one dedication, inscribed and signed Xuechi Wang Fu, with two seals of the artist, chen Fu zhiyin and Xuechi. 12 3/8 x 19 1/4in (31.4 x 49cm)

    Nov. 28, 2021


    Est: $200 - $2,000

    WANG FU AN 王福庵 纸本立轴

    Wichita Auctioneers
    Oct. 03, 2021


    Est: $200 - $1,500

    王福庵纸本立轴 WANG FU AN

    Wichita Auctioneers
    Oct. 03, 2021


    Est: $200 - $1,500

    王福庵纸本立轴 WANG FU AN

    Wichita Auctioneers
    Jul. 10, 2021


    Est: $200 - $1,100

    WANG FU AN王福庵纸本立轴

    Wichita Auctioneers
    Jul. 10, 2021


    Est: $200 - $1,100

    WANG FU AN王福庵纸本立轴

    Wichita Auctioneers
  • WANG FU'AN | Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshu
    Jul. 10, 2020

    WANG FU'AN | Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshu

    Est: $60,000 - $80,000

    signed WANG TI, dated 1942, with a dedication, and two seals of the artist

  • WANG FU'AN | Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshu
    Oct. 07, 2019

    WANG FU'AN | Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshu

    Est: $100,000 - $150,000

    signed FU'AN, dated 1945, with a dedication, and two seals of the artist

  • WANG FU'AN | Calligraphy Couplet in Lishu
    Apr. 02, 2019

    WANG FU'AN | Calligraphy Couplet in Lishu

    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    signed WANG FU'AN, signed 1949, and with two seals of the artist

  • WANG FU'AN | Calligraphy Couplet in Lishu
    Apr. 02, 2019

    WANG FU'AN | Calligraphy Couplet in Lishu

    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    signed WANG FU'AN, dated 1949, and with two seals of the artist

  • WANG FU'AN | Longevity in Zhuanshu
    Apr. 02, 2019

    WANG FU'AN | Longevity in Zhuanshu

    Est: $60,000 - $80,000

    signed FU'AN, dated 1947, titled, with a dedication, and two seals of the artist

  • WANG FU'AN | Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshu
    Apr. 02, 2018

    WANG FU'AN | Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshu

    Est: $80,000 - $120,000

    signed WANT TI, dated 1944, with a dedication, and two seals of the artist

  • WANG FU'AN | Calligraphy Couplet in Lishu
    Apr. 02, 2018

    WANG FU'AN | Calligraphy Couplet in Lishu

    Est: $100,000 - $150,000

    signed WANG TI, dated 1946, inscribed, and with two seals of the artist, and one collector's seal

    Mar. 25, 2018


    Est: $400 - $600

    Contemporary, High: 23.00 inch; Width: 17.00 inch

    William's Auctions, LLC
  • CHINESE PAINTING: WANG FU (1362-1416) Mountainous Landscape
    Mar. 20, 2018

    CHINESE PAINTING: WANG FU (1362-1416) Mountainous Landscape

    Est: $380,000 - $430,000

    CHINESE PAINTING: WANG FU (1362-1416) Mountainous Landscape

    Aug. 26, 2017


    Est: $200 - $300

    Contemporary, High: 21.5 inch; Width: 13.00 inch

    William's Auctions, LLC
  • Wang Fu (1362-1416) wind bamboo Shou Shi
    Aug. 21, 2014

    Wang Fu (1362-1416) wind bamboo Shou Shi

    Est: ¥500,000 - ¥800,000

    Inscription: Paradise Imjin Jiulong Mountain Wang Fu painting. Seal India: Indian Paintings Jiulong Mountain (White) Connoisseur India: Appreciation nursery school books (white), South Lake and collectors (Zhu), written by the chamber (white), Lee Um appreciation picture (white), small Willow Hall (white), Jade Palace parent child rows total appreciation ( Zhu) Signed article: Jiulongshan people Takeishi map, small Willow Hall Tibet. Chi Ying title. Collector Profile: Zhang Hao (clear), the word nursery school, and $ (Suzhou) people, for Luzhou prefect. Workers Huazhu. Chinese Artists Celebrity dictionary P844 Lian Quan (1868-1931), the word Wai Hing, No. Southlake, small Wan Liu Jushi, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. Guangxu two decades (1894) lifts. Fine poetry, good calligraphy, addicted to painting, epigraphy. Former Imperial Palace custody members of staff. Author of "Lake collection", "Dream also set" and so on. Wu Zhiying (1867-1933), the word Zi Ying, No. Ms. Wan Liu, Tongcheng, Anhui. Lian Quan's wife, poetry and painting work. Miyamoto Ang (clear), the word child rows, Jiangsu Taizhou people. Connoisseurs and collectors. Gong Yu, word Yufu, poetry and painting work, the word cause cool and bright, luxuriant landscape line pen, France Song, a former prefect of Cangzhou. Author of "read rain Cottage Collection." Attached Description: This painting to Tongzhi dynasty, Taizhou famous collector Miyamoto Ang, Gongyu collection, after a small Willow Hall by Lian Quan, Wu Zhiying couple of collections. Question by Wu Zhiying personally signed. ... (Text has been truncated.)

    Xiamen Gu Yun Xuan Culture and Arts Co., Ltd.
    Sep. 13, 2011


    Est: $25,000 - $35,000

    LANDSCAPE IN THE STYLE OF THE ANCIENT MASTERS signed Wang Fu, dated Yongle jichou (1409), autumn, inscribed ' On an autumnal day of the year jichou during the reign of Yongle (1409), [I] made these eight leaves in imitation of the ancients for my old friend Huilao, a brotherly senior fellow practitioner, to examine and comment. Wang Fu.', with one seal of the artist, Mengduan, and eight collector's seals, xiaowanliu tang, gong, taizhou gongshi jiancang jinshi shuhua zhi yin, jingui lianquan tongcheng wu zhiying fufu gongsuoshang zhiyin, jiazhu nanhu yinyi zihao, xiaowanliu tang, guanzhong huang ziqing cengguan, gong zixing tongdi yufu baozhi The album has been in the family collection of Gong brothers from Taizhou and Wuxi Lian family's Little Hall of Ten Thousand Willlow Trees collection. Gong Ben'ang (1821-1874), alias Zixing, came from an influential family in Taizhou. He served as a county magistrate in Shangdong. His brother Gong Yu, alias Yufu, held the post of magistrate in Zhili district. Gong Yu excelled in painting landscape after Song masters. His works include the Collection of Nianyutang. Gong brothers are good at connoisseurship and had assembled a massive collection, including over a thousand pieces of fan paintings. They published their fan collections in the six-volume Shuhua Shancun. They bestowed their entire fan collection to Lian Quan, the owner of Little Hall of Ten Thousand Willow Trees, who shared Gong brothers' passion for collecting paintings. Gong brothers always impressed one of the two seals onto their most cherished pieces for later reference. One seal says cherished by both Gong Zixing and brother Yufu, and the other seal states that appreciated by Gong Zixing and Yufu. This album has been one of Gong brothers' favorite pieces, as evidenced by the seal. Lian Quan (1868-1932), alias Nanhu, is a native of Wuxi. He built and titled his estate as the Little Hall of Ten Thousand Willow Trees. He became a provincial graduate in the twentieth year of Guangxu reign (1894), and retired as the Supervisor in the Ministry of Revenue. He also participated in the Gongche Shangshu movement spearheaded by Kang Youwei. As the founder of Wenming Shuju in Shanghai, he first introduced collotype into China. Lian Quan and his wife Wu Zhiying (1862-1933) were both well-versed in poetry and literature, and excelled in calligraphy and connoisseurship. They shared passions for collecting. They befriended Qiu Jin; after she was martyred, they risked their lives to give her a proper burial. Among the works they published are the Literary Collection of Nanhu, and The Great Collection of Fan Paintings from Ming and Qing Dynasties. ink and color on paper, album of eight leaves each 20.3 by 14.9 cm. 8 by 5 7/8 in. (8)

  • WANG FU (1362-1416)
    May. 28, 2007

    WANG FU (1362-1416)

    Est: $2,500,000 - $3,000,000

    WANG FU (1362-1416) Hermit Fisherman Handscroll, ink on paper 33 x 785 cm. (13 x 309 in.) Inscribed with four poems and signed by the artist: Jiu Long Shan Ren Wang Fu, Meng Duan (twice) Dedicated to Zhong Yuan One seal of the artist: Meng Duan Colophon by Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799), signed, with five seals Colophon by Wu Kuan (1435-1504), signed, with two seals Dated seventh month, renying year in the Yongle era (1422) Eleven collectors' seals including five of Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799): Shi Qu Bao Ji, Qian Long Yu Lan Zhi Bao, Qian Long Jian Shang, San Xi Tang Jing Jian Yin, Yi Zi Sun; and six others: Bo Qian Bao Ci Guo Yu Ming Zhu Jun Ma, Jian Guang Ge, Liang Shi Jia Cang, Pei Bo Qian Shen Ding Shu Hua Yin, Huo Qiu Pei Shi Shu Hua Fu Yin Xin, Xu Xi

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