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Helen France Sold at Auction Prices

Wall painter, Painter

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  • [France. Napoléon]. Bonaparte, N. Vie de Napoléon rédigeé par une société de gens de lettres sur les nouveaux documens dictés et corrigés à Ste. Hélèn
    May. 17, 2022

    [France. Napoléon]. Bonaparte, N. Vie de Napoléon rédigeé par une société de gens de lettres sur les nouveaux documens dictés et corrigés à Ste. Hélèn

    Est: €60 - €80

    [France. Napoléon]. Bonaparte, N. Vie de Napoléon rédigeé par une société de gens de lettres sur les nouveaux documens dictés et corrigés à Ste. Hélène par Napoleon même. Brussels, Jobard, 1827, 2 parts in 1 vol., unpaginated, 2 engr. titles and htitles, lithogr. portrait and 144 lithogr. plates by J.B. MADOU, contemp. hcalf w. 2 contrast. mor. letterpieces, obl. 4to. - Foxed; one leaf frayed. Backstrip reattached; upper joint split; worn along extremities. = Rare.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • FRANCE – SECOND EMPIRE. - Deux médailles : - - Médaille de Sainte Hélèn
    Apr. 15, 2020

    FRANCE – SECOND EMPIRE. - Deux médailles : - - Médaille de Sainte Hélèn

    Est: €80 - €100

    FRANCE – SECOND EMPIRE. Deux médailles : - Médaille de Sainte Hélène en bronze patiné. Ruban. 51 x 31 mm - Médaille de la Campagne d’Italie par Barre, en argent. 30 mm. Fin ruban. T.T.B. FRANCE - SECOND EMPIRE. Two medals: - Medal of Saint Helena in patinated bronze. Ribbon. 51 x 31 mm - Medal of the Italian Campaign by Bar, in silver. 30 mm. Thin ribbon. T.T.B.

  • Helen La France Oil Painting "Political Picnic"
    Jan. 31, 2016

    Helen La France Oil Painting "Political Picnic"

    Est: $200 - $300

    Helen La France oil on canvas painting of an outdoor political picnic. Signed bottom right corner. Folk style. 44" W x 32" H.

    Greenwich Auction
  • Helen La France Oil Painting "Political Picnic"
    Jan. 17, 2016

    Helen La France Oil Painting "Political Picnic"

    Est: $200 - $300

    Helen La France oil on canvas painting of an outdoor political picnic. Signed bottom right corner. Folk style. 44" W x 32" H.

    Greenwich Auction
  • Helen La France Oil Painting "Political Picnic"
    Oct. 11, 2015

    Helen La France Oil Painting "Political Picnic"

    Est: $200 - $300

    Helen La France oil on canvas painting of an outdoor political picnic. Signed bottom right corner. Folk style. 44" W x 32" H.

    Greenwich Auction
  • Helen La France (American/Kentucky, b. 1919)
    Mar. 16, 2014

    Helen La France (American/Kentucky, b. 1919)

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    Helen La France (American/Kentucky, b. 1919), "Political Picnic", 1996, acrylic on canvas, signed and dated lower right, 28" x 40". Framed.

    New Orleans Auction Galleries
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