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Amédée Foras Sold at Auction Prices

Coat of arms painter

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  • Araldica - Foras, Amédée de - - Grenoble, Jose…
    Nov. 26, 2021

    Araldica - Foras, Amédée de - - Grenoble, Jose…

    Est: €350 - €450

    Araldica - Foras, Amédée de - Grenoble, Joseph Allier, 1883-1885. In 4°. 4 tomi in 1 vol. Corredato da 673 stemmi e illustrazioni in cromolitografia, testo inquadrato da cornice tipografica rossa, carte di guardia marmorizzata, legatura in chagrin rosso, piatti inquadrati da cornice di triplice filetto, dorso a 5 nervi, ai comparti autore, titolo e fregi fitomorfi, dentelle interne dorate, tagli dorati, lievi aloni, rare abrasioni.

  • Heraldry/Foras, Amédée de - Le Blason. Dictionnaire et remarques
    Nov. 18, 2020

    Heraldry/Foras, Amédée de - Le Blason. Dictionnaire et remarques

    Est: €500 - €700

    Grenoble, Joseph Allier, 1883-1885. In 4th. 4 volumes in 1 volume. Complete with 673 coats of arms and chromolithography illustrations, text framed by red typographic frame, marbled guard cards, binding in red chagrin , plates framed by triple fillet frame, back with 5 nerves, to the author compartments, title and phytomorphic friezes, internal gilt dentelle , gilded cuts, slight halos, rare abrasions.

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