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Lavinia Fontana Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1552 - d. 1614

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      • Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy
        Oct. 12, 2024

        Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy

        Est: $8,000 - $16,000

        Oil painting, - Maria Magdalena washing Jesus Christ, Italy. Attributed to Lavinia Fontana. Other opinion: woman of Samaria at the well. Size of the stretcher: 17.8 x 11.75 inches = 44.5 cm x 29.8 cm. There is no frame. Weight of painting on stretcher: 520 g = 1 lb. 3 oz. Signature: none. Provenance: purchased at the big and reputable auction house in Italy. The last photo shows the full original painting of Maria Magdalena with Jesus Christ. Lavinia Fontana, (born 1552, Bologna [Italy]—died August 11, 1614, Rome), Italian painter of the Mannerist school and one of the most important portraitists in Bologna during the late 16th century. She was one of the first women to execute large, publicly commissioned figure paintings. Condition: very good for the age, natural aging of the oil paint; Low Estimate: $5,000; High Estimate: $10,000; Original: Yes;

        Eternity Gallery
      • LAVINIA FONTANA, 1552 BOLOGNA – 1614 ROM
        Sep. 26, 2024

        LAVINIA FONTANA, 1552 BOLOGNA – 1614 ROM

        Est: €100,000 - €150,000

        SELBSTBILDNIS Öl auf Kupfer, versilbert. 14 x 10 cm. Altes Rähmchen, Nussholz, mit Blumen und Früchten beschnitzt. Beigegeben Expertisen von Vera Fortunati, o.D., sowie von Prof. Daniele Benati, 13. Februar 2009, in Kopie. Das Werk wird in den in Vorbereitung befindlichen Catalogue raisonné von Vera Fortunati aufgenommen. Die Malerin zeigt sich hier, wie auch in anderen Selbstbildnissen, etwa am Spinett, äußerst selbstbewusst. Lavinia wurde von ihrem Vater, dem Maler Prospero Fontana ausgebildet, sah jedoch in der zwanzig Jahre älteren Sofonisba Anguissola (ca. 1530-1625) ihr Vorbild. Es ist anzunehmen, dass sie bei Denis Calvart weiterstudiert hat. Sie gilt zweifellos als eine der bedeutendsten Malerinnen ihrer und der nachfolgenden Zeit. Als Portraitistin erhielt sie vor allem von adeligen Damen ihre Aufträge. Aus jedem Gesicht dieser weiblichen Bildnisse spricht Selbstbewusstsein, Stolz und nahezu Ausdruck einer Überlegenheit. So erstaunt es nicht, dass sie sich in ihrem Oeuvre dem Thema Judith und Holofernes gewidmet hat, aber als erste Malerin auch dem Thema der Aktmalerei. Ihr großer Erfolg, auch unterstützt durch Papst Gregor XIII. sicherte ihr hohe Honorare, vergleichbar mit denen für Van Dyck. So folgten auch Familienporträts, etwa „Bianca Degli Utili Maselli mit ihren Kindern“. Die Künstlerin war eine italienische Malerin des Manierismus. Sie ist insbesondere für ihre Portraits und historischen Darstellungen sowie religiöse Motive bekannt. Ab den 1580er-Jahren malte sie auch großformatige Altarbilder. 1603 zog sie mit ihrer Familie auf Einladung des Papstes Clemens VII nach Rom und es folgten weitere Aufträge für Altargemälde sowie private Historienbilder. Sie war sehr erfolgreich und zählt zu den besten Malpersönlichkeiten ihrer Zeit. Anmerkung: Das kleine Gemälde ist laut beiliegenden Expertisen eine in Abwandlung des Formats geschaffene Wiederholung nach dem in den Uffizien in Florenz aufbewahrten Rundbild. Das Museumsexponat mit einem Durchmesser von 15,7 cm ist auf Kupfer gemalt und auf 1579 datiert. In beiden Bildern hat sich die Künstlerin nach links sitzend wiedergegeben, den Blick auf den Betrachter gerichtet. Kleidung, Halskrause und Haartracht sind in beiden Bildern entsprechend. Im Uffizien-Tondo ist ihre Hand mit Schreibfeder auf einem mit Papierbogen gezeigt, am Bildrand sowie im dunklen Hintergrund lassen sich Statuetten erkennen. Das hochquadratische Format hier dagegen verzichtet auf diese zusätzlichen Bildinhalte. Die Malweise zeigt sich in derselben Feinheit, die Silberplatte anstelle von Kupfer verrät hier eine besondere Wertgebung. Die Zuweisung des Gemäldes an die Malerin erfolgte 2009 durch Prof. Daniele Benati, der die Entstehung in den Zeitraum 1579/80 setzt, also in Nähe mit ihrem Selbstbildnis am Spinett von 1577, von dem es ebenfalls eine Wiederholung gibt (Christie‘s 2013). Beigegeben ein Aufsatz von T. Cantaro zum Thema der Selbstbildnisse im Spinett. Literatur: Vgl. Caroline P. Murphy, Lavinia Fontana. A Painter and Her Patrons in Sixteenth-Century Bologna, New Haven 2003. Vgl. Debra N. Mancoff, Frauen, die die Kunst veränderten, München 2012. Vgl. Leticia Ruiz Gómez (Hrsg.), A tale of two women painters. Sofonisba Anguissola and Lavinia Fontana, Madrid 2019. Vgl. Maria Teresa Cantaro, Lavinia Fontana. Il primo autoritratto alla Spinetta ritrovato e una breve disamina sugli autoritratti della pittrice, 2014. (1411057) (11) Lavinia Fontana, 1552 Bologna – 1614 Rome SELF-PORTRAIT Oil on silver copper. 14 x 10 cm. Accompanied by expert’s reports by Vera Fortunati; Prof Daniele Benati, 13 February 2009, in copy. The work will be included in the catalogue raisonné by Vera Fortunati, currently in preparation. Notes: According to the accompanying reports, the small painting is a repetition of the round painting held at the Uffizi in Florence, but in a different format. The museum exhibit, with a diameter of 15.7 cm, is painted on copper and dated 1579. In both paintings, the artist is depicted sitting to the left, looking at the viewer. Her attire, ruff and hairstyle are the same in both paintings. In the Uffizi tondo, her hand holding a quill is shown on a sheet of paper, and there are statuettes at the edge of the painting and in the dark background. By contrast the tall square format here dispenses with this additional image content. The painting style is just as delicate, and the material of a silver plate instead versus copper shows special appreciation here. Professor Daniele Benati attributed the painting to the female painter in 2009 and dated the painting to ca. 1579/80, close to her Self-portrait at the Spinet of 1577, of which there is also a repetition (Christie’s 2013). Attached is an essay by T. Cantaro about self-portraits at the spinet. Literature: cf. Caroline P. Murphy, Lavinia Fontana. A Painter and Her Patrons in Sixteenth-Century Bologna, New Haven 2003. cf. Debra N. Mancoff, Frauen, die die Kunst veränderten, Munich 2012. cf. Leticia Ruiz Gómez (ed.), A tale of two women painters. Sofonisba Anguissola and Lavinia Fontana. Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 2019. cf. Maria Teresa Cantaro, Lavinia Fontana. Il primo autoritratto alla Spinetta ritrovato e una breve disamina sugli autoritratti della pittrice. (†)

        Hampel Fine Art Auctions
      • Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy
        Aug. 03, 2024

        Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy

        Est: $6,000 - $12,000

        Oil painting, - Maria Magdalena washing Jesus Christ, Italy. Attributed to Lavinia Fontana. Other opinion: woman of Samaria at the well. Size of the stretcher: 17.8 x 11.75 inches = 44.5 cm x 29.8 cm. There is no frame. Weight of painting on stretcher: 520 g = 1 lb. 3 oz. Signature: none. Provenance: purchased at the big and reputable auction house in Italy. The last photo shows the full original painting of Maria Magdalena with Jesus Christ. Lavinia Fontana, (born 1552, Bologna [Italy]—died August 11, 1614, Rome), Italian painter of the Mannerist school and one of the most important portraitists in Bologna during the late 16th century. She was one of the first women to execute large, publicly commissioned figure paintings. Condition: very good for the age, natural aging of the oil paint; Low Estimate: $5,000; High Estimate: $10,000; Original: Yes;

        Eternity Gallery
      • Lavinia Fontana 1552 Bologna -1614 Roma, attribuito a Ritratto del Cardinal Cenci
        Jul. 05, 2024

        Lavinia Fontana 1552 Bologna -1614 Roma, attribuito a Ritratto del Cardinal Cenci

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000


        Cambi Casa d'Aste
        Jun. 18, 2024


        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        Giuditta e Oloferne Olio su tavola, cm 86,5X69,5 Provenienza: Roma, collezione privata La tavola mostra caratteri emiliani di fine Cinquecento, affinità con le creazioni di Lavinia Fontana (Bologna, 1552 ; Roma, 1614), ma anche una singolare suggestione nordica. Difatti, il tenore metallico delle stesure, l'energia espressiva e la pervicace attenzione nel descrivere i gioielli e i ricami delle vesti, suggeriscono il confronto con le creazioni di Denys Calvaert (Anversa, 1540 circa ; Bologna, 1619). Un valido parallelo ci viene offerto dalla Giuditta della Pinacoteca Stuard di Parma, nella quale osserviamo un volto somigliante con il medesimo sguardo, la forma indispettita delle labbra e un affine disegno delle mani e dei gesti (fig. 1). Altrettanto utile è il confronto con la Santa Cecilia della Galleria Nazionale di Parma, in cui sovvengono analoghe soluzioni sartoriali con l'uso di gioielli a guisa di spilla. Pertanto, l'opera a dispetto di una necessaria messa a punto della superficie, rivela un'alta qualità d'esecuzione, a sua volta avvalorata dalla preziosità dei pigmenti e della conduzione pittorica, contraddistinta da sapienti passaggi a velatura e cromie cangianti secondo la miglior arte fiamminga di gusto italianizzante. Come sappiamo, Calvaert lasciò Anversa in giovane età per recarsi in Italia e, raggiunta Bologna, fu allievo di Prospero Fontana e Lorenzo Sabatini, per poi soggiornare a Roma dal 1570 al 1572 per studiare le opere degli artisti rinascimentali. Tornato a Bologna aprì con successo la propria bottega creando opere in cui il possente colorismo dei manieristi fiamminghi si coniuga con la migliore tradizione italiana.

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy
        May. 11, 2024

        Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy

        Est: $5,000 - $10,000

        Oil painting, - Maria Magdalena washing Jesus Christ, Italy. Attributed to Lavinia Fontana. Other opinion: woman of Samaria at the well. Size of the stretcher: 17.8 x 11.75 inches = 44.5 cm x 29.8 cm. There is no frame. Weight of painting on stretcher: 520 g = 1 lb. 3 oz. Signature: none. Provenance: purchased at the big and reputable auction house in Italy. The last photo shows the full original painting of Maria Magdalena with Jesus Christ. Lavinia Fontana, (born 1552, Bologna [Italy]—died August 11, 1614, Rome), Italian painter of the Mannerist school and one of the most important portraitists in Bologna during the late 16th century. She was one of the first women to execute large, publicly commissioned figure paintings. Condition: very good for the age, natural aging of the oil paint; Low Estimate: $5,000; High Estimate: $10,000; Original: Yes;

        Eternity Gallery
      • Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy
        Jan. 14, 2024

        Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy

        Est: $5,000 - $10,000

        Oil painting, - Maria Magdalena washing Jesus Christ, Italy. Attributed to Lavinia Fontana. Other opinion: woman of Samaria at the well. Size of the stretcher: 17.8 x 11.75 inches = 44.5 cm x 29.8 cm. There is no frame. Weight of painting on stretcher: 520 g = 1 lb. 3 oz. Signature: none. Provenance: purchased at the big and reputable auction house in Italy. The last photo shows the full original painting of Maria Magdalena with Jesus Christ. Lavinia Fontana, (born 1552, Bologna [Italy]—died August 11, 1614, Rome), Italian painter of the Mannerist school and one of the most important portraitists in Bologna during the late 16th century. She was one of the first women to execute large, publicly commissioned figure paintings. Condition: very good for the age, natural aging of the oil paint; Low Estimate: $5,000; High Estimate: $10,000; Original: Yes;

        Eternity Gallery
      • Circle of LAVINIA FONTANA (Bologna, 1552-Rome, 1614). "Portrait of a gentleman," c. 1600. Oil on copper. It presents faults and restorations on the pictorial surface.
        Dec. 13, 2023

        Circle of LAVINIA FONTANA (Bologna, 1552-Rome, 1614). "Portrait of a gentleman," c. 1600. Oil on copper. It presents faults and restorations on the pictorial surface.

        Est: €4,000 - €4,500

        Circle of LAVINIA FONTANA (Bologna, 1552-Rome, 1614). "Portrait of a gentleman," c. 1600. Oil on copper. It presents faults and restorations on the pictorial surface. Measures: 5.8 x 5 cm. Portrait in miniature of a gentleman. The protagonist has been captured through a language based on the rigor of the drawing and the meticulous brushstroke. This portrait shows a composition typical of the early Baroque, with the model in the foreground, on a dark and neutral background that enhances her physical presence. The light treatment stands out at a formal level, very studied and contrasted. Thus, the figure is illuminated, standing out against the background, and the painter models the volumes and shapes through very elaborate half-lights. The brushstroke used is changing, much more precise, practically invisible, in the face, hair and bust. The technical quality and the pictorial style of the painting bring us closer to the production of the artist Lavinia Fontana, who was the daughter of the painter Prospero Fontana, who belonged to the school of Bologna. This fact meant that the artist was able to opt for an artistic education that was deprived or relatively scarce for the women of the time, limiting them even in the representative themes. Lavinia's style was very close to the aesthetic patterns of the Bologna school, which was characterized by a late mannerism, a style also practiced by her father. Already at a very young age, the artist achieved great recognition as a painter of small cabinet works that consisted mainly of portraits. In 1577 she married Gian Paolo Zappi, a well-to-do disciple of her father, which allowed him to continue painting during her marriage. The family moved to Rome in 1603, where she was admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts at the invitation of Pope Clement VII and thanks to her technical virtuosity, the artist obtained the protection and patronage of the Buoncampagni family. Gradually her style adapted to the classicist characteristics of the Carracci, contemporaries and protagonists of the Bolognese art scene, who with their academy defended the classicist postulates that left Mannerism behind. Lavinia Fontana was influenced by artists such as Correggio and Scipione Pulzone. Today his work is distributed among important private collections and relevant artistic centers among which are the Borguese Gallery in Rome, the Pitti Palace in Florence and the Escorial Monastery among many others.

        Setdart Auction House
      • Lavinia Fontana, 1552 Bologna – 1614 Rom, zugeschrieben
        Dec. 07, 2023

        Lavinia Fontana, 1552 Bologna – 1614 Rom, zugeschrieben

        Est: €8,000 - €10,000

        DIE MYSTISCHE VERMÄHLUNG DER HEILIGEN KATHARINA Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 115,5 x 99,5 cm. Ungerahmt. Beigegeben eine Expertise von Emilio Negro, Bologna, in Kopie vorliegend, das Gemälde an genannte Künstlerin zuschreibend. Vor einem braunen Vorhang Maria in rosa-blauem Gewand, den auf einem hellen Kissen mit goldenen Quasten sitzenden nackten Jesusknaben haltend, der gerade einen goldenen Ring an einen Finger der rechten Hand der Heiligen Katharina streift. Sie wird wiedergegeben in einem prachtvollen Kleid mit wertvollem Halsgebinde, einer goldenen Krone auf dem Haupt und einem ihr attributiv zugeordneten, mit Nägeln versehenen Rad am unteren rechten Rand. Beide schauen sich liebevoll an. Hinter Maria der stehende Josef, der diese Vermählung voller Aufmerksamkeit betrachtet. Malerei eines beliebten Themas in zurückhaltender Farbigkeit. Emilio Negro ordnet das vorliegende Gemälde den reifen Werken von Lavinia Fontana zu und nennt zudem in seiner Expertise Vergleiche. (1381602) (18)

        Hampel Fine Art Auctions
      • Lavinia Fontana 1552 Bologna -1614 Roma Ritratto di fanciullo con cagnolino
        Nov. 28, 2023

        Lavinia Fontana 1552 Bologna -1614 Roma Ritratto di fanciullo con cagnolino

        Est: €7,000 - €9,000

        firmato e datato in basso a destra: \LAVINIA FONTANA DE ZAPPIS PINGEBAT MDL...\"

        Cambi Casa d'Aste
      • Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy
        Oct. 28, 2023

        Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy

        Est: $5,000 - $10,000

        Oil painting, - Maria Magdalena washing Jesus Christ, Italy. Attributed to Lavinia Fontana. Other opinion: woman of Samaria at the well. Size of the stretcher: 17.8 x 11.75 inches = 44.5 cm x 29.8 cm. There is no frame. Weight of painting on stretcher: 520 g = 1 lb. 3 oz. Signature: none. Provenance: purchased at the big and reputable auction house in Italy. The last photo shows the full original painting of Maria Magdalena with Jesus Christ. Lavinia Fontana, (born 1552, Bologna [Italy]—died August 11, 1614, Rome), Italian painter of the Mannerist school and one of the most important portraitists in Bologna during the late 16th century. She was one of the first women to execute large, publicly commissioned figure paintings. Condition: very good for the age, natural aging of the oil paint; Low Estimate: $5,000; High Estimate: $10,000; Original: Yes;

        Eternity Gallery
      • LAVINIA FONTANA (Bologna, 1552-Rome, 1614). "Portrait of Francesco Panigarola. Oil on canvas. Relined. Signed and dated at lower right. "Lavinia Font. de Zappis Facie MDLXXXVI. Size: 148 x 111 cm; 170 x 134 cm (frame).
        Oct. 17, 2023

        LAVINIA FONTANA (Bologna, 1552-Rome, 1614). "Portrait of Francesco Panigarola. Oil on canvas. Relined. Signed and dated at lower right. "Lavinia Font. de Zappis Facie MDLXXXVI. Size: 148 x 111 cm; 170 x 134 cm (frame).

        Est: €450,000 - €500,000

        LAVINIA FONTANA (Bologna, 1552-Rome, 1614). "Portrait of Francesco Panigarola. Oil on canvas. Relined. Signed and dated at lower right. "Lavinia Font. de Zappis Facie MDLXXXVI. Size: 148 x 111 cm; 170 x 134 cm (frame). This portrait shows Francesco Panigarola, bishop of the city of Asti and author of the treatise "Del modo di comporre una predica" of 1599. Lavinia Fontana takes up the representation of the cleric, portrayed at the age of 38, already a year earlier in the signed and dated 1585, which can be seen in the Pitti Gallery in Florence. Both autograph versions are signed and dated, are very similar in composition, but are not exact replicas, as each work has variations (such as the architecture or the inkwell). This is a very exclusive piece, as only 32 dated and signed works by Lavinia Fontana are known to date. The painting depicts the friar of the Order of Friars Minor Observant Francesco Panigarola, preacher in several cities in northern Italy and bishop of Asti. Probably painted in Bologna, where Panigarola was located in 1585, it is evidence of Lavinia's adherence to Counter-Reformation painting. Fra Francesco Panigarola (Milan, 6 February 1548 - 31 May 1594, Asti) was a member of the order of the Minims and bishop of Asti of the Minims and bishop of Asti. A celebrated preacher in his native Milan and popular with laymen and scholars, his fervour and eloquence eventually turned him against Henry IV. Not surprisingly, Panigarola was a favourite of Carlo Borromeo. He was also a prolific author of several theological works, including a series of anti-Calvinist treatises. This portrait employs some of the same types of iconography and compositional motifs as other portraits of scholars by Lavinia. Pangarla is seated at a desk with a book, pen and inkwell. However, he is not simply in a study with books, but the background of the painting suggests instead that he is in a spiritual setting. The right-hand side of the background is a long corridor with arched, rectangular doors. That they perhaps form part of a cloister is suggested by the light source, which comes from the left, illuminating what must be open spaces along the corridor. Indeed, the use of light plays a narrative role in this portrait. Panigarola does not have the same air of relaxed geniality seen in Lavinia's portrait of a friar of 1581. He maintains eye contact with the viewer, but his face is serious and sombre, yet at the same time compassionate. He is positioned in front of a dark wall and his body is in shadow. However, his head and right hand are illuminated and it seems as if this light source radiates from the book on which Panigarola holds his right hand. As a man of manners, the book is undoubtedly a religious one and perhaps a work of Panigarola himself. In this way he receives divine illumination and his source of light comes from God. Panigarola, like other illustrious clients of Lavinia Fontana, left his approval in writing. Romeo Galli refers to a source, which unfortunately he does not cite, in which he records Panigarola as the author of the following sentence: "And it is true that, while over the centuries women have been able to compete with men in letters, in this century Lavinia does so in the most noble art of painting". Lavinia Fontana was the daughter of the painter Prospero Fontana, who belonged to the Bologna school. This fact meant that the artist was eligible for an artistic education that was deprived or relatively scarce for women of the time, limiting them even to representational subjects. Lavinia's style was very close to the aesthetic patterns of the Bologna school, which was characterised by a late Mannerism, a style also practised by her father.

        Setdart Auction House
        Sep. 22, 2023


        Est: CHF6,000 - CHF10,000

        (Bologna 1552–1614 Rom) Umkreis Portrait einer Edelfrau. Öl auf Leinwand. Verso Reste eines Etiketts "Monte dei Pa[schi] di Siena". 54x41 cm. Gerahmt.

        Schuler Auktionen
      • Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy
        Jul. 29, 2023

        Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy

        Est: $5,000 - $10,000

        Oil painting, - Maria Magdalena washing Jesus Christ, Italy. Attributed to Lavinia Fontana. Other opinion: woman of Samaria at the well. Size of the stretcher: 17.8 x 11.75 inches = 44.5 cm x 29.8 cm. There is no frame. Weight of painting on stretcher: 520 g = 1 lb. 3 oz. Signature: none. Provenance: purchased at the big and reputable auction house in Italy. The last photo shows the full original painting of Maria Magdalena with Jesus Christ. Lavinia Fontana, (born 1552, Bologna [Italy]—died August 11, 1614, Rome), Italian painter of the Mannerist school and one of the most important portraitists in Bologna during the late 16th century. She was one of the first women to execute large, publicly commissioned figure paintings. Condition: very good for the age, natural aging of the oil paint; Low Estimate: $5,000; High Estimate: $10,000; Original: Yes;

        Eternity Gallery
      • Lavinia Fontana Ritratto del Cardinal Cenci
        Jun. 27, 2023

        Lavinia Fontana Ritratto del Cardinal Cenci

        Est: €4,000 - €5,000


        Cambi Casa d'Aste
        Jun. 04, 2023


        Est: €15,000 - €20,000

        Lavinia Fontana (Italienne, 1552-1614) Portrait d'Antonietta Gonsalvus Toile. Haut. 54,5 Larg. 47 cm. (restaurations anciennes) Cadre ancien en bois sculpté et doré. Provenance : - collection du docteur Edgar Bérillon (Saint-Fargeau, 1859 - Paris, 1948), célèbre franc-maçon et psychiatre français, connu pour ses travaux sur l'hypnose, qui publia une intéressante "Étude psychologique et sociologique sur les femmes à barbe" dans La revue de l'hypnotisme (n°19, 1905), avec de nombreuses reproductions mais pas celle de cette oeuvre. - par descendance familiale, collection Berillon, Yonne. A 16th century portrait of Antonietta Gonsalvus attributed to Lavinia Fontana. In a carved giltwood frame. Le portrait de Tognina Gonsalvus à l’âge de 10 ans La jeune Antonietta Gonsalvus, aussi appelée Tognina Gonzales, est passée à la postérité grâce à son portrait à l’huile réalisé vers 1595 par la peintre bolonaise Lavinia Fontana (Musée des Beaux-Arts, château de Blois, n°997.1.1). Comme son père et la plupart de ses frères et sœurs, « Tognina » souffre d’hypertrichose, une maladie génétique provoquant une pilosité envahissante. En 1547, son père Pedro Gonzales, né à Ténérife et alors âgé de 10 ans, est offert au roi de France Henri II à l’occasion de son sacre. La possession de cet « homme sauvage » est source de prestige pour le monarque, qui lui attribue une partie du parc du château de Fontainebleau et l’élève avec les autres enfants de la Cour. Pedro prend alors le nom de Petrus Gonsalvus. Au décès du roi Henri II en 1559, il est marié à Catherine Raffelin, nourrissant la légende du conte « La belle et la bête ». Au décès de Catherine de Médicis en 1589, la famille Gonzalvus et ses sept enfants est envoyée en Italie, accueillie chez différents nobles. L’inscription en italien sur le feuillet que tient ici Antonietta, semblable à celle du portrait Blois, raconte le parcours familial : « Don Pietro, un homme sauvage découvert dans les iles Canaries, a été transporté chez son altesse sérénissime Henri, roi de France, et de là chez son excellence le Duc de Parme. C’est de lui que je suis issue, Antonietta, et que l’on me trouve aujourd’hui à la cour de Dame Isabella Pallavicina, l’honorable marquise de Soragna ». Le périple des Gonsalvus depuis la France vers l’Italie est connu grâce aux observations scientifiques qui sont réalisées à chaque étape. Merry Wiesner-Hanks l’a remarquablement documenté dans son ouvrage publié en 2009 aux presses de Yale : « The Marvelous Hairy Girls : The Gonzales Sisters and their Worlds ». A Bâle, le physicien Felix Platter étudie ainsi deux enfants et commande leurs portraits. Les tableaux seront ensuite envoyés à l’archiduc Ferdinand II et accrochés en son château d’Ambras, lequel donnera son nom au syndrome pileux représentés sur ces toiles. En 1594, Antonietta alors âgée d'une dizaine d'années est examinée à Bologne par Ulisse Aldrovandi, dont les notes scientifiques ne seront publiées qu’en 1642 dans l’ouvrage « Monstrorum Historia ». C’est à ce moment que son amie la peintre Lavinia Fontana, formée par Sophonisba Anguissola, réalise le portrait de Blois qu’elle signe. Fontana collabore alors en effet avec d’autres peintres, hommes et femmes, au projet éditorial à venir d’Aldrovandi, dont sont conservées 8.000 aquarelles. Sur l’une d’elles, un autre portrait ressemblant à celui d’Antonietta, avec les mêmes fleurs dans les cheveux et la même robe de brocard, diffère par son inscription : « Une femme poilue de vingt ans dont la tête ressemble à un singe, mais qui n'est pas poilue sur le reste du corps ». Suscitant la plus grande des curiosités de son vivant, allant de la crainte sauvage à la défiance animale en passant par le statut d’objets précieux offert en présent, Antonietta est une petite fille sans équivalent dans l’histoire de la peinture. L’apparition de cette toile inconnue, peinte par une artiste femme, est d’autant plus marquante qu’elle représente une enfant dont la trace disparait à la fin du XVIe siècle en Italie, alors même que se déroule au Musée des arts décoratif à Paris l’exposition évènement « Des cheveux et des poils ».

      • Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy
        May. 20, 2023

        Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy

        Est: $5,000 - $10,000

        Oil painting, - Maria Magdalena washing Jesus Christ, Italy. Attributed to Lavinia Fontana. Other opinion: woman of Samaria at the well. Size of the stretcher: 17.8 x 11.75 inches = 44.5 cm x 29.8 cm. There is no frame. Weight of painting on stretcher: 520 g = 1 lb. 3 oz. Signature: none. Provenance: purchased at the big and reputable auction house in Italy. The last photo shows the full original painting of Maria Magdalena with Jesus Christ. Lavinia Fontana, (born 1552, Bologna [Italy]—died August 11, 1614, Rome), Italian painter of the Mannerist school and one of the most important portraitists in Bologna during the late 16th century. She was one of the first women to execute large, publicly commissioned figure paintings. Condition: very good for the age, natural aging of the oil paint; Low Estimate: $5,000; High Estimate: $10,000; Original: Yes;

        Eternity Gallery
      • (seguace del XIX secolo)
        May. 13, 2023

        (seguace del XIX secolo)

        Est: -

        (seguace del XIX secolo) Cristo e la samaritana al pozzo Olio su tela, 103x77 cm

        Meeting Art Casa D'Aste
      • Attributed to LAVINIA FONTANA
        Mar. 31, 2023

        Attributed to LAVINIA FONTANA

        Est: CHF30,000 - CHF40,000

        Attributed to LAVINIA FONTANA (Bologna 1552–1614 Rome) Portrait of a man in a red and yellow brocade coat. Oil on copper. 15 cm D (round). Provenance: - With Haboldt, Paris. - Private collection, Germany. - Sale Christie's, London, 6.7.2007, Lot 221. - Sale Bonhams, London, 6.12.2017, Lot 24. - European private collection. --------------- LAVINIA FONTANA, zugeschrieben (Bologna 1552–1614 Rom) Porträt eines Mannes in einem roten und gelben Brokatjackett. Öl auf Kupfer. 15 cm D (rund). Provenienz: - Haboldt, Paris. - Privatsammlung, Deutschland. - Auktion Christie's, London, 6.7.2007, Los 221. - Auktion Bonhams, London, 6.12.2017, Los 24. - Europäische Privatsammlung. ---------------

        Koller Auctions
      • Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy
        Feb. 19, 2023

        Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy

        Est: $5,000 - $10,000

        Oil painting, - Maria Magdalena washing Jesus Christ, Italy. Attributed to Lavinia Fontana. Other opinion: woman of Samaria at the well. Size of the stretcher: 17.8 x 11.75 inches = 44.5 cm x 29.8 cm. There is no frame. Weight of painting on stretcher: 520 g = 1 lb. 3 oz. Signature: none. Provenance: purchased at the big and reputable auction house in Italy. The last photo shows the full original painting of Maria Magdalena with Jesus Christ. Lavinia Fontana, (born 1552, Bologna [Italy]—died August 11, 1614, Rome), Italian painter of the Mannerist school and one of the most important portraitists in Bologna during the late 16th century. She was one of the first women to execute large, publicly commissioned figure paintings. Condition: very good for the age, natural aging of the oil paint; Low Estimate: $5,000; High Estimate: $10,000; Original: Yes;

        Eternity Gallery
      • Fontana Lavinia attribuito a, Noli me tangere
        Dec. 14, 2022

        Fontana Lavinia attribuito a, Noli me tangere

        Est: €4,000 - €6,000

        olio su rame, W. 21 - H. 26 Cm

        Cambi Casa d'Aste
      • LAVINIA FONTANA (BOLOGNA 1552-1614 ROME) The Annunciation oil on canvas 34
        Dec. 09, 2022

        LAVINIA FONTANA (BOLOGNA 1552-1614 ROME) The Annunciation oil on canvas 34

        Est: £40,000 - £60,000

        LAVINIA FONTANA (BOLOGNA 1552-1614 ROME) The Annunciation oil on canvas 34 1/2 x 29 1/2 in. (87.6 x 75 cm.)

      • Lavinia Fontana, 1552 Bologna – 1614 Rom, zugeschrieben
        Dec. 08, 2022

        Lavinia Fontana, 1552 Bologna – 1614 Rom, zugeschrieben

        Est: €6,000 - €10,000

        Portrait eines jungen Adeligen Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 50,5 x 38,5 cm. In dekorativem Rahmen. Vor braunem Hintergrund der junge Mann, leicht nach rechts in rotem Gewand mit Stickerei und goldenen Knöpfen, darüber eine pelzverbrämte Weste und schließlich eine weiße Spitzenkrause um seinen Hals. Er hat hellbraunes Haar, leicht gerötete Wangen, einen roten Mund und mit seinen blauen Augen schaut er nachdenklich aus dem Bild heraus. Feine repräsentative Darstellung der insbesondere für ihre Portraits bekannten italienischen Malerin. (1340712) (18)

        Hampel Fine Art Auctions
      • Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy
        Dec. 04, 2022

        Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy

        Est: $5,000 - $10,000

        Oil painting, - Maria Magdalena washing Jesus Christ, Italy. Attributed to Lavinia Fontana. Other opinion: woman of Samaria at the well. Size of the stretcher: 17.8 x 11.75 inches = 44.5 cm x 29.8 cm. There is no frame. Weight of painting on stretcher: 520 g = 1 lb. 3 oz. Signature: none. Provenance: purchased at the big and reputable auction house in Italy. The last photo shows the full original painting of Maria Magdalena with Jesus Christ. Lavinia Fontana, (born 1552, Bologna [Italy]—died August 11, 1614, Rome), Italian painter of the Mannerist school and one of the most important portraitists in Bologna during the late 16th century. She was one of the first women to execute large, publicly commissioned figure paintings. Condition: very good for the age, natural aging of the oil paint; Low Estimate: $5,000; High Estimate: $10,000; Original: Yes;

        Eternity Gallery
      • Lavinia Fontana, Bologna 1552 - 1614 Rome, Circle of, Portrait of a young woman
        Nov. 15, 2022

        Lavinia Fontana, Bologna 1552 - 1614 Rome, Circle of, Portrait of a young woman

        Est: €800 - €1,000

        Lavinia Fontana Bologna 1552 - 1614 Rome, Circle of Portrait of a young woman Oil on copper 4,6 x 3,7 cm

        Tiberius Auctions
      • Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy
        Sep. 25, 2022

        Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy

        Est: $5,000 - $10,000

        Oil painting, - Maria Magdalena washing Jesus Christ, Italy. Attributed to Lavinia Fontana. Other opinion: woman of Samaria at the well. Size of the stretcher: 17.8 x 11.75 inches = 44.5 cm x 29.8 cm. There is no frame. Weight of painting on stretcher: 520 g = 1 lb. 3 oz. Signature: none. Provenance: purchased at the big and reputable auction house in Italy. The last photo shows the full original painting of Maria Magdalena with Jesus Christ. Lavinia Fontana, (born 1552, Bologna [Italy]—died August 11, 1614, Rome), Italian painter of the Mannerist school and one of the most important portraitists in Bologna during the late 16th century. She was one of the first women to execute large, publicly commissioned figure paintings. Condition: very good for the age, natural aging of the oil paint; Low Estimate: $5,000; High Estimate: $10,000; Original: Yes;

        Eternity Gallery
      • LAVINIA FONTANA (BOLOGNA 1552-1614 ROME) Portrait of a lady, bust-length, i
        Jul. 08, 2022

        LAVINIA FONTANA (BOLOGNA 1552-1614 ROME) Portrait of a lady, bust-length, i

        Est: £10,000 - £15,000

        LAVINIA FONTANA (BOLOGNA 1552-1614 ROME) Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in a gold embroidered bodice with a high... oil on copper, oval 2 1/4 x 1 3/4 in. (5.6 x 4.5 cm.)

      • Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy
        Jun. 26, 2022

        Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy

        Est: $5,000 - $10,000

        Oil painting, - Maria Magdalena washing Jesus Christ, Italy. Attributed to Lavinia Fontana. Other opinion: woman of Samaria at the well. Size of the stretcher: 17.8 x 11.75 inches = 44.5 cm x 29.8 cm. There is no frame. Weight of painting on stretcher: 520 g = 1 lb. 3 oz. Signature: none. Provenance: purchased at the big and reputable auction house in Italy. The last photo shows the full original painting of Maria Magdalena with Jesus Christ. Lavinia Fontana, (born 1552, Bologna [Italy]—died August 11, 1614, Rome), Italian painter of the Mannerist school and one of the most important portraitists in Bologna during the late 16th century. She was one of the first women to execute large, publicly commissioned figure paintings. Condition: very good for the age, natural aging of the oil paint; Low Estimate: $5,000; High Estimate: $10,000; Original: Yes;

        Eternity Gallery
      • Manner of Lavinia Fontana (Italian, 1552-1614) Portrait of a lady and her dog Oi
        Jun. 09, 2022

        Manner of Lavinia Fontana (Italian, 1552-1614) Portrait of a lady and her dog Oi

        Est: $1,500 - $2,500

        Manner of Lavinia Fontana (Italian, 1552-1614) Portrait of a lady and her dog Oil on copper 7-1/2 x 6-1/4 inches (19.1 x 15.9 cm) Property from the Estates of Ramon Osuna and Robert Lennon, Washington, D.C. HID01801242017

        Heritage Auctions
      • LAVINIA FONTANA (attr. a)
        Jun. 09, 2022

        LAVINIA FONTANA (attr. a)

        Est: €200 - €500

        (Bologna, 1552 - Roma, 1614) Ritratto di giovane donna Olio su rame, diam. cm 8 Lavinia Fontana, singolare pittrice che andava al pari delli primi uomini di quella professione (Avvisi Urbinati, Lat. 1077, c. 428 A-B in M. T. Cantaro, Lavinia Fontana Bolognese pittora singolare 1552-1614, Milano-Roma, 1989, p. 1), fu squisita interprete dell'arte bolognese tardo cinquecentesca allineata ai dettami del naturalismo controriformato. Figlia e allieva di Prospero Fontana, Lavinia esprime una spiccata predisposizione eclettica tipica del suo tempo e raggiunse assai presto una propria cifra stilistica, interessata alle influenze di carattere nordico e alle suggestioni carraccesche, ma la sua arte si svolse con costante evoluzione lungo tutto l'arco della carriera, in modo particolare dopo il trasferimento a Roma avvenuto nel 1603 su richiesta di Gregorio XIII. Nella città pontificia, grazie alla prestigiosa protezione, la pittrice oltre a produrre pale d'altare e opere a carattere profano si dedicò intensamente alla ritrattistica e, secondo Luigi Lanzi: più che da altri fu ambita dalle dame romane, le cui gale ritraea meglio che uomo'. A questi anni si daterebbe il rame in esame, caratterizzato da uno spiccato realismo e sprezzatura, giocata sul vivace contrasto cromatico della veste che si staglia sul fondo violaceo. Il volto, colto al naturale, presenta strette analogie con la coeva ritrattistica di Scipione Pulzone e Jacopo Zucchi. Bibliografia di riferimento: V. Fortunati, Lavinia Fontana (1552 - 1614), catalogo della mostra a cura di Vera Fortunati, Milano, 1994 C. P. Murphy, Lavinia Fontana. A Painter and Her Patrons in Sixteenth Century Bologna, New Haven, London, 2003, p. 89 V. Fortunati, Verso una storia delle donne artiste a Bologna tra il Rinascimento e del Barocco: Aggiunte e spiegazioni, in Donne Artiste italiane dal Rinascimento al Barocco, National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington DC, marzo ; luglio 2007, pp. 45-47

        Wannenes Art Auctions
        Jun. 09, 2022


        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        Ritratto di giovane Olio su tavola, cm 65,5X50 Il ritratto reca una attribuzione collezionistica a Lavinia Fontana (Bologna, 1552 - Roma, 1614). Figlia e allieva di Prospero Fontana, Lavinia esprime una spiccata predisposizione eclettica tipica del suo tempo e raggiunse assai presto una propria cifra stilistica, interessata alle influenze di carattere nordico e alle suggestioni carraccesche, ma la sua arte si svolse con costante evoluzione lungo tutto l'arco della carriera, in modo particolare dopo il trasferimento a Roma avvenuto nel 1603 su richiesta di Gregorio XIII. Nella città pontificia, grazie alla prestigiosa protezione, la pittrice oltre a produrre pale d'altare e opere a carattere profano si dedicò intensamente alla ritrattistica. Bibliografia di riferimento: M. T Cantaro, Lavinia Fontana pittora singolare, Roma 1989, ad vocem

        Wannenes Art Auctions
        May. 25, 2022


        Est: €4,000 - €5,000

        LAVINIA FONTANA, att. a (Bologna 1552 - Roma 1614) RITRATTO DI GIOVINETTA Olio su rame ovale, cm. 10,5 x 8,5 CONDIZIONI DEL DIPINTO Restauri diffusi sul fondo, sull'abito e parte del volto CORNICE Cornice ovale in legno dorato con bordo interno a palmette, del XIX secolo (felatura) Attribuzione del dipinto a favore di Lavinia Fontana espressa dalla Prof.ssa Sonia Cavicchioli che curerà la scheda critica sull'opera, come da comunicazione della proprietà.

        Casa d'Aste Babuino
        May. 10, 2022


        Est: £3,000 - £5,000

        ATTRIBUTED TO LAVINIA FONTANA (BOLOGNA 1552-1614 ROME) ATTRIBUTED TO LAVINIA FONTANA (BOLOGNA 1552-1614 ROME) Elegant Ladies as Praying Donors oil on canvas 105 x 67 cm (41 3/8 x 26 3/8 in)

        Chiswick Auctions
      • Circle of Lavinia Fontana (Bologna 1552-1614 Rome) Portrait of a boy, half-length, in a black doublet with white sleeves unframed
        Apr. 12, 2022

        Circle of Lavinia Fontana (Bologna 1552-1614 Rome) Portrait of a boy, half-length, in a black doublet with white sleeves unframed

        Est: £2,000 - £3,000

        Circle of Lavinia Fontana (Bologna 1552-1614 Rome) Portrait of a boy, half-length, in a black doublet with white sleeves inscribed and indistinctly dated 'AETATIS 4 AO **6' (on plinth, upper left) oil on panel 63.2 x 52.5cm (24 7/8 x 20 11/16in). unframed For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy
        Apr. 10, 2022

        Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy

        Est: $5,000 - $10,000

        Oil painting, - Maria Magdalena washing Jesus Christ, Italy. Attributed to Lavinia Fontana. Other opinion: woman of Samaria at the well. Size of the stretcher: 17.8 x 11.75 inches = 44.5 cm x 29.8 cm. There is no frame. Weight of painting on stretcher: 520 g = 1 lb. 3 oz. Signature: none. Provenance: purchased at the big and reputable auction house in Italy. The last photo shows the full original painting of Maria Magdalena with Jesus Christ. Lavinia Fontana, (born 1552, Bologna [Italy]—died August 11, 1614, Rome), Italian painter of the Mannerist school and one of the most important portraitists in Bologna during the late 16th century. She was one of the first women to execute large, publicly commissioned figure paintings. Condition: very good for the age, natural aging of the oil paint; Low Estimate: $5,000; High Estimate: $10,000; Original: Yes;

        Eternity Gallery
      • Attribué à Lavinia FONTANA Bologne, 1552 - Rome, 1614 Portrait d'homme tenant un livre Huile sur cuivre, de forme ronde
        Mar. 23, 2022

        Attribué à Lavinia FONTANA Bologne, 1552 - Rome, 1614 Portrait d'homme tenant un livre Huile sur cuivre, de forme ronde

        Est: €8,000 - €12,000

        Attribué à Lavinia FONTANA Bologne, 1552 - Rome, 1614 Portrait d'homme tenant un livre Huile sur cuivre, de forme ronde Trace d'inscription peu lisible au verso Diamètre : 10,50 cm (Restaurations anciennes) Portrait of a man holding a book, oil on copper, attr. to L. Fontana D. : 4,13 in. Provenance : Acquis par le grand-père de l'actuelle propriétaire dans les années 1920-30 ; Collection particulière, Paris Estimation 8 000 - 12 000 €

      • Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy
        Jan. 09, 2022

        Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy

        Est: $5,000 - $10,000

        Oil painting, - Maria Magdalena washing Jesus Christ, Italy. Attributed to Lavinia Fontana. Other opinion: woman of Samaria at the well. Size of the stretcher: 17.8 x 11.75 inches = 44.5 cm x 29.8 cm. There is no frame. Weight of painting on stretcher: 520 g = 1 lb. 3 oz. Signature: none. Provenance: purchased at the big and reputable auction house in Italy. The last photo shows the full original painting of Maria Magdalena with Jesus Christ. Lavinia Fontana, (born 1552, Bologna [Italy]—died August 11, 1614, Rome), Italian painter of the Mannerist school and one of the most important portraitists in Bologna during the late 16th century. She was one of the first women to execute large, publicly commissioned figure paintings. Condition: very good for the age, natural aging of the oil paint; Low Estimate: $5,000; High Estimate: $10,000; Original: Yes;

        Eternity Gallery
      • LAVINIA FONTANA (attr.) (1552/1614) "Ritratto di giovane donna" - "Portrait of a young woman"
        Dec. 15, 2021

        LAVINIA FONTANA (attr.) (1552/1614) "Ritratto di giovane donna" - "Portrait of a young woman"

        Est: €5,000 - €6,000

        Il dipinto di estrema qualità, è assimilabile alla produzione della famosa pittrice bolognese ed è databile intorno alla fine del secolo XVI. Olio su tela Cm 45x60 The painting of extreme quality is similar to the production of the famous Bolognese painter and can be dated around the end of the 16th century. Oil on canvas Cm 45x60

        Galleria Sarno
      • LAVINIA FONTANA (BOLOGNA 1552-1614 ROME) Portrait of Bianca Lucia Aliprandi
        Dec. 07, 2021

        LAVINIA FONTANA (BOLOGNA 1552-1614 ROME) Portrait of Bianca Lucia Aliprandi

        Est: £100,000 - £150,000

        LAVINIA FONTANA (BOLOGNA 1552-1614 ROME) Portrait of Bianca Lucia Aliprandi, née Crivelli, three-quarter-length, in a black brocade dress, with a jewelled necklace and fur muff oil on canvas 44 ¾ x 37…

      • Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy
        Oct. 24, 2021

        Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy

        Est: $5,000 - $10,000

        Oil painting, - Maria Magdalena washing Jesus Christ, Italy. Attributed to Lavinia Fontana. Other opinion: woman of Samaria at the well. Size of the stretcher: 17.8 x 11.75 inches = 44.5 cm x 29.8 cm. There is no frame. Weight of painting on stretcher: 520 g = 1 lb. 3 oz. Signature: none. Provenance: purchased at the big and reputable auction house in Italy. The last photo shows the full original painting of Maria Magdalena with Jesus Christ. Lavinia Fontana, (born 1552, Bologna [Italy]—died August 11, 1614, Rome), Italian painter of the Mannerist school and one of the most important portraitists in Bologna during the late 16th century. She was one of the first women to execute large, publicly commissioned figure paintings. Condition: very good for the age, natural aging of the oil paint; Low Estimate: $5,000; High Estimate: $10,000; Original: Yes;

        Eternity Gallery
      • ATTRIBUTED TO LAVINIA FONTANA (BOLOGNA 1552-1614 ROME) The Adoration of th
        Oct. 14, 2021

        ATTRIBUTED TO LAVINIA FONTANA (BOLOGNA 1552-1614 ROME) The Adoration of th

        Est: $30,000 - $50,000

        ATTRIBUTED TO LAVINIA FONTANA (BOLOGNA 1552-1614 ROME) The Adoration of the Shepherds oil on canvas 13 ¾ x 12 in. (35 x 30.6 cm.)

        Oct. 07, 2021


        Est: $200 - $600

        3/4 length portrait of Pope Gregory XII (1502-1585) after the Italian artist Lavinia Fontana. Sitter identified in the lower right (partially lost due to damage). Unframed. Original canvas and stretchers. From the collection of Dr. and Lila Esfahani, Grand Blanc, MI.

      • Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy
        Aug. 01, 2021

        Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy

        Est: $5,000 - $10,000

        Oil painting, - Maria Magdalena washing Jesus Christ, Italy. Attributed to Lavinia Fontana. Other opinion: woman of Samaria at the well. Size of the stretcher: 17.8 x 11.75 inches = 44.5 cm x 29.8 cm. There is no frame. Weight of painting on stretcher: 520 g = 1 lb. 3 oz. Signature: none. Provenance: purchased at the big and reputable auction house in Italy. The last photo shows the full original painting of Maria Magdalena with Jesus Christ. Lavinia Fontana, (born 1552, Bologna [Italy]—died August 11, 1614, Rome), Italian painter of the Mannerist school and one of the most important portraitists in Bologna during the late 16th century. She was one of the first women to execute large, publicly commissioned figure paintings. Condition: very good for the age, natural aging of the oil paint; Low Estimate: $5,000; High Estimate: $10,000; Original: Yes;

        Eternity Gallery
      • Lavinia Fontana (Bologne 1552-1614 Rome) - Portrait en pied d'un jeune garçon, avec son chien
        Jun. 16, 2021

        Lavinia Fontana (Bologne 1552-1614 Rome) - Portrait en pied d'un jeune garçon, avec son chien

        Est: €60,000 - €100,000

        Lavinia Fontana (Bologne 1552-1614 Rome) Portrait en pied d'un jeune garçon, avec son chien huile sur toile 228 x 146 cm.

      • Lavinia Fontana (Bologna 1552 - Roma 1614), attribuito a, Gentildonne in veste di committenti
        Jun. 16, 2021

        Lavinia Fontana (Bologna 1552 - Roma 1614), attribuito a, Gentildonne in veste di committenti

        Est: €2,000 - €4,000

        frammento a olio su tela, cm 105x67

        Cambi Casa d'Aste
      • Lavinia Fontana: Minerva
        Jun. 02, 2021

        Lavinia Fontana: Minerva

        Est: €6,000 - €8,000

        FONTANA, LAVINIA 1552 Bologna - 1614 Rome Circle Title: Minerva. Technique: Oil on canvas. Mounting: Relined. Measurement: 149 x 116cm. Frame/Pedestal: Framed. Verso: On the stretcher an old attribution to Alessandro Varotari. Provenance: Private ownership, Germany. The Bolognese painter Lavinia Fontana is known for her portraits and devotional scenes. In addition to these genres, she also created some paintings with profane, more erotic-mythological themes. Galatea, Venus and Minerva are the heroines of these paintings. Minerva in particular was considered the subject of two paintings created around 1604 (Bologna, private collection) and 1613 (Rome, Galleria Borghese, inv. no. 7). In both paintings the goddess is depicted naked or with a transparent curtain allowing a view of her body. She is three-quarters turned towards the viewer. With her hands she lifts a tunic she is about to put on; shield and armour lie at her feet. The present painting is a derivative of the first version with the naked Minerva, painted by an artist active in the first half of the 17th century, probably from the circle of Lavinia Fontana herself. The first version was so popular, in fact, that a poem entitled "La Pallade ignuda della famosa pittrice Lavinia Fontana [The naked Minerva of the famous painter Lavinia Fontana]" was dedicated to it, written in Rome in 1605 by Ottaviano Rabasco. Perhaps the poem made the painting so famous that it was copied or derived in the first decades of the 17th century and that Lavinia Fontana executed a second version with a naked Minerva a decade later. We are grateful to Daniele Benati, Bologna, Maria Teresa Cantaro, Rome and Patrizia Tosini, Rome, for confirming the attribution of the present painting on the basis of a high-resolution digital photograph.

        Van Ham Kunstauktionen
      • LAVINIA FONTANA Bologna 1552 - 1614 Portrait of Lucia Bonasoni Garzoni. 1590 Oil on canvas Inscribed: LUCIA BONAS: A D, GARZO [N] / ANNO ÆTATS SUE / XXVIII [I] Measures 113.5 x 87.5 cm
        May. 18, 2021

        LAVINIA FONTANA Bologna 1552 - 1614 Portrait of Lucia Bonasoni Garzoni. 1590 Oil on canvas Inscribed: LUCIA BONAS: A D, GARZO [N] / ANNO ÆTATS SUE / XXVIII [I] Measures 113.5 x 87.5 cm

        Est: €50,000 - €100,000

        LAVINIA FONTANA Bologna 1552 - 1614 Portrait of Lucia Bonasoni Garzoni. 1590 Oil on canvas Inscribed: LUCIA BONAS: A D, GARZO [N] / ANNO ÆTATS SUE / XXVIII [I] Measures 113.5 x 87.5 cm Origin: - Catalog of oggetti antichi d’arte e d’ammobiliamento, bronzi, placchette, maioliche, armi, mobili, tappeti, sculture, terre cotte, stucchi, quadri di tutte le epoche; Sell ​​to the public incanto presso l’impresa C. Galardelli, Firenze, via del Giglio, 11, Firenze nei giorni 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 Maggio 1914, ad ore 15 precise, catalog no. 9, anno XXVI, 1913-14, Milano 1914, mercoledì 13 maggio 1914, lot. 49. - Particular collection.

        Subastas Segre
      • Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy
        May. 16, 2021

        Maria Magdalena & Jesus, Attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), Italy

        Est: $5,000 - $10,000

        Oil painting, - Maria Magdalena washing Jesus Christ, Italy. Attributed to Lavinia Fontana. Size of the stretcher: 17.8 x 11.75 inches = 44.5 cm x 29.8 cm. There is no frame. Weight of painting on stretcher: 520 g = 1 lb. 3 oz. Signature: none. Provenance: purchased at the big and reputable auction house in Italy. The last photo shows the full original painting of Maria Magdalena with Jesus Christ. Lavinia Fontana, (born 1552, Bologna [Italy]—died August 11, 1614, Rome), Italian painter of the Mannerist school and one of the most important portraitists in Bologna during the late 16th century. She was one of the first women to execute large, publicly commissioned figure paintings. Condition: very good for the age, natural aging of the oil paint; Low Estimate: $5,000; High Estimate: $10,000; Original: Yes;

        Eternity Gallery
      Lots Per Page: