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Ferraù Fenzoni Sold at Auction Prices


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  • Ferraù Fenzoni 1562 Faenza-1645 Faenza, attribuito a Studio per figura giacente
    Jun. 13, 2024

    Ferraù Fenzoni 1562 Faenza-1645 Faenza, attribuito a Studio per figura giacente

    Est: €600 - €800


    Cambi Casa d'Aste
    Apr. 01, 2022


    Est: CHF12,000 - CHF18,000

    FERRAÙ FENZONI (1562 Faenza 1645) Saint John the Baptist. Circa 1590. Oil on canvas. 32.2 × 25.4 cm. Provenance: - Private collection, Trier, Germany, ca. 1980–2013. - European private collection. Our thanks to Dr Guiseppe Scavizzi who has confirmed the authenticity of this work on the basis of a photograph. He assumes it to be an early work by Ferraù Fenzoni. The painting is auctioned together with a drawing by Ferraù Fenzoni (red chalk, pen and brush and brown ink on paper, 30 × 20.5 cm) with the same motif and the inscription: "Ferrau Fenzonio da Faenza invt. esque...imp. da Fran. Villamena..." --------------- FERRAÙ FENZONI (1562 Faenza 1645) Heiliger Johannes der Täufer. Um 1590. Öl auf Leinwand. 32,2 × 25,4 cm. Provenienz: - Privatsammlung Trier, Deutschland, ca. 1980–2013. - Europäische Sammlung. Dr. Guiseppe Scavizzi bestätigt die Eigenhändigkeit anhand einer Fotografie, wofür wir ihm danken, und vermutet eine Entstehung im Frühwerk von Ferraù Fenzoni. Das Gemälde wird zusammen mit einer Zeichnung (Rötel, Feder und Pinsel in Braun auf Papier, 30 × 20,5 cm) selbigen Motivs und der Inschrift: "Ferrau Fenzonio da Faenza invt. esque...imp. da Fran. Villamena..." von Ferraù Fenzoni versteigert. Die Komposition findet sich ferner in einem Kupferstich von Francesco Villamena (31,9 × 24,4 cm, London, British Museum, Department of prints and drawings, siehe Giuseppe Scavizzi, Nicolas Schwed: Ferraù Fenzoni as a painter / as a draughtsman, Todi 2006, S. 364, Nr. S 5) wiederholt, die 1613 datiert ist. Ferraù Fenzonis künstlerischer Stil bewegt sich zwischen Manierismus und Barock. Seine starke Charakterisierung der Figuren scheint vor allem vom Manierismus der nördlichen Niederlande geprägt, erwähnt seien Hendrick Goltzius (1558–1617) und Bartholomäus Spranger (1546–1611). Ihre Arbeiten und die anderer manieristischer Zeitgenossen waren durch Kupferstiche verbreitet und bekannt. Auf diese Weise wurden Künstler wie Fenzoni mit einer modernen Auffassung des Manierismus vertraut, die einen hoch realistischen und expressiven Sinn für das Detail mit fantastischen Kompositionen verband. Ein Vergleich von Kupferstichen aus der Hand von Goltzius mit Arbeiten Fenzonis zeigt einen ähnlichen Hang zur Übertreibung von körperlichen Eigenschaften. Fenzonis Werke sind z. T. geprägt von einer extremen Stilisierung. Die Figuren sind nah am Betrachter bzw. zu ihm gerichtet, ihre Körper werden durch eine starke, schlagschattenartige Beleuchtung betont und vor einem dunklen Hintergrund hervorgehoben; Muskeln, Proportionen und Gestik und Mimik werden überspitzt wiedergegeben, sodass von einem „expressiven Manierismus“ gesprochen werden kann. Hier dargestellt ist Johannes der Täufer als Büsser in der Wüste. Er ist als Halbfigur nach rechts gezeigt. Johannes trägt kinnlanges Haar und Bart. Ein Fell und ein rotes Tuch bekleiden seinen hageren Körper. An seiner Brust lehnt der Kreuzesstab mit weißem Tuch, das die Beschriftung „ECCE“ erkennen lässt. Der Täufer stützt sich auf einen im Vordergrund angedeuteten Felsblock, auf dem eine Schale mit Henkel und Überreste einer Heuschrecke liegen. Ein Heiligenschein hinterfängt sein Haupt. Während Johannes verzückt den Himmel, zu einer Lichterscheinung, blickt, greift er mit der linken Hand an seine Brust und deutet mit der anderen zum Betrachter. Die Wüste wird im Hintergrund durch kargen Bewuchs und schroffe Felsformationen angedeutet.

    Koller Auctions
  • Ferraù Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645) The Death of Lucretia black chalk, pen and brown ink, brown wash, pricked for transfer 9 7/8 x 9 7/8 in. (25 x 25 cm)
    Jul. 02, 2019

    Ferraù Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645) The Death of Lucretia black chalk, pen and brown ink, brown wash, pricked for transfer 9 7/8 x 9 7/8 in. (25 x 25 cm)

    Est: £10,000 - £15,000

    Ferraù Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645) The Death of Lucretia with inscription ‘R (?) Iulio Romano fecit inv.’ black chalk, pen and brown ink, brown wash, pricked for transfer 9 7/8 x 9 7/8 in. (25 x 25 cm)

  • FERRAÙ FENZONI | A young man standing in profile to the right
    Jan. 30, 2019

    FERRAÙ FENZONI | A young man standing in profile to the right

    Est: $5,000 - $7,000

    Black chalk and stumping; bears calculations in pen and brown ink, verso

  • FERRAÙ FENZONI (FAENZA 1562-1645) A seated boy holding a book and looking upwards
    Jan. 24, 2017

    FERRAÙ FENZONI (FAENZA 1562-1645) A seated boy holding a book and looking upwards

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    FERRAÙ FENZONI (FAENZA 1562-1645) A seated boy holding a book and looking upwards black chalk 8 ¼ x 6 1/8 in. (21 x 15.6 cm.)

  • Ferrau Fenzoni (Italian, 1562-1645) Saint John the Baptist in the Wilderness
    Oct. 14, 2015

    Ferrau Fenzoni (Italian, 1562-1645) Saint John the Baptist in the Wilderness

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    Ferrau Fenzoni (Italian, 1562-1645) Saint John the Baptist in the Wilderness Inscribed Ferrau Fenzonio da Faenza invt. esque. . . imp. da Fran: Villamena . . . below the image; bears the collector's mark of Henry Scipio Reitlinger (1882-1950; Lugt 2274a) on a tiny label glued to the verso Brown ink and wash over red chalk on oatmeal paper Full sheet 12 3/8 x 8 1/8 (31 x 20.5 cm); image 11 3/4 x 8 1/8 inches (30 x 20.5 cm) Unframed This appears to be the preliminary drawing for a painting by Fenzoni of the same subject now at Galen Gallery in Greven, Germany. As the inscription notes, the composition was also engraved by Francesco Villamena, most unusually, in the same sense as the drawing and the painting. C 

    DOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers
  • * Attributed to Ferrau Fenzoni, (Italian, 1562-1645), Portrait of a Young King
    Sep. 28, 2014

    * Attributed to Ferrau Fenzoni, (Italian, 1562-1645), Portrait of a Young King

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    Attributed to Ferrau Fenzoni (Italian, 1562-1645) Portrait of a Young King red and black chalk inscribed Feder (lower right) 13 3/8 x 8 1/2 inches.

  • Circle of Ferrau Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645 Rome) Santa Lucia in Gloria 57 x 52in unframed
    Nov. 10, 2013

    Circle of Ferrau Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645 Rome) Santa Lucia in Gloria 57 x 52in unframed

    Est: -

    Circle of Ferrau Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645 Rome) Santa Lucia in Gloria 57 x 52in unframed

    Jul. 04, 2013


    Est: £80,000 - £120,000

    FAENZA  1562  -  1645 THE  BEHEADING  OF  SAINT  JOHN  THE  BAPTIST oil  on  canvas 107  by  130  cm.;  42  1/8    by  51  1/8    in.

  • Ferraú Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645)
    Jan. 31, 2013

    Ferraú Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645)

    Est: $7,000 - $10,000

    Ferraú Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645) A man wearing a cape standing in profile facing right black chalk 15½ x 7¼ in. (39.4 x 18.3 cm.)

  • Studio of Ferrau Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645 Rome)
    Nov. 27, 2012

    Studio of Ferrau Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645 Rome)

    Est: £1,200 - £1,800

    The Holy Family oil on panel, unframed 72.1 x 64.2cm (28 3/8 x 25 1/4in).

  • Studio of Ferrau Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645 Rome)
    May. 02, 2012

    Studio of Ferrau Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645 Rome)

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    The Holy Family oil on panel 72.1 x 64.2cm (28 3/8 x 25 1/4in). unframed

    Jan. 26, 2012


    Est: $80,000 - $120,000

    FAENZA 1562 - 1645 HOLY FAMILY oil on canvas 62 1/8 by 51 5/8 in.; 158 by 131 cm.

  • Ferrau Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645 Rome) God the Father with cherubs unframed
    Jul. 06, 2011

    Ferrau Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645 Rome) God the Father with cherubs unframed

    Est: £5,000 - £7,000

    God the Father with cherubs oil on canvas 107.5 x 95.1cm (42 5/16 x 37 7/16in). unframed

  • Ferrau Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645)
    Jul. 16, 2010

    Ferrau Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645)

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    Ferrau Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645) A reclining male nude with outspread arms with inscription 'ferau' black and white chalk on light brown paper, a small area made up at the top edge and at lower right 5 5/8 x 8 3/8 in. (14.4 x 21 cm.)

  • FERRAU FENZONI (1562-1645)ATTRIBUE ASainte Famille.Panneau parqueté.36,7 x 27,7 cm.
    Dec. 19, 2009

    FERRAU FENZONI (1562-1645)ATTRIBUE ASainte Famille.Panneau parqueté.36,7 x 27,7 cm.

    Est: €15,000 - €20,000

    FERRAU FENZONI (1562-1645)ATTRIBUE ASainte Famille.Panneau parqueté.36,7 x 27,7 cm.

    Leclere - Maison de ventes
  • Ferraù Fenzoni , Faenza 1562 - 1645 the madonna and child borne aloft by putti Pen and brown ink with touches of white heightening (partly oxidised); bears old attribution on backing sheet: P. Veronese (Capo d'opera)
    Jan. 28, 2009

    Ferraù Fenzoni , Faenza 1562 - 1645 the madonna and child borne aloft by putti Pen and brown ink with touches of white heightening (partly oxidised); bears old attribution on backing sheet: P. Veronese (Capo d'opera)

    Est: $12,000 - $16,000

    Pen and brown ink with touches of white heightening (partly oxidised); bears old attribution on backing sheet: P. Veronese (Capo d'opera)

  • The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist
    Jul. 03, 2007

    The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    Ferraù Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645) The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist black chalk, pen and brown ink, losses 7 x 9 in. (178 x 228 mm.)

  • Ferraù Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645)
    Jul. 04, 2006

    Ferraù Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645)

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    A cavalry battle with inscription 'H' black chalk, pen and brown ink, brown wash, watermark encircled pilgrim (?), losses, on a 19th Century Italian mount with attribution 'Della Scuola Fiaminga Antica' 10 3/8 x 15 3/4 in. (263 x 402 mm.)

  • Ferrau Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645)
    Jul. 09, 2003

    Ferrau Fenzoni (Faenza 1562-1645)

    Est: £8,000 - £12,000

    oil on canvas

  • FERRAU FENZONI (Feanza 1562-1645)
    Jan. 26, 2001

    FERRAU FENZONI (Feanza 1562-1645)

    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    The Entombment with inscription on the reverse 'Eques Ferra— Fenzoni'Faentin' inventor Ecco morto il tuo Dio, J(?)ch, cosi duro almeno Se non si chiede ahilafo(?). Duriformo cor mio. che non l'accogli in seno Per dargli sepoltura, altro ch'un safo Fed. Grutter incid. 1640.' oil on copper, unframed 81/2 x 91/2 in. (21.5 x 24.1 cm.) PROVENANCE Camillo Laderchi, Rome, 1629. ENGRAVED Johan Friedrich Greuter, 1640 (Hollstein 3). LITERATURE G.M. Valgimigli, 'Cenni biografici intorno al Cav. Ferra— Fenzoni Pittore', Atti e memorie della Reggia Deputazione di Storia Patria Romagna, 1877, p. 146. NOTES There is no documentation pertaining to Ferra— Fenzoni's training as an artist. His first known works date from the late 1580s in Rome when he was already in his late twenties, and his most important commission is the small chapel of San Francesco in the Church of Santa Maria in Trastevere. He also collaborated with other artists on commissions in the Vatican, San Giovanni in Laterano and Santa Maria Maggiore. In 1593 he left for Todi in Umbria, where he worked for six years and, in 1599, returned to Faenza. He lived there for the remaining forty-five years of his life, devoting most of his time to drawing rather than painting. This newly discovered copper is one of the very few works executed in the later period of his life. Its small size and refinement are similar to the type of drawings Fenzoni produced at the time. It was painted in 1629 for Camillo Laderchi, a fellow citizen from Faenza then living in Rome. On 30 May 1629 Fenzoni responded as follows in a letter to Laderchi accepting the commission: 'My soul, recognizing the honor your Lordship bestows upon me, gives me the resolution to make this small sketch that I will send to you in Rome, where so many pilgrims live, without considering the danger to paint a commission in my poor state of eyesight' (G.M Valgimigli, loc. cit. ). The picture was engraved by Johan Friedrich Greuter in 1640 (fig. 1), although the engraving is cut slightly on both sides. The rather elaborate space left on the copper for an inscription (recorded on the verso of the copper) was not copied onto the engraving. SALESROOM NOTICE Please note that the illustration for the present lot is incorrectly numbered 138 in the sale catalogue. It should be number 139.

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