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Paolo Farinati Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Etcher, b. 1524 - d. 1606

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      • Farinati, Paolo (Verona 1524-1606 ebda.),
        Jun. 19, 2024

        Farinati, Paolo (Verona 1524-1606 ebda.),

        Est: €260 - €400

        Venus und Amor. Radierung. In der Platte dat. 1566, nicht sign., bei Pietro Stephanoni (in Rom), um 1625. 27,5 x 26 cm. (47) - Bartsch XVI, 96, 6, II. Le Blanc II, 219, 5, II (mit der Adresse von Stephanoni).

        Zisska & Lacher
        Jun. 18, 2024


        Est: €5,000 - €8,000

        (Verona, 1559 - 1616) PAOLO FARINATI (Verona, 1524 - 1606) Madonna con il Bambino e San Giovannino Olio su tela, cm 83X75,5 Provenienza: Torino, collezione privata Allievo di Nicola Giolfino secondo il Vasari, ma certamente formatosi nella bottega paterna, Paolo Farinati guardò al raffaellismo di Giulio Romano per poi esprimere una similitudine espressiva con il più giovane Paolo Veronese. La tela in esame, di fatto, esprime una comune sensibilità pittorica, senza dimenticare l'influenza di Domenico Brusasorci, per l'intonazione cromatica di argentea luminosità. Per quanto riguarda l'intervento del figlio Orazio, è chiaro trattarsi di un distinguo filologico difficile da dirimere, ma inevitabile per una corretta presentazione e lettura dell'opera. La sua personalità e il suo catalogo, infatti, sono ancora da delineare e comprendere, ma, nel nostro caso, la diversa conduzione del fondale e degli angeli che sorreggono il tessuto alle spalle della Vergine e le stesure, obbligano a riflettere sul suo intervento. Detto ciò, si deve prendere atto di come funzionasse una bottega cinquecentesca e ribadire che Orazio coadiuvasse il padre, in modo particolare per questo genere di opere destinate a una committenza privata e alla domestica devozione. Fatte queste considerazioni e valutando il tenore dell'opera si può quindi supporre che sia stata eseguita tra l'ottavo e il nono decennio. Ringraziamo Giorgio Fossaluzza per l'attribuzione su base fotografica. Bibliografia di riferimento: Paolo Farinati, 1524 ; 1606, dipinti, incisioni e disegni per l'architettura, a cura di G. Marini, P. Marini, F. Rossi, Venezia 2005, ad vocem

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • Farinati, Paolo (Verona 1524-1606 ebda.),
        Jun. 07, 2024

        Farinati, Paolo (Verona 1524-1606 ebda.),

        Est: €260 - €400

        Venus und Amor. Radierung. In der Platte dat. 1566, nicht sign., bei Pietro Stephanoni (in Rom), um 1625. 27,5 x 26 cm. (47) - Bartsch XVI, 96, 6, II. Le Blanc II, 219, 5, II (mit der Adresse von Stephanoni).

        Zisska & Lacher
      • Farinati, Paolo: Der trunkene Satyr, von Putti gestützt von einer Ziege fallend
        May. 29, 2024

        Farinati, Paolo: Der trunkene Satyr, von Putti gestützt von einer Ziege fallend

        Est: €700 - €900

        Der trunkene Satyr, von Putti gestützt von einer Ziege fallend. Radierung. 13,1 x 39,5 cm. B. 9 II. Wz. Doppeladler mit Krone. Von der Hand des Veroneser Malers und äußerst produktiven Zeichners Paolo Farinati verzeichnet Bartsch nur zehn Radierungen, sämtlich mit dem Monogramm und einer Schnecke signiert, deren Bedeutung bis heute nicht aufgelöst werden konnte. Farinatis Graphiken zeigen eine für ihn typische Neigung zur michelangelesken Monumentalität der Figuren. Mit der von Bartsch genannten Adresse des Augsburger Verlegers Wilhelm Peter Zimmermann (stirbt 1630). Ausgezeichneter, teils etwas zarter Druck mit Fehlätzungen in den oberen Ecken und Plattenton in den unteren, mit schmalen Rändchen an den Längsseiten sowie breiten Rändern unten und oben. Zwei geglättete vertikale Falten, die linke alt hinterlegt, sowie eine Diagonalfalte in der linken unteren Ecke. Außerhalb der Darstellung in den weißen Rändern drei Wurmlöchlein, oben rechts Quetschfalten vom Druck, etwas fleckig, die fehlende linke untere Ecke alt ergänzt, alle vier Ecken verso hinterlegt. Insgesamt in guter Erhaltung. Selten. Aus dem Nachlass von Tilman Falk, Neusäss. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Farinati, Orazio
        May. 04, 2024

        Farinati, Orazio

        Est: €300 - €450

        (1559 Verona nach 1616) zugeschrieben. Maria mit dem Kind u. dem Johannesknaben in einer Landschaft mit Ruine. Radierung n. Paolo Farinati (1524-1606). Blgr. 16,4 x 27,1 cm. Mit dem Monogr. "P.F." i.d. Platte unt. li. Meist mit schmalem Rändchen um die Einfassung. B. 4. Vgl. Rijksmuseum RP-P-OB-36.063. - Etw. angestaubt, stellenw. etw. fleckig, 1 winziges Löchlein im Haar von Jesus. Verso undeutl. Sammlungsstempel. R

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • Paolo Farinati (Verona 1524-1606) Study of a woman and a child
        Apr. 10, 2024

        Paolo Farinati (Verona 1524-1606) Study of a woman and a child

        Est: £1,500 - £2,000

        Paolo Farinati (Verona 1524-1606) Study of a woman and a child bears inscription 'Paulo Farinato' (lower left) pen and brown ink on blue laid paper, verso studies of a vase and figures in black chalk 13.5 x 7.4cm (5 5/16 x 2 15/16in).

      • Galatea
        Jan. 31, 2024


        Est: $18,000 - $22,000

        Paolo Farinati Verona 1524 - 1606 Galatea pen and brown ink and wash over black chalk, heightened with white; inscribed in brown ink, lower right: galatea bears old attribution and numbering, verso: P. Farinato 4.1 and further numbering and attribution, verso: 842 P. Farin...(see Provenance) 11 by 5 ½ in.; 277 by 141 mm

      • Miracolo di san Bartolomeo apostolo che libera un ossesso
        Nov. 18, 2023

        Miracolo di san Bartolomeo apostolo che libera un ossesso

        Est: -

        (ambito di) Miracolo di san Bartolomeo apostolo che libera un ossesso Olio su tela, 130x96,5 cm; cornice antica.

        Meeting Art Casa D'Aste
      • PAOLO FARINATI (1524-1606) (A
        Nov. 14, 2023

        PAOLO FARINATI (1524-1606) (A

        Est: -

        Paolo Farinati (1524-1606) (attrib.), Crucifixion, woodcut with narrow margin around the border line, verso Latin text in red and black, monogrammed ''P.F.'' in the lower left stick, 19 x 14 cm, fly mounted on cardboard 43 x 32 cm

        Historia Auctionata
      • Paolo Farinati, 1524 Verona – 1606
        Sep. 28, 2023

        Paolo Farinati, 1524 Verona – 1606

        Est: €4,000 - €5,000

        DER SÜNDENFALL, UM 1600 Zeichnung/ Mischtechnik mit Bleistift und Weißhöhung auf Papier Sichtmaß: 35 x 25 cm. Rechts unten bezeichnet „PAULUS FARINATUS..V.F...“ Verso Aufkleber mit Künstlerangabe. Im Passepartout, hinter Glas gerahmt. Im Zentrum der am Baum der Erkenntnis sitzende Adam, in seiner Hand den gepflückten verbotenen Apfel haltend, neben ihm stehend Eva. Er wendet sich mit seinem Kopf zurück und blickt auf die Schlange mit dem Kopf einer Frau. Am Boden ein Igel, der im Mittelalter als Symbol des Teufels verstanden wurde. In der Mitte des Bodens eine kleine Schnecke, die laut Aufkleber zu den Initialen des Künstlers „PV“ oder „PV.F“ gehört. Für den Künstler typische Darstellung in der Formensprache des Manierismus. Nicht geöffnet. Obwohl der Maler Schüler von Nicolo II Ursino von Giolfino (1476-1555) war, hatte er sich doch mehr an die Vorbilder Giulio Romano (um 1499-1546) und Paolo Veronese (1528-1588) gehalten. So zählt er zu den italienischen Manieristen und wirkte sowohl in Verona, als auch in Mantua und Venedig. Sein erstes Hauptwerk war wohl das Altarblatt für den Dom von Mantua. Zusammen mit Veronese, Domenico Riccio Brusasorzi (1516-1567) sowie Battista Angelo del Moro (um 1514-um 1574) arbeitete er an den Fresken in der Sakristei des Doms. Bereits von dem frühen Biografen Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) wurde er für seine Kompositionen gerühmt. Dies hatte auch zur Folge, dass er mehrere Aufträge, wie etwa in Santa Maria in Organo, in Piacenza in der Kirche Sankt Sixtus und weiteren Orten, erhielt. Werke, von denen sich bereits viele weltweit in Museen befinden. (13713330) (18)

        Hampel Fine Art Auctions
      • Attribué à Paolo FARINATI Vérone, 1524 - 1606 La Déposition Lavis de sanguine, gouache et rehauts de blanc sur papier préparé rose
        Sep. 26, 2023

        Attribué à Paolo FARINATI Vérone, 1524 - 1606 La Déposition Lavis de sanguine, gouache et rehauts de blanc sur papier préparé rose

        Est: €400 - €600

        Attribué à Paolo FARINATI Vérone, 1524 - 1606 La Déposition Lavis de sanguine, gouache et rehauts de blanc sur papier préparé rose Porte une marque de collection non identifiée (L.336), dite autrefois des Conte di Bardi, en bas vers la droite (Usures et manques) Sans cadre h: 25 w: 39 cm Estimation 400 - 600 €

      • Farinati, Paolo: Der trunkene Satyr, von Putti gestützt von einer Ziege fallend
        Jun. 07, 2023

        Farinati, Paolo: Der trunkene Satyr, von Putti gestützt von einer Ziege fallend

        Est: €900 - €1,200

        Der trunkene Satyr, von Putti gestützt von einer Ziege fallend. Radierung. 13,1 x 39,5 cm. B. 9 II. Wz. Doppeladler mit Krone. -- -- Von der Hand des Veroneser Malers und äußerst produktiven Zeichners Paolo Farinati verzeichnet Bartsch nur zehn Radierungen, sämtlich mit dem Monogramm und einer Schnecke signiert, deren Bedeutung bis heute nicht aufgelöst werden konnte. Farinatis Graphiken zeigen eine für ihn typische Neigung zur michelangelesken Monumentalität der Figuren. Mit der von Bartsch genannten Adresse des Augsburger Verlegers Wilhelm Peter Zimmermann (stirbt 1630). Ausgezeichneter, teils etwas zarter Druck mit Fehlätzungen in den oberen Ecken und Plattenton in den unteren, mit schmalen Rändchen an den Längsseiten sowie breiten Rändern unten und oben. Zwei geglättete vertikale Falten, die linke alt hinterlegt, sowie eine Diagonalfalte in der linken unteren Ecke. Außerhalb der Darstellung in den weißen Rändern drei Wurmlöchlein, oben rechts Quetschfalten vom Druck, etwas fleckig. Die fehlende linke untere Ecke alt ergänzt, alle vier Ecken verso hinterlegt. Insgesamt in guter Erhaltung. Aus dem Nachlass von Tilman Falk, Neusäss. Selten. -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Attributed to PAOLO FARINATI
        Mar. 31, 2023

        Attributed to PAOLO FARINATI

        Est: CHF8,000 - CHF12,000

        Attributed to PAOLO FARINATI (1524 Verona 1606) Saint Jerome in a forest landscape. Oil on canvas. 107 × 93.5 cm. Provenance: - Collection of the former German Chancellor Dr Konrad Adenauer (1876–1967), Bonn. - Collection of Heinz Kisters, Kreuzlingen. - Sale Fischer, Lucerne, 24 –28.11.1970, Lot 1911 (as Titian). - European private collection. Literature: Heinz Kisters: Adenauer als Kunstsammler, 1970, p. 107, ill. (as Titian). --------------- PAOLO FARINATI, zugeschrieben (1524 Verona 1606) Heiliger Hieronymus in einer Waldlandschaft. Öl auf Leinwand. 107 × 93,5 cm. Provenienz: - Sammlung des ehemaligen deutschen Bundeskanzlers Dr. Konrad Adenauer (1876–1967), Bonn. - Sammlung Heinz Kisters, Kreuzlingen. - Auktion Fischer, Luzern, 24.–28.11.1970, Los 1911 (als Tizian). - Europäischer Privatbesitz. Literatur: Heinz Kisters: Adenauer als Kunstsammler, 1970, S. 107, mit Abb. (als Tizian). Das hier angebotene Gemälde greift eine Komposition Tizians auf, welche sich heute im Musée du Louvre in Paris befindet (Inv.-Nr. 750, Öl auf Leinwand, 102 × 80 cm). ---------------

        Koller Auctions
      • Paolo Farinati - Rest on the flight to Egypt
        Dec. 15, 2022

        Paolo Farinati - Rest on the flight to Egypt

        Est: €350 - €420

        Rest on the flight into Egypt; in a landscape, to right the Virgin seated on a hillock facing front, holding the infant Christ in her arms, with St Joseph seated to left in profile facing right, reading a book. Signed bottom left P.F. The design with the reading Joseph is known from other versions by Cantarini, Della Bella, Siriani... but differs considerably. This etching seems rare. Only one other found in the Detroit Institute of Art. No reference found so with the signature, and given as by or after Paolo Farinati.

        Old Master Print
      • Farinati Paolo
        Nov. 26, 2022

        Farinati Paolo

        Est: CHF2,800 - CHF3,500

        Hl. Margarethe Unten Rechts und Links mit Sammlungsstempel. Unten von alter Hand bez. "Paolo Farinato" und Sammlungsnummer 29. Sammlung Paris / New York. Joseph van Haecken (1699-1749), Lugt 2517. Gerahmt unter Passepartout Ausrufdatum: 26.11.2022 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 19:00 MEZ

        Auktionshaus Zofingen
      • Farinati Paolo, Sacra Famiglia
        Nov. 23, 2022

        Farinati Paolo, Sacra Famiglia

        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        olio su tela, W. 91 - H. 105 Cm, Expertise Prof. Ferdinando Arisi

        Cambi Casa d'Aste
      • Attributed to PAOLO FARINATI
        Sep. 23, 2022

        Attributed to PAOLO FARINATI

        Est: CHF8,000 - CHF12,000

        Attributed to PAOLO FARINATI (1524 Verona 1606) Saint Jerome in a forest landscape. Oil on canvas. 107 × 93.5 cm. Provenance: - Collection of the former German Chancellor Dr Konrad Adenauer (1876–1967), Bonn. - Collection of Heinz Kisters, Kreuzlingen. - Sale Fischer, Lucerne, 24 –28.11.1970, Lot 1911 (as Titian). - European private collection. Literature: Heinz Kisters: Adenauer als Kunstsammler, 1970, p. 107, ill. (as Titian). --------------- PAOLO FARINATI, zugeschrieben (1524 Verona 1606) Heiliger Hieronymus in einer Waldlandschaft. Öl auf Leinwand. 107 × 93,5 cm. Provenienz: - Sammlung des ehemaligen deutschen Bundeskanzlers Dr. Konrad Adenauer (1876–1967), Bonn. - Sammlung Heinz Kisters, Kreuzlingen. - Auktion Fischer, Luzern, 24.–28.11.1970, Los 1911 (als Tizian). - Europäischer Privatbesitz. Literatur: Heinz Kisters: Adenauer als Kunstsammler, 1970, S. 107, mit Abb. (als Tizian). Das hier angebotene Gemälde greift eine Komposition Tizians auf, welche sich heute im Musée du Louvre in Paris befindet (Inv.-Nr. 750, Öl auf Leinwand, 102 × 80 cm). ---------------

        Koller Auctions
      • Paolo Farinati (1524–1606), Announciation
        Jul. 23, 2022

        Paolo Farinati (1524–1606), Announciation

        Est: €1,500 - €3,000

        Paolo Farinati came from Verona and worked mainly in Verona, Mantua and Venice and in numerous smaller places. In his style, he merged mainly Roman and Venetian influences. Maria kneels to the left of the podium with the scriptures, from whose reading she is startled by the arrival of the archangel. In a gentle and elegant turn, Gabriel leans toward the startled Mary to tell her that the Holy Spirit will receive the Son of God. The expression of the faces is very intimate and touching. The room is only hinted at and is mostly filled with clouds on which the archangel descended from heaven. The style of painting clearly shows the influence of Titian's late, painterly, form-dissolving style. Titian's announciation in the Church of San Salvador in Venice could have inspired him with the dramatic, and at the same time, mystical lighting direction. According to Allesandro Delpriori, Mary's profile shows similarity to that of the Madonna in the Adoration of the Magi at the Museo di Castelvecchio, in Verona. The angel's posture resembles the Cupid of a drawing by Farinati in the Louvre, Paris (Mars, Venus, Eros and Anteros).

        Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
      • ATTRIBUTED TO PAOLO FARINATI (VERONA 1524-1606) Saint Jerome in penance oil
        Jul. 08, 2022

        ATTRIBUTED TO PAOLO FARINATI (VERONA 1524-1606) Saint Jerome in penance oil

        Est: £12,000 - £18,000

        ATTRIBUTED TO PAOLO FARINATI (VERONA 1524-1606) Saint Jerome in penance oil on slate 14 x 12 in. (35.5 x 30.5 cm.)

      • Farinati, Orazio
        Jun. 22, 2022

        Farinati, Orazio

        Est: €350 - €600

        Farinati, Orazio (1559 – ca. 1620). Kreuzabnahme. Radierung, nach Paolo Farinati (1524-1606). In der Pl. bezeichnet u. datiert 1583. Wz. Vierblatt auf Kreis. 34,9:55,4 cm. Bartsch 16, S. 169, 2. Müller/Singer I, 422. Nagler. Monogr. III, 1317, verzeichnet das Blatt unter Nr. 3, I. Zustand (von III). – Knapp über Bildrand beschnitten. – Provenienz: Sammlung Dr. Gisela Scheffler.

      • PAOLO FARINATI Verona (1524) / (1606) "Resurrection of Christ".
        Jun. 15, 2022

        PAOLO FARINATI Verona (1524) / (1606) "Resurrection of Christ".

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        Pen and sepia wash on laid paper. In the lower left corner mark of the Giorgio Dalla Bella collection, in blue ink. Attribution and inscription in pencil on the back with attribution to the painter and indication that it is a study for the fresco done in the church of San Bernardino in Verona. . 30 x 20 cm.

      • Attributed to PAOLO FARINATI
        Apr. 01, 2022

        Attributed to PAOLO FARINATI

        Est: CHF12,000 - CHF18,000

        Attributed to PAOLO FARINATI (1524 Verona 1606) Saint Jerome in a forest landscape. Oil on canvas. 107 × 93.5 cm. Provenance: - Collection of the former German Chancellor Dr Konrad Adenauer (1876–1967), Bonn. - Collection of Heinz Kisters, Kreuzlingen. - Sale Fischer, Lucerne, 24 –28.11.1970, Lot 1911 (as Titian). - European private collection. Literature: Heinz Kisters: Adenauer als Kunstsammler, 1970, p. 107, ill. (as Titian). --------------- PAOLO FARINATI, zugeschrieben (1524 Verona 1606) Heiliger Hieronymus in einer Waldlandschaft. Öl auf Leinwand. 107 × 93,5 cm. Provenienz: - Sammlung des ehemaligen deutschen Bundeskanzlers Dr. Konrad Adenauer (1876–1967), Bonn. - Sammlung Heinz Kisters, Kreuzlingen. - Auktion Fischer, Luzern, 24.–28.11.1970, Los 1911 (als Tizian). - Europäischer Privatbesitz. Literatur: Heinz Kisters: Adenauer als Kunstsammler, 1970, S. 107, mit Abb. (als Tizian). Das hier angebotene Gemälde greift eine Komposition Tizians auf, welche sich heute im Musée du Louvre in Paris befindet (Inv.-Nr. 750, Öl auf Leinwand, 102 × 80 cm).

        Koller Auctions
      • PAOLO FARINATI (ITALIAN 1524-1606)
        Jan. 09, 2022

        PAOLO FARINATI (ITALIAN 1524-1606)

        Est: $350 - $700

        Paolo Farinati (Italian 1524-1606) "The Multiplication of Bread and Fish", ca. 1603, Etching; signed and inscribed in plate. signed and inscribed in plate. Sheet Size: 18.25 x 20.5 in. Unframed.

        Helmuth Stone
      • Attributed to Paolo Farinati (Italian, 1524-1606)
        Dec. 15, 2021

        Attributed to Paolo Farinati (Italian, 1524-1606)

        Est: £600 - £800

        Attributed to Paolo Farinati (Italian, 1524-1606) Attributed to Paolo Farinati (Italian, 1524-1606) Madonna and Child with Saint Elizabeth and Saint Joseph brown washes heightened with white 26 x 40cm Inscribed indistinctly on paper label on frame.

      • Farinati, Paolo: Die Nächstenliebe
        Dec. 01, 2021

        Farinati, Paolo: Die Nächstenliebe

        Est: €260 - €350

        Die Nächstenliebe. Radierung. 22,1 x 23,6 cm. B. 4. Wz. Kleiner Doppelkopfadler. Ganz ausgezeichneter, teils schön klarer Druck meist an die Plattenkante geschnitten, teils mit zartem Plattenton. Etwas angestaubt verso schwache geglättete Trockenfältchen, links geschlossener Randeinriss, weitere unauffällig ausgebesserte Randläsuren links, sonst noch sehr gut. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Paolo Farinati (1524–1606), Announciation
        Nov. 27, 2021

        Paolo Farinati (1524–1606), Announciation

        Est: €2,500 - €3,500

        Paolo Farinati came from Verona and worked mainly in Verona, Mantua and Venice and in numerous smaller places. In his style, he merged mainly Roman and Venetian influences. Maria kneels to the left of the podium with the scriptures, from whose reading she is startled by the arrival of the archangel. In a gentle and elegant turn, Gabriel leans toward the startled Mary to tell her that the Holy Spirit will receive the Son of God. The expression of the faces is very intimate and touching. The room is only hinted at and is mostly filled with clouds on which the archangel descended from heaven. The style of painting clearly shows the influence of Titian's late, painterly, form-dissolving style. Titian's announciation in the Church of San Salvador in Venice could have inspired him with the dramatic, and at the same time, mystical lighting direction. According to Allesandro Delpriori, Mary's profile shows similarity to that of the Madonna in the Adoration of the Magi at the Museo di Castelvecchio, in Verona. The angel's posture resembles the Cupid of a drawing by Farinati in the Louvre, Paris (Mars, Venus, Eros and Anteros).

        Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
        Nov. 26, 2021


        Est: €4,000 - €6,000

        Oil on canvas, cm. 98,5x149,5

        Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
      • Paolo Farinati: John the Evangelist
        Nov. 18, 2021

        Paolo Farinati: John the Evangelist

        Est: €30,000 - €40,000

        FARINATI, PAOLO Verona 1524 - 1606 Title: John the Evangelist. Date: Ca 1567. Technique: Oil on wood. Measurement: 60,5 x 47cm. Frame/Pedestal: Framed. Provenance: Collection Firmian till 1782, Milan; Probably collection Jean-Baptiste-Pierre Lebrun till 1809, Paris; Probably collection Louis Pillivuyt, Paris; Private ownership till 1924, Graz; Auction Dorotheum, Vienna, 25.04.2017, Lot 13; European private ownership. Literature: R. Pancheri: La pittura veneta nella collezione di Carlo Firmian. In: Le raccolte di Minerva. Le collezioni artistiche e librarie del conte Carlo Firmian, Trento 2013, p. 116-117; R. Pancheri: Carlo Firmian "avido collettore" d'arte: il mancato acquisto della pala di Cremia e il San Giovanni Evangelista di Paolo Farinati. In: Studi trentini, 96 (2017), 2018, p. 440-451. Young, blond, beardless, dressed in green and crimson, John the Evangelist, depicted as a youth, appears in radiant light. With his face tilted to the side, he listens to the divine voice transmitted by the dove hovering in the upper right corner of the picture. The saint's typically maniristic posture is agitated and dynamic, as in most of the figures by the artist Paolo Farinatis, painted around the middle of the 16th century. The apostle holds the manuscript of his Gospel on his left knee, at the same time dipping the quill into the inkpot with his right hand: a gesture emphasising the sequence of "word-inspiration-writing". The scene takes place in the midst of the clouds, creating a mystical and at the same time realistic experience in which the eagle at the feet of the saint seems to gaze with curiosity at the shell lying in front of him, which is the symbol and signature of the artist. The work, which is strongly reminiscent of Mannerist painting in central and northern Italy, was painted in the 1560s and was inspired by the style of artists from Emilia and Tuscany. Who commissioned the painting and where it was originally placed is as yet unknown. The first mention of St John the Evangelist is in the catalogue of the painting collection of Count Karl Gotthard von Firmian (Trento 1716 - Milan 1782), who was Minister Plenipotentiary and Governor General of Austrian Lombardy under Maria Theresa of Austria from 1758. Firmian was a dedicated patron of the sciences and arts and was instrumental in establishing Johann Joachim Winckelmann and Angelika Kauffmann. The "Gabinetto Firmiano" was undoubtedly one of the most important art collections in Milan at the time; its rapid dissemination was preceded by an inventory and the compilation of a printed catalogue, which were entrusted to the painters Giuliano Traballesi and Martin Knoller, the sculptor Giuseppe Franchi and the abbot Carlo Bianconi. Among the works of Count Firmian from the 16th century was a painting by the Veronese artist Paolo Farinati, which is mentioned in the handwritten inventory of the collection from 1782 as "FARINATO PAOLO". It continues: "San Giovanni Evangelista, figura intera, sedente sulle nubi tiene sulle ginocchia un libro, su cui si dispone a scrivere quello che il Dator de' lumi il Santo Spirito è per dettargli. Crediamo di dire tutto, asserendo che lo stesso se n'è compiaciuto non solo per l'esattezza con cui l'ha finito, ma per averlo ancora inciso di sua mano e pubblicato". To underline the quality of the painting, Bianconi also referred to the original engraving made by the painter in 1567. Based on the description, Roberto Pancheri was able to identify the present painting with the Firmian work when it was offered on the art market in 2017. The Firmian collection was auctioned in Milan after the death of its founder in 1782 and the small panel disappeared into the hands of collectors. It was probably bought at auction by the merchant Jean-Baptiste-Pierre Lebrun, who brought it to France at the end of the century: In November 1809, an exhibition of paintings from the "Maison de M. Lebrun" was held in a palace in the Rue du Gros-Chenet, No. 4 in Paris. The painting was attributed to Parmigianino at the time and titled "Saint Jean l'Evangéliste" and described as "Peinture sur bois, Hauteur 22 pouces 1/2, largeur 17 pouces". The dimensions and support correspond to the present painting. The following year, in March 1810, the painting was sold, also in Paris, to Louis Pillivuyt. For about a century, traces of the work were lost, probably due to the change in attribution caused by the limited knowledge of the artist outside his area of origin. At the beginning of the 20th century it reappeared in Graz and from there it went to Italy to a private collection.

        Van Ham Kunstauktionen
      • Paolo Farinati (Verona 1524-1606) Saint Barbara with Saints Anthony Abbot a
        Oct. 14, 2021

        Paolo Farinati (Verona 1524-1606) Saint Barbara with Saints Anthony Abbot a

        Est: $40,000 - $60,000

        Paolo Farinati (Verona 1524-1606) Saint Barbara with Saints Anthony Abbot and Roch black chalk, pen and brown ink, brown wash heightened with white on light brown paper 16 ¾ x 9 7/8 in. (42.5 x 25 cm)

      • Paolo Farinati, 1524 Verona – 1606
        Sep. 23, 2021

        Paolo Farinati, 1524 Verona – 1606

        Est: €12,000 - €15,000

        RefOld13921 DEPOSITIONE CHRISTI Öl auf Leinwand. 64 x 46 cm.Die Darstellung gibt eine apotheotische Auffassung der Kreuzabnahme Christi wieder. Im Zentrum ist der Leichnam Christi in C-bogiger Körperhaltung gezeigt, gehalten von zwei Engeln mit großen Schwingen, die Gruppe in schwebender Position aufgefasst. Hinter dem Oberkörper Christi, höhergestellt, Maria in rotem Kleid und Kopfschleier, mit nach oben gerichtetem leidendem Antlitz und ausgebreiteten Händen. Der Hintergrund wolkig. Die gedämpften Farben zeigen sich in den Textilien in den Tönen Rot, Violett, Gold-Gelb und Weiß, was einen Verweis auf die manieristische Maltradition gibt. Obwohl der Maler Schüler von Nicolo II Ursino von Giolfino (1476-1555) war, hatte er sich doch mehr an die Vorbilder Giulio Romano (um 1499-1546) und Paolo Veronese (1528-1588) gehalten. So zählt er zu den italienischen Manieristen und wirkte sowohl in Verona, als auch in Mantua und Venedig. Sein erstes Hauptwerk war wohl das Altarblatt für den Dom von Mantua. Zusammen mit Veronese, Domenico Riccio Brusasorzi (1516-1567) sowie Battista Angelo del Moro (um 1514-um 1574) arbeitete er an den Fresken in der Sakristei des Doms. Bereits von dem frühen Biografen Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) wurde er für seine Kompositionen gerühmt. Dies hatte auch zur Folge, dass er mehrere Aufträge, wie etwa in Santa Maria in Organo, in Piacenza in der Kirche Sankt Sixtus und weiteren Orten, erhielt. Werke, von denen sich bereits viele weltweit in Museen befinden.Literatur: Giovanna Baldissin Molli, Farinati, Paolo, in: Fiorella Bartoccini (Hrsg.), Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI), Band 45: Farinacci-Fedrigo, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rom 1995. (1280851) (11)Paolo Farinati,1524 Verona – 1606THE DEPOSITION FROM THE CROSS Oil on canvas.64 x 46 cm.Even though Farinati was a pupil of Nicolo II Ursino v. Giolfino (1476-1555) he rather followed the paragons of Giulio Romano (ca. 1499-1546) and Paolo Veronese (1528-1588). He is regarded as one of the Italian Mannerists and was active in Verona, Mantua and Venice. His first major work was probably an altarpiece for Mantua Cathedral. He frescoed the chapel of the Sacrament of the Cathedral alongside Veronese, Domenico Riccio Brusasorzi (1516-1567) and Battista Angelo del Moro (ca. 1514-ca. 1574).Literature:G. Baldissin Molli, Farinati, Paolo, in: F. Bartoccini (ed.), Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI), vol. 45: Farinacci-Fedrigo, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome, 1995.

        Hampel Fine Art Auctions
      • Paolo Farinati (1524-1606) (
        Aug. 21, 2021

        Paolo Farinati (1524-1606) (

        Est: -

        Paolo Farinati (1524-1606) (attrib.), Italian painter and architect. Two cupids in embrace as a design for a supraport. Ink on light brown washed paper with partial white heightening, at the lower margin old inscribed ''P. farinati'', ca. 10 x 10 cm, framed behind glass 38 x 29 cm

        Historia Auctionata
        Jun. 08, 2021


        Est: €4,500 - €5,000

        PAOLO FARINATI (1524-1606) 'Deposizione' olio bella cornice in legno intagliato laccato e dorato cm.90x125

        Aste Boetto SRL
      • Paolo Farinati (1524–1606), Announciation
        Jun. 05, 2021

        Paolo Farinati (1524–1606), Announciation

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        Paolo Farinati came from Verona and worked mainly in Verona, Mantua and Venice and in numerous smaller places. In his style, he merged mainly Roman and Venetian influences. Maria kneels to the left of the podium with the scriptures, from whose reading she is startled by the arrival of the archangel. In a gentle and elegant turn, Gabriel leans toward the startled Mary to tell her that the Holy Spirit will receive the Son of God. The expression of the faces is very intimate and touching. The room is only hinted at and is mostly filled with clouds on which the archangel descended from heaven. The style of painting clearly shows the influence of Titian's late, painterly, form-dissolving style. Titian's proclamation in the Church of San Salvador in Venice could have inspired him with the dramatic and at the same time mystical lighting direction. According to Allesandro Delpriori, Mary's profile shows similarity to that of the Madonna in the Adoration of the Magi at the Museo di Castelvecchio in Verona. The angel's posture resembles the Cupid of a drawing by Farinati in the Louvre, Paris (Mars, Venus, Eros and Anteros).

        Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
      • Paolo Farinati (1524–1606), Announciation
        May. 22, 2021

        Paolo Farinati (1524–1606), Announciation

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        Paolo Farinati came from Verona and worked mainly in Verona, Mantua and Venice and in numerous smaller places. In his style, he merged mainly Roman and Venetian influences. Maria kneels to the left of the podium with the scriptures, from whose reading she is startled by the arrival of the archangel. In a gentle and elegant turn, Gabriel leans toward the startled Mary to tell her that the Holy Spirit will receive the Son of God. The expression of the faces is very intimate and touching. The room is only hinted at and is mostly filled with clouds on which the archangel descended from heaven. The style of painting clearly shows the influence of Titian's late, painterly, form-dissolving style. Titian's proclamation in the Church of San Salvador in Venice could have inspired him with the dramatic and at the same time mystical lighting direction. According to Allesandro Delpriori, Mary's profile shows similarity to that of the Madonna in the Adoration of the Magi at the Museo di Castelvecchio in Verona. The angel's posture resembles the Cupid of a drawing by Farinati in the Louvre, Paris (Mars, Venus, Eros and Anteros).

        Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
      • Paolo Farinati (Verona 1524 - 1606) attribuito/attributed
        Apr. 19, 2021

        Paolo Farinati (Verona 1524 - 1606) attribuito/attributed

        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        Paolo Farinati (Verona 1524 - 1606) attribuito/attributed "Figura allegorica" Olio su tela "Allegorical figure" Oil on canvas 110 x 79 cm In gioventù si reca a Mantova, dove studia e assimila l’opera di Giulio Romano. In realtà il suo principale ispiratore è l'amico Paolo Caliari, detto il Veronese. La sua carriera fu caratterizzata da un'intensa produzione, divisa variamente tra soggetti d’arte sacra e profana. Le sue opere erano destinate ai palazzi cittadini e alle nascenti ville venete, ai nobili casati, nonché alle chiese dell’intero territorio della Serenissima. Alla sua morte, nel 1606, l’attività della sua vivace bottega è condotta dai figli Orazio e Giambattista. Paolo Farinati è considerato un pittore espressamente veronesiano: in effetti, il suo stile rispecchia un linguaggio molto legato a quello di Paolo Caliari, sebbene non manchi assolutamente una riscrittura e personalizzazione dei modi del celeberrimo amico. L’opera qui presentata ricalca gli stilemi veronesiani rivisti da Farinati con la sua pittura asciutta, stesa lasciando intravedere il supporto, magra di medium da sembrare spesso una tempera. L’esecuzione è veloce e al contempo capace di delineare in pochi ma calibrati tocchi la conformazione della figura, che accesa da colpi luce emerge volumetricamente alla nostra vista. Una datazione plausibile designa questa tela verso la fine dell’attività di Farinati, quindi allo scadere del XVI secolo: periodo in cui, aiutato dai figli, dipinge sovente serie di figure allegoriche o mitologiche eseguite con sintesi e sciolta bravura, scevre di quella ricercata ricchezza d’un tempo. Tra queste opere appena citate, si rimanda alla comparazione con il “San Pietro”, conservato al Museo di Castelvecchio a Verona. Per quanto riguarda l’impostazione, la comparazione va fatta con l’affresco conservato nel medesimo museo, “Figura mitologica in nicchia”, che vista in controparte ricalca perfettamente la nostra opera. In particolare va segnalata la precisa convergenza del disegno delle mani. Infine, si invita a guardare il disegno “L’abbondanza” di Windsor Caste, probabilmente all’origine di questa fortunata raffigurazione femminile nell’arte di Farinati, a sua volta probabilmente ispirato dall’invenzione del Veronese per “Diana cacciatrice”, oggi all’Ermitage di San Pietroburgo

        Lucas Aste
      • * Farinati (Paolo, 1524-1606). Head and torso of a femal nude seated
        Mar. 25, 2021

        * Farinati (Paolo, 1524-1606). Head and torso of a femal nude seated

        Est: £2,000 - £3,000

        * Attributed to Paolo Farinati (1524-1606). Head and torso of a female nude seated, holding a letter or paper in her right hand, pen, brown ink and brown wash heightened with white gouache, with additional pencil study to verso of a cavalier holding a shield and spear, sheet size 275 x 185 mm (10.8 x 7.25 ins) Qty: (1)

        Dominic Winter Auctions
      • * Farinati (Paolo, 1524-1606). Female deity holding a fire torch and pouring water from a jug
        Mar. 25, 2021

        * Farinati (Paolo, 1524-1606). Female deity holding a fire torch and pouring water from a jug

        Est: £2,000 - £3,000

        * Attributed to Paolo Farinati (1524-1606). Female deity holding a fire torch and pouring water from a jug, pen, brown ink and brown wash on pale blue laid paper, heightened with white gouache, some light soiling to sheet edges, and small snag to top margin, without loss, sheet size 280 x 218 mm (11 x 8.6 ins) Qty: (1)

        Dominic Winter Auctions
      • Attribué à Paolo Farinati ( 1524 - 1606) Sainte Lucie?
        Mar. 11, 2021

        Attribué à Paolo Farinati ( 1524 - 1606) Sainte Lucie?

        Est: €600 - €800

        Attribué à Paolo Farinati ( 1524 - 1606) Sainte Lucie? Plume et encre brune sur traits de crayon noir, lavis brun et rehauts de gouache blanche partiellement oxydée 39 x 24.8 cm ( pliure horizontale au centre, mouillures en bas à gauche, quelques rousseurs)

      • PAOLO FARINATI (1524 / 1606) ""Female bust flanked by satyrs between draperies"."
        Mar. 02, 2021

        PAOLO FARINATI (1524 / 1606) ""Female bust flanked by satyrs between draperies"."

        Est: €3,150 - €4,200

        On the back with number 24. Provenance: -Private collection, Madrid -Christie's "Important Old master drawings" New York 28/01/2000. Inks on paper

      • Paolo Farinati (1524–1606), Announciation
        Feb. 13, 2021

        Paolo Farinati (1524–1606), Announciation

        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        Paolo Farinati came from Verona and worked mainly in Verona, Mantua and Venice and in numerous smaller places. In his style, he merged mainly Roman and Venetian influences. Maria kneels to the left of the podium with the scriptures, from whose reading she is startled by the arrival of the archangel. In a gentle and elegant turn, Gabriel leans toward the startled Mary to tell her that the Holy Spirit will receive the Son of God. The expression of the faces is very intimate and touching. The room is only hinted at and is mostly filled with clouds on which the archangel descended from heaven. The style of painting clearly shows the influence of Titian's late, painterly, form-dissolving style. Titian's proclamation in the Church of San Salvador in Venice could have inspired him with the dramatic and at the same time mystical lighting direction. According to Allesandro Delpriori, Mary's profile shows similarity to that of the Madonna in the Adoration of the Magi at the Museo di Castelvecchio in Verona. The angel's posture resembles the Cupid of a drawing by Farinati in the Louvre, Paris (Mars, Venus, Eros and Anteros).

        Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
      • PAOLO FARINATI (1524-1606) - Saint Peter
        Jan. 28, 2021

        PAOLO FARINATI (1524-1606) - Saint Peter

        Est: £800 - £1,200

        PAOLO FARINATI (1524-1606) Saint Peter etching, circa 1560, on laid paper, without watermark, a very good impression of this extremely rare print Plate 118 x 78 mm. Sheet 120 x 79 mm.

      • Paolo Farinati (1524–1606), Announciation
        Jan. 26, 2021

        Paolo Farinati (1524–1606), Announciation

        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        Paolo Farinati came from Verona and worked mainly in Verona, Mantua and Venice and in numerous smaller places. In his style, he merged mainly Roman and Venetian influences. Maria kneels to the left of the podium with the scriptures, from whose reading she is startled by the arrival of the archangel. In a gentle and elegant turn, Gabriel leans toward the startled Mary to tell her that the Holy Spirit will receive the Son of God. The expression of the faces is very intimate and touching. The room is only hinted at and is mostly filled with clouds on which the archangel descended from heaven. The style of painting clearly shows the influence of Titian's late, painterly, form-dissolving style. Titian's announciation in the Church of San Salvador in Venice could have inspired him with the dramatic and at the same time mystical lighting direction. According to Allesandro Delpriori, Mary's profile shows similarity to that of the Madonna in the Adoration of the Magi at the Museo di Castelvecchio in Verona. The angel's posture resembles the Cupid of a drawing by Farinati in the Louvre, Paris (Mars, Venus, Eros and Anteros).

        Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
      • PAOLO FARINATI 1524 / 1606 "Female bust flanked by satyrs in curtains"
        Dec. 15, 2020

        PAOLO FARINATI 1524 / 1606 "Female bust flanked by satyrs in curtains"

        Est: €4,500 - €6,000

        Back with number 24. Provenance: - Private collection, Madrid -Cristie's "Important Old master drawings" New York 28/01/2000. Inks on paper

      • Circle of Paolo Farinati (Verona 1524-1606) Saint Mark the Evangelist (i);
        Dec. 08, 2020

        Circle of Paolo Farinati (Verona 1524-1606) Saint Mark the Evangelist (i);

        Est: £1,500 - £2,500

        Circle of Paolo Farinati (Verona 1524-1606) Saint Mark the Evangelist (i); Saint John the Evangelist (ii); and A... pen and brown ink, brown wash (i and ii), pen and brown ink, brown wash on yellow-brown prepared paper (iii), fragmentary watermark goblet (i) (i) 7 1/8 x 3 ¾ in. (18 x 9.5 cm) (ii) 7 1/8 x 3 ½ in. (18.2 x 8.7 cm) (iii) 6 1/8 x 3 ¼ in. (15.4 x 8 cm) (3)

      • Farinati, Paolo: Lamentation of Christ
        Nov. 19, 2020

        Farinati, Paolo: Lamentation of Christ

        Est: €12,000 - €15,000

        Farinati, Paolo Verona 1524 - 1606 Oil on canvas. 87 x 76cm. Framed. Provenance: Private ownership, Italy. Explanations to the Catalogue Paolo Farinati Mannerism 16th C. Old Masters Religious Theme

        Van Ham Kunstauktionen
      • Paolo Farinati, in the manner of, The Conversion of a Roman to Christianity
        Nov. 14, 2020

        Paolo Farinati, in the manner of, The Conversion of a Roman to Christianity

        Est: €1,500 - €2,000

        RefDra61120 Both the detailed composition of this study and the female figure in the manner of Paolo Veronese are reminiscent of the Veronese painter Paolo Farinati.

        Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
      • Paolo Farinati (1524–1606) Announciation
        Aug. 17, 2020

        Paolo Farinati (1524–1606) Announciation

        Est: €7,000 - €10,000

        Paolo Farinati came from Verona and worked mainly in Verona, Mantua and Venice and in numerous smaller places. In his style, he merged mainly Roman and Venetian influences. Maria kneels to the left of the podium with the scriptures, from whose reading she is startled by the arrival of the archangel. In a gentle and elegant turn, Gabriel leans toward the startled Mary to tell her that the Holy Spirit will receive the Son of God. The expression of the faces is very intimate and touching. The room is only hinted at and is mostly filled with clouds on which the archangel descended from heaven. The style of painting clearly shows the influence of Titian's late, painterly, form-dissolving style. Titian's proclamation in the Church of San Salvador in Venice could have inspired him with the dramatic and at the same time mystical lighting direction. According to Allesandro Delpriori, Mary's profile shows similarity to that of the Madonna in the Adoration of the Magi at the Museo di Castelvecchio in Verona. The angel's posture resembles the Cupid of a drawing by Farinati in the Louvre, Paris (Mars, Venus, Eros and Anteros).

        Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
      • Paolo Farinati (1524–1606) Announciation
        Aug. 01, 2020

        Paolo Farinati (1524–1606) Announciation

        Est: €7,000 - €10,000

        Paolo Farinati came from Verona and worked mainly in Verona, Mantua and Venice and in numerous smaller places. In his style, he merged mainly Roman and Venetian influences. Maria kneels to the left of the podium with the scriptures, from whose reading she is startled by the arrival of the archangel. In a gentle and elegant turn, Gabriel leans toward the startled Mary to tell her that the Holy Spirit will receive the Son of God. The expression of the faces is very intimate and touching. The room is only hinted at and is mostly filled with clouds on which the archangel descended from heaven. The style of painting clearly shows the influence of Titian's late, painterly, form-dissolving style. Titian's proclamation in the Church of San Salvador in Venice could have inspired him with the dramatic and at the same time mystical lighting direction. According to Allesandro Delpriori, Mary's profile shows similarity to that of the Madonna in the Adoration of the Magi at the Museo di Castelvecchio in Verona. The angel's posture resembles the Cupid of a drawing by Farinati in the Louvre, Paris (Mars, Venus, Eros and Anteros).

        Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
      Lots Per Page: