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Gaetano Esposito Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1858 - d. 1911

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  • Gaetano Esposito, Mediterrane Felsenküste
    Feb. 22, 2025

    Gaetano Esposito, Mediterrane Felsenküste

    Est: -

    Gaetano Esposito, Mediterrane Felsenküste Blick von einer von Bäumen und Blumen bewachsenen Anhöhe, hinab auf eine mediterrane Bucht mit Felsen, großformatiges, beeindruckendes Zeugnis aus dem späteren Œuvre des Künstlers, hierzu bemerkt die neapolitanische Kunsthistorikerin Luciana Soravia, Esposito habe in seinen Landschaftsbildern der felsigen Küste in der Bucht von Neapel die höchsten Ausdruckserfolge erzielt, dabei habe der Künstler eine "lyrische und unwirkliche" Atmosphäre vermittelt, in seinem dezenten und doch satten Colorit, das an Küstenszenen großer Jugendstilmeister erinnert, erzeugt Esposito hier ein idealisiertes und doch wirklichkeitsbezogenes Abbild vom immerwährenden italienischen Sommer, Öl auf Leinwand, um 1900, rechts unten signiert "G. Esposito", rückseitig auf dem Keilrahmen von fremder Hand schwer leserlich bezeichnet "Polo [...] Mantova", auf Etikettfragment nochmals künstlerbezeichnet, großflächige Retuschen und geringe, vertikal verlaufende Farbverluste im Bereich links oben, in versilberter breiter Leiste im Passepartout hinter Glas gerahmt, Falzmaße 63,5 x 109 cm. Künstlerinfo: ital. Maler (1858 Salerno bis 1911 Sala Consiliana), Zeichenunterricht bei Gaetano D'Agostino in Salerno, ab 1872 am Königlichen Institut der Schönen Künste in Neapel bei Domenico Morelli, dazu Besuch der Abendschule von Stanislao Lista, seine Motive fand der Umtriebige und bei Mitschülern Streitbare auf den Straßen der Stadt und des Umlands, während seiner Studien Beginn einer lebenslangen Freundschaft mit dem Maler Antonio Mancini, ab 1875 auf Ausstellungen der Gesellschaft zur Förderung der schönen Künste in Neapel vertreten, 1877 Gewinn des Förderpreises der Akademie Neapel, anschließend Studienreise nach Florenz, wählte in Anlehnung an seinen Lehrer Morelli Motive aus dem Evangelium vor orientalische Kulissen, später stärkerer Fokus auf die neapolitanischen Maler des 17. Jahrhunderts, insbesondere auf Massimo Stanzione und Bernardo Cavallino, in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten seines Schaffens widmete er sich mit Vorliebe Küstenlandschaften, Espositos Leben endete tragisch, nachdem sich eine seiner Schülerinnen in unerwiderter Liebe zu ihm umgebracht hatte, tat Esposito es ihr, geplagt von Schuldgefühlen, gleich, seine Werke finden sich heute unter anderem in den Gallerien d'arte moderna von Florenz, Rom und Neapel, Quelle: Thieme-Becker, Benezit, Website Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana und Matini. Gaetano Esposito, Mediterranean Rocky Coast View from a hill overgrown with trees and flowers, looking down on a Mediterranean bay with rocks, large-format, impressive testimony from the artist's later oeuvre; the Neapolitan art historian Luciana Soravia notes that Esposito achieved his greatest expressive successes in his landscape paintings of the rocky coast in the Bay of Naples, The artist conveyed a "lyrical and unreal" atmosphere; in his subtle yet rich colouring, reminiscent of coastal scenes by great Art Nouveau masters, Esposito creates an idealised yet realistic image of the perpetual Italian summer, oil on canvas, around 1900, signed lower right "G. Esposito", inscribed "Polo [...] Mantova" by an unknown hand on the stretcher on the reverse, inscribed again by the artist on the label fragment, extensive retouching and minor vertical loss of colour in the upper left area, framed behind glass in a wide silvered mount, folded dimensions 63.5 x 109 cm. Artist info: ital. Painter (1858 Salerno to 1911 Sala Consiliana), studied drawing under Gaetano D'Agostino in Salerno, from 1872 at the Royal Institute of Fine Arts in Naples under Domenico Morelli, also attended the evening school of Stanislao Lista, the bustling artist, who was controversial with his fellow students, found his motifs on the streets of the city and the surrounding countryside, during his studies he began a lifelong friendship with the painter Antonio Mancini, from 1875 represented at exhibitions organised by the Society for the Promo

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • Woman's profile - Gaetano Esposito
    Dec. 27, 2024

    Woman's profile - Gaetano Esposito

    Est: €180 - €250

    Drawing on paper, 20th-century Italian school, depicting a woman's profile. Dimensions including the frame: 31x44 cm. Interior frame dimensions: 22x35 cm. Signed at the bottom left by Gaetano Esposito. The piece is in good condition.

    De Francesco Casa D'Aste e Galleria
  • Neapolitan seascape - Gaetano Esposito
    Dec. 27, 2024

    Neapolitan seascape - Gaetano Esposito

    Est: €280 - €350

    Oil painting on panel, 20th-century Italian school, depicting a Neapolitan seascape. Dimensions including the frame: 40x33 cm. Interior frame dimensions: 14x8 cm. Signed at the bottom left by Gaetano Esposito. The piece is in good condition.

    De Francesco Casa D'Aste e Galleria
  • ESPOSITO GAETANO (1858 - 1911) - Female head
    Dec. 11, 2024

    ESPOSITO GAETANO (1858 - 1911) - Female head

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    ESPOSITO GAETANO (1858 - 1911). Female head. Signed upper right. Provenance: Private collection, Pescara.. 34 x 44 cm.

    Capitolium Art
  • ESPOSITO Gaetano (1858 - 1911) Tableaux Huile sur toile "Bateaux au port".
    Nov. 13, 2024

    ESPOSITO Gaetano (1858 - 1911) Tableaux Huile sur toile "Bateaux au port".

    Est: €300 - €400

    ESPOSITO Gaetano (1858 - 1911) Tableaux Huile sur toile "Bateaux au port". Signé en bas à gauche G. Esposito. Ecole italienne. Dim.:+/-69,5x100cm.

    Oct. 01, 2024


    Est: €100 - €150

    GAETANO ESPOSITO (1858-1911) Camogli pastello cm.35x35 f.to in b. a ds. e d.to

    Aste Boetto SRL
  • Esposito, Gaetano / Esposito, Gaetano
    Jul. 12, 2024

    Esposito, Gaetano / Esposito, Gaetano

    Est: -

    1858 Salerno - 1911 Sala Consilina, Öl auf Leinwand, auf Keilrahmen gezogen, Neapolitanische Küstenlandschaft bei Sorrent, im Hintergrund der Vesuv, links unten signiert mit Ortsbezeichnung „Sorrento", querformatig, 32 cm x 59 cm, ohne Rahmen / 1858 Salerno - 1911 Sala Consilina, oil on canvas, mounted on stretcher, Neapolitan coastal landscape near Sorrento, Vesuvius in the background, signed lower left with place name "Sorrento", horizontal format, 32 cm x 59 cm, without frame

    Kunstauktionhaus Georg Rehm
    Jun. 27, 2024


    Est: €800 - €1,000

    GAETANO ESPOSITO (Salerno 1858 - Sala Consilina 1911) CIOCIARO Olio su tela, cm. 28 x 18 Firmato e situato 'Napoli', in basso a sinistra Titolato su etichetta al retro CORNICE Cornice in legno e stucchi dorati con decori a ramages e tralci di alloro, della fine del XIX secolo

    Casa d'Aste Babuino
  • Esposito, Gaetano (1858 Salerno - Sala Consilina 1911), wohl
    Jun. 22, 2024

    Esposito, Gaetano (1858 Salerno - Sala Consilina 1911), wohl

    Est: €20 - €24

    "Sorent/Italy", so verso betitelt. Öl/Holz, li. u. sign. 19x 29 cm. R.

  • Gaetano Esposito, Ship, 1897.
    Jun. 07, 2024

    Gaetano Esposito, Ship, 1897.

    Est: $200 - $400

    Esposito, Gaetano (Italian, 1858-1911). A scene of the ship Maggie Macnair in rough waters. 1897. Gouache on paper. Signed and dated l.l. Sight: 13 1/2" x 23 1/2". Frame: 15" x 25".

    Quinn's Auction Galleries
    Apr. 21, 2024


    Est: €1,000 - €2,000

    Popolana olio su tavola 40x30 cm, firma apocrifa e località (Napoli) in basso a sinistra.

    Meeting Art Casa D'Aste
    Apr. 18, 2024


    Est: €1,000 - €2,000

    olio su tavoletta Firmato in basso a destra. In cornice. 

    DAMS Casa d'Aste
  • Gaetano Esposito (Salerno 1858-Sala Consilina 1911) - Portrait of a young woman
    Apr. 17, 2024

    Gaetano Esposito (Salerno 1858-Sala Consilina 1911) - Portrait of a young woman

    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    oil on panel 24 x 16 cm signed lower right: G. Esposito on the back, on the panel, label of the Galleria Corona in Naples with number1695 PROVENANCE Milan, Galleria Geri, 05/03/1981, auction 1, lot 846 Varese, private collection

  • Gaetano Esposito,  - An old man, half-length, wearing a brown coat, blue beret …
    Nov. 22, 2023

    Gaetano Esposito,  - An old man, half-length, wearing a brown coat, blue beret …

    Est: £300 - £500

    Gaetano Esposito,  Italian 1858-1911-  An old man, half-length, wearing a brown coat, blue beret and smoking a pipe;  oil on canvas, signed 'G Esposito' (lower right), 61.2 x 43.1 cm.  Provenance:  Private Collection.  Note:  Esposito studied under Domenico Morelli (1823-1901), Stanislao Lista (1824-1908) and Filippo Palizzi (1818-1899) at the Royal Institute of Fine Arts in Naples. The present work exhibits the influence of contemporary Neapolitan painters such as Antonio Mancini (1852-1930) on Esposito's approach, particularly in the depiction of an unknown and humble figure. 

  • Painting, Gaetano Esposito
    Sep. 18, 2023

    Painting, Gaetano Esposito

    Est: $300 - $500

    Gaetano Esposito (Italian, 1858-1911), Ship off the Coast, gouache and watercolor, signed lower left, overall (with frame): 21.5"h x 27.5"w. Esposito is most known for portraits and architectural subjects.

    Clars Auctions
    Jun. 28, 2023


    Est: €400 - €600

    Salerno, 1858 ; Sala Consilina, 1911 Figura di popolana Firmato G Esposito, Napoli a destra Olio su tela, cm 35,5X30,5

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • GAETANO ESPOSITO 1858-1911 Portrait of a Lady
    May. 31, 2023

    GAETANO ESPOSITO 1858-1911 Portrait of a Lady

    Est: €150 - €250

    Portrait of a Lady 1905 Pastel on paper mounted on masonite. 24.80 x 18.11 in. Signed and dated on lower right on the recto.

    Aste Bolaffi
  • Gaetano Esposito - "Palazzo Donn' Anna Napoli" (Donn' Anna Palace Naples)
    May. 27, 2023

    Gaetano Esposito - "Palazzo Donn' Anna Napoli" (Donn' Anna Palace Naples)

    Est: €3,500 - €4,000

    Gaetano Esposito, Salerno 1858 - Sala Consilina (SA) 1911 / Landscape with ruined classical Neapolitan structure

    Casa D'Aste Santa Giulia
  • Gaetano Esposito, Marina.
    May. 24, 2023

    Gaetano Esposito, Marina.

    Est: €400 - €800

    Gaetano Esposito, Marina. Olio su tavola. cm 16,5x28,5. Firmato in basso a destra. (1)

    Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
  • 1895 Watercolor on Paper Painting, G. Esposito
    May. 07, 2023

    1895 Watercolor on Paper Painting, G. Esposito

    Est: $300 - $600

    1895 Dated Watercolor on Paper Painting, Signed "G. Esposito 1895", (Gaetano Esposito, Italian 1858-1911). Painting of a two masted gaff rigged sailing ship in heavy seas. Good condition with bold color, some stains, set in moulded gilt wooden frame under glass, frame measures: 18.5" H X 25.25" W X 2" D, image: 12.5" H X 19.25" W.

    J. James Auctioneers and Appraisers
    Mar. 26, 2023


    Est: $300 - $500

    Antique gouache painting of an American schooner signed G. D'Esposito, Malta. 14.5 x 20.5 in, framed 17.5 x 23.5 in. (Gaetano Esposito, Italian marine painter 1858-1911)

    Americana Auctions
  • Attributed to Gaetano Esposito (1858-1911) Italian, A steam sail ship flying a white ensign on the open sea, w
    Mar. 22, 2023

    Attributed to Gaetano Esposito (1858-1911) Italian, A steam sail ship flying a white ensign on the open sea, w

    Est: £200 - £300

    Attributed to Gaetano Esposito (1858-1911) Italian, A steam sail ship flying a white ensign on the open sea, watercolour, signed and dated 1894, 9.75" x 14.75", (25x37.5cm).

    John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
    Feb. 17, 2023


    Est: €2,000 - €4,000

    Olio su tela, cm. 51x70. Sul verso: dichiarazione di autenticità di Alfredo Schettini.

    Pananti Casa D'Aste SRL
  • GAETANO ESPOSITO, Olio su tela
    Nov. 23, 2022

    GAETANO ESPOSITO, Olio su tela

    Est: €600 - €800

    GAETANO ESPOSITO (Salerno 1858 - Sala Consilina 1911) Ritratto di Donna Olio su tela Firmato in basso a destra Cornice coeva in legno e pastiglia. cm 78 x 49.

    Benedetto Trionfante Auction House s.r.l
  • Gaetano Esposito (Salerno 1858-Sala consilina 1911) - Neapolitan boy
    Nov. 10, 2022

    Gaetano Esposito (Salerno 1858-Sala consilina 1911) - Neapolitan boy

    Est: €800 - €1,300

    oil on canvas 50.2 x 38.5 cm signed lower right: Napoli / G. Esposito

  • Gaetano Esposito (Salerno 1858-Sala consilina 1911) - Portrait of boy, 1874
    Nov. 10, 2022

    Gaetano Esposito (Salerno 1858-Sala consilina 1911) - Portrait of boy, 1874

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    oil on canvas without trestle 21 x 14.5 cm signed, dated and located lower left: G. Esposito / 1874 Naples

  • Gaetano ESPOSITO (1858-1911)
    Oct. 14, 2022

    Gaetano ESPOSITO (1858-1911)

    Est: €750 - €850

    Gaetano ESPOSITO (1858-1911) Portrait d’une italienne Huile sur toile Signée en bas à droite 31 x 22 cm

    HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
    Aug. 10, 2022


    Est: £150 - £200

    GAETANO ESPOSITO (ITALIAN 1858-1911) PORTRAIT OF A LADY Signed lower right Oil on canvas (29cm x 17cm)

    Elstob Auctioneers
    Jul. 07, 2022


    Est: €500 - €700

    GAETANO ESPOSITO (1858-1911) NAPOLITAIN Huile sur toile Signée en bas à droite Oil on canvas; signed lower right 46 x 38 cm - 18 1/8 x 15 in.

  • Attributed to Gaetano Esposito (1858-1911) Italian, A steam sail ship flying a white ensign on the open sea, w
    Mar. 09, 2022

    Attributed to Gaetano Esposito (1858-1911) Italian, A steam sail ship flying a white ensign on the open sea, w

    Est: £200 - £300

    Attributed to Gaetano Esposito (1858-1911) Italian, A steam sail ship flying a white ensign on the open sea, watercolour, signed and dated 1894, 9.75" x 14.75".

    John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
    Mar. 05, 2022


    Est: -

    ESPOSITO, Gaetano(1858 Salerno - 1911 Sala Consilina) Auf Capri Öl/Holz. Rechts unten signiert mit Zusatz Capri. 29 x 19,5 cm. Gerahmt42 x 32 cm. Sonnige Straßenansicht mit blühendem Vorgarten unter blauem Himmel Italienischer Maler, studierte in Neapel bei Morelli. Literatur : Thieme/Becker.

    Auktionshaus Wendl
  • Gaetano Esposito (Salerno 1858 - Sala Consilina 1911), “Ritratto di uomo con pipa”.
    Mar. 03, 2022

    Gaetano Esposito (Salerno 1858 - Sala Consilina 1911), “Ritratto di uomo con pipa”.

    Est: €2,200 - €5,000

    XIX and XX Century Paintings - Gaetano Esposito (Salerno 1858 - Sala Consilina 1911), “Ritratto di uomo con pipa”. Olio su tela, H cm 82x66 - con cornice H cm 122x86 Provenienza: importante collezione privata.

    Gregory's Casa d'Aste
  • ESPOSITO GAETANO (1858 - 1911) Portrait of an elderly man.
    Mar. 01, 2022

    ESPOSITO GAETANO (1858 - 1911) Portrait of an elderly man.

    Est: €500 - €700

    ESPOSITO GAETANO (1858 - 1911). Portrait of an elderly man.. Signature lower right. Cm 12,50 x 22,50.

    Capitolium Art
    Feb. 08, 2022


    Est: €300 - €500

    Malta, 1858 - 1911 Ritratto di piroscafo Firmato D'Esposito e datato 1891 in basso a sinistra Gouache su carta, cm 32X49

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Esposito, Gaetano: Marina Piccola auf Capri
    Nov. 26, 2021

    Esposito, Gaetano: Marina Piccola auf Capri

    Est: -

    Esposito, Gaetano — Marina Piccola on Capri (Salerno 1858-1911 Sala Consilina) Oil/wood. Signed lower left. 17,5 x 30,5 cm. - Lit. Thieme/Becker, Saur AKL. // Esposito, Gaetano — Marina Piccola auf Capri — (Salerno 1858-1911 Sala Consilina) Öl/Holz. Links unten sign. 17,5 x 30,5 cm. - Lit. Thieme/Becker, Saur AKL.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
  • Gaetano Esposito, (Italian, 1858-1911), Untitled (Portrait of a Woman), oil on canvas, 22 1/2" x 15 1/2"
    Sep. 15, 2021

    Gaetano Esposito, (Italian, 1858-1911), Untitled (Portrait of a Woman), oil on canvas, 22 1/2" x 15 1/2"

    Est: $600 - $800

    Gaetano Esposito (Italian, 1858-1911) Untitled (Portrait of a Woman) oil on canvas signed lower left 22 1/2" x 15 1/2"

    Toomey & Co. Auctioneers
  • Gaetano Esposito, Italian (1858 - 1911)
    Jun. 23, 2021

    Gaetano Esposito, Italian (1858 - 1911)

    Est: $300 - $500

    Gaetano Esposito, Italian (1858 - 1911) Gouache on Paper "Naval Ship" Signed Lower Left. Measures 14-1/4" x 20-1/2", frame measures 17-3/8" x 23-1/2". Condition: Good condition. Estimate: $300.00 - $500.00 Domestic Shipping: $125.00

    Kodner Galleries
    Jun. 14, 2021


    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Salerno, 1858 - Sala Consilina, 1911 Ritratto di bambina Olio su tavola, cm 13,5X9 Provenienza: Genova, collezione privata Torino, Nuova Codebì Galleria d'Arte Milano, Galleria dell'Esame Pubblicazioni: E. Somarè, A. Schettini, L'Ottocento alla Galleria dell'Esame, Milano, 1942, Tav. LXXX Nuova Codebo Manzoni Galleria d'arte, catalogo,Torino 1967, sn Artista d'ingegno, Gaetano Esposito ha trattato magnificamente non solo il quadro di genere, ma anche la marina e il ritratto. Nella sua pittura vi è una vigoria di espressione e una mirabile intonazione di colori. Considerato uno tra i più forti pittori della scuola napoletana, Espsito studia nell'Istituto di Belle Arti di Napoli, dove ha come maestri Filippo Palizzi, Domenico Morelli e altri artisti di vaglia del tempo. I suoi primi lavori sono nella Mostra della Promotrice Salvator Rosa: ma è alla Nazionale di Napoli del 1877 che si attira l'attenzione dei critici d'arte con tre quadri pregevoli, Un triste presentimento, Una figlia della colpa, e Una cucina tutta fumo. Il primo dei tre verrà adderittura acquistato dal Comitato dell'Esposizione. Il pittore utilizza spesso i bambini nei suoi quadri, lasciandosi influenzare dal gusto per il 'patetismo' e per gli abiti stracciati, così come dalla resa materica del colore alla Antonio Mancini,che, in Gaetano Esposito, pur molto ricco, appare levigato, come graduato in chiaroscuri preziosi ed accurati.

    Wannenes Art Auctions
    Jun. 09, 2021


    Est: €2,000 - €2,300

    GAETANO ESPOSITO (1858-1911) Idillio pastorale olio cm.128x85 f.to in b. a s.

    Aste Boetto SRL
  • Gaetano Esposito 1858–1911
    Apr. 06, 2021

    Gaetano Esposito 1858–1911

    Est: CHF800 - CHF1,500

    Gaetano Esposito 1858–1911 Netzflicker unten rechts signiert G Esposito

    Artcurial Beurret Bailly Widmer
    Feb. 26, 2021


    Est: €5,000 - €7,000

    GAETANO ESPOSITO Salerno, 1858 - Sala Consilina, 1911 The water-seller Oil on canvas, 80,5 x 53,5 cm Signed and inscribed upper right: G. Esposito, Napoli Good condition Frame and glass

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Gaetano D'Esposito (1858-1911)
    Dec. 09, 2020

    Gaetano D'Esposito (1858-1911)

    Est: £300 - £500

    Gaetano D'Esposito (1858-1911) Gaetano D'Esposito (1858-1911) Views of Malta a pair, signed 'D'Esposito' l.l., watercolour and gouache each 11 x 23cm (2)

  • Paintings - Gaetano Esposito (Salerno 1858- Sala Consilina 1911).'Ritratto femminile'. Dipinto ad olio su
    Jul. 04, 2020

    Paintings - Gaetano Esposito (Salerno 1858- Sala Consilina 1911).'Ritratto femminile'. Dipinto ad olio su

    Est: -

    Gaetano Esposito (Salerno 1858- Sala Consilina 1911).“Ritratto femminile“. Dipinto ad olio su compensatino (cm 37,5X22,5) recante la dicitura G.Esposito. Scuola napoletana dell'800. Cornice dorata

    Anglicana Aste s.a.s
  • Gaetano Esposito (ITALIAN, 1858–1911) oil on board, Donkey cart, 7 x 10 inches
    Jun. 30, 2020

    Gaetano Esposito (ITALIAN, 1858–1911) oil on board, Donkey cart, 7 x 10 inches

    Est: $700 - $1,000

    Gaetano Esposito (ITALIAN, 1858–1911) oil on board, Donkey cart, 7 x 10 inches

    Bill Hood & Sons Arts & Antiques Auctions
  • Paintings - Gaetano Esposito (Salerno 1858- Sala Consilina 1911).'Ritratto femminile'. Dipinto ad olio su
    Jun. 18, 2020

    Paintings - Gaetano Esposito (Salerno 1858- Sala Consilina 1911).'Ritratto femminile'. Dipinto ad olio su

    Est: -

    Gaetano Esposito (Salerno 1858- Sala Consilina 1911).“Ritratto femminile“. Dipinto ad olio su compensatino (cm 37,5X22,5) recante la dicitura G.Esposito. Scuola napoletana dell'800. Cornice dorata

    Anglicana Aste s.a.s
  • Gaetano Esposito
    Jun. 16, 2020

    Gaetano Esposito

    Est: €20 - €50

    The boat oil on panel, 19by29cm. Signed on lower right: G.Esposito

    Bolli & Romiti s.r.l
    Mar. 05, 2020


    Est: €1,200 - €1,600

    Salerno, 1858 - Sala Consilina, 1911 Seduzione Firmato G Esposito in basso a sinistra Olio su tavola, cm 26X29

    Wannenes Art Auctions
    Dec. 14, 2019


    Est: €400 - €450

    ESPOSITO GAETANO (1858-1911) Gaetano Esposito 1958-1911 olio su tela raff.volto di donna firmato in alto a destra cm. 36x44

    Casa d'aste Martini
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