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Jakob Elsner Sold at Auction Prices

Portrait painter, Miniature painter, Letter painter, Dose painter, b. 1486 - d. 1517

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  • Jacob Elsner (active Konstanz? c. 1486, d. 1517 Nuremberg)
    May. 13, 2003

    Jacob Elsner (active Konstanz? c. 1486, d. 1517 Nuremberg)

    Est: $70,200 - $93,600

    Portrait of a man, small bust-length, wearing a fur-lined coat, a gold chain and a black beret, before a red background oil on panel 28.9 x 24 cm. PROVENANCE Louis Jay, Frankfurt, 1891. E. Gutmann, Berlin. F.B.E. Gutmann, Heemstede. with K. Haberstock, Berlin, 1941. Dienststelle Mhlmann, The Hague, acquired for Sonderauftrag Linz, 10 March 1941, inv.no.1623. Taken to the Munich Central Collecting Point (no.4500), whence moved to the Netherlands, 3 May 1946. The Instituut Collectie Nederland (earlier the Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit, no. NK3227, as School of Nuremberg, circa 1490) until restituted to Gutmann's heirs in 2002. LITERATURE H. Thode, Die Malerschule von Nrnberg im 14. und 15, Jahrhundert. Frankfurt a.M., 1891, p. 208. Verslagen 's Rijks verzamelingen van geschiedenis en kunst 1948, vol. 70, 1949, p. 113. E. Buchner, Das Deutsche Bildnis der Sp„tgotik und der frher Drerzeit, 1953, illustrated (as Jacob Elsner). A. Stange, Deutsche Malerei der Gotik, vol. 9, 1969, p. 83, illustrated. O. Ter Kuile, Catalogus van de Schilderijen, Rijksmuseum Twente Enschede, 1974-1976, p. 42, no. 74. EXHIBITION Frankfurt, Meisterwerke alter Malerei aus Privatbesitz, 1926, nr. 158, illustrated (as Nuremburg Master, late 15th Century). Enschede, Rijksmuseum Twenthe, on loan from the Instituut Collectie Nederland (earlier the Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit) since 1948. NOTES The attribution to Elsner was proposed by Ernst Buchner in 1953 and was confirmed by Alfred Stange in 1969. Dr. Kurt L”cher, to whom we are very grateful, has re-confirmed the attribution on the basis of photographs, although he notes the caveat applicable to all of Elsner's attributed portraiture, being based upon only one known signed work, the Portrait of J”rg Ketzler, signed on the reverse and dated 1499 (Nuremberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum). SALESROOM NOTICE We are gratefull to Professor Dr P. Klein for dating the panel towards 1499 via a dendrochonological analysis. Additional literature, Das Antlitz des Deutschen in fnf Jahrhunderten Deutscher Malerei, 1980, no. 18. ill.

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