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Boris Efimovic Efimov Sold at Auction Prices

Caricaturist, b. 1899 - d. 2008

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18 Lots

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      • Boris Efimov (RUSSIA 1900-2008) Cartoon Poster
        Aug. 03, 2024

        Boris Efimov (RUSSIA 1900-2008) Cartoon Poster

        Est: $1,000 - $2,000

        Boris Efimov (Boris Friedland) (RUSSIAN FEDERATION, 1900 - 2008) original political anti-Catholic cartoon poster titled "Pope On Guard". Signed in the plate to lower right and dated 1932. Published by OGIZ-IZOGIZ,Moscow-Leningrad, 1932. Mounted in a gold tone wooden frame with mat behind acrylic screen. Paper measures approx. 22 3/4" height x 16 1/4" width to sight. Measures approx. 29" height x 23" width overallincluding frame. Some creasing seen on paper. Otherwise, appears in overall good condition for age. JD/B13/SH:19B

        Joshua Kodner
      • BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008). PICTORIAL REPRESENTATION OF THE TRUE ARYAN. 1941. 40x30 inches, 101¾x76¼ cm. Stafford and Co., Ltd., Notting
        Aug. 03, 2023

        BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008). PICTORIAL REPRESENTATION OF THE TRUE ARYAN. 1941. 40x30 inches, 101¾x76¼ cm. Stafford and Co., Ltd., Notting

        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008) PICTORIAL REPRESENTATION OF THE TRUE ARYAN. 1941. 40x30 inches, 101 3/4x76 1/4 cm. Stafford and Co., Ltd., Nottingham. Condition B+ / A-: minor abrasions and repaired tears at edges; minor abrasions with slight overpainting at vertical and horizontal folds. Originally, these were images for a TASS Window, which depicted Hitler, Goering and Goebbels. They "were lampooned . . . for possessing none of the physical attributes that the Nazis assigned to the ideal Aryan. The contrast between text and image pointedly and wittily demonstrates the disjuncture between Nazi ideology and reality . . . particularly striking here is the degree to which Efimov's caricature of Goebbels resembles Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse" (Windows on the War p. 169).

        Swann Auction Galleries
        Sep. 25, 2021


        Est: $100 - $150

        Boris Efimov (Russian, 1900-2008) WWII Military original mixed media (pen and ink) painting depicting a caricature of Georgi Vasilevich Chicherin, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs; Grigori Yakovlevich Sokolnikov, the People's Commissar of Finance; Platon Mikhailovich Kerzhentsev, Executive Officer of the Soviet Union; and Anatoly Vasilevich Lunacharsky, the first Soviet People's Commissar of Enlightenment. Signed and dated upper left, January 28, 1928. Efimov is one of the most important Soviet political cartoonists.

        Antique Arena Inc
      • BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008). WHAT IS AN "ARYAN"? / HE IS HANDSOME AS GOEBBELS. 1941. 28x20 inches, 71x50¾ cm. Russian War Relief Inc.
        Aug. 05, 2021

        BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008). WHAT IS AN "ARYAN"? / HE IS HANDSOME AS GOEBBELS. 1941. 28x20 inches, 71x50¾ cm. Russian War Relief Inc.

        Est: $1,500 - $2,000

        BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008) WHAT IS AN "ARYAN"? / HE IS HANDSOME AS GOEBBELS. 1941. 28x20 inches, 71x50 3/4 cm. Russian War Relief Inc. Condition A-: minor creases and scuffing in image; slight staining in bottom left corner. Silkscreen Paper. Originally, these were images for the TASS Window 22, which depicted Hitler, Goering and Goebbels. They "were lampooned . . . for possessing none of the physical attributes that the Nazis assigned to the ideal Aryan. The contrast between text and image pointedly and wittily demonstrates the disjuncture between Nazi ideology and reality . . . particularly striking here is the degree to which Efimov's caricature of Goebbels resembles Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse" (Windows on the War p. 169). Windows on the War p. 117, 121 and 169 (all var), Rhodes p. 227.

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008). WHAT IS AN "ARYAN"? / HE IS STREAMLINED AS GOERING. 1941. 28x20 inches, 71x50¾ cm. Russian War Relief Inc.
        Aug. 05, 2021

        BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008). WHAT IS AN "ARYAN"? / HE IS STREAMLINED AS GOERING. 1941. 28x20 inches, 71x50¾ cm. Russian War Relief Inc.

        Est: $1,500 - $2,000

        BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008) WHAT IS AN "ARYAN"? / HE IS STREAMLINED AS GOERING. 1941. 28x20 inches, 71x50 3/4 cm. Russian War Relief Inc. Condition A-: small stain at bottom; minor creases and scuffing at edges and in image. Silkscreen. Paper.

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • Original 1980s Soviet Anti-West Propaganda Poster
        Mar. 06, 2021

        Original 1980s Soviet Anti-West Propaganda Poster

        Est: $200 - $300

        Efimov, Boris Efimovich 1900 -. Soviet Propaganda Poster (1941 - 1945). Offset 1985. Size: 25.9 x 19.2 in. (66 x 49 cm). Printer: no information. Condition Details: (A) text in German written in pencil on verso

        PosterConnection Inc.
      • Russische Kunst; Efimov, Boris E - Karikatur (Maksim Gor'kij und das
        Oct. 25, 2019

        Russische Kunst; Efimov, Boris E - Karikatur (Maksim Gor'kij und das

        Est: €200 - €300

        Karikatur (Maksim Gor'kij und das alte Sankt-Petersburg). Mischtechnik auf Papier. Verso in Blei bezeichnet. Blattgröße: 28,5 x 22 cm. Nach ersten Veröffentlichungen als Karikaturist ab 1918 zeichnete Boris E. Efimov (1900-2008) bald für bekannte, später für zentrale sowjetische Satirezeitschriften. Er verband die künstlerische früh mit politischer und redaktioneller Tätigkeit, gilt als einer der Väter der "positiven Satire". - Der wahrscheinliche Abdruck in einer Satire-Zeitschrift ließ sich von uns nicht nachweisen. - Blatt doubliert, rechter Blattrand etwas berieben, linke untere Ecke etwas knickspurig, etwas fleckig, linker Rand mit mehreren kleinen Löchern. VAT #

        Nosbüsch & Stucke GmbH
      • EFIMOV, BORIS EFIMOVICH. 1899-2008. Original pen-and-ink and watercolor dr
        Dec. 06, 2017

        EFIMOV, BORIS EFIMOVICH. 1899-2008. Original pen-and-ink and watercolor dr

        Est: -

        EFIMOV, BORIS EFIMOVICH. 1899-2008. Original pen-and-ink and watercolor drawing, Globalnaya bestseremonnost [Global Ruthlessness],

      • EFIMOV, BORIS EFIMOVICH. 1899-2008. Original pen-and-ink drawing, Avraam L
        Dec. 06, 2017

        EFIMOV, BORIS EFIMOVICH. 1899-2008. Original pen-and-ink drawing, Avraam L

        Est: -

        EFIMOV, BORIS EFIMOVICH. 1899-2008. Original pen-and-ink drawing, Avraam Linkoln: Bozhe! Neuzheli poste voiny za osvobozhdenie negrov proshlo sto let? [Abraham Lincoln: God! Has it been 100 years since the post-war period of Negro liberation?], a political cartoon for Izvestiya, 1961,

      • Boris Efimov (1900-2008).
        Nov. 24, 2017

        Boris Efimov (1900-2008).

        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        Efimov Boris Efimovich (1900-2008). Caricature of the poet Boris Pasternak. 1954. China ink on paper. 30 х 21. Signed and dated at the bottom. Provenance: family of the arist. The drawing is published in the book "Looking at faces: satirical verses." Goslitizdat, 1954. Ефимов Борис Ефимович (1900-2008). Шарж на поэта Бориса Пастернака. 1954. Бумага, тушь. 30 х 21. Подпись и дата внизу. Провенанс: семья художника. Pисунок опубликован в книге: Взирая на лица: сатирические стихи. Москва, Гослитиздат, 1954

        JADA Auctions, Inc.
      • Boris Efimov (1900-2008).
        Nov. 24, 2017

        Boris Efimov (1900-2008).

        Est: $800 - $1,000

        Efimov Boris Efimovich (1900-2008). “Do not touch - danger!” Illustration for “Ogonyok” magazine”. 1952. China ink on paper. 30 х 21. Signed and date at the bottom. Ефимов Борис Ефимович (1900-2008). “Не трогать – опасно!”. Иллюстрация для журнала “Огонек”. 1952. Бумага, тушь. 30 х 21. Подпись и дата внизу.

        JADA Auctions, Inc.
      • Boris Efimov (1900-2008).
        Nov. 24, 2017

        Boris Efimov (1900-2008).

        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        Efimov Boris Efimovich (1900-2008). “The writings of Solzhenitsyn are anticommunist calumnies”. Caricature. 1974. China ink on paper. 30 х 18,5. Signed and dated at the bottom. Published in the newspaper Izvestia, 1974. Provenance: Family of the artist. Ефимов Борис Ефимович (1900-2008). “Сочинения Солженицына. Антикоммунистическая клевета”. Карикатура. 1974. Бумага, тушь. 30 х 18,5. Подпись и дата внизу. Провенанс: семья художника. Карикатура опубликована в газете Известия в 1974 году.

        JADA Auctions, Inc.
      • BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008). WHAT IS AN "ARYAN"? / HE IS HANDSOME AS GOEBBELS. 1941. 27x19 inches, 70x49 cm. Russian War Relief Inc.
        Aug. 02, 2017

        BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008). WHAT IS AN "ARYAN"? / HE IS HANDSOME AS GOEBBELS. 1941. 27x19 inches, 70x49 cm. Russian War Relief Inc.

        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008) WHAT IS AN "ARYAN"? / HE IS HANDSOME AS GOEBBELS. 1941. 27 1/2x19 1/4 inches, 70x49 cm. Russian War Relief Inc. Condition B+: replaced upper right corner; repaired tear at top edge, into text; minor restoration and creases at edges and along horizontal fold; repaired pin hole at bottom right corner. Silkscreen. "TASS 22 appeared in a variety of Soviet publications throughout the war . . . in the United States, Russian War Relief, Inc. (RWR), published a suite of four prints based on a selection of TASS posters, among them the Goebbels and Goering panels of TASS 22. The entire poster was reproduced in Life on August 24, 1942" (Windows on the War p. 169). Windows on the War p. 117, 121 and 169 (all var).

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008). WHAT IS AN "ARYAN"? / HE IS STREAMLINED AS GOERING. 1941. 27x19 inches, 70x48 cm. Russian War Relief Inc.
        Aug. 02, 2017

        BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008). WHAT IS AN "ARYAN"? / HE IS STREAMLINED AS GOERING. 1941. 27x19 inches, 70x48 cm. Russian War Relief Inc.

        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008) WHAT IS AN "ARYAN"? / HE IS STREAMLINED AS GOERING. 1941. 27 3/4x19 inches, 70 1/2x48 1/4 cm. Russian War Relief Inc. Condition B+: minor restoration along losses and repaired tears at edges; creases and restoration in margins and image and along horizontal folds. Silkscreen. Originally, these were images for the TASS Window 22, which depicted Hitler, Goering and Goebbels. They "were lampooned . . . for possessing none of the physical attributes that the Nazis assigned to the ideal Aryan. The contrast between text and image pointedly and wittily demonstrates the disjuncture between Nazi ideology and reality . . . particularly striking here is the degree to which Efimov''s caricature of Goebbels resembles Walt Disney''s Mickey Mouse" (see next lot) (Windows on the War p. 169). Windows on the War p. 117, 121 and 169 (all var), Rhodes p. 227.

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008). [NUCLEAR WAR - NO!] 1973. 35x23 inches, 90x58 cm. Visual Arts, Moscow.
        Aug. 05, 2015

        BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008). [NUCLEAR WAR - NO!] 1973. 35x23 inches, 90x58 cm. Visual Arts, Moscow.

        Est: $400 - $600

        BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008) [NUCLEAR WAR - NO!] 1973. 35 1/2x23 inches, 90x58 1/2 cm. Visual Arts, Moscow. Condition A / A-: creases in upper corners. Paper.

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008). [FOR PEACE AND DISARMAMENT.] 1962. 25x17 inches, 64x44 cm. Sovetsky Khudozhnik, Moscow.
        Feb. 25, 2014

        BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008). [FOR PEACE AND DISARMAMENT.] 1962. 25x17 inches, 64x44 cm. Sovetsky Khudozhnik, Moscow.

        Est: $400 - $600

        BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008) [FOR PEACE AND DISARMAMENT.] 1962. 25 1/2x17 1/2 inches, 64 3/4x44 1/2 cm. Sovetsky Khudozhnik, Moscow. Condition B+ / B: tears and creases in margins and image; horizontal folds. Paper.

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008). WHAT IS AN "ARYAN"? / HE IS STREAMLINED AS GOERING. 1941. 27x19 inches, 70x49 cm. Russian War Relief Inc.
        Aug. 07, 2013

        BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008). WHAT IS AN "ARYAN"? / HE IS STREAMLINED AS GOERING. 1941. 27x19 inches, 70x49 cm. Russian War Relief Inc.

        Est: $700 - $1,000

        BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008) WHAT IS AN "ARYAN"? / HE IS STREAMLINED AS GOERING. 1941. 27 1/2x19 1/2 inches, 70x49 1/2 cm. Russian War Relief Inc. Condition B+: creases and abrasions in image; pin holes in top corners. Silkscreen. Paper. Framed. 'TASS 22 appeared in a variety of Soviet publications throughout the war . . . in the United States, Russian War Relief, Inc. (RWR), published a suite of four prints based on a selection of TASS posters, among them the Goebbels and Goering panels of TASS 22. The entire poster was reproduced in Life on August 24, 1942' (Windows on the War p. 169). Windows on the War p. 117, 121 and 169 (all var).

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008). WHAT IS AN "ARYAN"? / HE IS HANDSOME AS GOEBBELS. 1941. 27x19 inches, 70x49 cm. Russian War Relief Inc.
        Aug. 07, 2013

        BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008). WHAT IS AN "ARYAN"? / HE IS HANDSOME AS GOEBBELS. 1941. 27x19 inches, 70x49 cm. Russian War Relief Inc.

        Est: $700 - $1,000

        BORIS EFIMOV (1899-2008) WHAT IS AN "ARYAN"? / HE IS HANDSOME AS GOEBBELS. 1941. 27 1/2x19 1/2 inches, 70x49 1/2 cm. Russian War Relief Inc. Condition B+: creases and abrasions in image; pin holes in top corners. Silkscreen. Paper. Framed. Originally, these were images for the TASS Window 22, which depicted Hitler, Göring and Goebbels. They 'were lampooned . . . for possessing none of the physical attributes that the Nazis assigned to the ideal Aryan. The contrast between text and image pointedly and wittily demonstrates the disjuncture between Nazi ideology and reality . . . particularly striking here is the degree to which Efimov's caricature of Goebbels resembles Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse' (Windows on the War p. 169). Windows on the War p. 117, 121 and 169 (all var).

        Swann Auction Galleries
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