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Gaspard Dughet Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Engraver, b. 1615 - d. 1675

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  • Gaspard Dughet, 1615 Rom – 1675 ebenda, Kreis des
    Dec. 05, 2024

    Gaspard Dughet, 1615 Rom – 1675 ebenda, Kreis des

    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    SZENE AM FLUSSUFER Öl auf Leinwand. Altdoubliert. 94 x 134 cm. Links unten monogrammiert. In breitem Kehlrahmen. Inmitten einer von Hügeln und schroffen Felsen gesäumten Flusslandschaft im Vordergrund an einem Ufer ein Hirte mit Schafen, dessen Aufmerksamkeit einer Personengruppe näher am Betrachter gilt, die scheinbar in Streit geraten sind. Anmerkung: Der Künstler war ein in Rom geborener, französischer Maler. Zwischen 1631 und 1635 wurde er Schüler von Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665), der zuvor seine Schwester angeheiratet hatte. Aufgrund dieser Verbindung war er weithin als Gaspard Poussin bekannt. Er spezialisierte sich auf die Malerei von Landschaften der römischen Campagna. (1420458) (13) Gaspard Dughet, 1615 Rome - 1675 ibid., circle of SCENE ON THE RIVERBANK Oil on canvas. Old relining. 94 x 134 cm. Monogrammed lower left. Notes: The present artist was a French painter born in Rome. Between 1631 and 1635 he became a student of Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665), who had previously married his sister. He was widely known as Gaspard Poussin due to this family connection. He specialized in painting landscapes of the Roman Campagna.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Attributed to GASPARD DUGHET (Rome, 1615-1675). "Louis XIV on the hunt". Oil on canvas.
    Nov. 25, 2024

    Attributed to GASPARD DUGHET (Rome, 1615-1675). "Louis XIV on the hunt". Oil on canvas.

    Est: €4,000 - €5,000

    Attributed to GASPARD DUGHET (Rome, 1615-1675). "Louis XIV on the hunt". Oil on canvas. Measurements: 73 x 97 cm. The present canvas shows an idealized landscape, a type of leafy places of wide panoramic in which Gaspard Dughet, who is considered as one of the main masters in the creation of the poetics of the Roman landscape of the XVII century, stood out very much. In this landscape, as in others he painted, the influence of Poussin can be seen in the serene capture of nature, although this influence is mixed with that of Nordic painters who provide a more stormy and charged sky, as well as luminous details with a subtle dramatism. The small human figures in his paintings were sometimes made by other artists. On this occasion, the painter evokes the figure of Louis XIV riding a white horse, attended by a servant who accompanies him on a hunting trip with his dogs. Gaspard Dughet, also known as Pussino and as Gaspard Poussin, was Nicolas Poussin's brother-in-law, and worked in the latter's studio until 1635. Nicolas Poussin's life became better known after his arrival in Rome in 1624 and, above all, after his marriage in 1630. When he arrived in Rome, he managed to contact important patrons, thus winning important commissions (he participated in the renovation of St. Peter's in the Vatican, painted for Casiano del Pozo, etc.). His fame grows from 1634, when he begins to receive commissions from France, and finally he arrives in Paris to work for Louis XIII in 1640, returning to Rome after a disastrous stay. Stylistically, he stands out for his strong compositions, perfectly balanced, and turns, over time and increasingly, towards nature, creating important landscapes. His work is preserved only in important private collections, and also in prominent institutions such as the Prado Museum in Madrid, the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool, the Museum of Fine Arts in Rouen, the Louvre Museum in Paris, the National Museum of Wales in Cardiff, etc. It should be noted that he was appointed Academician of St. Luke in Rome in 1659, and that the Spanish ambassador Castel Rodrigo bought many of his works, which could be for himself or for King Philip IV. His work is preserved in several private collections around the world and in institutions such as the Prado Museum in Madrid, the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, the Dulwich Picture Gallery in London, the Wallace Collection in London, the Art Gallery of South Australia, the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest, etc.

    Setdart Auction House
  • Dughet, Gaspard (Kreis/Circle)
    Nov. 13, 2024

    Dughet, Gaspard (Kreis/Circle)

    Est: €2,000 - €4,000

    Dughet, Gaspard (Kreis/Circle) Rom 1615 - 1675 70 x 95 cm Italian river landscape with fishermen, reclining herdsmen and architecture. Oil/canvas, relined. Hessian private collection. Dughet, Gaspard (Kreis/Circle) Rom 1615 - 1675 70 x 95 cm Italienische Flusslandschaft mit Fischern, ruhenden Hirten und Architektur. Öl/Lwd., doubl. Hessische Privatsammlung.

    Nagel Auction
    Sep. 26, 2024


    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Figures in an Italianate landscape. Oil on canvas. Enclosed in a gilt frame. Provenance: West Cork, Ireland, Private Collection. PICTURES AND PRINTS Thursday 26th September 2024 Approximate Time 15:19:30

    Sep. 26, 2024


    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    BERGIGE LANDSCHAFT MIT FLUSS UND TEMPELANLAGE Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 80,5 x 64,5 cm. In vergoldetem Prunkrahmen. Blick von erhöhtem Standpunkt auf hohe, meist mit Sträuchern und Bäumen bewachsene Felsen, auf deren oberen Plateau eine Anlage mit Rundtempel und ihr gegenüber eine Kirche oder Klosteranlage vor einem über Kaskaden in die Tiefe verlaufenden Fluss erkennbar sind. Im unteren Teil des Gemäldes ist durch einen Felsenbogen der weitere Verlauf des Flusses sichtbar. Am unteren Rand drei junge Frauen, von denen zwei einen Korb mit Blumen befüllen, während eine weitere einen kleinen Blumen gefüllten Korb auf ihrem Kopf davonträgt. Harmonische ruhige Landschaftsdarstellung in zurückhaltender Farbgebung, aufgelockert durch die farbige Kleidung der Frauen. (1410807) (18) Gaspard Dughet, 1615 – 1675, attributed MOUNTAINOUS LANDSCAPE WITH RIVER AND TEMPLE Oil on canvas. Relined. 80.5 x 64.5 cm.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Gaspard Dughet (attribuito a) (Roma, 1615 - Roma, 1675) Paesaggio fluviale. Fiume Aniene sul Ponte Nomentano. olio su tela cm 35x62; con cornice cm 51x78
    Sep. 24, 2024

    Gaspard Dughet (attribuito a) (Roma, 1615 - Roma, 1675) Paesaggio fluviale. Fiume Aniene sul Ponte Nomentano. olio su tela cm 35x62; con cornice cm 51x78

    Est: €900 - €1,500

    Gaspard Dughet (attribuito a) (Roma, 1615 - Roma, 1675) Paesaggio fluviale. Fiume Aniene sul Ponte Nomentano. olio su tela cm 35x62; con cornice cm 51x78

    Gliubich Casa d'Aste
  • Gaspard Dughet gen. Poussin
    Sep. 07, 2024

    Gaspard Dughet gen. Poussin

    Est: €6,000 - €12,000

    (1615 Rom - 1675 ebenda) Umkreis Taufe Christi durch Johannes den Täufer Szenische Darstellung der Taufe nach den Evangelien des Matthäus und Markus. In einer weiten, baumbestandenen und von Bergen durchzogenen Landschaft mit dem Jordan wird im Vordergrund die Taufe geschildert, die von mehreren weiteren Figuren flankiert wird. Mittig auf einem Felsen kniend Johannes der Täufer, mit der linken Hand einen Stab mit dem Schriftband "ECCE AGNUS DEI" (Seht das Lamm Gottes) haltend; über dem noch im Wasser stehenden Christus die Taube des Heiligen Geistes, in einer Wolke im Himmel Gottvater mit der Weltkugel und zwei Engeln. Komposition, Motiv und Stil weisen auf die italienische Schule hin, insbesondere Nicolas Poussin und Gaspard Dughet. Letzterer war 1631-1635 Schüler seines späteren Schwagers Nicolas Poussins, der ihn nachhaltig prägte und dessen Namen er sogar annahm. Sein ebenfalls in Rom tätiger Künstlerkollege Claude Lorrain inspirierte Dughet dazu, sich auf arkadische, idealisierte Campagna-Landschaften zu spezialisieren, in die er zuweilen auch historische, mythologische oder biblische Szenen komponierte. Seine Gemälde befinden sich durch Grand Tour-Reisende insbesondere in englischen Sammlungen, gelangten aber auch in die Royal Collection und National Gallery in London. Öl/Lwd., doubl.; 72 cm x 96 cm. Rahmen. Circle of Gaspard Dughet called Poussin (1615 - 1675). Oil on canvas, relined.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Gaspard Dughet gen. Poussin
    Sep. 07, 2024

    Gaspard Dughet gen. Poussin

    Est: €1,400 - €2,800

    (1615 Rom - 1675 ebenda) attr.; Arkadische Landschaft mit Figurenstaffage Blick auf eine bergige, baumbestandene, italienische Flusslandschaft, die im Vorder- und Mittelgrund durch unterschiedliche Figuren am Ufer belebt wird. In Motiv, Komposition und Stil überaus charakteristisches, atmosphärisch gestimmtes Werk des bedeutenden italienischen Landschaftsmalers. Er war 1631-1635 Schüler von Nicolas Poussin, der ihn nachhaltig prägte, später wurde er dessen Schwager und nahm sogar seinen Namen an. Sein ebenfalls in Rom tätiger Künstlerkollege Claude Lorrain inspirierte ihn dazu, sich auf arkadische, idealisierte Landschaften der Campagna, insbesondere der Umgebung Tivolis, zu spezialisieren. Seine Gemälde gelangten besonders in englische Sammlungen, die Royal Collection und in berühmte Museen wie die National Gallery in London und Eremitage in St. Petersburg. Öl/Lwd., doubl.; 56 cm x 68 cm. Rahmen. Attributed to Gaspard Dughet called Poussin (1615 - 1675). Oil on canvas, relined.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge ?
    Jul. 28, 2024

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge ?

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge ? "Italienische Landschaft mit figürlicher Staffage" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand (doubliert), 47,5 cm x 38,5 cm Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Circumference/Succession? "Italian Landscape with Figural Staffage" Painting - Oil on canvas (relined), 47.5 cm x 38.5 cm

    Auktionshaus Kloss
  • After Gaspard Dughet,  Italian/French 1615-1675-  Arcadian landscape with
    Jul. 09, 2024

    After Gaspard Dughet,  Italian/French 1615-1675-  Arcadian landscape with

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    After Gaspard Dughet,  Italian/French 1615-1675-  Arcadian landscape with Rinaldo and Armida;  oil on canvas, 85.1 x 139 cm.  Provenance:  Property from a European Private Collection.  Note:  The present work is a copy after Dughet's original painting, which is held in the collection of Galleria Corsini in Rome [no.386].  Dughet studied under his brother-in-law, Nicolas Poussin (1694-1665), and was evidently heavily inspired by his teacher's dramatic Classical landscapes, as evident in the present composition, in which the figures of Rinaldo and Armida in the foreground are dwarfed by the grand, mountainous landscape around them. 

    Jun. 18, 2024


    Est: €7,000 - €12,000

    (Roma, 1615 - 1675) Veduta nei pressi di Villa Adriana, 1650 circa Olio su tela, cm 47X56 Provenienza: Roma, collezione privata Il dipinto è una testimonianza pittorica rilevante della maturità di Gaspard Dughet, artista che è da considerare uno dei più importanti paesisti dell'età barocca. La sua formazione si svolse nella bottega di Nicolas Poussin che ne incoraggiò il talento osservando: 'inclinava più a disegnar paesi che figure. E come era fuor di modo inclinato anche alla caccia, gli diceva che considerasse fissamente in cacciando così da vicino, che di lontano qualunque sito, e veduta che si presentasse allo sguardo, e che delle più belle ne facesse è disegni' (Pascoli, 1730, p. 58). Seppur numerose le notizie letterarie e storiche che lo riguardano, la biografia del pittore è nondimeno sfocata e ancora approssimativo è il catalogo della sua produzione. Tuttavia, la poetica di Dughet possiede una personale e riconoscibile cifra stilistica, una sincera adesione al dato naturale e un gusto arcadico parco di citazioni antiquariali o mitologiche. L'artista fu tra i primi a descrivere la campagna romana con empatia e sensibilità realistica, ponendo altresì attenzione ai fenomeni atmosferici, certificandone il concepimento 'en plein air'. È questo l'aspetto che più lo distingue dai suoi colleghi e dall'ideale classico di tradizione bolognese, cogliendo nei fremiti drammatici della natura la sua intrinsecità arcadica. Non stupisce pertanto il fatto che Dughet fu ricercatissimo e celebrato dall'aristocrazia e modello di riferimento per gli artisti della generazione seguente come Jan Frans van Bloemen e Andrea Locatelli. A lui si devono importanti commissioni decorative, mentre la sua pratica raggiunge esiti d'altissima qualità e compiutezza, specialmente quando si cimenta con la tempera, tecnica che porta a livelli d'eccelso virtuosismo ponendo un'attenzione quasi maniacale nella preparazione dei supporti, dell'amalgama e delle vernici protettive. La sua attività autonoma comincia nel quarto decennio, con la decorazione di una stanza al primo piano nobile del Palazzo Muti Bussi all'Ara Coeli, sono gli anni in cui l'artista, al seguito di Claude Lorrain e Nicolas Poussin, cerca la sua ispirazione esplorando la campagna romana, studiandone dal vero gli scorci più suggestivi, gli effetti di luce e la lussureggiante vegetazione. Alla metà del secolo sarà chiamato dai Pamphilj, i Costaguti e i Colonna per i quali esegue affreschi e dipinti da cavalletto, come le suggestive tempere che ancora oggi adornano la Sala dei Paesaggi nel Palazzo ai Santi Apostoli. Il dipinto in esame è quindi un affascinante esempio della sua maturità, nei modi di quella famosa seconda maniera ricordata dal Baldinucci (Baldinucci, 1845-1847, p. 304), una veduta reale ma idealizzata dell'Agro romano, interpretata con sensibilità pastorale dove lo sguardo si addentra in profondità seguendo la cadenza degli alberi e delle ombre. L'opera è corredata da una scheda critica di Ferdinando Bologna. Bibliografia di riferimento: L. Pascoli, Vite de' pittori, scultori..., Roma 1730, I, pp. 57-63 F. Baldinucci, Notizie de' professori del disegno... [1681-1728], Firenze 1845-1847, ad Indicem dell'ediz. anastatica, VII, Firenze 1975 L. Salerno, Pittori di paesaggio del Seicento a Roma, Roma 1977-1978, II, pp. 522-545 M. N. Boisclair, Gaspard Dughet 1615-1675, Parigi 1986, ad vocem G. Sestieri, Repertorio della Pittura Romana della fine del Seicento e del Settecento, Torino 1994, I, pp. 104-107, III figg. 599-622 F. Cappelletti, Gaspard Dughet, in La pittura di paesaggio in Italia. Il Seicento, a cura di L. Trezzani, Milano 2004, pp. 272-275

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Dughet / Poussin, Gaspard (1615 Rome - 1675 ibid., Italian landscape painter and pupil, brother-in-law of Nicolas Poussin) inscribed,
    Jun. 15, 2024

    Dughet / Poussin, Gaspard (1615 Rome - 1675 ibid., Italian landscape painter and pupil, brother-in-law of Nicolas Poussin) inscribed,

    Est: -

    Dughet / Poussin, Gaspard (1615 Rome - 1675 ibid., Italian landscape painter and pupil, brother-in-law of Nicolas Poussin) inscribed, "Aufziehendes Gewitter",(1615 Rome - 1675 ibid., Italian landscape painter and pupil, brother-in-law of Nicolas Poussin) inscribed, "Aufziehendes Gewitter", Oil on canvas mounted, inscribed Gaspard Dughet on the reverse, paint seal Berlin Gemälde Galerie Rolauf on the reverse ?, 44.5 x 60 cm, old restoration, minimal loss of colour. Provenance: 3rd generation in family ownership. Dughet / Poussin, Gaspard (1615 Rom - 1675 ebenda, italienischer Landschaftsmaler und Schüler, Schwager des Nicolas Poussin) zugeschrieben, "Aufziehendes Gewitter", Öl auf Leinwand doubliert, rückseitig bezeichnet Gaspard Dughet, rückseitig Lacksiegel Berlin Gemälde Galerie Rolauf ?, 44.5 x 60 cm, altrestauriert, minimale Farbverluste. Provenienz: 3. Generation in Familienbesitz.

    Auktionshaus Plückbaum
  • Attributed to GASPARD DUGHET (Rome, 1615-1675). "Landscape with figures". Oil on canvas. Relined. A very similar work is part of the Royal Collection published in "The enclosed beauty", Museo del Prado, 2013 p.252.
    May. 29, 2024

    Attributed to GASPARD DUGHET (Rome, 1615-1675). "Landscape with figures". Oil on canvas. Relined. A very similar work is part of the Royal Collection published in "The enclosed beauty", Museo del Prado, 2013 p.252.

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    Attributed to GASPARD DUGHET (Rome, 1615-1675). "Landscape with figures". Oil on canvas. Relined. A very similar work is part of the Royal Collection published in "The enclosed beauty", Museo del Prado, 2013 p.252. Presents restorations on the back. Measurements: 49 x 61 cm; 66 x 79 cm (frame). The present canvas shows an idealized landscape, a type of leafy landscapes of wide panoramic in which Gaspard Dughet, who is considered one of the main masters in the creation of the poetics of the Roman landscape of the XVII century, excelled. In this landscape, as in others he painted, the influence of Poussin can be seen in the serene capture of nature, although this influence is mixed with that of Nordic painters who provide a more stormy and charged sky, as well as luminous details with a subtle dramatism. The small human figures in his paintings were sometimes painted by other artists. Gaspard Dughet, also known as Pussino and as Gaspard Poussin, was Nicolas Poussin's brother-in-law, and worked in Poussin's studio until 1635. Nicolas Poussin's life became better known after his arrival in Rome in 1624 and, above all, after his marriage in 1630. When he arrived in Rome, he managed to contact important patrons, thus winning important commissions (he participated in the renovation of St. Peter's in the Vatican, painted for Casiano del Pozo, etc.). His fame grows from 1634, when he begins to receive commissions from France, and finally he arrives in Paris to work for Louis XIII in 1640, returning to Rome after a disastrous stay. Stylistically, he stands out for his strong compositions, perfectly balanced, and turns, over time and increasingly, towards nature, creating important landscapes. His work is preserved only in important private collections, and also in prominent institutions such as the Prado Museum in Madrid, the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool, the Museum of Fine Arts in Rouen, the Louvre Museum in Paris, the National Museum of Wales in Cardiff, etc. It should be noted that he was appointed Academician of St. Luke in Rome in 1659, and that the Spanish ambassador Castel Rodrigo bought many of his works, which could be for himself or for King Philip IV. His work is preserved in several private collections around the world and in institutions such as the Prado Museum in Madrid, the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, the Dulwich Picture Gallery in London, the Wallace Collection in London, the Art Gallery of South Australia, the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest, etc.

    Setdart Auction House
  • Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge
    May. 26, 2024

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge "Italienische Landschaft mit figürlicher Staffage" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand (doubliert), 47,5 cm x 38,5 cm Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Circumference/Succession "Italian Landscape with Figural Staffage" Painting - Oil on canvas (relined), 47.5 cm x 38.5 cm

    Auktionshaus Kloss
  • D'APRES GASPARD DUGHET (1615-1675) Paysage animé
    Apr. 23, 2024

    D'APRES GASPARD DUGHET (1615-1675) Paysage animé

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    D'APRES GASPARD DUGHET (1615-1675) Paysage animé Huile sur toile. Olieverf op doek. Oil on canvas. 38,5 x 48,5 cm

  • Gaspard Dughet (scope of) (Rome 1615-Rome 1675) Landscape with shepherds Oil on canvas 65x74 cm - with frame 88x98 cm
    Apr. 17, 2024

    Gaspard Dughet (scope of) (Rome 1615-Rome 1675) Landscape with shepherds Oil on canvas 65x74 cm - with frame 88x98 cm

    Est: €600 - €1,200

    Gaspard Dughet (scope of) (Rome 1615-Rome 1675) Landscape with shepherds Oil on canvas 65x74 cm - with frame 88x98 cm

    Casa d'aste ARCADIA
  • Gaspard Dughet (Rome 1615-Rome 1675) Lake landscape with characters and ancient bas-relief oil on canvas 43x55 cm - with frame 53x63 cm
    Apr. 17, 2024

    Gaspard Dughet (Rome 1615-Rome 1675) Lake landscape with characters and ancient bas-relief oil on canvas 43x55 cm - with frame 53x63 cm

    Est: €1,800 - €3,600

    Gaspard Dughet (Rome 1615-Rome 1675) Lake landscape with characters and ancient bas-relief oil on canvas 43x55 cm - with frame 53x63 cm

    Casa d'aste ARCADIA
  • Gaspard Dughet (school of)(Rome 1615-Rome 1675) a) Arcadian landscape with figures b) Shepherd with flock pair of oils
    Apr. 17, 2024

    Gaspard Dughet (school of)(Rome 1615-Rome 1675) a) Arcadian landscape with figures b) Shepherd with flock pair of oils

    Est: €2,800 - €5,000

    Gaspard Dughet (school of) (Rome 1615-Rome 1675) a) Arcadian landscape with figures b) Shepherd with flock pair of oils on canvas 50x66 cm with frame 68x85 The pair of landscapes with figures fits perfectly into that artistic movement, begun in Rome by Carracci and his scholars such as Francesco Albani, who placed the cardinal point in the painting is the landscape and no longer the human figures. In our paintings the figures that animate them seem to be secondary aspects of the composition, while the viewer's eye is dispersed among the architectural scenes formed by shrubs, trees shaken by the wind, clouds that stand out against a clear sky and rocks. Among the greatest interpreters of this genre is Gaspar Dughet, an elegant artist of French origin, very close to Nicolas Poussin, who was able to gain a first-rate place with his paintings in the princely galleries of Rome and beyond. Due to their stylistic proximity, the two landscapes presented here demonstrate a clear ancestry towards Dughet, which leads us to attribute them to one of his close collaborators.

    Casa d'aste ARCADIA
  • Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge
    Mar. 24, 2024

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge "Italienische Landschaft mit figürlicher Staffage" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand (doubliert), 47,5 cm x 38,5 cm Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Circumference/Succession "Italian Landscape with Figural Staffage" Painting - Oil on canvas (relined), 47.5 cm x 38.5 cm

    Auktionshaus Kloss
    Mar. 19, 2024


    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    GASPARD DUGHET (Roma 1615 - 1675) PAESAGGIO DELLA VALLE DEL TEVERE CON PASTORI IN RIPOSO Olio su tela, cm. 59 x 72 PROVENIENZA Famiglia romana CONDITION REPORT Rintelo a cera novecentesco. Alcuni punti di restauro ossidati ai bordi. Il dipinto è in buono stato di conservazione CORNICE Cornice modanata in legno dorato con bordi a palmette e baccelli, dell'inizio del XX secolo Il dipinto è accompagnato da perizia del Prof. Giancarlo Sestieri

    Casa d'Aste Babuino
    Feb. 21, 2024


    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    GASPARD DUGHET (FRENCH 1615-1675)AN ARCADIAN LANDSCAPEOil on canvas47 x 63cm (18½ x 24¾ in.)Provenance:Colnaghi & Co., London

    Dreweatts 1759 Fine Sales
  • Dughet, Gaspard (auch Poussin)
    Feb. 16, 2024

    Dughet, Gaspard (auch Poussin)

    Est: €1,600 - €2,400

    (1615 Rom 1675) zugeschr. Schafhirten am Fluss vor Landschaft mit Gebirge und Gebäude. Öl auf Leinwand wohl 17. Jh. Ca. 42,5 x 61 cm. In schmuckhaftem Rahmen (nicht ausgerahmt). Verso m. Siegel (Bekrönter Greif mit Schwert und Pfeilen in bekröntem und floral umfasstem Oval), 2 Export-St. d. Pariser Zolls (Douane Exportation Paris Centrale) u. 1 unleserl. St. m. Wappen. Rahmen u. Keilrahmen verso bez. m. div. Num. Rest. Fehlst. unt. li. ca. 1 x 1 cm. Weitere kl. Abplatzungen, tls. m. etw. Darst.-Verl. Vereinz. minim. fl. Etw. Craquelée. Etw. nachgedunkelt. Rahmen wurde gewechselt, sodass Rd. v. ca. 5 mm erkennbar ist. Verso Sp. früherer Rahmung. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge
    Jan. 28, 2024

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge "Italienische Landschaft mit figürlicher Staffage" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand (doubliert), 47,5 cm x 38,5 cm Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Circumference/Succession "Italian Landscape with Figural Staffage" Painting - Oil on canvas (relined), 47.5 cm x 38.5 cm

    Auktionshaus Kloss
  • Dughet, Gaspard (auch Poussin)
    Dec. 13, 2023

    Dughet, Gaspard (auch Poussin)

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    (1615 Rom 1675) zugeschr. Schafhirten am Fluss vor Landschaft mit Gebirge und Gebäude. Öl auf Leinwand wohl 17. Jh. Ca. 42,5 x 61 cm. In schmuckhaftem Rahmen (nicht ausgerahmt). Verso m. Siegel (Bekrönter Greif mit Schwert und Pfeilen in bekröntem und floral umfasstem Oval), 2 Export-St. d. Pariser Zolls (Douane Exportation Paris Centrale) u. 1 unleserl. St. m. Wappen. Rahmen u. Keilrahmen verso bez. m. div. Num. Rest. Fehlst. unt. li. ca. 1 x 1 cm. Weitere kl. Abplatzungen, tls. m. etw. Darst.-Verl. Vereinz. minim. fl. Etw. Craquelée. Etw. nachgedunkelt. Rahmen wurde gewechselt, sodass Rd. v. ca. 5 mm erkennbar ist. Verso Sp. früherer Rahmung. D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge
    Dec. 05, 2023

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge "Italienische Landschaft mit figürlicher Staffage" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand (doubliert), 47,5 cm x 38,5 cm Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Circumference/Succession "Italian Landscape with Figural Staffage" Painting - Oil on canvas (relined), 47.5 cm x 38.5 cm

    Auktionshaus Kloss
  • Dughet, Gaspard (1615-1675). (River landscape with a man in a small boat in the foreground and a bridge in ruins in the background).
    Nov. 24, 2023

    Dughet, Gaspard (1615-1675). (River landscape with a man in a small boat in the foreground and a bridge in ruins in the background).

    Est: €100 - €150

    Dughet, Gaspard (1615-1675). (River landscape with a man in a small boat in the foreground and a bridge in ruins in the background). Etching, 20,2x29,7 cm. - Repaired copy, mostly along central fold; sm. closed tear in lower margin, ±1 cm. within the image. = Robert-Dumesnil, peintre graveur, p.130, no.7, 1st state of 2 (before the address), laid paper with watermark showing a crown with a star above within a circle. AND 3 facsimile prints after the same, incl. the above.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Landscape with river, small waterfalls and figures
    Nov. 23, 2023

    Landscape with river, small waterfalls and figures

    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    Oil on canvas cm. 75x136

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Gaspard Dughet (School of) A) Arcadian landscape with figures b) shepherd with flock
    Oct. 25, 2023

    Gaspard Dughet (School of) A) Arcadian landscape with figures b) shepherd with flock

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Gaspard Dughet (School of) Rome 1615-Rome 1675 a) Arcadian landscape with figures B) Shepherd with flock the pair of landscapes with figures is perfectly inserted in that artistic current, which began in Rome by Carracci and its schoolchildren like Francesco Albani, who placed As a cardinal point in the painting the landscape and no longer the human figures. In our paintings the figures that animate them seem to be secondary aspects of the composition, while the spectator's eye disperses between the architectural scenes formed by shrubs, trees agitated by the wind, clouds that stand out on a clear sky and rocks. Among the greatest interpreters of this kind, Gaspar Dughet, an elegant artist of French origin, is to be included, very close to Nicolas Poussin, who was able to conquer a first -rate place with his paintings in the Roman princely galleries and beyond. For the stylistic proximity, the two landscapes presented here declare an evident ancestry towards the Dughet, which leads us to attribute them to one of its close collaborator. Pair of oils on canvas 50x66 cm with 68x85 frame

    Casa d'aste ARCADIA
  • Dughet, Gaspard (auch Poussin)
    Oct. 14, 2023

    Dughet, Gaspard (auch Poussin)

    Est: €2,400 - €3,600

    (1615 Rom 1675) zugeschr. Schafhirten am Fluss vor Landschaft mit Gebirge und Gebäude. Öl auf Leinwand wohl 17. Jh. Ca. 42,5 x 61 cm. In schmuckhaftem Rahmen (nicht ausgerahmt). Verso m. Siegel (Bekrönter Greif mit Schwert und Pfeilen in bekröntem und floral umfasstem Oval), 2 Export-St. d. Pariser Zolls (Douane Exportation Paris Centrale) u. 1 unleserl. St. m. Wappen. Rahmen u. Keilrahmen verso bez. m. div. Num. Rest. Fehlst. unt. li. ca. 1 x 1 cm. Weitere kl. Abplatzungen, tls. m. etw. Darst.-Verl. Vereinz. minim. fl. Etw. Craquelée. Etw. nachgedunkelt. Rahmen wurde gewechselt, sodass Rd. v. ca. 5 mm erkennbar ist. Verso Sp. früherer Rahmung. D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge
    Sep. 28, 2023

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge "Italienische Landschaft mit figürlicher Staffage" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand (doubliert), 47,5 cm x 38,5 cm Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Circumference/Succession "Italian Landscape with Figural Staffage" Painting - Oil on canvas (relined), 47.5 cm x 38.5 cm

    Auktionshaus Kloss
  • Gaspard Dughet, genannt „Gaspard Poussin“, 1615 Rom – 1675 ebenda, zug.
    Sep. 28, 2023

    Gaspard Dughet, genannt „Gaspard Poussin“, 1615 Rom – 1675 ebenda, zug.

    Est: €15,000 - €25,000

    ARKADISCHE LANDSCHAFT MIT RASTENDEN HIRTEN Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 60 x 75 cm. In vergoldetem Prunkrahmen. Blick vom erhöhten Standpunkt auf eine felsige mit einem Flusslauf durchzogene Landschaft mit seitlich hochragenden Bäumen, die den Vordergrund verschatten, in dem zwei Hirten mit ihrer großen Ziegenherde zu erkennen sind. Der Stehende mit Hirtenstab und in antiker goldgelber Kleidung mit blau-weißlichem Umhang. Im Flusslauf eine Figur mit großem Netz beim Fischfang zu erkennen, während eine weitere sitzende Figur auf der anderen Seite des Ufers zuschaut. Zwischen terrassenförmig gestalteten Felsformationen führt ein Weg zur Spitze der Anhöhe mit einer ummauerten Stadt, in deren Zentrum das prachtvolle Stadttor mit flankierenden quadratischen Türmen und Zinnen steht. Nach rechts eine weite ebenfalls terrassenförmig gestaltete Landschaft mit teils rotbraun, herbstlich verfärbten Bäumen und Sträuchern, die zu einem großen Gebirge in hellblauem Farbton unter hohem Himmel mit großen weiß-blauen Wolkenformationen führt. Harmonische ruhige Landschaftsdarstellung in zurückhaltender Farbgebung in der typischen Manier des Künstlers. Anmerkung: Der Künstler spezialisierte sich auf die Malerei von Landschaften der römischen Campagna. Der in Rom geborene Maler war Sohn eines französischen Pastetenbäckers und einer Italienerin. Ohne Frankreich je betreten zu haben, galt er seinerzeit als französischer Maler. Zwischen 1631 und 1635 wurde er Schüler des berühmten Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665), der seine Schwester später ehelichte. Dank dieser Verbindungen wurde Dughet als „Gaspard Poussin“ betitelt. Gleichalt mit Salvator Rosa (1615-1673) galt er zusammen mit diesem als führender Landschafter in Italien. Er arbeitet zuweilen zusammen mit Pier Francesco Mola (1612-1666), Mattia Preti (1613-1699) oder Francesco Cozza (1605-1682) im Palazzo Pamphilj in Valmontone. Guillome Cortese (1628-1679) fügte öfter die Staffagefiguren in seine Landschaften ein. (1362105) (18) Gaspard Dughet, also known as “Gaspard Poussin“, 1615 Rome – 1675 ibid., attributed ARCADIAN LANDSCAPE WITH SHEPHERDS RESTING Oil on canvas. Relined. 60 x 75 cm.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    Sep. 25, 2023


    Est: €300 - €425

    Follower Gaspard Dughet (1615-1675), Mountain landscape with a fishing man, oil on canvas, 48 x 35.5 cm.

    Van Zadelhoff Veilingen en Taxaties
  • Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge
    Jul. 27, 2023

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge "Italienische Landschaft mit figürlicher Staffage" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand (doubliert), 47,5 cm x 38,5 cm Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Circumference/Succession "Italian Landscape with Figural Staffage" Painting - Oil on canvas (relined), 47.5 cm x 38.5 cm

    Auktionshaus Kloss
  • Attributed to Gaspard Dughet (Rome, 1615 - 1675)
    Jun. 29, 2023

    Attributed to Gaspard Dughet (Rome, 1615 - 1675)

    Est: €1,800 - €2,000

    Attributed to Gaspard Dughet (Rome, 1615 - 1675) "Landscape with River" Oil on canvas. 90 x 125 cm. An Italian painter, brother-in-law of Poussin, with whom he worked until 1635. His early works were heavily influenced by Poussin, but his influences gradually expanded over time to include the Northern painters Elsheimer and Bril, who created more dramatic compositions. From then on, his work focused more on the luminous and atmospheric aspects of the landscape. The small figures that inhabit his paintings were sometimes painted by other artists such as Allegrini, Cerquozzi and Maratta. He created frescoes for Roman palaces such as the Pamphilj, Quirinal, and Borghese. The Spanish ambassador, Cartel Rodrigo, acquired two of his works, which allowed Dughet to enter the Spanish market. Later, Philip V purchased the Maratta Collection, which included several works by Dughet. The Prado Museum, the National Gallery, the Louvre Museum, and the Rijksmuseum all have his paintings in their collections.

    La Suite Subastas
  • Gaspard Dughet Paesaggio con cascata
    Jun. 29, 2023

    Gaspard Dughet Paesaggio con cascata

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000


    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Gaspard Dughet Paesaggio fluviale con contadini e pescatori
    Jun. 29, 2023

    Gaspard Dughet Paesaggio fluviale con contadini e pescatori

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000


    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Gaspard Dughet, auch "Gaspard Poussin", 1615 – 1675, zugeschrieben
    Jun. 29, 2023

    Gaspard Dughet, auch "Gaspard Poussin", 1615 – 1675, zugeschrieben

    Est: €20,000 - €30,000

    ARKADISCHE LANDSCHAFT MIT RASTENDEN HIRTEN Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 60 x 75 cm. In vergoldetem Prunkrahmen. Blick vom erhöhten Standpunkt auf eine felsige mit einem Flusslauf durchzogene Landschaft mit seitlich hochragenden Bäumen, die den Vordergrund verschatten, in dem zwei Hirten mit ihrer großen Ziegenherde zu erkennen sind. Der Stehende mit Hirtenstab und in antiker goldgelber Kleidung mit blau-weißlichem Umhang. Im Flusslauf eine Figur mit großem Netz beim Fischfang zu erkennen, während eine weitere sitzende Figur auf der anderen Seite des Ufers zuschaut. Zwischen terrassenförmig gestalteten Felsformationen führt ein Weg zur Spitze der Anhöhe mit einer ummauerten Stadt, in deren Zentrum das prachtvolle Stadttor mit flankierenden quadratischen Türmen und Zinnen steht. Nach rechts eine weite ebenfalls terrassenförmig gestaltete Landschaft mit teils rotbraun, herbstlich verfärbten Bäumen und Sträuchern, die zu einem großen Gebirge in hellblauem Farbton unter hohem Himmel mit großen weiß-blauen Wolkenformationen führt. Harmonische ruhige Landschaftsdarstellung in zurückhaltender Farbgebung in der typischen Manier des Künstlers. Anmerkung: Der Künstler war ein in Rom geborener, französischer Maler. Zwischen 1631 und 1635 wurde er Schüler von Nicolas Poussin, der zuvor seine Schwester angeheiratet hatte. Aufgrund dieser Verbindung war er weithin als „Gaspard Poussin“ bekannt. Er spezialisierte sich auf die Malerei von Landschaften der römischen Campagna. (1362105) (18) Gaspard Dughet, also known as "Gaspard Poussin", 1615 – 1675, attributed ARCADIAN LANDSCAPE WITH SHEPHERDS RESTING Oil on canvas. Relined. 60 x 75 cm.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge
    May. 25, 2023

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge "Italienische Landschaft mit figürlicher Staffage" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand (doubliert), 47,5 cm x 38,5 cm Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Circumference/Succession "Italian Landscape with Figural Staffage" Painting - Oil on canvas (relined), 47.5 cm x 38.5 cm

    Auktionshaus Kloss
  • École du XVIIème siècle, suiveur de Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675)
    May. 14, 2023

    École du XVIIème siècle, suiveur de Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675)

    Est: €600 - €800

    Paysage de rivière animé Huile sur toile 23 x 32,5 cm Rentoilé

  • Gaspard Dughet (1615-1675) – circle, Southern Landscape with Lovers (Venus and Adonis?)
    Apr. 29, 2023

    Gaspard Dughet (1615-1675) – circle, Southern Landscape with Lovers (Venus and Adonis?)

    Est: €1,500 - €3,000

    Gaspard Dughet was the brother-in-law and pupil of Nicolas Poussin. Like Poussin, he worked in Rome. He is one of the most important classical landscape painters and had a great influence. At the foot of the rock, under a tree, a pair of lovers lie by the spring. The blonde woman is naked and lying on a white cloth, the man is only lightly clothed in the cloth and carries a spear. It could be a mythological pair of lovers, perhaps Venus and Adonis. The light falls on the lovers from above, modeling the texture and colors of the rock in the center of the image. The composition and type of tree refer this work to the work of Gaspard Dughet.

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge
    Mar. 23, 2023

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge "Italienische Landschaft mit figürlicher Staffage" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand (doubliert), 47,5 cm x 38,5 cm Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), region / succession "Italian landscape with figural staffage" painting - oil on canvas (relined), 47.5 cm x 38.5 cm

    Auktionshaus Kloss
  • Gaspard Dughet (1615-1675) – circle, Southern Landscape with Lovers (Venus and Adonis?)
    Jan. 28, 2023

    Gaspard Dughet (1615-1675) – circle, Southern Landscape with Lovers (Venus and Adonis?)

    Est: €1,500 - €3,000

    Gaspard Dughet was the brother-in-law and pupil of Nicolas Poussin. Like Poussin, he worked in Rome. He is one of the most important classical landscape painters and had a great influence. At the foot of the rock, under a tree, a pair of lovers lie by the spring. The blonde woman is naked and lying on a white cloth, the man is only lightly clothed in the cloth and carries a spear. It could be a mythological pair of lovers, perhaps Venus and Adonis. The light falls on the lovers from above, modeling the texture and colors of the rock in the center of the image. The composition and type of tree refer this work to the work of Gaspard Dughet.

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge
    Jan. 24, 2023

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), Umkreis/Nachfolge "Italienische Landschaft mit figürlicher Staffage" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand (doubliert), 47,5 cm x 38,5 cm Gaspard DUGHET (1615-1675), region / succession "Italian landscape with figural staffage" painting - oil on canvas (relined), 47.5 cm x 38.5 cm

    Auktionshaus Kloss
  • GASPAR DUGHET, Coppia di oli su tela
    Dec. 17, 2022

    GASPAR DUGHET, Coppia di oli su tela

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    GASPAR DUGHET (Attr.le) (Roma 1615 -1675) Paesaggio con personaggi Coppia di oli su tela Cornice in legno Provenienza: Nobile famiglia catanese. cm 21,5 x 36.

    Benedetto Trionfante Auction House s.r.l
  • Dughet Gaspard attribuito a, Il trionfo di David
    Dec. 14, 2022

    Dughet Gaspard attribuito a, Il trionfo di David

    Est: €3,500 - €4,500

    olio su tela, W. 118 - H. 83 Cm

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • J. MASON (*1710) after POUSSIN (*1615), View from Tivoli, 1744, Etching
    Dec. 10, 2022

    J. MASON (*1710) after POUSSIN (*1615), View from Tivoli, 1744, Etching

    Est: €600 - €800

    James Mason (1710 - around 1780 ) after Gaspard Poussin (1615 Rom - 1675 ibid.): View from Tivoli, 1744, Etching Technique: Etching on Paper Inscription: Signed on the left and right below the image in the printing plate, inscribed and dated in the centre. Date: 1744 Description: Gaspard Poussin was an Italian landscape painter. He was a pupil and brother-in-law of Nicolas Poussin. Keywords: Vegetation, Rome, Tivoli Temple, Temple of Vesta, Roman round temple, Temple of the Sibyl, Ancient Rome, 18th century, Baroque, Landscape, Italy,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Attributed to Gaspard Dughet, called Gaspard Poussin (Rome 1615-1675) A mountainous landscape with figures on a country path
    Dec. 07, 2022

    Attributed to Gaspard Dughet, called Gaspard Poussin (Rome 1615-1675) A mountainous landscape with figures on a country path

    Est: £10,000 - £15,000

    Attributed to Gaspard Dughet, called Gaspard Poussin (Rome 1615-1675) A mountainous landscape with figures on a country path oil on canvas 123.6 x 104.3cm (48 11/16 x 41 1/16in).

  • Attributed to Gaspard Dughet (1615-1675), Landscape
    Nov. 26, 2022

    Attributed to Gaspard Dughet (1615-1675), Landscape

    Est: €500 - €700

    Gaspard Dughet was a student and brother-in-law of Nicolas Poussin, who developed the genre of the classical, heroic landscape. The painting shows a hilly landscape dotted with rocks and trees, through which a path winds to an ancient city in the background. Rocks frame the composition on the right, two trees on the left. In the foreground on the left is a woman lying next to a tomb, with a man standing next to her. Both are dressed in antique style. In the middle ground is a woman with laundry on her head, holding a child by the hand.

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
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