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Augustin (1758) Dubourg Sold at Auction Prices

Miniature painter, Pastel Artist

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  • Dubourg Augustin
    May. 31, 2024

    Dubourg Augustin

    Est: CHF960 - CHF1,200

    Portrait eines Knaben in blauem Kleid, Vögel fütternd Ausführung um 1790. Vergoldeter Metallrahmen. Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Christie's, London, 6 November 2001, lot 82 Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 31.05.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 10:26

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Augustin DUBOURG Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, 1750 - après 1800 Portrait d'homme dans sa bibliothèque Miniature sur ivoire, de forme ronde
    Mar. 21, 2024

    Augustin DUBOURG Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, 1750 - après 1800 Portrait d'homme dans sa bibliothèque Miniature sur ivoire, de forme ronde

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Augustin DUBOURG Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, 1750 - après 1800 Portrait d'homme dans sa bibliothèque Miniature sur ivoire, de forme ronde Signée 'Dubourg' à droite Diamètre : 5,7 cm (Mouillures et taches) Cadre médaillon en métal doré Portrait of a gentleman in his library, circular miniature on ivory, signed, by A. Dubourg D. : 2.2 in. Provenance : Collection particulière, Paris Commentaire : Ce lot, conformément à la réglementation en vigueur, dispose d'un CIC et est en libre circulation au sein de l'Union européenne. La sortie de l'Union européenne est interdite. This lot, in accordance to current regulations, has an intra-community certificate and is in free circulation within the European Union. The export outside European Union is prohibited. Estimation 1 000 - 1 500 €

  • Augustin DUBOURG Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, 1750 - après 1800 Portrait de femme assise sur un banc dans un jardin et tenant des fleurs Mi...
    Mar. 21, 2024

    Augustin DUBOURG Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, 1750 - après 1800 Portrait de femme assise sur un banc dans un jardin et tenant des fleurs Mi...

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    Augustin DUBOURG Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, 1750 - après 1800 Portrait de femme assise sur un banc dans un jardin et tenant des fleurs Miniature sur ivoire, de forme ronde Diamètre : 6,7 cm Orne le couvercle d'une boite ronde en corne brune cerclée d'or, en piqué-clouté de disques et étoiles Portrait of a lady seated on a bench in a garden, holding flowers, circular miniature on ivory, by A. Dubourg D. : 2.6 in. Provenance : Collection particulière, Paris Commentaire : Ce lot, conformément à la réglementation en vigueur, dispose d'un CIC et est en libre circulation au sein de l'Union européenne. La sortie de l'Union européenne est interdite. This lot, in accordance to current regulations, has an intra-community certificate and is in free circulation within the European Union. The export outside European Union is prohibited. Estimation 1 500 - 2 500 €

  • Augustin DUBOURG Saint Dié, 1758 - Paris, 1800 (?) Homme à la veste brune et au gilet brodé, portrait présumé de Jérôme Pétion de Vi...
    Sep. 27, 2023

    Augustin DUBOURG Saint Dié, 1758 - Paris, 1800 (?) Homme à la veste brune et au gilet brodé, portrait présumé de Jérôme Pétion de Vi...

    Est: €2,500 - €3,500

    Augustin DUBOURG Saint Dié, 1758 - Paris, 1800 (?) Homme à la veste brune et au gilet brodé, portrait présumé de Jérôme Pétion de Villeneuve Miniature sur ivoire, de forme ovale Annoté 'Par Augustin / Pétion, dit de Villeneuve, / maire de Paris. 1759 + 1793' sur une étiquette à l'intérieure de la boîte Orne le couvercle d'une boîte octogonale en corne de Bovidae domestique ('Bos taurus domesticus') teintée (7,5 cm; 2,9 in. de côté) A gentleman wearing a brown jacket and an embroidered waistcoat, presumed portrait of Jérôme Pétion de Villeneuve, miniature on ivory, by A. Dubourg h: 4,50 w: 3,60 cm Provenance : Collection Joseph Henry Fitzhenry (1836-1913), Paris et Londres, en 1906 et 1912 ; Sa vente, Paris, Hôtel Drouot, 18-21 février 1914, n° 267 ; Vente anonyme ; Londres, Christie's, 7 juin 2011, n° 34 (comme Jean-Baptiste Jacques Augustin) ; Galerie Jaegy-Theoleyre, Paris Expositions : En prêt au musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, n° 1 (dépôt de Joseph Henry Fitzhenry, une étiquette à l'intérieur) 'Œuvres d'art du XVIIIe siècle', Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, 1906, n° 43 'Exposition de la miniature', Bruxelles, Hôtel du baron Goffinet, 1912, n° 533 Bibliographie : J.-E. Darmon, 'Dictionnaire des peintres miniaturistes sur vélin, parchemin, ivoire et écaille', Paris, n. d. (vers 1928), p. 16 Commentaire : Ce lot, conformément à la réglementation en vigueur, dispose d'un CIC et est en libre circulation au sein de l'Union européenne. La sortie de l'Union européenne est interdite. This lot, in accordance to current regulations, has an intra-community certificate and is in free circulation within the European Union. The export outside European Union is prohibited. Estimation 2 500 - 3 500 €

  • Augustin Dubourg, 1758 - 1800 Paris
    Nov. 15, 2022

    Augustin Dubourg, 1758 - 1800 Paris

    Est: €1,000 - €2,000

    Augustin Dubourg 1758 - 1800 Paris Miniature of lady in elaborate silk dress and hat with blue tulle trim End 18th century Watercolor on organic material Diameter 6 cm In gilt frame Signed l.m. Backed with old labels suggesting a collection Provenance: Sold at auction by Schidlof 1914 Literature: Leo R. Schidlof, The Miniature in Europe, 1964, p. 215/16.

    Tiberius Auctions
  • Augustin Dubourg, 1758 - 1800 Paris
    Nov. 15, 2022

    Augustin Dubourg, 1758 - 1800 Paris

    Est: €1,000 - €2,000

    Augustin Dubourg 1758 - 1800 Paris Miniature of lady with curly hair in white dress and pale purple cape End 18th century Watercolor on organic material Diameter 6 cm In gilt frame Backed with old labels suggesting a collection Provenance: Sold at auction by Schidlof 1914 Literature: Leo R. Schidlof, The Miniature in Europe, 1964, p. 215/16.

    Tiberius Auctions
  • Augustin Dubourg, 1758 - 1800 Paris, Miniature of couple in the forest
    Nov. 15, 2022

    Augustin Dubourg, 1758 - 1800 Paris, Miniature of couple in the forest

    Est: €1,000 - €2,000

    Augustin Dubourg 1758 - 1800 Paris Miniature of couple in the forest, he holding a bird's nest and she a flower End 18th century Watercolor on cardboard 6 x 8 cm In gold-plated frame (18 carat gold according to the label on the back) Backed with old labels suggesting a collection Provenance: Sold at auction by Schidlof 1914 Literature: Leo R. Schidlof, The Miniature in Europe, 1964, p. 215/16.

    Tiberius Auctions
    Jul. 04, 2019


    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    Watercolour and bodycolour on ivory, gilt-metal mount

  • GEORGES NICOLAS TOUSSAINT AUGUSTIN, CALLED AUGUSTIN DUBOURG | Portrait of Étienne-François, Marquis D'Aligre (1726-1798)
    Jul. 04, 2019

    GEORGES NICOLAS TOUSSAINT AUGUSTIN, CALLED AUGUSTIN DUBOURG | Portrait of Étienne-François, Marquis D'Aligre (1726-1798)

    Est: £1,200 - £1,800

    Watercolour and bodycolour on ivory, gilt-metal mount, set in the lid of a tortoiseshell box; signed, inscribed and dated lower left: M. Venloo fecit / A.tin Dubourg pinxit. / 1789 / Roüen

    Dec. 06, 2018


    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    Watercolour and bodycolour on ivory, gilt-metal frame; signed lower right: Atn Dubourg

  • GEORGES NICOLAS TOUSSAINT AUGUSTIN, CALLED AUGUSTIN DUBOURG | Portrait of a lady in the guise of Diana, circa 1790
    Dec. 06, 2018

    GEORGES NICOLAS TOUSSAINT AUGUSTIN, CALLED AUGUSTIN DUBOURG | Portrait of a lady in the guise of Diana, circa 1790

    Est: £1,200 - £1,800

    Watercolour and bodycolour on ivory, gilt-metal frame; signed lower right: Dubourg

  • Augustin DUBOURG (1758-vers 1800)
    Dec. 05, 2018

    Augustin DUBOURG (1758-vers 1800)

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    Augustin DUBOURG (1758-vers 1800) Jeune femme assise tenant un livre dans une bibliothèque Miniature circulaire à la gouache, signée à droite: Dubourg D : 7,5 cm Cadre en bronze ciselé et doré entouré d'un rang de petits cabochons (un peu enfoncé, quelques perles manquantes). Epoque Louis XVI Diam. de l'ensemble: 10,7 cm

  • Georges-Nicolas-Toussaint Augustin dit Augustin Dubourg Saint Dié, 1750 - Paris, 1800 (?) Homme en costume marron, gilet crème brodé...
    Oct. 04, 2013

    Georges-Nicolas-Toussaint Augustin dit Augustin Dubourg Saint Dié, 1750 - Paris, 1800 (?) Homme en costume marron, gilet crème brodé...

    Est: €700 - €900

    Georges-Nicolas-Toussaint Augustin dit Augustin Dubourg Saint Dié, 1750 - Paris, 1800 (?) Homme en costume marron, gilet crème brodé et grand jabot, dans un paysage de ruines antiques, vers 1792 Miniature sur ivoire de forme ronde Diamètre : 6,50 cm (2,60 in) Cadre à bélière en laiton doré Provenance : Ancienne collection JM, n° 206, sa marque gravée au revers du cadre Commentaire : Augustin Dubourg, frère aîné et maître de Jean-Baptiste-Jacques Augustin. Des exemples de ses œuvres, certaines non signées, figurent dans la collection Tansey à Celle, au Louvre, au Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York.

    Jun. 04, 2013


    Est: -

    AUGUSTIN DUBOURG (FRENCH, 1750 - AFTER 1800) A girl, in blue silk dress over white muslin underdress, blue bands around her sleeves, white gauze fichu, upswept powdered curling hair dressed with blue ribbon and string of pearls effaced signature (lower right) on ivory oval, 2 5/16 in. (58 mm.) high, gilt-metal frame with beaded border

  • AUGUSTIN DUBOURG (FRENCH, 1750-1800[?])
    Nov. 27, 2012

    AUGUSTIN DUBOURG (FRENCH, 1750-1800[?])

    Est: £5,000 - £7,000

    AUGUSTIN DUBOURG (FRENCH, 1750-1800[?]) A young lady in a woodland landscape cutting pink roses from a rose bush, in blue-bordered white dress with striped muslin layer, blue sash tied around waist with a bow at the back, blue ribbon in her partly upswept powdered curling hair; tree and foliate landscape background bearing signature and date 'augustin 1788' (mid-left) on ivory 2 7/8 in. (72 mm.) diam., gilt-metal mount later applied with pierced silver foliate surround set with diamonds

  • Augustin Dubourg (French, 1758-1800)
    Nov. 21, 2012

    Augustin Dubourg (French, 1758-1800)

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    A Lady, seated within a landscape, wearing blue dress and dove grey sash, her lightly powdered hair partially upswept and dressed with a double strand of pearls, she holds a violet in her left hand and rests her right arm upon a grassy stone. Signed on the obverse Dubourg, gilt-metal frame. Circular, 65mm (2 9/16in) dia. Provenance: Christie's, London, 16 June 1964; The Property of a Lady, Part I, Bonhams, 9 April 2002, lot 122.

  • A young gentleman, in gold-bordered light blue silk coat with gold frogging, lace cravat, powdered wig en queue ; together with a young gentleman, in brown coat, light brown waistcoat and lace cravat, powdered wig en queue (French School, circa
    Jun. 05, 2007

    A young gentleman, in gold-bordered light blue silk coat with gold frogging, lace cravat, powdered wig en queue ; together with a young gentleman, in brown coat, light brown waistcoat and lace cravat, powdered wig en queue (French School, circa

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    AUGUSTIN DUBOURG (FRENCH, 1758-1800) A young gentleman, in gold-bordered light blue silk coat with gold frogging, lace cravat, powdered wig en queue ; together with a young gentleman, in brown coat, light brown waistcoat and lace cravat, powdered wig en queue (French School, circa 1780/85) oval, 1½ in. (39 mm.) high, gilt-metal frame with stamped foliate outer border and pierced side projections with brooch attachment and 2 3/8 in. (60 mm.) diam., gilt-metal mount, respectively (2)

  • A young lady, holding a small wooden handled scythe and cutting roses in her right hand, left hand holding a rose from a basket of picked roses on a stone ledge, in white dress, embroidered short sleeve border, red sash, pearl armlet worn on her
    Jun. 05, 2007

    A young lady, holding a small wooden handled scythe and cutting roses in her right hand, left hand holding a rose from a basket of picked roses on a stone ledge, in white dress, embroidered short sleeve border, red sash, pearl armlet worn on her

    Est: £1,500 - £2,500

    AUGUSTIN DUBOURG (FRENCH, 1758-1800) A young lady, holding a small wooden handled scythe and cutting roses in her right hand, left hand holding a rose from a basket of picked roses on a stone ledge, in white dress, embroidered short sleeve border, red sash, pearl armlet worn on her upper right arm, foliage wreath in her long powdered curling hair; tree and foliate background with mountainous landscape beyond indistinctly signed and dated 'Dubourg 1789' (mid-right) 3 3/16 in. (81 mm.) diam., gilt-metal mount

  • AUGUSTIN DUBOURG (1758-1800)
    Jul. 04, 2006

    AUGUSTIN DUBOURG (1758-1800)

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Portrait de jeune femme au corset bleu, la chevelure poudrée, sur un fond d'architecture présentant des colonnes et des statues fente verticale sur la gauche de l'épaule Miniature sur ivoire, encadrée Diamètre: 64 mm. (2 1/2 in.)

  • AUGUSTIN DUBOURG (1758-1800)
    Nov. 06, 2001

    AUGUSTIN DUBOURG (1758-1800)

    Est: $1,400 - $2,100

    A young boy feeding three baby birds, full face in blue dress with lace collar and cuffs, seated at a table holding a stick with a piece of bread in his right hand and holding the birds' nest in his left hand, a small plate of bread beside him; foliate and tree background 21/2 in. (64 mm.) diam., silver-gilt mount.

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