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Alceo (1878) Dossena Sold at Auction Prices

Sculptor, b. 1878 - d. 1937

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    Feb. 26, 2025


    Est: €5,000 - €5,600

    DOSSENA ALCEO (1878-1937) Madonna con Bambino bassorilievo in marmo cm. 37x43

    Aste Boetto SRL
  • ALCEO DOSSENA (attr. a)
    Feb. 25, 2025

    ALCEO DOSSENA (attr. a)

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    (Cremona, 1878 - Roma, 1937) Testa di musa dall'antico Marmo Minori difetti, poche sbeccature e graffi Alt. cm 25, larg. cm 16, prof. cm 22 La base, cm 11X14,5X14,5

    Wannenes Art Auctions
    Dec. 05, 2024


    Est: €600 - €1,200

    ALCEO DOSSENA (Cremona 1878-Roma 1937) Maternity 1935 Earthenware 50 x 38 x 40 cm ca. Engraved signature and date on the base: Alceo Dossena, Roma, 1935 Fair conditions, there are some restorations

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
    Dec. 05, 2024


    Est: €2,000 - €4,000

    ALCEO DOSSENA (Cremona 1878-Roma 1937) Maternity 1900 ca. Earthenware 47 x 36 x 7 cm Engraved signature upper right: Alceo Dossena -Marco Horak, Alceo Dossena - Fra mito e realtà: vita e opere di un genio, Edizioni Lir, 2016, pg. 208 -Dario Del Bufalo, Marco Horak, cat. mostra, Il falso nell'arte, Alceo Dossena e la scultura italiana del Rinascimento, 3 ottobre 2021 - 27 febbraio 2022, L'Erma editore, 2021, pg. 209 Excellent conditions

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Alceo Dossena, 1878 Cremona – 1937 Rom
    Dec. 05, 2024

    Alceo Dossena, 1878 Cremona – 1937 Rom

    Est: €10,000 - €12,000

    MARIA MIT DEM JESUSKNABEN Marmor. 53 x 38 cm. Links oben signiert, nummeriert und datiert „Dossena 1935 XIII“. Halbbildnis in Renaissancestil mit der Darstellung der Muttergottes und dem Jesusknaben. Das faltenreiche Gewand dient als zusätzlicher Rahmen und umhüllt das Kind. Mit leicht gesenktem Kopf blickt Maria aus der Komposition leicht über Jesus hinweg, der sie mit seinen wohlgeformten, weichen Gesichtszügen, leicht geöffneten Lippen und dicken Wangen liebevoll anschaut. Platte rest. (1421381) (19) Der italienische Bildhauer und Steinmetz Dossena schuf zwischen 1918 und 1928 zahlreiche Werke im Stil der Antike und der Renaissance, die vielfach für Originale gehalten wurden. Dabei war Dossena kein Fälscher, da er seine Werke nie fremdsigniert hatte. Alceo Dossena, 1878 Italy – 1937 ibid.   MADONNA AND CHRIST CHILD   53 x 38 cm. Signed, numbered, and dated “Dossena 1935 XIII” top left. Half-portrait in Renaissance style depicting the Virgin Mary and Christ Child.  

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    Dec. 03, 2024


    Est: €1,200 - €1,800

    Alceo Dossena (Cremona 1878 - Roma 1937) attribuito San Giovanni Battista, da un modello del Rinascimento toscano Marmo 49 x 37 x 18 cm Alceo Dossena (Cremona 1878 - Rome 1937) attributed Saint John the Baptist, from a Tuscan Renaissance Model Marble 49 x 37 x 18 cm

    Lucas Aste
  • Alceo Dossena 1878-1937 Madonna con Bambino
    Oct. 24, 2024

    Alceo Dossena 1878-1937 Madonna con Bambino

    Est: €5,000 - €7,000

    Firma in basso a destra: Alceo Dossena

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
    Oct. 01, 2024


    Est: €6,000 - €6,700

    DOSSENA ALCEO (1878-1937) Madonna con Bambino bassorilievo in marmo cm. 37x43

    Aste Boetto SRL
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Jul. 28, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Jul. 21, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Jul. 14, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Jul. 07, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Jun. 30, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
    Jun. 26, 2024


    Est: €4,000 - €5,000

    ALCEO DOSSENA (Cremona 1878 - Roma 1937) MADONNA DEL GRANO Altorilievo in marmo bianco statuario, cm. 57 x 35 x 16 ca. Siglato 'A. Dos', in basso a destra Titolato in basso, sulla mensola PROVENIENZA Famiglia romana CONDITION REPORT Rottura evidente restaurata in basso a destra, sbeccature, difetti

    Casa d'Aste Babuino
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Jun. 23, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Jun. 16, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Jun. 09, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Jun. 02, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • ALCEO DOSSENA (attr. a)
    May. 29, 2024

    ALCEO DOSSENA (attr. a)

    Est: €3,500 - €3,800

    (Cremona, 1878 - Roma, 1937) Testa di musa dall'antico Marmo Minori difetti, poche sbeccature e graffi Alt. cm 25, larg. cm 16, prof. cm 22 La base, cm 11X14,5X14,5

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    May. 26, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    May. 19, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    May. 05, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Apr. 28, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Apr. 14, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Apr. 07, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Alceo Dossena (Cremona 1878 - Rome 1937) 'Madonna and Child' terracotta high relief (39x32 cm)
    Mar. 27, 2024

    Alceo Dossena (Cremona 1878 - Rome 1937) 'Madonna and Child' terracotta high relief (39x32 cm)

    Est: €1,000 - €1,200

    Alceo Dossena (Cremona 1878 - Rome 1937) 'Madonna and Child' terracotta high relief (39x32 cm), inside ancient carved and gilded wood architectural tabernacle (72x66.5 cm) (defects) Bibliography: V. Sgarbi, D. Del Bufalo, M. Horack (edited by) Il falso nell'arte. Alceo Dossena e la scultura italiana del Rinascimento, Rovereto, MART, 3 October 2021 - 9 January 2022, ed. L'Erma, Rome 2021. At p. 228 is reproduced a marble version of the same composition signed and dated 1936 (Rome, Dario Del Bufalo collection, 65x30 cm) of which this terracotta could be the preparatory model.Alceo Dossena (Cremona 1878 - Roma 1937) 'Madonna col Bambino' altorilievo in terracotta (cm 39x32), entro antico tabernacolo architettonico in legno intagliato e dorato(cm 72x66,5) (difetti) Bibliografia: V. Sgarbi, D. Del Bufalo, M. Horack (a cura di) Il falso nell'arte. Alceo Dossena e la scultura italiana del Rinascimento, Rovereto, MART, 3 ottobre 2021 - 9 gennaio 2022, ed. L'Erma, Roma 2021. A p. 228 è riprodotta una versione in marmo della stessa composizione firmata e datata 1936 (Roma, collezione Dario Del Bufalo, cm 65x30) della quale questa in terracotta potrebbe essere il modello preparatorio.

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Jan. 21, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Jan. 13, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Jan. 04, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Jan. 01, 2024

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Dec. 21, 2023

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Dec. 17, 2023

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Dec. 14, 2023

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Dec. 10, 2023

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Dec. 07, 2023

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Alceo Dossena, 1878 – 1937, späte Nachfolge des
    Dec. 07, 2023

    Alceo Dossena, 1878 – 1937, späte Nachfolge des

    Est: €4,500 - €6,000

    MARIA MIT DEM KINDE Durchmesser: 60 cm. Italien. Mit einer Inschrift auf dem Tondorand, das Datum „1697“ nennend. In Marmor gearbeitetes Tondo, gefüllt mit einer reliefierten Darstellung von Maria mit dem Kinde. Minimal besch. (1381902) (13)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Alceo Dossena (attributed to) Madonna and Child
    Oct. 24, 2023

    Alceo Dossena (attributed to) Madonna and Child

    Est: €15,000 - €18,000

    Alceo Dossena (attributed to) Cremona 1878-Rome 1937 Madonna and Child The Virgin depicted by the octagonal basis; The child, held by the left arm, bears a small dove in his hand. The sculpture stylistically recalls the "standing Madonna" of the Opera Museum of the Cathedral of Orvieto (way), work of the mid -fourteenth century of Nino and Andrea Pisano; There are some variants, such as the presence of the dove in the left hand of Jesus, the linearity of the veil that descends from the hair and the direction of the looks that meet in the Orvieto Madonna. White marble height 93 cm

    Casa d'aste ARCADIA
  • Alceo Dossena (Cremona 1878 - Roma 1937)
    Sep. 19, 2023

    Alceo Dossena (Cremona 1878 - Roma 1937)

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Alceo Dossena (Cremona 1878 - Roma 1937) Busto di ragazza Marmo 37 x 40 x 18 cm Firmata in basso a destra. Alceo Dossena (Cremona 1878 - Rome 1937) Bust of a girl Marble 37 x 40 x 18 cm Signed lower right.

    Lucas Aste
  • Alceo Dossena (Cremona 1878-Roma 1937) - Madonna with Child
    Jul. 11, 2023

    Alceo Dossena (Cremona 1878-Roma 1937) - Madonna with Child

    Est: €2,500 - €5,000

    marble bas-relief on a marble slab 56 x 43.5 cm signed lower left: Alceo Dossena Roma

    May. 17, 2023


    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    ALCEO DOSSENA (Cremona 1878 - Roma 1937) LE VERGINE Altorilievo in cera, cm. 67 x 43 In cornice PROVENIENZA Famiglia romana CONDIZIONI Felature sul fondo, caduta di cera e piccolo restauro al bordo basso

    Casa d'Aste Babuino
  • Dossena, Alceo, Frauenbüste
    Mar. 31, 2023

    Dossena, Alceo, Frauenbüste

    Est: -

    Dossena, Alceo — Bust of a woman (Cremona 1878-1937 Rome) Over a plinth with floral decoration, a fully sculpted bust of a young woman, the wrinkled coat pulled deep into her face and buttoned under her chin. Light marble. Inscribed on the side of the plinth ''Alceo Dossena'' and ''30''. H. 36 cm. - Plinth and mantle with breakout. // Dossena, Alceo — Frauenbüste — (Cremona 1878-1937 Rom) Über Plinthe mit floralem Dekor vollplastisch gearbeitete Büste einer jungen Frau, der faltenreiche Mantel tief ins Gesicht gezogen und unter dem Kinn zugeknöpft. Heller Marmor. Seitlich am Sockel bez. „Alceo Dossena" und „30". H. 36 cm. - Plinthe und Mantel mit Ausbruch.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
  • DOSSENA ALCEO (1878 - 1937) Madonna with Child
    Dec. 14, 2022

    DOSSENA ALCEO (1878 - 1937) Madonna with Child

    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    DOSSENA ALCEO (1878 - 1937). Madonna with Child. Signed and dated 1936 in the upper right corner.. Cm 41,00 x 50,00.

    Capitolium Art
  • Alceo Dossena (attributed) "Madonna of milk" stone group (h. cm 34) (defects)...
    Oct. 13, 2022

    Alceo Dossena (attributed) "Madonna of milk" stone group (h. cm 34) (defects)...

    Est: €550 - €600

    (Cremona 1878 - Roma 1937) (attributed) "Madonna of milk" stone group (h. cm 34) (defects) IT (attribuito) "Madonna del latte" gruppo in pietra (h. cm 34) (difetti)

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • The Justice of Trajan | La Justice de Trajan
    Jun. 14, 2022

    The Justice of Trajan | La Justice de Trajan

    Est: €25,000 - €40,000

    Attributed to Alceo Dossena (1878-1937), in the manner of Giovanni Antonio Amadeo (c. 1447-1522) Italian, circa 1900 The Justice of Trajan marble in high relief 55 by 77 by 33 cm; 21⅔ by 30⅓ by 13 in. ____________________________________________ Attribué à Alceo Dossena (1878-1937), à la manière de Giovanni Antonio Amadeo (c. 1447-1522) Italie, vers 1900 La Justice de Trajan  important relief en marbre  55 x 77 x 33 cm ; 21⅔ x 30⅓ x 13 in. Bid on Sotheby's

  • Alceo Dossena (1878 - 1937) - Virgin Mary with Child and goldfinch
    May. 19, 2022

    Alceo Dossena (1878 - 1937) - Virgin Mary with Child and goldfinch

    Est: €4,000 - €4,500

    Alceo Dossena (1878 - 1937) - Virgin Mary with Child and goldfinch 1930s Terracotta sculpture 55 x 37 cm LITERATURE: Cfr. D. Del Bufalo, M. Horak (curated by), Il falso nell'arte. Alceo Dossena e la scultura italiana del Rinascimento, L'Erma di Bretschneider, Rome, pagg. 196 - 197

  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Feb. 13, 2022

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $4,500 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
  • Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena
    Jan. 09, 2022

    Original Oil Painting By Master Art Forger Alceo Dossena

    Est: $3,000 - $7,500

    Large oil painting on canvas, of an Italian countryside, by Alceo Dossena (1878-1937) Infamous Art Forger. Painting is framed with a hanging wire attached at the back. The painting is signed in the lower right corner by the artist.

    Lettieri Auction & Appraisal
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