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Achille D'Orsi Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1845 - d. 1929

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  • Achille D'Orsi Bronze Bust, Head of an Old Man
    Nov. 16, 2024

    Achille D'Orsi Bronze Bust, Head of an Old Man

    Est: $200 - $400

    Achille D'Orsi Bronze Bust, Head of an Old Man. This sculpture by Achille D'Orsi (Italian, 1845-1929) has a hollow squared base supporting the bent head with wrap around neck. Marked on base as A. D'Orsi. Dimensions are 8.5 in h x 6.5 in w x 3.75 in d. Condition is good with minor wear and patina discoloration. Please call or email for a detailed condition report.

    Public Sale Auction House
    Oct. 11, 2024


    Est: €600 - €800

    Scultura in bronzo. Alla base firma e timbro. cm. 54 (altezza).

    Pananti Casa D'Aste SRL
    Mar. 09, 2024


    Est: €500 - €1,000

    ACHILLE D'ORSI Naples 1845 - 1929 'PESCATORE' (THE FISHERMAN) Bronze, dark brown patina, on plinth and angular marble base (h. 3 cm). Overall h. 59 cm, w. 25.5, d. 28.5 cm, weight approx. 16kg. Signed 'A. d'Orsi' on the reverse. Fully sculpted depiction of a fisherman, smoking a pipe and carrying a scale with chains on his hip and a basket on his back. Part. bumped and damaged, loss of patina. ACHILLE D'ORSI Neapel 1845 - 1929 'PESCATORE' (DER FISCHER) Bronze, dunkelbraun patiniert, auf Plinthe und eckigem Marmorsockel (H. 3 cm). Ges.-H. 59 cm, B. 25,5, T. 28,5 cm, Gew. ca. 16kg. Verso signiert 'A. d'Orsi'. Vollplastische Darstellung eines Fischers, Pfeife rauchend und an der Hüfte eine Waage mit Ketten und auf dem Rücken einen Korb tragend. Part. best. und besch., Verlust der Patina.

    Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
  • Neapolitan fisherman.
    Feb. 15, 2024

    Neapolitan fisherman.

    Est: €1,800 - €2,000

    Bronze bust depicting a Neapolitan fisherman. Signed by Achille D'Orsi (Naples 1845-1929). Dimensions without the marble base: 38x23 cm. Including the marble base: 50x23 cm.

    De Francesco Casa D'Aste e Galleria
  • Neapolitan fisherman.
    Dec. 20, 2023

    Neapolitan fisherman.

    Est: €1,800 - €2,000

    Bronze bust depicting a Neapolitan fisherman. Signed by Achille D'Orsi (Naples 1845-1929). Dimensions without the marble base: 38x23 cm. Including the marble base: 50x23 cm.

    De Francesco Casa D'Aste e Galleria
  • ACHILLE D'ORSI, Acquaiolo, Scultura in bronzo
    Dec. 14, 2023

    ACHILLE D'ORSI, Acquaiolo, Scultura in bronzo

    Est: €2,000 - €2,200

    ACHILLE D'ORSI (Napoli 1845 - 1929) Acquaiolo Scultura in bronzo, fusione a cera persa con base in marmo rosso di Verona Firma alla base. cm Alt. 105.

    Benedetto Trionfante Auction House s.r.l
  • Achille D'ORSI (1845-1929) L'Usignuolo
    Nov. 10, 2023

    Achille D'ORSI (1845-1929) L'Usignuolo

    Est: €300 - €500

    Achille D'ORSI (1845-1929) L'Usignuolo Bronze à patine brune Signé 'A. D'Orsi' sur le devant de la terrasse H. : 53 cm Estimation 300 - 500 €

    Oct. 14, 2023


    Est: $800 - $1,200

    After D'Orsi Achille (Italian 1845-1929), 'Little Neapolitan Fisherman,' patinated cast bronze sculpture, depicting a a young male fisherman with gold-tone chains, apparently unmarked, on a travertine marble base. Approximate dimensions: h. 24", w. 10.25", d. 11.25".

    Ahlers & Ogletree Inc.
  • D'ORSI ACHILLE (1845 - 1929) Head of an old man
    Apr. 13, 2023

    D'ORSI ACHILLE (1845 - 1929) Head of an old man

    Est: €100 - €200

    D'ORSI ACHILLE (1845 - 1929). Head of an old man. Signed on the base.. Cm 16,50 x 23,00 x 8,00.

    Capitolium Art
  • Achille D'Orsi, Fischerjunge
    Feb. 25, 2023

    Achille D'Orsi, Fischerjunge

    Est: -

    Achille D'Orsi, Fischerjunge Anfang 20. Jh., signiert "A. Orsi", Bronze nuanciert braun patiniert, auf einem Felsen hockender Fischerjunge mit Lendenschurz, in seiner Reuse nach seinem Fang, einem Oktopus sehend, auf flacher Plinthe aus schwarzem Onyx, diese geklebt, sonst altersgemäß gut erhalten, H Bronze ca. 36 cm, H gesamt ca. 39 cm. Künstlerinfo: italienischer Bildhauer (1845 Neapel bis 1929 ebenda), Ausbildung am königlichen Institut in Neapel, 1875 Stipendium in Rom, entwarf für seine ursprüngliche Lehranstalt eine Portraitfigur des Malers Salvator Rosa, für seine Gips-Gruppe "Die Parasiten" erhielt auf der Ausstellung in Neapel 1877 den ersten Preis und wurde von König Viktor Emanuel II. angekauft, danach verstärkt in Erz gegossene Werke im Stil des Realismus. Quelle: wikipedia.de. Achille D'Orsi, Fisherman's Boy Early 20th century, signed "A. Orsi", bronze with nuanced brown patina, a fisherman's boy with loincloth squatting on a rock, looking in his fish trap for his catch, an octopus, on a flat plinth of black onyx, this glued, otherwise well preserved according to age, h bronze c. 36 cm, h overall c. 39 cm. Artist info: Italian sculptor (1845 Naples to 1929 ibid.), trained at the Royal Institute in Naples, 1875 scholarship in Rome, designed a portrait figure of the painter Salvator Rosa for his original teaching institution, for his plaster group "The Parasites" received first prize at the exhibition in Naples in 1877 and was purchased by King Victor Emmanuel II, thereafter increasingly works cast in bronze in the style of Realism. Source: wikipedia.de.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
    Feb. 17, 2023


    Est: €1,600 - €2,000

    Scultura in bronzo, firmata sul verso. Con base in marmo cm. 56 (con la base).

    Pananti Casa D'Aste SRL
  • Achille D'Orsi (Napoli 1845-Napoli 1929) - The Carter
    Oct. 08, 2022

    Achille D'Orsi (Napoli 1845-Napoli 1929) - The Carter

    Est: -

    Bronze statue (La Piccirella Gallery)

    Sep. 24, 2022


    Est: €200 - €250

    D'Orsi Achille 1845-1929 scultura in bronzo raff.giovane h 60 5cm

    Casa d'aste Martini
  • Achille D'Orsi (Napoli 1845-Napoli 1929) - The Carter
    Jun. 30, 2022

    Achille D'Orsi (Napoli 1845-Napoli 1929) - The Carter

    Est: -

    Bronze statue (La Piccirella Gallery) h cm 56 con la base, cm 42 senza base, larghezza cm 20

  • ACHILLE D'ORSI (NAPLES, 1845 - 1929): DON CHISCIOTTE, 1900
    Jun. 09, 2022

    ACHILLE D'ORSI (NAPLES, 1845 - 1929): DON CHISCIOTTE, 1900

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    ACHILLE D'ORSI (Naples, 1845 - 1929) Don Chisciotte, 1900 Gypsum, 41 x 73 x 6 cm Signature, date and dedication lower right: D'Orsi, 1900 Excellent conditions

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • D`Orsi, Achille, Fischhändler
    Nov. 26, 2021

    D`Orsi, Achille, Fischhändler

    Est: -

    D`Orsi, Achille — Fishmonger (Naples 1845-1929 ibid.) Young man standing above an octagonal marble plinth on a natural base, carrying an empty basket on his back, a scale at his waist. Bronze, dark patinated. Inscribed on the base. H. 57 cm, total 62 cm. // D`Orsi, Achille — Fischhändler — (Neapel 1845-1929 ebd.) Über achteckiger Marmorplinthe auf Natursockel stehender junger Mann einen leeren Korb auf seinem Rücken tragend, an der Taille eine Waage. Bronze, dunkel patiniert. Am Sockel bez. H. 57 cm, ges. 62 cm.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
  • Achille D'Orsi (1845 - 1929), Proximuus Tuus, 1901
    Sep. 28, 2021

    Achille D'Orsi (1845 - 1929), Proximuus Tuus, 1901

    Est: €2,000 - €4,000

    Bronze, cm 27x28x33. Dated on the back

    Ansuini 1860 Auctions
  • Achille D''Orsi, Fischerjunge mit Wasserkrug. Wohl spätes 19th cent.
    Sep. 18, 2021

    Achille D''Orsi, Fischerjunge mit Wasserkrug. Wohl spätes 19th cent.

    Est: €600 - €700

    Achille D''Orsi 1845 Neapel – 1929 ebenda Bronze, gegossen, braun und leicht grünlich patiniert. Auf einen Marmorsockel montiert. Auf der Plinthe verso signiert "A. dorsi" Das Motiv des Fischerjungen hat der Künstler in mehreren Skulpturen behandelt.

    Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG
  • Large bronze sculpture after Achille d'Orsi (1845-1929)
    Jul. 31, 2021

    Large bronze sculpture after Achille d'Orsi (1845-1929)

    Est: €800 - €1,600

    Large bronze sculpture after Achille d'Orsi (1845-1929), standing female nude, signed, H. approx. 98cm . German Description: Große Bronzeskulptur nach Achille d'Orsi (1845-1929), sich streckender stehender weiblicher Akt, signiert, H. ca. 98cm

    Henry's Auktionshaus
  • Achille D'Orsi (1845 - 1929), Proximuus Tuus, 1901
    Jul. 05, 2021

    Achille D'Orsi (1845 - 1929), Proximuus Tuus, 1901

    Est: €2,400 - €4,800

    Bronze, cm 27x28x33. Dated on the back

    Ansuini 1860 Auctions
  • "Le jeune pêcheur" en bronze à patine brune. Signé Achille d'Orsi. Ecole it
    Jan. 20, 2021

    "Le jeune pêcheur" en bronze à patine brune. Signé Achille d'Orsi. Ecole it

    Est: €400 - €600

    "Le jeune pêcheur" en bronze à patine brune. Signé Achille d'Orsi. Ecole italienne. Fonte tardive (?). H. (hors socle en marbre beige):+/-56cm.

  • Achille D'Orsi (attr.)
    Oct. 04, 2020

    Achille D'Orsi (attr.)

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    The mower patinated bronze scupture, 37x45x40cm.

    Bolli & Romiti s.r.l
  • Achille D'Orsi (Napoli 1845-1929) - The seller of figs
    Sep. 15, 2020

    Achille D'Orsi (Napoli 1845-1929) - The seller of figs

    Est: €300 - €500

    bronze sculpture signed on the back, on the base: Dorsi

    Jun. 24, 2020


    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    (Napoli, 1845 - 1929) Andromeda Bronzo Reca incisa nella base la scritta A. d'Orsi, fonderia Chiurazzi 1919 Alt. cm 70, larg. cm 42, prof. cm 37

    Wannenes Art Auctions
    May. 25, 2020


    Est: €300 - €350

    D'Orsi Achille 1845-1929 scultura in bronzo raff.giovane h 60 5cm

    Casa d'aste Martini
    May. 09, 2020


    Est: €300 - €350

    D'Orsi Achille 1845-1929 scultura in bronzo raff.giovane h 60 5cm

    Casa d'aste Martini
  • D'Orsi Achille (Napoli 1845-1929) - The conscript
    Nov. 25, 2019

    D'Orsi Achille (Napoli 1845-1929) - The conscript

    Est: €150 - €250

    bronze sculpture signed on the side on the base

    Oct. 22, 2018


    Est: €600 - €800

    scultura in bronzo brunito, altezza cm 58 Firmato A.d Orsi sul fianco della base. Supporto squadrato in marmo. | The Nightingale sculpture in burnished bronze, height 58 cm Signed A.d Orsi on the side of the base. Square support in marble.

    Casa d'aste ARCADIA
  • Achille d' Orsi, Italian, 1845 - 1929, a bronze model of Proximus Tuus, signed A. d' Orsi, and inscribed to the naturally moulded base FOND.ART.LAGANA NAPOLI, and to the base edge Tel Comm. Arturo Grassi / Napoli, 35 x 43.5cm
    Dec. 07, 2017

    Achille d' Orsi, Italian, 1845 - 1929, a bronze model of Proximus Tuus, signed A. d' Orsi, and inscribed to the naturally moulded base FOND.ART.LAGANA NAPOLI, and to the base edge Tel Comm. Arturo Grassi / Napoli, 35 x 43.5cm

    Est: £2,500 - £3,500

    Achille d' Orsi, Italian, 1845 - 1929, a bronze model of Proximus Tuus, signed A. d' Orsi, and inscribed to the naturally moulded base FOND.ART.LAGANA NAPOLI, and to the base edge Tel Comm. Arturo Grassi / Napoli, 35 x 43.5cm

  • Achille D'Orsi
    Jul. 20, 2017

    Achille D'Orsi

    Est: $700 - $1,000

    Achille D''Orsi (Italian, 1845-1929) L''USIGAULO bronze with green brown patina on marble base, signed & titled on base: ''A. D. Orsi''; H21" W13" D14" Provenance: Property of a gentleman

    Charlton Hall
  • Achille D'Orsi Achille D'Orsi
    Jul. 12, 2017

    Achille D'Orsi Achille D'Orsi

    Est: €600 - €800

    L'usignolo, 1887 scultura in bronzo patinato, h. cm. 52; base quadrata di marmo Firma e anno sulla base: A.D'Orsi 1887 L'usignolo, 1887 patinated bronze sculpture, 52 cm. high, signed and dated on the base: A.D'Orsi 1987

    Bolli & Romiti s.r.l
  • Achille D'Orsi
    Jun. 07, 2017

    Achille D'Orsi

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    L'usignolo, 1887 scultura in bronzo patinato, h. cm. 52; base quadrata di marmo Firma e anno sulla base: A.D'orsi 1887

    Bolli & Romiti s.r.l
  • ACHILLE D'ORSI | NAPOLI 1845-NAPOLI 1929 | Il Pescatore di Granchi. | The Crabs Fisherman
    Dec. 05, 2016

    ACHILLE D'ORSI | NAPOLI 1845-NAPOLI 1929 | Il Pescatore di Granchi. | The Crabs Fisherman

    Est: €400 - €600

    Scultura in bronzo raffigurante pescatore di granchi base in marmo, h. cm 28 firmato A. D'Orsi | Bronze sculpture depicting e crab fisherman, marble base, h.28 cm signed A. D'Orsi

    Casa d'aste ARCADIA
  • Achille D'orsi Sculpture
    Apr. 30, 2016

    Achille D'orsi Sculpture

    Est: $100 - $200

    Achille D'orsi Sculpture 1845-1929, of a gentleman in an overcoat. has small fissure to base. Please see photo. Measures 12"

    Searchlight / Saucon Valley Auctions
  • Achille D'Orsi (1845-1922) "Pescatore di Polpi"
    Jan. 01, 2016

    Achille D'Orsi (1845-1922) "Pescatore di Polpi"

    Est: $6,000 - $8,000

    Artist: Achille D'Orsi (1845-1922); Title: "Pescatore di Polpi"; Medium: Zinc statue; Signature: Signed on left side near foot; Sight Area Approximate Measurement: 43.75" x 19.5" x 23"; Approximate Weight: Undetermined due to size

    J Levine Auction & Appraisal LLC
  • D' ORSI ACHILLE (1845 - 1929) sculptuur in brons : 'Jongetje met
    Nov. 25, 2015

    D' ORSI ACHILLE (1845 - 1929) sculptuur in brons : 'Jongetje met

    Est: -

    D' ORSI ACHILLE (1845 - 1929) sculptuur in brons : 'Jongetje met drie kruiken aan kettingen - hoogte : 105 cm - op marmeren basis getekend sculpture in bronze - signed - on marble base

  • ACHILLE D' ORSI | Proximus Tuus
    May. 20, 2015

    ACHILLE D' ORSI | Proximus Tuus

    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    bronze, dark brown patina

  • Achille D’Orsi (Napoli 1845 - 1929)
    May. 19, 2015

    Achille D’Orsi (Napoli 1845 - 1929)

    Est: €700 - €1,400

    ‘Proximus tuus’ scultura in bronzo, altezza cm 35 firmata: D’orsi e inscritta: Fond. Art. Laganà / - Napoli -. Numerata, dedicata e firmata a bulino sulla base: N 15 pel Comm. Mario de Chiara / Napoli 1926 ACHILLE D'ORSI (NAPLES 1845-1929), PROXIMUS TUUS, BRONZE SCULPTURE, HEIGHT CM 35. SIGNED AND CARVED. ENUMERATED,DEDICATED AND SIGNED ON THE BASE

    Finarte Roma
  • A very beautiful burnished bronze sculpture signed Achille d'Orsi (1845 - 1929)
    Jan. 30, 2015

    A very beautiful burnished bronze sculpture signed Achille d'Orsi (1845 - 1929)

    Est: €1,200 - €1,400

    A very beautiful burnished bronze sculpture depicting young fisherman 'acquaiolo', signed Achille d'Orsi (Napoli, 1845 - 1929)

    WAC sas – Galleria Armondi
  • AFTER ACHILLE D'ORSI (Italian. 1845-1929)
    Aug. 14, 2012

    AFTER ACHILLE D'ORSI (Italian. 1845-1929)

    Est: $400 - $600

    "Boy with Fish". Signed. Bronze with Greenish Patina. Height 33 1/2".

    Auction Gallery of the Palm Beaches
  • Uomo con pipa
    Nov. 23, 2011

    Uomo con pipa

    Est: -

    Uomo con pipa Firma. Dimensions: Cm 34x14x14 Artist Name: ACHILLE D'ORSI (1845 - 1929) Medium : Bronzo in patina Circa:

    Capitolium Art
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