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Xin Dongwang Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1963 - d. 2014

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  • XIN DONGWANG | Farmer
    Jun. 30, 2024

    XIN DONGWANG | Farmer

    Est: S$30,000 - S$50,000

    79 x 64 cm ; 100 x 85 cm (with frame) oil on canvas signed and dated 2004.2 lower right Provenance: Important Indonesian Collection 忻東旺《农民》2004年作 油彩 画布 款识:东旺 2004.2(右下) 来源:印尼重要收藏 From being a farmer's child and working as a miner himself, to becoming a painting professor at the Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts, Xin Dongwang's life underwent significant refinement. His early passion for art and keen observation of the surroundings allowed him to reflect on the confusion and sense of loss experienced by farmers and laid-off workers who struggled to keep up with rapid social changes in those days through their lenses. His works, rich in the tone of new realism, are highly expressive, winning numerous awards with one work achieving a remarkable price of 6.03 million RMB at a past auction. In the featured painting "Farmer," the expression on the figure's face, the gray tones, and the unhesitating brushstrokes of large color blocks are seamlessly integrated. The aesthetic infused in the artist’s blood makes it a work worthy of national collection. On the other hand, it has a striking sense of empathy, as if the farmer is conversing with the viewers “face-to-face.” One can almost smell the mixed scent of the smoke from his mouth, as well as the stale odor of the slightly loose sweater and the old sofa, uncovering a kind of beauty built on the spiritual bitter. 从农民的孩子到下井矿工,再到后来成为清华美院绘画系的教授,忻東旺的人生经历了一次又一次升华。从小对艺术的热爱和对周围环境细致入微的观察,使他能透过底层人民的视角反映出那个时代的农民、下岗职工对跟不上极速更迭的社会变革而产生的迷茫和失落。加以浓郁的新写实主义风格为基调,忻東旺的作品极富张力,让其在各个奖项评选中大放异彩,其中一件曾拍出603万人民币的好成绩。 本次拍卖的作品《农民》,男子神情的流露,以及大片灰调色块不假思索的笔触,一气呵成。融合在艺术家血液里的美感使其俨然一副国家馆藏级佳作。另一方面,它有着扣人心弦的代入感,仿佛这位农民大哥在和观看者“面对面坐着”聊天。我们甚至可以闻到他嘴里的烟味混杂着穿太久而略显松弛的毛衣和沙发陈旧的气息,处处体现着一种精神上苦涩的美。

    33 Auction
  • XIN DONGWANG | Chinese Cabbage
    Nov. 05, 2023

    XIN DONGWANG | Chinese Cabbage

    Est: S$25,000 - S$30,000

    60 x 50 cm ; 120 x 90 cm (with frame) oil on canvas signed and dated 2006 lower right 忻東旺《白菜》2006年作 油彩 画布 This lot is located in Singapore

    33 Auction
    Apr. 08, 2023


    Est: ¥200,000 - ¥300,000


    Tomikai Auction
  • XIN DONGWANG | The Outside World
    Jan. 26, 2019

    XIN DONGWANG | The Outside World

    Est: S$75,000 - S$100,000

    160 x 65 cm oil on canvas, framed signed Dongwang in Chinese and dated 2000.12.8 lower right; signed, titled and inscribed with size veso

    33 Auction
  • XIN DONGWANG | Blue Diamond
    Jan. 26, 2019

    XIN DONGWANG | Blue Diamond

    Est: S$42,000 - S$55,000

    81 x 65 cm oil on canvas, framed signed Dongwang in Chinese and dated 1999.6 lower right; signed, titled and inscribed with size verso

    33 Auction
  • XIN DONGWANG | Ambitious Youth
    Feb. 04, 2018

    XIN DONGWANG | Ambitious Youth

    Est: S$100,000 - S$120,000

    146 x 114 cm oil on canvas, framed signed in Chinese, dated 1998.5 lower right 忻東旺《有志向的青年》1998 油彩 畫布 款識:東旺 1998.5(右下)

    33 Auction
    Feb. 04, 2018


    Est: S$75,000 - S$90,000

    160 x 80 cm oil on canvas, framed signed in Chinese, dated 2004.3 lower left 忻東旺《寬心》2004 油彩 畫布 款識:東旺2004.3(左下) 《寬心》160 x 80 cm(背面)

    33 Auction
  • XIN DONGWANG | Like My Memoir
    Feb. 04, 2018

    XIN DONGWANG | Like My Memoir

    Est: S$75,000 - S$90,000

    160 x 65 cm oil on canvas, framed signed in Chinese, dated 2004.7 lower right 忻東旺《恍世》2004 油彩 畫布 款識:東旺 2004.7(右下)

    33 Auction
    May. 14, 2017


    Est: S$60,000 - S$80,000

    160 x 65 cm | oil on canvas, framed | signed in Chinese and dated 2004.3 lower left

    33 Auction
  • XIN DONGWANG | Village Secretary
    May. 14, 2017

    XIN DONGWANG | Village Secretary

    Est: S$18,000 - S$30,000

    60 x 50 cm | oil on canvas, framed | signed in Chinese and dated 2005.2 lower left

    33 Auction
  • XIN DONGWANG | Portrait
    May. 14, 2017

    XIN DONGWANG | Portrait

    Est: S$18,000 - S$30,000

    60 x 50 cm | oil on canvas, framed | signed and dated 2005.7 lower right

    33 Auction
  • XIN DONGWANG | Portrait
    May. 14, 2017

    XIN DONGWANG | Portrait

    Est: S$18,000 - S$30,000

    60 x 50 cm | oil on canvas, framed | signed and dated 2002 lower right

    33 Auction
  • XIN DONGWANG | Ambitious Youth
    May. 14, 2017

    XIN DONGWANG | Ambitious Youth

    Est: S$60,000 - S$80,000

    146 x 114 cm | oil on canvas, framed | signed and dated 1998.5 lower right

    33 Auction
  • XIN DONGWANG | Portrait
    May. 21, 2016

    XIN DONGWANG | Portrait

    Est: S$15,000 - S$20,000

    oil on canvas| 60 x 50 cm| signed in Chinese and dated 2004 lower right

    33 Auction
  • Wang Xin Dong cabbage a rhyme
    Jun. 13, 2014

    Wang Xin Dong cabbage a rhyme

    Est: ¥360,000 - ¥520,000

    Wang Xin Dong cabbage a rhyme

    Beijing Nine International Auction Co., Ltd.
    Nov. 27, 2011


    Est: $950,000 - $1,200,000

    XIN DONGWANG (Chinese, B. 1963) Jianghu - Encounter signed in Chinese; dated '2008.10' (lower left); titled and signed in Chinese; inscribed and dated '180 x 130 cm 2008' (on the reverse) oil on canvas 180 x 130 cm. (70 7/8 x 51 1/8 in.) Painted in 2008

    May. 29, 2011


    Est: $600,000 - $900,000

    XIN DONGWANG (B. 1963) Golden Wedding signed in Chinese; dated '2008.6' (lower right); signed and titled in Chinese; inscribed '160 x 80 cm' (on the stretcher) oil on canvas 159 x 79.1 cm. (62 5/8 x 31 1/8 in.) Painted in 2008

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