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Zuobin Dong Sold at Auction Prices

Calligrapher, b. 1895 - d. 1963

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  • 董作賓 甲骨文〈菩薩蠻〉| Dong Zuobin, Calligraphy in Jiaguwen
    Oct. 23, 2024

    董作賓 甲骨文〈菩薩蠻〉| Dong Zuobin, Calligraphy in Jiaguwen

    Est: $80,000 - $200,000

    董作賓 甲骨文〈菩薩蠻〉 水墨描銀梅花箋 鏡框 一九五一年作 款識:乘濤來作南天客,良朋猶得林泉集。載酒去遊春,興來盡一樽。山花長媚好,時復觀魚鳥。處處樂風光,田疇禾黍香。〈菩薩蠻〉,集契文。辛卯春,作賓。 鈐印:「董作賓」。 藏印:「淳盦」。 177 x 19.9 cm 69⅝ x 8 in. -------------------------------------------------- Dong Zuobin 1895-1963 Calligraphy in Jiaguwen ink on paper, framed signed, dated 1951, with 1 seal of the artist and 1 collector's seal 177 x 19.9 cm 69⅝ x 8 in.

  • Dong Zuobin (1895 - 1963) , Calligraphy
    May. 28, 2024

    Dong Zuobin (1895 - 1963) , Calligraphy

    Est: $15,000 - $45,000

    董作賓 (1895 - 1963),丁氏商卜文集詩一首,鏡片 framed

    Holly's Auctions
  • A Chinese oracle bone script calligraphy, by Dong Zuobin (Chinese, 1895-1963) given to He Dekuan
    Mar. 17, 2024

    A Chinese oracle bone script calligraphy, by Dong Zuobin (Chinese, 1895-1963) given to He Dekuan

    Est: $100 - $200

    A Chinese oracle bone script calligraphy by Dong Zuobin (Chinese, 1895-1963) given to He Dekuan With inscription, signature, and two seals. H: 18 3/8, W: 12 1/8 in. H: 46.67, W: 30.8 cm. (overall) Click here for high resolution images.

    Oakridge Auction Gallery
  • A Chinese oracle bone script calligraphy, by Dong Zuobin (Chinese, 1895-1963), given to He Shangshi
    Mar. 17, 2024

    A Chinese oracle bone script calligraphy, by Dong Zuobin (Chinese, 1895-1963), given to He Shangshi

    Est: $100 - $200

    A Chinese oracle bone script calligraphy by Dong Zuobin (Chinese, 1895-1963), given to He Shangshi With inscription, signature, and two seals. H: 35 3/8, W: 13 1/4 in. H: 89.87, W: 33.66 cm. (overall) Click here for high resolution images.

    Oakridge Auction Gallery
  • DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) Calligraphy in Oracle Script
    Jun. 02, 2023

    DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) Calligraphy in Oracle Script

    Est: $30,000 - $60,000

    DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) Calligraphy in Oracle Script Cinnabar and ink on paper, hanging scroll Inscribed and signed Dong Zuobin, with two artist's seals Dated the forty-fifth year of the Republic (1956) 67 x 24cm (26⅜ x 9½in) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) Calligraphy in Oracle Bone Script
    Jun. 02, 2023

    DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) Calligraphy in Oracle Bone Script

    Est: $20,000 - $30,000

    DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) Calligraphy in Oracle Bone Script Ink on paper, hanging scroll Inscribed and signed Dong Zuobin, with two artist's seals Dated the fiftieth year of the Republic (1961) 81 x 36.5cm (31⅞ x 14⅜in) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • Dong zuobin Calligraphy
    May. 30, 2023

    Dong zuobin Calligraphy

    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    董作宾书法 Dong zuobin Calligraphy USD1000-2000 88x26cm 款识:壬辰仲冬董作宾 钤印:董作宾 来源:同一台湾重要收藏家提供董作宾专场拍卖 董作宾(1895-1963)原名作仁,入私塾后改名作宾,字彦堂,一字雁堂,号平庐,河南南阳人。知名文史学者,在考古学,殷商史,文字学,书法及篆刻艺术等方面颇有贡献。曾任福建协和大学,中州大学教授,国立中山大学副教授,国立台湾大学文学院和台湾省立师范学院教授。1951年1至1955年8月,任国立中央研究院历史语言研究所所长。

  • Dong Zuobin Calligraphy
    May. 30, 2023

    Dong Zuobin Calligraphy

    Est: $1,000 - $3,000

    董作宾书法 Dong Zuobin Calligraphy USD1000-3000 61.5x27cm 钤印:董作宾 来源:同一台湾重要收藏家提供董作宾专场拍卖 董作宾1895-1963年,原名作仁,入私塾后改名作宾,字彦堂,一字雁堂,号平庐。河南南阳人。知名文史学者,在考古学,殷商史,文字学,书法及篆刻艺术等方面颇有贡献。曾任福建协和大学,中州大学教授,国立中山大学副教授,国立台湾大学文学院和台湾省立师范学院教授。1951年1至1955年8月,任国立中央研究院历史语言研究所所长。

  • Dong zuobin Photograph and Rubbing Calligraphy
    May. 30, 2023

    Dong zuobin Photograph and Rubbing Calligraphy

    Est: $1,500 - $3,000

    董作宾照片摩写殷墟出土甲骨文字一组七件 Dong zuobin Photograph and Rubbing Calligraphy USD1500-3000 largest(河312)20x8.5cm,smallest(善222)6.8x8.3cm 钤印:董作宾 来源:同一台湾重要收藏家提供董作宾专场拍卖 本拍品由三张董作宾照片和四件精摩殷墟出土甲骨文字册页组成,最大一开册页(河312)20.5x8.5cm,最小一开册页(善222)6.8x8.3cm。董作宾1895-1963年,原名作仁,入私塾后改名作宾,字彦堂,一字雁堂,号平庐。河南南阳人。知名文史学者,在考古学,殷商史,文字学,书法及篆刻艺术等方面颇有贡献。曾任福建协和大学,中州大学教授,国立中山大学副教授,国立台湾大学文学院和台湾省立师范学院教授。1951年1至1955年8月,任国立中央研究院历史语言研究所所长。

  • Seven of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy and book
    May. 30, 2023

    Seven of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy and book

    Est: $1,000 - $3,000

    董作宾摩甲骨文字册页及统计表一组七件 Seven of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy and book USD1000-3000 longest(候36 9H10)28x9cm,shortest(契334)6.5x6cm 附参考书两本 钤印:董作宾 来源:同一台湾重要收藏家提供董作宾专场拍卖 本拍品由七件物品组成,一本统计表,一份演讲草稿,以及董彦堂先生精摩殷墟出土甲骨文字拼合图最大(候36 9H10)28x9cm,中央研究院旧拓董彦堂先生精摩殷墟出土甲骨文字册页最小(契334)尺寸6.5x6cm。董作宾1895-1963年,原名作仁,入私塾后改名作宾,字彦堂,一字雁堂,号平庐。河南南阳人。知名文史学者,在考古学,殷商史,文字学,书法及篆刻艺术等方面颇有贡献。曾任福建协和大学,中州大学教授,国立中山大学副教授,国立台湾大学文学院和台湾省立师范学院教授。1951年1至1955年8月,任国立中央研究院历史语言研究所所长。

  • Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy
    May. 30, 2023

    Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy

    Est: $1,000 - $3,000

    董作宾摩殷墟甲骨文拓片文字对开一组四件 Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy USD1000-3000 longest 26x14cm (3338),shortest 9.5x7cm(5.6.4) 来源:同一台湾重要收藏家提供董作宾专场拍卖 本拍品四件组成,最大3338董作宾26x14cm(3338),小件(5.6.4)9.5x7cm。买家竞标前请仔细了解拍品尺寸和状况之后再出价,董作宾1895-1963年,原名作仁,入私塾后改名作宾,字彦堂,一字雁堂,号平庐。河南南阳人。知名文史学者,在考古学,殷商史,文字学,书法及篆刻艺术等方面颇有贡献。曾任福建协和大学,中州大学教授,国立中山大学副教授,国立台湾大学文学院和台湾省立师范学院教授。1951年1至1955年8月,任国立中央研究院历史语言研究所所长。

  • Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy
    May. 30, 2023

    Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy

    Est: $1,000 - $3,000

    董作宾摩写殷墟出土甲骨文字 Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy USD1000-3000 longest 28.5x6cm 钤印:董作宾 来源:同一台湾重要收藏家提供董作宾专场拍卖 本件物品内含六个精摩甲骨文字,最长28.5x6cm。董作宾1895-1963年,原名作仁,入私塾后改名作宾,字彦堂,一字雁堂,号平庐。河南南阳人。知名文史学者,在考古学,殷商史,文字学,书法及篆刻艺术等方面颇有贡献。曾任福建协和大学,中州大学教授,国立中山大学副教授,国立台湾大学文学院和台湾省立师范学院教授。1951年1至1955年8月,任国立中央研究院历史语言研究所所长。

  • Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy
    May. 30, 2023

    Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy

    Est: $1,000 - $3,000

    董作宾精摩殷墟出土甲骨文字十开册页 Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy USD1000-3000 26.4x9.8cm (明8-丙) 款识:宾廿年六月十日 钤印:董作宾 来源:同一台湾重要收藏家提供董作宾专场拍卖 董彦堂先生精摩殷墟出土甲骨文字册十开,(明8-丙)26.4x9.8cm。 董作宾1895-1963年,原名作仁,入私塾后改名作宾,字彦堂,一字雁堂,号平庐。河南南阳人。知名文史学者,在考古学,殷商史,文字学,书法及篆刻艺术等方面颇有贡献。曾任福建协和大学,中州大学教授,国立中山大学副教授,国立台湾大学文学院和台湾省立师范学院教授。1951年1至1955年8月,任国立中央研究院历史语言研究所所长。

  • Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy
    May. 30, 2023

    Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy

    Est: $1,000 - $3,000

    董作宾书法民众福星以及甲骨文字拓片一组三件 Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy USD1000-3000 民众福星5.2x11.8cm,拓片首文字(续6.36)5.8x4.9cm 来源:同一台湾重要收藏家提供董作宾专场拍卖 三件组成董作宾铭文书法民众福星5.2x11.8cm,中研院旧拓殷墟出土甲骨残片文字册页首文字(续3.36)5.8x4.9cm,董作宾(1895-1963年),原名作仁,入私塾后改名作宾,字彦堂,一字雁堂,号平庐。河南南阳人。知名文史学者,在考古学,殷商史,文字学,书法及篆刻艺术等方面颇有贡献。曾任福建协和大学,中州大学教授,国立中山大学副教授,国立台湾大学文学院和台湾省立师范学院教授。1951年1至1955年8月,任国立中央研究院历史语言研究所所长。

  • Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy
    May. 30, 2023

    Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy

    Est: $1,000 - $3,000

    董作宾摩写殷墟出土甲骨文字一组四件 Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy USD1000-3000 longest 22.6x17cm (3642),shortest 9x6.8cm(续3.11.4) 钤印:董作宾 来源:同一台湾重要收藏家提供董作宾专场拍卖 本拍品一共四件由两件对开册页和两件一开册页组成,中研院旧拓殷墟出土甲骨文字正背二面(3642)最大尺寸为22.6x17cm,中央研究院旧拓董彦堂先生精摩殷墟出土甲骨文字(续3.11.4)最小尺寸9x6.8cm。董作宾1895-1963年,原名作仁,入私塾后改名作宾,字彦堂,一字雁堂,号平庐。河南南阳人。知名文史学者,在考古学,殷商史,文字学,书法及篆刻艺术等方面颇有贡献。曾任福建协和大学,中州大学教授,国立中山大学副教授,国立台湾大学文学院和台湾省立师范学院教授。1951年1至1955年8月,任国立中央研究院历史语言研究所所长。

  • Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy
    May. 30, 2023

    Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy

    Est: $1,000 - $3,000

    董作宾殷墟甲骨文拓片文字册页一组三件 Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy USD1000-3000 longest 11.7x9cm(续1.22.7),shortest 7.5x5cm(S-20) 来源:同一台湾重要收藏家提供董作宾专场拍卖 本拍品三件组成,董作宾摩殷墟出土甲骨文字六开册页(续1.22.7)最大尺寸 11.7x9cm,一本中研院旧拓殷墟出土甲骨残片文字十册页(S-20)尺寸7.5x5cm,董作宾1895-1963年,原名作仁,入私塾后改名作宾,字彦堂,一字雁堂,号平庐。河南南阳人。知名文史学者,在考古学,殷商史,文字学,书法及篆刻艺术等方面颇有贡献。曾任福建协和大学,中州大学教授,国立中山大学副教授,国立台湾大学文学院和台湾省立师范学院教授。1951年1至1955年8月,任国立中央研究院历史语言研究所所长。

  • Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy
    May. 30, 2023

    Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy

    Est: $1,000 - $3,000

    董作宾摩写殷墟甲骨文字六开册页 Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy USD1000-3000 24.5x9cm(明2810) 款识:多生印多姓也。他处亦见之。廿八,八,廿八 钤印:董作宾 来源:同一台湾重要收藏家提供董作宾专场拍卖 此本董彦堂先生摩殷墟出土甲骨文字六开册页,24.5x9cm(明2810)。董作宾1895-1963年,原名作仁,入私塾后改名作宾,字彦堂,一字雁堂,号平庐。河南南阳人。知名文史学者,在考古学,殷商史,文字学,书法及篆刻艺术等方面颇有贡献。曾任福建协和大学,中州大学教授,国立中山大学副教授,国立台湾大学文学院和台湾省立师范学院教授。1951年1至1955年8月,任国立中央研究院历史语言研究所所长。

  • Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy
    May. 30, 2023

    Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy

    Est: $1,000 - $3,000

    董作宾摩甲骨文字及拓片一组六件 Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy USD1000-3000 longest(佚574)21x5.7cm,shortest 10x6.8cm 附董作宾先生六十五岁论文集上下两本 钤印:董作宾 来源:同一台湾重要收藏家提供董作宾专场拍卖 六件一组最长为董彦堂先生精摩殷墟出土甲骨文字真迹(佚574)21x5.7cm,最小董彦堂先生精摩殷墟出土甲骨文字对开册页(前.4.43.4)10x6.8cm。董作宾1895-1963年,原名作仁,入私塾后改名作宾,字彦堂,一字雁堂,号平庐。河南南阳人。知名文史学者,在考古学,殷商史,文字学,书法及篆刻艺术等方面颇有贡献。曾任福建协和大学,中州大学教授,国立中山大学副教授,国立台湾大学文学院和台湾省立师范学院教授。1951年1至1955年8月,任国立中央研究院历史语言研究所所长。

  • Two of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy
    May. 30, 2023

    Two of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy

    Est: $1,000 - $3,000

    董作宾摩甲骨文拓拓片文字一组二件 Two of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy USD1000-3000 24.3x19.4cm(6385),L29cm(甲3361) 钤印:董作宾 来源:同一台湾重要收藏家提供董作宾专场拍卖 本拍品由两件对开册页组成尺寸分别为24.3x19.4cm(6385),L29cm(甲3361)董作宾1895-1963年,原名作仁,入私塾后改名作宾,字彦堂,一字雁堂,号平庐。河南南阳人。知名文史学者,在考古学,殷商史,文字学,书法及篆刻艺术等方面颇有贡献。曾任福建协和大学,中州大学教授,国立中山大学副教授,国立台湾大学文学院和台湾省立师范学院教授。1951年1至1955年8月,任国立中央研究院历史语言研究所所长。

  • Four of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy
    May. 30, 2023

    Four of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy

    Est: $1,000 - $3,000

    董作宾摩写殷墟出土甲骨文字一组四件 Four of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy USD1000-3000 longest(续存241)25x9cm,Shortest(作1108)9.5x7.5cm 钤印:董作宾 来源:同一台湾重要收藏家提供董作宾专场拍卖 本拍品一组四件,两组对开,两组一开册页,最长(续存241)25x9cm,最小(作1108)9.5x7.5cm。董作宾1895-1963年,原名作仁,入私塾后改名作宾,字彦堂,一字雁堂,号平庐。河南南阳人。知名文史学者,在考古学,殷商史,文字学,书法及篆刻艺术等方面颇有贡献。曾任福建协和大学,中州大学教授,国立中山大学副教授,国立台湾大学文学院和台湾省立师范学院教授。1951年1至1955年8月,任国立中央研究院历史语言研究所所长。

  • Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy
    May. 30, 2023

    Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy

    Est: $1,000 - $3,000

    董作宾铭文书法拓片文字册页一组四件 Group of Dong zuobin Rubbing Calligraphy USD1000-3000 铭文书法(殷上83.2)10.7x9.5cm,shortest 8.7x5.7cm(续6.3.2) 来源:同一台湾重要收藏家提供董作宾专场拍卖 四件拍品组成董彦堂先生抚古铜器铭文书法(殷上83.2)尺寸10.7x9.5cm,中研院旧拓殷墟出土甲骨文字残片拓片册页首文字(续6.3.2)。董作宾1895-1963年,原名作仁,入私塾后改名作宾,字彦堂,一字雁堂,号平庐。河南南阳人。知名文史学者,在考古学,殷商史,文字学,书法及篆刻艺术等方面颇有贡献。曾任福建协和大学,中州大学教授,国立中山大学副教授,国立台湾大学文学院和台湾省立师范学院教授。1951年1至1955年8月,任国立中央研究院历史语言研究所所长。

  • Dong Zuobin 董作宾 甲骨文书法 (Chinese b.1895-d.1963)
    Oct. 18, 2022

    Dong Zuobin 董作宾 甲骨文书法 (Chinese b.1895-d.1963)

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    Calligraphy in oracle bone script Ink on paper, inscribed lower left and with two seals, dated Minguo 51st year, equivalent to 1962, and dedicated to Xi Wen (Dr. Nathan Sivin), mounted as a hanging scroll. (H: 27 1/4 in.; W: 12 1/4 in.) PROVENANCE: Property from the estate of Dr. Nathan Sivin (1931-2022), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania NOTE: Dong Zuobin was a renowned archaeologist and was one of the Jia Gu Si Tang, "the four scholars of ancient Chinese oracle bones". Dr. Nathan Sivin (1931-2022), an eminent Sinologist and academic, focused on the history of Chinese science, medicine, and religion. He not only helped establish Daoist studies as an academic discipline but also integrated Chinese science and medicine into the general history of science. Dr. Sivin started his academic training in 1948 at MIT, took some time off, and served in the U.S. Army from 1951-1957, during which he enrolled in a Chinese language program from 1954-1956. His interests in Chinese culture whetted, in 1958 he completed his BS at MIT and started graduate studies in the new department of the history of science at Harvard University where he completed a PhD in 1966 on the history of Chinese Alchemy. During that time he studied Chinese language and philosophy in Taipei and Chinese alchemy in Singapore. He considered himself a disciple of the classically-trained Prince Aisin-Gioro Liu Yü-Yün (1906-2011), a student of Chen Baochen (1848-1935); tutor to the last Emperor of China. Dr. Sivin was professor at MIT (1966-1977) up until he joined the University of Pennsylvania as a professor of Chinese culture and the History of Science (1977-2006). His long career at the University culminated in the position of Professor Emeritus of Chinese Culture in the department of History and Sociology of Science. Dr. Sivin taught many classes from the Scientific Revolution in Europe to advanced classical Chinese, and delivered over 250 guest lectures in Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America. He served on numerous boards including that of the society he helped found, the International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Medicine, and Technology. He wrote or edited over fifteen books studying the history of science, medicine, and religion in China. He was elected to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences in 1977 and was named an honorary professor in the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1989. Dr. Sivin and his wife, Carole Delmore Sivin, personally knew many of the important Chinese artists, historians, scientists, and scholars represented in the collection. Several works are dedicated to “Xi Wen” (Dr. Sivin’s Chinese name) by the author or artist. Dr. Sivin also collected older works created by such notables as members of the former Imperial family of China, Imperial tutors, and late-Qing dynasty statesmen. His broad scholarly interests in the culture and history of China are also evident, as the calligraphy includes works written in characters derived from ancient oracle bones and bronze ceremonial vessels, and quotations from classical writings in clerical script and running script. Following in the tradition of classical Chinese scholars, Dr. Sivin’s collection illustrates the scholarly ideal of integration of poetry, calligraphy, painting, and seals: “Shi Shu Hua Yin”. Two notebooks of carefully annotated seal impressions show that many of the Sivin’s nearly fifty seals reflect the esteem in which he was held as a gentleman scholar. Like the calligraphy, many seals were carved and gifted by prominent artists, historians, and scholar friends, further illuminating his scholarly tastes and interests manifested in this collection.

    Freeman's | Hindman
  • 董作賓 TUNG Tso-pin (Taiwanese, 1895-1963)
    Jun. 04, 2022

    董作賓 TUNG Tso-pin (Taiwanese, 1895-1963)

    Est: NT$150,000 - NT$240,000

    甲骨文對聯 Calligraphy Couplet in Oracle Bone Script 釋文:大好風月對樽酒,小有林泉集眾賓。 款識:碧川先生雅正。癸巳孔誕,董作賓。 鈐印:彥堂長壽(白文)、董作賓(朱文) Signed TUNG Tso-pin in Chinese With two seals of the artist

  • DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) Calligraphy in Oracle Bone Script
    Jun. 02, 2022

    DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) Calligraphy in Oracle Bone Script

    Est: $30,000 - $50,000

    DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) Calligraphy in Oracle Bone Script Ink on paper, hanging scroll Inscribed and signed Dong Zuobin, with three seals of the artist Dated the fourty-six year of the Repblic era (1957) and dingyou year (1957) 141 x 27cm (55½ x 10⅝in) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • DONG ZUOBING (1895-1963) Poem in Oracle Bone Script
    Jun. 02, 2022

    DONG ZUOBING (1895-1963) Poem in Oracle Bone Script

    Est: $20,000 - $30,000

    DONG ZUOBING (1895-1963) Poem in Oracle Bone Script Ink on paper, framed Inscribed and signed Dong Zuobin, with a dedication and two seals of the artist Dated the fourty-eighth year (1959) of the Republic era, jihai year (1959) 76 x 22.5cm (29⅞ x 8⅞in) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) Poem in Oracle Bone Script
    Jun. 02, 2022

    DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) Poem in Oracle Bone Script

    Est: $15,000 - $25,000

    DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) Poem in Oracle Bone Script Ink on paper, framed Inscribed and signed Dong Zuobin, with two seals of the artist Dated bingshen year (1956) 71 x 20cm (28 x 7⅞in) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) Poem in Oracle Bone script
    Jun. 02, 2022

    DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) Poem in Oracle Bone script

    Est: $15,000 - $25,000

    DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) Poem in Oracle Bone script Ink on paper, framed Inscribed and signed Dong Zuobin, with two seals of the artist Dated bingshen year (1956) 71 x 20cm (28 x 7⅞in) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • 董作賓 甲骨文集契詞二首 - Dong Zuobin, Calligraphy
    Apr. 30, 2022

    董作賓 甲骨文集契詞二首 - Dong Zuobin, Calligraphy

    Est: $40,000 - $80,000

    Dong Zuobin 1895-1963 Calligraphy ink on paper, hanging scroll signed, dated 1951, with 2 seals of the artist 140.3 x 38.1 cm 55¼ x 15 in. ---------------------------------------------- 董作賓 1895-1963 甲骨文集契詞二首 水墨紙本 立軸 一九五一年作 款識:塵凡事,多謝絕,別長安來歸田野,並掃盡自家門外雪,載尊酒好觀風月。〈落梅風〉。 南天好,花事媚。春初,日出林中人射鹿,月明川上客觀魚,雞黍佐盤盂。〈江南好〉。 錦堂同學雅鑒。卌年新春,寫汪一厂先生〈集契集〉二詞,於臺北龍安里寓之平廬。董作賓并識。 鈐印:「董作賓」、「彥堂」。 上款:「錦堂」為羅錦堂(b.1927),甘肅隴西人,早歲肆業於上海復旦大學,後渡臺入讀臺灣大學,師從臺靜農、董作賓等先生,一九六○年取得文學博士學位。他研究古典文學、詩詞、戲曲深湛,尤以元曲為著,先後執教於香港、歐美等大學,著述豐厚,有〈中國散曲史〉、〈錦堂論曲〉等傳世。 140.3 x 38.1 cm 55¼ x 15 in.

  • 董作賓 甲骨〈詩經〉句 - Dong Zuobin, Calligraphy in Jiaguwen
    Apr. 30, 2022

    董作賓 甲骨〈詩經〉句 - Dong Zuobin, Calligraphy in Jiaguwen

    Est: $15,000 - $30,000

    Property From the Collection of Professor Kang and Jessica Chao (Lots 3036-3048) Dong Zuobin 1895-1963 Calligraphy in Jiaguwen ink on paper, framed signed, with 1 seal of the artist 40.5 x 30 cm 16 x 11⅞in. ---------------------------------------------- 趙岡、陳鍾毅伉儷收藏書畫(編號3036-3048) 董作賓 1895-1963 甲骨〈詩經〉句 水墨紙本 鏡框 款識︰穀我士女,宜其室家。集甲骨字。董作賓書。惜夢仁兄哲嗣嘉禮。王仰曾、李嘉茀敬賀。 鈐印︰「董作賓」。  註︰一九五五年,趙岡與陳鍾毅結縭,獲臺灣大學農業工程系教授王仰曾倩文學院教授董作賓揮毫作賀,取〈詩經〉句,寄寓門庭豐足美滿。 40.5 x 30 cm 16 x 11⅞ in. Property From the Collection of Professor Kang and Jessica Chao (Lots 3036-3048) The Collection of Professor Kang and Jessica Chao began in 1938 when Zhang Shanzi gifted Lot 3047, Tiger by the River to Kang Chao’s father, Zhao Ximeng (1899-1956). Ximeng was at the forefront of literature, poetry, art and politics from the 1920s to the early 1950s in China. During the Sino-Japanese war, he wrote patriotic articles in the Morning Light News and was a war correspondent for the Ta Kung Pao. In 1944, the famous Chinese artist Zhang Daqian, added the inscription and painted the grasses in the foreground during one of his visits to Ximeng while in Liaoning. After his father’s death in 1956, Kang Chao inherited the Zhang Shanzi & Zhang Daqian painting, along with the Chao family legacy as a welcome oasis for visiting scholars, artists, writers and change-makers. By the 1980s, Kang Chao was acclaimed for his ground-breaking and bold analysis of China’s economic development, had co-founded the Chinese Institute for Economic Research in Taipei, and was one of the foremost Redologists in the world. He and Jessica were extraordinarily committed partners—in work as well as life. They collaborated on nearly 100 books and publications in both English and Chinese on Economics and the Hong Lou Meng. As one of the few Chinese faculty members in the American Midwest, Kang and Jessica Chao continued the Chao tradition. They opened their home in Madison, Wisconsin to visiting scholars and artists from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and beyond. These visitors appreciated being in a familiar environment, discussing topics ranging from art and politics to current events. Most of all they delighted in Jessica’s authentic Chinese cooking at a time when America was just beginning to understand true Chinese culture. June 1980, Kang and Jessica kicked off the first International Conference on the Dream of the Red Chamber by hosting the opening dinner in their Madison home. The world’s leading redologists, Zhou Ruchang, Qi Gong, Dai Dunbong, Yu Pingbo and Feng Qiyong presented magnificent scrolls with personal dedications to our parents. Those who became close friends would use Kang's familiar name, "Yen-bing” (彥濱). The more formal visitors would use "Professor Kang Chao" (趙岡教授). By the time Kang retired from his professorship at the University of Wisconsin in the mid-90's, he and Jessica had a collection of nearly 100 scrolls of calligraphy and paintings.  In 2017, Kang and Jessica Chao donated their entire collection of rare Hong Lou Meng books and research materials, 40 banker boxes in all, to the Ricci Institute in San Francisco. Their goal was to encourage future generations of young scholars to enjoy the study of the Dream of the Red Chamber. Shortly thereafter, Jessica Chung-yee Chen Chao passed away on November 5, 2020. For Kang Chao, 2021 was a challenging year without his companion of 70 years. On October 23, 2021, he slipped away peacefully to join her. To honor the legacy of their extraordinary teamwork and to their goal of promoting cross-cultural exchange by sharing the best of East and West cultures, partial proceeds from the sale of this Collection will go towards two projects. The first is to establish scholarships that strengthen cultural bridges between East Asia and the West. The second is to establish a much needed pipeline of Chinese-speaking Caregivers and Home Health Aides to serve our beloved Chinese elders.

  • Dong Zuobin (1895-1963) Calligraphy in Oracle Bone Script, 1953
    Jun. 22, 2021

    Dong Zuobin (1895-1963) Calligraphy in Oracle Bone Script, 1953

    Est: $1,500 - $1,800

    Dong Zuobin (1895-1963) Calligraphy in Oracle Bone Script, 1953 Cinnabar and ink on paper, mounted, inscribed, dated sishier nian er yue (1953, second month) and signed Dong Zuobin with two artist's seals reading Dong Zuobin and Yantang (foxing, creases). 26 1/2 x 11 1/2in (67.3 x 29.2cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963),
    Dec. 02, 2020

    DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963),

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) Couplet Calligraphy in Oracle Script Two scrolls mounted as a hanging scroll, ink on paper Each scroll measures 58.5 x 9.2 cm. (23 x 3 5/8 in.) Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dedicated to Zhitai (Robert van Gulik) Dated New Year’s day, yiwei , forty-fourth year of the Republic (1955) NOTE: Robert van Gulik Reference no. 579. ,

    Oct. 10, 2020


    Est: $800 - $1,200

    Ink and color on paper. Hanging scroll. H54x29cm

    China Arts Auction
  • Dong Zuobin (1895-1963) Calligraphy Ink On Paper,
    Sep. 06, 2020

    Dong Zuobin (1895-1963) Calligraphy Ink On Paper,

    Est: $1,500 - $3,000

    Dong Zuobin (1895-1963) Calligraphy Ink On Paper, Hanging Scroll, Signed And Seals 65 X 31 cm 董作賓 (1895-1963) 書法 軸心 : 水墨紙本 款識:中華民國四十七年已亥歲冬十月十九日乙已寫集契集於平廔, 董作賓 鈐印:董作賓,彥堂 Provenance 來源:舊金山藏家 $1,500

    Golden State Auction Gallery
    Aug. 28, 2020


    Est: $600 - $900

    Ink and color on paper. Hanging scroll. H54x29cm

    Linwoods Auction
  • DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) - Calligraphy
    Jul. 21, 2020

    DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) - Calligraphy

    Est: $6,000 - $12,000

    DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) Calligraphy Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and vermilion on gold-flecked paper 301⁄2 x 12 in. (77.5 x 30.5 cm.) Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dated eighth day, sixth month, forty-seventh year of the Republic, bingchen year (1958) Dedicated to Shouxin and Madame Huoquan Provenance Acquired directly from the artist.

  • Wang Ciqin Calligraphy (Fu Character)
    Jun. 28, 2020

    Wang Ciqin Calligraphy (Fu Character)

    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    Wang Ciqin Calligraphy (Fu Character) Frame size: H 31-1/2", W 26-1/4"; opening: H 30-1/4", W 25"; matt opening: H 22-1/2", W 19". Estate of anthropologists and food historian Michael and Sophie Coe. New Haven, Ct Please refer to this link for a high-res image https://www.dropbox.com/s/d9j0tdf3riencao/1077163_1.jpg?dl=0 The authorship and age of this lot is guaranteed as represented in the description. A full refund will be granted if returned to New Haven Auctions in the same condition as which it was sent, within 30 days of the sale date. After 30 days, sale is final. Buyer must supply New Haven Auctions an opinion from a qualified third party authority, in writing, before a refund is given. Shipping costs are not refundable.

    New England Auctions
    Jun. 05, 2020


    Est: $10,000 - $20,000

    ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Dong Zuobin, dated 48th year of Republic Era (1959), with a dedication and with two seals of the artist

  • Dong Zuobin(1895-1963)
    Dec. 15, 2019

    Dong Zuobin(1895-1963)

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    Dong Zuobin(1895-1963) Red ink On Paper, Hanging Scroll, Signed And Seal 46.5 X 32.5 cm 董作賓 (1895-1963) 軸心:朱墨紙本 款識:民國戊戌年冬寫平廬董作賓鈐印:董作賓,彥堂 $1,500 - $2,000

    Golden State Auction Gallery
  • Dong Zuobin(1895-1963)
    Sep. 15, 2019

    Dong Zuobin(1895-1963)

    Est: $200 - $300

    Dong Zuobin(1895-1963) Ink on silver Paper, Unmounted, Signed And seals 24.5 X 20 cm 董作賓 (1895-1963) 鏡心:水墨有色紙 款識:三十七年十二月十一日, 董作賓 鈐印:董作賓 Provenance 來源:美國退休華人父親舊藏 $200

    Golden State Auction Gallery
  • Chinese Calligraphy Oracle by Dong Zuobin
    Mar. 30, 2019

    Chinese Calligraphy Oracle by Dong Zuobin

    Est: $2,000 - $4,000

    Chinese Calligraphy Oracle by Dong Zuobin, 董作宾,Size :31 x 12 inches (80x30 cm )

    Luban Antique
  • Dong Zuobin(1895-1963)
    Mar. 24, 2019

    Dong Zuobin(1895-1963)

    Est: $1,500 - $2,250

    Dong Zuobin(1895-1963) Ink On Paper,Mounted,in Year 1949, Signed And Seal 120 X 24.5 cm 董作賓 (1895-1963) 鏡心:水墨紙本 款識:風片片雨絲絲一日相望十二時奚事春來人不至花前又見燕來遲。己丑冬日董作賓時客台北 鈐印:董作賓,彥堂 Provenance 來源:侯彧華先生91904-1994)後人提供 Provenance:From Mr Hou Huohua(1904-1994) collections 備註:董作賓(1895 年 3 月 20 日- 1963 年 11 月 23 日)原名作仁(入學後名),字彥堂,號平廬。河南南陽人。知名⽂史學者,在考古學、殷商史、 ⽂字學、書法及篆刻藝術等方面頗有貢獻。曾任福建私立協和大學、國立中州大學教授,國立中山大學副教授,國立臺灣大學⽂學院和臺灣省立師範學院教授。1951 年 1 至 1955 年 8 月, 任國立中央研究院歷史語言研究所所長。 $1,500

    Golden State Auction Gallery
  • TUNG TSO-PIN (CHINESE, 1895-1963) 董作賓
    Dec. 01, 2018

    TUNG TSO-PIN (CHINESE, 1895-1963) 董作賓

    Est: NT$130,000 - NT$260,000

    Poem in Oracle Bone Script 甲骨文七言詩

    Sep. 15, 2018


    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    signed, with two seals of the artist and one collector's seal of Tang Hung

    Jun. 28, 2018


    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    Ink on paper, hanging scroll. Heigt 69cm Width 34cm

    China Arts Auction
  • Dong Zuobin (1895-1963) Calligraphy in Oracle Bone Script, 1962
    Jun. 26, 2018

    Dong Zuobin (1895-1963) Calligraphy in Oracle Bone Script, 1962

    Est: $3,500 - $4,500

    Dong Zuobin (1895-1963) Calligraphy in Oracle Bone Script, 1962Ink on paper, hanging scroll, dedicated to Shi'ao, inscribed and dated Zhonghua Minguo wu shi yi nian wu yue san ri (1962, fifth month, third day) and signed Dong Zuobin with two artist's seals reading Dong Zuobin and Yantang.27 1/4 x 11 3/4in (69.2 x 29.8cm) 董作賓 甲骨文書法 水墨紙本 鏡片 一九六二年作款識:入山曲曲深,人已白雲上。更從谷中盤,高泉喜在望。士鰲鄉兄雅教。丁鶴廬雁山記游詩梯雲谷一首集商卜文。中華民國五十一年五月三日乙丑寫于臺北里寓之平廬,董作賓。鈐印:董作賓、彦堂註:士鰲,即姚從吾 (1894-1970),字占卿,原名士鰲,河南襄城縣人,中國歷史學家、教育家。1934年受聘為北京大學歷史系教授,主講歷史方法論、匈奴史、遼金元史及蒙古史擇题研究等課程。1946年9月,任河南大學校長。1949年初去台灣,受聘為台灣大學歷史系教授,並創辦遼金元研究室。1958年4月,當選為台灣"中央研究院"人文組院士。姚從吾任河南大學校長期間,多次邀請知名學者來校講學学,如史學家錢穆與勞干、考古學家董作賓等。

  • Dong Zuobin(1895-1963)
    Jun. 25, 2018

    Dong Zuobin(1895-1963)

    Est: $1,000 - $4,000

    Dong Zuobin(1895-1963) Ink On Paper,Hanging Scroll, Signed And Seal 39 X 28 cm 董作賓 (1895-1963) 鏡心:水墨紙本 款識:萬壽無疆天之祐,百年好合日方中, 中華民國四十四年董作賓敬贈 鈐印:作賓之璽 $1,000

    Golden State Auction Gallery
  • DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) - Calligraphy in Oracle Bone Script
    May. 29, 2018

    DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) - Calligraphy in Oracle Bone Script

    Est: $30,000 - $50,000

    DONG ZUOBIN (1895-1963) Calligraphy in Oracle Bone Script Scroll, mounted and framed, vermilion and ink on paper 56 x 22 cm. (22 x 8 5/8 in.)

  • Dong Zuobin(1895-1963)
    Mar. 25, 2018

    Dong Zuobin(1895-1963)

    Est: $1,000 - $4,000

    Dong Zuobin(1895-1963) Ink On Paper, Mounted, Signed And Seals 102 X 28.5 cm 董作賓 (1895-1963) 鏡心:水墨紙本 款識:董作賓并識 鈐印:作賓之璽,彥堂 $1,000

    Golden State Auction Gallery
Lots Per Page: