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G. van Deynum Sold at Auction Prices

Still life painter

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  • G. van Deynum, Still Life with Oranges, Grapes, a Crab, a Hazelnut and a Wine Glass on a Table
    Nov. 16, 2024

    G. van Deynum, Still Life with Oranges, Grapes, a Crab, a Hazelnut and a Wine Glass on a Table

    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    Nothing is known about G. van Deynum's life and only the first letter of his first name is known. It is assumed that he belonged to the family of artists active in Antwerp, to which the miniaturists Jan Baptist and Abraham van Deynum also belonged. His activity in Antwerp in the 1650s is documented by a work from 1654. G. van Deynum is sometimes confused with the artist Gerard (Gerrit) van Deynen, who worked in The Hague, and occasionally with the Flemish painter Guilliam van Deynum, who lived somewhat earlier and mainly painted portraits. Only around 10 to 15 works have been attributed to this artist. He mainly painted small fruit still lifes and a few splendid still lifes. His work betrays the influence of Jan Davidsz. de Heem, who was active in Antwerp from the mid 1630s. In some of van Deynum's works, pictorial elements of de Heem's compositions from the late 1640s and early 1650s can be found.

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • G. van Deynum (active in Antwerp 1650-1674)
    Dec. 10, 2016

    G. van Deynum (active in Antwerp 1650-1674)

    Est: Kč290,000 - Kč580,000

    G. van Deynum (active in Antwerp 1650-1674) STILL LIFE WITH A LOBSTER. Still life with a lobster, scallops, a lemon, leaves, fruit of the vine and a vine bottle on the table with a blue drapery and a silver tray. Oil on canvas, 55x68 cm, signed upper right (on a sheet of paper). Framed. Condition A/B. G. van Deynum (činný v Antverpách 1650-1674) ZÁTIŠÍ S HUMREM. Zátiší s humrem, lasturami, citrónem, listy a plody vinné révy a lahví vína vyobrazených na stole s modrou drapérií a stříbrným podnosem. Olej na plátně, 55x68 cm, sign. vpravo nahoře (na listu papíru) „Parisien / Deynum“. Rámováno. Stav A/B. G. van Deynum (aktiv in Antwerpen 1650-1674) STILLLEBEN MIT HUMMER. Stillleben mit Hummer, Muscheln, Zitrone, Blätter und Früchten der Weinrebe und Weinflasche auf dem Tisch mit blauer Draperie und Silberschüssel. Öl auf Leinwand, 55x68 cm, sign. rechts oben (auf Papierblatt) „Parisien / Deynum“. Gerahmt. Zustand A/B.

    Auction House Zezula
  • G. van Deynum
    May. 10, 2015

    G. van Deynum

    Est: €1,620 - €1,800

    G. van Deynum (Tätig in den Südlichen Niederlanden um 1650-1674) attr.; Früchtestillleben mit Schmetterling Auf einem Tisch arrangiertes Stillleben aus Trauben, Pfirsichen, geschälter Zitrone und Kirschen. Zu den vom RKD in Den Haag dokumentierten Werken des flämischen Stilllebenmalers gehört ein fast identisches, signiertes Gemälde, versteigert 2012 bei Christie's in London. Öl/Holztafel. Verso altes Besitzeretikett des 19. Jhs.; 28 cm x 36,5 cm. Rahmen. Provenienz: Familie Staehelin-Vischer. Basel. Still life of fruit with a butterfly. Oil on panel. Collector's label on the reverse.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
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