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Juan de Ancheta Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1540 - d. 1588

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  • Romanist School of the 16th century. Possibly to JUAN DE ANCHETA (Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, c. 1540 – Pamplona, 1588). “Virgin with Child.” Carved, stewed, gilded and polychrome wood.
    Oct. 17, 2023

    Romanist School of the 16th century. Possibly to JUAN DE ANCHETA (Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, c. 1540 – Pamplona, 1588). “Virgin with Child.” Carved, stewed, gilded and polychrome wood.

    Est: €16,000 - €18,000

    Romanist school of the 16th century. Possibly JUAN DE ANCHETA (Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, c. 1540 - Pamplona, 1588). "Virgin and Child". Carved, stewed, gilded and polychrome wood. Measurements: 102 x 59 x 40 cm. Wooden half-bulk carving, stewed, gilded and polychrome, representing Mary seated on a low-backed throne, with the Child seated on her left knee, holding a sphere (symbol of the universality of Christian doctrine and of Christ's redemptive act) and a rosary in one of her hands. The Child, naked and only partly covered by his mother's veil, raises his right hand in blessing. The Virgin wears a red tunic, symbolising the Passion of Christ, a blue cloak that alludes to the concepts of truth and eternity, and a golden veil that alludes to divine glory. The theme of the Virgin depicted with the Child Jesus, and more specifically with the Child Jesus on her lap, seated or standing, has its origins in the Eastern religions of antiquity, in images such as that of Isis with her son Horus, but the most direct reference is to the Virgin as the "Sedes Sapientiae", or throne of God, in medieval Christian art. Gradually, with the advance of naturalism, the Virgin will pass from being a simple "throne" of the Child to revealing a relationship of affection, beginning in the Gothic period. From then on, the figures would acquire movement, moving closer to each other, and finally the concept of the throne would disappear, and with it the secondary role of the Virgin. In this way, the image became an example of the love between Mary and her Son, an image of tenderness, close, designed to move the soul of the faithful. This more humanised maternal-filial relationship is reflected in the position of the Child, who, as we see here, is already seated on one of his mother's legs, clearly displaced from the central position he occupied in medieval sculpture, in the close relationship between the heads of the two figures and in the loving gesture on Mary's part of embracing her son. The style of this work can be attributed to Juan de Ancheta, a Baroque sculptor belonging to the Romanist School, a current of Spanish Mannerism which shows a marked influence of the Italian authors who worked in Rome, especially Raphael and Michelangelo. The Romanist style is particularly characterised by its monumentality and powerful anatomies, features that can be clearly seen in this carving. In fact, Juan de Ancheta probably trained in Italy, as his style reveals the influence of Italian masters, although there is no documentation to support this trip. By 1565 Ancheta was in Valladolid, but shortly afterwards he was in Briviesca, presumably collaborating with Gaspar Becerra on an altarpiece for the church of the convent of Santa Clara. In fact, Ancheta's style shows the influence of Becerra's mannerism, enriched with the classicism of contemporary Roman sculpture. It is thought that the sculptor returned to work with Becerra around 1558 on an altarpiece.

    Setdart Auction House
    Mar. 11, 2021


    Est: €5,250 - €7,000

    Escuela navarra del siglo XVI. Círculo de Juan de Ancheta (Azpeitia, h. 1533-Pamplona, 1588). Bautismo de Cristo. Relieve en madera de nogal tallado y policromado. Este relieve muestra la influencia del estilo romanista propio de la obra de Ancheta caracterizado por la monumentalidad y potentes anatomías, la rica policromía podría atribuirse a su policromador habitual Juan de Landa. 11 x 65 cm.

    Aletheia Subastas
  • DISCÍPULO DE JUAN DE ANCHETA (Azpeitia,1533-Pamplona,1588) - La Visitación [DISCIPLE OF JUAN DE ANCHIETA (Azpeitia, 1533 Pamplona, 1588) - Visitation]
    Feb. 24, 2016

    DISCÍPULO DE JUAN DE ANCHETA (Azpeitia,1533-Pamplona,1588) - La Visitación [DISCIPLE OF JUAN DE ANCHIETA (Azpeitia, 1533 Pamplona, 1588) - Visitation]

    Est: -

    Relieve en madera tallada, dorada y policromada de 100 x 12 x 64 cm

    Sala Retiro Subastas
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