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Heinrich Anton Dähling Sold at Auction Prices

Miniature painter, Historical-scenes painter, Genre Painter, Landscape painter, Lithographer

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  • HEINRICH ANTON DÄHLING : Brustbildnis einer jungen preussischen Adeligen mit lockigem braunem Haar, eine rote Stola um die Schultern tragend.
    Oct. 19, 2024

    HEINRICH ANTON DÄHLING : Brustbildnis einer jungen preussischen Adeligen mit lockigem braunem Haar, eine rote Stola um die Schultern tragend.

    Est: €300 - €450

    HEINRICH ANTON DÄHLING Hannover 1773 - 1850 Potsdam Brustbildnis einer jungen preussischen Adeligen mit lockigem braunem Haar, eine rote Stola um die Schultern tragend. Miniaturporträt. Darstellung im Oval. Gouache auf Elfenbein 1813. Signiert und datiert. Verso auf der Unterlage in brauner Feder schlecht lesbar bezeichnet „Emilie....geb.....“. 7,7 x 6 cm. Alt auf blaues Vélin aufgezogen. Ränder schwach berieben. Gerahmt. [bg]

  • H. DÄHLING (*1773) after BOLLINGER (*1777), Count von Kalkreuth, Field Marshal, Etching
    Sep. 28, 2024

    H. DÄHLING (*1773) after BOLLINGER (*1777), Count von Kalkreuth, Field Marshal, Etching

    Est: €120 - €200

    Heinrich Anton Dähling (1773 - 1850 ) after Friedrich Wilhelm Bollinger (1777 Berlin - 1825 ibid.): Portrait of the Prussian Field Marshal J A Count von Kalkreuth, 19th century, Etching Technique: Etching on Paper Inscription: Below the illustration marked Date: 19th century Keywords: Prussia, Prussian, Field Marshal, Military, Count, Nobleman, Portrait, 19th century, Classicism, Military, Germany, Size: Paper: 24,5 cm x 19,7 cm (9,6 x 7,8 in), Plate: 22,0 cm x 17,6 cm (8,7 x 6,9 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. BOLLINGER (19th) after DÄHLING (*1773), Portrait of Jean-Victor Moreau, after 1813, Stipple engra
    Feb. 10, 2024

    F. BOLLINGER (19th) after DÄHLING (*1773), Portrait of Jean-Victor Moreau, after 1813, Stipple engra

    Est: €120 - €200

    Ferdinand Bollinger (19th century) after Heinrich Anton Dähling (1773 - 1850 ): Portrait of the French general Jean-Victor Moreau (*1763) in civilian clothes, after 1813, Stipple engraving Technique: Stipple engraving on Paper Inscription: At the center signed in the printing plate: "Dähling pinxt | Bollinger sc.". Lower middle inscribed in the printing plate: "Moreau / Geboren zu Morlaix in Bretagne am 10ten August 1763, / gestorben zu Laun in Böhmen am 2ten September 1813.". Lower middle further inscription: "Wer so, wie Du, den Tod für Völkerglück gestorben, hat, als der Menschheit Freund, sich ew'gen erworben.". Lower middle additional inscription: "Im Verlag bei Gaspare Weiss & Co. u. b. Baptista Weiss in Berlin". Date: after 1813 Description: The portrait shows the general Jean-Victor Moreau, who was general of the French army until Napoleon Bonaparte's coronation as emperor. Napoleon had him exiled in 1804, and in 1813 he returned to Europe to fight against Napoleon under Tsar Alexander I as his adjudant general. In the same year, he succumbed to an injury sustained during the Battle of Dresden. The portrait is by Friedrich Wilhelm Bollinger, an engraver known for his portraits and professor at the Berlin Academy. Keywords: Printmaking, Germany, Berlin, France, Napoleon, Revolution, Consulate, Military, General, Portrait, 19th century, Romanticism, Portraits, France,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • H. DÄHLING (*1773) after BOLLINGER (*1777), Count von Kalkreuth, Field Marshal, Etching
    Feb. 10, 2024

    H. DÄHLING (*1773) after BOLLINGER (*1777), Count von Kalkreuth, Field Marshal, Etching

    Est: €120 - €200

    Heinrich Anton Dähling (1773 - 1850 ) after Friedrich Wilhelm Bollinger (1777 Berlin - 1825 ibid.): Portrait of the Prussian Field Marshal J A Count von Kalkreuth, 19th century, Etching Technique: Etching on Paper Inscription: Below the illustration marked Date: 19th century Keywords: Prussia, Prussian, Field Marshal, Military, Count, Nobleman, Portrait, 19th century, Classicism, Military, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. BOLLINGER (19th) after DÄHLING (*1773), Portrait of Jean-Victor Moreau, after 1813, Stipple engra
    Oct. 14, 2023

    F. BOLLINGER (19th) after DÄHLING (*1773), Portrait of Jean-Victor Moreau, after 1813, Stipple engra

    Est: €120 - €200

    Ferdinand Bollinger (19th century) after Heinrich Anton Dähling (1773 - 1850 ): Portrait of the French general Jean-Victor Moreau (*1763) in civilian clothes, after 1813, Stipple engraving Technique: Stipple engraving on Paper Inscription: At the center signed in the printing plate: "Dähling pinxt | Bollinger sc.". Lower middle inscribed in the printing plate: "Moreau / Geboren zu Morlaix in Bretagne am 10ten August 1763, / gestorben zu Laun in Böhmen am 2ten September 1813.". Lower middle further inscription: "Wer so, wie Du, den Tod für Völkerglück gestorben, hat, als der Menschheit Freund, sich ew'gen erworben.". Lower middle additional inscription: "Im Verlag bei Gaspare Weiss & Co. u. b. Baptista Weiss in Berlin". Date: after 1813 Description: The portrait shows the general Jean-Victor Moreau, who was general of the French army until Napoleon Bonaparte's coronation as emperor. Napoleon had him exiled in 1804, and in 1813 he returned to Europe to fight against Napoleon under Tsar Alexander I as his adjudant general. In the same year, he succumbed to an injury sustained during the Battle of Dresden. The portrait is by Friedrich Wilhelm Bollinger, an engraver known for his portraits and professor at the Berlin Academy. Keywords: Printmaking, Germany, Berlin, France, Napoleon, Revolution, Consulate, Military, General, Portrait, 19th century, Romanticism, Portraits, France,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. BOLLINGER (19th) after DÄHLING (*1773), Portrait of Jean-Victor Moreau, after 1813,
    May. 06, 2023

    F. BOLLINGER (19th) after DÄHLING (*1773), Portrait of Jean-Victor Moreau, after 1813,

    Est: €120 - €200

    Ferdinand Bollinger (19th century) after Heinrich Anton Dähling (1773 - 1850 ): Portrait of the French general Jean-Victor Moreau (*1763) in civilian clothes, after 1813, Stipple engraving Technique: Stipple engraving on Paper Inscription: At the center signed in the printing plate: "Dähling pinxt | Bollinger sc.". Lower middle inscribed in the printing plate: "Moreau / Geboren zu Morlaix in Bretagne am 10ten August 1763, / gestorben zu Laun in Böhmen am 2ten September 1813.". Lower middle further inscription: "Wer so, wie Du, den Tod für Völkerglück gestorben, hat, als der Menschheit Freund, sich ew'gen erworben.". Lower middle additional inscription: "Im Verlag bei Gaspare Weiss & Co. u. b. Baptista Weiss in Berlin". Date: after 1813 Description: The portrait shows the general Jean-Victor Moreau, who was general of the French army until Napoleon Bonaparte's coronation as emperor. Napoleon had him exiled in 1804, and in 1813 he returned to Europe to fight against Napoleon under Tsar Alexander I as his adjudant general. In the same year, he succumbed to an injury sustained during the Battle of Dresden. The portrait is by Friedrich Wilhelm Bollinger, an engraver known for his portraits and professor at the Berlin Academy. Keywords: Printmaking, Germany, Berlin, France, Napoleon, Revolution, Consulate, Military, General, Portrait, 19th century, Romanticism, Portraits, France,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • H. DÄHLING (*1773) after BOLLINGER (*1777), Count von Kalkreuth, Field Marshal, Etching
    May. 06, 2023

    H. DÄHLING (*1773) after BOLLINGER (*1777), Count von Kalkreuth, Field Marshal, Etching

    Est: €120 - €200

    Heinrich Anton Dähling (1773 - 1850 ) after Friedrich Wilhelm Bollinger (1777 Berlin - 1825 ibid.): Portrait of the Prussian Field Marshal J A Count von Kalkreuth, 19th century, Etching Technique: Etching on Paper Inscription: Below the illustration marked Date: 19th century Keywords: Prussia, Prussian, Field Marshal, Military, Count, Nobleman, Portrait, 19th century, Classicism, Military, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. BOLLINGER (19th) after DÄHLING (*1773), Portrait of Jean-Victor Moreau, after 1813, Stipple engra
    Dec. 10, 2022

    F. BOLLINGER (19th) after DÄHLING (*1773), Portrait of Jean-Victor Moreau, after 1813, Stipple engra

    Est: €120 - €200

    Ferdinand Bollinger (19th century) after Heinrich Anton Dähling (1773 - 1850 ): Portrait of the French general Jean-Victor Moreau (*1763) in civilian clothes, after 1813, Stipple engraving Technique: Stipple engraving on Paper Inscription: At the center signed in the printing plate: "Dähling pinxt | Bollinger sc.". Lower middle inscribed in the printing plate: "Moreau / Geboren zu Morlaix in Bretagne am 10ten August 1763, / gestorben zu Laun in Böhmen am 2ten September 1813.". Lower middle further inscription: "Wer so, wie Du, den Tod für Völkerglück gestorben, hat, als der Menschheit Freund, sich ew'gen erworben.". Lower middle additional inscription: "Im Verlag bei Gaspare Weiss & Co. u. b. Baptista Weiss in Berlin". Date: after 1813 Description: The portrait shows the general Jean-Victor Moreau, who was general of the French army until Napoleon Bonaparte's coronation as emperor. Napoleon had him exiled in 1804, and in 1813 he returned to Europe to fight against Napoleon under Tsar Alexander I as his adjudant general. In the same year he succumbed to an injury sustained during the Battle of Dresden. The portrait is by Friedrich Wilhelm Bollinger, an engraver known for his portraits and professor at the Berlin Academy. Keywords: Printmaking, Germany, Berlin, France, Napoleon, Revolution, Consulate, Military, General, Portrait, 19th century, Romanticism, Portraits, France,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Heinrich Anton Dähling, Portrait of a Gentleman in a Drawn Oval Surround
    May. 30, 2020

    Heinrich Anton Dähling, Portrait of a Gentleman in a Drawn Oval Surround

    Est: €1,000 - €1,200

    Signed lower right: Heinr. Dähling fec. RefDra22520

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Dähling, Heinrich: Bildnisse eines eleganten im Stile des Empire gekleideten Paares
    Nov. 27, 2015

    Dähling, Heinrich: Bildnisse eines eleganten im Stile des Empire gekleideten Paares

    Est: €2,000 - €2,400

    Bildnisse eines eleganten Paares. Zwei Gouachen, je auf Velin im Oval. Je ca. 14,8 x 11,7 cm. Jeweils rechts unten signiert und datiert "H. Dähling f. 1811".

    Bassenge Auctions
  • - HENRICH ANTON DAHLING (1773-1850), ECOLE DE « L'Empereur Napoléon Ier de profil portant ses décorations. » Pastel. Sous-verre, cadre en bois. 16,5 x 11 cm. XIXe siècle
    Jun. 15, 2014

    - HENRICH ANTON DAHLING (1773-1850), ECOLE DE « L'Empereur Napoléon Ier de profil portant ses décorations. » Pastel. Sous-verre, cadre en bois. 16,5 x 11 cm. XIXe siècle

    Est: €500 - €700

    - HENRICH ANTON DAHLING (1773-1850), ECOLE DE « L'Empereur Napoléon Ier de profil portant ses décorations. » Pastel. Sous-verre, cadre en bois. 16,5 x 11 cm. XIXe siècle

  • Henrich Anton DAHLING (1773-1850), attribué à. « L'Empereur Napoléon Ier de profil portant ses décorations. » Dessin au crayon noir. 16,5 x 11 cm. Encadré sous verre B.E. Epoque Premier Empire. L'Empereur porte son uniforme de chasseur à cheval,
    Mar. 23, 2014

    Henrich Anton DAHLING (1773-1850), attribué à. « L'Empereur Napoléon Ier de profil portant ses décorations. » Dessin au crayon noir. 16,5 x 11 cm. Encadré sous verre B.E. Epoque Premier Empire. L'Empereur porte son uniforme de chasseur à cheval,

    Est: €600 - €800

    Henrich Anton DAHLING (1773-1850), attribué à. « L'Empereur Napoléon Ier de profil portant ses décorations. » Dessin au crayon noir. 16,5 x 11 cm. Encadré sous verre B.E. Epoque Premier Empire. L'Empereur porte son uniforme de chasseur à cheval, ainsi que les insignes du 1er type de la Légion d'honneur.

  • HEINRICH ANTON DAHLING (Hanover 1773-1850 Potsdam)
    Jan. 25, 2002

    HEINRICH ANTON DAHLING (Hanover 1773-1850 Potsdam)

    Est: $20,000 - $30,000

    Napoleon Bonaparte, 1 s t Emperor of France, entering the city of Berlin at the Brandenberg Gate; and Napoleon Bonaparte receiving the keys to the city of Berlin from the Prince of Hatzfeld oil on canvas 19 x 263/4 in. (48 x 68 cm.) a pair PROVENANCE Bernard Franck; his sale, H“tel Drouot, Paris, 22-23 February 1935, lots 69 and 71. NOTES This pair of paintings records the entry of Napoleon into Berlin on 27 October 1806. According to labels on the reverse of each composition, the first depicts General Hulin, the commander of the French forces in Berlin, leading the Emperor and his officers -- among them Berthier, Davout, Lefebvre, Auguereau, Durse and Caulincourt -- into the city. The second shows Hulin introducing to Napoleon the Prince of Hatzfeld, who, as head of the municipality of Berlin, handed over the keys to the city to the Emperor. Increasingly concerned with the French influence spreading over the minor German states, Prussia formed a coalition with Great Britain and Russia and declared war on the French on 7 October 1806. The war - known as the War of the Fourth Coalition - was brief: on 8 October Napoleon launched a surprise invasion of Prussia and defeated the Prussian army at Iena and Auerstadt just six days later. On 27 October, the Emperor rode triumphantly into Berlin, passing under the Brandenburg Gate. Vivant Denon, Director of the Mus‚e Napoleon, accompanied the French army on the campaign and ordered that the Quadrige atop the gate be taken to Paris and placed outside the new Madeleine, a temple 'in the Greek style' erected to the glory of the Grande Arm‚e . The chariot and horses appear to have been left at Versailles and, in 1814, the statue group was seized by the Prussian Army and taken back to Berlin, where it was to become a symbol of national identity, freedom and victory. The present pair are in Empire frames. SALESROOM NOTICE Please note that there are 19th-century labels identifying the subject and artist on the stretcher of each painting.

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