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Tullio Crali Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1910 - d. 2000

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      • Tullio Crali 1910 Igalo-2000 Milano The power of the curve
        Dec. 18, 2024

        Tullio Crali 1910 Igalo-2000 Milano The power of the curve

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        The power of the curve signed and dated on the back Largh. 50 - Alt. 40 Cm matita su carta Opera registrata presso l'Archivio Futuristi a cura del Prof. Maurizio Scudiero nel 2022 Collezione privata

        Cambi Casa d'Aste
      • Tullio Crali, Studio per Pilota. post 1944.
        Nov. 28, 2024

        Tullio Crali, Studio per Pilota. post 1944.

        Est: €500 - €1,000

        Olio su cartone. cm 31x24,5. Firmato in basso a destra. "Studio per Pilota", con controfirma a pastello celeste e timbro Crali Torino al verso del supporto.

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • TULLIO CRALI T. Crali / Futurist
        Nov. 14, 2024

        TULLIO CRALI T. Crali / Futurist

        Est: €300 - €600

        Lithograph on paper, 97 x 152 mm. Futurist postcard. On the back, close futurist letter Carnival of Viareggio (February 1928, railway reductions). In good condition, except for traces of folds on the right side and light uniform browning.

        Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
      • Tullio Crali (Igalo Montenegro 1910-Milano 2000) - Aereoplani, 1927
        Jul. 24, 2024

        Tullio Crali (Igalo Montenegro 1910-Milano 2000) - Aereoplani, 1927

        Est: €100 - €150

        etching cm 12 x 9 (measure of the plate) ; cm 15 x 10,8 (paper measure) Signed and dated in pencil lower right Titled lower left

      • Tullio Crali Omaggio a Marinetti
        May. 25, 2024

        Tullio Crali Omaggio a Marinetti

        Est: €6,000 - €8,000

        Firme in basso a destra.

        Fabiani Arte
      • Tullio Crali [attribuito a], Composizione cosmica. Anni '50 del XX secolo.
        May. 15, 2024

        Tullio Crali [attribuito a], Composizione cosmica. Anni '50 del XX secolo.

        Est: €400 - €800

        Olio e sabbia su cartone telato. cm24x18. Iscritto in basso a destra a pennarello nero: "Crali". Al verso targhetta applicata de "Crali Torino via C. del Prete 57-33". (1)

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Crali, Tullio (1910-2000) Aeropittura, 1938, Öl auf Bristolkarton.
        Apr. 13, 2024

        Crali, Tullio (1910-2000) Aeropittura, 1938, Öl auf Bristolkarton.

        Est: €50,000 - €120,000

        Crali, Tullio (1910-2000) Aeropittura, 1938, Öl auf Bristolkarton. Futuristische Darstellung mit einem Flugzeug im Mittelpunkt. Dieses fliegt über Rom hinweg, was durch den, dem Petersdom gleichenden, Sakralbau im rechten, unteren Bildbereich suggeriert wird. Aus der Optischen Mitte heraus, strahlt die Sonne über den gewölbten Horizont. Am Himmel lassen sich Lichtkugeln, teilweise in Sternenform erkennen. Diese ziehen ihre Bahnen über den Himmel -- Bahnen, die den von geschossen gleichen. Am Rechten Bildrand scheint eine Rauchsäule in den Himmel empor zu steigen. Das Gemälde ist rechts unten mit "t. crali - 1938" signiert und datiert. Bei Gemälden dieser Zeit signierte Crali üblicherweise mit Kapitälchen. Wobei sich die Signatur des, damals 28 Jahre alten Künstlers stark geändert hat. Die Farbe, welche für die Signatur verwendet wurde, ist mit der in anderen Bildbereichen, auch unter UV-Licht betrachtet, identisch. Restaurierungen wurden mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit nicht durchgeführt. Das Gemälde ist mit Ölfarbe auf einen 0,5 cm dicken Bristolkarton gemalt. Der Karton weist am oberen Rand (in 0,5 - 1,8 cm Abstand zum Kartonrand) einzelne Löcher auf. Diese stammen von Nägeln, welche teilweise von der Rückseite, teilweise aber auch von der Vorderseite das Material durchbrochen haben. Diese Löcher sind von der Ölfarbe gefüllt. Das heißt, diese waren zum Zeitpunkt des Bemalens bereits vorhanden. Der Malgrund enthält, unter UV-Licht betrachtet keine Bleichmittel, wie sie ab den 1950er Jahren zunehmend in Malkarton eingesetzt wurden. Das Gemälde entstammt einem österreichischen Nachlass mit zahlreichen anderen hochwertigen Werken. 64 x 101 cm. Crali, Tullio (1910-2000) Aeropittura, 1938, oil on Bristol board. Futuristic depiction with an aeroplane in the centre. It flies over Rome, which is suggested by the sacred building resembling St Peter's Basilica in the lower right of the picture. From the optical centre, the sun shines over the curved horizon. Spheres of light, some in the shape of stars, can be recognised in the sky. These orbit across the sky -- orbits that resemble those of a bullet. At the right-hand edge of the picture, a column of smoke appears to be rising into the sky. The painting is signed "t. crali - 1938" at the bottom right. Crali usually signed paintings of this period in small capitals. However, the signature of the artist, who was 28 years old at the time, has changed considerably. The colour used for the signature is identical to that used in other areas of the painting, even when viewed under UV light. It is highly unlikely that any restoration work was carried out. The painting is painted with oil paint on a 0.5 cm thick Bristol board. There are individual holes in the upper edge of the cardboard (at a distance of 0.5 - 1.8 cm from the edge). These originate from nails that have pierced the material, some from the back and some from the front. These holes are filled by the oil paint. This means that they were already present at the time of painting. When viewed under UV light, the painting ground does not contain any bleaching agents, which were increasingly used in painting cardboard from the 1950s onwards. The painting comes from an Austrian estate with numerous other high-quality works. 64 x 101 cm.

        Auktionshaus Karrenbauer
      • TULLIO CRALI (IGALO, 1910 - MILANO, 2000) - BARCHE, 1950
        Feb. 16, 2024

        TULLIO CRALI (IGALO, 1910 - MILANO, 2000) - BARCHE, 1950

        Est: €4,500 - €6,500

        Olio su carta riportata su cartone, cm. 48,5x58,5. Firma, data e dedica in basso a sinistra. Sul verso: etichetta Artelite, Milano.

        Pananti Casa D'Aste SRL
      • Tullio Crali (Igalo Montenegro 1910-Milano 2000) - Untitled, 1972
        Dec. 05, 2023

        Tullio Crali (Igalo Montenegro 1910-Milano 2000) - Untitled, 1972

        Est: €400 - €600

        mixed media on paper cm 23,5 x 13,5 Signed and dated lower right: Crali 72

      • Tullio Crali (Igalo Montenegro 1910-Milano 2000) - Scenodinamica-città, 1931
        Dec. 05, 2023

        Tullio Crali (Igalo Montenegro 1910-Milano 2000) - Scenodinamica-città, 1931

        Est: €1,800 - €2,500

        tempera on paper cm 21 x 33 Signed and dated lower right:  Crali 31 Work registered with Archivio Unico per la Catalogazione delle Opere Futuriste, Rovereto.

      • Tullio Crali (Igalo Montenegro 1910-Milano 2000) - Untitled
        Dec. 05, 2023

        Tullio Crali (Igalo Montenegro 1910-Milano 2000) - Untitled

        Est: €250 - €350

        mixed media and collage on paper cm 17 x 11,5 Signed lower left: Crali

      • Tullio Crali *
        Nov. 28, 2023

        Tullio Crali *

        Est: €35,000 - €50,000

        (Igalo, Montenegro 1910–2000 Milan) Paracadutista, 1939–1940, signed and dated; signed, dated, titled and inscribed on the reverse, oil on wood, 79 x 69 cm, framed Provenance: Sprovieri Collection (label with inscription on the reverse) Galleria d’Arte Levi, Milan-Rome (label on the reverse) Galleria Philippe Daverio, Milan European Private Collection Exhibited: Milan, Dinamismo Sportivo, Galleria Il Dialogo, April–May 1981 Florence, X Mostra Arte e Sport, Palazzo Strozzi, 18 March – 4 April 1982 Literature of comparison: M. De Sabbata (ed.), Tullio Crali: il Futurismo giuliano e l’aeropittura, Fondazione CRTrieste, Trieste 2019, p. 75, no. 65 Note: As stated on the reverse, this work can be viewed and exhibited from all four sides Unreadable label on the reverse

        Oct. 20, 2023


        Est: €1,500 - €3,000

        Tempera su cartoncino, cm. 13x18. Firma in basso a destra.

        Pananti Casa D'Aste SRL
      • TULLIO CRALI (1910-2000) Trio in volo (Painted in 1935)
        Oct. 19, 2023

        TULLIO CRALI (1910-2000) Trio in volo (Painted in 1935)

        Est: £25,000 - £35,000

        TULLIO CRALI (1910-2000) Trio in volo signed and dated 'Crali 35' (upper right); signed, inscribed and dated 'Crali 1935 'Trio in volo'' (on the reverse) oil on canvas 49.7 x 60cm (19 9/16 x 23 5/8in). Painted in 1935

      • Tullio Crali (Igalo Montenegro 1910-Milano 2000) - Untitled, 1971
        Jul. 04, 2023

        Tullio Crali (Igalo Montenegro 1910-Milano 2000) - Untitled, 1971

        Est: €1,500 - €2,000

        mixed media on newspaper sheet cm 28,5 x 19,8 Signed and dated lower right: Crali 71 

      • Tullio Crali (Igalo Montenegro 1910-Milano 2000) - Untitled
        Jul. 04, 2023

        Tullio Crali (Igalo Montenegro 1910-Milano 2000) - Untitled

        Est: €800 - €1,200

        tempera on paper cm 11,9 x 16,9 Signed lower left: Crali

      • Tullio Crali (Igalo Montenegro 1910-Milano 2000) - Figura femminile (recto) ; Studio per aereopittura (verso)
        Jul. 04, 2023

        Tullio Crali (Igalo Montenegro 1910-Milano 2000) - Figura femminile (recto) ; Studio per aereopittura (verso)

        Est: €500 - €700

        pencil on paper cm 30,5 x 22,5 around (recto) ; cm 29 x 20,5 around (verso)

      • Tullio Crali (Igalo Montenegro 1910-Milano 2000) - Untitled, 1943
        Jul. 04, 2023

        Tullio Crali (Igalo Montenegro 1910-Milano 2000) - Untitled, 1943

        Est: €600 - €800

        ink and watercolor on paper cm 32,5 x 19,7 Signed and dated lower right: Crali 43

      • CRALI TULLIO (1910 - 2000) - Controsole.
        Jun. 26, 2023

        CRALI TULLIO (1910 - 2000) - Controsole.

        Est: €20,000 - €30,000

        CRALI TULLIO (1910 - 2000). Controsole.. Signature and year lower left. Title at the back and artist's stamp. Tllio Crali Archive - Maurizio Scudiero, Rovereto, authenticity certificate. This 'Controsole' is truly a sunny Crali and quite special, showing us a girl who is rowing towards the sea early in the morning. What makes us think so? Simply the fact that at the time Crali was in Gorizia, not far from the sea (Grado), and the sun, which rises from the east, is precisely in the right position for those in the Adriatic. Crali offers us here a proof of beautiful painting, with this vaguely pointillist brushstroke, but which lends itself well to the rendering of this luminous 'diffusion' of the sun in the probably still hazy morning sky. The girl is rendered in a tapered form, as Crali had done with 'Ostacolista', from 1930, and then also with 'Aerodancer', from 1931. It is not the aeropainter Crali, but it is nonetheless an evocative painting of a young futurist who , it should be remembered, in 1932 he was only 22 years old.. 60,20 x 48,40 cm. 1932.

        Capitolium Art
      • TULLIO CRALI (IGALO, 1910 - MILAN, 2000): BOAT IN THE PORT, 1950
        Jun. 23, 2023

        TULLIO CRALI (IGALO, 1910 - MILAN, 2000): BOAT IN THE PORT, 1950

        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        TULLIO CRALI (Igalo, 1910 - Milan, 2000) Boat in the port, 1950 Mixed media on paper applied on cardboard, 48 x 58,5 cm Signature, date and dedication lower right: Crali, '50, "A Carlotta"; on the back label by Artelite in Milan Excellent conditions, framed with glass and passepartout

        Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
      • Tullio Crali (Igalo 1910 - Mailand/Milano 2000)
        May. 26, 2023

        Tullio Crali (Igalo 1910 - Mailand/Milano 2000)

        Est: €30,000 - €50,000

        Incursione aerea, 1932;Olio on board, 50 x 70 cm Signed and dated, verso signed, dated and titled The work is accompanied by a dated authentication on photograph by Maurizio Scudiero Rovereto 11 October 2022 and archived as an autographed work by the artist Tullio Crali with the following entry number AF-TC 51-2022 Provenance: Private collection

        Bozner Kunstauktionen
      • Tullio Crali "Volo mediterraneo" 1964 oil on cardboard cm 14x15 Signed lower right Provenance Studio of the artist, Milan (B/102) Private collection, Venice...
        May. 24, 2023

        Tullio Crali "Volo mediterraneo" 1964 oil on cardboard cm 14x15 Signed lower right Provenance Studio of the artist, Milan (B/102) Private collection, Venice...

        Est: €500 - €700

        (Igalo 1910 - Milano 2000) "Volo mediterraneo" 1964 oil on cardboard cm 14x15 Signed lower right Provenance Studio of the artist, Milan (B/102) Private collection, Venice IT "Volo mediterraneo" 1964 olio su cartoncino cm 14x15 Firmato in basso a destra Provenienza Studio dell'artista, Milano (B/102) Collezione privata, Venezia

        Il Ponte Auction House
      • Tullio Crali "Forme Cosmiche" 1932 polymateric on board cm 29.5x29.5; plexiglass box cm 55x54.8 Signed lower right Signed, titled and dated 1932 on the reverse On the reverse, stamp "Crali - via Maffei 22 - Milano" Provenance FUTURISM. Ce...
        May. 23, 2023

        Tullio Crali "Forme Cosmiche" 1932 polymateric on board cm 29.5x29.5; plexiglass box cm 55x54.8 Signed lower right Signed, titled and dated 1932 on the reverse On the reverse, stamp "Crali - via Maffei 22 - Milano" Provenance FUTURISM. Ce...

        Est: €4,000 - €6,000

        (Igalo 1910 - Milano 2000) "Forme Cosmiche" 1932 polymateric on board cm 29.5x29.5; plexiglass box cm 55x54.8 Signed lower right Signed, titled and dated 1932 on the reverse On the reverse, stamp "Crali - via Maffei 22 - Milano" Provenance FUTURISM. Centro documentazione artistica, Milan (stamp on the reverse) Private collection IT "Forme Cosmiche" 1932 polimaterico su tavola cm 29,5x29,5; teca cm 55x54,8 Firmato in basso a destra Firmato, titolato e datato 1932 al retro Al retro timbro "Crali - via Maffei 22 - Milano" Provenienza FUTURISMO. Centro documentazione artistica, Milano (timbro al retro) Collezione privata

        Il Ponte Auction House
      • TULLIO CRALI Preparatory drawing for the painting "Trimotor vertical"
        May. 09, 2023

        TULLIO CRALI Preparatory drawing for the painting "Trimotor vertical"

        Est: €3,500 - €4,000

        signed lower right

        Fidesarte Italia SRL
      • TULLIO CRALI (1910-2000) Evoluzioni aeree ascensionali (Painted in 1930)
        Apr. 20, 2023

        TULLIO CRALI (1910-2000) Evoluzioni aeree ascensionali (Painted in 1930)

        Est: £65,000 - £85,000

        TULLIO CRALI (1910-2000) Evoluzioni aeree ascensionali signed and dated 'Crali 30' (lower right); signed, inscribed and dated 'T.C. Crali 1930 'Evoluzioni aeree ascensionali'' (on the reverse) oil on board 67.5 x 120cm (26 9/16 x 47 1/4in). Painted in 1930

      • Tullio Crali (Igalo Montenegro 1910-Milano 2000) - Paesaggio in virata, 1963
        Apr. 19, 2023

        Tullio Crali (Igalo Montenegro 1910-Milano 2000) - Paesaggio in virata, 1963

        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        Signed and dated lower left: Crali '63 Signed, dated and titled on the reverse: Crali, 1963, Paesaggio in virata Maurizio Scudiero verbally confirmed the authenticity of the artwork.

      • Tullio Crali Senza titolo Without title
        Dec. 13, 2022

        Tullio Crali Senza titolo Without title

        Est: €800 - €1,200

        Tullio Crali Senza titolo Without title Signature and dedication at the bottom left "In Tallarico with lively sympathy and affinity, Crali Rome '72". cm 32x24 Black and gold marker on paper 1972

        Casa d'aste ARCADIA
      • Tullio Crali (Igalo, 1910 - Milano, 2000) Omaggio a Marinetti Tecnica mista su carta cm. 200x120
        Dec. 08, 2022

        Tullio Crali (Igalo, 1910 - Milano, 2000) Omaggio a Marinetti Tecnica mista su carta cm. 200x120

        Est: €15,000 - €18,000

        Tullio Crali (Igalo, 1910 - Milano, 2000) Omaggio a Marinetti Tecnica mista su carta cm. 200x120 Firme in basso a destra. Omaggio a Marinetti Tullio Crali (Igalo, 1910 - Milano, 2000) Tecnica mista su carta cm. 200x120

        Fabiani Arte
      • Tullio Crali (Igalo 1910 - Mailand/Milano 2000)
        Dec. 02, 2022

        Tullio Crali (Igalo 1910 - Mailand/Milano 2000)

        Est: €30,000 - €50,000

        Festa aerea,1930; Oil on wood, 70 x 100 cm Signature, signature, title and date on the back The work is accompanied by an authentication by Maurizio Scudiero dated 11 August 2022 and archived under no. AF-TC 48-2022 of the single archive for the cataloging of Futurist works. Provenance: Private collection Like other futurists (for example Ambrosi), Crali also dealt with the phenomenon of "air parties and rallies" at the beginning of the thirties. The general composition is radial, that is with the planes going in all directions, just to suggest a simultaneity of flights as it could be seen in those "aerial parties", with many planes flying at the same time. Here it resumes the setting of a painting from 1929, that is, "volo radente", where however the planes were positioned over the city. Furthermore, as a whole, he foreshadows those aerial evolutions, but also those cosmic dimensions, which will be the leitmotif of his works from the first half of the Thirties. Therefore an "accomplished "and fascinating work ... Maurizio Scudiero

        Bozner Kunstauktionen
      • TULLIO CRALI (1910-2000) Inseguendo le stelle (Painted in 1936)
        Oct. 12, 2022

        TULLIO CRALI (1910-2000) Inseguendo le stelle (Painted in 1936)

        Est: £40,000 - £60,000

        TULLIO CRALI (1910-2000) Inseguendo le stelle signed and dated 'Crali 36' (lower left); signed, inscribed and dated 'Crali 1936 'Inseguendo le stelle'' (on the reverse) oil on board 47.6 x 61.9cm (18 3/4 x 24 3/8in). Painted in 1936 For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • Crali Tullio, Amore Smisurato. Pistoia: Edizioni Cronos, 1964.
        Oct. 11, 2022

        Crali Tullio, Amore Smisurato. Pistoia: Edizioni Cronos, 1964.

        Est: €500 - €1,000

        In-4° (mm 300x240). Carte [19], alcune delle quali bianche con scritta in nero (e viceversa). Brossura editoriale con titolo al piatto anteriore. Una lieve gora al margine inferiore del piatto e di alcune carte, altrimenti buona copia. Esemplare n. 62/160, firmato dall'Autore. (1)

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Tullio Crali Omaggio a Marinetti
        Jun. 11, 2022

        Tullio Crali Omaggio a Marinetti

        Est: €15,000 - €18,000

        Firme in basso a destra.

        Fabiani Arte
      • Tullio Crali COMPOSIZIONE gouache, china e tempera
        Apr. 12, 2022

        Tullio Crali COMPOSIZIONE gouache, china e tempera

        Est: €600 - €800

        Tullio Crali COMPOSIZIONE gouache, china e tempera su carta, cm 20x15,5 firma

      • TULLIO CRALI (1910-2000) Illusione aerea (Painted in 1936)
        Apr. 07, 2022

        TULLIO CRALI (1910-2000) Illusione aerea (Painted in 1936)

        Est: £35,000 - £55,000

        TULLIO CRALI (1910-2000) Illusione aerea signed and dated 'Cral 1936' (sic, upper left); signed, inscribed and dated 'Crali 1936 Illusione Aerea' (on the reverse) oil on panel 59.5 x 74.5cm (23 7/16 x 29 5/16in). Painted in 1936 For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • Tullio Crali (1910 - 2000) COMPOSIZIONE
        Dec. 17, 2021

        Tullio Crali (1910 - 2000) COMPOSIZIONE

        Est: €500 - €800

        Tullio Crali (1910 - 2000) COMPOSIZIONE gouache, china e tempera su carta, cm 20x15,5 firma

      • Tullio Crali (Igalo 1910 – Mailand/Milano 2000)
        Dec. 03, 2021

        Tullio Crali (Igalo 1910 – Mailand/Milano 2000)

        Est: €7,000 - €15,000

        Aerei sulla città, 1929; Pencil and watercolour on paper, 35 x 27.5 cm Signature and date Provenance: Private collection The work is accompanied by an authentication by Maurizio Scudiero dated 26 October 2021 and archived at no. AF.TC 34-2021 of the single archive for the cataloging of Futurist works.

        Bozner Kunstauktionen
      • Composizione TULLIO CRALI
        Nov. 25, 2021

        Composizione TULLIO CRALI

        Est: €6,500 - €10,000

        Olio su cartoncino Dimensione: cm 19,5 x 15,5 Firma in basso a destra; firma, data e dedica dell’autore al retro Provenienza Collezione Maynardi-Araldi, Milano

        International Art Sale Italy
      • Tullio Crali PAESAGGIO penafeltro su carta, cm 14x24 circa f
        Oct. 14, 2021

        Tullio Crali PAESAGGIO penafeltro su carta, cm 14x24 circa f

        Est: €400 - €500

        Tullio Crali PAESAGGIO penafeltro su carta, cm 14x24 circa firma

      • Tullio Crali COMPOSIZIONE gouache, china e tempera su carta,
        Oct. 14, 2021

        Tullio Crali COMPOSIZIONE gouache, china e tempera su carta,

        Est: €600 - €800

        Tullio Crali COMPOSIZIONE gouache, china e tempera su carta, cm 20x15,5 firma

      • Tullio CRALI (1910-2000) "Satdtansicht" Lithografie, Nr. 151/200
        Oct. 02, 2021

        Tullio CRALI (1910-2000) "Satdtansicht" Lithografie, Nr. 151/200

        Est: -

        Tullio CRALI (1910-2000) "Satdtansicht" Lithografie, Nr. 151/200, BG 50x38 cm

        Auktionshalle Cuxhaven
      • Tullio CRALI (1910-2000) "Boote" 4-farb-Litho, Nr. 200/200
        Oct. 02, 2021

        Tullio CRALI (1910-2000) "Boote" 4-farb-Litho, Nr. 200/200

        Est: -

        Tullio CRALI (1910-2000) "Boote" 4-farb-Litho, Nr. 200/200, BG 38x50 cm

        Auktionshalle Cuxhaven
      • Tullio Crali (1910 - 2000) COMPOSIZIONE gouache, china e tempera su ca
        Jul. 05, 2021

        Tullio Crali (1910 - 2000) COMPOSIZIONE gouache, china e tempera su ca

        Est: €500 - €800

        Tullio Crali (1910 - 2000) COMPOSIZIONE gouache, china e tempera su carta, cm 20x15,5 firma

      • Tullio Crali (1910 - 2000) PAESAGGIO penafeltro su carta, cm 14x24 cir
        Jul. 05, 2021

        Tullio Crali (1910 - 2000) PAESAGGIO penafeltro su carta, cm 14x24 cir

        Est: €400 - €500

        Tullio Crali (1910 - 2000) PAESAGGIO penafeltro su carta, cm 14x24 circa firma

      • Tullio Crali (Igalo 1910 – Mailand/Milano 2000)
        May. 28, 2021

        Tullio Crali (Igalo 1910 – Mailand/Milano 2000)

        Est: €800 - €2,000

        Aircraft over the city, 1929/30 Pencil, grease pencil and watercolor on heavy paper, 15.2 x 19.3 cm, on the reverse sketch of a biplane Signature The work is accompanied by an authentic by Maurizio Scudiero dated Rovereto 22 February 2021 and archived at Nr. AF-TC 23-2021 of the single archive for the cataloging of Futurist works Provenance: Private collection. The drawing is one of the few in which Crali has intervened with some slight and contained color retouches, in watercolor, which give, in addition to the darker greasy pencil backgrounds, a further sense of three-dimensionality.

        Bozner Kunstauktionen
      • Tullio Crali (Igalo 1910 – Mailand/Milano 2000)
        May. 28, 2021

        Tullio Crali (Igalo 1910 – Mailand/Milano 2000)

        Est: €800 - €2,000

        Towards the Cosmos, 1929/30 Pencil, grease pencil and watercolor on heavy paper, 16 x 15.5 cm,; on the reverse two sketches just hinted at with plans for paintings with planes Signature; The work is accompanied by an authentic by Maurizio Scudiero dated Rovereto 22 February 2021 and archived at Nr. AF-TC 24-2021 of the single archive for the cataloging of Futurist works. The drawing heralds what will become a recurring theme in Crali's painting during the first half of the Thirties, namely the idea of "cosmic" flight (the liberation of the earth ...) that Crali tries to suggest with planes in a strongly ascending position (at the limits of the "stall") superimposed on a land whose curvature is emphasized, that is, the perception of sphericity, which however was not possible with the planes of the time that could not go beyond a certain altitude. Provenance: Private collection

        Bozner Kunstauktionen
      • Tullio Crali (Igalo 1910 – Mailand/Milano 2000)
        May. 28, 2021

        Tullio Crali (Igalo 1910 – Mailand/Milano 2000)

        Est: €1,500 - €3,000

        Airplanes, 1929 Pencil, grease pencil and watercolor on heavy paper, 27.1 x 20.3 cm Signature and date The work is accompanied by an authentic by Maurizio Scudiero dated Rovereto 22 February 2021 and archived at no. AF-TC 22-2021 of the single archive for the cataloging of Futurist works Provenance: Private collection. The drawing, which here only conveys the idea of a harmless overflight of a city, was then taken up by Crali around 1933 to create a painting with a more "warlike" spirit, in dark blue nocturnal tones, titled "Air raid" scuro, titolato “incursione aerea”

        Bozner Kunstauktionen
      • TULLIO CRALI (1910-2000) COMPOSIZIONE 1935
        Feb. 06, 2021

        TULLIO CRALI (1910-2000) COMPOSIZIONE 1935

        Est: €2,200 - €3,000

        China e tempera su carta, cm. 20x29 Firma e data in basso a sinistra.

        Pananti Casa D'Aste SRL
      • Tullio Crali (1910-2000), L’ala rossa
        Dec. 18, 2020

        Tullio Crali (1910-2000), L’ala rossa

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        olio su cartone telato, cm 32,5x43 firmato in basso a destra, Provenienza: Collezione privata, Mantova

        Cambi Casa d'Aste
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