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            • JAPON - Epoque MEIJI (1868-1912)
              Dec. 08, 2024

              JAPON - Epoque MEIJI (1868-1912)

              Est: €2,000 - €3,000

              Grand VASE à panse ovoïde et col évasé à décor de deux coqs parmi les glycines Faïence émaillée polychromes Fours de Satsuma H. 61,5 cm

            • Antonin DAUM (1864-1930)., Vase à décor multicouches et dégagé à, l’acide de campanules stylisées., Circa 1927., Ht : 21,5 cm., Nous signalons une restauration au col, (visible par UV et transparence)., Signature grav...
              Nov. 24, 2024

              Antonin DAUM (1864-1930)., Vase à décor multicouches et dégagé à, l’acide de campanules stylisées., Circa 1927., Ht : 21,5 cm., Nous signalons une restauration au col, (visible par UV et transparence)., Signature grav...

              Est: €400 - €600

              Antonin DAUM (1864-1930). Vase à décor multicouches et dégagé à l'acide de campanules stylisées. Circa 1927. Ht : 21,5 cm. Nous signalons une restauration au col (visible par UV et transparence). Signature gravée Daum Nancy.

              MJV Soudant
            • FRANCE, L'Étude, 1908, an Art Nouveau bronze award plaque by L.-J. Deschamps, naked female standing amongst classical ruins, holding a parchment and a compass, rev. open book resting on palm branch, named (Cinquantenaire de la Librairie Armand Col...
              Mar. 06, 2024

              FRANCE, L'Étude, 1908, an Art Nouveau bronze award plaque by L.-J. Deschamps, naked female standing amongst classical ruins, holding a parchment and a compass, rev. open book resting on palm branch, named (Cinquantenaire de la Librairie Armand Col...

              Est: £80 - £100

              Deschamps , Léon-Julien (French, 1860-1928); b. Paris FRANCE , L’Étude , 1908, an Art Nouveau bronze award plaque by L.-J. Deschamps, naked female standing amongst classical ruins, holding a parchment and a compass, rev. open book resting on palm branch, named (Cinquantenaire de la Librairie Armand Colin, 1870-1920), edge impressed bronze and cornucopia, 81 x 46mm, 112.67g (PBE 364; CGMP p.143; cf . DNW M14, 1363). Extremely fine £80-£100 --- Provenance: bt Simmons, July 2002 Armand Colin , of 18 rue de l'Abbé de l'Épée, Paris, was a publishing house founded in 1870 by Auguste Armand Colin (1842-1900), and is now part of Hachette. ------ For more information , additional images and to bid on this lot please go to the auctioneers website, www.noonans.co.uk

              Noonans Mayfair
            • 1860, Austria, lettera da Trieste per Genova del 27 giugno 1860
              May. 26, 2023

              1860, Austria, lettera da Trieste per Genova del 27 giugno 1860

              Est: €100 - €120

              Affrancata con 15 kreuzer, annullato col bollo \“Col. Lloyd da Trieste\” apposto a a Venezia in transito. Al verso, bollo dell’ambulante \“Da Milano a Desenzano\” e \“Uff. Amb. Sez. Ticino\”. Bollo di arrivo a Genova del 29 giugno, dove fu tassata venti centesimi.

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • JAPON - Epoque MEIJI (1868-1912)
              May. 14, 2023

              JAPON - Epoque MEIJI (1868-1912)

              Est: €50 - €100

              VASE à long col et panse côtelée Le col agrémenté d'une libellule Bronze à patine brune H. 25 cm

            • JAPON - Epoque Meiji ( 1868-1912)
              May. 14, 2023

              JAPON - Epoque Meiji ( 1868-1912)

              Est: €60 - €80

              VASE boule à col rétréci et fond plat Le décor sur un registre médian d'une procession de dignitaires Faïence émaillée polychromes et rehauts d'or H. 13,5 cm

            • Henri Héran (i.e. Paul Herrmann 1864 - 1946)
              Dec. 02, 2022

              Henri Héran (i.e. Paul Herrmann 1864 - 1946)

              Est: €100 - €300

              Fleur de Mai;vLithograph in col. on paper, 41,5 x 30,5 cm

              Bozner Kunstauktionen
            • JAPON - Epoque MEIJI (1868-1912)
              Nov. 27, 2022

              JAPON - Epoque MEIJI (1868-1912)

              Est: €600 - €800

              Paire de VASES ovoïdes à col étranglé Le décor de volatiles parmi les branches fleuries Plein émail sur cuivre, monture d'argent H. 24,5 cm

              Sep. 30, 2021


              Est: £1,500 - £2,500

              A MORRIS, MARSHALL, FAULKNER & CO. FRAMED TILE PANEL DESIGNED BY EDWARD COLEY... CIRCA 1865 15 x 8 ¾ in. (38 cm. x 22.3 cm.) including frame

            • Georges de FEURE (1868-1943)
              Jul. 18, 2021

              Georges de FEURE (1868-1943)

              Est: €100 - €150

              PICHET à col tronconique Verre soufflé et teinté vert à nuances rouges Signé au-dessous H. 18 cm Fêles au niveau de l'anse

            • CHINE
              Jun. 20, 2021


              Est: €600 - €800

              VASE de forme tronconnique à col évasé, le décor d'un dragon de Fô et de paysages dans des cartouches sur fond turquoise agrémenté de rinceaux et volatiles. Porcelaine et émaux polychromes. Marque dessous. H. 57 cm

            • CHINE
              Jun. 20, 2021


              Est: €1,500 - €2,000

              Paire de VASES à panse boule et col tronconnique. Le décor floral surmonté d'une frise de Ruyi. Les anses en forme de têtes d'éléphants H. 44 cm Marque au-dessous

            • JAPON - Epoque Meiji (1868-1912)
              Jun. 20, 2021

              JAPON - Epoque Meiji (1868-1912)

              Est: €800 - €1,200

              Important VASE balustre à col évasé, le décor en plein de volatiles parmi les tiges fleuries. Emaux cloisonnés sur cuivre doré H. 116 cm Chocs et plusieurs manques

            • Japon, période Meiji (1868-1912) Paire de grands vases de forme balustre en bronze de patine brun rouge à décor de dragons en relief parmi des nuages stylisés. La base et le pourtour du col ornés de pétales disposés en guirlande.
              Mar. 27, 2021

              Japon, période Meiji (1868-1912) Paire de grands vases de forme balustre en bronze de patine brun rouge à décor de dragons en relief parmi des nuages stylisés. La base et le pourtour du col ornés de pétales disposés en guirlande.

              Est: €500 - €700

              Japon, période Meiji (1868-1912) Paire de grands vases de forme balustre en bronze de patine brun rouge à décor de dragons en relief parmi des nuages stylisés. La base et le pourtour du col ornés de pétales disposés en guirlande. H. 58 cm (Anses restaurées) RC : Trois des anses restaurées.

            • Lettera in franchigia da Tivoli per Roma dell’8 novembre 1867, giunta a Roma il giorno dopo.,
              Mar. 23, 2021

              Lettera in franchigia da Tivoli per Roma dell’8 novembre 1867, giunta a Roma il giorno dopo.,

              Est: €1,000 - €1,500

              , Nel testo: “Faccio noto col massimo piacere all’E.V. che ieri fu ripristinato il Governo Pontificio nell’occasione che le Truppe Francesi fecero ingresso in questa città. I prodotti di Officio si fecero sparire con un supposto versamento, così che alle bande di Garibaldi nulla si è dato...”

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • Lettera da Viterbo per Firenze del 23 ottobre 1867,
              Mar. 23, 2021

              Lettera da Viterbo per Firenze del 23 ottobre 1867,

              Est: €700 - €1,000

              Affrancata con 10 centesimi vermiglio arancio di Pontificio non dentellato, annullato col bollo a losanga di linee. A lato bollo d.c. datario di Viterbo. Molto bella e rara. Viterbo fu occupata il 25 ottobre dalla colonna garibaldina del Generale Giovanni Acerbi che fu testimone della sfortunata campagna dell'Agro romano per la liberazione di Roma, conclusasi a Mentana il 3 novembre con la sconfitta di Garibaldi da parte delle truppe pontificie e francesi. (S. 17), Dopo la fuga di Garibaldi da Caprera, dove era stato posto agli arresti per le azioni tendenti all'insorgere dei territori dello Stato Pontificio, Garibaldi diede incarico a Giovanni Acerbi di raccogliere armi e volontari al confine Umbro-Toscano. Giunto a Firenze il 22 ottobre, ebbe un colloquio col Generale Cialdini che cercò di dissuaderlo nel compiere atti di guerra contro le truppe francesi e pontificie. I volontari di Garibaldi iniziarono le ostilità alla fine di settembre 1867 e le terminarono dopo la sconfitta di Mentana il 3 novembre 1867.

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • Lettera da Marciana Marina per Messina del 4 maggio 1859,
              Mar. 23, 2021

              Lettera da Marciana Marina per Messina del 4 maggio 1859,

              Est: €500 - €600

              Affrancata con 6 crazie azzurro chiaro, buoni margini, annullato col bollo di Marciana Marina “strisciato” sull’esemplare, in tariffa di lettera semplice per i vapori di commercio. Al verso bollo di transito di Livorno del 5 maggio, di transito a Napoli del 7 e di arrivo a Messina del 12 maggio. In transito a Napoli fu tassata per 16 grana per lettere di un foglio e segnati “21” grana per l’aggiunta di 5 grana per il trasporto a Messina. Buoni margini, viaggiata in periodo di Governo Provvisorio. Bottacchi.(S. 15)

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • Lettera da Livorno per Roma del 26 aprile 1859,
              Mar. 23, 2021

              Lettera da Livorno per Roma del 26 aprile 1859,

              Est: €400 - €500

              Ultimo giorno dell’Amministrazione Granducale, affrancata con 6 crazie ardesia su grigio, buoni margini, annullato col bollo a banderuola di Livorno, in tariffa per lo Stato Pontificio. Bolli “PD”, “DOPO LA PARTENZA” , e al verso bollo di arrivo a Roma del 29 aprile. (S. 7), Il 27 aprile 1859 il Granduca Leopoldo II abbandonò il Granducato e già dalle ore 7,30 venne istituito il Governo Provvisorio che ebbe breve durata (fino al 10 maggio) e veniva considerato “puramente e semplicemente un Governo di fatto istituito per i bisogni della pubblica sicurezza”

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • Lettera non affrancata da Messina per Edimburgo del 12 agosto 1860,
              Mar. 23, 2021

              Lettera non affrancata da Messina per Edimburgo del 12 agosto 1860,

              Est: €400 - €600

              Viaggiata col vapore francese Capitole fino a Marsiglia. Al verso bollo di transito “MARSEILLE A PARIS” del 18 agosto. Sul frontespizio bollo di scambio Francia/Gran Bretagna “FR: 3F 76C” per lettere non affrancata provenienti dal Regno delle Due Sicilie. In arrivo in Inghilterra tassa di 11s e al verso bollo di transito di Londra del 17 e di arrivo a Edimburgo del 18 agosto., Nel testo: “Garibaldi has concentrated a very large force here... the citadel occupied by neapolitans troops...”

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • Lettera da Comacchio per Venezia del 30 maggio 1860,
              Mar. 23, 2021

              Lettera da Comacchio per Venezia del 30 maggio 1860,

              Est: €250 - €300

              Affrancata con 20 centesimi azzurro di Sardegna, annullato col bollo muto a rombi di Comacchio del IV tipo. A lato bollo in transito di Ferrara, tassa di 5 soldi in arrivo. Al verso bollo di arrivo del giorno dopo. (S. 15B)

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • Lettera da Ferrara per Rovigo del 14 marzo 1860,
              Mar. 23, 2021

              Lettera da Ferrara per Rovigo del 14 marzo 1860,

              Est: €300 - €400

              Affrancata con 20 centesimi azzurro di Sardegna, annullato col bollo a losanga e dal doppio cerchio di Ferrara. Giunta a Rovigo il 15 marzo, fu tassata per 5 soldi. (S. 15B), L’11 e il 12 marzo 1860 si svolse nelle Province dell’Emilia il Plebiscito Popolare, il cui risultato fu, per la quasi totalità dei votanti, favorevole all’annessione. Un Decreto del Re del 18 marzo dichiarò le Province dell’Emilia parte integrante del Regno e il 15 aprile il Parlamento di Torino ratificò il Decreto del 18 marzo.

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • Manifesto (cm. 40x57) pubblicato 15 luglio 1859 nelle Romagne,
              Mar. 23, 2021

              Manifesto (cm. 40x57) pubblicato 15 luglio 1859 nelle Romagne,

              Est: €200 - €250

              Inviato alla Magistratura di Borgo Panigale, tassato 2 baj, col quale si proclama l’abbandono degli austriaci dalle città romagnole, l’abdicazione del Governo Pontificio e l’arrivo del Commissario Massimo d’Azeglio. Piccola parte mancante in alto a destra. Raro.

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • Lettera da Genova per Napoli del 27 dicembre 1860,
              Mar. 23, 2021

              Lettera da Genova per Napoli del 27 dicembre 1860,

              Est: €200 - €250

              Affrancata con 20 centesimi di Sardegna, annullato col bollo a data di Genova e, in arrivo, dal bollo in rosso “FRANCA” in cartella, primi giorni di utilizzo. Viaggiata col vapore Generale Garibaldi della Compagnia Zucoli, al verso bollo di arrivo a Napoli del 30 dicembre. (S. Sard. 15C), Il 17 dicembre 1860 Re Vittorio Emanuele II firma a Napoli il decreto di annessione delle Provincie Napoletane al suo Regno nominando, dal 3 gennaio 1861, suo Luogotenente il cugino Principe Eugenio di Savoia-Carignano, coadiuvato da Costantino Nigra come segretario. In seguito egli resse anche la carica di Luogotenente del Re.

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • Lettera da Bari per Napoli del 4 settembre 1860,
              Mar. 23, 2021

              Lettera da Bari per Napoli del 4 settembre 1860,

              Est: €400 - €500

              Affrancata con 2 grana II tavola, in tariffa di primo porto, annullato col bollo a svolazzo di Bari. Al verso bollo di arrivo a Napoli in rosso del 7 settembre 1860. (S. 6), Alla testa di numerosi volontari, ingrossati da nuovi arrivi, il 18 agosto Garibaldi sbarcò sul continente e risalì la Penisola. Il 7 settembre entrò a Napoli, abbandonata il giorno prima da Francesco II che si era asserragliato nella fortezza di Gaeta, ed assunse la dittatura anche del napoletano. Il Generale giunse nella capitale con un treno speciale da Salerno, accolto da una folla enorme e da un entusiasmo indescrivibile. Impiegò un ora per arrivara dalla stazione al Palazzo della Foresteria e qui ricevette deputazioni, ascoltò discorsi di Mariano d’Ayala e a questi rispose. Passò poi a risiedere nel Palazzo d’Angri dal cui balcone parlò al popolo. Visitò il Duomo e i canonici gli mostrarono le reliquie di San Gennaro. Garibaldi emanò un decreto dittatoriale per il quale tutti i bastimenti da guerra e mercantili del Regno delle Due Sicilie, arsenali, materiali di marina furono aggregati alla Squadra del Re d’Italia Vittorio Emanuele, comandata dall’Ammiraglio Persano.

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • Lettera da Carrara per Palermo del 15 ottobre 1859,
              Mar. 23, 2021

              Lettera da Carrara per Palermo del 15 ottobre 1859,

              Est: €3,000 - €5,000

              Affrancata con 20 centesimi azzurro scuro di Sardegna, annullato col bollo doppio cerchio di Carrara, ultimo giorno di uso provvisorio dei francobolli sardi nell’Oltreappennino Modenese. La lettera, che viaggiò via di terra fino a Napoli, reca al verso il bollo di Pisa in rosso in transito del 16 ottobre, il bollo in nero corsivo su due righe "Transito per lo Stato Pontificio”, il bollo di Napoli in transito in rosso del 20 ottobre e sul frontespizio il bollo in arrivo di Palermo del 25 ottobre. Segno di tassa, sbiadito, dei diritti di transito pontifici e di transito a Napoli di 10 grana. Illustrata sul primo volume di Sirotti a pag. 189. Molto rara. A. Diena, Raybaudi, Cert. E. Diena (S. C3)

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • Lettera da Aulla per Firenze dell’agosto 1859,
              Mar. 23, 2021

              Lettera da Aulla per Firenze dell’agosto 1859,

              Est: €5,000 - €7,000

              Affrancata con due esemplari del 10 centesimi bruno porpora di Sardegna, annullati col bollo in cartella in azzurro verdastro di Aulla e dal segno manoscritto ad indicare “Franca” la lettera. A lato bollo “PD” in cartella e al verso bollo di transito di Massa Carrara del 31 agosto e di arrivo in rosso di Livorno del 1° settembre. Rara affrancatura. Cert. E.Diena (S. C2)

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • Frontespizio di lettera da Modena per Livorno del 18 marzo 1860,
              Mar. 23, 2021

              Frontespizio di lettera da Modena per Livorno del 18 marzo 1860,

              Est: €1,000 - €1,500

              Affrancato con 20 centesimi di Sardegna, annullato col bollo a un cerchio di Modena, ultimo giorno del Governo Provvisorio di Modena, poiché dal giorno seguente tutti i territori del Cisappennino e dell’Oltreappennino che ne facevano parte vennero aggregati al Regno di Sardegna a seguito della volontà popolare espressa con il voto favorevole nel Plebiscito dell’11 e 12 marzo 1860. (S. D3)

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • Lettera da Modena per Verona del 26 febbraio 1860,
              Mar. 23, 2021

              Lettera da Modena per Verona del 26 febbraio 1860,

              Est: €400 - €500

              Affrancata con 20 centesimi di Sardegna, annullato col bollo a un cerchio di Modena e dal bollo di Verona in arrivo della prima distribuzione. A lato bollo a tampone “5” a indicare la tassazione di 5 soldi, al verso bollo di arrivo di Verona del 28 febbraio. (S. D3)

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • Lettera da Finale di Modena per Verona del 7 marzo 1860,
              Mar. 23, 2021

              Lettera da Finale di Modena per Verona del 7 marzo 1860,

              Est: €400 - €500

              Affrancata con 20 centesimi di Sardegna, annullato col bollo muto a sei sbarre, a lato il bollo in cartella di Finale di Modena. Sul frontespizio bollo “5” a indicare la tassazione in soldi, al verso bolli di Modena in transito dell’8 marzo e di arrivo a Verona del 9. (S. D3)

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • Lettera da Modena per Torino del 23 agosto 1859,
              Mar. 23, 2021

              Lettera da Modena per Torino del 23 agosto 1859,

              Est: €2,500 - €3,000

              Affrancata con 5 cent. e 25 cent. senza punto dopo le cifre, annullati col bollo a nove sbarre di Modena e stemma al centro in dotazione al Governo Provvisorio. A lato bollo “PD” in nero, al verso bollo di arrivo di Torino del 26 agosto. Rara, Cert. Sorani (S. 1, 4)

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • Confederate ADS Signed by Col. Meriwether Lewis Clark
              May. 30, 2020

              Confederate ADS Signed by Col. Meriwether Lewis Clark

              Est: $400 - $600

              CLARK, Meriwether Lewis (1809-1881), The son of the famed explorer, William Clark. In early in 1861, being strongly pro-secessionist in his political views, Clark was appointed by Missouri Governor Claiborne Jackson to organize recruits for the newly organized Missouri State Guard. He received an appointment of brigadier general of the Guard's 9th Division, but the division was never formally organized during his tenure because of strong pro-Union sentiment in St. Louis. Resigning from the Guard in November 1861, Clark accepted a commission as a major of artillery in the Confederate army. He was promoted to colonel and assigned to various staff positions before a disagreement with General Braxton Bragg led to his dismissal. He commanded the Ordnance Department in Richmond, Virginia until November 1864, when he assumed command of an infantry brigade under General Robert E. Lee. During the Appomattox Campaign, Clark was taken prisoner at the Battle of Saylor's Creek on April 6, 1865. War-date Confederate Autograph Document Signed "M. Lewis Clark Col. C.S. Artillery" October 26, 1863, 1pp. quarto, completed by Colonel Clark and records four entries on Form. No. 22. Fine condition.

              Raynor's Historical Collectible Auctions
            • Lt. Col. Morby Andersonville S.C. Prison Records List
              Dec. 06, 2019

              Lt. Col. Morby Andersonville S.C. Prison Records List

              Est: $200 - $400

              July 29th 1864; 18.5”x11.25” list of prisoners by Lt. Col. Morby with a list of 71 names, stating rank, company, regt. And state. Some has remarks whether or not the solider has been wounded and it was filed July 29th 1864, overall great condition. Provenance; Currin Family Estate Collection Graham NC

              Mebane Antique Auction
            • Colt 1860 Army Revolver
              Apr. 25, 2019

              Colt 1860 Army Revolver

              Est: $500 - $600

              44 caliber, six round cylinder, top of barrel marked "Address Col. Saml Colt New York America). Inspection mark R behind trigger guard, Serial number 58745, mismatched on cylinder. Screws replaced.

              Weiss Auctions
            • 1861 21St. Regiment of Alabama Montgomery
              Nov. 17, 2018

              1861 21St. Regiment of Alabama Montgomery

              Est: $100 - $200

              The officer, A. L. ?on wood Commanding Company under Col. Beck, was for the 21st Regiment of Alabama for 29 days commencing Oct. 3 and ending Oct. 31, 1861, the Ration Requisition shows Fresh Beef, Pork, Flour, Meal, Rice, Coffee, Sugar, Vinegar, Candles, Soap, Salt, 8 3/4" tall by 13 1/2" wide, folded in the middle, form with hand written information. The First letter of the Commanding Company is unreadable, hence the question mark.

              John Coker, Ltd.
            • Civil War Capt. Charles A. Woodworth 44th NY Volunteer Infantry Ellsworth Avengers War Department Washington 1865
              Jan. 15, 2018

              Civil War Capt. Charles A. Woodworth 44th NY Volunteer Infantry Ellsworth Avengers War Department Washington 1865

              Est: $75 - $100

              The 44th NY Volunteer Infantry was also known as Ellsworth Avengers after Col. Ellsworth who was a friend of Abraham Lincoln and the first to die in the Civil War. The 44th fought at almost every major engagement of the Civil War including Gettysburg. From the Ordnance Office, Property Returns Division, War Department Washington DC and addressed to Capt. Chas. (Charles) A. Woodworth, Co. K, 44th New York Infantry, Document is dated February 14th, 1865, just a month before the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The letter acknowledges that there is no property/ordinance that is due for returns and the Captain is relieved of any accountability. It is signed by the Lieut. of Ordinance, George R. McGuiness. We describe all items to the best of our ability as we are not experts on everything. Please ask specific questions on details, condition, and shipping prior to bidding, ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS, and bidder will be responsible for payment. We box and ship what we can to keep costs low, and use USPS and UPS. Large items, extremely fragile, and high value items will be packed by UPS. Quotes available on request. (Paper)

              One Source Auctions
            • JAPANESE RUST-RED KUTANI POTTERY CHARGER Finely decorated with rooster, hen, flower, and songbird design. Underside in Ao-Kutani col...
              Aug. 22, 2017

              JAPANESE RUST-RED KUTANI POTTERY CHARGER Finely decorated with rooster, hen, flower, and songbird design. Underside in Ao-Kutani col...

              Est: $300 - $500

              JAPANESE RUST-RED KUTANI POTTERY CHARGER Circa 1860 Finely decorated with rooster, hen, flower, and songbird design. Underside in Ao-Kutani colors with grapevine design. Diameter 14.2".

            • COL ELMER ELLSWORTH WARTIME COMMEMORATIVE PITCHER - Original Creamware Cast Commemorative Pitcher of the death of the first Union Officer killed in the Civil War. Ellsworth (1837-1861) who was a close friend of Lincol...
              May. 22, 2016

              COL ELMER ELLSWORTH WARTIME COMMEMORATIVE PITCHER - Original Creamware Cast Commemorative Pitcher of the death of the first Union Officer killed in the Civil War. Ellsworth (1837-1861) who was a close friend of Lincol...

              Est: $600 - $800

              COL ELMER ELLSWORTH WARTIME COMMEMORATIVE PITCHER - Original Creamware Cast Commemorative Pitcher of the death of the first Union Officer killed in the Civil War. Ellsworth (1837-1861) who was a close friend of Lincoln, having worked in his Law Office in Springfield, Illinois, helping him to get elected President in 1860, raising the 1st Fire Zouaves after the April 15, 1861 call to arms; was killed in Alexandria, Virginia on May 24th, the day Virginia ratified Secession, while removing a Confederate flag from the top of the Marshall House Inn. He was the first to lay in state in the East Room of the White House. The pitcher depicts the event of his death while descending the stairs, Ellsworth laying to left, Francis E. Brownell is bayoneting 'J.W. Jackson, the Traitor' (for which he received the first Medal of Honor). The reverse depicts the American Eagle crushing the Palm Tree of South Carolina, the first state to secede. 8" x 7 1/2" x 6". Repair to rim. Extremely rare in any condition.

              Thomaston Place Auction Galleries
            • COL ELMER ELLSWORTH WARTIME PHOTO & PIN - Original Brady Photo and Commemorative Pin of the first Union Officer killed in the Civil War, Ellsworth (1837-1861) who was a close friend of Lincoln, having worked in his La...
              May. 22, 2016

              COL ELMER ELLSWORTH WARTIME PHOTO & PIN - Original Brady Photo and Commemorative Pin of the first Union Officer killed in the Civil War, Ellsworth (1837-1861) who was a close friend of Lincoln, having worked in his La...

              Est: $600 - $800

              COL ELMER ELLSWORTH WARTIME PHOTO & PIN - Original Brady Photo and Commemorative Pin of the first Union Officer killed in the Civil War, Ellsworth (1837-1861) who was a close friend of Lincoln, having worked in his Law Office in Springfield, Illinois, helping him to get elected President in 1860, raising troops after the April 15, 1861 call to arms; was killed in Alexandria, Virginia on May 24th, the day Virginia ratified Secession, (two weeks after penning this letter), while removing a Confederate flag from the top of the Marshall House Inn. He was the first to lay in state in the East Room of the White House. The Carte-de-Visite photo is 4" x 2 1/2", marked "Brady, New York"; the Enameled Pressed Brass Pin has a bust portrait made from the photo, crossed flags and ribands that read "Col. Ellsworth, N.Y.F. Zouaves, Champion". 1 1.4" x 1 1/8". Both are in very good condition. From the Hank Ford collection.

              Thomaston Place Auction Galleries
            • Colt Model 1860 Army # 95562 ca. 1863
              May. 15, 2016

              Colt Model 1860 Army # 95562 ca. 1863

              Est: $1,500 - $3,000

              Colt Model 1860 Army # 95562 ca. 1863 Percussion - Barrel Reads Address Col. Sam L. Colt New - York US America Serial 95562 - 8" barrel 14" overall. Richards Conversion Circa 1873-1878. M 1860 Army serials in percussion series from 67000-200614. Cap & Ball

              California Auctioneers
              Mar. 13, 2016


              Est: $3,000 - $5,000

              PROVENANCE TO CIVIL WAR LT. COL. JOHN H. BUDKE. Cal. 36. S# 5955. Bbl. 7 1/2" rnd. w/ New York address & German silver blade front sight. A receipt from the consignors purchase of this item lists this item a being acquired through an estate auction of a direct decedent of Captain John H Budke. Budke was born in Germany in 1824 and emigrated to America in 1844.According to family history, Budke raised a unit of German-American militia for New York and was mobilized as part of the Third Cavalry Regiment during the Civil War. Budke was an officer during the Draft Riots of 1863 and was brevetted a Colonel and died in Brooklyn NY in 1896. 6 Shot roll engraved cyl. Blue & case colored finish w/ brass grip straps. 1 Piece walnut grips w/ clear cartouche. Back strap, bbl. & cyl. have military inspection marks. Bbl., frame, cyl. & grip straps have matching numbers. UNATTACHED ACCESSORIES: original purchase auction receipt stating that this gun & lots 3016A, 3016B & 3016C were obtained from a direct descendent of Capt. Budke. CONDITION: bbl. retains 70% dull blue w/ scattered dents & scratches. Cyl. retains 40% fading blue & 90% engraving w/ scattered spots of very light pitting. Frame & hammer still have 70% nicely visible case colors. Grips have worn finish w/ heavy dents & chips at butt. Hammer has damaged full cock notch. Bore has good rifling w/ scattered light pitting. Please see lot #'s 3016A, 3016B & 3016C for other Budke related militaria. PROVENANCE: The Collection of James A Conte. (01-11988/DS/BF). ANTIQUE. $3000-5000.

              Poulin Antiques & Auctions
            • War date Confederate General Thomas J. Stonewall Jackson AES Kenton Harper 1861
              Jan. 28, 2016

              War date Confederate General Thomas J. Stonewall Jackson AES Kenton Harper 1861

              Est: $6,000 - $8,000

              "Stonewall" Jackson approves leave for Col. Kenton Harper (the officer who allegedly prompted Bernard Bee bestow upon Jackson his famous nickname) to visit his gravely ill wife. Jackson's order was countermanded the next day, prompting Harper to resign his commission Fine content War date Autograph Endorsement Signed, "T. J. Jackson Brig Gen P.A.C.S Comg 1 Brigade," accomplished on the docket of Kenton Harper (1801-1867) Autograph Letter Signed. "Kenton Harper Col 5th Inf[an]t[r]y," 1 page, 5" x 8", "Camp Harman" [Manassas, Virginia], August 29, 1861, to Jackson requesting leave to visit his wife who had recently taken ill. Additionally docketed in an unknown hand the following day overruling Jackson's approval. Offered together with an additional Autograph Letter Signed, "Kenton Harper Col. 5th Va. Infy," 1 page, 5" x 8", "Camp Harman," September 3, 1861, tendering his resignation; Thomas G. Rhett (1821-1878) Autograph Document Signed, "Thos. G. Rhett A. A. General," 1 page, 7.75" x 9.75", "Hd Qrs Army of the Potomac," September 5, 1861, granting Harper permission to return home; manuscript Document Signed, "Geo: Deas AAG.," 1 page, 7.75" x 6.75", Richmond, September 5, 1861 noting that Harper's resignation had been accepted and was in force. Documents and letters bear some marginal wear and folds as expected. The Kenton Harper ALS bearing Jackson's endorsement had been damaged by fire, but the resulting hole, which affects a few letters of Harper's letter, two words in Jackson's endorsement, and a few letters in the August 30 endorsement, have been expertly conserved and in-filled with the missing text added. Overall very good to fine condition. Kenton Harper was the son of a newspaperman in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania who purchased his own newspaper in Staunton, Virginia 1823. An ambitious young man, he parlayed his success in publishing into social power, winning election to the state legislature and as mayor of Staunton, and reaping the rewards with patronage appointments from friends in the capital. He served a brief stint in the Army during the Mexican War and later served as military governor of Parras in the state of Coahuila. In 1851-1852, Harper played a brief, but fascinating part in the development of the Chickasaw Nation, accepting an appointment as agent to the tribe. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Harper became commander of the 5th Virginia Infantry. Eight days after he received his colonel's commission on April 10, 1861, he led a raid on the U.S. Army arsenal at Harper's Ferry. Although retreating Union troops set the arsenal ablaze, he managed to salvage nearly 4,000 of the 15,000 muskets stored there, as well as valuable gun milling equipment and tools. On April 28, Col. Jackson arrived and assumed command at Harper's Ferry. Harper and the 5th Virginia became part of Jackson's brigade and later fought with him at First Manassas in June 1861. According to unsubstantiated reports, it was Harper who drew General Bernard Bee's attention to the brave conduct of Jackson that day which earned him the nickname, "Stonewall." In August, however, Harper learned that his wife had become gravely ill, and on August 29, 1861 he formally requested a leave of absence: "I have just received intelligence of the serious illness of my wife, of such a nature, indeed, as induces me to apprehend I shall never see her again alive. Under the circumstances I feel constrained by the highest obligations of duty to ask leave of absence for a few days." Contrary to what some historians have asserted, Jackson almost immediately approved of the leave: "H[ea]d Qu[arte]rs 29 Aug. 1st Brigade Respectfully approved & forwarded T J. Jackson Brig Gen P[rovisional]. A[rmy].C[onfederate].S[tates]. Com[mandin]g 1[st] Brigade". However the next day, Jackson's commander, Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, countermanded that decision and ordered Jackson to rescind the authorization. Beside Jackson's endorsement of the 29th is another endorsement in a secretarial hand, noting that the leave was "disapproved" on August 30. Left with little choice, Harper resigned his commission. On September 3, 1861 he penned a touching letter to Jackson, of which he retained a copy that reads in full: "I respectfully tender my resignation as Colonel in The Active Volunteer Forces of Virginia. I deem it an act of justice to myself to say that I do so only because of the peculiar condition of my family, which requires my immediate presence. I hope therefore I may be allowed the indulgence to visit them at once upon my unconditional resignation." But again, Johnston stood in the way. On the verso, Harper added a note that the resignation had been "Approved by Gen. Jackson, but refused by Gen. Johnston until action could be had upon my resignation at Richmond." Fortunately for Harper, Richmond came through, and on September 5, 1861, Assistant Adjutant General George Deas announced the acceptance of Harper's resignation which was to take effect the same day. Writing from the headquarters of the Army of the Potomac, the Assistant Adjutant General, Thomas G. Rhett (brother of Robert Barnwell Rhett, best known as the "Father of Secession"), authorized Harper's departure from camp the same day, giving him "permission to return home[.]" Following his return home, Harper again served in the Virginia legislature until 1864 before being appointed again a colonel in the Confederate Army. He led a regiment in the Valley Campaigns of 1864 seeing action at Piedmont (June 5-6) and Waynesboro, Virginia (March 2, 1865).

              University Archives
            • Early Civil War date Ulysses S. Grant ALS re discipline of Union troops 1861
              Jan. 28, 2016

              Early Civil War date Ulysses S. Grant ALS re discipline of Union troops 1861

              Est: $1,500 - $1,800

              Ulysses Grant, in an early war-dated ALS, heartily approves Col. Leonard Ross' orders to his regiment enforcing strict discipline in camp Early War-date Autograph Letter Signed, "U.S. Grant Grig. Gen Com," 1 page, 7.5" x 7", Cairo, [Illinois], September 17, 1861 to Colonel Leonard Fulton Ross, in command of Fort Jefferson. Minor partial separation at lower horizontal fold, light soiling, trimmed edges, mounting remnants along verso of top margin, else fine condition. In the early months of the Civil War, the Union call to arms met an enthusiastic and spirited response. However, most of those who heeded the call had never served as professional soldiers, and camp discipline proved shaky at best. On September 16, Colonel Leonard Fulton Ross, who, like Grant, was a veteran of the Mexican War, issued a detailed set of orders to bring his unruly men under control. Of the twenty-one items listed in the orders Ross issued on September 16, 1861 as his men encamped on the Kentucky side of the river, three dealt with the improper discharge of weapons_a significant problem among young, raw recruits. Article 11 warned that "The discharging of arms... will be considered evidence of an attack, and the command will immediately prepare for action." Ross ordered that gambling was to be strictly prohibited; peddlers were not allowed to vend in the camp without permission; and "drunkenness" was prohibited and "the use of all kinds of intoxicating liquors be avoided among both officers and men." (The Iowa Historical Record, 1888, 4:161-163) Grant wholeheartedly approved of Ross' orders, writing, in full: "Col. Your orders meet with my entire approval, I hope you will see them enforced." At this early point in the war Grant had just been appointed to his first command post and had established his headquarters in Cairo earlier in September. Two weeks earlier he had led his troops to a peaceful capture of Paducah, Kentucky, which gave the Union control of the mouth of the Tennessee River. He soon met his first test in combat with the Battle of Belmont in November, moving from Cairo across the Mississippi River to attack the Confederate stronghold at Columbus, Kentucky. Grant's victory in this fight first brought him to the attention of President Abraham Lincoln as one of the few Union officers willing to fight, paving the way for his future as the Union Army's commanding general. Ross (1846-1901) would continue to serve in the Western theater, seeing action at Fredericktown in October 1861 and in April 1862 at the Battle of Shiloh. He would be promoted to brigadier general of volunteers soon after the April 1862 battle and resigned his commission on July 22, 1863.

              University Archives
            • Two 1861 Navy Colt Revolvers
              Nov. 22, 2015

              Two 1861 Navy Colt Revolvers

              Est: $7,000 - $12,000

              Marked on the 8" barrels " Address Col. Saml Colt New-York U.S. America". One with matching serial number 115499 with faintly engraved cylinder. Cylinder marked " Colt's patent No. 5499, Patented Sept. 10th 1850". One with matching serial numbers 126854, cylinder marked "Colt's patent No. 6854, Patented Sept. 10th 1850". No visible engravings, chips on grips.` Rosewood case includes copper powder horn, two tins for caps, a bag of shots, box of envelope cartridges, and shot mold. Case measures 15 1/4" x 11" x 2".

              Omaha Auction Center
            • "Regimental Losses in the American Civil War 1861-1865" by William Fox First Edition 1889
              May. 25, 2015

              "Regimental Losses in the American Civil War 1861-1865" by William Fox First Edition 1889

              Est: -

              Albany Publishing Co. Written by William Fox, Lt. Col. U.S.V.

              One Source Auctions
            • Kuniyoshi (1797-1861). Abe-no Nakamaro in China on a moonlight balcony overlooking the sea with a Chinese official and two pages./ The blind Semimaru at the window of his hut listening to travelers on the road outside. Two col. woodcut ôban from the
              Nov. 26, 2014

              Kuniyoshi (1797-1861). Abe-no Nakamaro in China on a moonlight balcony overlooking the sea with a Chinese official and two pages./ The blind Semimaru at the window of his hut listening to travelers on the road outside. Two col. woodcut ôban from the

              Est: €80 - €100

              Kuniyoshi (1797-1861). Abe-no Nakamaro in China on a moonlight balcony overlooking the sea with a Chinese official and two pages./ The blind Semimaru at the window of his hut listening to travelers on the road outside. Two col. woodcut ôban from the series Hyaku-nin isshu (The Hundred Poets), both signed Ichiyûsai Kuniyoshi ga, with Toshidama-seal, publ. Ebisu. - Both with small closed wormholes in left margin, just touching the border line. = Robinson S19.7 and S19.10. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE VII.

              Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
            • Kunisada (1786-1865). (Prince Genji(?) with an opened scroll in his hands, flanked by two ladies and a young girl, a moonlit lake in the background). Col. woodcut ôban triptych, signed [...?] Kunisada ga, publisher Tsutaya Kichizô, double censor's
              Nov. 26, 2014

              Kunisada (1786-1865). (Prince Genji(?) with an opened scroll in his hands, flanked by two ladies and a young girl, a moonlit lake in the background). Col. woodcut ôban triptych, signed [...?] Kunisada ga, publisher Tsutaya Kichizô, double censor's

              Est: €150 - €250

              Kunisada (1786-1865). (Prince Genji(?) with an opened scroll in his hands, flanked by two ladies and a young girl, a moonlit lake in the background). Col. woodcut ôban triptych, signed [...?] Kunisada ga, publisher Tsutaya Kichizô, double censor's seal (Fuku/ Muramatsu, ±1850). - All tipped onto same mount at upper corners; all w. a few sm. closed wormholes in right margin; trifle foxed/ a few sm. stains. = SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE VII.

              Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
            • Kunisada (1786-1865). (Elaborately clad lady on a balcony, a party of three enjoying a meal in the room behind). Col. woodcut ôban, signed Toyokuni ga (in toshidama cartouche), publisher Yamaguchiya Tôbei, aratame date seal (1854). - Tipped onto
              Nov. 26, 2014

              Kunisada (1786-1865). (Elaborately clad lady on a balcony, a party of three enjoying a meal in the room behind). Col. woodcut ôban, signed Toyokuni ga (in toshidama cartouche), publisher Yamaguchiya Tôbei, aratame date seal (1854). - Tipped onto

              Est: €50 - €70

              Kunisada (1786-1865). (Elaborately clad lady on a balcony, a party of three enjoying a meal in the room behind). Col. woodcut ôban, signed Toyokuni ga (in toshidama cartouche), publisher Yamaguchiya Tôbei, aratame date seal (1854). - Tipped onto paper mount along upper margin. = Possibly part of a triptych. AND an anonymous col. woodcut ôban (without signature) depicting an actor up-close with two musicians in the background, probably part of a triptych (vaguely/ sl. stained).

              Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
            • [Prints, drawings and paintings]. Stuers, L.H.W. de (1830-1869). "Het Rampok Feest". Col. lithograph by C.W. MIELING after L.H.W.M. DE STUERS, 31x44,5 cm., w. lithogr. caption below image, from De Indische Archipel (...), 1865. - Sl. yellowed; a few
              Nov. 25, 2014

              [Prints, drawings and paintings]. Stuers, L.H.W. de (1830-1869). "Het Rampok Feest". Col. lithograph by C.W. MIELING after L.H.W.M. DE STUERS, 31x44,5 cm., w. lithogr. caption below image, from De Indische Archipel (...), 1865. - Sl. yellowed; a few

              Est: €100 - €150

              [Prints, drawings and paintings]. Stuers, L.H.W. de (1830-1869). "Het Rampok Feest". Col. lithograph by C.W. MIELING after L.H.W.M. DE STUERS, 31x44,5 cm., w. lithogr. caption below image, from De Indische Archipel (...), 1865. - Sl. yellowed; a few foxed spots in blank margins; verso traces of former mounting. = Bastin/ Brommer p.43 and n.620.

              Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
            Lots Per Page: