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Antonio Cicognara Sold at Auction Prices


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  • ANTONIO CICOGNARA (cerchia di)
    May. 25, 2023

    ANTONIO CICOGNARA (cerchia di)

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    (Cremona, pre 1480 - Ferrara, post 1500) Ritratto femminile Tempera su tavola, cm 39,5X29,5 Le tavole raffigurano ritratti di profilo e le vesti riflettono la moda diffusa in area lombarda dalla corte degli Sforza alla fine del XV secolo. Il taglio di profilo e il fondo con un arco a imitazione del porfido rosso denota una cultura umanistica e antiquaria, mentre lo stile grafico e lineare, in modo particolare per come sono tratteggiati gli occhi, trova confronto con le opere di Antonio Cicognara, come suggerisce il confronto con la Madonna e il Bambino firmata e datata 1480 conservata al Museo di Ferrara. Questo confronto agevola il riconoscere all'autore delle tavole una formazione cremonese, tenendo ben a mente che all'epoca la Lombardia. in quanto definizione geografica, comprendeva un area che inglobava l'Emila e parte della Romagna. Tornando al pittore, lo sappiamo attivo a Cremona e presumibilmente a Ferrara verso la fine del Quattrocento, notizie documentarie lo dicono attivo a Cremona dal 1486 al 1487 nella chiesa di San Rocco e nello Spedale della Pietà.

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • ANTONIO CICOGNARA (cerchia di)
    May. 25, 2023

    ANTONIO CICOGNARA (cerchia di)

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    (Cremona, pre 1480 - Ferrara, post 1500) Ritratto di imperatore Tempera su tavola, cm 39,5X29,5

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • ANTONIO CICOGNARA (cerchia di)
    May. 25, 2023

    ANTONIO CICOGNARA (cerchia di)

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    (Cremona, pre 1480 - Ferrara, post 1500) Ritratto d'uomo Tempera su tavola, cm 39,5X29,5

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Antonio Cicognara, Saint Lucy before the Judge, unable to be moved
    Nov. 14, 2020

    Antonio Cicognara, Saint Lucy before the Judge, unable to be moved

    Est: €20,000 - €25,000

    This panel depicts one of the miracles of St. Lucy, a saint who consecrated her life to Christ and refused to marry the man who had been arranged for her. Her bridegroom sued her for breaking her marriage vows, and the prefect ordered that she be taken to a brothel, but 1,000 men and a team of oxen could not move her. Later, the saint was to suffer martyrdom by having a sword thrust through her neck. Antonio Cicognara shows the young saint in the center of a city. To the left of her is the prefect with his arm outstretched, on the right in front of the rotunda, the men with a team of oxen struggle to move Lucy from the spot. This painting is the central panel of a multi-part predella, from which two other scenes have survived. One is housed in the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, and one in the Bernard Berenson Collection in the Villa I Tatti in Florence. The Boston panel depicts "St. Lucy with her mother praying at the tomb of St. Agatha", the Florentine panel depicts "Angels watching over the body of St. Lucy". Antonio Cicognara worked as a panel painter and miniaturist in Cremona, Lombardy, between 1480 and 1516. His art was influenced by the painting of Milan and Ferrara of that era, but also by sculptures that he saw in Cremona. Three panels signed by Cicognara, including a Madonna and Child in the Pinacoteca Nazionale in Ferrara, form the basis for the attribution of further works to his oeuvre.

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
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