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Gaspare Celio Sold at Auction Prices


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    • GASPARE CELIO (attr. a)
      Jun. 15, 2021

      GASPARE CELIO (attr. a)

      Est: €800 - €1,200

      (Roma, 1571 - 1640) Cristo Giudice Olio su tela, cm 43X42 Gaspare Celio fu una figura culturalmente poliedrica, dedicandosi alla pittura ma anche alla matematica, all'architettura e alla scrittura. Sua è infatti la Memoria delli nomi dell'artifici delle pitture che sono in alcune chiese, facciate, e palazzi di Roma, di cui è stato recentemente ritrovato il manoscritto del 1620. Proverbiale fu l'astio reciproco nei confronti di Giovanni Baglione e il Bellori definì il Celio 'goffo e maligno, a causa del temperamento rissoso e vendicativo'. Le fonti indicano un suo alunnato con Nicolì Circignani detto il Pomarancio e la collaborazione con Giuseppe Valeriano e le sue prime opere suggeriscono analogie con il D'Arpino. La sua arte, di iniziale impostazione manieristica, con la maturità si volse ad un classicismo d'impronta emiliana, come dimostra l'opera in esame. Bibliografia di riferimento: G. Baglione, Le vite de' pittori... [1642], Roma 1935, ad indicem F. Zeri, G. Valeriano, in Paragone, VI (1955), 61, pp. 35 ; 46 R. Gandolfi, La Cappella della Passione: Scipione Pulzone e Gaspare Celio nella Chiesa del Gesù, in Scipione Pulzone e il suo tempo, a cura di A. Zuccari Roma 2015, pp. 180 ; 189

      Wannenes Art Auctions
      Oct. 14, 2020


      Est: €60,000 - €80,000

      The Battle of Hercules and Theseus against the Amazons by Gaspare Celio (datable to 1610) is configured as a very rare example of Roman painting from the first decade of the seventeenth century, in which the artist - as pointed out by Federico Zeri - experiments a pioneering approach to painting by Battaglia, thus opening the way to the flourishing of a genre that will have its full success in the course of the 17th century (Zeri 1986). In addition to the Battle of Hercules and Theseus against the Amazons, the production of easel works by Cavalier Celio is documented exclusively by three works: a Battle in the Borghese collection (Rome, Galleria Borghese), a second from Matteoi (Rome, National Gallery of Palazzo Barberini) and a third - untraceable - reported by Federico Zeri in Parma (Zeri 1986, Caravaggio and the Mattei collection, p. 144). Also worthy of mention are the numerous drawings with Battles of Celio preserved in the Cabinet of Drawings of the Uffizi (Stemerding 2016). The nodal importance of the work lies - as well as its undoubtedness - in its role as a link between the great cycles as a historical subject (such as the Battle of Tullio Ostilio by Cavalier d'Arpino on the Capitoline Hill) and the genre production of the painters battalists, among the undisputed protagonists of the art market of the full seventeenth century. The role played by Gaspare Celio was precisely that of ferryman of the Battle from a simple representation of an event to the representation of a fact of arms sic et simpliciter (Zeri 1986).

      Casa d'aste ARCADIA
      Sep. 28, 2020


      Est: €60,000 - €80,000

      The Battle of Hercules and Theseus against the Amazons by Gaspare Celio (datable to 1610) is configured as a very rare example of Roman painting from the first decade of the seventeenth century, in which the artist - as pointed out by Federico Zeri - experiments a pioneering approach to painting by Battaglia, thus opening the way to the flourishing of a genre that will have its full success in the course of the 17th century (Zeri 1986). In addition to the Battle of Hercules and Theseus against the Amazons, the production of easel works by Cavalier Celio is documented exclusively by three works: a Battle in the Borghese collection (Rome, Galleria Borghese), a second from Matteoi (Rome, National Gallery of Palazzo Barberini) and a third - untraceable - reported by Federico Zeri in Parma (Zeri 1986, Caravaggio and the Mattei collection, p. 144). Also worthy of mention are the numerous drawings with Battles of Celio preserved in the Cabinet of Drawings of the Uffizi (Stemerding 2016). The nodal importance of the work lies - as well as its undoubtedness - in its role as a link between the great cycles as a historical subject (such as the Battle of Tullio Ostilio by Cavalier d'Arpino on the Capitoline Hill) and the genre production of the painters battalists, among the undisputed protagonists of the art market of the full seventeenth century. The role played by Gaspare Celio was precisely that of ferryman of the Battle from a simple representation of an event to the representation of a fact of arms sic et simpliciter (Zeri 1986).

      Casa d'aste ARCADIA
    • GASPARE CELIO Italien 1571-1640, tillskriven
      Nov. 27, 2008

      GASPARE CELIO Italien 1571-1640, tillskriven

      Est: kr8,400 - kr10,500

      GASPARE CELIO Italien 1571-1640, tillskriven Bataljer Olja på duk, vardera, 72 x 130 cm. Attributed to. Oil on canvas. (2) EXPERTIS: Cabinet Turquin, Stéphane Pinta, Paris Ändring/Sale room notice Införselmoms, 12% på klubbat belopp tillkommer

      Stockholms Auktionsverket
    • Gaspare Celio 1571-1640
      Jun. 26, 2007

      Gaspare Celio 1571-1640

      Est: €700 - €900

      reca antica attribuzione: Cav. Celio penna e inchiostro marrone e acquerello su matita nera, quadrettato a penna e inchiostro marrone

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