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Antonio Carracci Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1618 -

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    • Antonio Carracci
      Apr. 24, 2024

      Antonio Carracci

      Est: €8,000 - €12,000

      (Venice 1592–1618 Rome) The Martyrdom of Saint Vincent of Saragossa, inscribed: VINCENTI’. HYSPAN’. OIB’ FERÈ TORMENTIS EXPLETIS […] C DVO IVVENES SPONTE MAN’. ARDENTIB’ PRVNIS IMPO […] / CORONATI VERBERANTVR AD CŒIV MIGRAVIT […] D […] BONIFATIVS […], oil on canvas, 176.8 x 130.5 cm, framed Provenance: Private European collection We are grateful to Emilio Negro for confirming the attribution on the basis of a photograph. The painting depicts Saint Vincent of Saragossa, also known as Vincent of Tarragona, who was subjected to various forms of torture, including being burnt alive on a gridiron. The landscape behind is populated by small scenes depicting the other abuses inflicted on the early Christian martyr. These are marked with letters of the alphabet (‛B’, ‛C’, ‛D’) corresponding to the captions still partially legible at the bottom of the painting. This work can be compared to another painting by Antonio Carracci, documented in a private English collection depicting Saint Catherine Refusing to Worship the Pagan Idol (see Negro, M. Pirondini, La scuola dei Carracci. I seguaci di Annibale e Agostino, Modena 1995, pp. 138, 144, note 14). It is suggested that the two paintings belong to a series of canvases, which may have included paintings by other artists, depicting the martyrdom of saints. The painting of The Three Hundred Christian Martyrs by Orazio Borgianni (1574–1616), now in the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana. Milan, may also have belonged to this series. It is of similar size (177 x 132 cm) and of the same layout with captions at the bottom (see A. Falchetti, La Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Vicenza 1969, p. 275). On the basis of these comparisons, the painting presented here can be dated between 1606 and 1609 (see op. cit. Negro/Pirondini, 1995, p. 138). Paintings such as this work are part of the cult of veneration of early martyrs which developed in Rome between 16th and 17th centuries. The reference model for such a compositional approach can be identified in the cycle of frescoes by Niccolò Circignani called Il Pomarancio (after 1517 – after 1597) in the church of Santo Stefano Rotondo in Rome. The son of Agostino Carracci (1857–1602), Antonio received his early artistic education from his father, training in his workshop alongside artists such as Domenichino (1581–1641) and Giovanni Lanfranco (1582–1647). After Agostino’s death, Antonio moved to Rome to the workshop of his uncle Annibale Carracci (1560–1609), before returning to Bologna in 1609, joining his cousin Ludovico Carracci (1555–1619). Back in Rome in 1610 he was Guido Reni’s assistant for the decoration of the Pauline Chapel in the Quirinal Palace. In 1614 Antonio was a member of the Accademia di San Luca. Following a short trip to Siena, he died in Rome in 1618.

      Feb. 07, 2024


      Est: €4,000 - €5,000

      ANTONIO MARZIALE CARRACCI, ambito di (Venezia 1583 - 1618) IL DILUVIO UNIVERSALE Olio su tela, cm. 91 x 83 Cornice dorata PROVENIENZA Famiglia romana Originale dipinto ispirato ad una delle composizioni più celebri e drammatiche del talentuoso Antonio Carracci, figlio naturale di Agostino e allievo di Annibale a Roma, morto giovanissimi a soli venticinque anni. Il Diluvio universale è noto attraverso il quadro conservato al Museo del Louvre, acquistato dal cardinale Mazarino nel 1645/46 presso l’abate Gavotti a Bologna e l’affresco del Palazzo del Quirinale a Roma, pagato tra maggio e novembre 1616 (Il patrimonio artistico del Quirinale. Pittura antica la decorazione murale, a cura di L. Laureati, L. Trezzani, Roma 1993, pp. 142, 147; S. Loire, Musée du Louvre, Ecole italienne, XVIIème siècle, 1, Bologne 1996, pp. 162-165; E. Negro, M. Pirondini, N. Roio, Antonio Carracci, 2007, pp. 127-131, 177-182, 184-186, tavv. XXI, XXXIII- XXXV). I rapporti più stringenti sono con la tela francese, di cui l’opera qui presentata replica con varianti il gruppo di tre figure sulla destra in basso con l’uomo nudo che si arrampica sulla roccia, la donna con le mani al petto terrorizzata e l’altra che tenta di sollevarsi, comprese le gambe che emergono dall’acqua di un affogato. Ma la figura dell’uomo abbracciato ad un tronco d’albero sulla destra è stralciata da quella presente in alto a sinistra del modello, introducendo una variante rispetto alle composizioni note. Un montaggio adattato al formato quadrato del dipinto, forse in origine facente parte di un ciclo di quadri sull’antico testamento. Sono note altre versioni della composizione, copie o repliche, a Monaco di Baviera, Bayerische Staadtsammlungen, a Berlino, Gemäldegalerie e in collezione privata, mentre un disegno è sempre a Monaco di Baviera alla Bayerische Staadtsammlungen (E. Negro, M. Pirondini, N. Roio, Antonio Carracci, 2007, pp. 88, 130) CONDITION REPORT Rintelo recente. Alcuni piccoli punti di restauro sulla veste del personaggio al bordo destro, restauri materici al bordo sinistro IMPORTANT In order to bid for this lot bidders from outside Italy have to read, fill out and sign the acceptance form available on the Babuino website at https://www.astebabuino.it/uploads/files/604it-FOREIGN_BUYER.pdf and to send it to info@astebuino.it

      Casa d'Aste Babuino
      Sep. 15, 2008


      Est: CHF22,000 - CHF29,000

      CARRACCI, ANTONIO (Venice 1583 - 1618 Rome ) Arcadian landscape with nymphs and satyrs. Oil on canvas. 85 x 106 cm. Expertise : Prof. Giancarlo Sestieri, Rome , 08. November 2007. CARRACCI, ANTONIO (Venedig 1583 - 1618 Rom) Arkadische Landschaft mit Nymphen und Satyrn. Öl auf Leinwand. 85 x 106 cm.

      Koller Auctions
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