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Antonio Carneo Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1637 - d. 1692

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    • CARNEO ANTONIO (1637 - 1792) - The death of Adonis
      Dec. 10, 2024

      CARNEO ANTONIO (1637 - 1792) - The death of Adonis

      Est: €6,000 - €8,000

      CARNEO ANTONIO (1637 - 1792). The death of Adonis . Provenance: Private collection, Lombardy. Reference literature: C. Furlan, Antonio Carneo nella pittura veneziana del Seicento, Milan 1995. The monumental lifeless body of Adonis dominates the foreground. Beside him, his faithful dog gazes at its master with a devoted expression, while in the background, on the left, the boar responsible for his tragic death can be seen. Venus is depicted above on her chariot drawn by doves, emerging from the clouds. Her figure is illuminated by a light that contrasts with the dark shadows of the landscape, amplifying the sense of despair as she prepares to aid her beloved. The dynamic rhythm and complex diagonal staging, highlighted by the soft and thick brushstrokes and the refined modulation of whites and grays, with bright accents and reflections of the scene against the sky, suggest the attribution of this work to Antonio Carneo, one of the most original artistic personalities of his time, known for his creative eclecticism. Carneo’s painting production, indeed, is marked by multiple artistic influences, but it is particularly shaped by the style of the "tenebrosi" painters active in Venice from the years following the devastating plague of 1629–30. For artists like Giovanni Battista Langetti, Pietro Negri, Carl Loth, and Antonio Zanchi, the use of thick colors and light emerging from shadows became a powerful means to enhance emotional tension and to emphasize the sense of contemplative spirituality of the depicted events, drawn from the Gospel, Greek mythology, or Roman history, manifesting in a certain chiaroscuro violence and dramatic compositional structures. This painting offers a significant example: the chiaroscuro contrasts and light strongly shape the body of Adonis, captured in foreshortening in the throes of violent death, a pose repeated by both Langetti and Loth, revealing a profound engagement with their works.. 140 x 92 cm.

      Capitolium Art
    • Antonio Carneo 1637 Concordia Sagittaria-1692 Portogruaro Cerere e la vecchia
      Jul. 05, 2024

      Antonio Carneo 1637 Concordia Sagittaria-1692 Portogruaro Cerere e la vecchia

      Est: €8,000 - €12,000


      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • Antonio Carneo 1637 Concordia Sagittaria-1692 Portogruaro Sant'Andrea
      Jul. 05, 2024

      Antonio Carneo 1637 Concordia Sagittaria-1692 Portogruaro Sant'Andrea

      Est: €5,000 - €7,000


      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • Antonio Carneo 1637 Concordia Sagittaria-1692 Portogruaro Giove e lo
      Jul. 05, 2024

      Antonio Carneo 1637 Concordia Sagittaria-1692 Portogruaro Giove e lo

      Est: €6,000 - €8,000


      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • Antonio Carneo 1637 Concordia Sagittaria-1692 Portogruaro, bottega di Rebecca al pozzo
      Jul. 05, 2024

      Antonio Carneo 1637 Concordia Sagittaria-1692 Portogruaro, bottega di Rebecca al pozzo

      Est: €3,000 - €4,000


      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • Antonio Carneo 1637 Concordia Sagittaria-1692 Portogruaro Cristo e l'adultera
      Jun. 13, 2024

      Antonio Carneo 1637 Concordia Sagittaria-1692 Portogruaro Cristo e l'adultera

      Est: €25,000 - €30,000

      “ ‘Chi di voi è senza peccato, scagli la prima pietra contro di lei’, queste sono le parole che il Cristo ritratto dal Carneo sta tracciando sulla terra. L’artista ha interpretato in maniera splendida l'episodio evangelico. Una luce radente illumina la figura china del Cristo e da questa si diffonde vivificando i volti degli astanti. La fonte luminosa rievoca nel suo taglio prospettico l'acquisita lezione della pittura postcaravaggesca, verosimilmente mediata dall'opera di Giambattista Langetti cui si riferisce anche la vivida tavolozza approntata dal maestro friulano. La tela è una delle cinque versioni conosciute del soggetto eseguite dal Carneo o dalla sua bottega. Leggermente più ridotti nelle dimensioni sono gli esemplari già Caiselli, quindi, nella collezione Carlo del Torso di Udine, e nella Pinacoteca , Civica di Monza qui pervenuto nel 1923 in seguito al lascito di Eva Galbesi Segrè. Probabilmente di mano del figlio Giacomo è la replica dell'Istituto Micesio di Udine proveniente dall'adiacente chiesa delle Convertite. Buona replica si segnala in collezione privata milanese. Di sicuro, però, nessuna di queste versioni tiene il passo con la sfavillante modulazione cromatica qui messa in atto. Colori in grado sia di accendere di barbagli luminosi le vesti dei personaggi quanto di renderne cangianti, tra luci e ombre, i loro volti. Come rilevato da Isabella Reale è mirabile l'intersecazione dei piani caratterizzanti l'opera tra dinamismo e patetismo.”

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • ANTONIO CARNEO (attr. a)
      Feb. 06, 2024

      ANTONIO CARNEO (attr. a)

      Est: €400 - €700

      ANTONIO CARNEO (attr. a) (Concordia Sagittaria, 1637 ; Portogruaro, 1692) San Marco Olio su tela, cm 60X40 I dipinti esibiscono caratteri di stile veneti e strette affinità con l'arte di Carneo. Le immagini riflettono un sincero sentimento realistico e documentano l'esuberanza dell'artista e la sua attenzione nei confronti dei grandi artefici come Bernardo Strozzi, Giovanni Battista Langetti e dei cosiddetti 'pittori della realtà', tra cui Bernhardt Kehilau detto Monsù Bernardo. L'esito è una pittura ricca, estremamente espressiva e caratterizzata da un colore pieno di sapore. Le tele mostrano una pennellata grassa e veloce, gli accordi tonali forti che non escludono però sfumature preziose, pur contenendo la tavolozza a pochi ma essenziali cromie. Bibliografia di riferimento: C. Furlan, Antonio Carneo nella pittura veneziana del Seicento, catalogo della mostra, Milano 1995, ad vocem

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • ANTONIO CARNEO (attr. a)
      Feb. 06, 2024

      ANTONIO CARNEO (attr. a)

      Est: €400 - €600

      ANTONIO CARNEO (attr. a) (Concordia Sagittaria, 1637 ; Portogruaro, 1692) San Luca Olio su tela, cm 60X40,5 Vedi scheda al lotto successivo. Bibliografia di riferimento: C. Furlan, Antonio Carneo nella pittura veneziana del Seicento, catalogo della mostra, Milano 1995, ad vocem

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • Maler des 17. Jahrhunderts, wohl aus dem Kreis des Antonio Carneo (1637 – 1692)
      Sep. 28, 2023

      Maler des 17. Jahrhunderts, wohl aus dem Kreis des Antonio Carneo (1637 – 1692)

      Est: €10,000 - €15,000

      DIE HEILIGE FAMILIE Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 89 x 148 cm. Gerahmt. Maria in edler Kleidung mit sorgsam drapierter und mit Schmuck verzierter Frisur hält den auf einer Steinplatte ausgestreckt liegenden, nackten Jesusknaben auf einem Tuch. Rechts stehend Josef, der seine kräftige linke Hand auf einem Wanderstab, seinem Attribut, abstützt und mit seiner linken eine kleine Verletzung am Bein Jesu betastet, während sich das Kind mit ausgestreckten Armen zu wehren versucht. Harmonische, intime Wiedergabe des Familienlebens. (1370205) (18) Painter of the 17th century, probably circle of Antonio Carneo (1637 – 1692) THE HOLY FAMILY Oil on canvas. Relined. 89 x 148 cm.

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • Attributed to ANTONIO CARNEO (Concordia Sagittaria, 1637 – Portogruaro, 1692). "The water carrier". Oil on canvas. Relined.
      Jun. 22, 2023

      Attributed to ANTONIO CARNEO (Concordia Sagittaria, 1637 – Portogruaro, 1692). "The water carrier". Oil on canvas. Relined.

      Est: €2,000 - €2,500

      Attributed to ANTONIO CARNEO (Concordia Sagittaria, 1637 - Portogruaro, 1692). "The Water Carrier. Oil on canvas. Re-coloured. With label of the Junta Delegada de Incautación with inventory number 14924 provenance; C.N.T, and collection number 1625. Stamp stamped on the canvas "Eduardo Groizaro". Provenance: Old Spanish noble collection. Presents a 19th century frame. Measurements: 96 x 71 cm; 108,5 x 87 cm (frame). In this work the author presents a portrait of costumbrista style, which can be deduced from the clothes that the protagonist wears. The sitter is portrayed with his bust slightly turned three-quarters of the way round. The sitter holds a jug in his hands as the only element in the scene. This work has similarities with Antonio Carneo's "Il giramundo", which is in the collection of the Museo Civeri, Udine. It is true that the two works are particularly close in their subject matter. This composition and the subject treated by the author, which was common in the scenes of the reality of the Golden Age and the picaresque literature of the time, bring the work closer to the naturalistic trend. It is a genre in which popular types and attitudes, behaviour, values and habits common to a specific group of the population, region or class are described by means of a satirical, nostalgic or narrative description of the atmosphere, customs, dress, festivals and entertainments, traditions, trades and types representative of a society. The idea of costumbrismo arose from an attempt to understand reality, or more precisely, reality understood in a particular way, from a specific point of view. Italian Baroque painter active in Friuli and Veneto. Although he may have initially trained with his own father, Giacomo Carniello, a painter of some renown, Carneo perfected his skills through the assiduous study of the Venetian masters of the Cinquecento. In Udine, where he lived for over twenty years, from 1667 he enjoyed the protection of the Counts Leonardo and Giovanni Battista Caiselli, who provided him with food and lodging in exchange for paintings. In 1690 he painted for them or through their mediation the altarpiece for the church of San Zeno in Fossalta di Portogruaro and in the same year he signed the Education of the Virgin and Saints in the church of San Cristoforo in Udine. He died in December 1692 in Portogruaro, busy painting for the parish church of Fossalta, an admirer of Flemish painting, tenebrism and the naturalism of Bernardo Strozzi and Luca Giordano, his painting was appreciated for the natural colouring and verism of his models. Well-equipped for portraits, as evidenced by the first of his known works, the Holy Family Adored by the Lieutenant and the Deputies in the Museo Civico in Udine, dated 1667, he sometimes exaggerated the rustic and picaresque character of his models and the drama of the situations.

      Setdart Auction House
      Nov. 29, 2022


      Est: €5,000 - €8,000

      (Concordia Sagittaria, 1637 - Portogruaro, 1692) Sant'Andrea Olio su tela, cm 81X65 Databile alla fine del Settimo decennio, il dipinto esibisce una straordinaria forza pittorica e spiritualità. Densa è la trama delle stesure, condotte con una cromia quasi monocroma che contribuisce alla drammaticità scenica. Dal punto di vista stilistico si evince l'influenza di Giovanni Battista Langetti, Domenico Fetti, Maffei e Pietro Muttoni, altrettanto evidenti sono le contaminazioni di Luca Giordano, presente a Venezia nel 1665. Queste diverse influenze, a loro volta interpretate in maniera singolarissima, denotano la peculiare autonomia creativa di Antonio Carneo, che in questo caso mostra una sprezzatura pittorica superiore alla versione già di collezione Caselli pubblicata da Caterina Furlan (pp. 100-101, n. 10). Lo si evince osservando la veloce liquidità delle pennellate, il dettaglio dell'orecchio risolto a colpi di colore e dei capelli scarmigliati, affatto di maniera, testimoniando una rara esuberanza e generosità tecnica. Questi esiti sanguigni e trasfiguranti denotano una cultura eterogenea, ma un'altrettanto fruttuosa condizione di isolamento, immune dalle distrazioni lagunari. Bibliografia di riferimento: C. Furlan, Antonio Carneo nella pittura veneziana del Seicento. Catalogo della mostra, Milano 1995, ad vocem

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • Attributed to ANTONIO CARNEO (Concordia Sagittaria, 1637 – Portogruaro, 1692). "The water carrier". Oil on canvas. Relined.
      Sep. 07, 2022

      Attributed to ANTONIO CARNEO (Concordia Sagittaria, 1637 – Portogruaro, 1692). "The water carrier". Oil on canvas. Relined.

      Est: €3,000 - €4,000

      Attributed to ANTONIO CARNEO (Concordia Sagittaria, 1637 - Portogruaro, 1692). "The Water Carrier. Oil on canvas. Re-coloured. With label of the Junta Delegada de Incautación with inventory number 14924 provenance; C.N.T, and collection number 1625. Stamp stamped on the canvas "Eduardo Groizaro". Provenance: Old Spanish noble collection. Presents a 19th century frame. Measurements: 96 x 71 cm; 108,5 x 87 cm (frame). In this work the author presents a portrait of costumbrista style, which can be deduced from the clothes that the protagonist wears. The sitter is portrayed with his bust slightly turned three-quarters of the way round. The sitter holds a jug in his hands as the only element in the scene. This work has similarities with Antonio Carneo's "Il giramundo", which is in the collection of the Museo Civeri, Udine. It is true that the two works are particularly close in their subject matter. This composition and the subject treated by the author, which was common in the scenes of the reality of the Golden Age and the picaresque literature of the time, bring the work closer to the naturalistic trend. It is a genre in which popular types and attitudes, behaviour, values and habits common to a specific group of the population, region or class are described by means of a satirical, nostalgic or narrative description of the atmosphere, customs, dress, festivals and entertainments, traditions, trades and types representative of a society. The idea of costumbrismo arose from an attempt to understand reality, or more precisely, reality understood in a particular way, from a specific point of view. Italian Baroque painter active in Friuli and Veneto. Although he may have initially trained with his own father, Giacomo Carniello, a painter of some renown, Carneo perfected his skills through the assiduous study of the Venetian masters of the Cinquecento. In Udine, where he lived for over twenty years, from 1667 he enjoyed the protection of the Counts Leonardo and Giovanni Battista Caiselli, who provided him with food and lodging in exchange for paintings. In 1690 he painted for them or through their mediation the altarpiece for the church of San Zeno in Fossalta di Portogruaro and in the same year he signed the Education of the Virgin and Saints in the church of San Cristoforo in Udine. He died in December 1692 in Portogruaro, busy painting for the parish church of Fossalta, an admirer of Flemish painting, tenebrism and the naturalism of Bernardo Strozzi and Luca Giordano, his painting was appreciated for the natural colouring and verism of his models. Well-equipped for portraits, as evidenced by the first of his known works, the Holy Family Adored by the Lieutenant and the Deputies in the Museo Civico in Udine, dated 1667, he sometimes exaggerated the rustic and picaresque character of his models and the drama of the situations.

      Setdart Auction House
    • Antonio Carneo 1637–1692, Umkreis
      Mar. 23, 2022

      Antonio Carneo 1637–1692, Umkreis

      Est: CHF2,000 - CHF3,000

      Antonio Carneo 1637–1692, Umkreis Brustbild eines Hirten Öl auf Leinwand 55 x 42 cm

      Artcurial Beurret Bailly Widmer
    • Attributed to ANTONIO CARNEO (Concordia Sagittaria, 1637 – Portogruaro, 1692). "The Wanderer". Oil on canvas. Relined. It has a label from the Delegated Seizure Board and stamp stamped on the canvas "
      Feb. 23, 2022

      Attributed to ANTONIO CARNEO (Concordia Sagittaria, 1637 – Portogruaro, 1692). "The Wanderer". Oil on canvas. Relined. It has a label from the Delegated Seizure Board and stamp stamped on the canvas "

      Est: €3,000 - €4,000

      Attributed to ANTONIO CARNEO (Concordia Sagittaria, 1637 - Portogruaro, 1692). "The globetrotter". Oil on canvas. Re-coloured. With label of the Junta Delegada de Incautación and stamped seal on the canvas "Eduardo Groizaro". Provenance: Old Spanish noble collection. It has a 19th century frame. Measurements: 96 x 71 cm; 108,5 x 87 cm (frame). This work has similarities with the piece by Antonio carneo entitled "Il giramundo", which belongs to the collection of the Museo Civeri, Udine. It is true that both works are particularly close in their subject matter. This composition and the subject matter, which was very common in Baroque painting that took as its subject matter scenes from the reality of the Golden Age and the picaresque literature of the time, bring the work close to the naturalistic trend. It is a genre in which popular types and attitudes, behaviour, values and habits common to a specific group of the population, region or class are described by means of satirical, nostalgic or narrative descriptions of the atmosphere, customs, dress, festivals and entertainment, traditions, trades and types representative of a society. The idea of costumbrismo arose from an attempt to understand reality, or more precisely, reality understood in a particular way, from a specific point of view. Italian Baroque painter active in Friuli and Veneto. Although he may have initially trained with his own father, Giacomo Carniello, a painter of some renown, Carneo perfected his skills through the assiduous study of the Venetian masters of the Cinquecento. In Udine, where he lived for over twenty years, from 1667 he enjoyed the protection of the Counts Leonardo and Giovanni Battista Caiselli, who provided him with food and lodging in exchange for paintings. In 1690 he painted for them or through their mediation the altarpiece for the church of San Zeno in Fossalta di Portogruaro and in the same year he signed the Education of the Virgin and Saints in the church of San Cristoforo in Udine. He died in December 1692 in Portogruaro, busy painting for the parish church of Fossalta, an admirer of Flemish painting, tenebrism and the naturalism of Bernardo Strozzi and Luca Giordano, his painting was appreciated for the natural colouring and verism of his models. Well-equipped for portraits, as evidenced by the first of his known works, the Holy Family Adored by the Lieutenant and the Deputies in the Museo Civico in Udine, dated 1667, he sometimes exaggerated the rustic and picaresque character of his models and the drama of the situations.

      Setdart Auction House
    • Heiliger Sebastian, Antonio Carneo (1637 Concordia Sagittaria - 1692 Portog
      Jun. 19, 2021

      Heiliger Sebastian, Antonio Carneo (1637 Concordia Sagittaria - 1692 Portog

      Est: -

      Heiliger Sebastian, Antonio Carneo (1637 Concordia Sagittaria - 1692 Portogruaro) (attrib.) Saint Sebastian, oil on canvas, 34 cm x 27.5 cm, relined, minor craquelure, partially retouched, minor damage,

    • ANTONIO CARNEO (attr. a)
      Jun. 25, 2020

      ANTONIO CARNEO (attr. a)

      Est: €800 - €1,200

      (Concordia Sagittaria, 1637 - Portogruaro, 1692) Allegoria dell'Avarizia e della Cupidigia Olio su tela, cm 70,5X85 Il dipinto esibisce caratteri di stile veneti e strette affinità con l'arte di Carneo. L'immagine riflette un sincero sentimento realistico e documenta l'esuberanza dell'artista e la sua attenzione nei confronti dei grandi artefici come Bernardo Strozzi, Giovanni Battista Langetti e dei cosiddetti 'pittori della realtà', tra cui Bernhardt Kehilau detto Monsù Bernardo. L'esito è una pittura ricca, estremamente espressiva e caratterizzata da un colore vivo e pieno di sapore. La nostra tela mostra una pennellata grassa e veloce, gli accordi tonali forti che non escludono però sfumature preziose, pur contenendo la tavolozza a pochi ma essenziali cromie. Bibliografia di riferimento: C. Furlan, Antonio Carneo nella pittura veneziana del Seicento, catalogo della mostra, Milano 1995, ad vocem

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • Antonio Carneo
      Jun. 09, 2020

      Antonio Carneo

      Est: €20,000 - €30,000

      Please note the exact Buyer’s Premium charges which can be found in the Conditions of Sale in the Terms below. (Concordia Sagittaria 1637–1692 Portogruaro) The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, with Saint Roch and an Angel in the background, oil on canvas, 171.5 x 114.5 cm, framed Provenance: Marchese Raggio d’Azeglio collection, Lomellina; where acquired by the present owner We are grateful to Bernard Aikema for suggesting the attribution after examination of the present painting in the original and for his help in cataloguing this lot. The present painting relates to a panel of the Averoldi Altarpiece by Titian from the 1520s in the Collegiata dei Santi Nazaro e Celso in Brescia. The figure of Saint Sebastian is reproduced fairly accurately, but in the rendering of the landscape there are differences from Titian’s original. The present free copy is of high quality and shows an identifiable hand: that of the North-Italian 17th century painter Antonio Carneo, who came from Friuli, to the North-East of Venice. The brilliant brushwork, the accentuated chiaroscuro effects, and, above all, the typical way of rendering figures in profile with downcast eyes, are all typical elements found in Carneo’s work.

    • Attributed to Antonio Carneo (Concordia 1637-1692 Portogruaro) A philosopher, identified as Empedecles in a carved and gilt wood frame
      Apr. 10, 2019

      Attributed to Antonio Carneo (Concordia 1637-1692 Portogruaro) A philosopher, identified as Empedecles in a carved and gilt wood frame

      Est: £3,000 - £5,000

      Attributed to Antonio Carneo (Concordia 1637-1692 Portogruaro) A philosopher, identified as Empedecles oil on canvas, extended on all four sides69.3 x 54.7cm (27 5/16 x 21 9/16in).in a carved and gilt wood frame Provenance: The Collection of Ing. Peri, Turin, until 1960The Collection of Enzo Martini, Savona (all according to a label on the reverse)

    • ANTONIO CARNEO (attr. a)
      Mar. 07, 2019

      ANTONIO CARNEO (attr. a)

      Est: €500 - €800

      (Concordia Sagittaria, 1637 - Portogruaro, 1692) Bambin Gesù addormentato Olio su tela, cm 59X75 Il dipinto è stato attribuito a Antonio Carneo da Ferdinando Arisi, il pittore esibisce caratteri di stile veneti e un sincero sentimento barocco. L'esito è una pittura ricca, espressiva e caratterizzata da un colore vivo e pieno di sapore. La nostra tela mostra una pennellata grassa e veloce, gli accordi tonali forti che non escludono però sfumature preziose, pur contenendo la tavolozza a pochi ma essenziali cromie. Al Carneo rimandano le pennellate striate e la sensibilità tenebrosa, qui però ancora attenuata a indice di una collocazione cronologica precoce. Il dipinto è corredato da una scheda critica di Ferdinando Arisi Bibliografia di riferimento: C. Furlan, 'Antonio Carneo nella pittura veneziana del Seicento', catalogo della mostra, Milano 1995, ad vocem

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • Attribué à Antonio Carnéo Udine, 1637 - Portogruaro, 1692 Saint Jérôme pénitent Toile
      Jun. 22, 2011

      Attribué à Antonio Carnéo Udine, 1637 - Portogruaro, 1692 Saint Jérôme pénitent Toile

      Est: €8,000 - €12,000

      Attribué à Antonio Carnéo Udine, 1637 - Portogruaro, 1692 Saint Jérôme pénitent Toile h: 88,50 w: 75 cm

    • Antonio Carneo (Concordia 1637-1692 Portogruaro)
      Nov. 24, 2010

      Antonio Carneo (Concordia 1637-1692 Portogruaro)

      Est: €25,000 - €35,000

      Antonio Carneo (Concordia 1637-1692 Portogruaro) Scena biblica olio su tela 64,5x128 cm.

    • Portrait of an old man (Masaniello?)
      May. 08, 2010

      Portrait of an old man (Masaniello?)

      Est: €14,000 - €16,000

      Portrait of an old man (Masaniello?)

      Capitolium Art
    • Old Master Painting: Antonio Carneo
      Dec. 11, 2007

      Old Master Painting: Antonio Carneo

      Est: €3,000 - €5,000

      Old Master Painting: Antonio Carneo (Concordia/Venice / Venezia 1637 - 1692 Portogruaro)

      May. 30, 2006


      Est: €20,000 - €30,000

      EPISODIO DELLA VITA DI SANT'ANTONIO ABATE measurements note 202 x 221 cm. olio su tela, senza cornice NOTE Diverse sono le componenti che definiscono lo stile di Antonio Carneo, pittore esuberante ed estremamente colto, sensibile alla lezione dei grandi artisti del Cinquecento veneto come all'opera di Bernardo Strozzi, di Giovanni Battista Langetti e dei cosiddetti "pittori della realtà", tra cui Bernhardt Kehilau, detto Monsù Bernardo. L'esito è una pittura ricca, estremamente espressiva e caratterizzata da un colore vivo e pieno di sapore. A partire dal 1667 l'attività di Carneo si concentra a Udine dove, protetto dei conti Caiselli, che lo ospitano presso la loro dimora e che sono sinceri ammiratori della sua arte, esegue diverse opere per la città e per il territorio. Il dipinto che presentiamo è accostabile all'importante pala San Tommaso da Villanova dispensa la carità ai poveri della Chiesa, ora conservata nella chiesa parrocchiale di Besnate in provincia di Varese, eseguita nell'ottavo decennio del Seicento. La nostra tela può essere attribuita agli stessi anni per similitudini stilistiche, quali la pennellata morbida e grassa, gli accordi cromatici forti che non escludono però sfumature preziose e la presenza della quinta architettonica costituita da una sequenza di colonne sormontate da una massiccia trabeazione, sulla destra nel nostro dipinto. Tipica delle composizioni di maggior respiro di Carneo è poi l'impostazione della tela sulle diagonali individuate dalle due figure principali della rappresentazione, il cui addensamento in primo piano è alleggerito dall'apertura paesaggistica sul fondo. Si ringrazia il Professor Lino Moretti per aver suggerito l'attribuzione del dipinto ad Antonio Carneo.

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